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12-23-2021, 11:04 AM
Nice little gun. Haven't had it to the range yet but initial impressions are that it is every bit as good in fit and finish as the Sig P938's. It feels about the same in hand, with the one caveat that the right micarta grip has a sharp point on the bottom rear corner that digs in a bit on my no-longer-calloused hand. I might try to relieve that a bit. I think the trigger is a bit lighter than the Sig, and feels a bit better, though that's purely subjective and just a first impression. I have not weighed the pull yet. The sights are plenty big enough, just as they are on the Sig 938's. The different models from both manufacturers come with a number of types, from all black, to 3-dot white, night sights, or fiber optic like these. One thing common to both though is that they have an excellent and very much usable sight picture.

All in all I'm extremely fond on these little 1911-ish compacts. They carry easily, are lightweight, and have 6-8+1 capacity. Not bad with today's 9mm cartridges.

Merry Christmas everyone!

12-23-2021, 11:29 AM
Love it! Those sights are nice and bright!

12-23-2021, 11:56 AM
Yes they are bright. My PM45 came with a set of Tru-glo FO sights but they are also night sights. The Triari's sights will be useful for daylight carry but not so much at night.

I did relieve that sharp corner. Grip feels much better now.

12-23-2021, 02:01 PM
I love the small 1911 pistols and have a Sig 938. It carries well and is light but for me it is no fun to shoot. My CM9 is much more pleasant. I think my hand is just too big and the trigger guard is way small. But it’s a beautiful pistol.

12-23-2021, 04:13 PM
From what I've heard but don't have any first hand experience with, no pun intended, the Kimber Micro 9's shoot more pleasantly as in softer and flatter than the 938's. Since they're the same size with about the same trigger guard it might not matter to you given your hand size. Physics cannot be completely overcome though. Small and light do not generally make for a good, long range session.

12-23-2021, 08:36 PM
From what I've heard but don't have any first hand experience with, no pun intended, the Kimber Micro 9's shoot more pleasantly as in softer and flatter than the 938's. Since they're the same size with about the same trigger guard it might not matter to you given your hand size. Physics cannot be completely overcome though. Small and light do not generally make for a good, long range session.

I may try a different weight recoil spring one day. Kimber spring may be heavier for reducing recoil or something. The 938 has a flat type coil spring which is pretty light when racking the slide but who knows. Anyway, your pic inspired me to get mine out today and I like it all over again.

12-23-2021, 09:36 PM
Kimber's Micro 9 recoil spring is flat also. The slide seems to rack about the same by hand though I haven't tried one right after the other. But I've owned 938's for several years now so I'm pretty familiar with them. And I agree they're nice little packages. What variant do you have?

12-23-2021, 10:51 PM
Can’t find a picture at the moment but it’s a bronze frame with the standard black slide and the Hogue fat rubber grip that tames the recoil pretty good. The colors are a nice combination which is how it caught my eye around 2019. It came with a 6 and 7 round mag and a laser which I took off after the first range visit because it attaches to the trigger guard which is small anyway. I thought I’d try some thin “Piranha” g10 grips but they were hell when shooting. I still rotate it for carry because it is so thin and carries real nice in a leather IWB holster I have or in the pocket real easy too. I did sand a point on the bottom of the curve of the trigger because it was sharp and would cut your trigger finger when you were shooting it.

12-24-2021, 08:20 AM
The little 1011 style popguns aren't really my thing, but that Springfield 911 in the green frame with matte silver slide and controls is a pretty sharp looking firearm. Fomdled me one at the store recently. Love the look.

12-24-2021, 09:00 AM
Can’t find a picture at the moment but it’s a bronze frame with the standard black slide and the Hogue fat rubber grip that tames the recoil pretty good. The colors are a nice combination which is how it caught my eye around 2019. It came with a 6 and 7 round mag and a laser which I took off after the first range visit because it attaches to the trigger guard which is small anyway. I thought I’d try some thin “Piranha” g10 grips but they were hell when shooting. I still rotate it for carry because it is so thin and carries real nice in a leather IWB holster I have or in the pocket real easy too. I did sand a point on the bottom of the curve of the trigger because it was sharp and would cut your trigger finger when you were shooting it.

Sig and Kimber, between them at one time they were making a couple/three dozen variants of the same gun. Now they're down to maybe half that, between them. Some of the shiny ones are going for between 2 to 3 times they MSRP. I think people are starting to look at some gun models as an investment and it's driving prices up.

Like this one? Believe it's called the Combat.

12-24-2021, 10:56 AM
I have been wanting to get a Sig P938 Legion. Haven't seen any around locally. I like the flat triggers on guns.

12-24-2021, 01:18 PM
The other cool thing about the P938 Legion is that it's based on their SAS model. Sig Anti-Snag melting. Something I'm very much attracted to, oddly. There are Legions on GB right now.

12-24-2021, 01:35 PM
I no longer do Gunbroker now after negative experience with seller refusing to respond after paying. GB was zero help in resolving.

12-24-2021, 02:06 PM
Sorry to hear that jeepster. I haven't had that happen yet. I've heard of a lot of people having trouble with paypal too, but I've also been spared from that too.

12-24-2021, 02:31 PM
Luckily I paid with Visa and was able to reverse the payment.

12-24-2021, 02:50 PM
Did GB have anything at all to say about it? Did you pay through them with their immediate checkout?

12-24-2021, 04:00 PM
Yes I did do the immediate checkout. No response at all from Gunbroker. That is why I contacted my bank and stopped payment.

