View Full Version : Happiness is a new gun 2
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06-24-2024, 08:53 PM
Maybe they do it to sell more bushing wrenches.
06-25-2024, 04:00 AM
Full length guide rods in a 1911 are a good thing, right?
My DW V-Bob doesn't have one (neither does an Ed Brown Kobra Carry).
And I totally love my V-Bob.
Can disassemble it by hand with no tools :)
Seems like the guide rod thingy is "personal preference".
Not sure one is really better than the other.
If I remember correctly, Hickok45 doesn't like a full-length guide rod.
06-25-2024, 10:09 AM
Some folks believe a full length guide rod increases either accuracy or dependability. I don't agree with that.
I have a Kimber Gold Match II, that came with a FL rod. You have to use a wrench. My Ed Brown has a short GR, and the instructions tell you to remove the guide rod and spring, push the barrel forward an inch or more, then rotate the barrel bushing. They claim rotation of the bushing under load leads to inaccuracy over time. BTW, my Executive Elite, is the most accurate firearm, I have ever shot.
Bar None.
I dislike Bull Barrels with a passion. You have to use a tool (aka paper clip) to field strip them. What happens if you are in the middle of BFE, and no paper clips in sight?
06-25-2024, 11:06 AM
Some folks believe a full length guide rod increases either accuracy or dependability. I don't agree with that.
I have a Kimber Gold Match II, that came with a FL rod. You have to use a wrench. My Ed Brown has a short GR, and the instructions tell you to remove the guide rod and spring, push the barrel forward an inch or more, then rotate the barrel bushing. They claim rotation of the bushing under load leads to inaccuracy over time. BTW, my Executive Elite, is the most accurate firearm, I have ever shot.
Bar None.
I dislike Bull Barrels with a passion. You have to use a tool (aka paper clip) to field strip them. What happens if you are in the middle of BFE, and no paper clips in sight?
I shoot my DW V-Bob far and away better than any semi-auto I own :)
06-25-2024, 04:50 PM
So I bought the Citadel. It has a full length guide rod and open ended plug, which the magazines will depress adequately, but I did order a bushing wrench. It has modern sights, but all black, so the rear site got white dots added. It was test fired two years ago, so the store (in Texas) must have had a hard time getting rid of them, hence the $389 price tag.
How is it, you ask? It’s tight and needs breaking in. The trigger measured about 5 lbs at first, but it’s crisp. The grips are a blonde wood, very attractive and felt good. But I tried those Hogue palm swell rubber grips and I like them better. It shoots great, zero malfunctions in a hundred rounds of Federal FMJ. I haven’t shot a 1911 in a while, but it seemed accurate considering. Once we break each other in, I think it’ll shoot very accurately indeed.
This is my 6th 1911. I kinda threw a tantrum and got rid of the others, but I have a feeling this might be the keeper.
Pics? After I soak the barrel and reassemble it. There was residue in the bore and it’s not coming out, so I’m soaking it in bore cleaner overnight.
Anyone want an M&P 45? I’m done with mine. The Citadel beats it hands down.
06-25-2024, 04:54 PM
Don't blame ya none at all. I'd take the Citadel all day long over the M&P and I kind of liked them years back when the department was looking.
06-25-2024, 07:04 PM
Don't blame ya none at all. I'd take the Citadel all day long over the M&P and I kind of liked them years back when the department was looking.
I've got four pre-lock S&W revolvers that are keepers.
Not interested in anything with a Hillary Hole :mad:
Real or imagined, it seems like S&W quality has deteriorated over the years.
I'm not interested in anything they currently have in production.
Read some quick reviews on the Citadel.
It appears to be a fine meat and potatoes 1911.
06-25-2024, 07:10 PM
Some folks believe a full length guide rod increases either accuracy or dependability. I don't agree with that.
I have a Kimber Gold Match II, that came with a FL rod. You have to use a wrench. My Ed Brown has a short GR, and the instructions tell you to remove the guide rod and spring, push the barrel forward an inch or more, then rotate the barrel bushing. They claim rotation of the bushing under load leads to inaccuracy over time. BTW, my Executive Elite, is the most accurate firearm, I have ever shot.
Bar None.
I dislike Bull Barrels with a passion. You have to use a tool (aka paper clip) to field strip them. What happens if you are in the middle of BFE, and no paper clips in sight?
I've been tempted to go with a Bull Barrel and the paper clip thingy just puts me off.
Really prefer to be able to field strip my guns without tools :)
06-25-2024, 08:56 PM
I had a Citadel Officer that used the paper clip. It was sub-optimal.
06-26-2024, 12:53 AM
My Tisas has the bull barrel and the paper clip hole but I don't even use it. The recoil spring is easy enough to depress that I just take it apart like all the others. My Cbob I've never actually tried, I use the clip. I suspect it would be more difficult.
This is what I've found too Colonel. As often as not I've found that it's not necessary to use a clip.
06-26-2024, 10:35 AM
She's a lot prettier as a blonde, but more curvy as a brunette.
I can't seem to get the bore shiny. Not sure what's going on there, but I'll shoot it and see how it goes. It looks like spots of residue in the grooves.
06-26-2024, 12:26 PM
I like the contrasting lighter colored grips. You have large hands or smaller hands. Actually I like it with the Hogues too far as that goes. Lot of good stuff there.
06-26-2024, 03:05 PM
Nice workhorse there.
Nothing fu-fu about it.
06-26-2024, 04:54 PM
There's just something extra special about a 1911.
It's a true American Classic.
John Browning was an absolute genius.
I'm actually surprised I only one the one.
But it's a really nice one :cool:
06-26-2024, 05:31 PM
I've always been partial to brunettes, but in this case, the blonde is much hotter. :o
06-26-2024, 05:46 PM
To me this brunette just screams business! No walking the beauty pageant runway, just get r dun! The more I look the more I like. And I'm a contrast, shiny, give me bling type.
06-26-2024, 07:41 PM
I’m with you, Colonel. I love a hawt blonde, but this thing kinda rocks. My hands are average size, and the Hogues feel great. I’ve handled thousand dollar plus 1911s, and if you blindfolded be I’d swear this was in that realm. I even like the funky billboard on the slide.
06-27-2024, 12:02 AM
I kind a liked the billboard too. Would be tempted to inlay it with a subtle color. I generally like no billboard at all but this one for some reason I don't find the least bit offensive.
06-27-2024, 02:25 PM
I kind a liked the billboard too. Would be tempted to inlay it with a subtle color. I generally like no billboard at all but this one for some reason I don't find the least bit offensive.
+1 on that :D
06-27-2024, 06:03 PM
+1 as well! I too agree on the hogie grips. Utilitarian and menacing. I see they are putting the same trigger in there as what came in dao & mine’s RIA compacts. That’s a great value you got there and hope you get to go shoot it a bunch!
New to me, but used, no excuses gun. It's just a bit larger than my P380, I can actually get a three-finger grip on it. And it's heavier also, though some of that is the laser grips I'm sure.
No mag: 14.11 vs. 9.97 of the P380
Empty mag: 15.66 vs. 12.00 of the P380
The Kimber Micro CDP is actually in the same ballpark weight-wise as the PM9. It should be relatively soft shooting.
06-29-2024, 04:29 PM
My baby is back with the APEX Action Enhancement Kit installed.
Off the range tomorrow morning to see if it favors 124 or 147 gr ammo.
I'm so Stoked :cool:
06-30-2024, 03:50 PM
Ran the spanking new gun (with APEX warmed over trigger) with:
50 HST 124 +P, 50 Winchester Ranger T-Series 147, 100 GECO 124 FMJ and 100 Speer Lawman 147 TMJ.
Gun ran flawlessly.
The Good:
The 6 lbs DA is the best Semi-Auto, hammer fired, DA I've ever shot :cool:
4 lbs SA is glassy without being too light (no unintended double taps).
The Bad:
The aluminum frame Shadow just doesn't feel as balanced or solid as the all-steel 75 Compact :(
It seems to have more felt recoil, isn't as smooth operating or as natural to point.
The Ugly:
I'm sure it's all me, but I'm not shooting the Shadow as well (low / left) :(
The head shots are 147 gr and the torso is 124.
I'm sure I need more range time, but this is a little disappointing.
06-30-2024, 05:46 PM
You’ll get the feel for it and tighten that up.
06-30-2024, 06:08 PM
You’ll get the feel for it and tighten that up.
Thanks man, I think my expectations were just too high.
Very first time shooting it I need to give myself some slack - LOL!
06-30-2024, 09:20 PM
Dude, that’s well within the ballpark of dead A-hole…….Always wanted a CZ but I’m a working man and maybe one day when the lotto comes around I can get me one of those bad boy CZ pistols………You shot well, light weight pistols shoot different but you’ll get it…..If I took that target home I’d be real proud…….
06-30-2024, 10:41 PM
Dude, that’s well within the ballpark of dead A-hole…….Always wanted a CZ but I’m a working man and maybe one day when the lotto comes around I can get me one of those bad boy CZ pistols………You shot well, light weight pistols shoot different but you’ll get it…..If I took that target home I’d be real proud…….
