View Full Version : Happiness is a new gun 2

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10-25-2024, 08:07 PM
Ten rounders. But I bought the hi cap mags for other HK's before the new law took effect.

10-26-2024, 07:53 AM
A fine choice if I say so myself!!!!!! If I was looking for another HK, it would be my first choice. Let us know when you take it to the range..............

10-26-2024, 08:52 AM
Thanks bb. Shouldn't be any surprises. All the HK's I've owned and shot have performed just as expected.

10-26-2024, 01:55 PM
Thanks bb. Shouldn't be any surprises. All the HK's I've owned and shot have performed just as expected.
Which trigger????????????? Any changes? I like the B Dots myself. Also, like the 45 mag release swap. FYI There's a co. speedsights.com. I wish that they made sights for mine. I don't know if they would affect holsters. I'd sure like to try them though. Something to check out for giggles. No sticks in the fire...................

10-26-2024, 04:24 PM
I have a green fiber optic front sight for it but haven't installed it yet. Still on the fence. It is a V3, so normal DA/SA. I did put the HK45C mag release in it, a 10lb Wolff hammerspring which brought the DA pull down to an average of 6.75lbs, and I put some shrink tube on the right side slide release to take care of that characteristic rattle. I bought a couple of the spacers for the mags so that they fit/blend perfectly with the grip.
I'm thinking about detail stripping the frame and using Rit Synthetic Dye on it to make it OD Green but I'm still on the fence on that too. I used that same dye on the 320 XTen module I cut down and used on my 320C .45acp. It started out FDE and I dyed it black using their Graphite Color. Turned out very nicely. I bought 6 different colors of the Rit Dye, and with the recipes they have on their site I can make a whole lot of different colors. I do like the OD Green HK's I've seen. Saw a guy on youtube who dyed a black frame to a lighter color (can't remember exactly what), but the dye did color it accurately with none of the black coming through to affect the new color.

10-27-2024, 09:11 PM
Decided to take the plunge and completely stripped my P2K's frame. Mixed up the magic formula but before putting the frame in it I first tried to dye one of the extra backstraps that come with it. No dice. The HK black polymer will not take a lighter color. I did get it reassembled and safety checked. Dang it, I like that OD Green

10-28-2024, 06:43 AM
https://www.sportsmans.com/medias/hk-p2000-v3-9mm-luger-3in-green-pistol-101-rounds-1520990-1.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNTI2ODF8aW1hZ2Uv anBlZ3xhRFprTDJneVpDOHhNVEkzTkRjNU9EUTJOVEExTkM4eE 1qQXdMV052Ym5abGNuTnBiMjVHYjNKdFlYUmZZbUZ6WlMxamIy NTJaWEp6YVc5dVJtOXliV0YwWDNOdGR5MHhOVEl3T1Rrd0xURX VhbkJufDlkOTExNzkzMzcyMjRkZWNiZmVmYjc1YjgwZjdjODBk Y2Y1NzJmNGU2NWViYTI3OTJlNzZjZmE3NzUxOTNiODQ

10-28-2024, 06:46 AM
Too bad.........they do look nice in green. I like the gray also. Not a lot of the green one's out there.

10-28-2024, 08:58 AM
Yep, I'm disappointed. But at least I got it back together properly :D

10-28-2024, 04:36 PM

10-28-2024, 04:37 PM
It's one of the reasons I purchased one of these. Couldn't pass up the price and I got my green fix on the cheap...................:p

10-28-2024, 05:39 PM
I may be watching for another P2K, in green, for a good price. And try to avoid settling before I see one. I didn't realize before that the APX now comes optics ready. You gonna mount a dot on yours?

10-28-2024, 07:04 PM
It's one of the reasons I purchased one of these. Couldn't pass up the price and I got my green fix on the cheap...................:p


10-29-2024, 07:48 AM
I may be watching for another P2K, in green, for a good price. And try to avoid settling before I see one. I didn't realize before that the APX now comes optics ready. You gonna mount a dot on yours? No, cost almost what I paid for the gun. :) I carry it, shoot it, keep it by the bed. I wanted a compact nine for errands around town and in the yard. Liked the color also................

10-29-2024, 08:41 AM
^^^Me too :D

10-29-2024, 10:32 AM
Hmmmmm…….I’ve got a few hundred rounds of the Federal HST.
Hope it works in these new guns.

HST is a personal favorite.
And I've got a lot more that an few hundred rounds of them :cool:

10-29-2024, 10:44 AM
Well, my micro 1911 experiment is failing :(
My Sig Ultra has ~500 rounds down the pipe.
It stopped nose diving but continues to FTF on even FMJs.
It's current FTF is like the chamber is too tight.
Sometimes will not feed even from a full mag releasing the slide with the slide stop.
And it's not improving as the round count increases :mad:

I should send it back to the Mothership for repairs, but hear reports of Sig claiming it's fixed and it's not :mad:
CZ Custom is becoming my go to gunsmith these days.
They specialize in CZ / Dan Wesson stuff, but so far, their work for me has been stellar :cool:
If they can make my JAMMY RAMI run, I'm really thinking of letting CZ Custom take a shot at my Sig Ultra.
It shoots dead on and has very soft felt recoil for a Micro 45.
Love the Novak NS, trigger and naturals pointing of the gun.
Plus, the bull barrel and no barrel bushing is sweet.
I can easily field strip the gun with no tools :D
Really want this thing to work.

My Kahr MK40 was a real stinker NIB.
500 rounds later I totally love the gun.
Although my Kahr continued to get better through its super long break-in process.
Nevertheless, I continue to have hope this new Sig gun can be made to run right :)

After much thought, I'm going to go ahead and send the Ultra back to Sig.
Overall, their warranty and customer service is well respected in the industry.
I have several Sig handguns that have all worked out well for me.

If Sig can't fix it, then CZ Custom is Plan B.
Wish me luck everyone :)

Update 2:
Called Sig CS and got an EMAIL with packing label within minutes!
Sig is paying FedEx shipping both directions.
Estimated 1 to 2 weeks to fix and they will have it shipped back to my doorstep.
Very Impressive :D

11-07-2024, 07:00 PM
My Springfield Armory 22 pellet rifle seems to be working on a nice pattern. I've been just taking one shot once in a while when I go out the back door heading for the sawdust shop. It's 45' from the back door to the target. The ole gal is pretty heavy but I've been getting better at holding her steady.
Got 4 holes near touching and a few strays. I'll shoot a few more and then adjust the sight to get in the center. It's a workout to pull the lever to load this thing. As you may recall I near broke a finger loading the first time as I missed the step to release the lever, BIG MISTAKE.

11-07-2024, 08:39 PM
Not bad at all Colonel. I wonder if you could fabricate a brace of some sort that attached to both armrests of your chair, and fronted with a bipod, for longer sessions.

11-08-2024, 12:47 AM
I don't have armrest but I could do a shooting stick or build a rest. I don't really foresee any long sessions. 2 or 3 shots at most. I need to find the cocking lever extension that I lost on that first mishap. A rod about 6 inches long, 1/2'' around, vaporized. I didn't see it, didn't hear it. Had several people searching for it in the backyard and beyond. It'll turn up but it's sure hiding. Even looked in the gutters and roof. No clue what direction it went.

11-08-2024, 09:19 AM
Neighbor's yard? Your lawn mower might turn it up next Spring :)

I guess since it's only 2 or 3 shots at a time a simple shooting stick might be just the ticket.

Is the cocking lever extension something that I might be able to fabricate for you?

11-08-2024, 10:26 AM
Here is the update to my Sig Ultra 45 FTF resolution process.
Sig paid for FedEx shipping both directions.

11/04 Shipped to Sig
11/06 Delivered to Sig
(Diagnose and Correct FTF)
11/07 Return Shipped
11/11 Scheduled to be delivered to my door

Isn't that nice? :D

11-08-2024, 12:07 PM
Here is the update to my Sig Ultra 45 FTF resolution process.
Sig paid for FedEx shipping both directions.

11/04 Shipped to Sig
11/06 Delivered to Sig
(Diagnose and Correct FTF)
11/07 Return Shipped
11/11 Scheduled to be delivered to my door

Isn't that nice? :D

That is really nice! Super quick turn around and paid both ways. The way things should be. Hope it runs like eggs thru a hen for ya.

