View Full Version : Happiness is a new gun!

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05-07-2020, 09:19 PM
No words really needed, picked this up today at noon, about 6 minutes after the shop called and said the county said I was ok to have it.

https://i.postimg.cc/13d7g6YM/DSCN8056.jpg (https://postimg.cc/v4Wtk1y6)
https://i.postimg.cc/W3G5fypf/DSCN8057.jpg (https://postimg.cc/FdKbYDLj)
https://i.postimg.cc/NMqNDttH/DSCN8058.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Z9HFY1Cb)

Nice dark rich looking grips, just what I had hoped for. Feels like it was made specially to fit my hand.
Wanted one of these for a very long time.

Color me very very happy!

05-07-2020, 09:49 PM
I was just thinking about this today Colonel, and whether or not you had been able to pick it up. The Italians can build sexy guns, but they don't have anything over on that one. Absolutely beautiful pistol, congrats!!!
You waited a long time, and finally have it in hand.

05-07-2020, 10:28 PM
That. Is. Awesome! I’m really happy for you!


05-07-2020, 10:32 PM
Big time congrats on that one! Those grips are handsome for sure, as is the whole gun. Bet you fondle that one quite a bit for a while!!!

05-07-2020, 11:20 PM
I am always happy after I get a new gun. :)

05-08-2020, 09:43 AM
Congrats Colonel!!!

05-08-2020, 10:29 AM
We'll give you time to fix your britches in the front...……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………….

05-08-2020, 11:37 AM
Don't forget to read that operators manual.

05-08-2020, 12:52 PM

05-08-2020, 05:28 PM
Wow...gorgeous. Good luck with it!!

05-08-2020, 06:56 PM
Say what?
You bought a 9mm! :eek:

What are your .45s gonna think now?

(Handsome shootin’ iron any of us would love to own... congratulations!)

05-08-2020, 07:55 PM
Awww, that must be what the paper sack that came with it is for. You put the sack on your head so nobody knows who's carrying a mouse gun. Thanks for helping me solve that.

The 45 is on my hip as we speak, it's on my hip as I fondle the Sig, it's on my hip whenever I wear pants.

05-08-2020, 09:12 PM
I sometimes wear my .45 without my pants. Wait, did I say that out loud?

05-08-2020, 09:31 PM
I have two handguns coming my way.....one may be a bit of a surprise to someone on here.

I'll try and get my Photobucket account going again so I can post pics.

05-08-2020, 10:06 PM
Dang Boss, that is down right gorgeous! Ain't nothing prettier than blue steel and wood, it's what God intended a hand gun to look like and she's a beauty....I know how long you have waited and now it's home with papa....Enjoy my friend!

Warehouse 13
05-08-2020, 11:02 PM
Beautiful! Congratulations!

05-09-2020, 12:12 AM
I undressed the beauty this afternoon and all went as expected, nothing missing, took me a minute to figure out where to pull the slide lock lever but not long, (ok I looked at the manual again, does anybody do that now days?).

Nicely lubed inside, wiped it down, greased the rails, might sneak in a shot or 3 in the yard one of these days.

05-09-2020, 06:07 AM
Very, Very nice! Love the grips.

05-09-2020, 11:46 AM
One of Sig's finest for one of Kahrtalks finest. Win-win.
Have fun with that beautiful gun.

05-09-2020, 12:10 PM
Thanks 340.

05-09-2020, 07:42 PM
A beautiful high quality pistol, a highlight to any collection. Congrats and enjoy.

05-15-2020, 02:38 PM
Got me a shiny new extra magazine for the 210 today. I seem to have a must have 3 mags for each auto syndrome.
Can't wait to shoot this thing.

05-15-2020, 03:19 PM
Got me a shiny new extra magazine for the 210 today. I seem to have a must have 3 mags for each auto syndrome.
Can't wait to shoot this thing.

I see three mags as a "minimum." Yes, go enjoy!

05-15-2020, 04:49 PM
bang bang shoot shoot :)

05-15-2020, 05:49 PM
Ahhh you came over to the dark side.....now you will next get to Join The Sigaholics.....it starts with just one gun! :amflag:
Great gun to have.

05-15-2020, 07:58 PM
Ya know years ago I thought I had to become a Sigaholic, I wanted a Sig 220 SAS in the worst way. I acquired a 40, Sig Pro I think they called it through the department. We never gelled. It just didn't fit my hand, I couldn't shoot it well at all. I didn't like the decock lever. It just didn't blow my dress up at all.

I thought the 220 would be better, I wanted it to be better but I held some and it really was pretty much the same.

So far there isn't anything I don't love about this 210. Well the price was a little steep but one has to pay for all good things.

05-22-2020, 12:57 PM
Yes, indeed.
Picked up my new MK9 and new Glock 42 today!
Next week a new Kahr P380 and new 5 Gen Glock 26.
Sold a few handguns but still have the 7 I want. I'm lovin' it!!

06-27-2020, 04:39 PM
Been a bit since I added a rifle to the toy box so I fixed that yesterday.

Getting ready for whatever just in case ya know. Hope my shoulder can handle the cigar 45/70 round. Ordered some girlyman loads along with some mediums so should be ok.

Trigger finger on the trigger duly noted, carpenter used to nail guns and I revert to that with real guns.

https://i.postimg.cc/vHMSq0wt/Henry-1.jpg (https://postimg.cc/14CH4ct8)

06-27-2020, 05:02 PM
That’s a beauty right there. I’ve had a hankering for a lever gun for a long time but never acted on it yet.

06-27-2020, 05:46 PM
I do like the Henry rifles. Bought a .22 for my son long time back but I've been eyeing them again, especially since they brought the side gate back. That's a fine looking firearm you have there Colonel!

06-27-2020, 06:03 PM
That's a pretty thing right there Bawannaman, that thing might get blood on both ends....I've had my eye on a Henry 44 mag carbine for quite a while, don't know what I would do with it but the gun shop has it so that means I need it, right?....Hope you have a blast and I mean a BIG blast with that buffalo rifle boss, she's a real beauty....

06-27-2020, 08:06 PM
I do like the Henry rifles. Bought a .22 for my son long time back but I've been eyeing them again, especially since they brought the side gate back. That's a fine looking firearm you have there Colonel!

I didn't think they ever had a side gate, that's a trademark of the Henry, always loaded from the tube which is handy and safe. The side gate is a nice plus to top off. She sure is pretty, wife even remarked we could hang this one on the wall in the living room.
She said she almost stopped and bought this the day before I did, she's never bought a gun all by herself. I told her she can do that as often as she likes. I could have keeled over if she'd brought this thing home.
I'm trying to find her a 357 brass framed Henry, so far they go for more than I paid for the 45/70.......

06-27-2020, 08:17 PM
That is a sharp looking levergun. Got your buffalo permit yet?

I’ve been admiring those Henrys for a while and think the addition of the traditional side gate makes them more attractive. The ones chambered in .327 Federal Magnum have piqued my interest as a companion for my Ruger Single Seven.

Yours looks kinda like my .44 rimfire....

06-27-2020, 08:59 PM
Yeah, back might be the wrong word. I just recalled someone from Henry's saying they decided to do the side gates because of many customer requests for them to do so. I don't actually know if there's ever been a Henry rifle so equipped, even way back when, or not.

06-27-2020, 09:50 PM
Yup, folks been asking for it for years. This thing looks quality all the way. Action works slick and the trigger is great.
Was nice to pay the shop and take it home and not have to think about it for 10 days or more before you can play with it.

06-27-2020, 11:13 PM
Many years ago I wanted a Winchester 30-30. But I decided I didn't like the way the lever rattled when it was locked into place. So I decided on a Marlin 336CS. Great little gun. The only lever gun I've ever had.
But I have never stopped lusting after the Henry's, though I do have one of their .22 survival rifles. There's just something about those brass receivers that does it for me. They're a great story of a modern company buying the rights to a name and then actually doing it justice. Much like Polaris has done with the Indian.
I don't hunt anymore and can't really justify buying one, but who knows, it could happen. If I can talk momma into it :)

06-27-2020, 11:54 PM
I have a Marlin 336 CS my mother bought me when I was 15. I had seen it at a local department store (late 1980's) and mom bought it for me! I didn't hunt with it until I was in my 20's though (dad did not hunt).

It's a solid weapon, better than the Winchester 94, but the '94 (older version) takes a side-mounted scope, allowing one great iron sighted shots. That's why I prefer the '94 over the Marlin but the Marlin is a sold rifle, in every other respect.

06-28-2020, 12:26 AM
I'd say the old Marlins were decent, but certainly don't agree they were better. I have 3 94's, a 64 and a Big Bore 94. The Big Bore is quite nice but not as smooth and refined in action as the old 94's.
The newer 94's I find less desirable, too much safety built in, they are actually more dangerous.
Had a step brother that didn't belong any place without walk and don't walk signs, he used my old 94 until he got a newer one. I think he had a discharge every time he loaded or unloaded. Got to where we'd take cover quick as we got out of the truck, it was scary.

07-03-2020, 06:18 PM
Got me a shiny new extra magazine for the 210 today. I seem to have a must have 3 mags for each auto syndrome.
Can't wait to shoot this thing.

I'm the same way.
Have a three mag minimum on handguns.
Have three P220 45s,
two P229 357s
and one P239 357.

Sadly no 210.
Congratulations on a fine handgun!


07-04-2020, 02:56 PM
Thanks to a fellow member here and a genuine good buddy I've never met I was able to fix up my cave a bit. He was right it just goes real fine with the Henry.

https://i.postimg.cc/J4WZhw6b/Confederate-Flag-2.jpg (https://postimg.cc/z30VdQ1B)

https://i.postimg.cc/J4cJDTvS/Confederate-Flag-1.jpg (https://postimg.cc/xc8qBP0P)

The snowflakes may want to erase history (didn't learn it in the first place) but personally I'm hanging on to it.
This flag was about a lot more than just Slavery.

Now if I can find a couple statues of Confederate Generals or Union for that matter for the front yard, I'm be unhinged happy.

Thanks for the Flag buddy, you know who you are. And a fellow rabble rouser too.

07-05-2020, 05:20 AM
Been a bit since I added a rifle to the toy box so I fixed that yesterday.