12-24-2021, 06:32 PM
That is really something. I've noticed they don't have contact info. I've been pretty lucky so far, only one purchase that wasn't exactly as stated, but not off enough for me to try and cancel it. The seller didn't reply to me either. I left appropriate feedback.

12-25-2021, 10:29 AM
Surprised at the fact Sig has not introduced a P365 legion. They are masters at milking money.

12-25-2021, 01:28 PM
Probably just a matter of time

01-04-2022, 12:50 AM
Got hold of a used S&W 1911 PD full size with light rail. I REALLY LIKE IT.

Do plan some changes though.......guide rod, mainspring housing, stuff like that.

HOPE I can find a custom gunsmith to make a .38 Super upper for it. Combined with the alloy frame, I think that would rock!

01-04-2022, 08:51 AM
You know what they say turtle, This thread is worthless without pictures. We'd like to see it!

01-06-2022, 01:25 PM
OK, Living in the suburbs of Minneapolis and thanks to no having politicians that support the police we are left to our own methods of protection so I now find myself walking with a lightweight revolver. My 340pd in a pocket holster stuffed into the back pocket of my jeans allows me to get a full finger grip yet the grip is flat against my back under a untucked shirt. Not a lot of ammo but with a speed strip in my watch pocket, I feel ok on my walks.
That said, one always needs at least a couple of 5 shot snubbies so I visited my local dealer and compared a 642 no lock vs. a 642 w/lock but it was straight out of the Performance Center. The PC guns action was light years ahead of the stock 642 so I traded the lock for a beautiful action and that is the one that came home with me.
Why another light weight S&W snubbie? Because I had a spare holster in the box that was feeling lonely.
https://i.postimg.cc/DfSJ8HYD/642-PC.jpg (https://postimg.cc/SjpNPT47)
https://i.postimg.cc/02NNDXsX/340pd.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

01-06-2022, 01:59 PM
Cool grips on the .38. I like that gun.

01-06-2022, 05:13 PM
Both nice.................maybe a 640 in the rotation?? I've kind of got my eye out for one myself....................gotta like the snubbies.

01-06-2022, 06:21 PM
Both nice.................maybe a 640 in the rotation?? I've kind of got my eye out for one myself....................gotta like the snubbies.
A few years back I sold my 640 and bought a Kimber K6s. That is one great 2" revolver.

01-06-2022, 06:39 PM
Why another light weight S&W snubbie? Because I had a spare holster in the box that was feeling lonely.

That sounds like a good enough reason! Also sounds like something I’d do!:cool:

01-06-2022, 08:41 PM
That sounds like a good enough reason! Also sounds like something I’d do!:cool:

This is exactly why all gun folks have a big box full of expensive leather holsters in the closet that aren’t in use so it is our duty and responsibility to go out and purchase a handgun to justify having a holster that nothing fits…….Am I right?

01-06-2022, 08:52 PM
This is exactly why all gun folks have a big box full of expensive leather holsters in the closet that aren’t in use so it is our duty and responsibility to go out and purchase a handgun to justify having a holster that nothing fits…….Am I right?
Your theory is sound sir! I also once bought a gun because I had a magazine that fit it. It was my first LCP 380. Had bought a 1911 and they seller threw in his various “extras” he had no need for. :p

01-06-2022, 09:35 PM
Your theory is sound sir! I also once bought a gun because I had a magazine that fit it. It was my first LCP 380. Had bought a 1911 and they seller threw in his various “extras” he had no need for. :p

There is one other method I like to use that is tried and true which is if you have a hankering for a certain firearm but may be holding back for some reason like money the thing to do is go out and buy a sizable amount of ammo and just look at it for a good while just setting on the shelf…….This is why I now own a nice AR-15, I didn’t really want one and I’m much more happy with a lever action rifle but since I had all those boxes of .556 ammo I figured I might as well pick up something to shoot it with…….Works for me

01-06-2022, 10:13 PM
Man, anybody looking from the outside in at us would think we are nuts!

01-06-2022, 10:27 PM
There is one other method I like to use that is tried and true which is if you have a hankering for a certain firearm but may be holding back for some reason like money the thing to do is go out and buy a sizable amount of ammo and just look at it for a good while just setting on the shelf…….This is why I now own a nice AR-15, I didn’t really want one and I’m much more happy with a lever action rifle but since I had all those boxes of .556 ammo I figured I might as well pick up something to shoot it with…….Works for me

That sounds like good logic to me.

01-06-2022, 10:32 PM
I love snubbies too.

01-07-2022, 06:56 AM
You have just got to love a snubbie S&W for general carry. My 642 is a go-to, every day pocket carry. I bought my second hand, from my sons boss for $300. It had less than a box run through it before the guy decided that the little gun was “too much recoil for me”. He delivered it loaded, with 158gr +P Monarchs…
I still have those five rounds someplace, but I have no interest in shooting them in any brand of snub nose.
After carrying the 642 for a few months, I did a deep clean and lube job before reassembling with a Wilson Combat spring kit a a Cylinder & Slide extended firing pin. I carry it with Hornady 125grn standard pressure XTP rounds, plus a speed strip with five rounds in the same pocket. These rounds are nickel plated brass, a pocket carry MUST!
I would LOVE to find a 642 no-lock with the Smith performance center touch some day…
Right now I’m working with my new (to me) PM9 to develop that into the perfect pocket carry but, The newcomer will have stiff competition from the old 642.
Truthfully, I treat that old snubbie like the tool that it is. I once pulled it out at the range to show my brother how it shot from the pocket carry position. It came out with a loose dime, half an old hard candy wrap and a solid infestation of dust bunnies. It still went bang five times, on my target (7yrds) AND I managed an eight second speed strip reload before shooting the next five onto the target. All ten hits were center of mass with some vertical stringing, but my brother was impressed (okay, me too).
A S&W snubbie will take a licking and run till they are clicking…


01-07-2022, 07:26 AM
I'm pretty dumb about revolvers. What is a lock vs nolock 64* ?