11-08-2024, 12:15 PM
Neighbor's yard? Your lawn mower might turn it up next Spring :)

I guess since it's only 2 or 3 shots at a time a simple shooting stick might be just the ticket.

Is the cocking lever extension something that I might be able to fabricate for you?

Strange, we've mowed and due for at least one more time. I mow the front (big) yard with my zero turn, and wife mows the smaller fenced in area in the back (target area) with the push mower. Wheelchairs and push mowers don't seem to get along too good together. I can get my mower back there but it's just easier with the smaller mower. I mowed the front yesterday in fact. Finally, all the leaves down. Hope I get to mow once more. I'm weird I like cutting grass, nobody knows I'm a derelict sitting on that zero turn.

The lever extension is really simple, just a round rod. It had a detent that supposedly kept it from coming all the way out, but apparently the force of my goof overrode that detent. It had a nice little furled end on it that looked cool but not the end of the world. I can just grab a round rod of the right size, and it'll work. I looked briefly to see if I could order a replacement but didn't see it so far, didn't look too hard. And of course, soon as I find one the original will turn up. I'd really like to find it, kind of like finding that errant fly away spring in the gun room. Personal challenge. Much appreciate the offer all the same.

11-08-2024, 02:35 PM
That is really nice! Super quick turn around and paid both ways. The way things should be. Hope it runs like eggs thru a hen for ya.

And didn't you buy that as a used gun Barth? If so, all the more reason to admire Sig for taking such good care of you.

Strange, we've mowed and due for at least one more time. I mow the front (big) yard with my zero turn, and wife mows the smaller fenced in area in the back (target area) with the push mower. Wheelchairs and push mowers don't seem to get along too good together. I can get my mower back there but it's just easier with the smaller mower. I mowed the front yesterday in fact. Finally, all the leaves down. Hope I get to mow once more. I'm weird I like cutting grass, nobody knows I'm a derelict sitting on that zero turn.

The lever extension is really simple, just a round rod. It had a detent that supposedly kept it from coming all the way out, but apparently the force of my goof overrode that detent. It had a nice little furled end on it that looked cool but not the end of the world. I can just grab a round rod of the right size, and it'll work. I looked briefly to see if I could order a replacement but didn't see it so far, didn't look too hard. And of course, soon as I find one the original will turn up. I'd really like to find it, kind of like finding that errant fly away spring in the gun room. Personal challenge. Much appreciate the offer all the same.

I have still not found the spring cap off one of my 1911's that went flying several months back. Better you buy, or make another and end up with a spare than to break a finger doing without one until you happen upon the original. But then what with your sore finger now I'm not telling you something you haven't already thought of :)

11-08-2024, 04:18 PM
And didn't you buy that as a used gun Barth? If so, all the more reason to admire Sig for taking such good care of you.

I have still not found the spring cap off one of my 1911's that went flying several months back. Better you buy, or make another and end up with a spare than to break a finger doing without one until you happen upon the original. But then what with your sore finger now I'm not telling you something you haven't already thought of :)

Actually, the lever doesn't affect the finger damage as long as I follow the procedure to load properly. (If I'd read the directions better, we wouldn't be here now) It should help some in cocking the thing as it's a really heavy spring. That spring cap should be like this lever extension, findable. I even this morning checked the tube for the 20th time to see if it got sucked down in instead of launching. It launched. Mind boggling.

11-08-2024, 04:39 PM
They're both hiding out with the dryer sock orphans.

11-10-2024, 12:53 PM
And didn't you buy that as a used gun Barth? If so, all the more reason to admire Sig for taking such good care of you.

I have still not found the spring cap off one of my 1911's that went flying several months back. Better you buy, or make another and end up with a spare than to break a finger doing without one until you happen upon the original. But then what with your sore finger now I'm not telling you something you haven't already thought of :)

Yes, I bought it used and Sig is standing tall supporting their product :D
NIB the recoil spring is a challenge to install.
But after 500 rounds it's a kitty cat :cool:
I get the gun back tomorrow and looking forward to function checking it the next day.

11-12-2024, 04:25 PM
My Sig Ultra has returned.
Gunsmith polished the feed ramp and replaced the recoil spring.
Then function checked with one full mag of 230 gr Speer Lawman TMJ.
Followed by one full mag of Winchester Ranger T-Series.
Customer Service told me only use OEM Sig Magazines.

I only have two Sig mags.
So, I loaded those and three Wilson Combat 6 round officers mags with Ranger Ts.
The two Sig mags ran fine, but I had a FTF on the first WC.
Unloaded the three WC mags, reloaded the Sig mags and it ran fine!
Already had ordered one more Sig mag from Sig arriving today.
So, I ran up to Cabela's and bought four more Sig mags (total of seven) - LOL!

I'm surprised the gun doesn't like Wilson Combat mags.
Never heard of that before.
But I'm fine with just running Sig Sauer mags:)
And Winchester Ranger T-Series is a personal favorite of mine.
Have 200 rounds of Ranger Ts inbound as we speak.

That's ~50 rounds of T-Series through the OEM Sig mags without issues.
I'll run a second 50 through the gun and if all is well put it in the carry rotation.
It's a tack driver and surprisingly soft shooting for a light weight 3.3" 45.
I'm a Happy Camper :cool:

If Kahr won't make a K45 Elite, this Sig Ultra 45 will have to do ...

11-12-2024, 07:12 PM
I got my chief a Para Ordnance LDA. He was NOT a gun guy but wanted something other than a Glock. He was NOT safe with a 1911 but liked the looks.
He was having issues at the range, so I ended up with the gun to sort it out. It also did not like Wilson mags, I've never heard of that before either. It ran perfect with the Para mags. I looked and looked and could not see any notable difference.
I took it to the range and shot 100's or rounds, thinking it just wasn't broke in enough. Anyhow it lived with Para mags. When he left, he brought me the gun. He'd left it on the floorboard of his dept car which apparently leaked (alot). It was a stainless gun and the whole left side that was apparently down was rust or the start of rust. Badly stained.
I cleaned and cleaned and got nowhere. I ended up running it on a flat belt sander. Actually, turned out halfway decent.

Dang it! Now I want a Sig Ultra.....................................

11-12-2024, 07:44 PM
I got my chief a Para Ordnance LDA. He was NOT a gun guy but wanted something other than a Glock. He was NOT safe with a 1911 but liked the looks.
He was having issues at the range, so I ended up with the gun to sort it out. It also did not like Wilson mags, I've never heard of that before either. It ran perfect with the Para mags. I looked and looked and could not see any notable difference.
I took it to the range and shot 100's or rounds, thinking it just wasn't broke in enough. Anyhow it lived with Para mags. When he left, he brought me the gun. He'd left it on the floorboard of his dept car which apparently leaked (alot). It was a stainless gun and the whole left side that was apparently down was rust or the start of rust. Badly stained.
I cleaned and cleaned and got nowhere. I ended up running it on a flat belt sander. Actually, turned out halfway decent.

Dang it! Now I want a Sig Ultra.....................................

The Sig Ultra is a keeper.
And Sig Sauer Customer Service is outstanding :cool:

11-12-2024, 09:09 PM
I have been looking at this SIG but apparently seller is not serious. I have tried contacting him several times with no response back....don't know about some people.
He has bumped ad several times but don't respond????

11-24-2024, 01:09 PM
I scored me another old Mossberg on the auction site. Don't often get em, always get outbid. It's a T bolt 22. Always been infatuated with the T bolt, no clue why?
Now the long painful wait begins for shipping and background. Oh the agony. She's a little rough but I kind of like to bring em back to life. There's another one, thats really rough but so far cheap. Also a T Bolt. Watching it, not sure I'll go for it. Christmas shopping coming in a few weeks don't cha know.

11-24-2024, 04:57 PM
Good score Colonel! That looks like a fun little plinker.

11-24-2024, 08:41 PM
Love those old .22 plinkers.
Gifted these two Winchester 67s to my grandsons a couple years ago.

11-28-2024, 07:10 PM
Ran 42 Reminton Golden Sabers yesterday.
And the Ultra is purring like a kitten.
This baby is fixed and is a tack driver.
Surprisingly lite recoil for a 28 oz 45!

