View Full Version : Happiness is a new gun!
02-13-2021, 05:25 PM
We shall see. I know I was considering the Hellcat or the Mossberg as I didn't really care for the looks of the 365. But I tracked one down locally for a friend and when I held it, I was much more impressed. I got a little nudge from a member here 1 guess who that might be, and then I found a friend with another department had went to Sig School on the 365 and said he'd give me the one on one armorer class and a copy of the manual. That kind of sold it.
I found mine also locally at a price I couldn't find anyplace else, I was kind of shocked to speak the truth so we'll see how she runs when I get it in a few days. Kind of snowed in now for a bit, live on a nasty hill and even a new gun might not be worth a trip to town at the moment although it would be a strong incentive.
something else I've been looking for;
HK P30S in .40S&W
This is a NOS gun and I'm hoping it's just old grease I'm seeing on the slide. Seller has excellent feedback and no mention of issues so I think it will clean up nicely. This will complement the one like it that I have in 9mm. Something I like about this model of HK is that they are truly and completely ambi. Once upon a time I had two other HKs but traded them off. I like these two better since they can optionally be carried cocked and locked.
Sure wish I had a friend like that Colonel. Who would give me a one on one armorer class for a gun that I own.
02-15-2021, 09:36 PM
something else I've been looking for;
HK P30S in .40S&W
This is a NOS gun and I'm hoping it's just old grease I'm seeing on the slide. Seller has excellent feedback and no mention of issues so I think it will clean up nicely. This will complement the one like it that I have in 9mm. Something I like about this model of HK is that they are truly and completely ambi. Once upon a time I had two other HKs but traded them off. I like these two better since they can optionally be carried cocked and locked.
Sure wish I had a friend like that Colonel. Who would give me a one on one armorer class for a gun that I own.
Nice, I have the 9mm and would love the 40 cal.
Thanks. That's how I felt after buying the 9mm, which I held at my LGS and just couldn't walk away from. So I've been biding my time and keeping an eye out for one. When I used to have my P2000 and P2000SK I didn't care for the P30 line. But after realizing the grip of the 2Ks didn't fit my hand as well as I liked I decided to try a P30 anyway. Now I'm glad I did.
02-16-2021, 09:30 AM
The 40 cal is interesting. When all the "ammo shortage" crap started, our LGS had rows and rows of 40 cal at prices lower than 9mm. I know a lot of people that gobbled up the 40 cal and then bought a gun to shoot.
.40 has been my caliber of choice for a very long time. Until fairly recently when I began shooting .45. This last purchase was to replace one of the five .40s I had let go of earlier. I still prefer it over 9mm, which is just a personal preference. These days any of the three will accomplish similar results and even the .380 of today is much better than it used to be, and has always been better than nothing at all.
Canine Dave
02-16-2021, 01:26 PM
Too, a nice thing about the .40 short and weak is that you can, in my experience, drop in a 357SIG barrel and have the best of both worlds. You got your big cal that starts with a "4" and you got your economy 9. Need a little more oomph, so load the 357SIG to 357 Magnum velocities. My 357SIG barrel lives in my 229 more than the 40!
Uses same 40 cal magazines, as well.
02-20-2021, 01:19 PM
Well a replacement for all the toys lost in that sink hole incident awhile back. I was finally able to pick up the Sig 365 yesterday after waiting the full 10 days which is normal now days in my county. I think they do it just to piss me off frankly, me and my patience issues and all. (
Even thought the shelves were bare of ammo I talked them out of a box of ammo, actually I asked for 2 but they gave me one but one is better than none. (
They had at least 8 Hellcats in the case which I didn't get to hold when purchasing the Sig but did hold yesterday. They are nice but I'm glad I went with the Sig at least until I can get a Hellcat too. (call me greedy). I didn't like the Glock like trigger nearly as much as the Sig.
The trigger on mine is not nearly as nice as the one on the Sig I found for a friend but I think it will improve and I have a friend who went to Sig armorer class who said he'd come over and give me the one on one. I can do some serious polishing inside once I know how to get there.
I have a holster enroute from Garrett of course, the holster it comes with is ok but I like that leather lined kydex Garrett makes. Quiet and nicer on the gun finish which is important when your focus in life is looking cool like me. Although a gun with honest been around the block a few times can be a beautiful thing too.
Next target and has been for a very long time is a Quigley style Sharps, should have got one when the urge originally struck, they have gone way up in price since the heard I want one. That's pretty normal too.
02-20-2021, 02:58 PM
I look forward to your range report.
02-20-2021, 03:45 PM
I have had range sessions with both the P365 and the Hellcat and side by side I found the Hellcat a bit harder to rack the slide and have more felt recoil. Both factors if you intend to have a less experienced shooter depend on that gun for carry.
One of many holsters I have for my P365's. You will find them to be very well made.
http:// (http://<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) (
02-20-2021, 04:51 PM
I love Garrett holsters, Bob and Sheryl are first class folks. I think I have 9 or 10 of their holsters.
I bought some goat hide on eBay several months back and have used it to line 3 or 4 of the AlienGear holster shells I have. It is very thin and very workable. Coupled with Leather & Suede Glue by Aleene's it does not come loose. I couldn't bear the though of holstering my DWs in unlined kydex. I have nice leather owb holsters for them but I'm partial to flat-sided IWB holsters and AlienGear makes a nice system for that. So I used the goat hide on those shells as well as some others. If anyone has a FNX-45 I have a lined shell (RH), I'd be happy to mail you, free of charge. I just never warmed up to that gun and traded it off.