01-07-2022, 10:13 AM
Man, anybody looking from the outside in at us would think we are nuts! Think?????????

01-07-2022, 10:19 AM
I'm pretty dumb about revolvers. What is a lock vs nolock 64* ? I'll play..........................S&W Model 64 in 38 special. Older model with no lock versus newer models with key lock above cylinder release. Otherwise known as the " Hillary Hole ".

01-07-2022, 01:10 PM
Man, anybody looking from the outside in at us would think we are nuts!

I thought that was a requirement to be a member here…….

01-07-2022, 02:52 PM
I'll play..........................S&W Model 64 in 38 special. Older model with no lock versus newer models with key lock above cylinder release. Otherwise known as the " Hillary Hole ".

My current 642 doesn’t have the lock but I ended up paying dearly for it…..I called a large gun shop about 30 miles away who said they had one but before I was able to get there they had sold it so being there with cash in hand I bought one with the lock…..On the way home I passed a very small mom & pop gun shop and pulled in to see what they had……Well guess what, they had a pre lock 642 so I ended up trading a brand new 642 for theirs and lost $150.00 on the trade but I got the no lock revolver I wanted…..The old guy at the counter thought I was crazy for trading in a brand new never shot 1 hour old pistol for the same gun -150 clams but I hate those ugly a$$ Hillary Hole locks, no gun should have a stupid key lock, totally unnecessary!

01-07-2022, 03:57 PM
So, is the no lock perfered strictly for the cosmetics, or is there added friction because of the design change?

01-07-2022, 04:25 PM
So, is the no lock perfered strictly for the cosmetics, or is there added friction because of the design change?

Mostly for cosmetics and the principal of the thing…..Some people turned away from S&W when they started adding the trigger locks during the Clinton years…..The locks don’t change the trigger pull any and only block the hammer when used but there have been cases where the lock mechanism engaged accidentally when some pistols were fired locking up the gun and without a key handy you have a rock…….

01-07-2022, 08:30 PM
I don't like the lock, mostly on principle. That said, I have never, ever had an issue with a S&W lock. I did have a trigger lock failure with a Taurus PT1911. On a range fun day, in the middle of a mag, the "hammer lock", locked the gun up and I had not brought the key...

Yup, holding a pretty rock is an excellent description. One day, I'll change out the Taurus "locking hammer" for something seriously more traditional... But I'd never carry that 1911 because it has locked up on me.

No more locks for me.


01-08-2022, 07:13 AM
So, is the no lock perfered strictly for the cosmetics, or is there added friction because of the design change? Since I'm not a gunsmith, or have I ever seen a lock gun taken apart, I couldn't say anything about any lock effects. What I have noticed is about the time that they started using/installing the locks, triggers got bad/worse. Some of the newer revolvers and snubbies that I've handled had IMHO lousy triggers. A friend of mine bought a S&W Model 63 lock model and the trigger was so heavy and gritty I actually couldn't believe it. His wife could barely pull it, and my wife tried it and also thought that it was extremely heavy and gritty. The revolver I carry isn't a lock gun, but the trigger was also horrible out of the factory, until I made some changes. Personally, I wouldn't own a lock firearm. It is the principle mostly, and whenever I see that lock, I get this picture in my mind of HFH (horse face Hillary) and it interrupts my concentration along with my stomach contents. :)

01-08-2022, 07:23 AM
I had a Taurus revolver lock itself during a range session. Did not have the little key with me, so had to put it away for another day. I think the larger the caliber, the more apt they are to lock themselves due to recoil/vibration sent through the frame. There’s a guy that sells a nice looking “lock delete” for the Smith’s, available in blue, unpolished and polished stainless. Had one on a Smith 686 and it looked good. Just looked like a factory hole in the frame with a factory pin inserted. I think he sells them on ebay. Just for those who want to know.

01-08-2022, 08:13 PM
I think you mean this guy??

Lock Delete - ORIGINAL PRECISION - Home of J.D.'s Original Works (https://www.originalprecision.com/lock-delete-kit.html)

I've known two guys who bought these, but i have not seen them installed or received a range report from the guys after they tried it. Looks good though...

01-09-2022, 12:01 PM
Am a fan of the J-frame.
Bought this “humpback” Airweight from a Texas detective 20 years ago. I like the shrouded hammer that is still functional.

01-09-2022, 02:45 PM
That's a nice one................I'll bet that the trigger is nicer than the latest and greatest.

01-09-2022, 08:02 PM
Took the new 642PC to the range Saturday. Really nice five shot golf ball sized group at 30 feet using a two hand hold.
The bad news, everything three inches left of center. Careful examination under glass shows barrel just slightly clocked, just enough to create my miss hits. Calling S&W Monday. I am sure they will correct the problem.
BTW, this little gun has the smoothest action of any revolver I have ever owned.

01-09-2022, 08:34 PM
^^^BTW, this little gun has the smoothest action of any revolver I have ever owned.