The Sig Ultra 45 3.3" 1911 is Barth Approved :cool:

12-04-2024, 09:25 AM
I really didn't intend to do this, and I resisted for a couple weeks. I didn't even know this existed till recently.

S&W 432UC J-frame in .32 H&R Magnum, alloy frame, 6-rounds. Big tritium dot front sight, decent notched rear sight. Shoots really nice, to point of aim, recoil is mild for an airweight J-frame. No internal lock. It came with VZ grips, but I like these Pachmayr Compacs better.


12-04-2024, 11:09 AM
Looks good. Makes em real nice when they put good sights on them. An officer sent his revolver off and had similar sights put on.

12-04-2024, 05:32 PM
This is my air weight snubbie (S&W 342 ti 38 Special Pre-Lock).
It hits POA, but it's painful to shoot with 38 +P :eek:
Cylinder is Titanium :cool:

12-07-2024, 04:25 PM
https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=04ce4015c0df901805cde3b26aa58df095ca35e5cbfbc5f8 73562d397b5177b3JmltdHM9MTczMzUyOTYwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=4&fclid=01ba85c9-f571-6a4b-0cc5-95cef4766b9b&u=a1L3ZpZGVvcy9yaXZlcnZpZXcvcmVsYXRlZHZpZGVvP3E9Yi UyNnQrc3RhdGlvbitzaXgmbWlkPUJGRTUwOTk3Njg2MzAxNzg2 OEJBQkZFNTA5OTc2ODYzMDE3ODY4QkEmRk9STT1WSVJF&ntb=1

12-07-2024, 09:40 PM
Those little airweights make me think that more than a handful is not a waste :D

12-08-2024, 08:51 AM
My air weight is my LCP. However, my go to carry is either my King Cobra 357 or my P229 Sig M11A1. The weight does not seem to bother me; it actually helps when shooting. The Colt just disappears in a IWB holster.

12-08-2024, 09:37 AM
I still have one J Frame Airweight….
Bought it 20 years ago from a Texas LEO who carried it in an ankle holster as backup for his Kimber 1911.

12-08-2024, 02:04 PM
Just ordered a Ruger LCP Max Stainless Steel 75 Year Anniversary Addition :cool:
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.98a0c20d4fef1575157b9f8e2e93e694?rik=ZAX85mGPATD tZA&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.shoot-straight.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2024%2f03%2fruger-lcp-max-75-anniv-1.jpeg&ehk=v1F5PGjE3Azac%2bWWBdbWhC7O7%2bYnI8tphJHTEkPc0O A%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

12-08-2024, 09:56 PM
We went to the local Atwoods farms store to walk the dog and the wife went to look at new cowboy boots. My stop at the gun counter turned expensive when the 642UC followed me home.
I love the 642UC, I do like the VZ grips, the high horn works good with my hand.
As you can see, I have a 642 "thing"...
DA only J frames have the closest trigger pull to a Kahr auto loader, just stiffer.


12-09-2024, 09:03 AM
What's better than one gun you love? Well, three, to start.

12-09-2024, 09:47 AM
We went to the local Atwoods farms store to walk the dog and the wife went to look at new cowboy boots. My stop at the gun counter turned expensive when the 642UC followed me home.
I love the 642UC, I do like the VZ grips, the high horn works good with my hand.
As you can see, I have a 642 "thing"...
DA only J frames have the closest trigger pull to a Kahr auto loader, just stiffer.

Peace. A bit of spring work should fix that right up.....................

12-09-2024, 12:47 PM
I'll never buy a S&W with a Hillary Hole :mad:

12-09-2024, 05:29 PM
I have HOLE models.....easy fix. Remove internal B/S and add plug.

12-09-2024, 11:08 PM
I like those grips, I have a stainless 642 without the lock that I had to search high and low for and it’s my rainy day pocket gun when I don’t want to get the PM9 soaked……I have a real pretty blue 4’’ Smith 586 with a super smooth, like butta trigger and a 5’’ 629 44 mag and both unfortunately have the Hill hole which I hate but just try to overlook because they both are such sweet shooters……The older I get I’m starting to regress back to the round and round thing vs back and forth operation, weak hands and eyesight sucks so less jams works better for me……….

12-10-2024, 07:24 AM
You can always put Boss Keane's dirt back in Hillary's hole https://www.originalprecision.com/lock-delete-kit.html

12-10-2024, 11:37 AM
I have HOLE models.....easy fix. Remove internal B/S and add plug.
I'm OK with that, but I just can't bring myself to buy one.
Really feel that S&W quality degraded at that point as well :mad:
But that's just me ...

12-10-2024, 11:46 AM
Their triggers sure have................................

12-10-2024, 09:33 PM
A bit of spring work should fix that right up.....................

Yeah, the "Old Man" in the group has a Wilson Combat spring kit and a Cylinder & Slide extended firing pin installed. It wears CT boot grips because my wife likes that set best. This is the house gun when I'm not home and she is alone. The old school 642 sights are regulated for 158 +P and I only carry the 125grn Hornady load, so they shoot very low to the sight, but the laser is right on the bullet impact point.
The resprung trigger in the old gun is good and smooth, but still heavier than my PM9 or K9.
The second gun is a 642PC, sporting Craig Speagle grips (after 2yrs on the waiting list) and looks as good as it shoots. The PC trigger is about as good as the Old Man's but came like that right out of the box.
The 642UC though is the best of the lot. The gun geek in me just had to buy it. The trigger on it right now is a touch gritty but is absolutely better out the box than the older PC. I believe the fixed trigger geometry may be the reason. I also expect the trigger to smooth up getting better with age and mileage, as all S&W triggers do. I won't have time to shoot it until next week though. I have been working a lot as of late, but Friday is my last day to work this year and I don't have to be back until the 6th of January. Hey, the company said "use it or lose it" and that's enough for me.
If you have not heard the UC story before, read about it here: The Lipsey’s – Smith & Wesson Ultimate Carry J-Frames, Part I – RevolverGuy.Com (https://revolverguy.com/the-lipseys-smith-wesson-ultimate-carry-j-frames-part-i/)
I won't be able to carry the UC until I get a pocket holster that is boned for the new barrel profile and has a sight channel for the XS night sight, but I am in talks with a holster guy to solve that now.
Still waiting on Kahr to get the X9 to market though.


12-11-2024, 01:52 PM
Just ordered a Ruger LCP Max Stainless Steel 75 Year Anniversary Addition :cool:

Careful with the slide serrations, they are really sharp on mine.

12-11-2024, 04:45 PM
Careful with rhe slide serrations, they arereally sharp on mine.

Thanks for the tip.
Haven't got mine yet.
Have a Houge Grip Sleeve, two extra 10 round mags, SX Big Dot Sights, Galloway Precision SS guide rod,
200 rounds of Sellier Bellot 92 Grain FMJ Ammo
and 75 rounds of Hornady Critical Defense 90 Grain Hollow Point Ammo inbound :D

12-11-2024, 04:53 PM
Ruger is now making a Glock 19 with a 1911 grip angle.

12-11-2024, 05:29 PM
Ruger is now making a Glock 19 with a 1911 grip angle.
I've already got a 1911 grip angle :p

12-11-2024, 06:41 PM

12-11-2024, 08:08 PM
Ruger is now making a Glock 19 with a 1911 grip angle.

The new RXM?


12-12-2024, 05:47 AM
RXM, yes.

12-12-2024, 11:19 AM
I must be the most lucky man in the Country. I have the Hillary hole in mine and still alive. Not only that but probably the only man sill alive that carries a single stack. As most learned from the internet that you would be a "Dead Man Walking" if you did not get a double stack and the grave yards are full of these men that attempted to carry these inferior weapons.

12-12-2024, 11:44 AM

12-12-2024, 12:29 PM
I must be the most lucky man in the Country. I have the Hillary hole in mine and still alive. Not only that but probably the only man sill alive that carries a single stack. As most learned from the internet that you would be a "Dead Man Walking" if you did not get a double stack and the grave yards are full of these men that attempted to carry these inferior weapons.