Thanks, I truly appreciate the kind words :)
07-01-2024, 07:14 PM
She's real purty Barth! And I'm with getsome on your paper punching. Not too shabby my friend!
07-01-2024, 07:19 PM
Nice lil Kimber dao! You've been getting some real sharp one's added to your collection lately. I would be trying to keep up with you, but promised the wife no more until next year. Seems so far away!!!😔
07-01-2024, 07:55 PM
Only six more months, Bird!
07-01-2024, 08:34 PM
I know, I know! Hard seeing good deals here & there and not being able to pounce. I almost don't want to look. Painful!
07-02-2024, 03:05 PM
I feel better now - LOL! :D
07-02-2024, 04:05 PM
That guy’s a goner! And anyone behind him!
Thanks Bird. I'd rather buy new, but once in awhile I come across a diamond in the rough in the form of a used gun that's barely been shot and taken good care of. Less expensive that way too :)
07-03-2024, 07:14 AM
Thanks Bird. I'd rather buy new, but once in awhile I come across a diamond in the rough in the form of a used gun that's barely been shot and taken good care of. Less expensive that way too :)
Yes, saving $ is always something that feels good. A lot of people buy one, shoot it once, then stick it in the nightstand or safe, never shooting it again. Those are nice to find.
07-03-2024, 09:19 AM
Thanks Bird. I'd rather buy new, but once in awhile I come across a diamond in the rough in the form of a used gun that's barely been shot and taken good care of. Less expensive that way too :)
Some of my very best guns were bought used but in like new condition.
Often at what I considered to be screaming good deals :cool:
07-03-2024, 09:38 AM
I have run across a few good deals in the used market.
I think my best one was a RIA Nickel plated Gov't model 1911 in .38 Super, (older style with ramped barrel) with 200 rounds of Corbon roller-ball (1450 fps)ammo, guy was moving to, and could not take it with him.
At an estate sale bought a Beretta Jetfire in .25ACP, never fired, still in the box. Belonged to an elderly lady. Of course I shot it.
It is now my "Church" gun. I take it to Weddings and Funerals. Not a show stopper, but better than a point stick.
07-03-2024, 10:23 AM
Nice finds dao!
Ken, yes I would rather be hit by a stick than a round from your Jetfire!
07-04-2024, 02:26 AM
Greetings, peeps! A few decades ago I had a commander clone (Israeli Arms) and sold it and always regretted letting that one go. Now much older, wiser, and pig sick of striker-fired pistols (and do have an Echelon that's an excellent sidearm), CC a SIG P938 and a few other alternates; I wanted back in the 1911 .45ACP camp...Tisas I like, but I know too many owners that cannot get any response from Tisas CS, Tisas doesn't currently offer an Officer's model size (I plan on carrying one), & I'm not excited about supporting Turkey (YMMV), so I had my LGS order me a RIA ECS in .45 ACP.
Tomorrow will be the first time firing it, but so far I'm stunned. The slide to frame fit is impeccable, very nice trigger- y'all know the deal and I caught-up on this thread here regarding DAO's 9mm ECS project...I don't find the flaws in the slide surfaces DAO did, for example. Go figure. So anyways, I'm starting out with just a few EdBrown mags, and some VZ/Wilson Combat Track Starburst Flat bottom grips. Likely will add a Wilson Slide stop as a first upgrade to the innards/pieces. Since Colt has been using MIM internals for more than a few decades, and Remington 870 internals are and have been MIM; I don't have my hair on fire to upgrade all the internals except that hideous chrome trigger lol...and I want a Magwell and am looking at the CHEN SI unit as a prospect. We'll see. The Dirty Olive grips just arrived today and I got a slammin' deal on them as Wilson has a sale on some of their grips...and I wanted their Trak Starburst pattern texture.
Did I read correctly that the ECS' Stainless Steel actually has a finish sprayed on it? Doggone it, I don't have a webhosting acct, and I can't seem to upload a pic or two here. Anyways, great info here! Thanks!
07-04-2024, 06:18 AM
Welcome! When I had a Tisas, their CS was great. Maybe they got too popular and can’t keep up, I dunno. I thought they had Commanders, too. Not just the alloy framed Stingray, but steel? Anyway, RIA is good stuff.
Are these not in stock anywhere?
07-04-2024, 09:34 AM
You need 30 posts in order to attach photos directly. Otherwise, a host can be used.
07-04-2024, 01:26 PM
Welcome! When I had a Tisas, their CS was great. Maybe they got too popular and can’t keep up, I dunno. I thought they had Commanders, too. Not just the alloy framed Stingray, but steel? Anyway, RIA is good stuff.
Are these not in stock anywhere? Yes Tisas does have Commanders. But I wanted an Officer's size this go-round, and they don't make one. Cheers!
07-04-2024, 01:27 PM
You need 30 posts in order to attach photos directly. Otherwise, a host can be used.
Thank you, Bawanna!
Greetings, peeps! A few decades ago I had a commander clone (Israeli Arms) and sold it and always regretted letting that one go. Now much older, wiser, and pig sick of striker-fired pistols (and do have an Echelon that's an excellent sidearm), CC a SIG P938 and a few other alternates; I wanted back in the 1911 .45ACP camp...Tisas I like, but I know too many owners that cannot get any response from Tisas CS, Tisas doesn't currently offer an Officer's model size (I plan on carrying one), & I'm not excited about supporting Turkey (YMMV), so I had my LGS order me a RIA ECS in .45 ACP.
Tomorrow will be the first time firing it, but so far I'm stunned. The slide to frame fit is impeccable, very nice trigger- y'all know the deal and I caught-up on this thread here regarding DAO's 9mm ECS project...I don't find the flaws in the slide surfaces DAO did, for example. ....
Did I read correctly that the ECS' Stainless Steel actually has a finish sprayed on it? Doggone it, I don't have a webhosting acct, and I can't seem to upload a pic or two here. Anyways, great info here! Thanks!
Can't remember what I posted about the slide, or the gun, unless it was that it wasn't absolutely flat? If so I've pretty much flattened here out. Might have been paint, but it sure came off easy. That's a Chen SI on mine, I used scotchbrite on it to make it satin to match the gun's flats. And I did the front strap checkering.
Welcome to the Forum!
07-04-2024, 01:47 PM
Happy independence day!!!
07-04-2024, 02:49 PM
Can't remember what I posted about the slide, or the gun, unless it was that it wasn't absolutely flat? If so I've pretty much flattened here out. Might have been paint, but it sure came off easy. That's a Chen SI on mine, I used scotchbrite on it to make it satin to match the gun's flats. And I did the front strap checkering.
Welcome to the Forum!
I like that magwell. Need to save up some. Then find a baseplate like your picture. Think that would make the grip real nice.
It's a Wilson mag. They work well with a magwell, leaving just enough protruding to get a good seat on the mag with the off hand. Otherwise I like a flush fit on a gun without a magwell. Ed Brown makes some nice 1/4" baseplates too. Just have to make sure the mag has the two holes in the baseplate to accept the screws.
07-04-2024, 07:50 PM
DAO, thanks for the comments and info. So you have the Chen SI and it works like a charm (just as I figured...yay!) I have to watch Chen get them back in stock. Your ECS turned out gorgeous. Do you still have/use it?
That isn't the Chen SI magwell that fits the DW, right? Or is it?
FWIW I've had the Wilson mag's years ago and they ran flawless. Right now we have the Ed Brown mags with the two included base pads, along with the singular ACT OEM mag.. Going to give them a try in just a few hours.
I had a hard time finding a magwell that fit. This was the closest I was able to come. It is the DW Chen SI. Still, the pin holes do not line up perfectly so I had to shave a bit off the pin on one side. But it's tight so I'm happy. And it's the one of the three I tried that came closest, between three different ones I had on hand, including this one. I do still have the gun, and it will make its way into my carry rotation once I've had it to the range a time or two. After all the work I've done to it I like it too much to trade or sell it, and I likely wouldn't get my money out of it even if I did.
Where's that new double stack at?
07-04-2024, 11:08 PM
I had a hard time finding a magwell that fit. This was the closest I was able to come. It is the DW Chen SI. Still, the pin holes do not line up perfectly so I had to shave a bit off the pin on one side. But it's tight so I'm happy. And it's the one of the three I tried that came closest, between three different ones I had on hand, including this one. I do still have the gun, and it will make its way into my carry rotation once I've had it to the range a time or two. After all the work I've done to it I like it too much to trade or sell it, and I likely wouldn't get my money out of it even if I did.
Thank you, DAO. On his website they do NOT suggest their SI maxwells for fitment to RIA due to "tolerance inconsistencies" I think they wrote. So knowing one of the SI variants will work is reassuring. Supposedly RIA is pretty confident of their MFG prowess claiming CNC and OEM specs maybe, MAYBE they have improved in that area, I dunno. I just bought my ECS a few weeks ago and 1-16-24 was the proofing test fire date if I'm reading the green slip correctly.
Mine was 5/23. Chen seems to be right in their assessment about inconsistencies of the brand. So even if they are still present in yours, it might just fit without issue. Either way, with a bench grinder it's a pretty easy job to shave the pin a bit to make it fit, and tightly.