Almost like a Kahr huh? :D

01-09-2022, 10:09 PM
I bought my current no lock S&W 642 in 2011 and it’s a keeper with a decent factory trigger I am happy enough with, it could be a little lighter but I don’t want to mess with it……I am a fan of S&W but I’m not liking the newer revolver offerings with the two piece barrel even though they say they are better but I prefer the old style look……Over all Smith has been very good to me with repairs, I have a 629 44 mag that has not been shot much with full power ammo but started to have a problem when single action cocked being able to push the hammer forward but they fixed it by replacing both hammer and trigger and now it’s fine……I bought a pretty 586 .357 revolver used but the original owner had a trigger job done that was way too easy to let off single action so I sent it back with a letter explaining that I would pay to have it put back to factory spec which they did at no no charge and now it’s perfect…….I have also had the same excellent customer service, no charge, no questions asked from Ruger so either way both companies make fine firearms they stand behind……..

01-09-2022, 11:55 PM
Am a fan of the J-frame.
Bought this “humpback” Airweight from a Texas detective 20 years ago. I like the shrouded hammer that is still functional.

That's what my wife has in her purse. I like the shrouded hammer and I like to pull the hammer back. I don't advise her too because you can't get a very positive grasp on it to let it down. A member here long ago had the shroud machined away a bit on his so the hammer was a tad more exposed. I just leave this one as is, it works for her.

01-10-2022, 08:50 AM
I purchased my Ruger SP101 Wiley Clapp in 2016. I wasn't happy with the trigger. It was too heavy and a bit gritty. Smoothed out a bit with shooting but replaced the 14# hammer spring with a 9# and the trigger spring from 10# to 8#. A bit of polishing on the insides. It is basically like a Kahr trigger in feel now. Real happy with the way it turned out. Pretty light in single action which is ok since I usually shoot double. Super smooth. A friend of mine bought his wife a new S&W model 638. IMHO nice looking and feels ok but that trigger. Ouch.................not quite as bad as the S&W Model 64 he's got but I sure wouldn't leave it that way. Too heavy and too gritty for my tastes.

01-16-2022, 01:36 PM
Found a “new” gun...
Well not really new, but forgot I had it.
We were cleaning out boxes of crap from guestroom closet & under the bed that haven’t been touched in 25 years, and this 1960s repro of a British Land Pattern flinter .69 caliber (made in Japan) turned up. Long ago I had “patina’d” the metal to look like it was an antique. Gotta get a new mainspring from Dixie Gun Works though.

01-16-2022, 04:20 PM
Sweet! If only they made a double stack high cap mag for it and reduced the weight by 5 pounds.

Oh and in 380.

01-16-2022, 04:58 PM
And you’ll want to get it milled for a red dot :p

01-16-2022, 05:47 PM
That right there is a Smart pistol. If you missed your shot you had to be smart enough to run.

King Rat
01-16-2022, 07:11 PM
Just had my 642 out today. I had some light strikes the week before. Took it home did a Sonic Cleaning and took it back to the range and it ran fine. I was kind of worried that the APEX trigger I had installed was the cause. (The only time I have every done a trigger job on a firearm). When I got to the range, I noticed had picked up a box of 38. I had in my stash and do not even remember buying it. It was. "Super Matrix" Frangible 100 gr. Interesting round. Very little recoil, very accurate. I think the cause of my light strikes was the Cheap re manufactured ammo I had used.
I actually shoot my LCR9mm better than the 642 and I like the trigger better. (I also shoot the 9mm very frequently and train with the LCR22.)

I also had my P380 which I have not had out since before the Virus days when I first purchased and ran 200 rds with perfection.Today it ran perfect with the 50 rounds. I have kept up my small barrel shooting skills with the LCR22 and LCP22.cal, My other CW 380 and the Pico.
I have continued shooting the CM9, and the Beretta Nano along the way.
Shooting the P380, I had also brought along my old LCP 380 Gen 2. Man that gun is no where near as smooth as P380. I could really tell a difference in recoil.

PS Great day, as the BLM anti 2A was finally out of the State of Virginia and the Republican Glen Youngkin has replaced the scum bag and sanity returning to Virginia. Already put out new executive orders and for one banning the disgusting BLM Critical Race theory. Good by BLM!


01-16-2022, 08:29 PM
Sounds like a fun time at the range. Wish I had me one of those sonic cleaners. Think I might start looking for a deal on one. Yes, heard that new guys in Virginia are getting some stuff done. I often get to feeling like all is lost, it’s a uni party, controlled opposition, etc then someone like that comes along a restores a little bit of my faith. Just a little.

King Rat
01-17-2022, 02:58 AM
Sounds like a fun time at the range. Wish I had me one of those sonic cleaners. Think I might start looking for a deal on one. Yes, heard that new guys in Virginia are getting some stuff done. I often get to feeling like all is lost, it’s a uni party, controlled opposition, etc then someone like that comes along a restores a little bit of my faith. Just a little.
Agree, I think the end is coming to BLM. Going down like Brandon's and CNN rating. People are sick of it.

I love this cleaner. Just a small one. Great for cleaning a lot of magazines without having to take them apart. Get all the crud out of the trigger parts etc. I use a cleaner agent, but most of the time use Ballistol Milk. (90% water 10% Ballistol). The Ballistol leaves a super slick fine film on the mags and Parts.


01-17-2022, 11:57 AM
Agree, I think the end is coming to BLM. Going down like Brandon's and CNN rating. People are sick of it.