There's at least two of us. I'm still risking the single stacks. I don't think my 629 has a Hillary Hole but I'll have to check on that.
Appreciate it if we could not use that name too much, kind of makes me throw up a little bit in my mouth.

12-12-2024, 01:32 PM
I must be luckier than the both of you. I don't own a double stack. Crazy as it sounds, I carry a revolver at least 50% of the time........................no Horse Holes.

12-12-2024, 02:37 PM
I just realized I don't own a double stack either. My T9 holds plenty of rounds; so do my revolvers.

12-12-2024, 03:17 PM
I am a bad shot, hence my Ruger SR9, Sig P365X and LCP Max.
But still like my Kahr S9 and will have it available for “duty” if needed.

Ken L
12-13-2024, 11:27 AM
I don't carry a double stack either. Kahr CW40 most of the time or a Taurus 605 with 200 grain Bear Loads (a handful, believe me!) for hiking.

12-13-2024, 09:01 PM
This is the only double stack I need.

12-14-2024, 12:02 AM
Dang, that looks really good.

12-14-2024, 06:14 AM
I have always believed that the most important shot fired was the first one. Regardless if it was from the good guy or the bad guy. The bad guy will almost always have the advantage. He is prepared, and will use the element of surprise. In order to win, you must shoot first, be fast, be quick or be dead as they say. In training I will focus on this belief. Yea, you might be lucky and get off a second shot but beyond that you are pressing you luck.
Focus on the first shot fired, not the last shots of a 10 Plus round firearm.

12-14-2024, 09:27 AM
This is the only double stack I need.
Needs bacon. And tomatoes. And cranberries.


12-14-2024, 09:59 AM
Cranberries on a burger? To each his own, I guess.

12-14-2024, 12:58 PM
Cranberry sauce is excellent on a turkey sandwich. I'd be willing to try it on a burger. Blue cheese is also good on a burger.

12-14-2024, 01:23 PM
Blue cheese, oh hell yeah. We have a local place that makes those.

12-14-2024, 01:32 PM
I have always believed that the most important shot fired was the first one. Regardless if it was from the good guy or the bad guy. The bad guy will almost always have the advantage. He is prepared, and will use the element of surprise. In order to win, you must shoot first, be fast, be quick or be dead as they say. In training I will focus on this belief. Yea, you might be lucky and get off a second shot but beyond that you are pressing you luck.
Focus on the first shot fired, not the last shots of a 10 Plus round firearm.

We also have to remember that most of us are only defensive, getting away, protecting ourselves or family or even a stranger, but we don't chase bad guys. If we get away, it's over for us. Mission accomplished. That being said most of us are what I call sheepdogs. Even though we're not wearing a badge or uniform we want to protect and probably dangerously seek out the bad guy. Probably more dangerous than the bad guy is good guys thinking we are the bad guy. It's a fine line to walk or in my case roll.
Of course, very few of us will ever need to shoot defensively or otherwise and that's a good thing. Carry what make you comfortable, just like clothes, I guess. I used to ask the officers what I could provide them to make them feel more confident, everyone has different values.

12-14-2024, 03:24 PM
They told me I couldn't carry grenades.................:cool:

12-14-2024, 04:15 PM
They told me I couldn't carry grenades.................:cool:

Who told you that? Who knew?

12-15-2024, 05:09 AM
I'm a fool for cheeseburgers :p

12-15-2024, 07:15 AM
Now that looks PERFECT!

12-17-2024, 08:52 AM
Barth Approves of the Colonel's Work -

12-17-2024, 11:19 AM
Does Barth always talk in the third person? :D

12-17-2024, 02:59 PM
I’d surmise that one of his other personalities made that post.💆

12-17-2024, 05:29 PM
While doing the paperwork at my local gunshop on another old Mossberg 22 rifle I spotted this and with very little shin kicking, it's coming to my toy box. After a horrible 10 day waiting period of course. Get it Jan 3. I hate waiting periods.
Kimber Custom Lightweight. Full size 9mm:behindsofa:

12-17-2024, 07:29 PM
A nice color combo. But a full size 9mm? You're not getting soft on .45 are you? ;)

12-17-2024, 07:36 PM
A nice color combo. But a full size 9mm? You're not getting soft on .45 are you? ;)

No way! Just preparing for the future. I'm getting softer by the day. Still wear a 45 everyday.

12-17-2024, 07:42 PM
medezyner approves of Colonels work. Did a set of grips for my vintage 9mm Commander. Myrtle wood & colt inserts...very nice. Unfortunately, I couldn't get that P.O.S. to run reliable. Shot it (or tried to) in one Steel Challenge. I did everything at the time to get it to run right and it was accurate between the jams, but sadly, it was all lipstick on a pig. Just sad.

12-17-2024, 09:35 PM
medezyner approves of Colonels work. Did a set of grips for my vintage 9mm Commander. Myrtle wood & colt inserts...very nice. Unfortunately, I couldn't get that P.O.S. to run reliable. Shot it (or tried to) in one Steel Challenge. I did everything at the time to get it to run right and it was accurate between the jams, but sadly, it was all lipstick on a pig. Just sad.

I still have the note you sent me on a sticky note hanging on my safe. So what did you replace the Commander with? Need wood?
I started to ponder some this morning for Dao but didn't get very far, tomorrow's another day and the day after that too.

12-19-2024, 08:16 AM
I still have the note you sent me on a sticky note hanging on my safe. So what did you replace the Commander with? Need wood?

I eventually replaced it with a Kimber Target long slide. I converted it to a Rowland 460 and then upgraded with a Stan Chen mag well, G10’s and springs. I got it to run 100% with all ammo AND it was pretty accurate. My last addition was a MRD and I hunted with it for 3 years.

12-19-2024, 09:56 AM
I eventually replaced it with a Kimber Target long slide. I converted it to a Rowland 460 and then upgraded with a Stan Chen mag well, G10’s and springs. I got it to run 100% with all ammo AND it was pretty accurate. My last addition was a MRD and I hunted with it for 3 years.

Here it is prior to adding the MRD. The 460 Rowland turned some heads at the range: "what the **** is that!"

12-19-2024, 10:02 AM
Here it is prior to adding the MRD. The 460 Rowland turned some heads at the range: "what the **** is that!"

That's beautiful. Always been intrigued by the long slides, never did own one. YET. Those Stan Chen magwells sure look good. Slightly rich for my side of the tracks but I'll have one, one of these days.

12-19-2024, 10:20 AM
That's beautiful. Always been intrigued by the long slides, never did own one. YET. Those Stan Chen magwells sure look good. Slightly rich for my side of the tracks but I'll have one, one of these days.

Ya, building that hurt the wallet a bit...had to sell one of the kids.

12-19-2024, 03:35 PM
Ya, building that hurt the wallet a bit...had to sell one of the kids.
You can always make more.

12-19-2024, 03:49 PM
You can always make more.

LOL, Hmmm more kids = more pistols.
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fc.tenor.com%2F7zA_GSyiXWoAAAAM%2F i-like-the-way-you-think-robert-downey-jr.gif&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=34d711c742fd59c45952b70e1d481cdcd32ed74c3c3128 5d3f00f35ee635f976&ipo=images

12-19-2024, 04:41 PM
I’d surmise that one of his other personalities made that post.

Barth is complicated - LOL :p

12-28-2024, 05:28 PM
Incoming. Now the long, long wait begins.

12-28-2024, 07:37 PM
I'm guessing that your P2000 is the V3 variant? I love the look!

12-28-2024, 08:29 PM
Yep, V3, thanks I do too.

12-28-2024, 09:02 PM
Incoming. Now the long, long wait begins.


12-29-2024, 08:47 AM
Incoming. Now the long, long wait begins. One of the nicest firearms out there. Set up just the way I like them. You'll likey..........

12-29-2024, 10:56 AM
Must be double action only? Don't see a safety or a decocker.

12-29-2024, 10:58 AM
Here it is prior to adding the MRD. The 460 Rowland turned some heads at the range: "what the **** is that!"

This just makes my drool cup run over. Super fine-looking pistol. Is it a sin to covet another man's gun?

