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03-18-2024, 07:08 AM
Nice lil pistol Colonel! I'd try and remember what you've done for the wife lately and keep doing it! 😁
Pretty cool it came with the target style sight. Don't seem them usually on an Officer. I think the grips look great and the "not perfect" is part of the appeal.

03-18-2024, 09:04 AM
I've heard nothing but good about that model Colonel. Great choice, and like Barth I'm looking forward to hearing about your next range trip. You may just find that you will now lean to the Compact/Officer size, over the Commander. That's what happened with me.
Sure looks to me like you did a fine job on the grips. You know I'm partial to G10 but the coloring you put on those antlers is very nice. Speaking of the G10, you can sand the harshness out of them. It doesn't take much, but you want to be sure to wear a mask because apparently the material is not something you want to inhale.
Very nice Gat, enjoy!

edit: Oh, and concering the 9mm. We wouldn't tell a soul. :D

03-18-2024, 09:15 AM
I'm not sure why the Office size has adjustable site, it is listed as the "undercover" model. Seems like it would snag you cover garment.
Do you need any special tools to field strip it. BTW, I consider a paperclip a special tool. Not likely to have one on you, when you really need it.

03-18-2024, 09:19 AM
After my mandatory 10 days in Purgatory I was able to bring this home yesterday.

Just dumb luck the wife was with me and in a superior mood or something. Allowed the use of the prohibited CC.
Amazing piece. Adjustable rear sight, checkered front strap. For such fine checkering it's near painful to squeeze. A full 10 ozs lighter than my Cbob, both with empty mags. If memory serves the CBob was 36 and the 1911U is 26.4 or some such thing.

I was also semi suprised the the frame ( I think) is alloy) makes sense since it's so light.

Of course it came with the really nice VZ grips which looked great but really grippy. Grabs your shirt etc. And of course it just screamed for antler.......sooooo. Had the grandkids for the last 4 days. They went home yesterday mid day. So I cut up some antler and got them hung and done today. I'm not totally in love with the looks. I struggle with antler. I got them relatively thin and color dyeing with the Potassium Pomegranate. Didn't seem to work as well as in the past. Maybe not strong enough. Anyhow I don't think I'm done yet but they'll do for now.

Hopefully get someplace and shoot it this week I hope. Hoping it's not too much of a fire breathing dragon. Probably should have got a 9 but I'm a 45 guy and don't want to lose my rep ya know?

She is on to you.....

03-18-2024, 09:25 AM
After my mandatory 10 days in Purgatory I was able to bring this home yesterday.

Sweet. Just curious, why would the "undercover" model have adjustable sites, and the other sizes fixed? Do you need a paperclip to field strip it? I am not fond of bull barrels, but others love them. So each to his own. Supposed to have a very nice trigger. I assume you can use any office sized magazine with it. Harrison's sells melanite coated Tripp Research Cobras, it's what I use for carry, plus you get 7 rounds too.

Edit: Never mind about the sites, I just read where they added those to get enough points for importation.

03-18-2024, 10:12 AM
Can't help but show off my custom grips (Again!) :D

03-18-2024, 11:06 AM
I'm not sure why the Office size has adjustable site, it is listed as the "undercover" model. Seems like it would snag you cover garment.
Do you need any special tools to field strip it. BTW, I consider a paperclip a special tool. Not likely to have one on you, when you really need it.

It does take a special tool (provided) or the aforementioned paper clip. It was a bit of a pain as they usually are. I found that the recoil spring was not terribly strong as they usually are and was able to put it back together without the paper clip.
So if all works I guess I don't really need the special tool. As for the sights, they are pretty low profile and can't see them hanging up. I can see them pretty well with thine old eyes too. Hope it shoots.

Dao, I did take the sandpaper to the grips and that did seem to help considerable. I didn't do the mask thing, just tried to hold my breath. I just pretty much finished a set of Bloodwood grips for a K9 (available soon) and I'm still getting over that. It's pretty toxic. I did wear a good mask for most of that. But checkering and find tuning, the mask drives me crazy so it usually gets tossed.

I took the antler back off and put the VZ's back on. Antler just didn't sing. I'm gonna work on them some more. Poor gun, hasn't even fired a round and the grips and bushing have been swapped half a dozen times. I make it up to her.

03-18-2024, 11:09 AM
Sweet. Just curious, why would the "undercover" model have adjustable sites, and the other sizes fixed? Do you need a paperclip to field strip it? I am not fond of bull barrels, but others love them. So each to his own. Supposed to have a very nice trigger. I assume you can use any office sized magazine with it. Harrison's sells melanite coated Tripp Research Cobras, it's what I use for carry, plus you get 7 rounds too.

Edit: Never mind about the sites, I just read where they added those to get enough points for importation.

My Wilson officer mags seem to work, one is a little difficult, I'll have to try them to confirm. It does have an incredible trigger. Holding judgement till range time but it's durn near too light. But again I need more bonding time.

03-18-2024, 01:26 PM
I took a file, sandpaper and whatever else I could find to work the outside of the antler grips. I gained a bit of thin but not sure it's enough for my taste. I did the dye thing again and then sanded like I normally do. I like the looks better but on the gun it still doesn't sing to me. It's starting to hum a bit. I'm beginning to think, stick with the VZ or I just got a couple pieces of Coco Bolo with a little input from Bird. Might have to whittle some out for the U.

03-18-2024, 01:27 PM
Can't help but show off my custom grips (Again!) :D

Those do look good Barth.

03-18-2024, 01:42 PM
I took a file, sandpaper and whatever else I could find to work the outside of the antler grips. I gained a bit of thin but not sure it's enough for my taste. I did the dye thing again and then sanded like I normally do. I like the looks better but on the gun it still doesn't sing to me. It's starting to hum a bit. I'm beginning to think, stick with the VZ or I just got a couple pieces of Coco Bolo with a little input from Bird. Might have to whittle some out for the U. JMHO........Looks like it will be a fine carry gun. Always liked the look of their trigger guard. I can see flat mag bases the same color as the grip safety. I could also see deep/red grips. I don't know if you have any other firearms with red grippers, you could have lost them all in that boating accident.............

03-18-2024, 03:09 PM
Cocobolo on a black gun is hard to beat for looks. Add some of your talented checkering and it would be a home run Colonel. And in terms of what bb is saying, red-tinted cocobolo would be a grand slam!

03-18-2024, 03:29 PM
Coco Bolo is almost always very red. Red in wood means toxic but I don't care. Years ago when I first became a derelict I had access to LOTS of Coco Bolo. I was much younger and I'd often checker and whittle (with the nekkid eye) all night long. The lines in my hands, you know the ones the palm readers read, would be solid red. My shirts would be red around the color. I think there was Coco Bolo in my blood and probably still is. The lines and the collars eventually cleared up back to normal.
I'm with you guys. It's summer here today so I'm doing things a derelict shouldn't be doing like moving gravel with a wheelbarrow, only a yard and a half or so, but tonight while wife watches "Bachelor". I hate that show. So drug out. Just line em up in tight T shirts, wet em down and make your choice and move onto Wagon Train reruns ya know.
Anyhow I digress, during "Bachelor" I'll start whittling the Coco Bolo. It's the right thing to do.

Yall think Skip Line or regular checkering?

03-18-2024, 04:59 PM

03-18-2024, 05:01 PM

03-18-2024, 06:37 PM
I believe these are cocobolo. They're a little more subdued. Unless they're something else?

03-18-2024, 09:24 PM
“So drug out. Just line em up in tight T shirts, wet em down and make your choice and move onto Wagon Train reruns ya know.”
Now that had me chucklin!
I like really red (kinda like those 2 beretta posted) On a black gun. I can’t wait to get me another black 1911 and send you some of those scales of the firey looking stabilized stuff I saw. If I could get a set of those like you build, put on a black 1911, I’ll be in heaven!

03-18-2024, 10:45 PM
Well I'm in deep in Coco Bolo sawdust. Seem to have lost my immunity. Eyes are dying, I wore a mask when belt sanding, you can still smell and taste the sweetness of the wood. Even semi numbs the hands a bit with the filing and sanding. I did a little boo boo on the mounting holes but was a pretty easy fix. Very unusual piece of wood. I rather fond of it and I bet it's just gonna pop when I get some oil on it. Think I might half checker it so I get both texture and some real grain.

03-19-2024, 06:29 AM
Oh wow! That is some interesting looking wood. Also looks like carrot shavings/dust everywhere. Be careful man.
They are looking good. I like the dark stripe in them.

03-19-2024, 09:18 AM
Looking very good Colonel! I do believe your right about the oil, they're gonna come alive. As Bird said, do be careful!!!

03-19-2024, 12:15 PM
Had to throw some oil on em this morning. Needs a bit more fine sanding but I think we're almost ready for the checkering. Another nice day here today so off to do outside stuff for awhile. Pretty much wiped myself out yesterday moving all that gravel, I hurt in places I forgot I had. Maybe that means I'm getting back in condition???

03-19-2024, 12:28 PM
Looking good.

03-19-2024, 12:58 PM
Is that a linseed oil Colonel?

03-19-2024, 01:27 PM
I've been working on this Rock Island, gradually replacing parts for better ones, but also attempting to make it look better. Previously I had sanded it with 800gr paper because that has worked well for me in the past. Problem is that the surfaces on the slide and frame of this gun are just not flat. And there are very fine pits in spots on the frame as well. So yesterday I stripped it all the way down again and used 600gr paper on it. Looked better, so I let it sit overnight (exercising my patience muscle), and went back to it this morning. I couldn't really improve on what I achieved yesterday but it was still not what I has after, which was a satin finish. So I suddenly remembered I had some Scotchbrite left over from a previous project, that I cannot now recall the details of. But it required me to pick up some purple, automotive Scotchbrite. So I cut some small pieces out of one of the larger rectangles I have and started working on the frame, in the grip area, just in case it made a mess of things. But it didn't! So I did the whole gun with it.
I also did the outside of the Chen magwell, and I like that much better too. So what I learned is that Scotchbrite can put a nice finish on metal. I don't think I removed much material with it, so much as masking the very tiny pits and ripples in the flats by making continuous lines over the top of them. Much like matte paint does I guess. But without adding a whole bunch of ugly.
Putting three pics of the gun to show how it looks with light shining on it as well as without. Both sides of it are finished exactly the same.
The gun is never gonna be a silk purse, but so far it has run very well, and it's looking oh so much better than it did from the factory.
Oh, and that Dawson Precision extractor removal tool I bought works like a charm!

03-19-2024, 02:20 PM
That looks good! Good job.

03-19-2024, 03:28 PM
Is that a linseed oil Colonel?

It's Linseed but I think it has something added. It's called Original Oil Finish, I get it from Track of the Wolf.

03-19-2024, 03:59 PM
Thanks Jeep!

It sure didn't take you long to turn them out. Experience trumps all. Very nice Colonel.

03-19-2024, 05:27 PM
The grips came out nice & warm Colonel. You picked some nice wood to start with, with those darker lines running through the lighter area. I like them as is, but know you do some nice checkering, so they will likely improve. Is that a big chunk of antler/horn they are resting on?

03-19-2024, 05:31 PM
Nice work dao. That scotch did smooth things out. I was seeing vertical lines in your slide before which are now all gone. Plus, the magwell perfectly matching vs having that silvery look is a nice touch. Looks factory finished now!

03-19-2024, 05:37 PM
Been on the hunt for a full sized, blued/parkered 1911 lately, but have been very picky and very frugal. Super missed out on a great deal on another V10 doa referred me to where I saw his referral too late. Being off today, I cruised some pawn shops. Came home, looked at Armslist, and a local pawn shop I had not visited had one that caught my eye. Not what I was expecting to get, but got a 2 toned Tisas M45 Carry 4.25” in 45 acp. Have to go back tomorrow as I bought it too close to closing for the background check to come back in. Was $350 out the door, so could not resist! (Pic is from their Armslist ad). One little dot of missing finish on the frame (you can see it in that pic), but looks brand new otherwise.