07-05-2024, 01:56 PM
Well sadly I didn't get a new gun but I did get a new Garrett Silent thunder holster this morning. Always a good thing. Think I have 9 now.
This one for my Officer Size Magnum Research 1911U. As always it fit's like a glove, nice leather lined kydex, tough on the outside, soft on the inside. Absolutely stays wide open for one handed reholstering. Just love em.
Nope, I'm not paid by Garrett although I'd work for them for free if I could.
07-05-2024, 02:04 PM
leather lined, you say???? Ooooh thassss niiice! And I need a holster for mine. Thank you for sharing, Bawanna!!! I just may convert to IWB....
Is that the Guardian variant?
07-05-2024, 03:10 PM
I believe it is the Guardian Variant. I was never a fan of IWB until I tried these. Been using them ever since. When (not often) I go OWB which I actually like, I use a Mernickle.
Both not cheap but in my not worth much opinion they are worth every penny and minute of wait.
I think they said 3-4 weeks wait but got it in I think less than 3.
Bob and Sheryl are genuine good people.
07-05-2024, 03:47 PM
Almost all of my holsters are IWB. A short time ago I discovered the Tagua holsters and love them! Inexpensive and very comfortable. My choice is the DCH [aka Sidecar]. You can wear both IWB or Outside. They also have great customer service. I ordered one for my Beretta Wilson Combat and did not get a tracking number the next day. I sent them an e mail and they apologized and said they ran out. They proceeded to send me a tracking number from South America where they are made and Second DAY aired me one direct via FED EX.
07-05-2024, 03:50 PM
As far s buying guns.....I do the opposite, I buy HIGH and sell LOW. Hmmmm maybe that's why I am always broke....:faint2:
07-05-2024, 04:39 PM
As far s buying guns.....I do the opposite, I buy HIGH and sell LOW. Hmmmm maybe that's why I am always broke....:faint2:
This is something I can totally and completely relate to.
07-05-2024, 10:09 PM
This is something I can totally and completely relate to.
Yep, wish I had all the money back from making stupid trade in’s……..I actually tried to make a list of all the guns I’ve owned over the years and traded for the newest flavor of the month and I honestly can’t remember many of them, should have kept a list I guess……
I have such a list GS, stupid trade-ins and all. It doesn't make me feel any better about them. And I'm still out the money I lost on them. :(
07-06-2024, 09:14 AM
Any form of entertainment or education has a cost related to it. We’re not filing for bankruptcy or starving, so my losses in trades and sales are just money spent on interesting experiences.
07-06-2024, 11:56 AM
In all of my years, I've only traded in to a dealer once. I understand keeping dealers in business, but we know what people get for their firearms on trade ins. Most of the time, they make more profit selling a used firearm than a new one. I've always gone the private route. Better deal/trades, and I can always go to the state gov't court site where I can see everything the trader/seller has been accused of, charged with, and convicted of. If they were not comfortable giving me info first, then showing ID, and signing a firearm sale/trade document, I didn't do the trade. Never had an issue and always got what I considered to be very fair trades/sales and got to own/shoot many firearms that I normally wouldn't have. Doing business this way, I've probably spent half or less of what I normally would have spent to experience all the firearms I've had the opportunity to experience.
07-06-2024, 01:04 PM
Where's that new double stack at?
Don’t think it is available quite yet.
Watch this site:
07-07-2024, 06:25 PM
Doing my Sunday gun shop rounds today and lo and behold my 5 year quest for a T9 has come to fruition. By the the numbers it appears to be around 2003 birth date. It appears that the previous owner may have only put only 1 mag if that through it. May have never fired it. The slide lock lever was frozen to the shaft causing no lock back and the follower to jam on the side of the follower. At worst I’ll replace the slide lock if I can’t get it freer.
07-07-2024, 08:15 PM
07-07-2024, 08:25 PM
I’m one of the few who’s limp wristed a steel 1911 :D
I was testing holler points, and they all fed fine, then I shot a magazine one handed. I was getting lazy with my grip and the last round didn’t feed.
I shot a hundred rounds of FMJ today with perfect function, and used a rest at five yards. I’m pleased. So much so, that I have the urge to sell everything and just keep this.
I’m done with my silly M&P toy, though. That one will get sold.
07-16-2024, 01:29 PM
Well, I finally got my misbehaving CZ 75 Compact back from CZ Custom yesterday.
Went straight to the range and quickly ran through pre-loaded mags of 200 FMJs.
I'm happy to report that the "dead trigger / hammer failure to fall" issue appears to have been solved! :D
The CZ Custom trigger job with their carry hammer is gunsmith measured at 4 lbs SA / 7 lbs DA.
As fate would have it, in my hands, I feel I actually shoot the $545 75 better than the $1150 Shadow.
And I'm actually all right with that ... :)
07-17-2024, 04:54 PM
Good job there John. Yes, an M&P just can't compare to a 1911 for plinking. Looks like you put more than a few through the same hole!
Congrats on the CZ Barth. It's always nice getting one running again and feeling like it's the "best bang for the buck"! 😁
07-18-2024, 01:52 PM
$299!!! At Palmetto State Armory. Wish I could. Maybe one of you can take advantage 😁
SDS is the importer for Tisas. Good buy there on that gun!
07-18-2024, 04:09 PM
SDS is the importer for Tisas. Good buy there on that gun!
Agreed! I’m hoping someone here reports that they snagged one. 5 months until I get out of lockdown. Maybe the wife will change her mind come birthday time. Would be nice to find a deal like this when it comes around!
As far as personal tastes go, and this is purely subjective (it's all about me :D ), I would choose their Tank Commander (not the Tanker). On a good day you could get one for very close to that price, and it's somewhat more suitable for EDC.
I hope the next 5 months go quickly for you Bird. And that we'll be looking forward to Innauguration Day at that time as well!
07-18-2024, 05:20 PM
As far as personal tastes go, and this is purely subjective (it's all about me :D ), I would choose their Tank Commander (not the Tanker). On a good day you could get one for very close to that price, and it's somewhat more suitable for EDC.
I hope the next 5 months go quickly for you Bird. And that we'll be looking forward to Innauguration Day at that time as well!
Again I totally agree with you. I’m hoping the Tank Commander is to be found at that price. It certainly has gotten better reviews than the Tanker from what I’ve read. To me, it has more of an old school look (despite the hammer) than the Tanker, with the wood grips and flush mags. I’ve never had one with that short trigger. I bet it would be likable out of the box.
Not sure if you would remember… I know you cruise for deals maybe more than me these days. Towards years end, if you see a Tank Commander around that, please let me know. If that happens, gracias in advance friend!
07-19-2024, 06:01 PM
07-19-2024, 06:27 PM
^^ Oh hell yeah!
07-19-2024, 06:39 PM
^^ Oh hell yeah!
07-21-2024, 08:39 PM
That's a lot of gun there Barth. Very nicely put together.
07-21-2024, 11:38 PM
That's a lot of gun there Barth. Very nicely put together.
Thanks, it's an out of production All Stainless gun that I paid too much for.
But you only live once, right?
07-22-2024, 09:49 AM
I always wanted one of those in singe action only.
BTW, must be nice to have disposable income.
Retiring does have draw backs. In my last few positions I was salaried, but was "billable" to clients. So if I worked 60 billable hours, I got paid extra for anything over 45. We were expected to work 45 as a normal week. It as called straight time, overtime. So...when I went to job sites and worked 75-84 hours a week for a couple of weeks, I would use the "overtime" to buy toys. Sure miss those days.
07-22-2024, 09:54 AM
I always wanted one of those in singe action only.
BTW, must be nice to have disposable income.
Retiring does have draw backs. In my last few positions I was salaried, but was "billable" to clients. So if I worked 60 billable hours, I got paid extra for anything over 45. We were expected to work 45 as a normal week. It as called straight time, overtime. So...when I went to job sites and worked 75-84 hours a week for a couple of weeks, I would use the "overtime" to buy toys. Sure miss those days.
I'm 67 and retirement is imminent, until then ... :p
07-22-2024, 11:42 AM
Very nice Barth. I like the smooth flow of the base plate into the front strap. She's purty! I'd def pick that over it's blued counterpart.
07-22-2024, 12:03 PM
Very nice Barth. I like the smooth flow of the base plate into the front strap. She's purty! I'd def pick that over it's blued counterpart.
The two, no longer available, options were matte or high polished stainless.
I went with the more subdued matte stainless :)
The high polished version I think is more your speed - LOL!
High Polish SS CZ 75 B imwidth=600
07-23-2024, 02:18 PM
Going out tonight to try out the new Stoeger Condor Out Back that I picked up last evening. I’ll see if it needs a Limb saver. If it does I’ll need to shorten the stock.
07-23-2024, 06:09 PM
That is something special…I am envious!
07-23-2024, 06:49 PM
That is something special…I am envious!
Thanks! It's a Bucket List Item - LOL!
Just picked the gun up and the trigger is fantastic!