I love this cleaner. Just a small one. Great for cleaning a lot of magazines without having to take them apart. Get all the crud out of the trigger parts etc. I use a cleaner agent, but most of the time use Ballistol Milk. (90% water 10% Ballistol). The Ballistol leaves a super slick fine film on the mags and Parts.

https://i.imgur.com/54WjIM4.jpg?3 How far do you break down the pistol before it's "dunking"???????????????

01-17-2022, 01:28 PM
And you’ll want to get it milled for a red dot :p

And a laser.

01-17-2022, 01:50 PM
That's what my wife has in her purse. I like the shrouded hammer and I like to pull the hammer back. I don't advise her too because you can't get a very positive grasp on it to let it down. A member here long ago had the shroud machined away a bit on his so the hammer was a tad more exposed. I just leave this one as is, it works for her.

Make sure you do a regular check for lint and crud in that humpback. They are famous for collecting stuff that may hamper a solid hammer strike. I am amazed at what I get when I inspect my carry folder that is always clipped to my jeans or a 340 that accompanies me on my walks.

01-17-2022, 03:01 PM
Found a “new” gun...
Well not really new, but forgot I had it.
We were cleaning out boxes of crap from guestroom closet & under the bed that haven’t been touched in 25 years, and this 1960s repro of a British Land Pattern flinter .69 caliber (made in Japan) turned up. Long ago I had “patina’d” the metal to look like it was an antique. Gotta get a new mainspring from Dixie Gun Works though. In between loads you could turn it around and start clubbing. :)

01-17-2022, 05:03 PM
FN, new updated Hi Power. Just announced.

01-17-2022, 05:06 PM
FN, new updated Hi Power. Just announced.

That makes a lot of sense, Springfield comes out with the SA35 because FN says tooling was too expensive so discontinued. Now suddenly they are making Hi Powers again. Maybe it'll take some of the heat off the Springfield and mine will show up sooner, still no sign of it yet.

01-17-2022, 05:09 PM
Now I don’t know which I want.

King Rat
01-17-2022, 05:28 PM
I take the grips off, and the side plate and take out the cylinder. I do not take all the parts apart, no need to. This time I used "Safety Ultrasonic Weapons cleaner". And then when finished, dunked it all in a Jar of ballistol Milk and blew all out with a can of compressed air. The Ballistol dries and leaves a very super slick thin film of lubricant. The gun now is so much smoother. The cylinder release was becoming someone stubborn and now opens very easy. And Grittiness has gone.
Actually this stuff worked better than anything I have used. I also use Hornady one shot.


01-17-2022, 06:13 PM
Agree, I think the end is coming to BLM. Going down like Brandon's and CNN rating. People are sick of it.

I love this cleaner. Just a small one. Great for cleaning a lot of magazines without having to take them apart. Get all the crud out of the trigger parts etc. I use a cleaner agent, but most of the time use Ballistol Milk. (90% water 10% Ballistol). The Ballistol leaves a super slick fine film on the mags and Parts.
I hope you are correct about the BLM stuff. Nothing good from “org’s” like that for sure.
I looked up some cheaper cleaners, such as at Harbor Freight. I had no idea they could be had for so cheap. With one of their 20% off coupons, I’ve gotta get one. Thanks for peaking my interest and for letting me know the solution to put into it. As much as I sweat up my guns it will be cool to get ‘em all cleaned and protected in the crannies I can’t easily reach.

King Rat
01-17-2022, 06:22 PM
A clean gun is a happy gun.

By the way read this. It is fascinating.


01-17-2022, 06:32 PM
A clean gun is a happy gun.

By the way read this. It is fascinating.

Man I thought I could click on that and open up an e-book. That woulda been nice! Have to check it out sometime. I know if Levin wrote it then it must be pretty good.

King Rat
01-18-2022, 12:21 AM
Try and keep up with Virginia. Things are going to get wild. Youngkin has banned the CRT and the BLM is going nuts. They have lost big time and I believe the Beginning of the end for their crap. Do you remember that you could not even say a thing about BLM when they first came out? Not now. People will tell it for what it is CRAP. "
“Louis Farrakhan Dressed Up as Scholarship”


And LOL, that is not all. There is a new Marshall in town!!!!!

Virginia's new AG Jason Miyares announces major investigations within hours of taking office New Republican attorney general announces crackdown on soft-on-crime parole policies and probe into Loudoun bathroom rape casehttps://www.foxnews.com/politics/virginias-new-ag-miyares-announces-investigations-within-hours-loudoun-county

01-20-2022, 07:23 PM
Oh dear, a Hi Power with a picitinny rail. https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2022/01/19/shot-2022-eaa-girsan-mc-p35-year-hi-power/

Also with an ugly whale tail, and that trendy flat trigger.

01-21-2022, 03:53 PM
Coming soon. Guesses?

01-21-2022, 04:09 PM
Cerakoted Sig Model PSomethinganother

01-21-2022, 04:11 PM
228? 229?

01-21-2022, 04:13 PM
Oh dear, a Hi Power with a picitinny rail. https://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2022/01/19/shot-2022-eaa-girsan-mc-p35-year-hi-power/

Also with an ugly whale tail, and that trendy flat trigger.
I do like the grips!