03-19-2024, 05:56 PM
I think you're gonna like that very much Bird. In my limited experience with a very small sample size to draw from Tisas does better metal work then RIA. Also based on that if I was looking for a base gun I would choose Tisas over RIA for sure. I'm hoping to be pleasantly surprised one day to see that Tisas is releasing a 3.5" with an all steel frame and slide. I can't afford a custom, and I'm not aware of any high end maker of a 3.5" in all steel, other than Alpha Foxtrot which is pretty pricey also, so Tisas is my biggest hope. I predict that one is going to be very pretty when you're done with it!

03-19-2024, 06:10 PM
Thanks dao. I got to fondle it a bit. It did look well put together, smoothly finished and had no large gaps in the rear (slide to frame), as well as no slide rattle. Racked smooth too. I’m really not sure what I’ll end up doing. A 2 tone was really not something I had considered, so it will take some thought on how to bling it up. Thanks for your vote of confidence on it! I read a little about them after and like you, others had good things to say about them.
I had to look up Alpha Foxtrot. Nice looking stuff! I’m hoping you get your wish on the 3.5” Tisas as the AF stuff is pricey to start! I’ve not bought any of their stuff, but we have a 1911 maker down here by the name of Fusion Firearms. I know they make a 3.5” all steel one. Kind of upper entry level stuff from what I’ve heard.

03-19-2024, 06:31 PM
dao... since we can't post pics in the pm's, here's what I was talking about on those thumb safeties. 1st pic is a Garisson, 2nd is the CCO. Sure looks the same to me! I like the profile, and how thick they are.

03-19-2024, 07:23 PM
350 out the door on that Tisas is sweet. It looks really good. I love my Tisas carry even though it ain't a 45....remember you guys promised not to tell.

03-19-2024, 07:54 PM
Those look like EGW's Bird. But even if they're not, it's the profile that I really like too. My EGW thumb safety should be here tomorrow so I can fit it to my RIA. The new beavertail should be here Friday and I'll fit that. Then it will be done with the exception of the flat wire recoil spring I'm going to try in it.

Colonel, I heard Massad Ayoob say that 9mm 1911's are outselling all others now. So it's not just us here that are enjoying them. I'd venture to say that Boomers are the largest demographic in terms of 1911 use and ownership and so it would make sense that less recoil is driving the rise of 9mm units. But boy howdy the thought of that would have been pure sacriledge 30 years ago, wouldn't it?

Until yesterday I always used a paperclip when field stripping my RIA. But after reading your post I decided to try it without one, and found that just as you said the spring is not that strong and so taking it down that way poses no problem. I do pull the slide back and insert the clip when I'm putting it back together, but only because I like to use both hands when seating the slide stop when I can.

03-19-2024, 08:02 PM
350 out the door on that Tisas is sweet. It looks really good. I love my Tisas carry even though it ain't a 45....remember you guys promised not to tell.
Thank you sir! We’ve got those RIA 9’s, so yer secret is safe. We must maintain those man cards. Can’t imagine life without them.
I may be placing an order for some dark wood grips for this one. Assuming I can find a grip maker who is willing and able. Seems tough to find these days!

03-19-2024, 08:10 PM
Anxious to see the safety you get. If it does look like those I want one for the RIA as well. Heck, I’ll get them for just about everything here forward.
I think I got a lot of flack back when I was shooting that Colt Competition in 9mm from the hard core, traditionalist. I found myself explaining why when talking about it. Fast forward to today and you are correct, the 9mm is catching on. I had nicknamed that Colt “Buttercup” because it shot so good, so smooth, so soft after the 45’s. Lately I’ve been reading that they re-tooled or re-released and people are calling them rattle traps. Mine was not. Anyone I let shoot it absolutely loved it. Only my comped Beretta’s shoot as soft as it did. Miss it, but afraid to get the new one after what I’ve been reading.

03-19-2024, 08:47 PM
I think you'll like the way your RIA feels Bird. I shot 115gr FMJ, and 124gr JHP out of mine, standard pressures and I thought it to be very soft shooting with both. I'll post a pic of the gun after I fit the safety on it.

03-19-2024, 09:38 PM
I think you'll like the way your RIA feels Bird. I shot 115gr FMJ, and 124gr JHP out of mine, standard pressures and I thought it to be very soft shooting with both. I'll post a pic of the gun after I fit the safety on it.
I’m looking forward to shooting it. This weekend, I plan to either pour some epoxy grips, or start in on the finishing of the frame. Either one will be exciting. Once I do those 2 things, I will temporarily reassemble and get some enjoyment out of it. I still have a few upgrades (some copying you) but may put it aside as I finish others. (The full sized Colt needs some attention) I think I have about 90% 115gr, so should be gentle going, but hopefully enough to cycle the new spring. I’ve had that paper clip inserted since disassembly, so I may have ruined that spring. I have to look back and see what you guys said about a different disassembly method. I’ll know come 1st day at the range.

03-19-2024, 11:15 PM
The new flat wire springs I bought are only 16lbs, as opposed to the 22/23lbs for the .45. So it really doesn't take much to break it down. Without the paperclip it's not much different than breaking down a Sig. I'm sure it would go back together without the clip also, but I didn't want to chance putting an idiot scratch in it. One of these days I should file a relief in the slide stop so it slides over the plunger detent easier. Then it would be much easier and safer to push it in with one hand.

03-20-2024, 12:14 AM
The new flat wire springs I bought are only 16lbs, as opposed to the 22/23lbs for the .45. So it really doesn't take much to break it down. Without the paperclip it's not much different than breaking down a Sig. I'm sure it would go back together without the clip also, but I didn't want to chance putting an idiot scratch in it. One of these days I should file a relief in the slide stop so it slides over the plunger detent easier. Then it would be much easier and safer to push it in with one hand.

I've filed that relief notch in all my 1911's except the last couple. I need to do that. It does simplify life immensely and of course avoids the idiot scratch. Course in my case maybe the scratch would be appropriate?

I got the first pass of checkering done on the Coco Bolo. Looking good so far and the grain shows through so you can't really even see the checkering. Need at least two more passes to get them pointed up. Don't for today, time to hit the pillow.

03-20-2024, 07:34 AM
350 out the door on that Tisas is sweet. It looks really good. I love my Tisas carry even though it ain't a 45....remember you guys promised not to tell.

Did it come with the bag? :cheer2:

03-20-2024, 09:01 AM
Um, wow! I was told the barbie movie was a comedy. Didn't know it needed to be rated R :D

Did you go with half checkering on your bolo grips Colonel?

03-20-2024, 09:30 AM
Um, wow! I was told the barbie movie was a comedy. Didn't know it needed to be rated R :D

Did you go with half checkering on your bolo grips Colonel?
I don't think that's a douche. But, I've been wrong before...

03-20-2024, 09:51 AM
Um, wow! I was told the barbie movie was a comedy. Didn't know it needed to be rated R :D

Did you go with half checkering on your bolo grips Colonel?

Yes on the half checkering. So far.

03-20-2024, 10:05 AM
A secret door? Would that make it concealed carry?

03-20-2024, 11:07 AM
I once bought a used 1911 from a pawn shop, the previous owner had filed the slide stop so much, that if you put finger in the right side, and accidently hit the slide stop pin, it would pop out. Be careful out there.

So...I am a 1911 kind of guy, carry a CCO every day, all day long. I own several government models, of various quality. From RIA to Ed Brown. I have two Dan Wesson CCO's. But...I do not own a commander sized 1911.
I have one .38Super 1911, all the rest are .45. I have been leaning towards a Tisa Tank Commander, comes in .45 and 9mm. If I bought the .45, have lots of magazines (and grips), more than most folks. But, if I went with 9mm, might be less recoil for and old man (like the Colonel), but I would only have the two factory magazines. Both are roughly the same price, about 430.00, GRABAGUN.

What do you think, should I plan ahead on getting recoil sensitive (sissified) and get the 9, or stick to what I know?

03-20-2024, 11:42 AM
I don't think that's a douche. But, I've been wrong before...

Could be a douche, could be a hair dryer, could be lotsa things . . .
The Harry Potter Nimbus 2000 broom, for instance:

"a vibrating toy broom (http://www.peterrivard.com/Pages/potter.html) children are expected to put between their legs and “fly” around on."
Apparently got great reviews:

“‘When my 12-year-old daughter asked for this for her birthday, I kind of wondered if she was too old for it, but she seems to LOVE it. Her friends love it too! They play for hours in her bedroom with this great toy. They really seem to like the special effects it offers (the sound effects and vibrating). My oldest daughter (17) really likes it too! I recommend this for all children.”

03-20-2024, 01:17 PM
I once bought a used 1911 from a pawn shop, the previous owner had filed the slide stop so much, that if you put finger in the right side, and accidently hit the slide stop pin, it would pop out. Be careful out there.

So...I am a 1911 kind of guy, carry a CCO every day, all day long. I own several government models, of various quality. From RIA to Ed Brown. I have two Dan Wesson CCO's. But...I do not own a commander sized 1911.
I have one .38Super 1911, all the rest are .45. I have been leaning towards a Tisa Tank Commander, comes in .45 and 9mm. If I bought the .45, have lots of magazines (and grips), more than most folks. But, if I went with 9mm, might be less recoil for and old man (like the Colonel), but I would only have the two factory magazines. Both are roughly the same price, about 430.00, GRABAGUN.

What do you think, should I plan ahead on getting recoil sensitive (sissified) and get the 9, or stick to what I know?

I was all set to say go with the 9 until I saw the word sissified. Stick with the 45. I'll know more hopefully when I light off this Officer MRI. Hope it's manageable. Pray it's manageable. I've pretty much carried commanders all day for years. Occasionally carry a 5''er but while I love it, the extra length is a little uncomfy being a full time sitter. The slightly shorter commander rides nice, and I suspect the Officer will ride even nicer.
For some reason I carried my 365 for awhile and of course it's way shorter and rides high but the commander just felt better on the hip.
I too wear em all day every day. I climb out of bed into the chair, gun goes on the hip, goes off when I get back in the bed. Last couple days I probably should have took it off shoveling a couple yards of gravel (not fun) and next day moving a couple cords of wood. All the bending and reaching in the chair, the arm rest beat the gun and my bowie knife (left side) into my side until I was bruised. But I'll be ok, its supposed to be comforting not comfortable.
I'm back to kind of leaning towards the 9 for you. Incidently the 9 mags still fit nice in the 45 mag pouch so that has to be worth something.

03-20-2024, 01:21 PM
OMG... the toy stuff!!! Ya'lls comments and that broom review!!! 😂😂😂
Ken, try that 9. You have so many nice 45's, why not give it a whirl? So long as you get a good one, I think you'll like it.
I know what you mean about buying used. I've bought others problems in the past. Luckily, most were easy fixes, making them still a great deal. I was looking at that Tank Commander and Tanker. Nice looking guns. I would have gotten the Tank Commander over the Tanker too. Looks more authentic.

03-20-2024, 01:45 PM
I was all set to say go with the 9 until I saw the word sissified. Stick with the 45. I'll know more hopefully when I light off this Officer MRI. Hope it's manageable. Pray it's manageable. I've pretty much carried commanders all day for years. Occasionally carry a 5''er but while I love it, the extra length is a little uncomfy being a full time sitter. The slightly shorter commander rides nice, and I suspect the Officer will ride even nicer.
For some reason I carried my 365 for awhile and of course it's way shorter and rides high but the commander just felt better on the hip.
I too wear em all day every day. I climb out of bed into the chair, gun goes on the hip, goes off when I get back in the bed. Last couple days I probably should have took it off shoveling a couple yards of gravel (not fun) and next day moving a couple cords of wood. All the bending and reaching in the chair, the arm rest beat the gun and my bowie knife (left side) into my side until I was bruised. But I'll be ok, its supposed to be comforting not comfortable.
I'm back to kind of leaning towards the 9 for you. Incidently the 9 mags still fit nice in the 45 mag pouch so that has to be worth something.
My lower back hurts just reading what you were doing. I have so much trouble doing stuff like that anymore. My yard used to be so much nicer and had new plants going in every year. Now stuff languishes, or I pay the neighbors kid. I still get some stuff done, but pay for it for a week or weeks.

03-20-2024, 05:43 PM
I'd say try the 9 Ken. Like Bird days, you have plenty of .45's, so why not? While I've never been recoil sensitive, and my favorite caliber for decades was .40S&W, since starting to shoot .45 several years back I've come to learn that there are other choices besides my favorite. Then as I aged I realized that range trips were starting to become uncomfortable shooting larger calibers out of smaller and lighter guns. Then when I got a 9mm 1911 I realized that I could shoot more without feeling like I'd had enough.

