View Full Version : So does covid affect one’s brain/thought process?

05-10-2020, 05:35 AM
From my point of view it affects some individuals brain function before the lungs.

05-10-2020, 07:34 AM
Yep. It causes lunacy in some.

King Rat
05-10-2020, 08:22 AM
How does the Virus effect the Brain? It is devastating to the entire body.


But also, consider the effects of the power of Fear. Used in Politics, Religions, gun control, Concealed carry and on and on.

Recently I watched the movie "The Big Short". And it was mentioned in the movie how many deaths are contributed to just 1% of unemployment. By coincidence I just read this article about the same.


Pitt’s Rickert chastises his colleagues for acting so happy and says: “Every 1 percent unemployment goes up, 40,000 people die. Did you know that?”
Is that 40,000 figure just Hollywood nonsense?
Well, it’s not. Or at least it is close. And that, in a nutshell, is what President Trump has to deal with.

And for God Sake, turn off the news.

05-10-2020, 09:08 AM
From my point of view it affects some individuals brain function before the lungs.

From my point of view it affects some individuals brain function before it's ever contracted.:der:

05-10-2020, 09:32 AM
Absolutely, limited time watching the news. The news just spreads unwarranted fear. Here in Michigan the governator has gone off the deep end with the continued state shutdown. She along with other “leaders” are spreading hysteria with the endless talk of death. Essentially for a month any death is considered a death with corona. Two 1000 bed corona treatment centers were built and less than 24 people were admitted to one of them. The second center never had a patient. The governator didn’t want any non essential person to leave the safety of their house. What a crock of $&)(. She shut down most businesses but not mass transit. One could ride a crowded buss all day without mandatory face cover. Doesn’t make sense. You can shop at a home improvement store but can’t buy paint, landscape supplies, flooring, etc. etc. Stay home but don’t paint the house, you may get sick.

The term HERO has been over used for some time now. Grocery store clerks are now HEROES. So my 16 years working for a major grocery chain may qualify me for hazard pay? That was more than 40 years ago, compounded interest? My neighbor is a fireman and his wife a nurse. He told me he and his wife are not HEROES, just doing their job. He also said imagine me telling the boss I want hazard pay to rescue someone from a fire or my wife just taking temps. and giving out aspirin.

I’m done for now, it’s affecting my brain.

05-10-2020, 09:40 AM
Forgot to mention, the governator asked for out of state health care workers to help in Michigan. She failed to mention two small hospitals shut down and laid off the employees. She also forbid any non essential medical tests and surgery. That has just been lifted and the medical centers are crying for business. Hospitals are laying off more employees.
I know two people that haven’t left their house in a month. Just crazy.
Now I’m done.

King Rat
05-10-2020, 09:54 AM
From my point of view it affects some individuals brain function before it's ever contracted.:der:

The Corona Virus is child's play compared to the CNN virus. Which does cause Severe Brain Damage. In fact it turns the brain into mush.

05-10-2020, 10:56 AM
The Corona Virus is child's play compared to the CNN virus. Which does cause Severe Brain Damage. In fact it turns the brain into mush.

Obviously true, however, I've noticed the same symptoms at MSNBC, CBS, and ABC.

05-10-2020, 12:26 PM
Some people lose their sense of smell, which is a brain function.

When Orson Wells broadcast War of the Worlds on the radio, hardly anyone actually thought it was real. It was the fake media reports saying a lot of people panicked and went nuts that caused a bit of hysteria.

I think it’s the same with this event.

05-10-2020, 12:40 PM
There was fake news back then? I assumed it started in 2016.

05-10-2020, 12:55 PM
Fake news is probably the 2nd oldest profession.

05-11-2020, 08:27 AM
Since the 2010-11 influenza season the USA has averaged 28,500 deaths each year from the “flu” That is for the entire 6-7 month seasons each year.

So far this year in ten weeks the USA has recorded 80,500 deaths due to Covid-19. No telling what it’ll do for an entire “season”.

And I might add that 95% of those deaths are people over the age of 45.

If anyone thinks that virtually all the doctors, nurses, hospitals, nursing homes, & caregivers are conspiring to over count Covid/Corona virus deaths to make this pandemic “fake” news, then Alex Jones has a website that can be your source of news.
I also have some beachfront property in far West Texas for sale.

05-11-2020, 10:14 AM
Since the 2010-11 influenza season the USA has averaged 28,500 deaths each year from the “flu” That is for the entire 6-7 month seasons each year.

So far this year in ten weeks the USA has recorded 80,500 deaths due to Covid-19. No telling what it’ll do for an entire “season”.

And I might add that 95% of those deaths are people over the age of 45.

If anyone thinks that virtually all the doctors, nurses, hospitals, nursing homes, & caregivers are conspiring to over count Covid/Corona virus deaths to make this pandemic “fake” news, then Alex Jones has a website that can be your source of news.
I also have some beachfront property in far West Texas for sale.

I heard the line "but the regular flu has killed 30K this year so this isn't a big deal" early on, when I was trying to encourage friends and neighbors to take it seriously but the news seems to have done it for me. I stopped hearing that line when the death number hit 30K in a couple of weeks.

I have several problems with the Left but they are always problematic. My big issue is the protesters' inability to act responsibly. Their argument is "we can reopen" but they are unable to wear masks, social distance, or basically act like they are responsible enough to handle reopening the economy in the current reality. They do themselves (and the country) no favors by playing into the Leftists media's hands of "virus deniers."