01-21-2022, 04:57 PM
What is pictured in Post #323 is a P239 40S&W frame and a P239 9mm Scorpion slide. Which are shootable mated as they are assuming 9mm cartridges are used.
Soon though it will be a 9mm frame from a black 9mm SAS model, coupled with that same 9mm FDE Scorpion slide, just because I like the color combination. And yes the Scorpion slides (and frames), are cerakoted. Good guess Bird! :)

On another note, a cool thing about some of the Sig P-series gun is that with a 40/357 model of one of them a barrel and corresponding recoil spring for each of the three calibers will work in that 40/357 slide giving you one gun that will shoot all three calibers. For 9mm you you could either the 40/357 mags which feed the 9mm cartridges properly, or 9mm mags. In rare instances some fitting of the 9mm bbl is required. There are at least two models that this is true of, the P239 and P229. This is not to say 239 and 229 barrels are interchangeable between the models, only that within the confines of each model, being able to have one gun that will cycle and shoot 3 calibers from the same model is doable.

01-21-2022, 05:05 PM
What is pictured in Post #323 is a P239 40S&W frame and a P239 9mm Scorpion slide. Which are shootable mated as they are assuming 9mm cartridges are used.
Soon though it will be a 9mm frame from a black 9mm SAS model, coupled with that same 9mm FDE Scorpion slide, just because I like the color combination. And yes the Scorpion slides (and frames), are cerakoted. Good guess Bird! :)

On another note, a cool thing about some of the Sig P-series gun is that with a 40/357 model of one of them a barrel and recoil spring for all three calibers will work in that 40/357 slide giving giving you one gun that will shoot all three calibers. Of course for 9mm you have to also use the 40/357 mags but they feed properly. In rare instances some fitting of the 9mm bbl is required. There are at least two models that this is true of, the P239 and P229. This is not to say 239 and 229 barrels are interchangeable between the models, only that within the confines of each model, being able to have one gun that will cycle and shoot 3 calibers is doable.
It sounds like you’ve done your homework on the compatibility of those parts. Sounds like fun! Farthest I’ve gone with anything like that was swapping out an M&P 9mm slide and mag onto a 40. Ran like a champ. Nice having such a gun, where you can shoot a diff caliber if you run out of one, or if one’s ammo becomes scarce.

01-21-2022, 05:41 PM
The hardest part in all of that, at least concerning the 239's is that standalone barrels for them are scarce, since the gun model was discontinued in 2018 I believe. Of course it doesn't really matter if you have complete 9mm and 40S&W models because then there's no need to swap things out. And so far complete 239's are not yet very hard to come by.
Sig recently announced another trimming of their catalog, dropping the P227 (.45), leaving only the P210, P220, P226, and P229, in the P-series, and 1911, with no .40 or .357 variants of anything being produced currently. And not many different models of those they're keeping. The P938 and P238 are down to I think one or two models each only? There is one metal framed P320 AXG being made. But Sig is seemingly more into the plastic fantastics these days. Makes sense I guess from a business perspective when the market's there and they're cheaper to produce. From an enthusiasts perspective though, it's not so good. I hope the new BHP models from the three manufacturers making them take off like gangbusters. We need some metal, hammer-fired guns to keep these companies in the game. The S&W CSX is a refreshing addition but it has seemingly been released before it should have been, based on some design shortcomings, but I hope that it too takes off well and keeps on generating interest. I'd sure like to see the P210 Carry that Sig promised a couple of years back make it to market!

01-21-2022, 07:09 PM
I thought the P210 Carry was out. Basically a P210 standard which they discontinued and replaced with the Carry moniker.

01-21-2022, 07:25 PM
I’m still wanting a P210. Colonel, I remember when you got yours. Such a work of art.
Sad to hear Sig is getting rid of so many, but I know business is business and they have to focus on what sells. Other than their 1911’s, I’ve only ever had the 238’s and 938’s. Kind of 1911ish is why. To this day, I still say that a Hogue gripped 238 is the sweetest shooting 380’s ever made (Sorry Kahr p/c 380’s!). At least for my hands. Nothing in 380 has ever felt so right. I just moved away from them when I started getting into non thumb safety guns for carry. Don’t get me wrong, the 226’s and the others you guys like seem to be awesome weapons, but Sig’s to me, other than the 238’s and 938’s have just always been a little on the “fat” side for carry for a guy with a build like me (dunlop). That’s why I carry a CW9 90% of the time. I have shot some of them though and do believe they are fine weapons, but given their girth I’d only have one as a range gun. But for me at least, nothing will ever compare to a 1911 at the range, so that’s what I mostly toy with. I always say to each his own as I know we all have different needs, desires and “feels” about certain weapons, so I hope others don’t take what I say as negative towards what they choose.

01-21-2022, 07:32 PM
Nah Bird, we all have the same right here to our opinion.

Colonel I don't think the P210 standard is the same gun that Sig showed off as the Carry at the 2019 Shot Show. I could be wrong but I think that gun was quite a bit smaller in both length and grip. I could be wrong however. I'm going to look for that video and report back.

edit: It was the 2020 SS. Here's the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWemHyQ6Ghc)Colonel, is this a gun that's available now? If so I'm gonna start looking into it.

01-21-2022, 08:07 PM
I couldn't say for sure as I've not seen one in person but I did hear the standard P210 without target grips and the adjustable sights was discontinued when the Carry was introduced. I just assumed it's out there. I'm still recovering from getting my Target but I'd probably get the carry too if I ever see one in real life.

01-21-2022, 08:31 PM
I don't think it is Colonel. Can't find on on GB, and it's not on Sig's site. Also, in searching the interweb all I can find are references to stories and comments concerning the 2020 shot show announcement. I don't think Sig has released it.

01-21-2022, 08:46 PM
I had a P238 for a while and yes, it shot really nice. I just didn’t want a SA carry gun.