I hear you on the used gun issue too. And in addition if we fit our own parts we should always, always thoroughly check them for proper and safe functionality before putting live ammo in them. Today in fact I replaced the beavertail on my RIA below because it was deactivating with just the slightest pressure on it. Not a big deal when there are two other safeties, counting your finger, but it is better to be safe than sorry, no pun intended.

I also installed the EGW HD thumb safety. It does not exactly match their picture for thickness of the lever, but it's probably within their tolerances for that spec. Still, I like it better than the WC I had on it. At this point I'm no longer sure though that Dan Wesson is using EGW thumb safeties, as the safeties on my DW's have all been thicker than this one. Took me awhile to get this one, and the beavertail fitted properly. The RIA frame is just not as nice as the Tisas frames seem to be. And the tolerances seem to be much higher than what I've seen on all other makes of 1911s I've had the chance to own and take apart.
Now, all that being said, this little guy now wears more aftermarket parts than original. I've put a lot of money into it after paying that bargain price for it. But.... based on how it soaked up the recoil of the 9mm rounds I've put through it, it has been a joy to shoot.

I was telling Bird in a PM that I'm really hoping that Tisas will start producing an all steel 9mm Officer size 1911. I would really like to own something of better quality. DW made the PM-C in 9mm but they have a 4.25" barrel, and since buying my Colt MKIV Officer's (OACP), I've come to realize that just as in Sig's I like shorter barrels best.

03-20-2024, 06:56 PM
Did the EGW fit pretty easy? At least in that pick, it looks thick like I like them.

03-20-2024, 07:03 PM
So I bought a new .45. And I’m not thrilled with it :(

I wanted the M&P45 with the new 2.0 flat face trigger, but the only .45 variant they make has a threaded barrel, tall 3-dot sights, and optics cut. No biggie, the upcharge isn’t much.

I loved that trigger in the Shield Plus, so I had high hopes. But this has the absolute worst trigger I’ve ever felt. It redefines gritty. It’s like dragging a suitcase over a gravel road.

I polished the striker disconnect plunger, which had machining marks, but that didn’t help. With the slide off, the trigger is butter smooth, so it’s in the slide somewhere. The firing pin seems seems to move fairly smoothly when pushed by hand, just not when the trigger pushes it.

But it’s nice and accurate, and reliable, so there’s that. And it’s a .45.

03-20-2024, 08:20 PM
I'm sure you'll get it dialed in John. From what I've heard the 2.0 trigger is much better than the previous gen's.

The EGW thumb safety was not easy to fit. For the life of me I could not get it to move down far enough to allow the plunger to hit the detent hole. So I elongated the hole a bit. It goes on and off positively but I would have like to have it snick up to the on position a little more firmly. Going off is nice and firm. I believe this is due to the RIA frame. I did not have as much trouble getting the WC thumb safety fitted, with it I wasn't entirely happy with the less than stellar positive snick in flipping it on either. This one is more positive than that, it's just not as hard to activate as I would like. This is not the only issue I've found with this frame. The MSH to grip safety interface has been a challenge too. I ended up having to use a Chen magwell that is drilled for a Dan Wesson compact. The pin hole is a tad lower than non-DW magwells, meaning that the magwell sits higher in the frame and required me to have to remove material from the bottom of the beavertail. And of the four different magwells that i tried on this gun this DW model fit the best. But you know Bird, I suspect you may not face these same challenges with yours. I think that because of what I perceive to be RIA's high tolerances your frame might be much different than mine. Still, all in all with everything now installed it looks good, and if it functions reliably I will be happy with it. Very happy in fact.

03-20-2024, 10:23 PM
So I bought a new .45. And I’m not thrilled with it :(

I wanted the M&P45 with the new 2.0 flat face trigger, but the only .45 variant they make has a threaded barrel, tall 3-dot sights, and optics cut. No biggie, the upcharge isn’t much.

I loved that trigger in the Shield Plus, so I had high hopes. But this has the absolute worst trigger I’ve ever felt. It redefines gritty. It’s like dragging a suitcase over a gravel road.

I polished the striker disconnect plunger, which had machining marks, but that didn’t help. With the slide off, the trigger is butter smooth, so it’s in the slide somewhere. The firing pin seems seems to move fairly smoothly when pushed by hand, just not when the trigger pushes it.

But it’s nice and accurate, and reliable, so there’s that. And it’s a .45.
Well dang it all man! That’s not good. I honestly have not had any M&P (I’ve had a few) where I felt that bad about the trigger. Hoping it smooths out for you in time. May just be a bur!

03-20-2024, 10:27 PM
Yer scarin me man! I like simple and easy! Lol! Well, we both bought these things to learn on, so even if I have to deal with what you have, I’ll be more knowledgable for going through it. Hoping to only buy parts once though. Nothing irks me more than having to buy the same part a 2nd or 3rd time to get it right.
Worked on mines frame finish a bit tonight. Messed with a little acid in a weakened, table top setting, but results were less than desired. So, neutralized everything and began masking it for electro etching. Hoping to do that this weekend.

03-21-2024, 09:02 AM
To be fair, I could have left the first replacement parts in it, with no ill effects. But caution and an unhealthy sense of wanting it to look just so made me swap out the two safeties. The learning is a cheap price if all it costs is a relatively inexpensive piece. I would not be suprised to hear your fitting goes much different than mine given my suspicions on the frames' tolerances.

I'm looking forward to see what you come up with on your project. Knowing you it will be fantastic!

03-21-2024, 09:39 AM
Anyone here have any experience with Girsan guns? They have a new model out, MC1911 SC Untouchable. It comes in 9mm and .45, has a 3.4" barrel, and is all steel. And they're cheap, cheaper than RIA. I just don't know if I want to take a chance on another cheap one. Looks nice though.

On their site they are described as First in price, product range, and warranty (https://eaacorp.com/product/girsan-untouchable-mc1911/). They come in government, commander, and officer size. And in four different color combos. But at less than $400 for the Officer, how good can they be?


03-21-2024, 10:19 AM
I once had a Girsan GI style 1911 that was totally reliable. That's my only experience with Girsan.

03-21-2024, 10:57 AM
There is one for sale locally, so I have done a little research. They were sold and perhaps made by EAA. Most have been discontinued. That's all I know.

Edit: Just saw they are available via Gallery of Guns. MSRP of 439.00
Brand new for 402: https://www.guns.com/firearms/handguns/semi-auto/girsan-untouchable-mc1911sc-[blk]-45-acp-single-action-6-rounds-3-4-barrel-new?p=1214241

The forum truncates the address, copy and paste the entire thing into your browser.

03-21-2024, 11:06 AM
I think your correct. I always thought they were under either the EAA or the Armscor umbrella. I've no firsthand experience with them. I tried checking out their website to find out and saw a lot of EAA stuff. Nothing solid though.

03-21-2024, 11:21 AM
Well you generally get what you pay for. My experience with less expensive guns is that you end up putting money into them to make them work right. So big picture is that just buy a better gun and end up BETTER OFF. You will end up spending just as much in the end so buy the better one first.

03-21-2024, 12:27 PM
Girsan is made in Turkey. EAA is or was the importer.

03-21-2024, 02:24 PM
Same with Tisas as far as country goes. Quality rating on a scale of 1 to 5?

03-21-2024, 02:28 PM
Well you generally get what you pay for. My experience with less expensive guns is that you end up putting money into them to make them work right. So big picture is that just buy a better gun and end up BETTER OFF. You will end up spending just as much in the end so buy the better one first.

I agree jeep. However in this particular case I cannot find a maker of known high quality guns that makes and all steel Officer model. That's why I bought the Rock Island. And your reasoning is exactly why I have close to $500 of parts into it after purchasing it. But, don't get me wrong. As I said before if it continues to perform reliably I will have no regrets on that extra monies spent.

03-21-2024, 02:36 PM
Depends on what “known high quality” means. Ruger makes one. Colt makes one.

I thought my Girsan was good quality, but that’s so subjective I wouldn’t listen to me. :)

03-21-2024, 04:10 PM
I like the Rugers...and they have both steel and light weight models:



03-21-2024, 05:17 PM
John I thought your statement, depends on what high quality means, would be easy to answer. After a few failed attempts, I guess I would have to say manufacturers like Ruger, DW, Sig, Springfield, Colt, Customs, Kimber, and the likes. And I've come to put Tisas in that group. With a sample size of one, I can't yet put RIA in it. I've owned and taken enough guns apart to feel that the machining of the frame and slide, as well as the casting and/or machining of the small parts was done as economically as possible. In my humble and admittedly limited experience with Rock Island I would have to say there are many guns out there which are better made, and have better parts in them.

I've thought about and looked at the Rugers jeep, but so far have not been able to find a steel framed officer size available which I wanted. I'm fussy I know, and I really don't want a slide that steps down behind the muzzle. The Rugers I've seen that check all the other boxes do. It's one of the reasons I never warmed up to my Colt Defender. Silly I know but I'm hoping that someone known to turn out a dependable, and well made all steel gun will do an officer sized 1911 with a flat slide. I am really hoping that this size will make a comeback and that we'll eventually see several makers doing them for the first time, or again. I have a hunch that Tisas will.

03-21-2024, 07:04 PM
Good luck on your search dao! I'm sure it's out there. One will come along that checks all of your boxes, or where maybe one thing doesn't, but that thing can be changed out.

I finished masking the RIA frame in preparation for the electro etching. I first acid washed it. Turned everything a mottled grey. Then, about a square inch or less at a time, I put on the nail polish, then scratched it away to design somewhat of a damascus design pattern. So, once etched, everything not covered in pink nail polish should turn black. Everything under the nail polish should stay grey. Hoping for the best. Should be able to hit it this weekend.

03-21-2024, 07:49 PM
That looks promising. Liking it so far.

03-21-2024, 08:28 PM
Very interesting, Bird!

03-21-2024, 09:58 PM
Wow Bird, I really think you're onto something special!

03-22-2024, 07:25 AM
WOW....tye dye for guns! :hippie:

03-22-2024, 09:07 AM
Lol! Thanks for the feedback ya'll. It will either come out really cool, or hideous. Should find out soon (keeping my fingers crossed). Whole reason I got this one was to try out some finishing techniques like this, other than just the same old polishing stuff.

03-22-2024, 10:02 AM
Haven't been around in a while and missed out on all the 1911 conversations.
My Dan Wesson slide stop comes with the relief cut on the slide stop (no idiot scratches) :cool:
But as I've said before, the safety is sharp and kept drawing blood during live fire :mad:
Really unacceptable for a NIB $1,500 1911.
DWCS would do nothing.
But had it replaced with a Wilson Combat Tactical Bulletproof Safety - and problem solved :D
Color of the bead blasted brushed stainless is perfect as well.
Literally looks like it came on the gun from the factory.
Got to love how you can swap parts with 1911s.
And the quality of Wilson Combat continues to impress.
I'd still like to own a WC someday.
Got burned on a used one years ago and the +3K for a new one continues to be off putting.
Maybe someday ...

03-22-2024, 10:48 AM
That's what I say too Barth, someday. And, not to worry as I doubt we are done talking about 1911s :)

03-22-2024, 11:08 AM
I must say, the thumb safety on my Dan Wesson Valkyre CCO, has a very sharp edge. Somewhat disappointed in that. It has always irked me, but not enough to change it.
It would have taken only a few seconds to round off the edge with a belt sander. I would do it myself, but I would loose the coating.

03-22-2024, 11:24 AM
I must say, the thumb safety on my Dan Wesson Valkyre CCO, has a very sharp edge. Somewhat disappointed in that. It has always irked me, but not enough to change it.
It would have taken only a few seconds to round off the edge with a belt sander. I would do it myself, but I would loose the coating.

Yup, I got the high end WC part and it wasn't cheap ($71.95).
THUMB SAFETY, SINGLE SIDE, TACTICAL LEVER, 1911, BULLET PROOF, STAINLESS (wilsoncombat.com) (https://wilsoncombat.com/thumb-safety-single-side-tactical-lever-1911-bullet-proof-stainless.html)
Plus had a gunsmith fit and install.
But it looks and works perfectly :)
And it's my baby ...

