View Full Version : In Remembrance

09-11-2010, 09:37 AM
On a more solemn note, it's hard to believe that nine years have passed since this day of infamy in our history. I was awakened by my son calling and told to turn on the TV. The channel didn't matter. I was stunned and shocked. I thought surely that tens of thousands must be dying. It was around the collapse of the first tower, I believe. My son was blabbing on about something and I told him I couldn't listen to him... I was in shock and crying.

The horror at the loss of life was really intensified when I heard about all of the firemen and police who were on their way to aid the people in the higher levels.

We were all saddened and enraged and wanted to seek vengeance. Thankfully, we had a president who didn't waffle or wonder whom we had offended. I don't think that there was a better man to be in that position than the one we had. George Bush disappointed many of us in his fiscal policies and other areas, but he stepped up and immediately took charge and turned our country's undivided attention to finding the people responsible and to punish them. President Bush was no apologist or whiner. He was an American President and a real Patriot, as was and is his father.

Now, nine years later, too many people have forgotten that outrage and anger and are trying to appease the people who attacked us. I don't think that there's any greater challenge to our future as a nation as envisioned by our founding fathers, than the threat of radical Islam and the Progressive movement to destroy our way of life. It's as if they desire to bring down the Eagle that represents us and have it consumed by the horde of hungry ants that are the countries envious of our freedoms and prosperity.

If we don't change course and stop Obama and his Progressive Marxist, Socialist, and Communist cohorts, we are doomed to become another failed Utopian experiment, as the many others that have enslaved people and imposed absolute tyranny on their "subjects" over the last hundred years or so.

I hope that we remember our founders' intent and purpose to which they promised their lives and fortunes to bestow on us... real freedom and individual responsibilities for our own success and pursuit of our happiness, without dependency on a tyrannical central government.

We can best avoid falling prey to the others who would topple us and strip us of everything we hold dear, by being strong... the superpower that leads and champions freedom for the whole world... rather than a morsel to be devoured by the hungry hordes who don't have the freedoms and property that we've worked for so hard. They want to pull us down rather than accept our hand, offered to help raise them up from poverty and ignorance.

Remember that our nation is a shining jewel, prized by all, but despised by too many for they cannot maintain their dictatorial position, while our bright example exists to give others hope. Together these despots join to bring us down so they can continue to be rulers of the oppressed in their own little kingdoms.

Today is a day to remember that there are those who would destroy us and our way of life... and they are not all foreign enemies. Embracing them will only hasten our demise.

I would choose an American-Flag-Waving "smilie" now, but we still have only the Israeli one.:rolleyes:


09-11-2010, 10:26 AM
Wynn,I was deeply moved by your post.Truer words have never been written than yours.Many have forgotten the innocent people that were murdered that day and are willing to roll over and cowtow to our enemies.They are cowards and do not deserve the freedom and liberty that so many have suffered and died for.They scare me.The American citizens who are so afraid of offending our enemies that they are willing to trade freedom to appease others scare me more than any radical extremist ever could.They are beyond contempt.Thank you for writing the truth so beautifully.:typing:

09-11-2010, 10:38 AM
I find myself speechless. What a fine eloquent post Wynn and so right on the money.
I'd like to see every true American read every word of it and ingrain it into their very soul. We've been infiltrated and continue to be infiltrated. It's time to take our country back before its too late.

09-11-2010, 11:11 AM
I don't know about eloquence, but I appreciate your kind words... both of you guys. I just felt I had to say something today.

Arrrgh... Mayor Bloomberg is on the tube... the progressive apologist (and anti-2nd amendment rights) RINO, not the real patriot, Mayor Giuliani. Okay, now, Rudy is on... much better.


09-12-2010, 02:59 AM
Sadly, we have a President who would rather apologize for America in front of the Muslim world, than defend America from it; who speaks of the "Holy Koran", but refers to the Bible as just "the Bible" and says Americans "get bitter and they cling to guns or religion"; who sends his Army Chief of Staff out to CNN on Veterans' Day to say that "as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that's worse" following the murder of 13 people at Fort Hood; who stops the proceedings of the military tribunal of the mastermind of 9/11 (Khalid Sheikh Mohammed) after he had already pled guilty, and wanted him brought into civilian court blocks away from ground zero in NYC; who has an army of lawyers following the "boots on the ground" in Afghanistan to ensure that any POWs are given their Miranda warnings, thus pretty much ensuring that no intelligence is gained from enemy interrogations; who insults Benjamin Netanyahu in the White House and in many ways imperils our relationship with Israel over plans for an apartment building in Jerusalem, but "hits the reset button" with Russia even as they complete construction of a nuclear reactor in Iran and as they help the Iranians load enriched uranium into a nuclear reactor that will soon be capable of generating plutonium as a by-product; who won't refer to the murderous animals that slaughtered 3,000 fellow citizens 9 years ago as "terrorists", but on his Organizing for America web page referred to people like us as "Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists"; who has his State Department spending one hundred million dollars building or refurbishing mosques in 27 different countries as an "outreach" program with the purpose of fostering "good will" in Muslim countries, yet has his Department of Homeland Security draft a report that calls "groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration" as "Rightwing extremism in the United States"; who ... well sorry to drone on - you get the picture.

After the disaster in Mogadishu in which 19 Delta Force and Rangers died because President Clinton would not give the troops on the ground the heavy armor they had previously requested, Clinton then turned tail and ran, abandoning Somalia. In his own words Osama Bin Ladin said that when he saw America was so weak that we could be turned by the deaths of 19 men, that he began planning the attacks that later became 9/11. I wonder what planning is going on right now because of the weakness of Barack Hussein Obama and the current Congress?

Remember September 11th 2001, and then vote on November 2nd 2010. And again on November 6th 2012. And get your right-thinking family & friends out to the polls too...

09-12-2010, 06:46 AM
Wynn, that was great. Thank you for posting it.

09-12-2010, 07:40 AM
Thanks for the post, I had my wife read it.

09-12-2010, 09:20 AM
Thanks, guys. And AMEN, Ray.

09-12-2010, 08:11 PM
Thanks Wynn for a very thoughtful and heartfelt writing. Why the mosque should not be built by Newt Gingrich:

YouTube - Newt Gingrich: No Ground Zero Mosque.flv (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-ZN1QzddRE)


09-12-2010, 11:12 PM
I still remember exactly where I was that day and what I was doing, etc. I remember the clothing I was wearing and even kept the shirt. It does seem how quickly we forget...

09-13-2010, 04:25 PM
Thanks Wynn for the post, very well said...I really wish they would run 9/11 coverage and those buildings coming down on TV 24 x 7 365 days a year...I remember all the flags flying from cars and homes for months after that day and I always fly my flag from my truck on memorial day, veterans day, July 4th and 9/11....this year I didn't see any flags on cars and just the normal ones on buildings that you see everyday....It's sad how quickly we forget things these days.... In my cube at work I display a printed list of all 343 firefighters names and pictures and every day I look at those brave good men who didn't go home to their families that awful day and say a silent thank you and RIP....We must never forget 9/11/2001 and remember November where we can make a real difference...

09-18-2010, 05:45 AM
And oh, by the way, in response to my previous post, how's that "reset button" with the Russians working out for us?

Pentagon: 2 Russian aircraft buzzed U.S. warship - CNN.com (http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/09/17/warship.russian.aircraft/index.html?hpt=T2)

By the way, sorry to spam everyone with a bunch of postings one after another. Am laid up with the flu & nothing much else to do but to catch up on some of my backlogged KahrTalk postings...