Also, I am bothered that the President, VP, and apparently White House staff, including Secret Service, can't seem to be serious about this either. Virus has penetrated them well and yet, our Leaders can't be bothered to take the same precautions they recommend for everyone else. Did they get that from CNN's Chris Cuomo (who broke his quarantine to get into arguments with men on bicycles)? That won't play well for Trump in the debates.

Let's not get into the scene of armed shutdown protesters.....SMH. Optics matter!

05-11-2020, 10:35 AM
I've pretty much given up hope since Pelosi got reelected. Don't know how Trump puts up with all the insanity or why he even bothers.

05-11-2020, 12:05 PM
The left will always elect elitists like Pelosi, probably because they take comfort in being treated like livestock.

05-11-2020, 12:43 PM
President Trump advisor Dr. Brix? stated during a corona briefing that any death with corona is considered a death by corona. If one is admitted to a hospital, even less than 24 hours, the feds pay $19k. If placed on a ventilator $39k. No wonder governators want thousands of vents.

05-11-2020, 01:06 PM
Yeah, just like any death with the flu was death by flu. Many of those were with underlying conditions too.

But like I said there is no conspiracy to falsify the death count. If anything, it is being way undercounted.

05-11-2020, 01:15 PM
Where does the 80,500 figure come from? The CDC says 47,000. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid19/index.htm

05-11-2020, 04:47 PM
CDC? Lol

Johns Hopkins is a more reliable source than the CDC or the W.H.O.

King Rat
05-11-2020, 08:21 PM
President Trump advisor Dr. Brix? stated during a corona briefing that any death with corona is considered a death by corona. If one is admitted to a hospital, even less than 24 hours, the feds pay $19k. If placed on a ventilator $39k. No wonder governators want thousands of vents.

Not bad price when you consider a aspirin runs about $75.00.

King Rat
05-11-2020, 08:25 PM
Fake news is probably the 2nd oldest profession.

Are you sure it is not the first? They obviously have a lot of similarities. Called the same thing by many.

05-11-2020, 10:11 PM
I am fortunate to live in Atlanta, CDC headquarters and go to church with 3 trusted well known friends who work for the CDC...The first person is a director level MD who couldn't stand regular practice so he became a career CDC researcher and if you ask him about what really goes on there he will always say, you REALLY don't want to know and he will leave it at that....The second is also a MD who has worked his whole life with CDC as a scientist looking for a cure for HIV, M as I will call him is a total left wing liberal but I still get along with him and he's a good Christian man and super smart, a little weird but a trusted friend...The third is an Emory professor and Epidemiologist and is one of the smartest and most down to earth person I have ever known and who is the most normal but is incredibly intelligent and most well connected person I could have a beer and conversation with about anything at all especially this crap....
Now I being a somewhat normal regular mortal, average news watching person thinking the Covid-19 virus was something China unleashed on the world to get back at President Trump to take over the worlds economy like an Alex Jones pod cast but I may have been way off base and to a person absolutely everyone I talked to who was in the Covid-19 loop and knew what they were talking about said that this was absolutely NOT a manufactured virus by China at all but it happened something like this...Wuhan China has an infectious disease lab where they experiment on various animals (bats) which are known to transmit disease to humans and perhaps an underpaid disgruntled, hungry employee took an animal home that had been infected with something (who knows what) and sold it at the wet animal market for a little extra change and the virus took off and started making people really sick then killing people almost over night....The people in charge of the lab knew what had started and tried to warn the world what was coming but the Chinese government shut it down most likely with "lead poisoning" and so folks here we are....Covid-19 is NOT the normal flu....The Chinese lab was expermenting how virus can transmit between animals and humans and it got out of the lab, accidently, on purpose who knows but most likely by someone taking an infected animal and selling it at the market where most everything gross is for sale....this is the most likely event that started this mess and China will never take responsibility for it....The main reason Italy had such an serious outbreak is because China owns most of the Italian economy and had many Chinese people going there to escape the outbreak.....This is the most likely story and NO this isn't the normal flu and most likely will not be going away anytime soon....It will not go away this summer and will be back after a brief slowdown because people are taking it so lightly and want so badly to go back to everyday life.....DO not let your guard down and think, OK all is normal, let's go party!!! it ain't....I don't think China did this on purpose but in the end they are ultimately responsible and should be held accountable because they KNEW what was about to happen and how bad it was going to be and said absolutely NOTHING...