12-29-2024, 01:36 PM
Cool gun dao, love the color! HK makes good stuff! I stumbled on a HK CC9 for $599 and ordered sight unseen. Just picked it up and glad I took a chance. Haven't shot it yet but am super impressed with what they came up with. Holsters are hard to come by, but Tulster had a couple of types in stock so they are on the way. I've wanted a micro subcompact for a while but have never really warmed up to any of the usual players. I was looking for the Kahr X9 but just got tired of waiting.

12-29-2024, 03:53 PM
Decocker's on the back on the left side of the hammer Colonel. This one is DA/SA.

This will actually be my third P2000. Traded one in .40S&W a few years back. Have another in black, and 9mm like this latest. But I just had a hankering for one of these green ones. Also had a P2000SK but traded it back then too. All of them have been V3 variants.

Thanks Burnett. There's a lot of talk about the CC9 on the HK forum. From the sounds of things, even though HK was a bit late to the SC game, they did things right with the CC9. Enjoy!

12-30-2024, 08:27 AM

12-30-2024, 02:58 PM
Being a fan of HK, I am a bit disappointed. 7 years of engineering and over testing, and I'm sure, typical HK quality but just meh for me. They have been accused of ignoring the public and concentrating on the military. Maybe their way of selling something more " civilian ". I prefer their standard models. I really prefer their standard triggers.................

01-03-2025, 03:43 PM
I'd likely buy one if they had a manual thumb safety on them. I do like the looks of them. Not as much as I do this though. I can take her home on the 18th.

01-03-2025, 05:16 PM
My 10 days in purgatory ended today. Just got home from picking up another Mossberg T bolt 22 rifle and a Kimber full size 1911 in ......9mm.:behindsofa:

The rifle is even nicer than I remembered when I saw it 10 days ago. I was looking for a refinish project but this one is too nice to mess with. Bluing and wood are near perfect. The trigger guard has the usually gap where it's shrunk as many do but I think I can fix that.

Only problem I have is I don't have any more slots in the Mossberg rack. I need an addition on my addition to support myself in a manner to which I'm accustomed.

Another new one was a wood Thompson model my daughter got me for Christmas. Just finished it this morning took about 2 1/2 days, just a million pieces but everything fit well, directions as usual sucked big time.

Looking in the Kimber box I found the sheet where the guy including his name bought it from Cabela's in 2022. The thing is perfect, not a scratch or holster mark or idiot scratch anywhere. Not sure he even shot it. The slide is a bit sluggish like it's been sitting since delivery. But I can sure take care of that. I'll have er slick as eggs thru a hen in no time.

Happy day. I feel your pain Dao, you day will come soon.

01-03-2025, 05:44 PM
Love the .22

01-03-2025, 07:43 PM
Second that…love the .22
Kind of partial to bolt 22’s; can feed the just about any ammo and they’ll eat it happily. My bolt Tikka 22 eats everything from Super Colibi’s to the hottest with great accuracy. Not a hiccup. It’s my go-to squirrel gun and the most fun you can have with your pants on!

01-03-2025, 09:30 PM
Lookin' good there Colonel!

01-04-2025, 11:37 AM
Nice looking double 2....................Had a Remington and a Savage bolt action .22 when I was a youngster...................

01-09-2025, 03:30 PM
Got a new toy....[from pawn shop in Texas, great to do business with]


01-09-2025, 03:47 PM
NICE! Do you know if that's the Grayguns flat face trigger? Does it have the short reset trigger?
The single action is incredible and the double isn't too shabby either. I've got a 220 in 10MM and a 232 stainless duotone. Both are amazing shooters. Congrats.

01-09-2025, 05:13 PM
Pretty. Is the hammer stock? That's a 220 right jeep?

01-09-2025, 05:57 PM
Yes a 220 Carry model with 3.9 barrel. It has Grey Guns dual adjustable trigger, Armory Craft Skeletonized Hammer and SRT.
Very happy, put new Hackathon Combat Sights on with black rear and Tritium/Orange front sight on.

01-09-2025, 07:44 PM
It's a pretty piece, and I'm sure it will be a sweet shooter. Congrats!

01-11-2025, 07:39 PM
Just got back my Ruger LCP Max Stainless Steel 75 Year Anniversary Addition
after having XS Sights DXT2 Big Dots in Optic Orange installed.
Hit the range with 200 FMJs and 25 Hornady Critical Defense.
Did have 1 FTF with the FMJs and 1 with a JHP.
Did close range mag dumps and the gun is remarkably accurate and easy to shoot fast at close range.
Have read of the Max guns requiring a break-in and not all guns like Critical Defense.
So, I ordered more FMJs and some Hornady XTP Custom rounds.
Really like the gun a lot if it will just get reliable.
Wish me luck :)

01-12-2025, 06:26 PM
After even more FTF with FMJs I went back to the Hornady Critical Defense that jammed badly.
Immediately got a jam and removed that magazine from the mix.
Ran through 50 more Critical Defense rounds flawlessly with the remaining two magazines.
Then followed that with 50+ Underwood XTP Custom +P rounds without issues.
Finally, 50 more Hornady XTP Custom JHPs just fine.
Problem appears to be a bad mag (I seem to be having bad luck with mags these days)
Was also working out some family drama frustrations too I think :D

01-13-2025, 05:25 AM
Glad to hear, you got it running.

01-13-2025, 09:35 AM
Glad to hear, you got it running.

Thanks :)
I own two original LCPs, one LCP II and this SS LCP Max.
Really think the MAX is LCP III, but they wanted to highlight the increased mag capacity.
The Max is basically the same size and the LCP II.
But the trigger, ergonomics and most importantly the sights have been improved.
After owning it, I truly believe the LCP MAX is worth the money to upgrade to for those contemplating it.
Plus, I got the stainless-steel anniversary addition for $249 LOL!

01-13-2025, 10:08 AM
Yep, I still have one NIB LCP (made in 2016), a “blued” LCP Max (my EDC), and a NIB LCP Max stainless.
Had a NIB 75th Anniversary LCP Max like yours, but gifted it to my grandson inlaw for Christmas.
The only one I have shot is my EDC (of course), and it works just fine for me.

01-14-2025, 09:31 AM
And here I thought I was all done buying new guns for a while.
Looks like my preferred wheelgun maker has brought back their 7.5” New Vaquero in my favorite caliber…


01-14-2025, 10:08 AM
I just discovered the P365 AXG Legion
Going to look at one to see if I need it.

01-14-2025, 12:01 PM
Of course you need it! 'nuff said

01-14-2025, 12:59 PM
And here I thought I was all done buying new guns for a while.
Looks like my preferred wheelgun maker has brought back their 7.5” New Vaquero in my favorite caliber…


I'm kind a partial to that my own self. She's a beauty. I gave my daughter my 357 Blackhawk, I probably need one of these to take it's place?

01-14-2025, 02:51 PM
Of course you need it! 'nuff said

Thank you.
Reaching for credit card.

01-14-2025, 04:27 PM
Thank you.
Reaching for credit card.

I suggest somebody else's credit card, you can save a ton of money that way. Just sayin.

01-14-2025, 05:39 PM
I've always wanted one of those Ruger Vaquero 357s with a short barrel.
Haven't scratched that itch yet ...

01-14-2025, 07:31 PM
I suggest somebody else's credit card, you can save a ton of money that way. Just sayin.


01-14-2025, 07:47 PM
I've always wanted one of those Ruger Vaquero 357s with a short barrel.
Haven't scratched that itch yet ...

I have a nickel one of those in 45ACP. Sweet gun. I don't shoot it well but haven't really given it a chance to bond. I have a similar Uberti, that looks just like that one, case hardened etc, in 45 Colt. I like the feel and weight of it a lot. it's a little lighter. Also like original Colts, carry on an empty chamber.

01-14-2025, 10:42 PM
I've always wanted one of those Ruger Vaquero 357s with a short barrel.
Haven't scratched that itch yet ...

Oh my, thought I was done buying guns and only spending dough on ammo but that little vaquero might change my thinking, that would be the perfect gas station gun to stuff in your belt in case the bad man shows up……It never ends……

01-15-2025, 07:36 AM
That is one sweet looking gun. :w00t:

01-15-2025, 08:43 AM
It certainly is.
The closest I have to it is my Single Seven .327

01-15-2025, 08:51 AM
All I can say is, thank heaven for JMB :)

01-16-2025, 02:30 PM

01-16-2025, 04:04 PM
Oh sure.....knock me over with stag grips. I thought GB Greg was the only one that did that to me. Got a plumb soft spot for stag.