03-22-2024, 11:34 AM
Wow Bird, I really think you're onto something special!

Very clever and creative, and I admire your ability to visualize in "negative". Back in the day of picture strip negatives, I was always struck by how different they looked from the positive - I couldn't visualize the positive from the negative or vice versa.

03-22-2024, 08:00 PM
Haven't been around in a while and missed out on all the 1911 conversations.
My Dan Wesson slide stop comes with the relief cut on the slide stop (no idiot scratches) :cool:
But as I've said before, the safety is sharp and kept drawing blood during live fire :mad:
Really unacceptable for a NIB $1,500 1911 (tel:500 1911).
DWCS would do nothing.
But had it replaced with a Wilson Combat Tactical Bulletproof Safety - and problem solved :D
Color of the bead blasted brushed stainless is perfect as well.
Literally looks like it came on the gun from the factory.
Got to love how you can swap parts with 1911s.
And the quality of Wilson Combat continues to impress.
I'd still like to own a WC someday.
Got burned on a used one years ago and the +3K for a new one continues to be off putting.
Maybe someday ...

I’m with you Barth. A DW or STI is as much as I’ve ever spent. Been lucky I suppose as the one’s I’ve had were as good as can be to me. I too would like something like a Wilson, or some of the other equivalents, but just can’t see it unless sitting very flush on found or easy money. Maybe a great scratch off ticket? : )

03-22-2024, 08:04 PM
Very clever and creative, and I admire your ability to visualize in "negative". Back in the day of picture strip negatives, I was always struck by how different they looked from the positive - I couldn't visualize the positive from the negative or vice versa.
Thank you for the positive words! I know exactly why you say what you do. I was a Lithographers Mate (printer) in the Navy and produced many a negative for burning printing press plates. It was sometimes confusing if something needed to be opaqued out, because I had to take into account if what I was opaquing would or would not come out in the print.

03-22-2024, 09:19 PM
Yup, I got the high end WC part and it wasn't cheap ($71.95).
THUMB SAFETY, SINGLE SIDE, TACTICAL LEVER, 1911, BULLET PROOF, STAINLESS (wilsoncombat.com) (https://wilsoncombat.com/thumb-safety-single-side-tactical-lever-1911-bullet-proof-stainless.html)
Plus had a gunsmith fit and install.
But it looks and works perfectly :)
And it's my baby ...

I've seen a half dozen or more comments/complaints about the DW thumb safety digging into people's hands. I guess in that case it comes down to fitting other manufacturers' parts into your guns? DW does such a good job putting guns together but that is one area where they cut a corner, and didn't melt it in as it should have been. I'd probably have the same complaint but I think my grip prevents that edge from digging into my thumb. Glad you got it worked out though!

03-22-2024, 10:29 PM
Finished the electro etch. While it did not leave behind any black, I'm still happy with the etch part. I could do a black wash/color fill, but kinda diggin it as is. Still have some nail polish to remove, but had to show you guys how it came out. Rather than damascus, in person at least, it looks more like those meteorite 1911's Coonan made. 😁

03-22-2024, 11:30 PM
I know zip about electro etch but I love it. Looks cool to me.

I have a very early Wilson, from when he first started making complete guns and not just slides and accessories. A Sgt at the PD got it for a wedding present and showed it to me. It just feels like quality just holding it. A few years later I couldn't remember who had it. Later he came to my desk with about 5 guns. He wasn't really a gun guy and said he don't keep guns that he doesn't use. Asked me to help him sell them. I started opening cases and one was the Wilson. He said I know you want that one. I told him I surely did but couldn't happen. I had about 800 dollars worth of comp time coming which I thought was about half what it was worth. He said that's fine, he didn't care and would take the 800. Felt like a lottery win.
It's not near as fancy as these ones now days that start at 3500 but it's a great gun, super accurate and just feels like high quality in your hand.

03-23-2024, 06:57 AM
Man I'd love to have that Wilson. Something to be said about one of the early one's. And at what you paid, which was downright lottery winning type stuff! 😎

Here's my high dollar electro etcher. 😀 I have a box I throw any old cords into and luckily still had an old laptop power supply.

03-23-2024, 09:19 AM
Man be careful Bird. That laptop charger has enough current going through it to put you in the grave!

As I thought, your process looks unique, to me. So far I'm liking it and am looking forward to see what you do next with it.

03-23-2024, 10:04 AM
Man I'd love to have that Wilson. Something to be said about one of the early one's. And at what you paid, which was downright lottery winning type stuff! 😎

Here's my high dollar electro etcher. 😀 I have a box I throw any old cords into and luckily still had an old laptop power supply.

I'm out, that picture looks skeery as heck to me. Like sitting in the execution chair instead of this rolling one. You wet the little sponge to keep from catching on fire? I'm with Dao, be super careful man, ya done lost your hair, all ready for the beany.

03-23-2024, 10:36 AM
Thanks dao!
Yes to both of you about being careful and thanks for the caution & concern. I wore rubber gloves and did everything one handed so I would not complete the circuit on accident.
Yes Colonal, I have little bowl of super salty water sitting there, dip the gator clipped cotton ball in, then put that against the frame surface. It sizzles, hisses and turns black. Once washed, all of the black dissapeared. I lightly sanded this am and the lines came out even better.

03-23-2024, 10:59 AM
And a loose fit teaser shot for motivation to stay the course 😁

03-23-2024, 11:39 AM
Now that looks way cooler than I thought it would! Nice job. I am amazed at the level of skill OTHERS have.....now if I had a tiny bit I wouldn't know what to do. :behindsofa:

03-23-2024, 12:47 PM
Thanks Jeep! I still say, one day I'll have me a Jeep 1911. Green frame, black slide, jeweled barrel hood, hammer and those Pachmeyer grips that are a combo wood & rubber wrap arounds. Very 😎, custom look!

03-23-2024, 12:52 PM
I think it's going to be a keeper Bird. But...make sure that you don't remove any of the SN. That could be a problem.

I wonder if you could put some paint on the frame, and then wipe it off, leaving only the etched areas painted? To bad SS isn't as easy to blue as carbon steel. Regardless, it's looking good!

03-23-2024, 01:10 PM
Thanks Jeep! I still say, one day I'll have me a Jeep 1911. Green frame, black slide, jeweled barrel hood, hammer and those Pachmeyer grips that are a combo wood & rubber wrap arounds. Very 😎, custom look!

While rooting through my drawers I stumbled across a set of those rubber finger grips. Been in there for years, somebody gave them to me years ago, never took em out of the package. These were Pierce. Always liked the finger part but never cared for the whole rubber thing. Have a couple of those too. These were just very thin rubber that goes under the grip.
SOOOOO, I tried them on my Tisas and it's kind of sweet, feels good in the hand. Might try em on some others.

Had a meeting with the deer this AM too, looks like full attendance. Usually get 2 or 4 at a time, sometimes singles, but 7 once in awhile.

03-23-2024, 02:57 PM
Looks like Bambi & her friends are ignoring the road signs.

03-23-2024, 03:05 PM
I think it's going to be a keeper Bird. But...make sure that you don't remove any of the SN. That could be a problem.

I wonder if you could put some paint on the frame, and then wipe it off, leaving only the etched areas painted? To bad SS isn't as easy to blue as carbon steel. Regardless, it's looking good!
Definitely about the SN. I knew I’d be ok based on my research prior to doing this, and the effort it took to sand off the logo on the rear of the slide (those lasers cut deep!). It’s still “proud”, so I think they could not take me to the woodshed over it’s current status on there. Still clear and legible in every respect.

You know, I gave thought to doing a wash & wipe with black enamel. (great minds think alike). Looking at it now though, I do like the slightly subdued pattern. I may rethink that at some point though. If I did, I’d also turn the serrations low points black to match or “pull off” of that black. This is evolving, so may just do that at some point. Nice thing is, if I don’t like it I can remove it with lacquer thinner, etc. Once I finish polishing the slide flats, trigger, etc I do want it/them to jump out, so that black wash may be necessary.

03-23-2024, 03:19 PM
While rooting through my drawers I stumbled across a set of those rubber finger grips. Been in there for years, somebody gave them to me years ago, never took em out of the package. These were Pierce. Always liked the finger part but never cared for the whole rubber thing. Have a couple of those too. These were just very thin rubber that goes under the grip.
SOOOOO, I tried them on my Tisas and it's kind of sweet, feels good in the hand. Might try em on some others.

Had a meeting with the deer this AM too, looks like full attendance. Usually get 2 or 4 at a time, sometimes singles, but 7 once in awhile.
Other than on a Sig P238 or P938, I too have never cared for the full on rubber wrap arounds. Ergonomics wise, comfort wise, they can’t be beat. Aesthetically speaking though, ugly as sin. BUT, the little under grip add on one’s you are showing (my recent Tisas purchase came with them) are a totally different story. I think you get the best of both worlds. The cool, custom grips, then the comfy great grip (without the garish part). Closest factory thing I’ve ever seen has been those Pachmeyer grips, like on Jeep (and I think Army’s or Beretta’s guns), where they combine a wood grip with a rubber wrap around portion. If I could remake those without the Pachmeyer logo in the center… perfection in my opinion.
I think it looks great. And, I know they feel great (as you said). Us old guys usually put comfort before appearance, but when put together like your set up, we get both!
Nice deer pics. I love nature and love when they come close. I wish I had that near me. That and the fact that in a time of need that food can potentially deliver itself to your doorstep.

03-23-2024, 03:31 PM
Colonel, left you a note in your emporium thread. I found some other hematite "jewels". One set in .12" and the other in .20". Which do you think would work better? The are circular and faceted, like a jewel cut to go into a ring.

03-23-2024, 09:12 PM
Decided to put a satin finish on the flats of my Tisas Carry today. Even though I polished the slide quite awhile back to an almost mirror finish (nothing like Bird's though), I never touched the frame. Removed the paint or bead blast(?), from the flats today and sanded it with 600gr, 800gr, then applied the satin finish with the scotchbrite. Left the slide polished.
Before and after

03-24-2024, 01:13 PM
Nice! You & me have been busy beavers this weekend for "Sunday Fun day" 😁 Those pics make it look like a full size. Maybe the angle. I think that the scotching of everything made your higher grit polishing come out better. I don't see those vertical lines anymore, that were mid slide. I'm sure you are happy too. Man, you and I must be brothers from another mother! 😄

03-24-2024, 01:16 PM
Got some Sunday Funday stuff accomplished today in the RIA. I did the mag release (next time will do it at the same time as the frame, learning as I go), the muzzle and the hood. Next, fot andbpolish the new trigger. Might just do that tonight. If so, will post pics. Hope you all had a great a weekend as I did.

03-24-2024, 01:22 PM

03-24-2024, 01:25 PM


03-24-2024, 01:29 PM

03-24-2024, 01:40 PM
It's coming along there Bird. How does the frontstrap feel in hand now? Does the etching add something to the level of grippiness? On a side note, you might need to lap the muzzle on your barrel, depending on whether or not the etching carried over the edge of it?

The gun in my last pics is a Commander. And you know your observation brings to mind something I've noticed about guns in pics too. From certain angles barrels/slides, and/or grips can look longer or shorter depending on the angle of the picture.

I didn't use scotchbrite on the slide. It still has a mirrored finish on it. Back when I did it I used 800, 1000, 1500, and 2000gr paper on it. And that particular slide didn't have the vertical lines (imperfections), that the RIA did. I think I mentioned before that I think Tisas does a better job machining their frames and slides than RIA does.

03-24-2024, 02:54 PM
That's way over my head. I don't understand how it works. All the ugly there for a bit is the finger polish melting or burning and what don't got polish etches? It looks awesome, just don't understand the process. I don't get out much ya know.
I was fixing to pressure wash the walks and patios but pressure washer blew an oring and I got a very cold shower instead. Days shot by the time I get to town and a new oring, guess I'll see if the chainsaw starts and cut a little wood. Back to winter here for the last few days. Nice today though for a nice change.

03-24-2024, 06:28 PM
It's coming along there Bird. How does the frontstrap feel in hand now? Does the etching add something to the level of grippiness? On a side note, you might need to lap the muzzle on your barrel, depending on whether or not the etching carried over the edge of it?