King Rat
05-12-2020, 03:52 AM
I am fortunate to live in Atlanta, CDC headquarters and go to church with 3 trusted well known friends who work for the CDC..The first person is on the board of directors and is a MD who couldn't stand regular practice and if you ask him about what really goes on there he will always say, you REALLY don't want to know and he will leave it at that....The second is also a PH.d who has worked his whole life with CDC as a scientist looking for a cure for HIV, M as I will call him is a total left wing liberal but I still get along with him and he's a good Christian man and super smart, a little weird but a trusted friend...The third is an Emory professor and Epidemiologist and is one of the smartest and most down to earth person I have ever known and I trust explicitly and seems to be the most normal but incredibly intelligent and well connected person I could have a beer and conversation with about anything at all especially this crap....
...Now I being a regular mortal ,somewhat average news watching person thinking the Covid-19 virus was something China unleashed on the ,world to get back at President Trump to take over the worlds economy like an Alex Jones pod cast was way off base and to a person absolutely everyone I talked to who was in the Intel loop and knew what they were talking about said that this was absolutely NOT a manufactured virus by China at all but it happened something like this...Wuhan China has an infectious disease lab where they experiment on various animals (bats) which are known to transmit disease to humans and perhaps an underpaid disgruntled, hungry employee took an animal that had been infected with something (who knows what) and sold it to the wet animal market for a little extra change and the virus took off and started making people really sick then killing people almost over night....The people in charge of the lab knew what had started and tried to warn the world what was coming but the Chinese government shut it down "lead poisoning" and then here we are....Covid-19 is NOT the normal flu....The Chinese lab was expermenting how virus can transmit between animals and humans and it got out of the lab, accidently but most likely by someone taking an infected animal and selling it to the wet market where most everything gross is for sale....this is the most likely event that started this mess and China will never take responsibility for it....The main reason Italy had such an serious outbreak is because China owns most of the Italian economy and had many people going there to escape the Chinese outbreak.....This is the most likely story and NO this isn't the normal flu and most likely will not be going away anytime soon....It will not go away this summer and will be back after a brief slowdown because people are taking it so lightly and want so badly to go back to everyday life.....DO not take your guard down and think, OK all is normal, let's go party!!! it ain't....I don't think China did this on purpose but in the end they are ultimately responsible and should be through the world court be held accountable because they KNEW what was about to happen

Well said. And they damn well should be held accountable by every country and every person on this planet. And I would be Terrorist Cells are salivating at the mouth at the thought of causing more destruction to the US in a weakened State. And of course not, that the Virus is going away.

05-12-2020, 05:15 AM
Are you sure it is not the first? They obviously have a lot of similarities. Called the same thing by many.
Hmm, interesting question. Who declared prostitution the oldest profession - was it The News?

05-12-2020, 05:49 AM
...absolutely everyone I talked to who was in the Intel loop
Red flag number one.

...this was absolutely NOT a manufactured virus by China...
Then they go on to basically say it was a manufactured virus by China. Or rather, fail to prove it wasn't "manufactured" by China, as in a bio-engineered virus.

...an underpaid disgruntled, hungry employee took an animal that had been infected with something (who knows what) and sold it to the wet animal market for a little extra change...
Why didn't he just eat the bat if he was hungry? He had a bat, and was going to sell it wholesale for the price of half a bat? What sense does that make? While possibly having a kernel of plausibility, the whole story doesn't make a lot of sense, which is pretty typical of stories cooked up by people in the Intel loop.

05-12-2020, 07:05 PM
All very good points John, I don't trust what the government or main stream media say about anything because they all have their own agenda and when this virus started I was really thinking this was done on purpose by China to punish America and President Trump for standing up to the Chicoms but then if you think about it why would they want to kill off their best customer? Really in the end it doesn't matter how or why it started but that it did and we have to deal with it....My post was to try and make folks understand how serious this virus is and that it's not over yet.....In many years of the Vietnam war we lost 58,200+ Americans...Since early March this year we have lost 82,000+ and probably many more people to this virus... I have lost two friends to Covid so far and I don't want to lose any more personally or on this forum.....Ya'll be smart and stay safe, life is short enough as it is.....I'll shut up about it now.....

05-13-2020, 05:19 AM
The virus coming from the lab notion was brought to light very early on and was at first dismissed by the “main stream”. So it seems that it is engineered or mutated in the lab and got out into the public. So why was it engineered it the first place? We will never know. Most if not all involved in that lab are dead or disappeared. Some form of bio-warfare has been around for a century. Remember when Jack Bauer saved us from the Chicoms, multiple times in fact. And yes, we have to deal with it our own way, the method each of us thinks is best. It’s now reported most new cases are from people that have sheltered in their homes. The death rate numbers can be manipulated to fit the narrative, up or down as needed. Car accident death and the autopsy shows corona, it’s added to the corona death count. I don’t recall that being the case for other illnesses.

Done for now, need to walk the doggie.

05-13-2020, 06:54 AM
I don’t think I’ve shared this here. Right after thanksgiving last year my wife called her sister in a SE Asian country that is neighbor to China that has a LOT of Chinese business people in and out of country because of all the investment they have made there (sisters boss is Chinese.) That was either late November or the first day or 2 of December. Her sister was going on and on about the word on the street about a “Chinese Flu” that was going to be going around this year and that it was really bad. That was before trump ever called it the “Chinese virus.” Now that leaves one to wonder, had it already started spreading in China but the word wasn’t out yet (I think this it it), or was it a planned release (one would hope not.) We’ll probably never know. One other interesting tidbit. I heard somewhere that there were now 21 million fewer cell phone users in China. Where’d they all go and we’re the deaths in China a lot worse than reported?

Just more to wonder about..... Only believe half of what we see and even less of what we’re are told by official sources.

05-13-2020, 09:19 AM
....The main reason Italy had such an serious outbreak is because China owns most of the Italian economy and had many Chinese people going there to escape the outbreak.....

Not necessarily just to escape the outbreak, but probably also unknowingly introduced it in their normal course of travel - there's a large number of legal and illegal Chinese immigrants traveling back-and-forth between China and Italy due to the significant Chinese population in Italy that has taken over much of the Italian fashion designer manufacturing as low cost labor and, if the reports are to be believed, cost-cutting, rule-flouting small manufacturing shops to sustain profit margins to a struggling industry. Apparently, many Chinese nationals live and work there in squalid conditions and of course brought their cultural habits to their new locale. Conditions for the introduction and incubation of the Wuhan Flu that led to Italy as a hot spot.