Getting ready for whatever just in case ya know. Hope my shoulder can handle the cigar 45/70 round. Ordered some girlyman loads along with some mediums so should be ok.

Trigger finger on the trigger duly noted, carpenter used to nail guns and I revert to that with real guns.

https://i.postimg.cc/vHMSq0wt/Henry-1.jpg (https://postimg.cc/14CH4ct8)
Now there is a right proper American gentleman...lever gun, stag handled knife, and, I'm guessing, a big bore handgun nearby.
Congarts on the Henry Colonel!

BTW, is that a khukuri box in the background?

07-05-2020, 05:32 AM
... it just goes real fine with the Henry.

I imagine these fellows would disagree
https://i.postimg.cc/Gtg3L4Ly/gallery-1475242136-7th-illinois-with-henrys.jpg (https://postimages.org/)
Being a Yankee thru and thru, I've not had any love for the stars and bars myself.:Amflag2:

8th Ohio Infantry Monument at Antietam: "On this field Ohio's sons sacrificed life and health for one country and one flag."

I am onboard with you in regards to snowflakes wanting to rewrite history.

King Rat
07-05-2020, 09:23 AM
Thanks to a fellow member here and a genuine good buddy I've never met I was able to fix up my cave a bit. He was right it just goes real fine with the Henry.

https://i.postimg.cc/J4WZhw6b/Confederate-Flag-2.jpg (https://postimg.cc/z30VdQ1B)

https://i.postimg.cc/J4cJDTvS/Confederate-Flag-1.jpg (https://postimg.cc/xc8qBP0P)

The snowflakes may want to erase history (didn't learn it in the first place) but personally I'm hanging on to it.
This flag was about a lot more than just Slavery.

Now if I can find a couple statues of Confederate Generals or Union for that matter for the front yard, I'm be unhinged happy.

Thanks for the Flag buddy, you know who you are. And a fellow rabble rouser too.

My Hat is off to you Sir! Totally admire your room etc. Just beautiful symbols of the South. And yes what a crying shame to see history rewritten and books banned or burned. Where truth will be washed away.
Look at so many civil war photo's and see young men, old men etc. going to battle many without shoes. Much less ever owning a slave which 95% did not. They fought a Invasion from the North. They fought for their homeland, their wifes, children, mothers. They fought for their Country and so much pride now exit in that Heritage.

I also see the US Marine in the Photo. Yes, a whole lot of Pride there I am sure!

07-05-2020, 03:19 PM
Do you think that attacking a US military fort had anything to do with the invasion?

08-04-2020, 12:14 PM
Yesterday my big loop lever arrived for the Henry. I was skeptical as I've play with the lever on Winchesters and my Rossi's, Mares Leg etc and they can be quite intimidating.

I prepared the bench, got my mind right thinking I'd have to remove the butt stock and I don't want to hurt this beauty in anyway, the fit is perfect.

The big loop came from Henry along with instructions. One one side is for the 22's and Golden Boys etc and it's like the Winchesters and I thought oh here we go.
But on the reverse side it's very different, no removing the stock.

I kid you not one little bit, it can be swapped out in less than a minute. Just open it half way, remove the pivot screw, pull the old one off, put the new one in, line up the screw and tighten it down and start looking for buffalo.

Beyond easy, even I can do it.

Evidence photo.

https://i.postimg.cc/zBxtyLwD/Henry-Big-Loop.jpg (https://postimg.cc/tZVtf4m8)

I like it a lot, just looks proper and not so big that it's more difficult to run the lever when you find the herd be it buffalo or protestors lately.

08-04-2020, 12:38 PM
Excellent Colonel. That sure is a purdy rifle!

King Rat
08-04-2020, 07:30 PM
My Hat is off to you Sir! Totally admire your room etc. Just beautiful symbols of the South. And yes what a crying shame to see history rewritten and books banned or burned. Where truth will be washed away.
Look at so many civil war photo's and see young men, old men etc. going to battle many without shoes. Much less ever owning a slave which 95% did not. They fought a Invasion from the North. They fought for their homeland, their wifes, children, mothers. They fought for their Country and so much pride now exit in that Heritage.

I also see the US Marine in the Photo. Yes, a whole lot of Pride there I am sure!

Love the room! Beautiful Rifle!!


08-04-2020, 08:12 PM
Now she's perfect, good job Colonel.....I like the room too and Just to be clear, it wasn't the "Civil War" It was the War of Northern Aggression....

King Rat
08-05-2020, 03:18 AM
Now she's perfect, good job Colonel.....I like the room too and Just to be clear, it wasn't the "Civil War" It was the War of Northern Aggression....

Great Point about the War of Aggression. Something they will not teach into today's schools of Revisionist history.

08-05-2020, 08:53 AM
Yesterday my big loop lever arrived for the Henry. I was skeptical as I've play with the lever on Winchesters and my Rossi's, Mares Leg etc and they can be quite intimidating.

I prepared the bench, got my mind right thinking I'd have to remove the butt stock and I don't want to hurt this beauty in anyway, the fit is perfect.

The big loop came from Henry along with instructions. One one side is for the 22's and Golden Boys etc and it's like the Winchesters and I thought oh here we go.
But on the reverse side it's very different, no removing the stock.

I kid you not one little bit, it can be swapped out in less than a minute. Just open it half way, remove the pivot screw, pull the old one off, put the new one in, line up the screw and tighten it down and start looking for buffalo.

Beyond easy, even I can do it.

Evidence photo.

https://i.postimg.cc/zBxtyLwD/Henry-Big-Loop.jpg (https://postimg.cc/tZVtf4m8)

I like it a lot, just looks proper and not so big that it's more difficult to run the lever when you find the herd be it buffalo or protestors lately.

The combination of wood and brass on that Henry is just a thing of beauty.

08-05-2020, 09:36 AM
Love the room! Beautiful Rifle!!


Love that knife!

08-05-2020, 11:06 AM
Are you going to wrap some leather around the lower part of that bail Colonel?

08-05-2020, 06:21 PM
If a bail is the loop, probably not. I don't want to attract moisture although it most likely will never get wet.

Course it might look kind of cool which is of course job one in my book.

08-05-2020, 07:52 PM
I was thinking more to cushion the knuckles when levering the old cartridge out and a new one in. I've seen them wrapped with a thin piece of leather that is then laced closed. I don't "think" that a gun that is kept in a climate controlled environment would pick up rust from that, but I guess it could. If that beautiful gun was mine, and I did wrap it like I've suggested I would slide it up onto the top part of it from time to time and apply some oil to the lower part before sliding it back down.

08-05-2020, 10:15 PM
Hadn't thought of that aspect, might be a fine idea. I'll have to ponder that some. The new lever seems light like almost an alloy of some sort so it might not rust regardless.

08-06-2020, 08:29 AM
Now all you need to do is cut off the stock end so it looks like Steve McQueen's rifle in Wanted Dead or Alive..................it looked like it might have been a 45/70. If his gun belt was any indication, it looked like he was carrying small missiles.:p

08-06-2020, 10:53 AM
He sure wouldn't have shot it like he did if it was 45/70. His belt does look like rifle cartridges, maybe 32/20's. Have to try and figure that one out. The gun as I recall looked like the loading gate was a pistol caliber, like 44.
Now look what ya done, got me a wondering.

08-06-2020, 11:58 AM
Found this which kind of goes along with my thoughts.

Forget that it's 1877, he was in the Union Army in 1864, which would make him 8-10 years older than his real age at the time. Forget that his sawed off Winchester 1892 didn't exist in this time frame, that it fired short pistol ammunition like .44-40 and possibly .45 Colt, that it couldn't possibly accept the long .30-30 cartridges on his belt that weren't developed until the Winchester 1894 came along.

08-06-2020, 04:04 PM
Super cool levergun!
I’d like one in .327 Federal to go with my Birdshead Single Seven.

08-06-2020, 05:52 PM
Hung the Henry on the wall, took a picture and lo and behold Chuck Connors is on the TV. Is that some sort of omen?

https://i.postimg.cc/d3cBGnTB/Henry-2.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Hc3Xgwzc)

08-06-2020, 06:07 PM
Hadn't thought of that aspect, might be a fine idea. I'll have to ponder that some. The new lever seems light like almost an alloy of some sort so it might not rust regardless.

Dunno if it's relevant for this alloy, but I use leather wraps on my musical instruments, and the leather's residual tanning salts can be pretty hard on the finish, if it's not planned for.

08-06-2020, 06:32 PM
Not an omen Colonel, just a reaffirmation that you made a good choice!

08-06-2020, 07:34 PM
Dunno if it's relevant for this alloy, but I use leather wraps on my musical instruments, and the leather's residual tanning salts can be pretty hard on the finish, if it's not planned for.

This afternoon pondering and scratching my head the thought of Para Cord entered the small space of my brain.

Seems I've seen them done that way before. Have to think on it some more, thinking is cheap when your play fund is depleted and your planning your next target.

08-08-2020, 01:33 PM
Yesterday my big loop lever arrived for the Henry. I was skeptical as I've play with the lever on Winchesters and my Rossi's, Mares Leg etc and they can be quite intimidating.

I prepared the bench, got my mind right thinking I'd have to remove the butt stock and I don't want to hurt this beauty in anyway, the fit is perfect.

The big loop came from Henry along with instructions. One one side is for the 22's and Golden Boys etc and it's like the Winchesters and I thought oh here we go.
But on the reverse side it's very different, no removing the stock.

I kid you not one little bit, it can be swapped out in less than a minute. Just open it half way, remove the pivot screw, pull the old one off, put the new one in, line up the screw and tighten it down and start looking for buffalo.

Beyond easy, even I can do it.

Evidence photo.

https://i.postimg.cc/zBxtyLwD/Henry-Big-Loop.jpg (https://postimg.cc/tZVtf4m8)

I like it a lot, just looks proper and not so big that it's more difficult to run the lever when you find the herd be it buffalo or protestors lately.
That lever looks really good on there:)

08-08-2020, 01:56 PM
Thanks Greg, I like it a lot. Looks right and feels right.

This morning I'm fitting a trigger to the Cbob. Not nearly as easy as it was to swap out this lever but I will prevail.