The gun in my last pics is a Commander. And you know your observation brings to mind something I've noticed about guns in pics too. From certain angles barrels/slides, and/or grips can look longer or shorter depending on the angle of the picture.

I didn't use scotchbrite on the slide. It still has a mirrored finish on it. Back when I did it I used 800, 1000, 1500, and 2000gr paper on it. And that particular slide didn't have the vertical lines (imperfections), that the RIA did. I think I mentioned before that I think Tisas does a better job machining their frames and slides than RIA does.
Thanks dao! I made sure on both the muzzle end and in the hood area to go back after the scratch off and mask the edges so that none of the areas that interface with the slide would get etched. On that front strap, you know I don’t know just yet. From handling it so far, it feels just a bit textured. Not wild as it looks, and not so mild as to be un-noticable. I think the jury is still out on it until test time.
I misunderstood on your picture. Like me, you have multiple projects going, and I thought it was the RIA as I was obviously thrown off or not paying enough attention. I need me some of that 2000 grit. It’s really a nice polish at that level.
I agree about the Tisas machining. I think they do a better job than even some higher end companies do. Looking at mine from the rear, where the slide and frame mate, WOW!

03-24-2024, 06:38 PM
That's way over my head. I don't understand how it works. All the ugly there for a bit is the finger polish melting or burning and what don't got polish etches? It looks awesome, just don't understand the process. I don't get out much ya know.
I was fixing to pressure wash the walks and patios but pressure washer blew an oring and I got a very cold shower instead. Days shot by the time I get to town and a new oring, guess I'll see if the chainsaw starts and cut a little wood. Back to winter here for the last few days. Nice today though for a nice change.
Hey Colonel, I’m not sure I get it either. I do know that the polish masks the metal and prevents it from etching anything under the polish. I think that by dipping the cotton into the salt water, then the cotton making the electricity jump through it’s tiny fibers, it super heats the salt and makes it super acidic.
When I was an Engineer in the Navy, I once had to shut down a turbine in the engine room. When I fired it up, it started vibrating, then jumping up and down to where I thought it was going to rip out of the deck plates or explode. When we took the casing off, we found tiny holes in the stator vanes that was throwing it off balance. Apparently, our desalinization unit and evaporator was not removing all of the salt from the steam we were feeding the turbine. At those high temps, that little bit of salt ate right through those stator vanes. Like a hot knife through butter.
Sorry to hear about the pressure washer. Better an o ring than the pump though!

03-25-2024, 07:30 AM
I once bought a used 1911 from a pawn shop, the previous owner had filed the slide stop so much, that if you put finger in the right side, and accidently hit the slide stop pin, it would pop out. Be careful out there.

So...I am a 1911 kind of guy, carry a CCO every day, all day long. I own several government models, of various quality. From RIA to Ed Brown. I have two Dan Wesson CCO's. But...I do not own a commander sized 1911.
I have one .38Super 1911, all the rest are .45. I have been leaning towards a Tisa Tank Commander, comes in .45 and 9mm. If I bought the .45, have lots of magazines (and grips), more than most folks. But, if I went with 9mm, might be less recoil for and old man (like the Colonel), but I would only have the two factory magazines. Both are roughly the same price, about 430.00, GRABAGUN.

What do you think, should I plan ahead on getting recoil sensitive (sissified) and get the 9, or stick to what I know?

Well...Looks like I don't have to decide anytime soon. The Commander funds were spent on a new self propelled lawnmower yesterday. I live on a slight hill, and with an artificial knee on one side and a titanium rod on the other, pushing a lawnmower up hill, was getting to be a little too much. Maybe Trump will win, and I can get one cheaper next year.

03-25-2024, 09:33 AM
Good on you for pushing that thing around Ken, or even walking behind it!

03-25-2024, 06:47 PM
Congrats on the mower Ken! Mighty satisfying to have the right tools. Reduction of pain and a decrease in labor are a win every time. I always love upgrading to the right tools. Hope you are right about our next POTUS!

I fitted the WC trigger today, made it a bit shiny, cleaned up the slide flats a bit, then put it all together. I will eventually Bird shine those flats, the trigger and the controls, but ready to get back to the Colt project now. Going to stick this one in the safe until the next range day.

03-25-2024, 07:52 PM
I should wear a bib to catch all the drool while reading this thread.
All I have to contribute today are these two bargain basement Triple K holsters that were on sale for $25.99 each from ShopRuger.

The Birdshead Single Seven with 3.75” barrel fits the 4.62” length black holster well enough in the meantime until the shorter version goes on sale too.
My 65 year old Single Six I bought new at age 15 is finally happy to have some leather to ride in after all these years.
It fits near perfect in the tan 5.5” holster and will conform better after warming it more on the windowsill in the sunlight and wigglin’ it around a bit.

Sorry, but this site will not upload the pics from my iPad.
Edited to add:
Trying it this way:

03-25-2024, 08:03 PM
Sounds like some great finds Army, and some nice guns you're resting in them! That's pretty cool you've kept that one all these years! Very few can say such a thing. 😎

03-25-2024, 08:03 PM
Quite an accomplishment AB, hanging onto a gun that long!

Bird, last night I was trying to find a tattoo that the work on your gun reminds me of, but couldn't. Tonight the name popped into my head. It is Maori. They're an indigenous tribe from New Zealand. Here's an example. There is no one, single pattern of them, but this one comes closest to what your gun reminds me of. It's looking great by the way!

03-25-2024, 08:17 PM
Wow! That’s a cool pattern/tattoo! I think I’ve actually heard that name, Maori before. That would also look good, in my opinion, scrimshawed onto some ivory grips.

03-25-2024, 10:07 PM
Search for Maori tattoo, and then switch your search to images. They can be pretty elaborate.

03-25-2024, 10:46 PM
Search for Maori tattoo, and then switch your search to images. They can be pretty elaborate.
Just did. Some great art in there. Those guys with the face tats, and the women with the chin tats… SCARY people! :tongue:
If someone could mask up a gun with some of that art it would come out pretty cool. The laser engravers could do it no problem.

03-26-2024, 06:59 AM
Have you seen the Sig Tribal version 1911?

03-26-2024, 07:09 AM
I have! I almost traded for one once when I was on a Sig compact 1911 frenzy. Is that yours?

03-26-2024, 08:43 AM
No, I tried to get one awhile back and guy wanted crazy money for it.

03-26-2024, 08:55 AM
I never put 2 and 2 together before when thinking about Sig's (and Honda's) depiction of tribal art. Now it makes perfect sense.

03-26-2024, 08:57 AM
No, I tried to get one awhile back and guy wanted crazy money for it.
I’ve tried to look at some of the compact/officer one’s I used to own. They are either never out there, or way too over priced. Adds to the regret of selling them.

03-26-2024, 04:01 PM
When I got the Tisas home, I put on some stabilized wood grips (forget what wood) that I already had, and while I thought they looked pretty good, I did not feel 100% about them. As the Colonel would say, they did not sing to me. I ordered Hogue "Piranha" grips (black & grey, but looks like some tannish mixed in) and msh that came in today so I just put them on. This sings to me, bringing the slide and frame colors tother in the grips. Love some of the pattern in the diamonds! This is not their “Magrips” that come together at the bottom to form a magwell, but the grips do have the cut out at the bottom and behind them up to the lower bushing so one of those add on magwells with tangs that go over the bottom bushing can be installed. I do have a black one somewhere that I never got a round tuit on, so I may just try it for looks, but not sure if it’s coating will go so well with the Tisas frame coating. BTW, apparently Tisas snips off a tiny bit of the butt, so both the grips and the msh do not align with that angle. I could shape both, but do no want to lose that flat bottomed magwell look of the grip, so I’m just going to rock on as is.

03-26-2024, 04:25 PM
I never put 2 and 2 together before when thinking about Sig's (and Honda's) depiction of tribal art. Now it makes perfect sense.
Not sure what you are talking about with Honda? Can you show a pic?
EDIT: I think I know what you mean now. I looked it up and saw a Honda logo where the wing had a tribal look to it.

03-26-2024, 05:16 PM
Honda VTX, with Tribal Paint Scheme

03-26-2024, 05:27 PM
Ah, I see. I found another too. Does kinda look like the Sig tribal art.

03-29-2024, 02:11 PM
Not a new gun, but got a cool part in for the Colt project today. I had mentioned one of these, couldn't find one, then Bawanna found them on Ebay. Unported/blank bushing comp to turn it into a faux long slide. 😁

03-29-2024, 02:47 PM
Is that steel or aluminum?

03-29-2024, 03:07 PM
Is that steel or aluminum?
It’s stainless. I was hoping it came raw. I’ll get rid of the coating and polish it.

03-29-2024, 03:48 PM
That's gonna be very beautiful! Hey Bird, do the Gold Cups have wider hammers?

03-29-2024, 04:32 PM
Thanks dao! You know, I'm not sure. I can mic it this evening and another for comparison, then let you know.

03-29-2024, 04:55 PM
Sorry Bird, I didn't mean hammers. I meant triggers. :(

03-29-2024, 05:08 PM
Sorry Bird, I didn't mean hammers. I meant triggers. :(
That’s ok. You know, I kind of thought it was thick when I took it out. But I can check.

03-29-2024, 05:37 PM
It’s stainless. I was hoping it came raw. I’ll get rid of the coating and polish it.

Awesome, I've heard it's best to stay away from aluminum as they wear, although I doubt many shoot them enough or remove them often enough to actually wear them out. I love stainless.
Another thing you bad influencers make me want to try.

03-29-2024, 07:31 PM
Awesome, I've heard it's best to stay away from aluminum as they wear, although I doubt many shoot them enough or remove them often enough to actually wear them out. I love stainless.
Another thing you bad influencers make me want to try.

I've read the same.

03-29-2024, 07:34 PM
Sorry Bird, I didn't mean hammers. I meant triggers. :(
Your suspicions were correct. That's the factory RIA one on the bottom, which would be your run of the mill on width, and the Gold Cup on the top. No need for a micrometer. Easily distinguishable as wider.

03-29-2024, 08:41 PM
Not sure why they make them that way, though it might have something to do with fine motor skill release of the trigger? Is the bow wider side to side also? Unless I'm picturing things wrongly in my head the frame has a much wider cutout for the trigger.

Thing about stainless, they should be run very wet.

03-30-2024, 08:29 AM
Not sure why they make them that way, though it might have something to do with fine motor skill release of the trigger? Is the bow wider side to side also? Unless I'm picturing things wrongly in my head the frame has a much wider cutout for the trigger.

Thing about stainless, they should be run very wet.
You may be correct. I don’t know about the bow width, but can check. I would think that would be the same. At least I know not to try and replace the trigger with a standard width shoe’d one! : )
Gotchya on the lubed stainless! ; )

03-31-2024, 10:40 AM
Cannot find my original posting. The site does not like short search parameters, like CZ97. I know this is a problem with certain SQL databases, and assume the site runs on one.

My new old stock CZ97 was taken to the local Legion, out door range this week and ran like a sewing machine. (This one of my dads sayings. Any complicated machine that ran well, was complemented so.).
Ran 100 rounds of ball, and 50 rounds of hollow points. POA, and POI were spot one. This is a pre2012 pistol, so has dead night sites. I believe the post 2012 fiber optic would be better out doors.

03-31-2024, 11:20 AM
Sounds like a fun time!

03-31-2024, 11:40 AM
I love fiber optic sights. In the daytime. Since I rarely am out and about after dark these days I find them very useful for daytime excursions. For night sights I like Sig's XRay3's. Having that green circle around the tritium really brightens them during the day. I even added some green sight paint to the white ring around the outside of my front ECO night sight, making them much like the XRay3 sight. But my favorite are Fiber Optic/Tritium sights. Best of both worlds. My PM45 came with them, and I wish all my carry guns had them.

03-31-2024, 12:17 PM
Yes! TFO's are the best of both worlds in my opinion. And those fron sites that have a green or orange surround are icing on the cake.

03-31-2024, 10:13 PM
Got my P365 to the range and in my hands it groups well.
But hits low with the OEM X-Ray NS :(
I'm having them swapped out for the new XS DXT2 Optic Orange Big Dot sights.