06-02-2020, 06:38 AM
I sure hope there is covid testing for the arrested looters. Those testing +++ can blame it on the virus. At least they are fashionable wearing Nike, Gucci and Rolex while carrying the iphone11.

06-04-2020, 08:34 PM
My son’s FIL was in a northeast Texas nursing home when he was tested positive for the virus two weeks ago. He died a week later. Yeah, he had failing kidneys, but getting deathly sick suddenly and being put on a ventilator probably hastened his death. Son took his two boys ( my youngest grandsons) to the funeral. His Harley biker club was also in attendance, and his sister, the eulogy speaker, said she was sorry she could not find a bartender to work at the wake afterwards. Lol

06-04-2020, 09:59 PM
So sorry Brat about your sons FIL, this stuff hasn't gone away yet by a long shot.....Our church Pastor and his wife both tested positive two weeks ago and while still recovering at home and getting better, they are still very ill and they have a special needs son so the church is doing everything we can to help but before feeling any symptoms he was helping with the food bank we are doing to help the neighborhood folks in need and may have infected many people including my wife and son who came in close contact with him...Both have been tested and we are waiting on results.....When I see all the people out protesting in the street with hundreds of people not wearing masks it makes me very angry because while they may feel what they are doing is necessary it may kick off another round of virus and the country will have to shut down again which will pretty much finish off the economy......Maybe it's what they really want and just don't care.....Stay safe!

06-06-2020, 04:13 PM
Good luck with your test results, getsome.

06-06-2020, 05:20 PM
Thanks brat, I appreciate it....Wife and son got tested last Thursday and I got my test today so now we wait, so far we all feel ok but are staying away from each other as best we can....sucks to have to live like this but you do what you have to do....It was almost 90 degrees today and the humidity was around 500% so hopefully it will kill this stuff off....

06-06-2020, 05:52 PM
Thanks brat, I appreciate it....Wife and son got tested last Thursday and I got my test today so now we wait, so far we all feel ok but are staying away from each other as best we can....sucks to have to live like this but you do what you have to do....It was almost 90 degrees today and the humidity was around 500% so hopefully it will kill this stuff off....

Ya I know! Seems like the only real way to prevent transmission is to be out protesting or better yet, looting. It's unclear how those two activities prevent the spread but they do, according to Michigan's governor and the media.

06-10-2020, 10:31 PM
Finally got test results back and I was covid negative, both wife and son who were exposed were also negative so am very thankful we all avoided the illness although I have to wonder if the test might be worse than the virus....If you haven't been tested yet you can practice by going out to your workshop and take the longest Phillips screwdriver you have and wrap a big hunk of paper towel around the tip and stick it up your nostril until you start feeling it about to pop out your forehead then push another half inch or so then twirl it around a couple times then yank it out and you will be ready for the real thing....Not fun but I had to know.....I hope it's over soon so things come back to normal again, whatever that is...

06-11-2020, 06:56 AM
Finally got test results back and I was covid negative, both wife and son who were exposed were also negative so am very thankful we all avoided the illness although I have to wonder if the test might be worse than the virus....If you haven't been tested yet you can practice by going out to your workshop and take the longest Phillips screwdriver you have and wrap a big hunk of paper towel around the tip and stick it up your nostril until you start feeling it about to pop out your forehead then push another half inch or so then twirl it around a couple times then yank it out and you will be ready for the real thing....Not fun but I had to know.....I hope it's over soon so things come back to normal again, whatever that is...

Is that the test with a 15% false negative rate? I think you should take it a few more times to be more sure. LOL

The only way to prevent transmission is to protest racism and steal a TV. Somehow that stops transmission. We are about to see a huge spike in more liberal areas. Mostly the virus struck liberals because mostly it spreads in large cities which are home to mostly liberals.

06-11-2020, 09:21 AM
....I hope it's over soon so things come back to normal again, whatever that is...

I am wondering about the new normal... COVID, protest, economy, unemployment, funding of anarchy by billionaires (think Soros and Bloomberg), then sad case Joe as the dem nominee and I fear he has a chance. Everyone better be ready. I think I am...

And why is this not on the news

06-11-2020, 09:29 AM
Right in my area. Heard they are trying to charge local residents a fee to get back into the zone. If they go someplace and want to go back home they are trying to make them pay.

Not sure what all is going on now. Sounds like a good job for the military to me. With live ammo.

06-11-2020, 09:41 AM
I saw on the biz news this AM that the organizers are bitching because the homeless in CHAZ stole all their stashed food. Go figure...

Right in my area. Heard they are trying to charge local residents a fee to get back into the zone. If they go someplace and want to go back home they are trying to make them pay.

Not sure what all is going on now. Sounds like a good job for the military to me. With live ammo.

06-11-2020, 10:44 AM
Right in my area. Heard they are trying to charge local residents a fee to get back into the zone. If they go someplace and want to go back home they are trying to make them pay.

Not sure what all is going on now. Sounds like a good job for the military to me. With live ammo.

WV sucks in a lot of ways but bowing to a mob is not one of them, which is why they did that in Washington and not WV.

06-11-2020, 11:02 AM
Glad you clarified that.

06-11-2020, 12:03 PM
If anybody has a Confederate Flag, any and all sizes, I'm starting a collection. I should have got some long ago.

I'm serious.

06-11-2020, 01:05 PM
Well don't go to a NASCAR race because they have banned Confederate flags from all races because they say it's a divisive symbol and may cause some fans to be uncomfortable....There is now a race team sponsored by BLM which is a violent anarchist racist group, but that's ok I guess since NASCAR like the NFL is bending over backwards to be PC and kiss BLM butt...Looks like another sport I can do without watching....