I'm getting ready to try my hand at making Kydex holsters, which will be lined with the leather also. I filled out the paperwork on my new P30 in .40 yesterday and it will be the recipient of the first holster I make. Holding and fondling it was satisfying. Pictures just don't do it justice. I do believe it will become part of my carry rotation with no light or laser, and I'll leave the CT Railmaster laser on the 9mm P30 for HD.
I really the looks of those P365s as well as the idea of carrying 10, 12, or 15 excellent SD rounds in such a small package. If it weren't for my strong like of Kahrs, and also hammer-fired guns I might have bought one by now. I too am looking forward to your range report Colonel.
02-25-2021, 03:36 AM
My Hk P30 40 is nothing short of outstanding :)
Canine Dave
02-25-2021, 05:55 AM
My Hk P30 40 is nothing short of outstanding :)
Because why?
Let's see,
HK quality is superb
Their guns eat everything
Extremely reliable
They last a very long time
Accuracy is consistent
Good recoil management
Excellent ergonomics with swappable side panels and backstraps. Three sets of each size come with each gun
High capacity
Trigger/Safety variants to fit nearly all tastes
Good sights
Good enough for many military and police agencies across the world.
That should do it.
Canine Dave
02-25-2021, 10:28 AM
Let's see,
HK quality is superb
Their guns eat everything
Extremely reliable
They last a very long time
Accuracy is consistent
Good recoil management
Excellent ergonomics with swappable side panels and backstraps. Three sets of each size come with each gun
High capacity
Trigger/Safety variants to fit nearly all tastes
Good sights
Good enough for many military and police agencies across the world.
That should do it.
Yes it does! That is one hell of a pistol and cheaper than a K9!
02-25-2021, 10:49 AM
"Their guns eat everything"
Apparently least in .40 Short & Weak:rolleyes:;):) (
Ah, the infamous backwards loaded HK mag picture. I wonder if they still let marketing types set up their photo shoots?
02-25-2021, 12:11 PM
Let's see,
HK quality is superb
Their guns eat everything
Extremely reliable
They last a very long time
Accuracy is consistent
Good recoil management
Excellent ergonomics with swappable side panels and backstraps. Three sets of each size come with each gun
High capacity
Trigger/Safety variants to fit nearly all tastes
Good sights
Good enough for many military and police agencies across the world.
That should do it. If you have to explain it, they don't get it. There is H&K, then there is everything else........................................:)
I got to pick my P30S up today. Four day wait. Stoked. My P2000 especially was one I regretted letting go of. The P2KSK not so much because I didn't carry it. Nice to have finally replaced them.
02-25-2021, 03:43 PM
I bought some goat hide on eBay several months back and have used it to line 3 or 4 of the AlienGear holster shells I have. It is very thin and very workable. Coupled with Leather & Suede Glue by Aleene's it does not come loose. I couldn't bear the though of holstering my DWs in unlined kydex. I have nice leather owb holsters for them but I'm partial to flat-sided IWB holsters and AlienGear makes a nice system for that. So I used the goat hide on those shells as well as some others. If anyone has a FNX-45 I have a lined shell (RH), I'd be happy to mail you, free of charge. I just never warmed up to that gun and traded it off.
I'm getting ready to try my hand at making Kydex holsters, which will be lined with the leather also. I filled out the paperwork on my new P30 in .40 yesterday and it will be the recipient of the first holster I make. Holding and fondling it was satisfying. Pictures just don't do it justice. I do believe it will become part of my carry rotation with no light or laser, and I'll leave the CT Railmaster laser on the 9mm P30 for HD.
I really the looks of those P365s as well as the idea of carrying 10, 12, or 15 excellent SD rounds in such a small package. If it weren't for my strong like of Kahrs, and also hammer-fired guns I might have bought one by now. I too am looking forward to your range report Colonel.
I am interested in your FNX45 lined holster shell. To be transparent, I will give it to a friend of mine I have known for 30 years, who recently bought his first handgun - a FNX45 Tactical with RD sight. We went shooting for his first outing with it, and the RD was dead on accurate. His first 50 rounds at 3 and 7 yards could have been covered up by a fifty cent piece. His first time shooting a pistol, at that!
Canine Dave
02-25-2021, 03:53 PM
If you have to explain it, they don't get it. There is H&K, then there is Kahr!:)
I love my K and MK9.
02-25-2021, 04:38 PM
Because why?
Quality, reliability, ergonomics and accuracy.
What more info do you need?
In truth, I've met very few guns that I wouldn't like to at least fondle. And while we all have our preferences, if they work when they need to they'll all serve the purpose for which we rely on them.
But then there are those that we want to own. And this is one for me. My new P30S. Can be carried decocked, with safety on or off. Or cocked and locked.
Wlfman, PM me your mailing info. Here are some pictures. The one on top in each picture is unlined, the one on the bottom is one that I lined. Take your pick and I'll send you that one.
02-25-2021, 05:20 PM
In truth, I've met very few guns that I wouldn't like to at least fondle. And while we all have our preferences, if they work when they need to they'll all serve the purpose for which we rely on them.