Also having an OEM stock put on my Galil ACE 308 pistol.
It appears the tube and buttstock maybe out of specifications?
Gunsmith, twice, tried to jam it together and pass it off to me as functional?!?!
It's frozen (buttstock) and will not move.
Supposed to be collapsible/adjustable.
I finally pitched a fit the second time.
And had them replace the brace and give it back to me with no charge :mad:

Contacted IWI and I was past their 15 day window for returns.
They did admit some buttstocks were indeed out of spec.
And sent me a second buttstock free of charge.
They stated that this one would work.
I hope the tube isn't damaged as IWI doesn't have any more tubes.
Looks like I'll be looking for a new gunsmith for the second (actually third) attempt.
This is my baby (wanted the same adjustable stock as my carbine).

03-31-2024, 10:25 PM
Good lookin' peacemaker there Barth

04-01-2024, 09:28 AM
Other than that stock issue, sounds like you've been having some fun actually shooting lately Barth. I know some of us tool around with them a lot, but shoot very little. As of late, I fit that bill unfortunately.

04-01-2024, 12:00 PM
and I'm not sure it's less expensive to tool around with them than shoot them anymore. Parts ain't cheap! :)

04-02-2024, 02:36 PM
and I'm not sure it's less expensive to tool around with them than shoot them anymore. Parts ain't cheap! :)

Agreed! All around more expensive these days.
Just picked up something you and I have been talking about 😁
Got the Garison Commander 9mm. I know yours is right around the corner. From 1st fondling at least, I love it! Pretty lil gun!

04-02-2024, 03:37 PM
Yes they are purdy aren't they? Looks like a nice thick thumb safety too! I have a feeling we're really going to enjoy these.

04-02-2024, 03:53 PM
Looks like a nice thick thumb safety too! I have a feeling we're really going to enjoy these.
I swear they broke out their old school specs on that safety. Looks just like the one I love so much on the CCO.
I think we will indeed enjoy them. Now that I’m going to be broke for a bit, I might just go shoot this one, rather than break it down for modification. Put some ammo through it and the RIA at the same time. You gonna get right into your mods? I just don’t have everything I need yet, but I do have ammo! :D

04-02-2024, 04:13 PM
I'm going to swap out the barrel bushing for a black one. The trigger for a black one. And the grip bushings for standard size. And at some point checker the frontstrap in either 25 or 30lpi, and then reblue it. That's all I have planned. No magwell for this, but I will use magwell grips on it. Wait, we're supposed to shoot our guns? :D

04-02-2024, 04:31 PM
Lol, yes, I think we should. At least at some point. 😁
I like the sound of the all black parts. I know with a car, they call that "murdered out". Should look really good.

04-03-2024, 05:28 PM
Well IWI Firearms came through with a free of charge replacement buttstock ;)
Five stars to IWI Customer Service.
They were very fast and understanding to my emails and situation.
Quick to accept responsibility and handle the defective part.

Also, decided to go back to the original Gunshop to install the stock.
I've used them for years and just didn't want to go elsewhere.
Have been very pleased with their gunsmithing services on other weapons in the past.
I put the buttstock on the tube myself just to check fitment and functionality.
Fits and works perfect.
A single roll pin holds on the tube and folding mechanism to the receiver.
My punch just isn't long enough, or I'd do it myself.
Explained the situation to an employee at the original Gunshop.
That it would likely take two minutes to swap the brace with the stock.
And really doesn't require gunsmithing at all.

He said the gunsmith was out that day.
But he wanted to show the gun to his Armorer.
Came back in a few minutes with the stock installed!
Said "Hear you go!" and shook my hand :D
No charge, nothing!

Sometimes things just work out!
Already sent an Email to the ATF updating the SBR specifications.
Got one of those free EFORM1 SBR thingy's for braced pistols.
And decided to put a real stock on it.
Because, why not - LOL!

04-03-2024, 06:09 PM
It usually pays to be loyal to folks like that. They will typically appreciate your patronage and reward you when they can. Sounds like you're in good shape now Barth. Congrats!

04-03-2024, 06:28 PM
Congrats on everything working out so nice Barth. Agree with dao on his statement. Going anywhere else would have required starting the relationship all over again, and the next one might not be one you want to have a relationship with.

04-03-2024, 07:04 PM
Ya'll might of thought my last one was crazy...
Introducing the copper case hardened Garisson:
Hard to see in the pics, but some nice peacock colors in there:
Yes, this one is a bit crazy, even for me, but wanted to try some new things! 😁 It may grow on me, but maybe not. If not, I will remove the copper and just do a case hardened look.

04-03-2024, 07:43 PM
Give me a little while to digest that. I'm curious how that is done but if it's a trade secret and you'd have to kill me if you told me I don't want to know that bad.

04-03-2024, 08:10 PM
Give me a little while to digest that. I'm curious how that is done but if it's a trade secret and you'd have to kill me if you told me I don't want to know that bad.

Agree on the digesting part. The case hardened part is just Super Blue diluted with water. Rub it in circles. More in some areas, less in others. Edges get dark and the center of the rub gets the lighter blues and other colors. The copper is ZEP Root Kill, which is something like 99% Copper Sulfate. Put some of the little blue crystals into a small container (I used cough syrup shot glasses) and add a little water. Dip a q tip in and run back and forth in any pattern you want. The copper starts to lay down and you keep going until the area you want is covered, such as the little circular copper shapes I made. Hope that all makes sense.

04-03-2024, 10:14 PM
I'll have to mull that one over too. Like your RIA, it is unique so far. Cool thing about steel though is at any point you can pretty much strip it down and try something else. Not suggesting you should, just saying that if YOU decide you want something different, the steel frame will work with you.

04-03-2024, 11:45 PM
I'll have to mull that one over too. Like your RIA, it is unique so far. Cool thing about steel though is at any point you can pretty much strip it down and try something else. Not suggesting you should, just saying that if YOU decide you want something different, the steel frame will work with you.
Totally agree, so…
I could not leave it alone, so tore it back down, scratched off maybe 97% of the copper and went to more of a traditional looking, faux case hardened look. I’m happier with it, for now at least!

04-04-2024, 12:06 AM
Way more better.

04-04-2024, 12:15 AM
Way more better.
Thank you sir! What was that original poster thinking? :rolleyes:

04-04-2024, 08:21 AM
Ya'll might of thought my last one was crazy...
Introducing the copper case hardened Garisson:
Hard to see in the pics, but some nice peacock colors in there:
Yes, this one is a bit crazy, even for me, but wanted to try some new things! 😁 It may grow on me, but maybe not. If not, I will remove the copper and just do a case hardened look.

You know, you might think that it is crazy but I don’t see much difference from some of the Desert Eagles being offered lately. So you might actually have something there.

04-04-2024, 08:31 AM
You know, you might think that it is crazy but I don’t see much difference from some of the Desert Eagles being offered lately. So you might actually have something there.

Thanks yqtszhj! Yeah, I've seen some crazy finishes on them. I guess I'm not the only one pushing the envelope. Sometimes it works, other times...not so much! 😂

04-04-2024, 09:02 AM
Be curious to know if that copper coating would hold up if you did the entire frame with it. That too would be unique, and you know that copper takes a nice shine!

04-04-2024, 09:31 AM
Be curious to know if that copper coating would hold up if you did the entire frame with it. That too would be unique, and you know that copper takes a nice shine!
I’m not too sure. I can say that it did sand off rather easy, but so did the finish on that RIA. I think that, at minimum, some Renaissance wax should be put over it, if not some gunkote clear. I thought about doing the whole frame, but when I looked at copper cerakoted one’s online it was a bit out of my taste. I’m liking it a lot better now with the copper removed.

Ken L
04-04-2024, 10:53 AM
I like the looks of the faux case hardening. The copper blotches looked like it had a disease. Don't think it would ever have sung to me. Sorry Bird.

04-04-2024, 11:44 AM
I like the looks of the faux case hardening. The copper blotches looked like it had a disease. Don't think it would ever have sung to me. Sorry Bird.

I'm in total agreeance with you. No sorry necessary my friend. I appreciate honesty more than coddling. I wish people were honest more than they coddle these days. Thanks Ken!

04-04-2024, 11:47 AM
Ya'll might of thought my last one was crazy...
Introducing the copper case hardened Garisson:
Hard to see in the pics, but some nice peacock colors in there:
Yes, this one is a bit crazy, even for me, but wanted to try some new things!  It may grow on me, but maybe not. If not, I will remove the copper and just do a case hardened look. Call me strange, but I kind of liked it on the backstrap..................

04-04-2024, 12:53 PM
Call me strange, but I kind of liked it on the backstrap..................
You know what, if any part of it could have grown on me it was in that area. Just a little bit poking out from behind the grips.

04-04-2024, 03:14 PM
Okay SHINEY EXPERTS.....I would like to get more shine on my Colt King Cobra. Will wheel polish do it or does it need super fine 1200 grit paper to do it? I don't want it to look worse.

04-04-2024, 03:32 PM
What is the finish on it now. Matte, kind of glossy? I’ve never had one, hence my asking. Unless it is already pretty shiny and scratch free, I would start with something a bit more abrasive than a cream polish or 1200 grit. Once you let me know (close up well lit pics would help) I could maybe give a bit better advice. Either way, be prepared my friend. Your hands and arms are about to be in for a long haul UNLESS you just want it a bit shinier. :eek:

04-04-2024, 04:45 PM
Been awhile since I seen one but seems like they are kind of glossy, not brushed or what I call Matte. Just not super high polish. But my memory of course ain't what it used to be.

So in summary, I never use catchup on a corn dog, only mustard. Hope this helps.

04-04-2024, 05:43 PM
Been awhile since I seen one but seems like they are kind of glossy, not brushed or what I call Matte. Just not super high polish. But my memory of course ain't what it used to be.

So in summary, I never use catchup on a corn dog, only mustard. Hope this helps.
I'm with you on the corn dog. Only a wierdo would put catchup! 😉

04-05-2024, 07:48 AM
What is the finish on it now. Matte, kind of glossy? I’ve never had one, hence my asking. Unless it is already pretty shiny and scratch free, I would start with something a bit more abrasive than a cream polish or 1200 grit. Once you let me know (close up well lit pics would help) I could maybe give a bit better advice. Either way, be prepared my friend. Your hands and arms are about to be in for a long haul UNLESS you just want it a bit shinier. :eek:

Shiny now....would like to shine it up some more YOU KNOW BLIND EVERYONE NEAR!

04-05-2024, 08:12 AM
Ok. I take back what I said earlier now that I see it (Beautiful, both of them). I actually would work it with a polishing paste or cream . Put a generous amount on a very soft rag and rub, rub, rub. After that, rub some more. :DOr, if using a buffer or dremel buffing tips, go straight to the finishing rouge, moving really quickly. Finish with a clean, soft loose cloth wheel on the buffer.

What I can't possibly see in the pic is if the metal has what I call graining. Super tiny lines and/or bumps that prevent it from getting to a mirror. If it does, I would start with maybe 800 grit, (it will look worse before it looks better) then 1200, then either go higher or to the buffing wheel and paste. If not going to use a buffing wheel, keep going higher on the grit until almost a mirror, then go to the paste. To get into the cylinder flutes, you'll want to wrap your sandpaper around something small and cylindrical, such as a cleaning rod or wooden dowel. To get into small flat areas, wrap the sandpaper around a small, flat needle/French file.21134

04-05-2024, 11:39 AM
Are you certain those aren't Nickel plated? As expensive as they are, I don't think they charge enough to get everything that shiny. If it's plated and you break out the sandpaper your definitely in for a large disappointment.

04-05-2024, 11:50 AM
I'm with you on the corn dog. Only a wierdo would put catchup!  Call me a weirdo, but I use ketchup. :)

04-05-2024, 12:22 PM
Call me a weirdo, but I use ketchup. :)

Wierdo! Lol!😂

04-05-2024, 12:22 PM
Are you certain those aren't Nickel plated? As expensive as they are, I don't think they charge enough to get everything that shiny. If it's plated and you break out the sandpaper your definitely in for a large disappointment.

Oh so true!!!

04-06-2024, 01:39 PM

04-06-2024, 02:28 PM
That’s a mean lookin machine! You know what I mean?