06-11-2020, 01:21 PM
Yup. Confederate Flag used to be a symbol of Nascar. Everyone is kissing butt to be all PC.
Not me, I'm done. We've lowered the standards, given special treatment, bent over backwards to please and this is what we get.

Now I have to deal with a sex changed WV official.

Load up boys, it's time to play cowboys and BLM's.

06-11-2020, 01:57 PM
Actually...They're bending over forwards....

Well don't go to a NASCAR race because they have banned Confederate flags from all races because they say it's a divisive symbol and may cause some fans to be uncomfortable....There is now a race team sponsored by BLM which is a violent anarchist racist group, but that's ok I guess since NASCAR like the NFL is bending over backwards to be PC and kiss BLM butt...Looks like another sport I can do without watching....

06-11-2020, 02:03 PM
Now I have to deal with a sex changed WV official.

just when you thought you got away from and wouldn’t have to look at violets now there is a push for faux violet recognition :rolleyes:..... sorry, I had to say it. But as Clinton said I feel your pain only difference is I really do.

06-11-2020, 04:27 PM
I wonder at the next race how many will smuggle in the confederate flag and unfurl it during the race? I hope a lot.

I’m not personally a big fan of the confederacy (a discussion for another time) but I’d much prefer we ban everything blm.

06-11-2020, 04:31 PM
Hopefully all of them. I know I would if I had one.....

06-11-2020, 05:45 PM
Hopefully all of them. I know I would if I had one.....

We should adopt the confederate flag as our symbol for resistance to blm.

06-11-2020, 06:08 PM
That's my plan.

06-11-2020, 06:46 PM
I like it, it makes me sick that you can buy any flag on earth, Taliban, Iranian, North Korean, BLM, Rainbow, don't matter but you put up a Confederate flag and you are automatically a racist SOB....Good luck even finding one to buy, Amazon and EBay banned them....Only one driver in NASCAR complained, Bubba Wallace who is also the only African American driver of the number 43 BLM sponsored car and who's fire suit has "I Can't Breathe" across the front had a problem so now everyone must be PC and behave themselves (Who the hell behaves themselves at a NASCAR race, that's why people pay big money to go).....Anyway NASCAR destroyed their own sport several years ago proving once again why Communism always fails...They made rules that all the cars had to be built to the exact same specifications and that no team would be allowed any new ideas or incentive to create technical innovations to be better than the other teams so nobody has any advantage and all must conform to the master plan and be absolutely equal across the board....Well try watching a 3 hour race where all the cars are the same and the drivers have no advantage at all over the others and you end up with a bunch of cars going round and round in a long line with nothing happening which equals a giant bore hole nobody wants to watch.....NASCAR a one time exciting, fun to watch, big money sport commited suicide and nobody noticed or even gives a crap......

06-11-2020, 07:35 PM
Great planning by those upstart Marxists.lol

06-11-2020, 10:02 PM
I have never thought NASCAR was fun to watch.....but the Left certainly owns most of entertainment, sports, news media, big corporations....

I have watched some of the old 1960's and early '70's races, those are fun to watch.

The big problem with the rebel flag is it was hijacked by the KKK and domestic Nazi's. Although the South had a legal right to succeed, they did not have a moral right, and the practice of slavery is one area the Founders absolutely failed although they could not have done very well in revolution without the southern colonies.

06-12-2020, 07:36 AM
The problem is not the Confederate flag the problem is the KKK and Neo-Nazi’s. It’s just a flag. That’s like saying the problem with guns is all the crimes, so let’s take all the guns. And I have one of those sorry groups headquarters not 5 miles from my house. And they’re cowards. They every now and then ride through the neighborhoods at night throwing out their literature like the paper boy because they hide during the day. You should have heard my imported wife giving them a lesson on freedom one day when they were brave enough to show their face at a local arts and crafts festival.

The founding fathers didn’t fail. As bad as slavery was (and it was bad) it was going on in the Caribbean at the time too by the British. The founding fathers accomplished the aimed for objective of freedom from King George who treated the colonists like slaves and took any property he wanted. And slavery is sadly still occurring today in this world (Muslim countries for example.)

And as far as moral right, what is that particularly these days? We have no moral measuring stick. It’s been thrown out. We kill the unborn, we kill the elderly, we commit sex changes on pre-teens because they have been taught by the school system that there are more than 2 genders and they can change it, the parents are weak minded and weak willed and go along because they are fools too, we in this country marry same sex couples like it’s marrage (before I’m called a homophobe I think people should be free to live like they want and make legal arrangements if they want, but don’t call it marrage), we call good evil and evil good, but again there’s is no measuring stick so good and evil is all relative and opinion. Nature would tell us these things but we’re too foolish to see it. Why in England people are allowed to marry their pets. Stand by folks, we may be headed there too.

A former murderer after a life change wrote some of these were the issue: hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like;

Of course there is no measuring stick any longer so its all a matter of opinion now... we have sewn our seeds now we reap a harvest.

Back on track, COVID-19 had nothing to do with these thoughts.

oh well, need to order some more ammo. TGIF.

06-12-2020, 09:03 AM
If anybody has a Confederate Flag, any and all sizes, I'm starting a collection. I should have got some long ago.