But then there are those that we want to own. And this is one for me. My new P30S. Can be carried decocked, with safety on or off. Or cocked and locked.
With triple S/M/L back-strap and side panel grip options.
The ergonomics are truly amazing :cool:
And mine has been bombproof right out of the box...
Canine Dave
02-25-2021, 05:39 PM
With triple S/M/L back-strap and side panel grip options.
The ergonomics are truly amazing :cool:
And mine has been bombproof right out of the box...
Almost perfect. But for about a buck and a half you can drop in a 357sig barrel and not be afraid of nuthin'.
"Keine Kompromisse!"
Almost perfect. But for about a buck and a half you can drop in a 357sig barrel and not be afraid of nuthin'.
"Keine Kompromisse!"
Except....having to take out a second mortgage for .357 ammo :frown:
02-26-2021, 09:59 AM
I like them my P2SK in .40 cal. and I DO carry it. Prefer V3, no safety. Big Dot night sights. Oversize mag release. Gripsaver. My ideal carry firearm........................ I found it interesting. When my wife was window shopping for her first firearm, we got home and I asked her which handguns felt the best. The second gun mentioned was the S&W Model 10. The first..........H&K P30L.
I wish they made the P30SK in .40 and .357...
03-13-2021, 11:38 AM
I think it was four guns back when I posted I was done buying. Living in the Minneapolis area I started thinking about one of my kids having the need to do some business in the downtown area.
Called a friend and bought an oddball. A S&W 642 from the PC cut for moonclips. I rememberd him buying that gun and I was very impressed with the ultra smooth action. Now it is mine and will be passed on to a family member just to make me feel a bit better.http:// (http://<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) (
03-13-2021, 01:01 PM
Carry guns always come in handy. Hardly a turn line. Maybe some nice wooden grips??????????
03-13-2021, 02:04 PM
I have been in line with Craig Spegel for my second set of grips and I am probably due for his call sometime soon. My first set are magnificent.
http:// (http://<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) (
03-13-2021, 03:23 PM
I was on Craig's list for over three years before he called me this last time.
03-13-2021, 04:03 PM
I wonce bought a pool table off of craigs list. :)
Canine Dave
03-13-2021, 08:31 PM
I wonce bought a pool table off of craigs list. :)
Probably a hell of a lot cheaper than a set of spegels.
03-13-2021, 10:48 PM
I think it was four guns back when I posted I was done buying. Living in the Minneapolis area I started thinking about one of my kids having the need to do some business in the downtown area.
Called a friend and bought an oddball. A S&W 642 from the PC cut for moonclips. I rememberd him buying that gun and I was very impressed with the ultra smooth action. Now it is mine and will be passed on to a family member just to make me feel a bit better.http:// (http://<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) (
I’ve got one of the .38 PC revolvers. They’re real nice. Picked up one of the Wyatt deep cover versions some years ago on a whim at a pawn shop. Real smooth trigger, bobbed hammer, and polished in key places as bling. My mom has it at the moment. She picked it from my collection after dad passed away about a year and a half ago because it was easier for her to manipulate.
Canine Dave
03-14-2021, 06:29 AM
I think it was four guns back when I posted I was done buying. Living in the Minneapolis area I started thinking about one of my kids having the need to do some business in the downtown area.
Called a friend and bought an oddball. A S&W 642 from the PC cut for moonclips. I rememberd him buying that gun and I was very impressed with the ultra smooth action. Now it is mine and will be passed on to a family member just to make me feel a bit better.http:// (http://<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) (
That is a nice little roscoe!
I've wondered about the 38 with moon clips. Have you had any issues with different case brands? How thick are the clips?
03-14-2021, 09:43 AM
That is a nice little roscoe!
I've wondered about the 38 with moon clips. Have you had any issues with different case brands? How thick are the clips?
They are extremely thin and after owning a couple of S&W's in 38/.357 that were moonclip compatible I will say they are useless if you think they make for speed loading. What they really shine at is ejecting the entire cylinder all in one sure stroke. I like them for the initial load of Speer Gold Dots. If you carry more ammo probably best in a speed strip.
Canine Dave
03-14-2021, 11:45 AM
Does "Rimz" offer a (plastic) moon clip for 38? I picked up a few for my 645 and they are OK.
I guess all my revolvers eject with one stab at the ejector rod. Exception would be the 645 when I shoot it w/o clips. Even then, a little jiggle will get them to dump out.
Another downside to moon clips I think is that it limits how crazy you can get with nice target grips. Serious interference with speedloaders and full moon clips.
Always something.
03-14-2021, 11:51 AM
Can you shoot these without the moon clip? I don't have much moon clip experience. I did play with a 45 revolver but as I recall it required the moon clips probably because it was rimless?
03-14-2021, 12:51 PM
The moonclips are not required for the guns operation. As I said, they are just very handy for the initial load.
Canine Dave
03-14-2021, 04:58 PM
I don't use the clips when 1) I'm lazy, or 2) my fingers are bleeding from trying to moon or demoon without the tool.
The 45acp headspaces on the case mouth, so that helps.
03-14-2021, 06:24 PM
I remember that part, it was quite a chore to load them moon clips.