SA is ~3.75 / DA is ~6.5, and the DA is buttery smooth :cool:
Guys at the FFL couldn't believe it's a factory gun!
I'm thinking it had a factory trigger job or I'm just one lucky )(*_)(*+.
Doesn't appear that the gun has ever been fired (except for factory test firing).
Was going to drop it off at CZ Custom for trigger work, but why?
BTW, my new Shadow 2 Compact, before and after a trigger job, doesn't hold a candle to this Stainless Beauty :D
Trigger pull weights don't tell the whole story ...
07-25-2024, 11:53 PM
Thats gorgeous! Is it a sin to covet another mans gun?
07-26-2024, 03:25 AM
Thats gorgeous! Is it a sin to covet another mans gun?
I don't think so :)
My Dan Wesson V-Bob has been my favorite handgun for years.
The Stainless 1911 is just a Work of Art :cool:
But this Stainless CZ is immediately giving that gun competition.
It seems that most, if not all, of the small parts are stainless too!
The barrel, hammer, trigger, slide stop, safety, magazine release ...
Only the guide rod is polymer, and that will be replaced by a CZ Custom stainless guide rod later today :p
I've bought way too many guns this year.
But you only live once, and when I retire this buying addiction will have to end.
Also, this Stainless Czech Beauty is an absolute jewel :D
Pictures don't really give the gun justice.
You live close to CZ Barth? Lucky man!
Beautiful gun. That trigger sounds phenomenal.
I hope they do for Colt what they've done for other acquisitions.
Wrong to covet another man's gun(s) Colonel? No. And it makes us work harder so we can buy one just like it. It's a motivator is what it is. A Good Thing :D
07-27-2024, 05:37 AM
Looks like a stainless mag, how many did you get with it? I have never seen a CZ stainless mag, in the wild, going to be difficult to find, I think.
07-27-2024, 09:43 AM
Looks like a stainless mag, how many did you get with it? I have never seen a CZ stainless mag, in the wild, going to be difficult to find, I think.
That's the only downside to the gun :(
It came with a single blue steel 16 round mag and what appears to be a stainless CZ base plate that really doesn't fit the mag.
The hole in the base plate is too small for the floor plate.
The magazine itself has no markings of any kind (including where made).
I've got four new 17 round Mec-Gars with the new coating and blue followers on the way (Fedex screwed up the address :mad:)
And bought four new (old model) flush 16 round Mec-Gar mags yesterday to go to the range with later today.
I'm hoping the CZ Stainless base plate fits either the new or old style Mec-Gars.
Also ordered a silver aluminum CZ base pad from CZ-Parts
But as I type this, I just remembered CZ Nickle Finish (Stainless Steel) 19 round mags for sale - so I just ordered three of them too :p
CZ CZ 75 SP-01 / Shadow II 9mm 19-Round Nickel Magazine ( ( 2b14&objectID=4423&indexName=magento_default_products)
Maybe I can mix and match some parts from these mags and build myself something?
We will see ...
I'm excessive compulsive I think - LOL! :D
07-27-2024, 03:02 PM
Well, this Czech Beauty does not disappoint :cool:
07-27-2024, 04:27 PM
Happiness is an old gun, too. I took my T9 to the range today and it’s like a laser. Best pistol I’ve ever shot.
07-28-2024, 09:57 AM
Sunday Update:
Also found these OEM CZ flush 17 round Nickel-Plated mags too!
Doesn't appear that they are stainless steel like the CZ 19 round mags (IDK)?
But they are factory CZ, flush mount and shiny :p
So, I bought three of them too!
Feel I've stacked my magazines deep enough now and satisfied my shinny addiction.
CZ Shadow 2 Nickel Magazine | BSPS ( (
07-28-2024, 02:40 PM
I had a CZ Shadow; I couldn't warm up to it. Super nice and Lite trigger. I thought it was to lite for carry and I like to be able to carry everything I shoot.
I also did not care for the way the slide racks compared to my Sigs. If my memory is correct I traded for my Sig 10mm Legion P220.
07-28-2024, 05:45 PM
I had a CZ Shadow; I couldn't warm up to it. Super nice and Lite trigger. I thought it was to lite for carry and I like to be able to carry everything I shoot.
I also did not care for the way the slide racks compared to my Sigs. If my memory is correct I traded for my Sig 10mm Legion P220.
My CZ Shadow 2 Compact had a 3.4 lbs trigger out of the box that I felt was too lite for carry as well.
Had an Apex Tactical Action Enhancement installed that actually increased the SA to 4.0 lbs :)
I really prefer all my guns with carry triggers as well.
Right about 4 lbs seems to be the sweet spot for me.
My new SS CZ 75 B at 3.75 lbs is right at the limit :cool:
CZ 75 Compact is 4.0 and my DW V-Bob is 4.25
I've read that these CZ guns are like a box of chocolates trigger wise.
Two identical guns can have very different triggers.
I really prefer my CZ 75 and 75 Compact triggers to the Shadow (before and after trigger enhancements).
It's hard to explain, but particularly all stainless 75 B is just buttery smooth :cool:
Dropped off my CZ Shadow 2 Compact off at CZ Custom for an expert polish of the internals :p
In case you haven't seen this yet, all you Trapdoor Rifle enthusiasts, this was posted about 8 hours ago
07-30-2024, 04:25 PM
In case you haven't seen this yet, all you Trapdoor Rifle enthusiasts, this was posted about 8 hours ago
Thanks, that was cool to watch.
Gotta get the new firing pin installed in mine.
07-30-2024, 04:29 PM
That's a really nice ole trapdoor. Really good shape. That Hickok sure can shoot for sure.
Incoming. Took a long time to find one of these. It has the AB Prototype mod to the FCU chassis, and a manual safety. P320C in .45acp 9+1
08-06-2024, 01:24 PM
Did it have the upgrade????????
I think so BB, but I'm not absolutely sure yet. Have to look at the SKU when I get it. That is, if you're talking about the safety. If you're referring to the Sig "fix" for the drop issue I believe it does based on the size of the trigger. Or lack therein.
08-06-2024, 04:55 PM
Pretty cool dao! Looks like a good one for carry!
Thanks Bird, I'm certainly hoping it is :)
08-06-2024, 06:43 PM
Great gun. You will like it. I like mine.
08-07-2024, 02:49 PM
I think so BB, but I'm not absolutely sure yet. Have to look at the SKU when I get it. That is, if you're talking about the safety. If you're referring to the Sig "fix" for the drop issue I believe it does based on the size of the trigger. Or lack therein.
Sig has a good video about the fixes if you haven't checked it out already. You should be able to tell immediately.
Happen to have a link for that BB? In the interest of full disclosure, I may have already seen it. Multiple times. Senior times and all of that don't you know.
Is this by chance what you're referring to, only in video form?
08-08-2024, 07:38 AM
Type in Sig Sauer voluntary recall/upgrade program............should be at the top of the list. Sig should have a video showing operation.
08-08-2024, 08:03 AM
I've started kayaking on local creeks and have already encountered a 5'-6' alligator. A lightweight kit gun could come in handy. Gator hunters often use .22LR, so I guess technically my Keltec P17 would work. A heavier caliber would mean a heavier gun, so I think .22 WMR or .32 H&R would be the limit of what I'd want to shoot in a featherweight gun. Weight matters in case I go in the water - even with a life jacket I don't want a boat anchor of a gun on me.
Your P17 should work. A Taurus TX22 also comes to mind. Featherweight in a full size frame, and who knows it might even float with all that plastic. I wear mine when walking the dogs at night, for the coyotes.
08-08-2024, 09:45 AM
I have a High Standard Sentinel from the 60's, 9 shot 22 LR, I know it was a cheap gun, plastic grips, heavy trigger, but makes a great woods gun. Have a leather holster for it to. First two rounds are rat shot, then sold lead. My main concern when trailing with my dog is Copperhead snakes, hence the rat shot.
08-08-2024, 11:23 AM
Your P17 should work. A Taurus TX22 also comes to mind. Featherweight in a full size frame, and who knows it might even float with all that plastic. I wear mine when walking the dogs at night, for the coyotes. I do the same thing. Lots of coyotes. The local crews had pups this year. I carry something a bit larger.....................
08-08-2024, 02:00 PM
I have a High Standard Sentinel from the 60's, 9 shot 22 LR, I know it was a cheap gun, plastic grips, heavy trigger, but makes a great woods gun. Have a leather holster for it to. First two rounds are rat shot, then sold lead. My main concern when trailing with my dog is Copperhead snakes, hence the rat shot.
I inherited this one froma family friend who bought it in the mid 1950s.
Traded it off to my oldest brother as part of a deal for one of his Colt SAAs
My brothers & I shot a lot of frogs with it in his ponds at his Oklahoma ranch back then, so it is a sentimental gun.
08-08-2024, 03:10 PM
They call him Flipper, Flipper, Flipper..........
08-08-2024, 06:39 PM
08-08-2024, 10:49 PM
No worries mate, we got cha covered.