I'm serious.
Confederates lost.
No sympathies there (I was born in Georgia).
Fly your Texas flag. ;)

06-12-2020, 09:20 AM
Confederates lost.
No sympathies there (I was born in Georgia).
Fly your Texas flag. ;)

The real loser here is America because this is really an attack on the Constitution. As the Left is allowed to destroy history, literally tear it down, the final goal is the Founders and their work, which is the Constitution. Once that can be labelled as "racist" so can the Bill of Rights. Those calls have been going out for at least 25 years because I remember hearing those back in the 1990's.....the Left just had more influence than I thought, at least for the moment. They've consolidated enough power and most of America won't lift a finger out of fear of being called a name, which anyone that resists in any way, no matter how small, will be called anyway. Just wait until "racism" is a felony and that's coming.

This isn't some fad, this is a tried-and-true process the Left has used in every country where communism was the result.

06-12-2020, 09:50 AM
The Founders did fail, in at least two areas. First they allowed slavery to continue when they could have ended it with the founding of the nation. Second they did not incorporate term limits for offices and they could have.

As I stated before, the southern colonies would not revolt against the King without keeping slavery and it's clear why. Slavery was a very expensive practice: in today's money a slave would cost millions and just like today, the wealthy call the political shots.

Still, it was one of two terrible failures for the Founders.

06-12-2020, 09:56 AM
Confederate statues belong in museums where their history can be displayed, not out in public parks where they offend the descendants of the slaves that were terribly oppressed.
In fact Robert E. Lee was opposed to statues & monuments of Confederates being built after the Civil War. I respect him and his opinion.

Most of those statues & monuments were erected starting in the late 1890s up until WW2, when the KKK was at its peak. Who wants to identify with those terrorists? Not me.

That’s why we don’t see any monuments to Adolph Hitler. Nor do we seen any statues of Benedict Arnold for that matter.

On the other hand, dumping statues of Columbus is stupid, as he did not fight against the United States.

06-12-2020, 09:57 AM
The Founders did fail, in at least two areas. First they allowed slavery to continue when they could have ended it with the founding of the nation. Second they did not incorporate term limits for offices and they could have.

As I stated before, the southern colonies would not revolt against the King without keeping slavery and it's clear why. Slavery was a very expensive practice: in today's money a slave would cost millions and just like today, the wealthy call the political shots.

Still, it was one of two terrible failures for the Founders.


06-12-2020, 10:25 AM
The founders got an awful lot of things right, to miss a few especially not knowing what we know now seems acceptable to me.

06-12-2020, 10:40 AM
Yes, they were light years ahead of anyone else on Earth at the time.
Too bad there aren’t any good political thinkers in DC these days.

06-12-2020, 10:51 AM
Yes, they were light years ahead of anyone else on Earth at the time.
Too bad there aren’t any good political thinkers in DC these days.

You got that right. They are still ahead of their time today I’d say in many cases.

06-12-2020, 10:52 AM
The founders got an awful lot of things right, to miss a few especially not knowing what we know now seems acceptable to me.

Yep, gotta start somewhere.

06-12-2020, 11:47 AM
I have never stated the Founders did a bad job, they did very, very well and they were up against a lot, doing the best they could at the time. However, they did have those two failings. What's really going to end America now is the organization and determination of the Left combined with the apathy of the Right.

06-16-2020, 10:01 AM
I like the way this discussion is going. Makes me feel right at home.

Re: the OP question.....
Covid isn't effecting brains. Most people's brains are already poisoned by fake news and propaganda. Our inability to know what is real, along with the hard-wired belief that we can know, keeps the more volatile part of society stirred up. The people in control of all forms of media are capitalizing on that and throwing fuel on the fire. Our current president is trying to break that system, and what we are witnessing is the manifestation of the pushback from the shadows.

06-16-2020, 02:22 PM
I like the way this discussion is going. Makes me feel right at home.

Re: the OP question.....
Covid isn't effecting brains. Most people's brains are already poisoned by fake news and propaganda. Our inability to know what is real, along with the hard-wired belief that we can know, keeps the more volatile part of society stirred up. The people in control of all forms of media are capitalizing on that and throwing fuel on the fire. Our current president is trying to break that system, and what we are witnessing is the manifestation of the pushback from the shadows.

People that are not in control of their emotions are easily controlled by their emotions.

06-16-2020, 06:27 PM
I like the way this discussion is going. Makes me feel right at home.

Re: the OP question.....
Covid isn't effecting brains. Most people's brains are already poisoned by fake news and propaganda. Our inability to know what is real, along with the hard-wired belief that we can know, keeps the more volatile part of society stirred up. The people in control of all forms of media are capitalizing on that and throwing fuel on the fire. Our current president is trying to break that system, and what we are witnessing is the manifestation of the pushback from the shadows.

Welcome to the forum. Glad you feel at home.

06-22-2020, 11:16 AM
At least, for the relief of politicians in control up there, the Covid has taken eyes off Chicago’s slaughterhouse streets that had 104 people shot over Father’s Day weekend (14 fatally).
Not that anyone has ever been paying attention, or will.

06-23-2020, 08:04 AM
Usually in democrats.

08-19-2020, 01:04 PM
I like the way this discussion is going. Makes me feel right at home.

Re: the OP question.....
Covid isn't effecting brains. Most people's brains are already poisoned by fake news and propaganda. Our inability to know what is real, along with the hard-wired belief that we can know, keeps the more volatile part of society stirred up. The people in control of all forms of media are capitalizing on that and throwing fuel on the fire. Our current president is trying to break that system, and what we are witnessing is the manifestation of the pushback from the shadows.