King Rat
03-15-2021, 04:28 AM
I have the 642 and love shooting it. Nice and light weight. After owning one, I was thinking of getting one with the moon clip cut since I love the Moon clips on my LCR9mm. On that gun, moon clips can be loaded Very fast. But, before I went to purchase, I could not find anywhere that they sold the clips. On a normal session with the LCR, I load up 40 clips the night before and makes for fast loading and shooting. I put a after market trigger on the Smith, and it is a nice trigger but still not as nice as the LCR. For my non moon clip Smith 642 I was using speed strips but later found these below and much faster.
I have hunted the Dismal swamp for years, run across a lot of Bears but carry the LCR. Not for the bears but for any two legged vermin I might run across way back in there. I use moon clips in this container. Easy to take a dunk in the swamp and these are water proof.
03-15-2021, 01:46 PM
With today's ammo situation, one at a time loaded very slowly works just fine thank you very much.
On a more interesting note, I have an old Mika pocket holster that allows the handle of the snubbie to stick up just above my rear jeans pocket. Perfect for my morning walks and makes for a faster more positive draw than my LCPII in a rear pocket wallet style holster.
After I give the 642 to my daughter's fiancé, I may have to move the 340pd from the inside of the front hall closet and start carrying that in the morning.
That leaves a vacancy in the front hall closet, Hummm....
03-15-2021, 03:53 PM
True only one shot needed...
03-21-2021, 07:53 PM
I passed that 642 on to my soon to be son in law yesterday. He has a carry permit so I outfitted him with a couple real gun belts and a IWB and Mika pocket holster. We got to the range this morning. I warmed him up with a SP101 22 shooting DA.
We moved on to the lightweight 38 and a was happily surprised at how well he shot. Now on to training.
03-21-2021, 09:29 PM
Wow 340, that’s really nice of you and your future son in law is a lucky man indeed......When I got married 45 years ago next May my father in law sat me down and said son if you ever hit her I’ll kill you but you need to know she’s stubborn, hard headed, mean at times and mostly a very disagreeable person to be around so if you go ahead and marry her just know that you have been warned......I didn’t pay any attention to him because I was in love but I have now come to the conclusion the man knew what the hell he was talking about......My father in law didn’t always say much but was a very smart man which was probably the reason he didn’t give me a pistol....
03-22-2021, 07:04 AM
My two brother in laws were over here last night. The one who lives in the boonies mentioned shooting some varmits, and the young ne'er do well brother mentioned he'd just gotten an M&P 9, and acting like he was an expert on guns. His legal status of owning firearms is questionable, but not really any of my business as long as he keeps to himself. He doesn't listen to anyone anyway. I didn't get into their conversation much, since it was a sibling rivalry kind of thing going on.
03-22-2021, 09:45 AM
After our range trip and breakfast at my daughters we ventured out to look at some display homes in their neighborhood. I told him to carry his gun. He asked if he should load it first and I responded "can you throw a baseball accurately at 850FPS because that is exactly what you have with an unloaded gun."
I was reminded how self conscious I was the first few weeks with my PM9 in my pocket.
03-24-2021, 07:39 AM
My point of view is if your gun isn't loaded with a round in the chamber you should carry a can of soup instead.
03-24-2021, 08:20 AM
My point of view is if your gun isn't loaded with a round in the chamber you should carry a can of soup instead.
Like Crocodile Dundee :)
03-29-2021, 11:07 PM
With all the b/s going on in the Twin Cities, my daughter and son in law both just got their carry permits. I gave my son in law my Sig 239 in triple caliber [so he don't need t worry about ammo], it shoots 357 sig, 40 and 9mm. My daughter gets my Sig 365.
03-29-2021, 11:10 PM
My point of view is if your gun isn't loaded with a round in the chamber you should carry a can of soup instead.
Would Chunky be the better option instead of wimpy cream of mushroom? :cheer2: [I heard it is the 380 of soups].
03-30-2021, 05:46 AM
Ramen must be the .22 of soups :D
03-30-2021, 12:20 PM
Only gun-related item recently... the USPS by some miracle delivered this today (for my Ruger PC Carbine 9mm plinker and neighborhood social work):
03-30-2021, 01:46 PM
03-30-2021, 04:32 PM
With all the b/s going on in the Twin Cities, my daughter and son in law both just got their carry permits. I gave my son in law my Sig 239 in triple caliber [so he don't need t worry about ammo], it shoots 357 sig, 40 and 9mm. My daughter gets my Sig 365.
03-30-2021, 04:40 PM
With all the b/s going on in the Twin Cities, my daughter and son in law both just got their carry permits. I gave my son in law my Sig 239 in triple caliber [so he don't need t worry about ammo], it shoots 357 sig, 40 and 9mm. My daughter gets my Sig 365.
We do need a “like” button for posts like yours. Good Dad!
03-30-2021, 10:32 PM
...I gave my son in law my Sig 239 in triple caliber [so he don't need t worry about ammo], it shoots 357 sig, 40 and 9mm....
How does that work? I just happened to inherit a 239. Do you swap barrels and use the same mags? Or different mags too? What about recoil springs?
03-31-2021, 07:53 AM
If I remember correctly, the .357 Sig round will work with the .40 magazines but .40 will not work with the .357 magazines. Something about a steeper ledge on the .357 Sig mag that could cause reliability issues. I guess it can work but not with any trust. The recoil spring can stay the same for .357 Sig and .40 cal. For 9mm I would get a 9mm rated spring. I also believe that the .40 cal. mags just perform better than the .357 Sig mags.