01-16-2025, 05:40 PM
I ordered it.
P365 Legion, Red dot, light, and holster.
Pics at eleven (once received. Because posts are worthless without pics)

01-17-2025, 08:54 AM
I ordered it.
P365 Legion, Red dot, light, and holster.
Pics at eleven (once received. Because posts are worthless without pics)
Wondering what all the fuss was about with electronic sights.
I jumped on a HK VP9SK with a Holosun SCS green dot last year.
Enjoy your new gun! :D

01-17-2025, 09:10 AM

01-17-2025, 01:09 PM
Found a photo of my two favorite cowboy guns.

Sometimes think I was born 100 years too late. I sometimes wear them around the place. Osage Orange on the Uberti and Spalted maple on the Ruger. Had stag on the ruger but only gun I ever dropped, broke a corner off. Revolvers are tough to make grips on.

01-17-2025, 07:57 PM
Found a photo of my two favorite cowboy guns.

Sometimes think I was born 100 years too late. I sometimes wear them around the place. Osage Orange on the Uberti and Spalted maple on the Ruger. Had stag on the ruger but only gun I ever dropped, broke a corner off. Revolvers are tough to make grips on.

Very nice pair.
I like cowboy stuff but never delved in.
Having a SA pistol and a lever action rifle in the same caliber always seemed like a cool thing to have :D

01-17-2025, 08:11 PM
How do they put 17+1 in this thing?

01-18-2025, 04:04 PM
Got her home, finally after what seems like my 200th background check. Box labels it as NATO Green. Not nearly as dark as it shows in this picture.
See, in this commie state I can walk in whilst carrying legally and still have to go through another background check and wait for 10 business days to elapse before I can walk out with my new gun, and the gun I'm carrying. Liberal logic at its finest.

01-18-2025, 04:37 PM
I like it.
My new pistol should be here Wednesday.
I have a trip to London on Tuesday. Grumble grumble grumble.

01-18-2025, 04:59 PM
Got her home, finally after what seems like my 200th background check. Box labels it as NATO Green. Not nearly as dark as it shows in this picture.
See, in this commie state I can walk in whilst carrying legally and still have to go through another background check and wait for 10 business days to elapse before I can walk out with my new gun, and the gun I'm carrying. Liberal logic at its finest.

I'm in Arizona.
With a CCW, after the gun is checked in, I'm walking out the door with it in just a few minutes :)
Have two identical twin HK P2000 LEM guns in 357 Sig.
Enjoy HK goodness :cool:

01-18-2025, 05:49 PM
Got her home, finally after what seems like my 200th background check. Box labels it as NATO Green. Not nearly as dark as it shows in this picture.
See, in this commie state I can walk in whilst carrying legally and still have to go through another background check and wait for 10 business days to elapse before I can walk out with my new gun, and the gun I'm carrying. Liberal logic at its finest.

Well it is the right color...:w00t:

01-18-2025, 06:32 PM
Our state used to be like that Barth. Enjoy it while you can. The leftist sickness is contagious.

01-18-2025, 06:40 PM
There's hope, talk of overturning alot of the things they are pulling on us. Not terribly optimistic but fingers crossed.

01-18-2025, 11:18 PM
Mine too Colonel. If Newsom gets recalled and CA returns to its senses it would be a big help.

01-19-2025, 05:34 AM
Got her home, finally after what seems like my 200th background check. Box labels it as NATO Green. Not nearly as dark as it shows in this picture.
See, in this commie state I can walk in whilst carrying legally and still have to go through another background check and wait for 10 business days to elapse before I can walk out with my new gun, and the gun I'm carrying. Liberal logic at its finest.

Beautiful and great gun doa. Congrats! Life time gun for sure. Too bad it is not actually that dark of a OD Green. I like it. And what a bonus with the DA/SA!:amflag:

01-19-2025, 08:54 AM
Thanks whiskey. It's dark enough in real life. Definitely M.A.S.H. dark od green :D

It'll be lifetime if I hold onto it that long. I used to have another P2K in .40S&W that I traded off. And I have another in all black. But using the Large backstraps which is something I never did on the other I like the grip feel much better with these two, so I may just keep them.

01-19-2025, 01:03 PM
Thanks whiskey. It's dark enough in real life. Definitely M.A.S.H. dark od green :D

It'll be lifetime if I hold onto it that long. I used to have another P2K in .40S&W that I traded off. And I have another in all black. But using the Large backstraps which is something I never did on the other I like the grip feel much better with these two, so I may just keep them.

I actually went with the XL backstrap on mine.
It looks crazy oversized but feels and points great! :D

01-19-2025, 03:17 PM
I actually don't like the look of the L or XL but like you I like they way the L feels and the gun points. Took me a long time to warm up to the P30 look for the same reason.

01-19-2025, 03:55 PM
I actually don't like the look of the L or XL but like you I like they way the L feels and the gun points. Took me a long time to warm up to the P30 look for the same reason.

Same, I have a P30 and a P30SK.
But it took a long time to warm up to the first one ... :)

01-20-2025, 01:26 PM
I like them all in a small...................................

01-20-2025, 03:13 PM
With my first P2K and my P2KSK I opted for the medium backstraps. And both guns' grips just felt too small in my hand. That's why I traded them and went with the P30's that I've had. This time around I decided to get used to the look of the P2K's with the large backstraps. It didn't take very long, and they feel so much better in hand. However you hold them though, they're great guns.

01-20-2025, 11:43 PM
With my first P2K and my P2KSK I opted for the medium backstraps. And both guns' grips just felt too small in my hand. That's why I traded them and went with the P30's that I've had. This time around I decided to get used to the look of the P2K's with the large backstraps. It didn't take very long, and they feel so much better in hand. However you hold them though, they're great guns.

LOL - I did exactly the same thing.
Well, I didn't trade them away.
But, after the P30 experience I switched to the XL on my P2000 and L on my P2000SK guns (have two of each).
The look funny but feel better in the hand :D

01-21-2025, 09:25 AM
Not sure but I think the M would feel better if they rubberized it like the L and XL. The side panels of the grips offer no slip resistance to speak of. Good looking and great running guns for sure though.

I may convert one of my P2K's over to light LEM when HKParts gets the right hammer back in stock. Or the catch, can't remember for sure which is on back order. Already bought the springs as well as the trigger reset spring pliers. I took my black one apart after I got it to see if I could dye it ODG, but it didn't take. Getting it back together was a challenge, mostly because of that spring. The pliers should help a ton with it. I don't know if I'll like the LEM DAO set up but I've read so much about it over the years that I'd like to give it a try.

01-21-2025, 09:37 AM
Not sure but I think the M would feel better if they rubberized it like the L and XL. The side panels of the grips offer no slip resistance to speak of. Good looking and great running guns for sure though.

I may convert one of my P2K's over to light LEM when HKParts gets the right hammer back in stock. Or the catch, can't remember for sure which is on back order. Already bought the springs as well as the trigger reset spring pliers. I took my black one apart after I got it to see if I could dye it ODG, but it didn't take. Getting it back together was a challenge, mostly because of that spring. The pliers should help a ton with it. I don't know if I'll like the LEM DAO set up but I've read so much about it over the years that I'd like to give it a try.

All of my HK pistols were bought LEM or converted to LEM.
My twin P2000 and twin P2000SK guns were both converted from V2 to V1 (Light LEM).
I really prefer Light LEM for sure :)
Not sure if it really makes much of a difference.
But I always upgrade to the nickel-plated flat sear spring when converting LEM guns :)
They are cheap and a match trigger part ...

Technical Note: that spring is listed for USP/HK45C, but it works perfectly in P series guns as well.
Ask me how I know - LOL!

(https://hkparts.net/all-parts/h-k-hk-usp-p-45-enhanced-match-flat-sear-spring/Also)Also, an extended mag release is a sweet upgrade for the P2000/SK guns.
Back in the day, HK factory HK45c mag releases worked perfectly on my P2000/SK guns.