Maybe not, but the wearing of masks does affect our brains, IMO. Masks, primarily forced on us by liberal politicians, causes us to breathe in more of the CO2 that we should naturally be exhaling. This, in turn, reduces our ability to absorb oxygen, and of course that decreases our brain function.

The libs want people to be as scared, miserable and stupid as possible until after the election, so look for masks to be required in areas controlled by Dims until November 4th.

08-19-2020, 02:00 PM
I was asked at a local business yesterday if I had a mask, I told them no I was a republican. They said no more and I went about my business.

08-19-2020, 03:05 PM
Maybe not, but the wearing of masks does affect our brains, IMO. Masks, primarily forced on us by liberal politicians, causes us to breathe in more of the CO2 that we should naturally be exhaling. This, in turn, reduces our ability to absorb oxygen, and of course that decreases our brain function.

The libs want people to be as scared, miserable and stupid as possible until after the election, so look for masks to be required in areas controlled by Dims until November 4th.

I agree, after wearing a mask which out state now requires I feel like mi sinuses are congested as everything. So I just stay home or outside places. Nicer anyway.

08-19-2020, 03:06 PM
I was asked at a local business yesterday if I had a mask, I told them no I was a republican. They said no more and I went about my business.

Now that’s funny right there.

08-21-2020, 05:53 AM
Well, apparently the commie virus does affect the democrat memories....

08-21-2020, 08:49 AM
I think dems avoid and/or are programmed against having memories. As being inconvenient truths...

08-22-2020, 09:36 AM
I’m in the lockdown state of Michigan. The China virus has effected the governator’s mind. Early on she stated the virus doesn’t discriminate racially. A week or two back she says it effects minorities more so than non-minorities, meaning white people. So it is racial and unfair. She set up a task force to fight the disparity. YES it’s effected her thought process.

09-06-2020, 10:32 AM
It does seem to affect some gun grabbing politicians when they allow riots in their cities, but Sam responds....

11-13-2020, 01:49 AM
FBI homicide rates have been steadily dropping since the 1950s.
Before, during and after the Brady Bill.
We are safer now than over the last 70 years.
Gun control doesn't work.
We need criminal control.
Comrade Biden is the enemy...

11-13-2020, 07:45 AM
I believe that there are a few foriegn countries right now rubbing their hands together. I hope I'm wrong but I feel some missle launches in the coming year. A test.............................................. ..............................

11-13-2020, 11:25 AM
I believe that there are a few foriegn countries right now rubbing their hands together. I hope I'm wrong but I feel some missle launches in the coming year. A test.............................................. ..............................

Could be. I’m fearing even worse that there will be no need for missies because we’ve been undermined from within.

11-14-2020, 01:57 PM
Could be. I’m fearing even worse that there will be no need for missies because we’ve been undermined from within.

The election of Obama illustrated that sorry situation so well, and Biden & his radical democrat handlers will continue the downgrading of the USA.

11-14-2020, 02:07 PM
I'm still not conceding.

11-14-2020, 02:46 PM
I'm still not conceding.

I’m with you. Even if he is sworn in I’m not conceding either.

You hold down the Pacific NW and I’ll hold down the SE Gulf area. I got a few friends that will join us too.

11-25-2020, 10:49 AM
Republicans would be smart if they courted the brown & Asian voters. Democrats are losing ground with those demographics.

11-26-2020, 06:37 AM
Looks like the foreign policy will be to kiss everyone's a?? Again.

King Rat
11-26-2020, 08:26 AM
Looks like the foreign policy will be to kiss everyone's a?? Again.

Every thing America has accomplished in the past 4 years will be washed away. China is litterally Giddy with joy, so is Iran and Russia at the news of Biden as President, salivating at mouth like Wolfs on a bleeding lamb. Biden going back in time at the Junkyard to pick up the Old Clunkers for his staff. Junk from the OBAMA era. BLM and ANTIFA have learned that they can use Violence to get what they want with little recourse and no accountability. Billions will be spent on their Social Programs while the Military and Police get their legs chopped off. Their new Motto. DESTROY AMERICA-
In the mean time Obama Joe is asking that Perry Como sing at the inauguration.

We are about to the see the Fall of the Great American Empire.

Huānyíng gòngchǎn zhǔyì


11-26-2020, 10:25 AM
The liberal Dem's kept our current Potus weaving and ducking for 4 years.........................now, Uncle JB is going to get it from all sides from his own. BLM, Antifa, the "squad", Pelosi. I don't even think Pelosi will be able to hold off this crowd, if she even wants to. He's already going back to his comfort zone, with the same nudnicks that fk'd up this country in the first place. Can you see him drawing a "red line" in his slippers??????? Lil Fat Boy in N. Korea already has a missle with his name on the tip, just for giggles, and because he can. Iran is already searching for used skids to use when hauling some more of our cash away. Putin is at home thinking he could probably have his mother kick some arse. The Middle East could be open season again. History is being ignored once again. We'll see...............if you keep doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different outcome, well, you know...................................sometimes I think we should give them their way. Let's go without LE for a week, if it takes that long. The sheep herders can protect themselves. The sheep will be crying for protection within hours. Let them get a good taste of their progressive ideals. Let it go for a while, so they get a good taste. Something that they won't ever forget. Then, maybe then, this country can start to get turned around again.....:der:

11-26-2020, 11:06 AM
No bawanna, don't type it, duct tape your fingers together....................

11-26-2020, 11:49 AM
No bawanna, don't type it, duct tape your fingers together....................