03-31-2021, 07:58 AM
How does that work? I just happened to inherit a 239. Do you swap barrels and use the same mags? Or different mags too? What about recoil springs?
If it was originally a 40, you just swap barrels and magazines. The 40 uses same mag for 357 and 40. The 40 slide will take any barrel, 9,357 or 40. I am not sure on the 9mm slide. You can get different recoil springs, but depending on ammo you may not need to.
04-01-2021, 01:43 PM
Interesting on how many are passing on guns to family members which I can only attribute to the current state of politics in America. I love Jeepster's thinking and I am doing the same including filling 50cal ammo cans with handloaded ammo in every caliber I own. I was fortunate enough to remember the past four or five "shortages" and was fully prepared for this current event.
Yesterday, I took my grandson to the range with his 10/22 and Ruger MKIII and forgot how quickly they can go through a brick of ammo. While on my way home, I was able to replace most of it at reasonable price at my LGS.
Only gun-related item recently... the USPS by some miracle delivered this today (for my Ruger PC Carbine 9mm plinker and neighborhood social work):
I'm almost afraid to ask but, what exactly is 'neighborhood social work', that involves a 9mm Carbine? :confused:
04-01-2021, 02:54 PM
If it was originally a 40, you just swap barrels and magazines. The 40 uses same mag for 357 and 40. The 40 slide will take any barrel, 9,357 or 40. I am not sure on the 9mm slide. You can get different recoil springs, but depending on ammo you may not need to.
I replaced the .40 cal. barrel of my P239 years ago with a Bar-Sto 9mm Conversion barrel, which may be different from a regular 9mm replacement barrel. After I did this, at my club range I shot at a can about 50 yd. away which flew into the air. More shooting confirmed this converted 9mm was much more accurate than its .40 predecessor. At this point, I had no P239 9mm mags and assumed the .40s would not work reliably, but I was anxious to try the new barrel and used them. Actually, all 6 of my .40 mags functioned perfectly and held one more 9mm round. The mags' .40 witness holes did not line up with 9mm rounds, but this has not been a problem. As a result, I never bought 9mm mags.
The last time I checked, Sig was not selling 9mm mags for P239s, but I understand the current version of P225 mags will fit.
I do not know if my conversion, with a "conversion" barrel, made it unnecessary to change mags. Perhaps Sig suggests 9mm mags due to the witness hole issue and liability concerns. I suggest those converting to 9mm first try using current mags before buying a batch of 9mm mags. I would love to know the results.
I bought a new 9mm recoil spring for the conversion because I intended to carry standard velocity HST ammo and thought it would be more reliable with what Wolff specified. I am not sure this made any difference. My P239, now about 20 years old, has never malfunctioned in either caliber, though I prefer the 9mm setup. I have basically retired it in favor of lighter, narrower, higher cap defensive pistols, but I would not hesitate to carry it if there were some reason.
I hope this helps.
04-01-2021, 07:41 PM
The 225a1 mags are somewhat the same, but bases are different. I scored a bunch of new mags for all 3 calibers on they are a direct source for Sig stuff at reduced prices. Sig sends to them before most other suppliers.
04-12-2021, 10:03 AM
Finally after many years (probably the first time I watch Quigley Down Under) a Down Under Sharps is coming to live with me. Another one checked off the list. Magazines shouldn't be an issue. Stumbled onto a new one at a relatively decent price by today's standards.
I'll post some pics when she arrives hopefully this week.
Similar to this one, have to find me a vernier sight. Ain't she pretty.
04-12-2021, 10:09 AM
Wow! Waiting for a pic of your first 600 yd. target.
04-12-2021, 10:18 AM
I’ve always thought those octag. barrels looked classy. I bet that one was high dollar!
04-12-2021, 10:36 AM
I kind of expected this but finding the Vernier Sights (decent ones) are like 300+. I'll shop around awhile I guess, might stumble on a used one or a close enough knock off.
Been keeping my eye out for a buffalo but ain't seen any, day ain't over yet.
04-12-2021, 10:42 AM
I’ve always thought those octag. barrels looked classy. I bet that one was high dollar!
Actually on the budget end compared to what I've been watching. Mine is a Taylors which has a good reputation, my son has a Pedersoli which I was looking for, hoping mine is as nice as his. Not sure what causes the attraction, maybe just history, maybe watching what Tom Selleck did with his Shiloh Sharps.
Interesting tidbit. The rifle Tom used became his personal property along with his rifle sheath and gun belt. He gifted all to the Brownell family. There was a video of a fella looking it all over I stumbled across. I know there were several used in the movie, especially for when they threw it in the dirt and they mentioned one with an even heavier barrel that he used for close up from the hip shots. Apparently to help with recoil flip. Oh well the wait begins.
Now no marbles left to bid on Bat Mastersons Colt but I probably would have missed out on that anyhow I reckon.
04-12-2021, 10:46 AM
“Apparently to help with recoil flip”
Looking at pictures of a round that those things fire, I do understand that. Now I know how they were dropping those big ol’ buffalo.17658
Hey Colonel there are some buffalo down by where I live. Just sayin' :)
Nice rifle!!!