01-21-2022, 09:29 PM
I had a P238 for a while and yes, it shot really nice. I just didn’t want a SA carry gun.
I’m with you. It’s either have one, and there’s a step you have to do between drawing and shooting (clicking the safety off), or carrying with the safety off, which is a Nooooooo way given the short, light trigger.

01-21-2022, 11:20 PM
The thing at least for me is the safety on a 1911 is completely natural. I use it for a thumb rest, just tightening the grip instinctively pushes the safety down. I also thumb the safety down even when it's not there, Kahr, Glock, whatever. Just a natural movement. It's actually more difficult to thumb the safety back on after shooting, I have to work at that.

King Rat
01-22-2022, 05:18 AM
I’m with you. It’s either have one, and there’s a step you have to do between drawing and shooting (clicking the safety off), or carrying with the safety off, which is a Nooooooo way given the short, light trigger.

I had a Ruger LC9S with a safety. I did not have a issue with it, but the trigger had gone down to 4lbs of pull and no resistance before the wall. I had been shooting the Kahr, Nano, Pico and revolvers and really loved the DAO triggers. I had the gun sent in to Ruger to make the trigger stronger they did nothing, so traded it one day when I saw a used CM9 at my lgs. I already had a CM9 but wanted one for a range gun. So things worked out. I really liked the LC9s. Slim design reliable etc. But that trigger was just too much. I was scared that if something happened to me, someone else in my family might inherit the gun and hurt themselves or worse.
What gets me is, people carry these kind of triggers all the time. In fact when I mentioned the light trigger, people commented and said how they "Want" a trigger like that. One guy said he sent his off and had a trigger job down to 3lbs of pull on one. And of Course all of these guys DO NOT WANT THE SAFETY with them. "The Pro Series".
I will never go back to a Striker fired light trigger with the way they do the take up now. Kahr makes a great trigger for carry. That alone is worth the price of admission. To be honest, if Kahr trigger were a tad heavier, it would not bother me one bit.

01-22-2022, 08:30 AM
I've never been comfortable knowing that the public is walking around with "Glock type trigger" firearms. I know that there is a segment of society that just tosses this type of firearm into a jacket/pants pocket for a quick jaunt to the store without a proper holster. I've seen it a time or two. They could end up shooting themselves or an innocent party. They don't see the distinction between a range gun trigger or a carry gun trigger. I think that trigger discussions in general are sometimes overlooked in CCL classes and general knowledge situations being taught to the public. I was thinking back to my state qualification for a carry license. 25 people there qualifying. 4 women, all with revolvers, and the men all had semi autos of every variety. Boy, how things have changed. Now, we see all the tricked out stuff that you really shouldn't be using for carry purposes, in small packages. I must say though, I noticed that the women shooters were not all that accurate with their revolvers. In watching them, I believe it was due to the triggers. I think that in many cases, the triggers were just too heavy for them to be accurate. Probably too heavy for most men. But in a defensive situation where adrenaline is pumping, the triggers were most likely fine. That being said, my wifey carries an LCP 2. Am I happy with her choice? It has one of "those" triggers....... No........ Wouldn't even be my 100th choice if I had my say but she likes the gun and the trigger and shoots it well. I tried my best early on to help her understand the whole trigger thing. She also shot firearms with different types of triggers. I think that firearms instructors should put some more emphasis on trigger types and operation. Maybe the public would be more informed and make better/more practical firearm choices for carry.

01-22-2022, 09:03 AM
I’m still wanting a P210. Colonel, I remember when you got yours. Such a work of art.
Sad to hear Sig is getting rid of so many, but I know business is business and they have to focus on what sells. Other than their 1911’s, I’ve only ever had the 238’s and 938’s. Kind of 1911ish is why. To this day, I still say that a Hogue gripped 238 is the sweetest shooting 380’s ever made (Sorry Kahr p/c 380’s!). At least for my hands. Nothing in 380 has ever felt so right. I just moved away from them when I started getting into non thumb safety guns for carry. Don’t get me wrong, the 226’s and the others you guys like seem to be awesome weapons, but Sig’s to me, other than the 238’s and 938’s have just always been a little on the “fat” side for carry for a guy with a build like me (dunlop). That’s why I carry a CW9 90% of the time. I have shot some of them though and do believe they are fine weapons, but given their girth I’d only have one as a range gun. But for me at least, nothing will ever compare to a 1911 at the range, so that’s what I mostly toy with. I always say to each his own as I know we all have different needs, desires and “feels” about certain weapons, so I hope others don’t take what I say as negative towards what they choose. The Sig's have always been on the "fat side" in the grip for me also. It's frustrating because Sig makes a fine firearm. Before the only recorded hurricane in Wisc. history, I owned a P220 SAS. Super nice firearm. Smooth shooter. Traded it because the grip was just too much for me. I don't keep what I can't shoot, so off it went. It didn't go easily.....................

01-22-2022, 10:05 AM
I’m with ‘Bone, my defensive guns need a stiffer trigger than my fun range guns.

01-22-2022, 10:20 AM
The Sig's have always been on the "fat side" in the grip for me also. It's frustrating because Sig makes a fine firearm. Before the only recorded hurricane in Wisc. history, I owned a P220 SAS. Super nice firearm. Smooth shooter. Traded it because the grip was just too much for me. I don't keep what I can't shoot, so off it went. It didn't go easily.....................