01-21-2025, 12:13 PM
I bought 3 of the HK45c mag releases long ago, but foolishly left two of them on my first P2K and P2KSK when I traded them. I paid $7 each for them back then. Used the third one on my black 9mm P2K. Now, they're like hen's teeth to find in stock. Ended up buying two of them from a guy on the HK forum, for $55 shipped total. hkparts.net wants $49.95 for one these days, plus tax and shipping. The other gun parts outlets never have them in stock. I'm not sure why HK puts proper, longer releases on all their other guns except for the P2K and P2KSK.
I have looked at the nickel sears springs too. If I convert my black P2K to LEM I'll order one for it, and one to have on hand. Thanks for the reminder on that.

01-21-2025, 01:01 PM
I bought 3 of the HK45c mag releases long ago, but foolishly left two of them on my first P2K and P2KSK when I traded them. I paid $7 each for them back then. Used the third one on my black 9mm P2K. Now, they're like hen's teeth to find in stock. Ended up buying two of them from a guy on the HK forum, for $55 shipped total. hkparts.net wants $49.95 for one these days, plus tax and shipping. The other gun parts outlets never have them in stock. I'm not sure why HK puts proper, longer releases on all their other guns except for the P2K and P2KSK.
I have looked at the nickel sears springs too. If I convert my black P2K to LEM I'll order one for it, and one to have on hand. Thanks for the reminder on that.

The P2000/P2000SK guns were produced long before the P30/P30SK and HK45c.
The extended mag release was part of the upgrades (like non-proprietary rails) with the newer models.

Seems like HK never enhances the old models, but at least they keep producing most of them.

01-21-2025, 02:35 PM
Yeah, I know they're older than the P30's. I guess HK is all about purity :D

01-22-2025, 04:18 AM
My new pistol arrived Monday at the shop. You know, the day I started a 9 day trip for work. Btw, is cold and wet in London. But at least there’s no snow.

01-22-2025, 12:41 PM
My new pistol arrived Monday at the shop. You know, the day I started a 9 day trip for work. Btw, is cold and wet in London. But at least there’s no snow.

Watch out where you’re walking in London.
Six years ago my wife didn’t…and fell down a short flight of stairs in St. Paul’s Cathedral, breaking her arm & nose, and smashing both legs so she couldn’t walk for two weeks.

01-22-2025, 12:44 PM
Ouch............Looking at the photo, I could just feel that. Thankfully, she made it through that one............................

01-22-2025, 02:57 PM
Watch out where you’re walking in London.
Six years ago my wife didn’t…and fell down a short flight of stairs in St. Paul’s Cathedral, breaking her arm & nose, and smashing both legs so she couldn’t walk for two weeks.

This place?https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20250122/06578008202248a6da4aada8c75bf175.jpg

We did that this morning.

01-22-2025, 06:57 PM
Watch out where you’re walking in London.
Six years ago my wife didn’t…and fell down a short flight of stairs in St. Paul’s Cathedral, breaking her arm & nose, and smashing both legs so she couldn’t walk for two weeks.

That's too bad, but also be careful stepping off the curb being sure you're looking the other way for the oncoming traffic!

My first day in London a friend had to yank me back out of the way of the oncoming traffic as I was looking the wrong way, DOH!

01-22-2025, 07:44 PM
This place?https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20250122/06578008202248a6da4aada8c75bf175.jpg

We did that this morning.
What’s crazy is - she and our English friend had just walked up the long staircase to the Whispering Gallery, then down in the Crypt she didn’t see the three steps down while rushing over to gawk at Admiral Nelson’s grave.
That’s where she fell head first on the stone floor.
It was our first full day in London.
We had to cut our one month trip short to 5 days so we could fly home for her surgery on her arm.

Friend rented a wheelchair so I could push her around to a few tourist destinations (she was kinda stoned from the hydrocodone they gave her at the ER) after a day of rest & recovery.

01-23-2025, 01:28 AM
That is truly crappy way to spoil a vacation. I’m hoping nothing like that happens in April when we do 2 weeks in Ireland.

01-24-2025, 07:18 AM
This place?https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20250122/06578008202248a6da4aada8c75bf175.jpg

We did that this morning.

Seeing these pictures makes me want to visit the Castle from my family tree in Raynham England! My family name began in 1062 in Raynham England, the castle has the family crest on the ceiling.

01-24-2025, 07:26 AM
I don’t see a Jeep anywhere in that crest.

01-24-2025, 09:22 AM
I don’t see a Jeep anywhere in that crest.

It's parked out back.....:yo:

01-24-2025, 10:02 AM
Place looks big enough, ought to park the jeep inside. Maybe the entrance hall. Wish I knew a place that could duplicate that family crest into a pin. Be cool on a set of grips.

01-24-2025, 11:09 AM
It's parked out back.....:yo:
Behind the Land Rover?

01-27-2025, 02:26 PM
Added a new kid to my collection yesterday. Smith and Wesson FPC along with an Sig Romeo5 red dot. Had to go try it out, 100 rounds. Ladys on the lane next to me were very interested in it so what to do? Let both of them try it out. I may have just cost them eight bills.🤓

01-27-2025, 03:57 PM
Added a new kid to my collection yesterday. Smith and Wesson FPC along with an Sig Romeo5 red dot. Had to go try it out, 100 rounds. Ladys on the lane next to me were very interested in it so what to do? Let both of them try it out. I may have just cost them eight bills.[emoji851]

Pics for verification [emoji12]

01-27-2025, 04:48 PM
Pics for verification [emoji12]
Of the ladies, of course.

01-28-2025, 09:09 AM
Unfortunately pictures are only on my iPhone, I don’t use an image hosting service. The ladies were a bit masculine.

01-28-2025, 12:45 PM
Well, then pics of the gun would be preferred.

01-28-2025, 03:52 PM
Unfortunately pictures are only on my iPhone, I don’t use an image hosting service. The ladies were a bit masculine.

You have more than enough post which allows you to post without an image hosting service. Just sayin.

01-28-2025, 05:27 PM
The file size limitation is very small. Smartphone pics are way too big.

01-29-2025, 05:20 PM
It came. It came. (Well the wrong light was ordered, and the holster is still being made, but)
After close to 150 rounds through it, I did 10 rounds at 15 yards,
Sighting is was super easy.
Top target shows me walking them in.

01-29-2025, 05:57 PM
Oooooo I like that!

01-29-2025, 08:39 PM
I like it too. That Holosun look good on there too.

01-29-2025, 11:08 PM
Nice shootin' too! Congrats!

01-30-2025, 11:08 AM
Good Shooting!

01-30-2025, 12:24 PM
Nice setup.

01-30-2025, 02:40 PM
Thanks guys.
It’ll take some getting used to quickly acquiring the dot. But that just means I need more range time.

01-30-2025, 05:08 PM
Thanks guys.
It’ll take some getting used to quickly acquiring the dot. But that just means I need more range time.

For me, presentation and practice are the key.
Bringing the gun up to your chest and driving it straight out acquiring the dot.
IMHO this is a good video -


01-30-2025, 06:03 PM
Co-witnessing would be a good thing. On the guns that I have red dots on (all of which I have yet to shoot), it seems that in order to get the dot to line up with the factory iron sights that I have to bring the gun into an uncomfortable angle with the muzzle feeling like it's very low. I "zeroed" my dots with the use of a bore sight laser so I "think" they're right, but I can't be sure yet.
Anyone else find this phenomena to be true for them? Or am I just way off with my zero?

01-30-2025, 08:58 PM
For me, presentation and practice are the key.
Bringing the gun up to your chest and driving it straight out acquiring the dot.
IMHO this is a good video -


Thank you.
Those are two gun tubers I feel I can trust.

01-31-2025, 11:56 PM
Co-witnessing would be a good thing. On the guns that I have red dots on (all of which I have yet to shoot), it seems that in order to get the dot to line up with the factory iron sights that I have to bring the gun into an uncomfortable angle with the muzzle feeling like it's very low. I "zeroed" my dots with the use of a bore sight laser so I "think" they're right, but I can't be sure yet.
Anyone else find this phenomena to be true for them? Or am I just way off with my zero?