08-12-2024, 07:51 PM
I'm having CZ Custom of Mesa AZ polish the internals of my new CZ Shadow 2 Compact - because I can :cool:
08-13-2024, 09:14 PM
Just saw this interesting new Lipsey’s Ruger SP101 .327 FM:
Is everyone well stocked? Some deals but at the same time; not all that much to choose from. Need that new X9 to come out!
08-14-2024, 01:15 AM
Just saw this interesting new Lipsey’s Ruger SP101 .327 FM:
I've always liked the Wiley Clapp SP101 357 version -
08-14-2024, 08:54 AM
My 3” SP is a .327 six shooter, but the first SP I bought 30 years ago is the standard .357.
08-14-2024, 09:26 AM
Diamondback SDR's are back in stock at GAG.
Me likey. But I want to hold one first. No one near me has one in stock. Much cheaper than a kimber but not inexpensive at $777.00. Listed as a 9 lb. DA trigger, which is not bad for a J-frame. But I really got to dry fire one first.
08-14-2024, 10:12 AM
That blued SP101 really looks nice. If I hadn't gotten the one just like Army's, I'd be all over it.
08-14-2024, 10:44 AM
That blued SP101 really looks nice. If I hadn't gotten the one just like Army's, I'd be all over it.
I've always been drawn to the blued GP100 Wiley Clapp 357
08-14-2024, 10:53 AM
08-14-2024, 10:57 AM
I've always been drawn to the blued GP100 Wiley Clapp 357
I've always liked the look of the black but I'm wary of the finish. I think if it was a carry piece, the finish would look/get worn quickly.
08-14-2024, 10:59 AM
I think it's the half lug that makes it look so classic.
08-14-2024, 11:02 AM
08-14-2024, 11:03 AM
Here's my 101. She's a 22.
08-14-2024, 11:04 AM
And an old friend gave me this gorgeous H&R Sportsman yesterday. 9 shot 22. It's in really good shape, nice tight lock up. What a nice guy.
08-14-2024, 12:15 PM
My personal favorite 3" 357 -
08-14-2024, 12:18 PM
And an old friend gave me this gorgeous H&R Sportsman yesterday. 9 shot 22. It's in really good shape, nice tight lock up. What a nice guy. That's a dandy..............9 shot?
08-15-2024, 02:04 PM
My new CZ Shadow 2 Compact has returned from its trip to CZ Custom -
08-15-2024, 05:45 PM
My Ruger SP101 has become abandoned, ever since getting my King Cobra. It is just as small and holds 6 instead of 5. It shoots well and conceals great.
08-15-2024, 05:52 PM
My SP 101 alternative is a S&W M640-1
08-15-2024, 06:21 PM
My Ruger SP101 has become abandoned, ever since getting my King Cobra. It is just as small and holds 6 instead of 5. It shoots well and conceals great.
It's probably a ton lighter in weight too. I have a Cobra from the 70's. One of the first hand full of guns I bought. Had an Agent, it got stolen and I replaced it with the Cobra.
08-16-2024, 02:40 AM
My Ruger SP101 has become abandoned, ever since getting my King Cobra. It is just as small and holds 6 instead of 5. It shoots well and conceals great.
I don't own or have even held a Colt revolver.
That Cobra sure does look sweet!
A classic Python has always been on my bucket list.
But those guns have become crazy expensive these days :(
08-16-2024, 10:11 AM
Always hankered for a Python my own self, but always lived on the wrong side of the tracks. Coworker in an earlier life had one and the bluing on that thing looked like it was miles deep.
Wanted a Smith 686 too but so far that ain't happened neither, BUT...... it ain't over yet.
On the subject of new guns. Anybody know anything about Erma's. It looks like a Luger, toggle bolt. This one I seen was a 22. Looked up on auctions and some are going for 5 to 900 bucks. One in the shop I held was 399.
Kind of interesting and different, everybody knows I'm into different. Wondering mostly if that are decent shooters?
08-16-2024, 10:24 AM
That looks fun!
A colleague of mine has a Python he bought way before they were cool. I'm hoping he remembers me in his will...
08-17-2024, 06:14 AM
That looks fun!
A colleague of mine has a Python he bought way before they were cool. I'm hoping he remembers me in his will...
Darn, I feel obligated to argue that the Python has always been cool (and I am not that big a fan of Colt double action revolvers). They were extremely popular (almost mandatory) with the CHP motor officers I knew in the mid 70's.
That vent ribbed barrel has been spliced unto quite a few S&W frames of the years (Smolt ( Q3ABeACQAQCYAX6gAdADqgEDMC40uAEMyAEA-AEBmAICoAKTAcICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAgUQABiABMICBhAAGAc YHpgDAIgGAZIHAzEuMaAHnAY&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) or Smython ( 758098&ei=FoTAZrzkBeOqur8P9b_h0QI&ved=0ahUKEwi8x-j78PuHAxVjle4BHfVfOCoQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=smython&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiB3NteXRob24yBBAjGCcyBRAA GIAEMgkQABiABBgYGAoyCRAAGIAEGBgYCjIJEAAYgAQYGBgKMg kQABiABBgYGAoyCRAAGIAEGBgYCjIJEAAYgAQYGBgKMgkQABiA BBgYGAoyCRAAGIAEGBgYCkiOJ1AAWKogcAB4AJABAJgBnQOgAe kIqgEHMC42LjQtMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCB6ACtAnCAgoQABiABBhD GIoFwgIOEAAYgAQYsQMYgwEYigXCAggQABiABBixA8ICBhAAGA UYHsICBxAAGIAEGBiYAwCSBwcwLjYuNC0xoAfOLg&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)) plus some Ruger frames as well (Cougar ( 861817&ei=lYDAZtHQMdvckPIPzveGuA4&ved=0ahUKEwiR77fQ7fuHAxVbLkQIHc67AecQ4dUDCBA&oq=ruger+security+six+cougar&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGXJ1Z2VyIHNlY3VyaXR5IHNp eCBjb3VnYXJIztkEULcMWMaZA3ACeACQAQCYAagBoAGKE6oBBD IuMTi4AQzIAQD4AQGYAgKgApMBwgIFEAAYgATCAgYQABgIGB7C AgcQABiABBgYmAMAiAYBkgcDMS4xoAfVCg&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)). Early on the Cougar was done with mostly Security Six frames, but I see that Bowen Classic Arms has done some on Red Hawk and GP100 frames:
08-17-2024, 07:32 AM
Darn, I feel obligated to argue that the Python has always been cool (and I am not that big a fan of Colt double action revolvers). They were extremely popular (almost mandatory) with the CHP motor officers I knew in the mid 70's.
That vent ribbed barrel has been spliced unto quite a few S&W frames of the years (Smolt ( Q3ABeACQAQCYAX6gAdADqgEDMC40uAEMyAEA-AEBmAICoAKTAcICChAAGIAEGEMYigXCAgUQABiABMICBhAAGAc YHpgDAIgGAZIHAzEuMaAHnAY&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) or Smython ( 758098&ei=FoTAZrzkBeOqur8P9b_h0QI&ved=0ahUKEwi8x-j78PuHAxVjle4BHfVfOCoQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=smython&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiB3NteXRob24yBBAjGCcyBRAA GIAEMgkQABiABBgYGAoyCRAAGIAEGBgYCjIJEAAYgAQYGBgKMg kQABiABBgYGAoyCRAAGIAEGBgYCjIJEAAYgAQYGBgKMgkQABiA BBgYGAoyCRAAGIAEGBgYCkiOJ1AAWKogcAB4AJABAJgBnQOgAe kIqgEHMC42LjQtMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCB6ACtAnCAgoQABiABBhD GIoFwgIOEAAYgAQYsQMYgwEYigXCAggQABiABBixA8ICBhAAGA UYHsICBxAAGIAEGBiYAwCSBwcwLjYuNC0xoAfOLg&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)) plus some Ruger frames as well (Cougar ( 861817&ei=lYDAZtHQMdvckPIPzveGuA4&ved=0ahUKEwiR77fQ7fuHAxVbLkQIHc67AecQ4dUDCBA&oq=ruger+security+six+cougar&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiGXJ1Z2VyIHNlY3VyaXR5IHNp eCBjb3VnYXJIztkEULcMWMaZA3ACeACQAQCYAagBoAGKE6oBBD IuMTi4AQzIAQD4AQGYAgKgApMBwgIFEAAYgATCAgYQABgIGB7C AgcQABiABBgYmAMAiAYBkgcDMS4xoAfVCg&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)). Early on the Cougar was done with mostly Security Six frames, but I see that Bowen Classic Arms has done some on Red Hawk and GP100 frames:
08-17-2024, 08:22 AM
Nice grip, Clint :rolleyes:
08-30-2024, 04:10 PM
Picked up a couple of 1911s today….
It looks scary, so I'm not sure that model would be legal in my commie state :(
08-30-2024, 06:01 PM
Nice! They have the only Tommy Gun I can afford.
08-30-2024, 11:46 PM
Hey, don’t mess with the Clint grip, the Clint grip is the way and the truth so do you feel lucky?
09-01-2024, 08:35 PM
Assembled the GOAT 1911 miniature today.
Pretty cool, it functions almost like the real thing - even the grip safety.