08-08-2020, 02:14 PM
Hung the Henry on the wall, took a picture and lo and behold Chuck Connors is on the TV. Is that some sort of omen?

https://i.postimg.cc/d3cBGnTB/Henry-2.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Hc3Xgwzc)
PERFECT https://www.animatedimages.org/data/media/314/animated-flag-smiley-image-0067.gif (https://www.animatedimages.org/cat-flag-smileys-and-smilies-314.htm)

FWIW, I have a Puma 1892 that I bought used. It came with a leather guard stitched over the lever. The gun also shows wear that leads me to believe it was used in cowboy action shooting. I guess that the leather would provide some cushion when operating that lever in timed events. Myself, I don't shoot that fast or often enough to have need of it, but it's well done and I saw no need to remove it.

As to leather, vegetable tanned leather plays much better with metal than chrome tanned leather.

https://i.postimg.cc/8CRR10jh/rifleman-s-creed.jpg (https://postimages.org/)


08-08-2020, 03:33 PM
PERFECT https://www.animatedimages.org/data/media/314/animated-flag-smiley-image-0067.gif (https://www.animatedimages.org/cat-flag-smileys-and-smilies-314.htm)

https://i.postimg.cc/8CRR10jh/rifleman-s-creed.jpg (https://postimages.org/)


As I read that the first picture that popped in my mind was R Lee Ermey as a drill instructor in Full Metal Jacket.

08-08-2020, 04:00 PM
LOL, that's "this is my rifle, this is my gun....." True to life, we learned that one back in day as well.
Semper Fi,

King Rat
08-09-2020, 06:50 AM
How a man treats his rifle and his dog say's a lot about him.

I loved the inscription I once saw on a Sniper Rifle. "Till Death do us Part".

08-30-2020, 02:42 PM
Henry's are like rabbits and make me so happy!

Had to make room for the wife's new Henry.

https://i.postimg.cc/KYjVvwCs/DSCN8120.jpg (https://postimg.cc/gw94gSzv)

08-30-2020, 03:14 PM
Such a nice pair!

08-30-2020, 03:16 PM
That looks darn nice boss!
I was thinking that putting your 45/70 above that sweet .22 is living life a bit dangerously, but on second thought the proportions of the two rifles makes it look right...if you would, more stylish (if it comes up in conversation;)).

08-30-2020, 03:53 PM
Hadn't considered that, maybe I better do the metal garbage can and one eye open trick for a few more nights.

08-30-2020, 05:41 PM
and hide the boo-llets? :)

08-30-2020, 06:19 PM
Wish we had a “like” button here.
Nice lookin’ leverguns.

08-31-2020, 05:57 PM
Still don't own a lever gun and this thread isn't helping at all...

08-31-2020, 06:37 PM
Well I don't aim to push but if you go for one, don't settle for junk, get a Henry. I'm already dreaming of another one in maybe 44, one of them early looking ones with no forearm.

09-01-2020, 05:25 PM
Hard to imagine those nice guns are made in New York City, IIRC.

09-01-2020, 07:34 PM
Actually I think it's New Jersey if I remember right. But same difference.

Same as Picante sauce I reckon.

At least it's all 100% American and if they speak the truth they always will be.

I sent them some photo's and words of praise and received an nice response along with mention that they are dedicated to taking care of the customer and if I had any issue at all they'd take care of it.

Was hoping they'd post a photo of my trophy wife so she'd be famous and I could say I know somebody famous but guess that didn't happen.

09-01-2020, 08:06 PM
Yes, you are correct... New Jersey it is. I read they also have a plant in Wisconsin too.

09-02-2020, 09:16 AM
The plant is in Rice Lake, Wi......................great area with the typical cheesehead stuff...........fishing, hiking, snowmobiling, hunting etc. Home of the Museum of Woodcarving. The largest display in the world by one person. 100 life size and 400 miniatures. One of the best places is Demo Days at Fireline Shooting Center. You can go in and for $20, you get a shooting lane. If you rent a lane and purchase your ammo there, they give you your firearm rentals for free, so you can shoot anything in the place. Nice part of the state............................................. ...............................

09-02-2020, 09:31 AM
There are sounds that can be heard and instantly be identified by most gun owners and many that have never touched one.

Pump shotgun being loaded and a shell chambered.
A 1911 being racked.
A lever action being put into action.
God Bless America.

09-05-2020, 03:15 AM

09-05-2020, 10:29 AM
Came very close to getting another Henry exactly like that one pictured yesterday. Wife is going to work for a different feed store and this one sells guns and is much larger, lots more stuff.
Yesterday we went to visit one of their stores in another town to look it over since the one she's going to isn't open yet.
That had that shiny little Henry in the rack, pretty reasonable I thought too at around 450 as I recall. Decided to wait till her employee discount kicks in and hopefully I get recruited to build stuff for them and get my own employee discount.

Told the wife she could shoot the brass 22 and use the Silver Beauty for show, BBQ's and such.

09-09-2020, 12:12 PM
I finally got to shoot my new gun yesterday. CZ-75 SP-01 Tactical. Only put 50 rounds through it, but it did shoot very nice. The trigger already started to smooth out. The first time in several years that I shot a gun with that long a sight radius. It sure helped my shooting.

09-09-2020, 12:37 PM
IOver the years I have has a lot of customers and friends ask if I would like to shoot their CZ's. I always decline as they are beautiful in design and most who own them shoot very well.
I have enough problems already.

09-09-2020, 03:01 PM
Another gun can be a problem.

09-10-2020, 10:06 AM
Another gun can be a problem.

Does not compute.

09-13-2020, 08:10 AM
Hard to beat a good lever gun....

09-13-2020, 11:28 AM
I'm still looking.....................I'll get back to ya.

09-13-2020, 04:50 PM
Gun? What gun?

09-14-2020, 09:48 AM
Got another 1911, in 38 super, which I have never shot and have no experience with. I've read up about it and understand it was at one point the go to round in competitive 1911 shooting.
I put on a mag well and msh I liked, then the Hogue grips. Factory grips were pretty cool (and I may switch back to them eventually), but I’ve wanted some of those Hogue’s since I first saw them. New flat faced k hole trigger is en route. I will be polishing the frame and controls eventually (once other “projects” are cleared off my plate). The difference in finish between the frame and the msh & magwell will have me hiding it or only shooting it solo until the polishing is done. Anyway, wanted to share the new one with you all.



09-14-2020, 10:36 AM
Can't make out the writing on the slide, is it a Colt? Pretty thing as is. Be a gem all polished up.

09-14-2020, 10:39 AM
I don't think you need to hide it Greg, but I do understand wanting it to look great. As it is it's a nice looking piece, congrats!

09-14-2020, 10:46 AM
Can't make out the writing on the slide, is it a Colt? Pretty thing as is. Be a gem all polished up.
Yes, it is a Colt. Sorry I did not put that in there. Thanks for the compliment! Looking forward to sharing once the polishing is complete. Praying for cooler weather soon so I can hang out in the work shop/semi-open garage and work on it. Thanks again!

09-14-2020, 10:49 AM
I don't think you need to hide it Greg, but I do understand wanting it to look great. As it is it's a nice looking piece, congrats!
Thank you! I’ll post the finished product, once polished, to share again. Hope that’s sooner rather than later! Thanks again. : )

09-14-2020, 11:22 AM
Sorry about the name oops. Thought it was gb with the new gun. Looking forward to seeing it once you've had the chance to do what you're planning!

09-14-2020, 11:42 AM
Lol! I’ve been called worse. No worries! ;)

09-14-2020, 12:47 PM
I wondered about the Greg thing but couldn't remember Birds real name so thought maybe he was a Greg too.

I know we all want to be GB's when we grow up.

I get so accustomed to screen names that I never remember real names. Glad I only frequent this and one other knife forum.

09-14-2020, 01:22 PM
A sleeper caliber. I suspect ammo is available but save your brass.
That project should be fun.

09-14-2020, 02:02 PM
Lol! I’ve been called worse. No worries! ;)
Me too!
Congrats on the Gold Cup Trophy!
Back in the day, .38 Super was popular with folks south of the border, but I've drifted from that crowd and have no idea about it now.
I've heard, that on this side of the border, it was developed to shoot through prohibition era body armor.

09-14-2020, 05:24 PM
A sleeper caliber. I suspect ammo is available but save your brass.
That project should be fun.

Often wondered if it was factory available, never looked for it before on the shelves, course I don't look at the shelves much. Now being retired I'll probably have to dust off the reloader and maybe look at the shelves again.

Should be ordering lots of bullets and powder and such, I have considerable but never enough. Even not shooting much.

09-28-2020, 09:43 PM
Thinking of getting one?
Any thoughts on a..... Beretta 92fs Compact?

09-28-2020, 10:45 PM
Thinking of getting one?
Any thoughts on a..... Beretta 92fs Compact?

My second to last Chief had one I got to play with for a bit. I really liked it. Wanted one myself ever since. Course with me that happens pretty often. I did like the feel and size of it. I have a 92FS and would love a little pal to go with it. Heck that should almost be a requirement shouldn't it?

09-29-2020, 09:18 AM
I see 38 super on the shelves and among 1911 addicts it is a vibrant and desirable caliber. We see them come into our range and they are easy to spot because the owners is always chasing their brass.
My LGS just sold a Wilson in 9mm that came with an included fitted barrel in 38 super. I don't remember the exact model but it was pristine and it sold for $2400.

09-29-2020, 11:10 AM
Thinking of getting one?
Any thoughts on a..... Beretta 92fs Compact?

Nice firearm but I'm a bit biased. I'm looking for one without the junk below the barrel. Wouldn't even mind finding a Compact Carry model.

09-29-2020, 12:02 PM
The one I played with didn't have any junk below the barrel. Didn't know they came that way. I'd not want that either on that size gun.
I have the junk on my EAA Witness that I recently acquired. I didn't want it either but alas it didn't come without. I've found in it's case it isn't bothersome and we get along just fine. I haven't shot it yet things being what they are but been carrying it around the place and it works quite well. Noticeably lighter and just rides nice.

Crap, now I gotta look for a 38 Super. Does this stuff ever end? So many toys, so little time. And loot, so little loot.

09-30-2020, 08:31 AM
The one I looked at had no junk....rails are for trains.

09-30-2020, 09:36 AM
That there is almost as good lookin’ as Sophia Loren was in her prime.

As to rails, am not a fan of them on handguns either, but the ones on the Ruger SR series are pretty unobtrusive and not that tackytal looking.