04-12-2021, 12:58 PM
“Apparently to help with recoil flip”
Looking at pictures of a round that those things fire, I do understand that. Now I know how they were dropping those big ol’ buffalo.17658
Yeah they do buck a bit. I think first time I shot my sons I cracked a tooth. Could have just been coincidence. My little Henry in 45/70 leaves no doubt when it goes off but neither is brutal. I can't wait to light this thing off. Going to our vacation lake end of May and again in July, pretty nice range there especially for long stuff.
04-12-2021, 06:21 PM
I think first time I shot my sons I cracked a tooth.... I’ve always gripped mine with my hands. Never tried holding one in my mouth. But, I know you have the wisdom of experience, so ok, I’ll give it a try! ;)
I can't wait to light this thing off.... I bet. Seeing that cartridge, I fully understand your excitement.
04-12-2021, 09:50 PM
Nice score Colonel!
Taylors has sights:
If they ever get them back in stock, I'll have one of their 1885 Low Wall rifles in .22LR
04-22-2021, 02:40 PM
Finally got a couple pics of my Down Under. Out in the sun. Bore sighted the new tang sight, should be close at 100 to start fine tuning.
I'm happy with the Tang Sight by Pedersoli, less money than most of the other but still decent quality. Jury is still out on the front sight. I like the concept. It took quite a bit of filing to get it to fit the dove tail but I got perfect. The original sight I could almost push out with my fingers. If it goes back on I'll have to peen it a bit so it's snug.
04-22-2021, 03:55 PM
Not knowing these, is that a modern reproduction? Only reason I ask is because of how crisp the checkering on the stock is. If it’s an oldy, wow what a nice condition!
04-22-2021, 04:11 PM
Modern reproduction. Originals were black powder. These can handle modern loads although I'll stick with goldilocks or light loads. Easier on the gun and me.
04-22-2021, 04:22 PM
Modern reproduction. Originals were black powder. These can handle modern loads although I'll stick with goldilocks or light loads. Easier on the gun and me.
Ah, gotchya. Referencing back to that cartridge again, I don’t blame you about the lighter loads. ;)
Robin 101
04-23-2021, 07:37 AM
That is one sweet set up Bawanna!!!!! I have been thinking about getting into the cartridge black powder shooting, been looking at the .38 and .40 offerings. It would be a hoot to reload for, the initial price for the rifle is what keeps me from pulling the pin. Getting old and miserly.
King Rat
05-08-2021, 05:40 PM
Finally got a couple pics of my Down Under. Out in the sun. Bore sighted the new tang sight, should be close at 100 to start fine tuning.
I'm happy with the Tang Sight by Pedersoli, less money than most of the other but still decent quality. Jury is still out on the front sight. I like the concept. It took quite a bit of filing to get it to fit the dove tail but I got perfect. The original sight I could almost push out with my fingers. If it goes back on I'll have to peen it a bit so it's snug.
Man that is nice! One of those kind of firearms ya just want to hold! Especially for history buffs. Congrats!
Canine Dave
05-08-2021, 06:31 PM
Modern reproduction. Originals were black powder. These can handle modern loads although I'll stick with goldilocks or light loads. Easier on the gun and me.
05-08-2021, 10:28 PM
Yeah, there's a manufacturer where I got some 45/70. They have Trapdoor loads which are very light, then Goldilocks which are slightly more powerful but not full power, and then the big stuff for modern stuff.
I got some of each so we'll see which works best without too much punishment.
07-22-2021, 06:17 PM
I was able to shoot the Quigley like rifle today finally for the first time. Great fun. Didn't shoot much half a dozen rounds, conserving ammo and all. The hair trigger is crazy, you don't touch it till your set and I don't think I was set. The trigger without the set is strange, couldn't even pull it at first but got it going and it's hard enough that it goes off when your not ready. Even with that all six were in a small pie plate at aprox 100 yards. I'll probably play with it a little more, here at the lake till next Tuesday so still some time. Great having the nice range all to myself again.
Sounds like a nice rifle Colonel. Good shooting for your first time out, and it being different than some/most!
07-22-2021, 10:44 PM
I watched Quigley down under just the other day. Good movie.
Hey Colonel, in case you're interested, some nice G10 grips for your beautiful P210
08-17-2021, 03:58 PM
Those look pretty durn nice. Me being old school and born a 100 years too late, I'm not a real fan of G10 myself (usually) There are some instances where it works well.
Still no comparison to the factory grips on my 210, they are gorgeous and feel absolutely sweet in my hand. Don't even want a holster, I'll just hold it and carry it around.
Those look pretty durn nice. Me being old school and born a 100 years too late, I'm not a real fan of G10 myself (usually) There are some instances where it works well.
Still no comparison to the factory grips on my 210, they are gorgeous and feel absolutely sweet in my hand. Don't even want a holster, I'll just hold it and carry it around.
That's about how I feel about most of the guns I've ever owned. I've gotten as much enjoyment out of handling them as I have shooting them. Not sure what it is but after the purchase price stops hurting, the fondling is a cheap thrill... for me anyway. I'm sort of old school about some of it too, but I do love G10 for some reason. It's like the carbon fiber of pistols to me. I feel the same way about micarta.
08-17-2021, 07:51 PM
G10 has a feel I can’t quite figure out. I like the texture, but it doesn’t seem right on a gun. It’s functional, but like laminated wood, it feels fake. I don’t like fake.