04-06-2024, 05:15 PM
Now there you go, trigger'n me. With that black and scary assault weapon. :cool:

04-11-2024, 08:03 PM
Waiting on a trigger and grips to come, but the 3rd iteration of the Garisson frame is done. The 1st two just did not fit me right. So here's a sneek preview. Basically, a blued version of what I did to the RIA, so now, I'll have a black (blued) damascus and a white (stainless) damascus. The RIA is sporting buffalo bone grips, this one is getting smooth, black buffalo horn grips.

04-12-2024, 09:23 AM
Hey that looks fantastic Bird!!! What did you do to get the blackening off the frame?

04-12-2024, 09:53 AM
Hey that looks fantastic Bird!!! What did you do to get the blackening off the frame?
Thanks dao. I just used sandpaper. Some have commented that the salt blueing on these is not as durable as it could be. I do think it came off a bit easy as compared to others I've stripped in the past. I only messed with the external finish, leaving the factory stuff everywhere not visible.

04-12-2024, 11:15 AM
So, in your climate that would mean you'll need to keep it well oiled? I do like the look, regardless. With or without the cool Maori pattern you made on it. If you get bored with it, you could consider stripping the slide in the same way, without the swirls, which would highlight the frame's pattern. The finish makes it look like a very old gun with lots of wear patina. You do do unique!

04-12-2024, 11:40 AM
Saw this on another site. I think a K9 or P9 would fit there nicely!

04-12-2024, 11:42 AM
I put 3 layers of super blue on it, carding off with 000 wool in between each, then coated it twice in Rennaisance wax. Hoping that will protect it adequetly. I could have kept going with the blue as it was getting darker with each application, but as you pointed out, it has an antiqued look where it's at, so I stopped there. Gives it a 2 tone look too. Good idea about the slide. I'm hoping to keep it pristine, but can certainly match it up if ever needed. Thanks for the positive words my friend! 😀

04-12-2024, 12:36 PM
So, in your climate that would mean you'll need to keep it well oiled? I do like the look, regardless. With or without the cool Maori pattern you made on it. If you get bored with it, you could consider stripping the slide in the same way, without the swirls, which would highlight the frame's pattern. The finish makes it look like a very old gun with lots of wear patina. You do do unique!
Dang it man! Why did you have to say that? I thought I was about to be done with this madness. Your words had me looking around and I discovered the Cabot “Serenity”. Looks Like I will have to make a twist on that one. I’m going the etch their slide pattern on a stainless, but instead of the matte everything below it, it will all be mirror polished below it. Not sure when I will do this as I promised to finish what’s on my plate already, but you just created a ton of work for me (joking, I appreciate your sparking some ideas).

04-12-2024, 02:18 PM
If you're going to do the slide Bird, think about just stripping it first and seeing how it looks. I just have a feeling that it will be very appealing with that patina look, and no swirls, because the frame has them. You can always put the swirls on it later.

04-12-2024, 03:57 PM
If you're going to do the slide Bird, think about just stripping it first and seeing how it looks. I just have a feeling that it will be very appealing with that patina look, and no swirls, because the frame has them. You can always put the swirls on it later.

I'm definitely in agreeance with you on that. I think less is more quite often. On the RIA, a few folks asked if I thought to make the slide match. I explained that I had, but thought that it would be too much.

04-15-2024, 12:28 PM
The more we talk Bird the more I begin to think we might be related :D

Hey Colonel, when you bobbed one of your Commanders awhile back, how did you figure out where to drill the holes for the MSH? I'm tentatively thinking of turning my Tisas Carry into a bobtail, because being stainless it would be a fairly simple matter to make it look right after cutting and grinding on it. but I'm sure if I didn't get the holes in exactly the right place it would mean making them larger to overcome the misalignment.

04-15-2024, 01:10 PM
I got a jig that must be used on a machinist drill press. I couldn't make it work for me. But it did give me the correct distance. I ended up with my trusty Stanley 25 foot tape and plotted the new hole. I then drilled the smallest drill I had to confirm I had it in the right spot. Gradually bigger. Finally finished with a chainsaw file to make sure I didn't get too big or out of alignment.
I cut the corner with a hack saw, leaving just a bit long and then filed it down to fit.
Think I've done 3 now and so far haven't ruined a frame yet. Still scary, but I do like a bobtail. My Tisas Carry came bobtailed.

04-15-2024, 02:34 PM
The more we talk Bird the more I begin to think we might be related :D

Hey Colonel, when you bobbed one of your Commanders awhile back, how did you figure out where to drill the holes for the MSH? I'm tentatively thinking of turning my Tisas Carry into a bobtail, because being stainless it would be a fairly simple matter to make it look right after cutting and grinding on it. but I'm sure if I didn't get the holes in exactly the right place it would mean making them larger to overcome the misalignment.
Brave soul dao! Not sure I will ever go there. Maybe if whiskey is involved, but then that would make it worse! :D

04-15-2024, 02:47 PM
Thanks for the info Colonel. Can you point me to that jig that includes hole placement? Also, when you say machinists drill press, is there a reason that you know of why my benchtop 12" drill press wouldn't work with the jig?

I did say tentative Bird. Not sure yet that I want to take the chance. But when you get down to it, like the Colonel I much prefer a bobtail. And a challenge is usually welcome, though this one is daunting for sure.

This is the Tisas Carry I'm considering Colonel

04-15-2024, 03:25 PM
Thanks for the info Colonel. Can you point me to that jig that includes hole placement? Also, when you say machinists drill press, is there a reason that you know of why my benchtop 12" drill press wouldn't work with the jig?

I did say tentative Bird. Not sure yet that I want to take the chance. But when you get down to it, like the Colonel I much prefer a bobtail. And a challenge is usually welcome, though this one is daunting for sure.

This is the Tisas Carry I'm considering Colonel

I don't know for sure how to use the jig, it's like you have to line up the original hole somehow and then line up the new hole, but when the jig is in place the hole is of course hidden. Maybe it's simple and I just don't get it. I have a good drill press but it didn't help a bit figuring where to put the hole. Let me look for the jig.

This is the jig, it's pricey. I'll find mine and just send it down to you. Not much to it but other than giving the right location not much help. It'll be a bit, wife is on a cruise and she does the post office. I can't stand that place, avoid it at all cost.


Ken L
04-15-2024, 04:25 PM
I don't know for sure how to use the jig, it's like you have to line up the original hole somehow and then line up the new hole, but when the jig is in place the hole is of course hidden. Maybe it's simple and I just don't get it. I have a good drill press but it didn't help a bit figuring where to put the hole. Let me look for the jig.

This is the jig, it's pricey. I'll find mine and just send it down to you. Not much to it but other than giving the right location not much help. It'll be a bit, wife is on a cruise and she does the post office. I can't stand that place, avoid it at all cost.


Bawanna, correct me if I'm wrong. Looks like there is a step of sorts on the jig that the frame rests against. Couldn't a fella put the jig on the outside of the frame, use a longer pin to locate the original msh hole in the jig, then use the bobtail hole to drill the first side? After that, put the jig inside, put the pin back in the original msh hole, and finish the second hole for the bobtail? I can't really tell so much from the picture because I'm not able to zoom in so I may be way off.

04-15-2024, 04:25 PM
I don't know for sure how to use the jig, it's like you have to line up the original hole somehow and then line up the new hole, but when the jig is in place the hole is of course hidden. Maybe it's simple and I just don't get it. I have a good drill press but it didn't help a bit figuring where to put the hole. Let me look for the jig.

This is the jig, it's pricey. I'll find mine and just send it down to you. Not much to it but other than giving the right location not much help. It'll be a bit, wife is on a cruise and she does the post office. I can't stand that place, avoid it at all cost.

dao, daunting I would say, but you’ve taken on some daunting stuff already. I see that jig now and think I would actually do it with that. If me I would align it and pin it (pin through the bottom hole, into the existing pin hole of the frame) OUTSIDE of the frame, then scribe or punch through the hole where the new location is supposed to be. I may be wrong, but that’s what I would do.

04-15-2024, 04:28 PM
The trigger and buffalo horn grips came in for the Garisson. I think it’s a nice match up with the RIA and a lot better than that copper mess that was on there ;)

04-15-2024, 04:47 PM
Bawanna, correct me if I'm wrong. Looks like there is a step of sorts on the jig that the frame rests against. Couldn't a fella put the jig on the outside of the frame, use a longer pin to locate the original msh hole in the jig, then use the bobtail hole to drill the first side? After that, put the jig inside, put the pin back in the original msh hole, and finish the second hole for the bobtail? I can't really tell so much from the picture because I'm not able to zoom in so I may be way off.

Not sure why I did not see your post Ken, but you beat me to it on the outside the frame thing.

04-15-2024, 05:17 PM
This video shows how to use that jig. Skip to about 1:45 to see exactly how to start the process. By the time you get to 4:46 you'll see the steps needed to complete the setup. He messed up, as you can see if you continue past that, but we all learn as we go. Kudos to him for posting the video so that we can learn from his mistakes and avoid making the same ones ourselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dT99lVjO3ss

Your Garrison is looking great Bird!

04-15-2024, 05:30 PM
This video shows how to use that jig. Skip to about 1:45 to see exactly how to start the process. By the time you get to 4:46 you'll see the steps needed to complete the setup. He messed up, as you can see if you continue past that, but we all learn as we go. Kudos to him for posting the video so that we can learn from his mistakes and avoid making the same ones ourselves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dT99lVjO3ss

Your Garrison is looking great Bird!
Thanks dao! Great job finding that video. That makes me want to do it now. So much easier than I was making it out to be.

04-15-2024, 05:44 PM
I'll stick to my Stanley tape. I didn't mess up. I figured that was how it was done but couldn't figure out how to do it on a drill press. I've since got a vise that I could probably attach to the press to do what he did. That elongated hole is gonna be ugly but it will still work.

04-15-2024, 06:01 PM
Here's an even better video, showing a successful attempt from beginning to end.


04-15-2024, 06:34 PM
Hey Colonel, if you're not going to use that jig I'll buy it off you!

04-15-2024, 07:07 PM
Thanks for the info Colonel. Can you point me to that jig that includes hole placement? Also, when you say machinists drill press, is there a reason that you know of why my benchtop 12" drill press wouldn't work with the jig?

I did say tentative Bird. Not sure yet that I want to take the chance. But when you get down to it, like the Colonel I much prefer a bobtail. And a challenge is usually welcome, though this one is daunting for sure.

This is the Tisas Carry I'm considering Colonel
I’ve always been interested in those aluminum grips (those are aluminum, right?) I need to go ahead and try out a pair one day.

04-15-2024, 07:53 PM
Hey Colonel, if you're not going to use that jig I'll buy it off you!

I don't foresee bobtailing any more 1911's. So I'll send it your way, if I ever do another you can send it back. Maybe kick in 25 and we'll be half owners, or kick in nothing and we'll still be half owners, or I'll kick in 25 and I'll be the leaser and you'll be the lessee. Brake out the Advil, here comes the headache.

04-15-2024, 08:08 PM
The grips are aluminum John. Got 'em used, with a couple of other used sets of different kinds. I believe these are Alumagrips but they're not like the others that I have which are dark gray, and anodized I think. These are just raw aluminum though I think they sprayed them with something because they don't seem to pick up oil and darken, or tarnish in any way.

Colonel hold onto the jig for a bit. I'm already sending an MO to you tomorrow for the grips you made for me. After the first of the month I'll send you 25 and we'll be half owners of the jig like you suggested. And I like the idea of sending it back and forth after that as needed :)

04-16-2024, 07:02 AM
The grips are aluminum John. Got 'em used, with a couple of other used sets of different kinds. I believe these are Alumagrips but they're not like the others that I have which are dark gray, and anodized I think. These are just raw aluminum though I think they sprayed them with something because they don't seem to pick up oil and darken, or tarnish in any way.

Colonel hold onto the jig for a bit. I'm already sending an MO to you tomorrow for the grips you made for me. After the first of the month I'll send you 25 and we'll be half owners of the jig like you suggested. And I like the idea of sending it back and forth after that as needed :)
So if I wanna do mine one day, do I have to send you both $25? Or half that, at $12.50 each? Hey, I think we can get a pyramid going here guys. :p Just kidding, but just read a thread elsewhere, or watched a video, about guys doing just this to make it all fair like. Smart if we could do this with various tools we might each be able to get usage out of.