09-30-2020, 10:02 AM
That there is almost as good lookin’ as Sophia Loren was in her prime.

With her unshaven underarms (Sorry I had to say it). I saw one of her old, old black and white Italian movies a couple of months ago and she was a knockout but that one thing stood out. But that was the thing then so not a big deal, just how it was.

09-30-2020, 10:26 AM
With her unshaven underarms (Sorry I had to say it). I saw one of her old, old black and white Italian movies a couple of months ago and she was a knockout but that one thing stood out. But that was the thing then so not a big deal, just how it was.
She had ARMS????????????????????????
Funny, I don't remember any of that.
https://i.postimg.cc/DztJYR1L/sop.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

09-30-2020, 11:07 AM
Exactly what I was thinking. While I'm sure she has them I've never actually noticed them.

09-30-2020, 11:21 AM
The one I looked at had no junk....rails are for trains.

That looks just like the one I played with right there. "Rails are for trains" Gotta remember that one. I'll use it on my train engineer son.

09-30-2020, 11:39 AM
That looks just like the one I played with right there. "Rails are for trains" Gotta remember that one. I'll use it on my train engineer son.

My wife’s best friend from high school is married to a retired train engineer up there in Washington. I believe he was active for 35 years in that career until he retired about 10 years ago... out of Olympia.

10-04-2020, 07:45 PM
Well went to get the Beretta and it was sold!! :crazy:
Sooooo a Sig P220 Extreme followed me home instead. One of my local dealers had a NEW ONE in stock. Apparently it was tucked away for some time and forgotten about.
It is about 6 years old and new. The night sights are dim so I ordered some Trijicon HD Orange sights for it. From what my research tells me the EXTREME gets all the top of the line Sig extras.
It has Factory Logo G10 grips, SRT trigger etc. Just as I phased out my 45's now i'm back! Trigger feels great. Can't wait to find some ammo and try it out.

10-04-2020, 10:17 PM
Congrats on a great score! I took my P227 to the range for the first time Friday and love it. It's the double stack version of the P220. Sweet, sweet shooter as I'm sure yours will be too. Question for you about yours, is the grip narrower, as you would expect it to be in a single stack gun? I'm pretty sure the slides are the same but I've wondered about the grips as I've never had the change to look at or hold a P220.

10-05-2020, 08:27 AM
Yes much narrower than the P227. I now have both.

10-05-2020, 09:33 AM

10-12-2020, 02:57 PM
Added a new family member. I was looking for one of these at local shops and came up zip. A friend showed up yesterday and had this one he was wanting to part with. Needless to say he went home and this stayed here. It's like brand spanking new, has several Glock mags (will work with Glock or Ruger mags). He put a red dot (Bushnell) on it and it has good ghost ring sights.
Take down is sweet, might be able to mount it on the chair if needed.

https://i.postimg.cc/jqBBByy5/DSCN8147.jpg (https://postimg.cc/fkjH9t2n)
https://i.postimg.cc/4xgqxZLR/DSCN8148.jpg (https://postimg.cc/QHf06LZf)
https://i.postimg.cc/02mhvrCC/DSCN8149.jpg (https://postimg.cc/RNSgQSy3)

Also left a Winchester 100 308 he wants me to put a recoil pad on. Just took it all apart as he said after a few shots it didn't want to extract. I think the chamber was pretty dirty, cleaned and polished on it, cleaned and oiled everything else and it should be good to go. Now waiting for the recoil pad.

10-12-2020, 08:44 PM
Nice find boss, I have been wanting one of those PC Carbines since they came out....I almost pulled the card out on one last year before the China virus hit but thought they might come down in price but now they have more than doubled in price IF you can find one much less any 9mm ammo...I was also hoping Ruger would offer a magazine insert to use S&W M&P magazines which I have a bunch of but I messed up and waited too long....Hopefully things will return to somewhat normal next year and prices and availability of firearms and ammo will come back to earth....By the way I have 3 of those Bushnell TRS-25 red dot sights and for the money those things are the best deal going, haven't checked prices lately but I found Amazon had them for a little bit less than a hundred bucks and they are a real nice, well made red dot for an AR or carbine like the Ruger PC and do everything the expensive big name sights do for a whole lot less money....Good luck with the new little Ruger and if you ever want to let it go you know where I live.....

10-13-2020, 11:33 AM
Neat carbines, aren’t they? Haven’t shot mine yet, but accumulated enough of the pricey 17 round Ruger SR9 mags (5 of the twin packs from Grabagun)... for now.
When the takedown carry case at ShopRuger went on sale last month ($90 down to $63) I ordered one on the 26th. However, it has been on backorder since - probably because all us idjits are snapping the guns up like crazy. GaG has a $599.99 price for the carbine currently, but they just went out of stock again over the weekend. Have seen the gun priced at $700-$800 elsewhere. Nuts.

10-13-2020, 11:46 AM
It really is neat, handy little size and a lot of nice features. I got the bag for it, not sure it will ever see the bag again but maybe so.

Looking around here they were all running 700 and up considerable higher. I gave him 700 but then gave his some primers and a couple mags for his new Hi Power so he gave me a hundred back so I felt like I did alright. It was kind of love at first sight and price went right out the window.

I'm not really a tupperware stock kind of guy but it seems ok in this application.

10-14-2020, 09:26 AM
I need to not go out anymore.....

10-28-2020, 04:24 PM
It really is neat, handy little size and a lot of nice features. I got the bag for it, not sure it will ever see the bag again but maybe so.

Looking around here they were all running 700 and up considerable higher. I gave him 700 but then gave his some primers and a couple mags for his new Hi Power so he gave me a hundred back so I felt like I did alright. It was kind of love at first sight and price went right out the window.

I'm not really a tupperware stock kind of guy but it seems ok in this application.
You did good to even find one. Ruger sells the bag for $90 regular price and the gun looks to be averaging $700 most places.
You gonna put a can on it, or is that legal up there?

10-28-2020, 05:10 PM
The can is legal if you want to pay the 200 bucks stamp and wait 1 to 2 years for the approval. I'd love to put one on it. Course the can itself is probably more than the gun.
The bag this one came with doesn't say Ruger on it but looks like it's made for it.
I'm completely pleased with the whole package. Haven't got to shoot it yet either, might have to just pop off a few in the back yard. Technically it's legal here but too many neighbors now days. Someone's panties would get in a wad if I shot much.

10-28-2020, 06:19 PM
Yeah, getting a can is quite an expensive hassle. In some European countries they are considered an essential accessory and as easy to acquire as a holster or sling.
The carry cases for the PC Carbine are made for Ruger by Regal. Mine looks the same as the one in the Regal catalog (Which doesn’t have the Ruger logo). The Ruger logo on mine is just a patch that is stuck on with velcro.
The case will come in handy when taking the rig out to shoot at the family property or a range, but at home the carbine will reside openly next to my nightstand with the SR9 and some loaded mags in the drawer.

10-28-2020, 07:08 PM
My case says Tuff Force on it so probably just a knock off. The PC hasn't been in the case since I got it anyhow. Still out in the open during the bonding sequence. I never keep guns in cases ever. Only for transportation, that sort of thing.

11-07-2020, 03:41 PM
I threw what I considered a low ball offer on a Ruger Mk IV blued 22/45. Just browsing and thought what the hell never thinking in a million years I'd win. Well everybody must be shopping for those nasty AR's and I won. I like the feel and weight of the 22/45 and kind of hankered for one for a spell. Wasn't even looking specific, just browsing. I guess where I sucked at luck in politics, I did alright on guns.

Brand new 5.5" barrel. Was actually hoping I'd get outbid so I didn't have another one to explain to the missus but now I'm kind of tickled. Another fun one to play with as long as the ammo holds out.

11-07-2020, 04:15 PM
Glad to hear that my man. I too have looked and found better deals on GB than some of the usual sites that I buy from lately. If it wasn’t for a recent business venture, I’d be trying to buy right now. Unfortunately, I’ve been doing more selling than buying lately. Not good, unless it all works out, I can produce more dough, and not only replace, but upgrade my losses. Congrats on a good deal/nice gun!!!

I threw what I considered a low ball offer on a Ruger Mk IV blued 22/45. Just browsing and thought what the hell never thinking in a million years I'd win. Well everybody must be shopping for those nasty AR's and I won. I like the feel and weight of the 22/45 and kind of hankered for one for a spell. Wasn't even looking specific, just browsing. I guess where I sucked at luck in politics, I did alright on guns.

Brand new 5.5" barrel. Was actually hoping I'd get outbid so I didn't have another one to explain to the missus but now I'm kind of tickled. Another fun one to play with as long as the ammo holds out.

11-07-2020, 04:49 PM
The bonding sequence :)

11-07-2020, 05:13 PM
I'm looking around for another purchase myself. A post-election sadness purchase. Something to bouy my spirits.

Good find Colonel, the Mark IV is their best one yet.

11-07-2020, 06:14 PM
Nothing can bouy my spirits I'm afraid. Just can't comprehend how one single person could be so stupid to vote for that duo.

11-07-2020, 06:26 PM
I may purchase ammo to buoy my spirits, while it’s still legal.

11-07-2020, 07:14 PM
I will too, every round I can find that isn't at gouger prices. Thinking big, like 50,000 rounds of 9, 45, 223, 22, 30-06, 30-30, 45/70.
Wow this is gonna kill the damn bank book huh?

11-07-2020, 07:34 PM
Good luck with that! Everything it at panic prices.

11-07-2020, 09:33 PM
Rightfully so it seems. Fortunately I don't think there's any enforcing agency that would go about making these two's plans come together unless they bring in the blue hat UN to go door to door and doubt that will even happen.

11-08-2020, 01:36 AM
Nothing can bouy my spirits I'm afraid. Just can't comprehend how one single person could be so stupid to vote for that duo.


I made my first ever political contributions to both Republican Georgia senate runoff candidates. And I don’t live in Georgia.

11-08-2020, 06:12 AM
I don’t want to add to the demand, but I think we should buy whatever ammo we can find, even if it costs a little more than we’re used to. The confiscation push is right around the corner, and we may be yearning for the days of $50 boxes of 9mm.