09-02-2024, 12:07 AM
That really is cool. Kids got me the AR15. I'd like to get one of those too. Looks nice!
09-06-2024, 02:12 PM
Got tired of waithing for the X9, so…..
Bought this optics ready Sig P365X (12+1).
It is almost the exact same size as my Kahr S9, just slightly thicker in the grip:
09-06-2024, 05:19 PM
Got tired of waithing for the X9, so…..
Bought this optics ready Sig P365X (12+1).
It is almost the exact same size as my Kahr S9, just slightly thicker in the grip:
I'm very happy with my P365 :)
Highly recommend the Wilson Combat grip module (if they make one for that model).
They feel great in hand don't they guys? Like Barth I put a WC module on mine. Makes them feel even better. I've yet to shoot this one though
Wilson didn't make any modules for the .45 P320's. So I picked up a small in FDE. Fits my hand better than the medium even though on most guns I lean toward a thicker grip.
09-12-2024, 04:44 PM
Well, I bid on a gun on Gunjoker not expecting to win.
Need to stay off that site :eek:
And I accidentally won!
CZ 2075 RAMI inbound -
09-12-2024, 05:36 PM
Looks great! Another one of the CZ models I've been pondering on for quite a spell.
I've always liked those too. Too late now though, what with us living in Komifornia North. Nice score Barth!
09-13-2024, 05:49 AM
Congrats on the 365!
09-13-2024, 10:31 AM
I've always liked those too. Too late now though, what with us living in Komifornia North. Nice score Barth!
Never too late. At least that's what I try to tell myself.
On the new gun note, I'm in turmoil on getting an Erma LA22. Found one at a semi local shop for 399, offered to knock off 60 bucks, girl that works there likes me I guess. I barely scratched enough beans to get it but this nagging in the back of my head keeps asking if I really need it. I think I might need a psychological evaluation. Of course I need it, want is a need right?
Of course it is. I don't just want to go into my LGS, I need to at the same time.
09-13-2024, 12:44 PM
Thanks guys, like I need one more gun LOL!
Only set me back $657 and they are no longer in production.
09-13-2024, 01:28 PM
No longer in production???. That certainly adds a bit of urgency. I better get me a paper route, need some funds.
09-13-2024, 05:23 PM
I really like the CZ RAMI.
As far as the P320 45, now you need to add the Hogue grip sleeve on it DAO. It really helps. I put the small module on mine too, it's much better. I also added straight trigger.
09-13-2024, 05:30 PM
And now one of these are on the way....compact 45 that holds 19 rounds of 45acp!!! I need help!
09-13-2024, 05:44 PM
Almost enough capacity for John Wick.
09-13-2024, 05:54 PM s%2Fproducts%2F1080424-14312993.jpg&t=1726267773&ymreqid=fb447167-aa9a-b176-1ce2-4c0000017700&sig=19g6TMac08E77o1vYzVLvw--~D
09-13-2024, 06:39 PM
Never too late. At least that's what I try to tell myself.
On the new gun note, I'm in turmoil on getting an Erma LA22. Found one at a semi local shop for 399, offered to knock off 60 bucks, girl that works there likes me I guess. I barely scratched enough beans to get it but this nagging in the back of my head keeps asking if I really need it. I think I might need a psychological evaluation. Of course I need it, want is a need right?
The dilemma is over.....I near panicked when I got to the shop and couldn't find it but they had just moved it a bit and I didn't recognize it. My girl Autumn really did me right on the price. Thing is in even better condition than I remembered. Can't wait for the 10 days in purgatory to be over so I can bring it home and play with it.
09-13-2024, 06:48 PM
Very cool!
09-13-2024, 08:21 PM
Ima sucker for mouseguns…
Hot one day deal for the Ruger LCP Max 75th Anniversary- $199.99 + tt&l
Even though I already have two (one black, one stainless), resistance was futile.
They will make good Christmas presents.
Edited to update: Price is back up to $269.99 today.
I hear ya Army. Just something about having that in one's pocket.
09-14-2024, 07:37 AM
Just have to be careful when the need to blow my nose arises.
Don’t want to whip out the wrong thing.
True that! Of course it might just disarm a bad guy with humor. When he saw you presenting your hankie at him to stop a mugging :D
09-14-2024, 01:00 PM
Ima sucker for mouseguns…
Hot one day deal for the Ruger LCP Max 75th Anniversary- $199.99 + tt&l
Even though I already have two (one black, one stainless), resistance was futile.
They will make good Christmas presents.
Edited to update: Price is back up to $269.99 today.
Yup, Yup, I've got two original SS LCPs and one LCP II with Robar nickel plating.
Full Disclosure:
Also bought a black frame SS LCP and a pink frame LCP.
Swapped the slides and gifted them to my daughter and husband as a wedding present :cool:
09-14-2024, 01:11 PM
Just have to be careful when the need to blow my nose arises.
Don’t want to whip out the wrong thing. Might be a pocket rocket but it will clear your sinuses...................
09-14-2024, 01:37 PM
My daughter got my 365 Sig. :cheer2:
I am with holding the urge to replace it.
09-14-2024, 01:43 PM
My daughter got my 365 Sig. :cheer2:
I am with holding the urge to replace it.
Was carrying mine today :p
09-14-2024, 02:24 PM
Was carrying mine today :p
That looks like mine sorta. I added straight trigger and Trijicon HD sights in addition to Wilson module.
09-14-2024, 02:28 PM
My favorite carry has become my 357 King Cobra. It disappears and has nice fire power, 6 rounds should work. If I go somewhere needing more my Sig P226 with 19 rounds tags along. I avoid those places for the most part.
09-14-2024, 02:56 PM
That looks like mine sorta. I added straight trigger and Trijicon HD sights in addition to Wilson module.
Ditto for me. I like the straight trigger and the Wilson module is sweet. Don't carry it real often but sometimes. Still stuck on 1911's I guess.
Sad day in Gotham. My LGS closed its doors today, a victim of the progressive policies being pushed by our State Capitol. There was no way he could come up with the $2.3m it was estimated to cost him in order to meet the new state-mandated security requirements that will become the law next July. I've done business with him for a very long time and will miss his laid back attitude and help. I walked out of there today with a Hogue Grips counter mat that he used in his store for a long time. Something to remember the store by.
09-14-2024, 03:56 PM
09-14-2024, 04:33 PM
Sad day in Gotham. My LGS closed its doors today, a victim of the progressive policies being pushed by our State Capitol. There was no way he could come up with the $2.3m it was estimated to cost him in order to meet the new state-mandated security requirements that will become the law next July. I've done business with him for a very long time and will miss his laid back attitude and help. I walked out of there today with a Hogue Grips counter mat that he used in his store for a long time. Something to remember the store by.
They are dropping like flies. I've lost 3 so far and counting. One I was doing business with for 40+ years. Was there near daily on my way home, until I moved, and it became too far away. Still stayed in contact. Fingers crossed Ferguson don't win as governor or we'll probably lose the rest.
09-14-2024, 05:42 PM
Sad to hear, but gangs doing off-hours LGS smash and grabs is a thing (it happened to my closest LGS a few years ago, smashed the front in with a car or truck, and took an unspecified number of firearms and ammo).
Any idea of what the new safety/storage requirements were that were so expensive?
It seems to me that securing and locking everything up in safes at night should be a doable thing for far less than $2.3M?
09-14-2024, 06:15 PM
I don't really buy the 2.3 million either. I've heard they require bars on all openings, camera's, security alarms. Most shops have most of that already. We've had 3 of the smash and grabs in the last year or so. One they got some stuff, two others, the alarms and my guys were quick enough they just wrecked a car but got little or nothing.
This will mostly kill the out of the house FFL guys which were my favorite usually. Brick and mortar shops generally are pretty sound. Never hears of any smash and grabs at peoples houses though. Usually they are all locked in a safe.
09-14-2024, 07:29 PM
That looks like mine sorta. I added straight trigger and Trijicon HD sights in addition to Wilson module.
I really liked the OEM X-Ray sights that came on the gun.
But for me POI was about 4" low :(
Switched to XS DXT2 Big Dots in optic orange that shoot dead on and have a great flash sight picture :cool:
09-14-2024, 07:45 PM
I don't really buy the 2.3 million either. I've heard they require bars on all openings, camera's, security alarms. Most shops have most of that already. We've had 3 of the smash and grabs in the last year or so. One they got some stuff, two others, the alarms and my guys were quick enough they just wrecked a car but got little or nothing.
This will mostly kill the out of the house FFL guys which were my favorite usually. Brick and mortar shops generally are pretty sound. Never hears of any smash and grabs at peoples houses though. Usually they are all locked in a safe.
Yeah, that's my understanding as well.
Motion and sound sensors, 24x7 video with off-site storage for a very long time. The cost of the video surveillance equipment, monitoring, and long term storage was a big part of the cost. Also all guns have to be put into approved safes at night. Surveillance has to be plugged into the local sheriffs office and monitored. Bars on windows and doors, etc etc. And the cost of the FFL license is going up with yearly review and renewal by the State, in addition to whatever the Fed requires, including new exorbitant costs for state business licenses for gun shops. Plus all employees have to have FFL licenses as well. This was a small shop, but with 50+ pistols and 100 or so rifles "safe" storage every night would have been too expensive and time consuming. And being located in an old mall that had recently been sold to an anti-gun owner his lease is up this December. Renewal would have been cost prohibitive and the owner was not willing to help with any of the security improvements.