08-17-2021, 08:38 PM
I've worked a little G10 and Micarta, neither was any fun to work with either. Course there's all different kinds of Micarta, I might not have had good stuff. Some does look nice but guess I'm just not partial to it.
There are many different textures to both. You're right John in that G10 is not natural. But therein lies the beauty. With the right texture it doesn't matter if you're sweaty, oily, or just wet your grip's not going to slip.
I would say Colonel you're right too, unlike G10 to a certain extent there are many formulas for micarta, some being better than others. But for both you should definitely avoid breathing the dust. It's not good stuff in that regard. I have a Tops B.O.B knife with micarta handles. It provides a great grip.
08-17-2021, 10:09 PM
I have a TOPS knife too. I think it has a micarta handle as well. Great little knife. Don't know what mines called.
08-18-2021, 11:13 AM
Sig makes some beautiful firearms. Looks great.
11-22-2021, 07:01 PM
I spent way too much time struggling with disassembly and reassembly of a 3” S&W 65 today. I got it hoping it could be my “one and done” handgun, if I ever had s boating accident. I don’t like grooved triggers so I found a smooth faced one on Ebay and it arrived today. Those infernal internal springs left my hands beat all to heck. The worst is a very strong compression spring that goes into what looks like an alligator’s mouth. He really does not want to swallow that spring. The other tricky one is the leg of a coil spring that keeps the hand in the right position. It felt great when I got it back together and of course I won’t get to shoot it for another week.
11-22-2021, 07:49 PM
I spent way too much time struggling with disassembly and reassembly of a 3” S&W 65 today. I got it hoping it could be my “one and done” handgun, if I ever had s boating accident. I don’t like grooved triggers so I found a smooth faced one on Ebay and it arrived today. Those infernal internal springs left my hands beat all to heck. The worst is a very strong compression spring that goes into what looks like an alligator’s mouth. He really does not want to swallow that spring. The other tricky one is the leg of a coil spring that keeps the hand in the right position. It felt great when I got it back together and of course I won’t get to shoot it for another week.
I’ve yet to go deep on a revolver. It is on my list. I do know what you mean though. Last project left my hands raw, bruised, scratched and joints hurting for about 3 weeks. Glad you got her back together though. I bet it will be a real joy to shoot after all of that hard work and cussing!
11-23-2021, 05:47 AM
I feel like I brought fists to a gunfight.
mr surveyor
11-23-2021, 07:45 PM
Finally, after a 6 year dry spell, I bought a new gun. For ten years I've been wishing for a 44 spl revolver that would fit my digitally challenged hand (short fingers), even not considering price so much. Stopped by the toy store yesterday to pick up my "don't need it, I want it" pound of gun powder and just happened to see that he had a Charter Arms Bulldog, 44 spl, in one of the nearly bare display cabinets. Been asking him for several years about stocking one so I could at least feel the grip and trigger reach ... he forgot to call me last month when it came in. Don't matter, I went back this morning and adopted that puppy. Didn't need it - I wanted it. Besides, it perfectly fits my 11 year old SP-101 holster. Feels rather cheap, but dang it works :)
maybe I'll be back it this thread by 2027 ....
11-23-2021, 07:59 PM
Finally got a couple pics of my Down Under. Out in the sun. Bore sighted the new tang sight, should be close at 100 to start fine tuning.
I'm happy with the Tang Sight by Pedersoli, less money than most of the other but still decent quality. Jury is still out on the front sight. I like the concept. It took quite a bit of filing to get it to fit the dove tail but I got perfect. The original sight I could almost push out with my fingers. If it goes back on I'll have to peen it a bit so it's snug.
Bawanna, you might like this (if you haven’t seen it already).
OKay, but we need pictures. And congrats! I guess we need to influence you a bit more to speed up your buying process. If I had to wait until 2027 for my next I'd likely froth at the mouth.
11-23-2021, 09:45 PM
Congrats on your new gun! I bet it will be fun to shoot. I miss the big bore’s!
11-23-2021, 10:24 PM
Bawanna, you might like this (if you haven’t seen it already).
That would be an absolute blast even just to watch and look around. I want one of the shirts for sure but darned if I can find one. Must have to go there to get one.
04-25-2022, 02:16 PM
It came in early! I’m sitting here waiting for the background check. This has the tightest lockup of any revolver I’ve ever handled. The trigger is better than I expected, but I didn’t pull it all the way, being a .22.
04-25-2022, 06:05 PM
It came with the factory rubber grips and Pachmayr diamond Pro grips, which are nice for .357 but I’m considering ordering wood grips.
When I got home I set it next to my K frame .22 and the Ruger is almost as big.
04-25-2022, 07:56 PM
It came with the factory rubber grips and Pachmayr diamond Pro grips, which are nice for .357 but I’m considering ordering wood grips.
When I got home I set it next to my K frame .22 and the Ruger is almost as big.
Congrats man! If you don’t mind spending the dough, Badger Custom Grips makes some real beauties! I had that .22 S&W once. Did not know what I had. Wish I knew then what I know now. Was close to mint and let it go for $500. Dumb me!
04-26-2022, 05:44 AM
The 17s are $700-1000 or more now, and kinda worth it in a way. Mine is the 18, 4” barrel, which go for a little less.
04-26-2022, 07:21 AM
The 17s are $700-1000 or more now, and kinda worth it in a way. Mine is the 18, 4” barrel, which go for a little less.