04-16-2024, 09:33 AM
Ok, that makes sense. Dao, don't send the money, I'll release the hostages. When Bird or you or any of the other members decide to cut the corner off their 1911 we'll just send the jig. I'll just hang onto it until somebody needs it.

04-16-2024, 10:04 AM
I did not mean to mess up the flow or anything.

04-16-2024, 10:42 AM
You didn't mess up nothing. Makes good sense. Most of the time it just sits in a drawer so we might as well all benefit. Not like it wears out or anything.

04-16-2024, 11:46 AM
You didn't mess up nothing. Makes good sense. Most of the time it just sits in a drawer so we might as well all benefit. Not like it wears out or anything.
I dunno. I think in all fairness there should be a rental fee and shipping covered at minimal, paid to the person loaning. Just my opinion though. Would be cool if we had a “tool crib” section for things like this. I don’t have too many special tools. I do have a decent sight pusher/puller, that fancy sanding block, maybe a few other things. Wonder if anyone on here has a barrel crowning kit?

04-20-2024, 07:27 PM
I got my Garrison out of paperwork jail. It's a good looking gun but I'm looking forward to making a few changes.

04-20-2024, 07:52 PM
Yaaaah! Congratulations my friend. Of course, interested to see what you do with it. My stuff is usually aesthetics, while yours is a mix of aesthetics and function. Thinking the function part won’t be as deep on this one though, given the reputation they have in stock configuration. Cheers!

04-20-2024, 08:38 PM
I sure don't know what I'd change on it myself. Looks durn near perfect just the way it is.

04-21-2024, 05:25 AM
Checker the front strap, and install a solid trigger.

04-21-2024, 08:48 AM
You got it Ken. Also want to change the barrel bushing though to make it all black. Oh, hex bushings and standard grips as well.

04-21-2024, 11:14 AM
The trend now days is solid triggers? I remember when they were all solid and everyone wanted the lighter ones with holes. I'm behind the times I guess. Those do look like real slim grips. My Wilson from long ago came with slim grips. Something going on there too I guess. The good thing is there's so much stuff out there now a person can get whatever they want.

04-21-2024, 12:39 PM
Not a new gun to me.
Sometimes you just have to re-visit and old friend.
And a classic 1911 in 45 ACP is pretty much a guaranteed good time (DW V-Bob).
Close range free hand 24 rounds of Blazer Brass 230 gr ball :D

04-21-2024, 12:59 PM
Good shootin' hoss!

Don't know if it's a trend Colonel but I personally don't like triggers with holes. Seems like it opens possibilities to an accident. Just a personal preference on my part.

04-21-2024, 01:22 PM
The trend now days is solid triggers? I remember when they were all solid and everyone wanted the lighter ones with holes. I'm behind the times I guess. Those do look like real slim grips. My Wilson from long ago came with slim grips. Something going on there too I guess. The good thing is there's so much stuff out there now a person can get whatever they want.
Starbelly Sneetch Syndrome.

I always preferred solid triggers.

04-22-2024, 05:33 AM
I have always been a solid trigger fan.
The typical trigger pull on a 1911 is almost always decent, even the budget ones. Why would you need to lighten the weight of the trigger?
Part of the tactical-cool crowd?
I was/am afraid something would hang up in the holes. But the pull is so short, not likely.

04-22-2024, 05:49 AM
Agreed! The three holes punched into one would probably only equal the weight of a piece of pocket lint anyways, so not sure where and benefit would be.

04-22-2024, 09:34 AM
But, but, butt if the gun comes with holes in the trigger brand new, is it so important to swap out for a solid trigger. (not to me) I have swapped from a short trigger to a medium or long trigger, but that's of course personal preference.
Seems swapping just to have a solid trigger would be the tactical cool approach.

Granted I'm pretty much a Don't mess with mother nature type dude. Usually try to leave things the way they were born for the most part with of course many exceptions.

04-22-2024, 10:03 AM
But, but, butt if the gun comes with holes in the trigger brand new, is it so important to swap out for a solid trigger. (not to me) I have swapped from a short trigger to a medium or long trigger, but that's of course personal preference.
Seems swapping just to have a solid trigger would be the tactical cool approach.

Granted I'm pretty much a Don't mess with mother nature type dude. Usually try to leave things the way they were born for the most part with of course many exceptions.
For me at least, it’s mostly aesthetics. A solid one looks better. Gotta be cool! :cool:

04-22-2024, 01:44 PM
I'm sorry, but for someone who likes ketchup on a corn dog, I like the original triggers myself. The solid one's make your firearm look like a squirt gun. Just my .06 cents. (Bidenomics)

04-22-2024, 02:01 PM
I think maybe that's it. the squirt gun analogy clicks with me. I certainly don't mind solid triggers, don't get me wrong but I guess like everything else it's kind of a what ever floats your boat ya know.

04-22-2024, 04:27 PM
Lol! Never thought about the squirt gun thing, but have to admit that you are correct. 😁 But the ketchup on the corn dogs... come on man!

04-22-2024, 04:31 PM
Got finished with one side of the Tisas slide, and the springbox. Tried to somewhat copy this longslide's damascus pattern, but the serration areas were a pita. Just doing the flats and spring box.
Going to postulate on it, but I might color fill the etched areas either a dark grey to pull off of the grips, or a black to pull off of the slide. Definitely will not be purchasing any mammoth grips though! 😁

04-22-2024, 05:47 PM
Are those your poured grips on there? You found the price tag on Mammoth grips huh? Don't pay off college loans, pay off my Mammoth grips.........some sure are pretty though.

04-22-2024, 05:50 PM
Are those your poured grips on there? You found the price tag on Mammoth grips huh? Don't pay off college loans, pay off my Mammoth grips.........some sure are pretty though.
I have yet to pour grips. Not sure what I’m waiting on. Those are “Piranha” G10 grips and matching msh by Hogue. Grips were a deal on Ebay and the msh off Amazon. Yeah, those mammoths are spensive. I have seen some lesser priced one’s, but they usually already say “sold” on them. Phew! Can buy a few cheap pistols for the price of some of them.

04-22-2024, 06:30 PM
I got my Garrison out of paperwork jail. It's a good looking gun but I'm looking forward to making a few changes.
Looks real nice right out of the case.................

04-22-2024, 06:49 PM
It's striking Bird! You're a lot braver than I am. I think I like the idea of the color fill, though in my case it wouldn't be to match the grips. My grips never stay on any one gun long enough for me to match a gun to them. But if you do color it I do think the slide and the grips will compliment each other very nicely!

Checkered my Garrison today in 30lpi. Put three applications of the Birchwood Casey Cold Bluing on it. Then oiled it. It matched the black of the frame perfectly. I kept the bluing away from the rest of the frame. I don't think I'm going to have to do anything to the slide, though I will order a black barrel bushing now that I know the dimensions of the factory one. I put standard grip bushings on it and replaced the trigger. I was surprised to see that all the internal parts are MIM. Gun has good bones though and they had to do something to keep the price down.

04-22-2024, 07:40 PM
You've got that metal checkering figured out. Looks perfect. Bluing looks great too. Did you heat the metal a little bit or just blue it cold?

04-22-2024, 07:46 PM
Thanks dao. I’m leaning to the gray too.
Agree with the Colonel, that checkering and blue came out perfect. Looks factory. Did you blue a silver trigger, or did that one come black? The grips look at home with the black grains. Once that black barrel bushing goes on, you’ll have a “Night Garisson”. Looking real nice man!!!!

04-22-2024, 07:51 PM
I have yet to pour grips. Not sure what I’m waiting on. Those are “Piranha” G10 grips and matching msh by Hogue. Grips were a deal on Ebay and the msh off Amazon. Yeah, those mammoths are spensive. I have seen some lesser priced one’s, but they usually already say “sold” on them. Phew! Can buy a few cheap pistols for the price of some of them.

Boy am I dumb. I was looking at the grips on the long slide. Went to Hogue and they don't got nothing like that. Maybe a little more coffee.

04-22-2024, 10:15 PM
Ah, gotchya! Yes, those are some nice grips on the long slide. Too bad they are so expensive. A guy on ebay sells acrylic faux mammoth. They look ok I guess.

04-22-2024, 10:25 PM
All cold blue Colonel. It did come out really nice, and this one only took me 4 hours. That Birchwood Casey stuff works really well and easy. I am getting it down to a science, but now I don't have any more uncheckered guns to play with. Unless I start messing with my Kahrs.... :)

04-22-2024, 10:29 PM
Sometimes just heating up the metal with a heat gun or a hair dryer helps the cold bluing work better. Often times it's not needed. It's funny stuff, like stain, you never know what your gonna get.

Mix and match, heat the metal, whatever it takes to get the end result one seeks.

04-23-2024, 08:50 AM
Thanks for the tip! Ironically I did use a hairdryer to dry them after waiting the minute called for and then rinsing them with cold water. Perhaps it helped with the process anyway?

04-23-2024, 09:17 AM
Thanks for the tip! Ironically I did use a hairdryer to dry them after waiting the minute called for and then rinsing them with cold water. Perhaps it helped with the process anyway?

A hair dryer? No wonder it looks so luxurious! 😂

04-23-2024, 09:49 AM
I generally don't help it dry, sometimes I don't let it dry but keep it wet and then just rinse. Think it helps to keep from going dull but I got nothing solid to back that up with. Whatever you did worked great, that's all that matters.

04-23-2024, 10:35 AM
So....just curious, has anyone ever seen a Kahr, T or K model with a checkered front strap? I have not. I have skate board tap on all of mine. Which works pretty good.
Is it a price thing? Such as high end holsters are usually made for high end 1911's. Would anyone spend the change, to get a K model checkered? I know with the holsters, you bought a $300 firearm, odds are you are not going to spend $150 on a holster.
Have no idea how much checkering cost, but assume it is considerable, with all the labor involved. So you get a 4-600 dollar K model, going to spend 150-300 for checkering?

04-23-2024, 10:59 AM
I have always been a solid trigger fan.
The typical trigger pull on a 1911 is almost always decent, even the budget ones. Why would you need to lighten the weight of the trigger?
Part of the tactical-cool crowd?
I was/am afraid something would hang up in the holes. But the pull is so short, not likely.

Not sure why lighter may be better. However Sig's fix for accidental discharges on P320 was to install LIGHTER trigger.

04-23-2024, 11:00 AM
Or you could buy a $50 file and do it yourself. It's really not hard to do. I thought I had seen a K here on this site that someone had checkered Ken. Won't swear to it though.

I almost forgot I do have a M1991A1 that I could checker. But I'm not sure how the bluing would work on a frame that I believe has been parkerized by Colt when it was made. Thoughts on that?

The idea of a lighter trigger jeep is that it carries less inertia if dropped. More weight/mass requires more energy to be dissipated before it will stop it's motion. Though I'm not sure that lightening the trigger was the entire fix of the Sig issues.

04-23-2024, 11:54 AM
So....just curious, has anyone ever seen a Kahr, T or K model with a checkered front strap? I have not. I have skate board tap on all of mine. Which works pretty good.
Is it a price thing? Such as high end holsters are usually made for high end 1911's. Would anyone spend the change, to get a K model checkered? I know with the holsters, you bought a $300 firearm, odds are you are not going to spend $150 on a holster.
Have no idea how much checkering cost, but assume it is considerable, with all the labor involved. So you get a 4-600 dollar K model, going to spend 150-300 for checkering?

I saw some models with checkering on the Kahr website. Sounds like a relatively new thing. I too have the soft rubbery type skateboard tape on all my guns that don't have checkering which is most of em.


04-24-2024, 11:25 AM
All this 1911 talk made me feel nostalgic.
There has been a hole in my safe since gifting the last two 1911s to my sons several years ago, so I just ordered this budget package this morning….


04-24-2024, 11:29 AM
That's a durn nice package and seems like a great price too. I like it.

I'm still waiting on the adoption process so I can call you daddy. I'm patient.

04-24-2024, 12:16 PM
Beautiful AB. One of the things I like about these new Springfields is the old school slide serrations. Exactly how they should be.