11-08-2020, 06:50 AM
I don’t want to add to the demand, but I think we should buy whatever ammo we can find, even if it costs a little more than we’re used to. The confiscation push is right around the corner, and we may be yearning for the days of $50 boxes of 9mm.

Yep. I picked up some 9mm Saturday.

11-08-2020, 08:11 AM
Rightfully so it seems. Fortunately I don't think there's any enforcing agency that would go about making these two's plans come together unless they bring in the blue hat UN to go door to door and doubt that will even happen.

Sanctuary counties... or states.

11-08-2020, 05:24 PM
Georgia will save the Senate unless they cheat again but I think the good guys will prevail and my family will be there in January for the run off no matter what....As for guns I think I want a Mossberg 12 gauge Shockwave shorty shotgun before they outlaw them, not sure why but I figure this will be my last chance at one......As far as the Blue Helment guys go, let them come and take them....I'm old and I never dreamed that I would see America go Socialist so I'm here and if I have to die in a gun fight, so it goes....

11-08-2020, 05:32 PM
Georgia will save the Senate unless they cheat again but I think the good guys will prevail and my family will be there in January for the run off no matter what....As for guns I think I want a Mossberg 12 gauge Shockwave shorty shotgun before they outlaw them, not sure why but I figure this will be my last chance at one......As far as the Blue Helment guys go, let them come and take them....I'm old and I never dreamed that I would see America go Socialist so I'm here and if I have to die in a gun fight, so it goes....

My thought's precisely. I'm more concerned for my kids and grandkids. Also in a turmoil on getting a dozen more PMags. Good trading stock for later or for the upcoming civil war, but I'll probably be shot down in the first volley so why bother with more PMags. Good idea on the Shockwave, hadn't thought of that one. I much prefer the Mossberg over the Remington version. Always butted heads with the officers as they liked the Remingtons. A few were with me on the Mossberg. Wonder if those are still around or getting gobbled up like everything else.

11-08-2020, 05:42 PM
I’m happy to read the last 2 posts. As a 48 year old, I in no way consider myself to be “old”, or to have less value to life due to age, even though society may view me as “old” & invaluable. Why I’m happy though, is to hear others speak and feel as I do. At 48, I’d gladly take a dirt nap to ensure my family proceeds with a better life than what the “powers that be” offer. If I see that me and my families life is being harassed, choked, belittled, etc by the power hungry, then my life means NOTHING!!! I will gladly run in front of a thousand rounds as I dispense mine upon the drooling, slug like sheeple who follow the greed train.

11-09-2020, 06:52 AM
Also in a turmoil on getting a dozen more PMags.

get um for sure... if you can find and afford them.

Ken L
11-09-2020, 06:13 PM
My new gun is waiting in background check jail. What used to take a couple of minutes here in Colorado now is taking 2-3 days. I have wanted a 6.5 Creedmoor since I shot one my brother has a few years ago. I also want a big-bore AR....so I put my name on the list for an Aero Precision M5 lower to combine the two. It's been delivered to my FFL, and I filled out the form on Friday. So I figure on Wednesday or Thursday I will be getting a call to pick it up. My idea was to build it over time, maybe about a year or so. But, I have the upper, the lower parts kit and a CMC trigger on the way. Might not finish it before Christmas, but I don't think it will be long after that. I just don't feel good about having an incomplete rifle around after the third week in January because I think parts are going to get even harder to find.

11-09-2020, 06:17 PM
I agree, buy everything you can get that's semi auto, holds more than 10 bullets or looks scary. Magazines, all you can carry.
I've got lots of ammo but looking for more, have to start looking for powder and bullets, suspect those will dry up fast if they haven't already too.

Absolutely crazy and the sad part is it's doubtful we'll see normal for a very long time if ever now.

11-09-2020, 11:34 PM
You know they say timing is everything and my clock has always been a little slow....Last fall my two sons and I went to the big Fairground gun show and I remember looking at a Ruger PC Carbine and almost using some available plastic to get one but I talked myself out of it thinking prices would come down after President Trump was elected for a second term, I spent a good bit of time at a table full of Kel Tec Sub 2000 rifles in .9mm and .40 thinking these are cool but I'll wait until the prices come down some and kept walking because there's always going to be another gun show.....I went by the guy selling Glock magazines for really good prices even for the 30 round pistol mags and I almost went back to the guy selling Ruger PC rifles for $539.00 but I didn't because it was late fall and Christmas was coming and thought maybe I shouldn't be spending any money now, maybe in the spring I'll do it......I walked on and went by the AR guy selling 30 round PMags for $11.00 but didn't buy any more because we have a dozen or so and how many magazines do you really need and next year will be good and stuff will still be there.....

Well now it's next year, my LGS is pretty much empty of ammo and only has firearms nobody wants and what they have is priced way over double from normal.....The China Virus has cancelled gun shows and I am kicking myself for not being smarter and missing out on any opportunity to buy when things were available.....

I'm ok on firearms and have enough ammo for a good while but I'm angry at myself for thinking things wouldn't change...

By the way, if you want to see how they stole the election and forced this situation on us Google "Dominion Voter fraud and see how the left operates .... Things have changed and we must adapt, the enemy is at the door......Buy when you can, all you can even if you think you can't afford it or need it because you can't depend on tomorrow and things just ain't going to be the same no more.....

11-10-2020, 12:18 AM
You speaketh the truth getsome. I could tell a similar story. I think I can get a bunch of PMags and I feel good that I grabbed the Ruger PC but there's lots of things I wish I'd gotten that probably won't happen now, maybe never.

Your correct, the enemy is at the gate and I'm ready for em but things have definitely changed. And at least for not, not one bit for the good. Yet they are dancing in the streets, morons!!!!!!

11-10-2020, 11:26 AM

11-10-2020, 11:27 AM
Emailed two of my sons yesterday the link to Grabagun to order more Pmags for the ARs I gifted them. To my shock, they both responded a half hour later saying they had actually ordered another dozen each. Usually it takes a day or two before I get any responses.

I have bought a couple dozen extra mags recently myself for several handguns & the PC Carbine.

11-10-2020, 03:03 PM
Are the magazines listed on Kitco under precious metals? I guess in a Post-Biden world they'll be worth more than an ounce of gold.

11-11-2020, 09:02 AM
Things to think about.

They don't need to come knocking on our door.
The Democrat wet dream is,
1. Attack the gun manufacturers by nullifying the Protection of Lawful Commerce Act. (this puts all of them out of business because they will not be able to buy insurance)
2. Eliminate the internet and interstate sale of firearms and accessories. (this buts millions of shooters who live in remote areas out of business).
3. Declare a number of firearms and magazines as NFA items requiring the need and to register, engrave, and pay a tax on each individual gun and magazine. (This makes any violator an automatic felon and you can dig in your heels but burying them in your backyard is exactly their intent).

There are more but if they get any of the three listed above, life will become very different for all of us.

BTW, In my opinion the Shockwave is cool but a youth shotgun in 20ga. is many times more useful.

11-11-2020, 01:00 PM
It's even easier than that.
1. Declare a global pandemic and scare people with looting and riots.
2. Shut off imports of ammo (said to be 20% of the US market) because of Covid, straining domestic production
3. Pay a few thousand minions to bulk-buy lots of ammo, sparking a wider panic and hoarding effort among the real gun owners.
4. Keep it up until all the real gun owners have shot all their stash.
5. When only your own minions have all the remaining ammo, you can march down the street untouched.

11-11-2020, 04:20 PM

11-11-2020, 05:56 PM
I'm not shooting anything I don't replace first. There may come a time when I have to quit shooting for pleasure, but I will still have a good reserve for self defense.

11-11-2020, 06:07 PM
I'm not shooting anything I don't replace first. There may come a time when I have to quit shooting for pleasure, but I will still have a good reserve for self defense.

That is a prudent plan. Same here until we see how things shake out.

11-11-2020, 06:41 PM
I'm not shooting anything I don't replace first. There may come a time when I have to quit shooting for pleasure, but I will still have a good reserve for self defense.


12-02-2020, 02:23 PM
After 16 days in a holding pattern and still no approval from County, the shop owner (probably tired of my impatience) allowed me to pick up my new Ruger. Not sure what the rules are now but used to be LE had 10 days to respond, after that the shop just delivers the gun, no matter it's home now.

Out of the box.
https://i.postimg.cc/pTRpVPYZ/22-45-1.jpg (https://postimg.cc/sBHVwdLQ)

And of course one of the selling points of the 22/45 is removable grips. bawanna can't be having no plain black plastic.
https://i.postimg.cc/SsdjJHgp/22-45-2.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Q9BjzYL6)

Admittedly these are fake stag but it's a tupperware frame and against all the rules of nature so at least for now I thought they were a good start and in my eyes much nicer to look at which of course is job 1.
I've always assumed 1911 grips were a drop on fit, alas such is not the case. It took a bit of modification to make a 1911 grip work but not to hard.

https://i.postimg.cc/fygLvm42/22-45-3.jpg (https://postimg.cc/64ntW7pn)

And of course since I can't leave well enough alone and it's cold outside and all I can think about is moving to be neighbors with Greg where it's almost always warm I decided to mount a cheap red dot sight I had laying around. I had a base for my MKII that surprisingly fit perfectly on the MK4. I think I took it off because it didn't show up well in bright sunlight so I might have to upgrade that at some point but low priority. I don't think Kamala will be after Red Dot sights at least for the first 6 months or so of her presidency.

https://i.postimg.cc/fybyX5PS/22-45-4.jpg (https://postimg.cc/wyS9Y5g9)

Happy to finally get it home. Gave me something to play with for a few hours. Guess I'll go look for something else to mess with.

If anybody has an old take off 10/22 stock they are willing to part with (reasonable) I've been wanting to make another 10/22 Mares leg. Course the world found this out and everybody is gouging like 9mm ammo.

12-02-2020, 02:43 PM
Very nice Colonel

As per 1639:
The dealer shall, by the end of the business day, sign and attach his or her address and deliver a copy of the application and such other documentation as required under subsections (1) and (2) of this section to the chief of police of the municipality or the sheriff of the county of which the purchaser is a resident, or the state pursuant to subsection (3)(b) of this section.
Sec. 4. WAITING PERIOD. RCW 9.41.092 and 2018 c 145 s 4 are each amended to read as follows:
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter and except for semiautomatic assault rifles under subsection (2) of this section, a licensed dealer may not deliver any firearm to a purchaser or transferee until the earlier of:
(((1))) (a) The results of all required background checks are known and the purchaser or transferee (((a))) (i) is not prohibited from owning or possessing a firearm under federal or state law and (((b))) (ii) does not have a voluntary waiver of firearm rights currently in effect; or
(((2))) (b) Ten business days have elapsed from the date the licensed dealer requested the background check.