I have the same issue, I’m looking for the front sight because that’s how I learned to shoot…..My son bought a Walther PDP 9 and put a nice expensive red dot on it and I have to say if I took my time and put the dot on target it was very accurate but for a SD pistol I would much rather not try finding a dot and just press out and look for a front sight at a middle mass target..….Guess I’m just old school……

02-01-2025, 09:30 AM
That’s great, if you can still see a front sight.
I’m having issues with that.
See the front sight, or the target but not both. Red dot fixes that issue.

02-01-2025, 10:12 AM
I have the same issue, I’m looking for the front sight because that’s how I learned to shoot…..My son bought a Walther PDP 9 and put a nice expensive red dot on it and I have to say if I took my time and put the dot on target it was very accurate but for a SD pistol I would much rather not try finding a dot and just press out and look for a front sight at a middle mass target..….Guess I’m just old school…… Unless you're going to do a lot of practice defensive shooting with the dot, pretty useless for defensive shooting. Target pistol, great, defensive pistol, not so much. Learn to point shoot.

02-01-2025, 02:49 PM
Roll eyes.

02-02-2025, 11:27 AM
Roll eyes. Does it help??????????

02-02-2025, 12:29 PM
Not according to my wife.
But it makes me feel better.

02-03-2025, 08:01 AM
I have red dots on my AR, Keltec sub2000, and as of a week ago Smith&Wesson FPC. There are 2 types of electronic devices, those that have failed and those that will. Flip up sights/ backup sights are a must. In the event that the world starts circling the drain the likely hood that you can find battery replacement's most likely will be nill.

02-07-2025, 11:32 AM
My Sig Ultra 3.3" 45 ACP is all sorted out and no longer misbehaving!
Yay to Sig Sauer Customer Service for sorting things out for free :Dhttps://www.kahrtalk.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7
100 rounds of various weight and manufacturer JHPs close range rapid fire -
This baby is a keeper :cool:

02-07-2025, 02:43 PM
and kudos to you for your patience!

02-14-2025, 10:56 AM

02-14-2025, 10:58 AM

02-14-2025, 10:59 AM

02-14-2025, 11:03 AM
https://images.guns.com/prod/2022/10/02/633a078d8c522e7a070ef71257ab8beaac9db93b09c12.jpeg ?imwidth=900

02-14-2025, 11:05 AM

02-14-2025, 11:07 AM

02-14-2025, 11:08 AM
https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.809258da7b5342fd54aa5bab9149c2f5?rik=exQiJZN8TBj fZQ&riu=http%3a%2f%2fwww.korthusa.com%2fimages%2fpic-43-1.jpg&ehk=h7nEx9oRTnz%2bKcy6j9g0WaU9LLyAW22OvfNaiE2fV3c% 3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0

02-14-2025, 11:15 AM

Ken L
02-14-2025, 11:16 AM

This Korth auto is beyond breathtaking.

02-14-2025, 12:24 PM
Are those yours Bone? Very cool. :yo:

02-14-2025, 12:24 PM
I can’t compete with berretabone

02-14-2025, 12:27 PM
Makes my Sigs look cheap....:blushing: Just got back my barrel threaded for my 220Carry 45 acp. Now I am soon going to have to get a suppressor.

02-14-2025, 12:29 PM
The top 2 are MULTI caliber and shoot 9mm, 357 Sig and 40 caliber. [A M11A1 and P226]

02-14-2025, 12:43 PM
The Sigs go well with the bedside FN545.....need a can though....

02-14-2025, 03:43 PM
Well, if we are going all Sig Sauer.
I must submit my West German P220.
Have shot it before, but usually just take it out and caress it these days ...

02-14-2025, 05:24 PM
Your Sigs don't look cheap Jeep. IMO they never do.

02-14-2025, 07:28 PM

02-15-2025, 07:43 AM
Makes my Sigs look cheap....:blushing: Just got back my barrel threaded for my 220Carry 45 acp. Now I am soon going to have to get a suppressor. You don't have to be afraid to carry them though............;)

02-15-2025, 07:48 AM
Are those yours Bone? Very cool. :yo: Hardly, though I wish like hell.......That's about $70,000 worth of firearms. Could be more. Korth's aren't cheap and a few are customs. I'd settle for one auto and one revolver. Not greedy you know................just thought we could use a bit of porn...................

02-15-2025, 08:17 AM

02-15-2025, 08:20 AM
Hardly, though I wish like hell.......That's about $70,000 worth of firearms. Could be more. Korth's aren't cheap and a few are customs. I'd settle for one auto and one revolver. Not greedy you know................just thought we could use a bit of porn...................
I can’t compete with all that finery…..

02-15-2025, 08:32 AM
Sigs! My 232...but, the trits have long faded and there are no replacements out there. I don't carry it, but love to shoot it. Very accurate and reliable. I was hunting for a few years with my 220 10MM; another very accurate pistol. Nice minute of deer 75 yard groups.

02-15-2025, 10:00 AM
The top 2 are MULTI caliber and shoot 9mm, 357 Sig and 40 caliber. [A M11A1 and P226]

Looks like you changed the trigger on your M11A1. I have an early one with a two digit serial number and it came with a curved trigger that pinched my finger every time I took it to the range. I bought a 226 trigger off the "bay" and my problem was solved.

02-15-2025, 01:43 PM
All my Sigs have been upgraded with GRAY GUNS straight dual adjustable triggers. Super smooth and crisp break.


02-15-2025, 01:46 PM
Woo hoo....

02-15-2025, 11:53 PM

02-16-2025, 10:54 AM
I have switched both my P365's from the stock Sig frames to Wilson Combat frames. One standard and one now XL. I found them to be a big improvement over the stock frame.

02-16-2025, 02:47 PM
I have switched both my P365's from the stock Sig frames to Wilson Combat frames. One standard and one now XL. I found them to be a big improvement over the stock frame.

I'm a big HK fan boy.
But my Sig P365 with the Wilson Combat frame is so perfect.
I just can't see any reason to pick up the new HK CC9 :p

02-16-2025, 03:16 PM
Smith 1854

02-16-2025, 04:24 PM
Just picked up a complete XL slide for my X. And also some baseplates from Tactical Development that are made to match the WC grip module as well as fill out the empty space at the bottom rear of the factory baseplates.
Not sure if I like the look of the XL slide on the gun yet. It just seems a bit long and out of proportion, even with the 15rd mags. Most important factor will come at the range though.

02-17-2025, 02:52 PM
Just picked up a complete XL slide for my X. And also some baseplates from Tactical Development that are made to match the WC grip module as well as fill out the empty space at the bottom rear of the factory baseplates.
Not sure if I like the look of the XL slide on the gun yet. It just seems a bit long and out of proportion, even with the 15rd mags. Most important factor will come at the range though.

I like my P365 so much I've contemplated getting the X.
But I can always stick a 12-round mag in the P365 so ...

02-17-2025, 03:43 PM
Anybody fit their 12 round Sig P365X magazines with the MagGuts kit that adds 2 more capacity and supposedly smooths out the loading?

02-17-2025, 06:23 PM
We're not to be trusted with more than 10rds in our mags AB. Only the criminals can handle high capacity.

03-02-2025, 10:10 AM
Anybody fit their 12 round Sig P365X magazines with the MagGuts kit that adds 2 more capacity and supposedly smooths out the loading?

HK has quietly added capacity to their P30/VP9 OEM mags.
My new VP9SK/Holosun SCS flush mags are 12 (up from 10) :cool:
VP9 is now 17 (up from 15).
And I've got three extended P30SK/VP9SK mags inbound 15 (up from 13).

03-02-2025, 04:59 PM
I like the firepower of my Sig P226 holding 19 rounds with flush fit mag.

03-02-2025, 09:22 PM
I like the firepower of my Sig P226 holding 19 rounds with flush fit mag.
One of my favorite home defense pistols (Capacity=21) :)

03-03-2025, 09:07 AM
Finally received the 5/8x24 suppressor piston. I function checks it yesterday with 6 rounds of 38 spc. Rounds wore supersonic, Heavier projectiles on order.

Ranged day today. Will sight in the Smith and Will put another 200 rounds through this. If no malfunctions, I’ll shoot 50 hst rounds. If all is good, this will go into my carry rotation.