Come on.... say it.

To Berettabones comments, I wonder if sleepy joe will even have the cognitive capacity to even realize they are coming after him. Probably not....

11-26-2020, 01:17 PM
First of all I'm pondering changing my name. Second, I still predict he'll be long gone my May if not sooner. Which of course will make things even worse.

But it will check off all the never been done before boxes, allegedly black female president. Of course they will never learn from it, thought Obama would be a fine lesson, but nobody got it.

Guess we still have the cross dressers and gay folks who haven't been president yet, or at least that we know of. I know there were questions about the last first ladies true plumbing.

One thing for sure, the standards have never been lower.

Still not speaking my mind, fingers duct taped together and all.

11-27-2020, 07:43 PM
When Uncle Joe said "The days of America First are over" pretty much said it all......

11-28-2020, 09:37 AM

12-06-2020, 11:28 AM
Come on.... say it.

To Berettabones comments, I wonder if sleepy joe will even have the cognitive capacity to even realize they are coming after him. Probably not....

Biden can't remember the leader of North Korea's name and calls AR15s AR14s.
He clearly has Dementia or Alzheimer's :crazy:
But he can still read a teleprompter.
Perfect puppet for the nameless, faceless, people behind the certain.
They carefully script everything he says and does.
It's not really Slow Joe's fault.
I'm not at all sure he even knows what day it is :confused:

02-23-2021, 08:06 PM
From my point of view it affects some individuals brain function before the lungs.

People that live in fear of the disease need to understand that their fear is the disease.

Robin 101
03-05-2021, 07:24 AM
Yup. Like saw recently, " People are saying the most washed part of the body in 2020 is the hands. I say it's the brains."

03-10-2021, 03:01 PM
Not nameless. The name is Xi

Biden can't remember the leader of North Korea's name and calls AR15s AR14s.
He clearly has Dementia or Alzheimer's :crazy:
But he can still read a teleprompter.
Perfect puppet for the nameless, faceless, people behind the certain.
They carefully script everything he says and does.
It's not really Slow Joe's fault.
I'm not at all sure he even knows what day it is :confused:

07-16-2021, 03:40 AM
Thanks for sharing.

07-26-2022, 09:06 PM
I no longer say "pandemic" or even "scamdemic" but call it the "plandemic."

Greatest psychological experiment in human history.

Constantly taken aback by the craziness.

Covid doesn't affect the mind but constant propaganda most certainly does. Also, we get to see human nature at work. Chief among that is the inability to admit a mistake.

Edit: just re-read my previous comments. I fell hard for the psych ops but wised up by spring of 2021. I did not vax nor did any of my friends. Thank God I have the friends I do combined with the fear of experimental drugs.

One family member that took the booster was dead within 3 months. Others have developed odd blood disorders or serious cancer. That's common these days. Only ones still getting Covid are all vaxxed.

So much more going on, depressing to type it.

07-27-2022, 07:29 AM
A year and a half in to the JB administration and I can say it is worse than I expected. That’s hard to say too.

03-12-2023, 03:10 AM
A year and a half in to the JB administration and I can say it is worse than I expected. That’s hard to say too.

Things have gotten far worse that I ever expected.
And unfortunately most of the population seems oblivious.
The current course of the country seems unsustainable.
But after the midterms I don't have much hope in changing direction.
It seems this country needs to hit "Rock Bottom" before people opens their eyes.
And as society crumbles, there is a greater push to disarm law abiding citizens :mad:

News, social media and government agencies appear corrupt and tainted.
It seems like a new psychological brainwashing is being utilized.
And a majority of the population is under that spell.

As for the Topic Title:
IMHO Covid misinformation, vaccines and boosters
have a much more profound and lasting navigate effect on brain function / health
than Covid itself.

03-12-2023, 07:30 AM
Is it just me, because whenever I see the Potus next to his son, the first thing that comes to mind is, " Would you buy a used car or truck from them?" Creating a world of zombies. Child molester grins if I've ever seen one.

03-12-2023, 08:22 AM
Is it just me, because whenever I see the Potus next to his son, the first thing that comes to mind is, " Would you buy a used car or truck from them?" Creating a world of zombies. Child molester grins if I've ever seen one.

I see that same thing.

King Rat
03-13-2023, 09:38 AM
I see that same thing.

When I look at one, I see the other one as well. The apple does not fall far from the tree as they say. What is even worse, Biden say's he is proud of this Creep he brought into the world. And then you go one to read about Brandon's wife Jill. God, what a dysfunctional family.

03-19-2023, 10:22 AM
To me they look like the carnival barkers at the entrance to the freak show tent.
Especially that White House “spokeswoman”.

03-19-2023, 12:27 PM
That's the Flexible Woman. She can bend and twist in any direction depending on which way they want her to bend. Pawns most questions on to a Dept. When she does answer a question, there's lots of ummm's and ahh's. Reminds me of a former politician who did the same thing, and still does. When you lie, you really have to watch every word you say. You can't have a normal conversation. When the lies start to stack up, you can't keep them all straight anymore, so you pass it off to a Dept. Or just make up a story....................................

03-19-2023, 03:31 PM
I did not have sexual relations with that woman………:lie:

03-24-2023, 04:07 PM
When Orson Wells broadcast War of the Worlds on the radio, hardly anyone actually thought it was real. It was the fake media reports saying a lot of people panicked and went nuts that caused a bit of hysteria I heard that there was so much panic folks were jumping out of high rises.