12-02-2020, 06:27 PM
Those grips look good on that MK4 even though their not real. Nice pistol too.

mr surveyor
12-02-2020, 09:22 PM
there just ain't much better in the .22 world than the 22/45


12-03-2020, 07:20 AM
After 16 days in a holding pattern and still no approval from County, the shop owner (probably tired of my impatience) allowed me to pick up my new Ruger. Not sure what the rules are now but used to be LE had 10 days to respond, after that the shop just delivers the gun, no matter it's home now.

Out of the box.
https://i.postimg.cc/pTRpVPYZ/22-45-1.jpg (https://postimg.cc/sBHVwdLQ)

And of course one of the selling points of the 22/45 is removable grips. bawanna can't be having no plain black plastic.

Admittedly these are fake stag but it's a tupperware frame and against all the rules of nature so at least for now I thought they were a good start and in my eyes much nicer to look at which of course is job 1.
I've always assumed 1911 grips were a drop on fit, alas such is not the case. It took a bit of modification to make a 1911 grip work but not to hard.

https://i.postimg.cc/fygLvm42/22-45-3.jpg (https://postimg.cc/64ntW7pn)

And of course since I can't leave well enough alone and it's cold outside and all I can think about is moving to be neighbors with Greg where it's almost always warm I decided to mount a cheap red dot sight I had laying around. I had a base for my MKII that surprisingly fit perfectly on the MK4. I think I took it off because it didn't show up well in bright sunlight so I might have to upgrade that at some point but low priority. I don't think Kamala will be after Red Dot sights at least for the first 6 months or so of her presidency.

Happy to finally get it home. Gave me something to play with for a few hours. Guess I'll go look for something else to mess with.

If anybody has an old take off 10/22 stock they are willing to part with (reasonable) I've been wanting to make another 10/22 Mares leg. Course the world found this out and everybody is gouging like 9mm ammo.
Congrats on the new Ruger Colonel!

i haven't handled many of the MKIV so I didn't realize the MKIV 22/45 grips are different from the MKIII 22/45 (I guess I should check to see if that is the same for the metal frame guns). For reference, here's my FrankenRuger (MKII top end on a MKIII 22/45 frame)
https://i.postimg.cc/HLPfX7ts/22-45-lcp-ii-copy865.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

Bring that puppy down here so we can do a more thorough comparison and you can enjoy some warmer weather.


BTW, I still may put stag on that plastic FX Hybrid 1911 I have:w00t:

12-03-2020, 09:22 AM
Nice addition.
Makes me miss my 1956 Standard 4”.

12-03-2020, 10:08 AM
Good buy chief. My MKIII has has a major overhaul with the addition of a full Volquartsen alloy lower. The cost was softened by the sale of the original polymer lower.

https://i.postimg.cc/TPGCktXw/20190321_090446.jpg (https://postimg.cc/68jrqLqJ)

12-03-2020, 10:50 AM
Congrats on the new Ruger Colonel!

i haven't handled many of the MKIV so I didn't realize the MKIV 22/45 grips are different from the MKIII 22/45 (I guess I should check to see if that is the same for the metal frame guns). For reference, here's my FrankenRuger (MKII top end on a MKIII 22/45 frame)
https://i.postimg.cc/HLPfX7ts/22-45-lcp-ii-copy865.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

Bring that puppy down here so we can do a more thorough comparison and you can enjoy some warmer weather.


BTW, I still may put stag on that plastic FX Hybrid 1911 I have:w00t:

Those pics of your enlightened me. Mine has the same controls but rather than just a button like yours they put levers. As I was whittling on the grips I actually thought, why do I need these levers. The slide lock lever actually comes off real easy and keeps the slide lock button out, like a C clip. Not sure on the safety. Mine actually came with a little washer to replace the ambi safety on the right side if preferred. But the washer sticks out just as far as the lever so I left it for now.
I could do without both, I seldom use the safety or the slide lock on these as they are basically a range gun.
I sure do love how the MKIV breaks down, a few more parts inside but super easy to clean.
I did take my MKII apart a few weeks back and did it without the book, no swear words or nuthin. I was pretty proud of myself.
I'll have to look up FX Hybrid 1911, not sure what that even is.

I like yours alot 340. I thought about cutting my accessory rail so I could leave the rear sight but thought if I ever wanted to mount anything closer to the back I'd regret it. Would have looked just like yours on top.

01-11-2021, 10:26 PM
Sometimes a person has to buy a gun that isn't a Kahr. After the sinkhole took my house and everything in it I had no long arms so I picked this up on line.
An Enfield 303 British Jungle Carbine. When I picked it up I was surprised the shop actually had some 303 to feed it, so I got a couple boxes. Tried to find 303 while waiting for it's arrival and there was none to be had anyplace.

Photo Evidence.
https://i.postimg.cc/28spBdZG/DSCN8176.jpg (https://postimg.cc/PPQVgwKv)

Love the little funnel on the end, think it just looks cool which of course is job one in my world.
https://i.postimg.cc/Cxk3CZCg/DSCN8177.jpg (https://postimg.cc/gxctm2BS)

Some slight remorse with the replaced rear sight. It should work fine and looks ok. I had anticipated replacing it with an original ladder type rear like it's supposed to have but apparently some metal was removed so I need to look at this a little harder, might not be worth it and have to accept as is.
https://i.postimg.cc/7L4pKxXT/DSCN8178.jpg (https://postimg.cc/LJyCXFcH)

My son has the rifle version that is stone cold stock as issued so we got a pair I guess.

01-11-2021, 10:54 PM
Nice Enfield Colonel. I'll bet it has some stories to tell that would be interesting to hear.

This sinkhole, was that something that happened recently?

01-11-2021, 11:35 PM

Nice! Really nice! All of 'em! 😁

Thank you for your indulgence,


01-12-2021, 07:04 AM
We get a lot of sinkholes in Florida...

01-12-2021, 04:14 PM
Nice Enfield Colonel. I'll bet it has some stories to tell that would be interesting to hear.

This sinkhole, was that something that happened recently?

Yeah, wasn't too long ago. I thought I'd be safe and not take all my guns on the boat when fishing, so left them home.....come home and all gone, still painful to think about.....at least I got the Jungle Carbine.

01-13-2021, 11:43 AM
Christmas gift from my wonderful wife this year! 45-70 Government.

01-14-2021, 08:57 AM
Absolutely beautiful gun you have.
I have been seriously considering a Henry Big Boy carbine in .357. Love the sidegate model with the large loop.

01-14-2021, 04:31 PM
I love my Side Gate 45/70 Henry. I hung it under the TV set on the wall so I can look at it when there's nothing on TV which is about 95% of the time.

laserfish, did your come with the big loop or did you add that. I heard they were going to ship with those but mine came with the standard loop. I ordered two of the large loops for my son and I. It's a nice shape and size and I like the looks of the bigger loop.

01-15-2021, 09:20 AM
Ordered the big loop after the fact and I totally agree that it adds to the good looks. Got to shoot it last weekend and you better have it tucked into your shoulder when shooting the high power loads or it will rock your world. Subsonic loads are fun to shoot. Going hog hunting with it this weekend. Anxious to see what it will do. Also, this side gate is much easier to load than my Win 30-30.

01-15-2021, 11:32 AM
They do buck a bit with the full power stuff.

01-15-2021, 07:44 PM
After much deliberation and searching for the "right" .22 pistol I decided on a Buck Mark. I used to have a S&W Victory but ended up trading it off toward a different want. And I've missed not have a plinker so I remedied that today. There's not a lot available out there right now though I did manage to find a Ruger 22/45, another Victory, and two Buck Marks. I had a harder time choosing between the two Brownings, mostly because I could not find a Ruger Mark IV Hunter, which would have been my first choice. Still, I think I'll be happy with this. I'll post a couple of better pictures after I'm able to pick it up from Paperwork Purgatory.

And the best thing is, believe it or not, I was able to get it NIB for less than MSRP!

01-15-2021, 08:12 PM
That's a fine looking pistol, seems like it looks better than Buckmarks I've seen before. Grip looks more ergonomic.

Bet she's a tack driver too. Enjoy.

01-15-2021, 09:33 PM
Thanks Colonel, it's a Rosewood UDX Pro Target model. Fiber Optic front sight, target rear sight. Should be a hoot.

01-15-2021, 10:01 PM
After much deliberation and searching for the "right" .22 pistol I decided on a Buck Mark. I used to have a S&W Victory but ended up trading it off toward a different want. And I've missed not have a plinker so I remedied that today. There's not a lot available out there right now though I did manage to find a Ruger 22/45, another Victory, and two Buck Marks. I had a harder time choosing between the two Brownings, mostly because I could not find a Ruger Mark IV Hunter, which would have been my first choice. Still, I think I'll be happy with this. I'll post a couple of better pictures after I'm able to pick it up from Paperwork Purgatory.

And the best thing is, believe it or not, I was able to get it NIB for less than MSRP!
That is nice! Congrats!

That's a fine looking pistol, seems like it looks better than Buckmarks I've seen before. Grip looks more ergonomic.

Bet she's a tack driver too. Enjoy.
Yep, as dao writes, that's a UDX frame Colonel. It is a comfy grip and the panels are really nice. Mine are in the black/silver color, but I think those that dao has look better. There's a similar size URX frame that doesn't have the finger grooves. The Buckmark rifle frame grip is also similar.

I'm a Buckmark fan. I have done the "Heggis Flip" on the three of the four I have. Two now have great triggers. The other is about the same as it was out of the box (decent).
I see that Tandemkross is offering a drop-in module that supposedly (I haven't tried one, but it gets good reviews) gives excellent results with less hassle:


01-15-2021, 10:42 PM
I've watched that Heggis flip on youtube Greg and it's something that I just might do. While I don't typically alter most of my carry guns' trigger I don't see any downsides to lightening the trigger on a plinker. I'm thinking the someone accidentally stumbled on the "flip". Regardless though it's a cool mod and costs nothing. This will be my first Buck Mark.