10-4. It has been a bit, so I do not remember which I had. It had a longer barrel though. I think they are built so well that your heirs, heirs, heirs will be able to enjoy it if passed along. And maybe their heirs too! ;)
04-26-2022, 08:23 AM
Probably a 17, then. Most of them were 6". Definitely heirloom quality. The only complaint I've read is the ejector rods tend to work loose, which my 18 does.
04-26-2022, 10:37 AM
What gun are we talking about here, 17 and 18, I looked back in the thread and don't see it mentioned. Maybe I'm losing it.
04-26-2022, 10:43 AM
I was comparing my new Ruger SP101 to my S&W Model 18.
Not that you aren't losing it... :D
04-26-2022, 10:59 AM
The 101 weighs about 9% less than the 18, 33.0 oz vs. 36.1.
04-26-2022, 11:08 AM
Your 18 is gorgeous (not that the SP isn’t). I was wondering what was off about the ejector rod, then realized the knurled end was camouflaged into the background fabric :faint2:
04-26-2022, 02:14 PM
Ha, yes it does look "missing." The side plate is reflecting the white ceiling of the room, too; it's not all dirty.
04-26-2022, 02:29 PM
It looks in perfect condition. I had a 13 plated and a 19 blued a few weeks back. Old coworker brought them by for a thorough cleaning. Apparently a friend of a friends deal. They were rumored to be up for sale and he was gonna try and buy. I told him I'd take any that he didn't buy. Haven't heard anything back yet.
04-26-2022, 04:22 PM
Meh, not perfect. It's a '73 so it's been around the block. But it's the most accurate .22 I have; that and my Ruger Mark II. I have high hopes for the 101. The timing seems to be perfect and a previous owner seems to have slicked it up and lightened the trigger. Why they no longer wanted it, I can't imagine.
04-26-2022, 05:49 PM
I sold my 19 a few years ago cheap and kick myself for it now. It was a State Troopers gun from Massachusetts. He got it direct from S@W he patrolled out in the area of the factory. I sold it for $800.
04-26-2022, 08:25 PM
Sheez Jeep, that one would pain me!!!
04-26-2022, 09:09 PM
But look how it would save your fingers, ain't gonna get much more shiny than that.
mr surveyor
04-26-2022, 09:44 PM
The 101 weighs about 9% less than the 18, 33.0 oz vs. 36.1.
What/Who's grip is that on the SP-101?
04-27-2022, 04:51 AM
What/Who's grip is that on the SP-101?
Looks to me like a Pachmayr Diamond Pro.
04-27-2022, 06:24 AM
But look how it would save your fingers, ain't gonna get much more shiny than that.
Man you got some kinda voodoo, wizard, crystal ball radar? That is exactly what I was thinking. “That one is good to go and I wouldn’t have to touch it other than to choot it”!
04-27-2022, 06:33 AM
Diamond Pro grip, yes. Nice for magnums, not needed for rimfire.
04-27-2022, 10:15 AM
The 101 weighs about 9% less than the 18, 33.0 oz vs. 36.1.
GP100 weight affirmation via embarrassing confession:
Friend of a friend was hurriedly raising funds to buy a home, and offered me his mint GP100 4” for $400.
I stowed it on the top shelf in the safe and forgot about it until I was returning shotguns after a trap session, and was stupidly handling two at once - somehow dislodged the GP100 which I unintentionally caught with the top of my right foot.
The tenderness is gone, and the bruise is fading, so I guess the good news is that the only damage from my goof was to a self-healing component, although I suspect the GP100 has cockroach-like survivability - my foot attests that it’s no featherweight.
04-27-2022, 01:42 PM
:D BTDT. I also learned to move only one gun at a time. I still have a scar on my thumb from a rear site attacking me on the way down.
04-27-2022, 02:16 PM
Even more important on the one at a time thing with knives. Hard thing to learn is don't try to catch them, just run Forest run! (
04-28-2022, 02:37 PM
Diamond Pro grip, yes. Nice for magnums, not needed for rimfire. Did you have any issues with the fitment of the Pachmayr grips? I just ordered a set. I have G10 grips on right now, and wanted something for shooting the heavier loads. From what I've read, either you can have some issues or some people just don't have a clue. :confused:
04-28-2022, 03:29 PM
Even more important on the one at a time thing with knives. Hard thing to learn is don't try to catch them, just run Forest run! (
Hayzeuss man! You need some more knives. How a guy could live with so few I have no idea!
04-28-2022, 03:40 PM
I got a few more not on the wall. I should be ok.
04-28-2022, 04:18 PM
Did you have any issues with the fitment of the Pachmayr grips? I just ordered a set. I have G10 grips on right now, and wanted something for shooting the heavier loads. From what I've read, either you can have some issues or some people just don't have a clue. :confused:
They fit fine, no issues and they fit my hand well, too.
04-28-2022, 04:23 PM
I snuck away to the range this afternoon and tried various ammo at 10 yards, DA and SA, from a rest. The Norma is readily available and the Ruger likes it, so I plan to get more.
The asterisk is me using my bifocals, then I used plain eye protection where I could focus on the front site. A previous owner painted the ramp gold, and it’s hard to see. I’ll be painting it black again.
That's good shooting John. Even from a rest!
04-28-2022, 08:15 PM
That’s some good chootin and she looks like a keeper to me! The DA is impressive!
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