09-15-2024, 06:22 AM
When gun shops are outlawed, only outlaws will sell guns.
09-18-2024, 06:09 AM
Congrats on the new guns guys! Been quite a few I missed saying that about since I have not been on here as much (my apologies).
09-18-2024, 01:40 PM
Picked up the PSA $199.99 one day sale LCP Max today.
It is the 75th Anniversary edition, so it doesn’t have the racking “ears” at the rear of the slide, and the trigger is different.
Guess it will go to one of the grandkids for Christmas.
09-18-2024, 09:32 PM
Picked up the PSA $199.99 one day sale LCP Max today.
It is the 75th Anniversary edition, so it doesn’t have the racking “ears” at the rear of the slide, and the trigger is different.
Guess it will go to one of the grandkids for Christmas.
That’s a great price. PSA really does have some great deals sometimes. Congrats on the score!
09-19-2024, 05:50 PM
Henry revolvers are now in .22LR. They won’t replace my SP101, but I’m glad to see them trying. A 6” barrel might intrigue me.
09-19-2024, 09:32 PM
Henry revolvers are now in .22LR. They won’t replace my SP101, but I’m glad to see them trying. A 6” barrel might intrigue me.
I just hope the addition doesn't take anything away from the rifle line. They make a heck of a nice rifle.
My son has a Golden Boy .22LR lever action that I bought for him way back when. It's always been a great little rifle.
09-20-2024, 07:23 PM
My grandson Agustus is close to a month old now. Time for a nice shelf for his nursery. Got the rifle for my oldest when he was a month old. Actually, got one for all three.
Looks nice Colonel, raise 'em up right!
09-21-2024, 08:07 AM
Very nice!
Is that a CZ .22?
09-21-2024, 09:50 AM
Very nice!
Is that a CZ .22?
It's a chipmunk, kids 22. Very short stock. Dandy little rifles and very accurate. Also, very safe. Single shot, chamber a round and have to pull the cocking piece. Little guys usually can't pull it. My first grandson first time out after a few tries could though.
They really get excited after a while with the single shot when they get a semi auto, then the bang, bang, bang begins.
Well at least now .22 ammo is not hard to come by! They'll always remember their grandpa teaching them how to shoot, guaranteed!
09-21-2024, 02:50 PM
Wife just delivered the goods.
09-21-2024, 05:53 PM
Is he looking for some ammo to go with it?
09-22-2024, 03:27 PM
Looks like all my practice is finally starting to pay off :p
09-23-2024, 08:23 AM
Target be dead.
I don't mind wear on my guns. But I don't like outright scratches, scrapes, or dings. So after marring up the slide on my P320 .45 in a poorly fitting kydex holster to the point where it stood out like a sore thumb on the factory nitron finish, I decided to sand the flats on the slide. Took awhile but finally got it to where the nitron is nearly invisible on the sanded flats. After doing it I decided I didn't like the looks of the gun with the FDE XTen full size grip module that I had purchased and cut about 3/4" off the dustcover to fit the Compact slide. So I went to the tube and found a vid on using synthetic dye to color polymer. In the vid he had a black grip that he dyed to a bluish color so I figured going from FDE to black should not be a problem. At first I was sure that the dye wasn't going to take. But the longer you move it around in the boiling solution the darker it becomes. The darkest tint Rit makes in their synthetic line is graphite. But this sure turned out blacker even than the factory black grip that came on it.
As a bonus to the Xten module, which is made specifically for Sig's 10mm P320 but handles the .45 mags just fine, is that because it is made for a full size gun it holds 10rd mags instead of the 9rd'ers that come stock with the Compact module. I'm happy with how everything turned out.
After the dye and water come to a rolling boil, turned the heat down to Med, place the grip in it and keep moving it around and flipping it over. When it gets to the desired hue, take it out and rinse it hot tap water, not cold. Then let it cool completely and wipe it down. No dye bleeds off once it's been rinsed. I also cleaned my with dish soap before dyeing it to make sure I got all the gun and hand oils off. I used just half a bottle of the dye to do two modules, and I've saved even that for other modules that I want to do.
09-27-2024, 11:17 PM
I don't mind wear on my guns. But I don't like outright scratches, scrapes, or dings. So after marring up the slide on my P320 .45 in a poorly fitting kydex holster to the point where it stood out like a sore thumb on the factory nitron finish, I decided to sand the flats on the slide. Took awhile but finally got it to where the nitron is nearly invisible on the sanded flats. After doing it I decided I didn't like the looks of the gun with the FDE XTen full size grip module that I had purchased and cut about 3/4" off the dustcover to fit the Compact slide. So I went to the tube and found a vid on using synthetic dye to color polymer. In the vid he had a black grip that he dyed to a bluish color so I figured going from FDE to black should not be a problem. At first I was sure that the dye wasn't going to take. But the longer you move it around in the boiling solution the darker it becomes. The darkest tint Rit makes in their synthetic line is graphite. But this sure turned out blacker even than the factory black grip that came on it.
As a bonus to the Xten module, which is made specifically for Sig's 10mm P320 but handles the .45 mags just fine, is that because it is made for a full size gun it holds 10rd mags instead of the 9rd'ers that come stock with the Compact module. I'm happy with how everything turned out.
After the dye and water come to a rolling boil, turned the heat down to Med, place the grip in it and keep moving it around and flipping it over. When it gets to the desired hue, take it out and rinse it hot tap water, not cold. Then let it cool completely and wipe it down. No dye bleeds off once it's been rinsed. I also cleaned my with dish soap before dyeing it to make sure I got all the gun and hand oils off. I used just half a bottle of the dye to do two modules, and I've saved even that for other modules that I want to do.
I only use ballistic nylon holsters.
My carry guns have no signs of holster wear at all :cool:
I'm partial to leather myself. I only use kydex on Glock, some IWB for Kahrs, and a couple of Sigs, ie inexpensive carry pieces. I have a ballistic nylon holster for the Taurus TX22 I carry in the yard for coyotes. Most everything gets holstered in leather though, some of it custom made for me. Most never get holstered in kydex, unless I've lined it with leather first.
mr surveyor
09-28-2024, 09:45 AM
I don't mind wear on my guns. But I don't like outright scratches, scrapes, or dings. So after marring up the slide on my P320 .45 in a poorly fitting kydex holster to the point where it stood out like a sore thumb on the factory nitron finish, I decided to sand the flats on the slide. Took awhile but finally got it to where the nitron is nearly invisible on the sanded flats. After doing it I decided I didn't like the looks of the gun with the FDE XTen full size grip module that I had purchased and cut about 3/4" off the dustcover to fit the Compact slide. So I went to the tube and found a vid on using synthetic dye to color polymer. In the vid he had a black grip that he dyed to a bluish color so I figured going from FDE to black should not be a problem. At first I was sure that the dye wasn't going to take. But the longer you move it around in the boiling solution the darker it becomes. The darkest tint Rit makes in their synthetic line is graphite. But this sure turned out blacker even than the factory black grip that came on it.
As a bonus to the Xten module, which is made specifically for Sig's 10mm P320 but handles the .45 mags just fine, is that because it is made for a full size gun it holds 10rd mags instead of the 9rd'ers that come stock with the Compact module. I'm happy with how everything turned out.
After the dye and water come to a rolling boil, turned the heat down to Med, place the grip in it and keep moving it around and flipping it over. When it gets to the desired hue, take it out and rinse it hot tap water, not cold. Then let it cool completely and wipe it down. No dye bleeds off once it's been rinsed. I also cleaned my with dish soap before dyeing it to make sure I got all the gun and hand oils off. I used just half a bottle of the dye to do two modules, and I've saved even that for other modules that I want to do.
Back in 2005 or so (Jocko was there then) KelTec fans were really big into the Rit dye for the grip frames. KelTec even made available white grip frames for a lot of their models, just for the purpose. Folks were coloring them for their "school colors" and everything else. That was quite popular then ....
09-28-2024, 10:42 AM
All my carry guns ride in Garrett Silent Thunders. Leather lined kydex. They absolutely stay open for one handed reholstering, have adjustments for comfort or different carry positions and quiet on the draw and very gentle on the gun finish.
Not cheap but worth it. Bob and Sheryl are good people.
09-28-2024, 01:22 PM
I have since gone with Tagua Holsters. I like the SIDECAR model. It works IWB or OWB and is made of leather. I ordered one a while back off their web site
and I did not get a response back. I contacted them and they said they were out of stock. happens. They went on to apologize stating they would rush one out from their factory. Next day I got a notice that one was being expediated via FED EX. I got it in 3 days including a trip through customs all the way from South America where they are made. OUTSTANDING customer service. I really like the fit and comfort of their holsters.