01-16-2021, 11:44 AM
You might want to contact RUSTY22 to see if he is still offering his BMT (Buckmark Maintenance Tool): http://rusty22.com/Projects-BMT.htm
It's really handy to have. It makes removing and installing the slide much easier. The top rib screws can work loose (you'll know because it will begin to misfeed) so the hex bit on the tool is useful to have with you....besides it also helps loading magazines.

Here are two good BM sites:


Canine Dave
01-16-2021, 12:15 PM
Looks like Browning's Challenger replacement is finally getting the respect it deserves. I owned a Camo Camper for awhile. Did the sear spring "flip" ala Mr. Heggis and it turned into a nice plinker next to my Standard Ruger.

Does anyone recall lock washers being available for the barrel screws?

01-16-2021, 12:51 PM
That's a cool tool Greg, thanks!

There are screw/washer sets available on eBay Dave.

Because I seldom make a day of shooting any one caliber at the range I'll probably follow Browning's advice and not fully break down the gun each time I clean it. And so I'll likely use some blue locktite along with the factory washers just to minimize the abrasions that the factory washers will do, to try and ensure sure the screws don't work loose between intended removals. I carry allen wrenches along with me in my range bag so I'll be able to tighten them up in the need arises though.

So far I've ordered two additional mags and a Browning holster. I won't carry the gun for SD but I do walk the woods around my place from time to time and the holster will come in handy for that. Tandemkross makes a "gearbox" drop-in replacement for the hammer spring but if I mod the trigger spring I'll try the Heggins flip first. If the gun remains dependable with the spring turned over there would be no reason to spend $30 for the Gearbox. Also, the flip reportedly takes a couple of pounds off the pull while the Gearbox says "as much as a pound". I'll measure mine from the factory to see how far I want to go with it.

edit: A question that occurred to me: if I swap out the top rib in order to get a pic rail on top, will I need to also swap the front sight if I remove the optic? It sure looks like the model with the pic rail integral to the gun from the factory has a taller front blade. Mine is the "California Approved" model with no pic rail. As near as I can tell the only difference is the absence of the "scary looking, assault weapon type" pic rail on the CA model.

01-16-2021, 02:22 PM
Probably not much help in regards to the factory rail and front sight, but I have a Tactical Solutions rail on my UDX, but I can't remember what front sight I have on it. I think it's a HiViz, but that aside, it's about .450" tall measured from the barrel's top center. The rear sight on the TS rib is cranked up a bit to work with that front.
https://i.postimg.cc/sggjvBYb/bm865.jpg (https://postimages.org/)
https://i.postimg.cc/qqGr70zk/bms1.jpg (https://postimages.org/)
https://i.postimg.cc/PxWs6hbm/bms2.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

01-16-2021, 02:55 PM
Here's what I was referring to Greg. These are both the same gun, one being CA compliant, the other not. I'm pretty sure the front sight on the non compliant is taller, but they're illustrations used by Browning marketing so they might not be truly reflecting scale.

Is your POA/POI the same as it was before you added the rail?

01-16-2021, 03:09 PM
I was thinking of one like this, but am also thinking I'd have to change out the front sight. Though I'm not 100% certain of that.


BTW Greg, is your model the Medallion? I like it!

01-16-2021, 04:00 PM
I can't really comment on how mine shoots in comparison to how it did before the swap. The original swap was some years back and I've used various front sights on it since then. Simply too many variations and time has passed for me to remember accurately. I'd say that I probably had to adjust the rear sight's elevation with any sight change. As is, it shoots POA/POI right on top of the front sight blade.

Looking at that factory picatinny base, it puts the rear sight pretty high up so I'd say the front sight would need to be taller to compensate.
https://i.postimg.cc/hvTcxTv1/1-68.png (https://postimages.org/)

01-16-2021, 04:22 PM
Thanks Greg. Fortunately the replacement front sights I've seen have been very reasonably priced.

This will be my first Browning firearm but I have a very nice Browning folding skinning knife that I bought decades ago. I've never used or carried it so it's still in pristine condition. I'll post pics of it and the Buck Mark together after I get the pistol home.

Although I'm remote enough to shoot on my property I still don't feel comfortable letting every one of my neighbors within earshot know that I've got guns in the house. We've had drug dealers in the area off and on for quite sometime and I don't like to invite a break in. It's a shame too because I'd really like to set up a small pistol range. I dislike going to the range that I belong to as it's about 30 minutes away.

01-16-2021, 04:32 PM
I was thinking of one like this, but am also thinking I'd have to change out the front sight. Though I'm not 100% certain of that.


BTW Greg, is your model the Medallion? I like it!
That's the rail I have on my BM.

My Buckmark is the same model as yours just different color grips and the added parts.

I had to look to see what the Medallion looks like...and now I hate you (not really) because I stumbled upon this:
https://i.postimg.cc/Gpg7RprF/turnbulbm.jpg (https://postimages.org/) from here: https://www.turnbullrestoration.com/product-category/the-showroom/turnbull-finished-firearms/?filter_model=buck-mark&filter_make=browning&query_type_inventory-status=or&filter_inventory-status=current-inventory%2Ccurrently-unavailable%2Cmade-to-order&orderby=date

01-16-2021, 04:41 PM
Oh my. I don’t think a Ruger Mark could ever look that luxurious.

01-16-2021, 04:49 PM
Turnbull does pretty stuff.

I suspect that tall front sight setup is so you can co witness a red dot. If you have it set up so you can just take the red dot off you'd probably be fine with the factory front.

Damn that Turnbull is one pretty thing ain't she.

I'm in mourning, I been bidding on a Pedersoli Sharps long range target, over in 3 hours. It's been mine for 1275 for several days, suddenly the snipers attack and it's at 1600. Worth every penny but I don't got enough pennies. Whoa is me................

Canine Dave
01-17-2021, 08:38 AM
Oh my. I don’t think a Ruger Mark could ever look that luxurious.

Oh yes it can.

01-17-2021, 09:22 AM
Wow now I want one!
I do have a new Sig on the way....[hopefully, getting conflicting messages from Sig].
I ordered a 1911 fastback emperor scorpion carry.

01-17-2021, 09:44 AM
If I was going to own a Sig 1911, that would be the one. LGS has a Scorpion in stock, used but unfired, but it's the full size model. Not for me. Is your Carry an ambi? Nice gun!

01-17-2021, 10:22 AM
Here are some generic images....not mine: Yes they are ambi. This is in 45acp, it will keep my Nightmare 357 company.

01-17-2021, 10:31 AM
Wow now I want one!
I do have a new Sig on the way....[hopefully, getting conflicting messages from Sig].
I ordered a 1911 fastback emperor scorpion carry.

Dammit jeepster, now I want one too. You guys are a terribly good influence.

Canine Dave
01-17-2021, 10:42 AM
fastback emperor scorpion?

I find myself very attracted to that name. Maybe trade my Model of 1911A1 Colt 45ACP.

01-17-2021, 10:43 AM
My thoughts exactly Colonel. Such a good feeling, the anticipation of holding our new "tools" in hand. I'm sure my wife thinks of them as toys. But we know better don't we?

01-17-2021, 02:07 PM
fastback emperor scorpion?

I find myself very attracted to that name. Maybe trade my Model of 1911A1 Colt 45ACP.


Canine Dave
01-17-2021, 04:48 PM
fastback emperor scorpion?

I find myself very attracted to that name. Maybe trade my Model of 1911A1 Colt 45ACP.

OK, but let's not forget our first love, the K Turtleback Tsarina Stygotantulus 9 !

01-17-2021, 05:05 PM
This is a stock picture but a threesome of these showed up at our range one day. Groomsman gifts.

Canine Dave
01-17-2021, 05:55 PM
OK, but let's not forget our first love, the K Turtleback Tsarina Stygotantulus 9 !

roscoe for short.

Canine Dave
01-17-2021, 06:04 PM
This is a stock picture but a threesome of these showed up at our range one day. Groomsman gifts.

They were at the NRA show in Harrisburg a couple years back. Had lots of examples of their work. Really nice. Real bone charcoal blue.

Amish offered their ham and cheese on a pretzel bun sandwiches which are delightful.

01-17-2021, 06:05 PM
This is a stock picture but a threesome of these showed up at our range one day. Groomsman gifts.

Now that makes my britches stick out in front. Absolutely gorgeous.

01-17-2021, 06:28 PM
This is a stock picture but a threesome of these showed up at our range one day. Groomsman gifts.

I've got to look for some friends like that groom!

01-17-2021, 07:11 PM
This is a stock picture but a threesome of these showed up at our range one day. Groomsman gifts.

I stand corrected!

01-18-2021, 12:37 PM
Darn, those Turnbull Rugers are in the $650 t0 $900 range (with some ready to ship). If they were MKIIs I'd be on the phone.
I do like me some color:)
https://i.postimg.cc/R0YzRJdy/ao2000-copy1000.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

01-18-2021, 02:43 PM
I found a half box of 22 short in the ammo cabinet so I needed a gun to shoot them in.
Used, at a good price. Time for some action smoothing. Yes, I will leave the springs alone.

01-18-2021, 05:04 PM
I love it when that happens. I was just doing some rearranging and found 3 boxes of shorts and a bunch of other stuff I forgot I had. I need to find a 32-20 found a few boxes of that, only makes sense to get something that will eat them.

01-18-2021, 06:35 PM
I love it when that happens. I was just doing some rearranging and found 3 boxes of shorts and a bunch of other stuff I forgot I had. I need to find a 32-20 found a few boxes of that, only makes sense to get something that will eat them.

And that is something most wives can relate to. How many outfits have been purchased to match a pair of shoes that were found on sale?

01-18-2021, 08:54 PM
I love it when that happens. I was just doing some rearranging and found 3 boxes of shorts and a bunch of other stuff I forgot I had. I need to find a 32-20 found a few boxes of that, only makes sense to get something that will eat them.


01-18-2021, 09:53 PM
Appears to already be gone. Would have been a good partner for my 94 thutty thutty. Has the same Redfield peep sight. Looked in good shape too.

01-19-2021, 08:18 AM
Pretty sure it is still there. Anything that sells is quickly removed from the website. You may have to login to get accurate information. This is a very reputable LGS in Eden Prairie, MN. Give them a call, tell them Jerry Nystrom from South Metro sent you this information and ask for Jason the manager, or Barron and they can take it from there and give you an honest evaluation. It is consigned so I suspect the asking price is somewhat flexible.

Canine Dave
01-20-2021, 02:00 PM
[QUOTE=Bawanna;415510]No words really needed, picked this up today at noon, about 6 minutes after the shop called and said the county said I was ok to have it.

If we could get back to this beauty for a minute, I wonder what load you've worked up for the 210? Do you like the feel of the trigger? Is it accurate?

https://i.postimg.cc/13d7g6YM/DSCN8056.jpg (https://postimg.cc/v4Wtk1y6)
https://i.postimg.cc/W3G5fypf/DSCN8057.jpg (https://postimg.cc/FdKbYDLj)
https://i.postimg.cc/NMqNDttH/DSCN8058.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Z9HFY1Cb)

01-20-2021, 02:52 PM
I don't load for 9 but with the current situation I may have to start.

I love everything about my 210. It is very accurate and has a really nice trigger. The grips feel so nice in the hand.

I've thought about making a set of carry grips but they are pretty tough. Doubt I will ever carry it anyhow, it's so nice and like I said I just love holding it.

01-20-2021, 08:12 PM
It IS a great looking gun too. I can see why you'd enjoy holding it. Reminds me of a nice pair of....oh nevermind.

01-20-2021, 08:16 PM
Another one of many that I blame Greg for. He's a really good influence. Course to be fair he's talked me out of a few I wanted too.

01-23-2021, 05:10 PM
Picked up my Buck Mark today. Nice little pistol. Sitting along the Browning skinning folder I bought back in the '80s

01-23-2021, 06:10 PM
That's NICE, handles even durn near match.

01-23-2021, 07:36 PM
Thanks Colonel. I'm looking forward to getting it to the range.

01-24-2021, 07:37 AM
The 22s have to get a lot more popular with the way ammo prices are going. The problem is that is cost as much to build a good 22 as it does to build a larger gun. Doesn't seem right to pay so much for a good plinker. I have an old AMC Lightning that I don't care much for so I bought the 22 conversion for my CZ75. I really do deserve a dedicated 22 though.

01-24-2021, 10:48 AM
My hands down favorite 22 pistol is my S&W 41. Very nice to look at, feels in hand as nice as that Sig 210 and accurate as the day is long. Mine is an early one 1973 with the cocking indicator pin on the back.
There's one on auction now that is got some serious pock marks on one side and clean on the other, kind of tempting as it's a lot less than they generally go for but still a lot at like 800. Even though it's rough looking I bet it's still a great shooter.
I'd like to find a 5" top end to be able to swap.

Canine Dave
01-24-2021, 11:16 AM
My hands down favorite 22 pistol is my S&W 41. Very nice to look at, feels in hand as nice as that Sig 210 and accurate as the day is long. Mine is an early one 1973 with the cocking indicator pin on the back.
There's one on auction now that is got some serious pock marks on one side and clean on the other, kind of tempting as it's a lot less than they generally go for but still a lot at like 800. Even though it's rough looking I bet it's still a great shooter.
I'd like to find a 5" top end to be able to swap.

I've not known anyone that is so excited with their later vintage M41. I've literally learned three new bad words from members at my range that tried to make them work. I had an early 80's that was sorta ok after the extractor tweaking nonsense. I learned that from the Federal ammo folks after I complained to them that their ammo was no good. They set me straight with with full illustrated instructions on jimmying the extractor to make it reliable.

My fav .22 is my MKll with the full Volquartson treatment. Sweetheart.

01-24-2021, 01:54 PM
I've never had an issue. Never tweaked anything on the extractor. Maybe I'm lucky it's an early one or perhaps it was already tweaked or didn't need tweaking before I got it.
I have a 3rd model Colt Match Target that aggravates the heck out of me. It shoots a round ejects and feeds a new round fine but doesn't reset the striker. So it a shoot rack shoot. I replaced the recoil spring which didn't seem to improve anything. I'm not done, I love it and it was my favorite until the 41 came along.

01-29-2021, 01:27 PM
I am not blessed with a S&W 41, nor a Sig 210 (although, man, maybe I should change that). But, I have had the opportunity to play with the new TX22 Competition from, yes, Taurus.

It is pretty impressive, and a small fraction of the cost of the Sig. It is one of those pistols everybody seems able to pick up and pleasantly surprise themselves with how well they just shot.

If you use a reflex type of sight, it bolts right to the barrel and all of that stays stationary. The factory mags are 16 rounds, and there are extensions available for the mags. I do have .22s., a few Rugers, even a Keltec CP33 (which doesn't work as well for me).

Anyway, they are worth checking into if you are looking for a tournament worthy pistol that doesn't break the bank.
17359 17360 17361

01-29-2021, 01:44 PM
But you do have a lovely S&W 686 (not plus). Your a lucky man. Send me that Shield sight and I'll hang it on my Canik for trial and evaluation.
Thus far I've not been smitten with the red dot craze on hand guns but apparently they really work. My entire old department will transition to them as soon as they can secure ammo. They are hoping for mid year but ammo's tough right now.

I did hang one on my AR and I get along with it fine, have flip up irons in case it fails. Also put a magnifier on it which helps immensely on the longer shots.

02-01-2021, 08:55 AM
Here are some generic images....not mine: Yes they are ambi. This is in 45acp, it will keep my Nightmare 357 company.

Just got shipping notice it is on it's way! My new Sig Emperor Scorpion Carry 1911.

02-01-2021, 09:35 AM
Congrats, they are sharp looking guns. And for some of us, what's not to like about a .45?

Canine Dave
02-01-2021, 04:34 PM
I am not blessed with a S&W 41, nor a Sig 210 (although, man, maybe I should change that). But, I have had the opportunity to play with the new TX22 Competition from, yes, Taurus.

It is pretty impressive, and a small fraction of the cost of the Sig. It is one of those pistols everybody seems able to pick up and pleasantly surprise themselves with how well they just shot.

If you use a reflex type of sight, it bolts right to the barrel and all of that stays stationary. The factory mags are 16 rounds, and there are extensions available for the mags. I do have .22s., a few Rugers, even a Keltec CP33 (which doesn't work as well for me).

Anyway, they are worth checking into if you are looking for a tournament worthy pistol that doesn't break the bank.
17359 17360 17361

That is not a very pretty pistol. But I know it is a fine shooter. I think it was designed by the Bolsheviks?

Canine Dave
02-01-2021, 04:36 PM
Just got shipping notice it is on it's way! My new Sig Emperor Scorpion Carry 1911.

One super nice weapon! Cool looking.

You need this?


02-04-2021, 07:22 PM
I got it!

02-04-2021, 07:48 PM
Congrats Jeepster! Fine looking gun.

02-04-2021, 08:46 PM
That is beautiful! Looks like somebody will be having fun at the range this weekend.....

02-06-2021, 08:13 PM

Beautiful! That's a nice piece of work.

Thank you for your indulgence,


02-08-2021, 07:08 PM
I got my new gun fix today, added a Sig 365 to my meager stable. Now I'm in the waiting mode for the county to say I'm ok. Been looking all over, for good price and availability. On a whim I went to the new feed store in town that has guns and clothes and all kinds of stuff. I was shocked they had one and at the cheapest price of all that I could find. I was kind of tickled.

So now I'm a proud owner of two Sigs. Maybe I need to move to the other side of the tracks?

02-08-2021, 07:35 PM
I got my new gun fix today, added a Sig 365 to my meager stable. Now I'm in the waiting mode for the county to say I'm ok. Been looking all over, for good price and availability. On a whim I went to the new feed store in town that has guns and clothes and all kinds of stuff. I was shocked they had one and at the cheapest price of all that I could find. I was kind of tickled.

So now I'm a proud owner of two Sigs. Maybe I need to move to the other side of the tracks?

Welcome to the 21st century.

02-08-2021, 08:06 PM
Oh that must be it, the bottom of the thing don't feel like metal to me?????

02-08-2021, 09:27 PM
It’s the future....


02-08-2021, 10:15 PM
Hey that's great Colonel. Be sure to let us know how you like it. Something to be said for that much capacity in a true micro 9.

02-09-2021, 04:42 AM
Oh that must be it, the bottom of the thing don't feel like metal to me?????

And it don’t have that wheely thing that spins around.

I’ll be interested in your thoughts on it after you’ve popped off a few rounds.

02-09-2021, 09:50 AM
Hadn't thought of that, how the heck does it work without the wheely thing?

02-09-2021, 10:00 AM
Oh that must be it, the bottom of the thing don't feel like metal to me?????

And that hole in the front end looks a little smaller than your other guns?

02-09-2021, 04:43 PM
Figured I could fix that with a drill.

02-10-2021, 08:38 AM
I don't collect guns and I just want to have ownership of guns that I feel are practical and will be kept by my heirs.
Sadly, it was the P365 that allowed me pass on my PM9 to a friend in need. I now own only two of what the democrats would be call high capacity assault pistols and for each I have one 10 round magazine. I threw the other dozen mags in the trash that was collected last month.
I hope you like your little Sig. I have a pair of them and the bedside version is equipped with a CT laser. I really can't say enough good about that little hole puncher. That or an LCPII are on me every day I am not working.

02-10-2021, 09:27 AM
340pd, please let me know next time you are considering throwing magazines away.

02-10-2021, 09:31 AM
Belated congrats Jeepster! She’s a beaut. I’d be mighty happy with that one too. Happy shooting and hope she serves you well!

02-10-2021, 12:38 PM
I prefer the idea of mailing your evil hi-cap mags to the anti gun politicians. Let them be in possession of illegal contraband. Have the police standing by when they open the package, to arrest them.

02-10-2021, 12:59 PM
They are exempt from the law, probably fences around their property. They'd probably sell the hi cap's on the black market to make a few more bucks.

02-10-2021, 01:52 PM
JohnR: Lol, That would be priceless! Too bad the Colonel's words are so true.

02-13-2021, 04:01 PM
These Sig 365s seem like the flavor of the month. For grins, I’ve been watching Florida Gun Trader . com and it looks like a lot of people decided the 365 didn’t fit their hand or something. Lots of them are for sale.