From their website:
Tagua Gunleather is most-known as a bastion of handcrafted leather artisanry in an era dominated by machine-made mass production. Leather is selected from range-grown, toughened cattle to create stronger holsters, each with unique character. Instead of computer programming, Tagua Gunleather uses skilled artisans to craft your holster with a sense for leather no machine can replicate.
09-28-2024, 01:51 PM
I own one OWB kydex holster. Unless you holster and reholster a lot, they don't cause much wear. They are noisier than leather though. The last holster I purchased was an Azula. I'm a tightwad when it comes to holster prices. Got a decent OWB leather pancake with a nice finish and really nice on the edges for under $50. They are stiff, so they take a bit more breaking in.............
09-28-2024, 09:00 PM
I was finally able to get my Luger wannabe Erma 22 out of 10 day purgatory. Shop was busy and one guy working, took a while but we got er done. When I got home Grandson Augustus was here to visit so he got to check it out. He didn't have a lot of interest. I hope there isn't a defect in his upbringing. He turned a month a few days ago. Perhaps his interest hasn't matured yet?
One month old. He mulls it over. Mama and dinner time? Or Grandad's gun. I'll take dinner.
09-29-2024, 10:53 AM
10-08-2024, 08:51 AM
10-08-2024, 10:07 PM
I was finally able to get my Luger wannabe Erma 22 out of 10 day purgatory. Shop was busy and one guy working, took a while but we got er done. When I got home Grandson Augustus was here to visit so he got to check it out. He didn't have a lot of interest. I hope there isn't a defect in his upbringing. He turned a month a few days ago. Perhaps his interest hasn't matured yet?
Sorry boss but it don’t say 45ACP on it, try one of those and I bet it will get some interest from the little guy…….Big holes matter!
10-10-2024, 03:00 PM
Sorry boss but it don’t say 45ACP on it, try one of those and I bet it will get some interest from the little guy…….Big holes matter!
I'm working on a 45 ACP.
Haven't locked it down, but I'm working on it ...
10-10-2024, 06:32 PM
Oh, also sometimes when you think you might need a new gun.
You can get creative with guns you already own!
Case in point, I've wanted a Desert Eagle 44 and/or a 10mm hand cannon for some time.
Actually, found a Sig P220 Legion SAO 10mm on sale that I came very close to buying.
Now I don't hunt, and already own a S&W 629 44 Mountain Revolver.
There's really no good reason for me to get one more hand cannon.
But as I considered the Sig P220 10mm I realized I already have 3 Sig P220 45s.
And then it hit me.
The Sig P220 10mm is an all-stainless-steel beast and one of my babies is a P220 ST 45 all-stainless-steel beast :D
Looking at the Underwood ammo web site, their 180 10mm runs 1250 fps and 185 45 Super runs 1300 fps :p
I also happen to have an extended ported Isonite treated Storm Lake P220 45 barrel :cool:
All I need to do is add a Wolff 24 lbs recoil spring and I've got a new hand cannon - Woo Hoo!
Underwood 45 Super ammo arrived today with Wolff Springs inbound.
10-10-2024, 07:52 PM
And I had to get a FN545....and a Ruger LC 45 Carbine....
10-10-2024, 08:10 PM
I'm still working on a new 45.
Sunday afternoon will tell the tale :D
10-12-2024, 03:52 PM
My oldest son got me this for my birthday a few days ago. It arrived yesterday evening. It's a 22 pellet gun but for all the world looks and feels like a M14 or M1A as they call this. Marketed by Springfield Armory.
Had a little mishap right off, I missed a step in the loading process and couldn't get the cocking lever to go back forward, ended up pulling the trigger and near took off my left hand pointy finger. Research revealed I need to push a little button, normally the magazine cutoff to release the lever. Anyhow I lived and it shoots pretty durn accurate. During the mishap, there's a cocking lever extension that slides in and out, when the lever launched it blew that extension out someplace. 4 of us was looking for quite a spell and still haven't found it. Should be easy to find but no idea where it shot off too. Not supposed to come out but it apparently blew the keepers or something. Works fine without but I'll find it anyhow, personal challenge.
Grandson is still hunting, grandma offered 5$ reward.
10-12-2024, 04:05 PM
You’ll shoot your eye out, Colonel!
Happy Birthday!
10-12-2024, 06:01 PM
Well, I near tore my hand off but so far the eyes are ok.
Great looking Pellet Gun. Is it as heavy as a M14 Colonel? You'll find the part. Right after you place the order for its replacement.
10-12-2024, 11:14 PM
I think it weighs about the same as an M14. We had two at the dept and it feels the same to me. Heavy. And a real wood stock.
10-13-2024, 10:09 AM
Nice gift, and Happy belated Birthday!
10-13-2024, 10:37 AM
Must be tough to be 50..........:D
10-13-2024, 11:55 AM
Must be tough to be 50..........:D
Ain't that the truth.
10-13-2024, 06:51 PM
My latest 1911 :cool:
I've got some Wilson Combat mags and a case of 45 ammo inbound.
I'll tell you how happy I am after I get to the range ...
10-13-2024, 08:24 PM
Congrats Barth, that is one more beautiful pistol, enjoy!!!
10-13-2024, 08:33 PM
Thanks, I appreciate it :D
10-13-2024, 08:34 PM
Nice looking pistol. Almost looks like a half cock on that hammer. Didn't know any could do that, must be so.
10-13-2024, 09:07 PM
Be advised, the Sig Profile 1911's will not work in may holsters. I used own a Sig CCO, and adapted a leather holster to fit the profile. I know you like ballistic nylon so should flex enough to work.
10-14-2024, 08:50 AM
Looks good Barth. Let us know how it functions. I have been looking at those for awhile.
10-14-2024, 08:55 AM
Be advised, the Sig Profile 1911's will not work in may holsters. I used own a Sig CCO, and adapted a leather holster to fit the profile. I know you like ballistic nylon so should flex enough to work.
Thanks for the tip!
You know me well, I like generic ballistic nylon OWB pancake style holsters.
Specifically, Crossfire Traverse.
I have a bunch in various sizes and really love them (sans the speed retainer).
10-14-2024, 10:03 AM
Looks good Barth. Let us know how it functions. I have been looking at those for awhile.
Absolutely, I've read mixed reviews but mostly positive.
There are reports of recoil spring plug issues (stress fractures), but I've got a spare from Numrich inbound along with three new recoil springs from Sig.
Plus, a case of PMC Bronze 230 gr on the way.
My preferred carry 45 ACP ammo is Winchester Ranger T-Series 230 and Federal HST 230 (both in standard pressure).
I'll clean and lube the gun.
Then run 200 FMJs followed by 50 Rangers and 50 HSTs :cool:
As usual, I'll ride it hard and put it away wet - LOL! :p
10-17-2024, 05:59 PM
Okay....was at Ahlman's gun shop today and they have a nice used Kahr CW45 for $299 with 1 mag. Is that a good deal?
10-17-2024, 07:55 PM
It’s ok for a good used one, but offer $250.
10-18-2024, 12:19 PM
Picked up my 2nd Sig P365X this morning. It’s the “Texas Rangers” edition which was $100 less than my first one.
Guess they are slow sellers because of the Ranger embellishment on top of the slide. Don’t care one way or another, it is the same nice gun in spite of that, and cheaper.
10-18-2024, 02:03 PM
I like everything about them except for the trigger. They are nice feeling/looking handguns though. I wouldn't care about the logo either. You are in the same state after all. How is that logo put on? Is it just a polished/lasered area?
10-18-2024, 02:46 PM
Hard to tell how the logo was applied, but it looks like laser engraved.
These Sig triggers are a little gritty - not as nice as Kahr’s.
10-21-2024, 08:29 PM
Unfortunately, My Sig Ultra is misbehaving.
I seems to run fine with FMJs and Wilson Combat Mags.
But FTF badly on Federal HST and Winchester Ranger T JHPs :mad:
I've run 200 FMJs and 100 JHPs with no joy with the HPs :(
I'll run 200 more FMJs soon, followed by an assortment of various 185/200/230 with Hornady and Remington JHPs.
Let's see if the gun is ammo sensitive ...
Novak sights, 25 lpi front/backstrap and stock grips all feels great and shoots POA/POI :cool:
Just need to find JHPs this gun likes :)
10-22-2024, 08:20 AM
Hmmmmm…….I’ve got a few hundred rounds of the Federal HST.
Hope it works in these new guns.
10-22-2024, 10:42 AM
Sounds like you do have issues. The Rangers and the HST's are pretty much all I shoot. Never had an issue with either one in any firearm.
10-22-2024, 02:51 PM
I have heard that this is common problem with almost all ULTRA size 1911's. That is why I have not owned one [yet]. I do miss my Para LDA, never had any issues with it.
Picked up my new P2000 today from paperwork jail. HK P2000 in 9mm.
I like the ergos of my P30's, but this one is in the sweet spot between the SK's and the full size models in terms of size.
Already had some grandfathered hi-cap mags so this one will be loaded for bear.
10-25-2024, 06:57 PM
Did they send you the gun with no mags or with 10 rounders? Been wondering about that. Haven't been able to buy anything that takes hi cap mags YET.
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