Same with me, I just knew in my heart I had to have a P220 SAS. Gorgeous, just had to have one. BUT, it didn't work for me. Mostly that safety/decocker sweep was just too much and a grip like a Desert Eagle. There was another one, slipping my mind now that I knew I had to have but the minute I picked it up, I didn't like it. Too big, too clunky controls. I didn't buy either one so didn't have to add them to the toy box, I don't sell or trade much.

Just remembered HK USP.

01-22-2022, 01:34 PM
I got rid of my P227 full size. Between the big grip and the long slide it was not my cup of tea. But my 227 SAS, which is about 3/4" shorter with the same grip is fine and in fact it's become my wintertime goto. Something about 11 shots of .45 on hand that just makes me feel comfortable. I guess that I don't mind a handful of gun, so long as it's not yardstick long. I've never owned a 1911 government and probably won't but a Commander with standard grips is very comfortable to me. The P239 is a single stack with a 3.6" barrel, so it's not a lot of gun to hold onto, or hide.

01-22-2022, 02:50 PM
Same with me, I just knew in my heart I had to have a P220 SAS. Gorgeous, just had to have one. BUT, it didn't work for me. Mostly that safety/decocker sweep was just too much and a grip like a Desert Eagle. There was another one, slipping my mind now that I knew I had to have but the minute I picked it up, I didn't like it. Too big, too clunky controls. I didn't buy either one so didn't have to add them to the toy box, I don't sell or trade much.

Just remembered HK USP. I had an opportunity to pick up a USP in .40. Nice and smooth like an H&K but once again, a bit too stout in the grip dept. also. My P2SK is a notch down in size, which is probably why I like it. I would prefer a grip to be a bit large, rather than too thin. Too thin and you get too much movement, and you have to use a death grip.

01-22-2022, 03:31 PM
I found the grips on my P2K and P2KSK to be a tad too thin, and coupled with the fact that I wanted some other guns more I traded them both off. Since then I've discovered the P30 family and love them with their 3 sets of backstraps and side panels. Twenty seven combinations to fit most any hand. You gotta love the options we have these days!

01-23-2022, 02:17 PM
The Sig's have always been on the "fat side" in the grip for me also. It's frustrating because Sig makes a fine firearm. Before the only recorded hurricane in Wisc. history, I owned a P220 SAS. Super nice firearm. Smooth shooter. Traded it because the grip was just too much for me. I don't keep what I can't shoot, so off it went. It didn't go easily.....................

Hogue does make thinner grips for them...both G10 and aluminum material. Also on the P220's they make a THIN stock plastic OE grip. Makes a big difference.


01-24-2022, 03:35 PM
Aluminum grips on a Sig are nice as long as you never wear your gun when the temp is below 40°

01-24-2022, 08:27 PM
Aluminum grips on a Sig are nice as long as you never wear your gun when the temp is below 40°

Is it like sticking your tongue on a flag pole?

01-25-2022, 02:27 PM
I just found 200 rounds of 41 mag as I was routing around. I've never had a 41 mag. I guess I best start looking for one. 4 boxes of factory 41 mag, that's a gold mine.
Maybe I can find an old Ruger, love my 44's, had a 357 that my daughter got.

Let the search begin.

01-25-2022, 02:54 PM
If there was ever a good reason to buy a new gun Colonel, especially in these days of ammo shortages and ever higher prices, you've found it. I might try to use that myself :D

01-25-2022, 02:56 PM
I've used it before but it's been many years, might work again.

01-25-2022, 11:16 PM
I've used it before but it's been many years, might work again.

Trust me it will, I’ve used it many times and it is getsome approved! The worst gun trade decision I have ever made was trading a beautiful no lock S&W model 57 4” blue .41 mag and a Ruger single action 4 5/8 .41 mag for the then brand new sexy S&W 645 .45 auto pistol which turned out to be a real problem child and a big expensive mistake…..If I could rewind life and have those two beautiful revolvers back I would do it in a heartbeat……The .41 mag is probably the best, most versatile handgun cartridge ever made and it’s a real shame it isn’t more popular…….

01-26-2022, 09:08 AM
Well if your looking for a new toy....i'm looking to thin the herd. Seems nothing is selling these days. I have had a Sig P239 that shoots in 3 calibers with no takers. It shoots 9mm, 40 caliber and 357 Sig.

01-26-2022, 09:16 AM
That's quite the package Jeep. What all is in there? Do you have all three barrels? And what caliber is the threaded bbl?

01-26-2022, 12:38 PM
Like new TRIPLE CALIBER Sig P239 carry gun. Comes with 3 caliber capability. With this gun you will be able to shoot, 9mm, HARD HITTING 40 caliber and the 357 Sig rounds that many LAW ENFORCEMENT use for barrier penetration. 9 mm is set up for using silencer. All factory Sig barrels.
Gun recently updated with SRT Trigger, stainless guide rod and Carry Action job with all new springs etc. Professionally upgraded. Also BRAND NEW Night sights. Comes with new G10 Hogue grips and screws. Includes factory hard case and soft range bag as well as 10 magazines and 2 holsters. Decided to thin the herd....:yo:

01-26-2022, 01:51 PM
Seems like a gift price. Show me pondering hard on the side here.

01-26-2022, 03:43 PM
That is a VERY good deal. If I didn't just today take delivery of my latest P239 I'd be sorely tempted, though from what I can see the Colonel has first dibs on it.

My latest. 9mm Custom Shop SAS

01-26-2022, 03:48 PM
Great guns....excellent in 357 Sig. Nice balance and good shooters.

01-26-2022, 04:55 PM
I'm gonna drop out of first dibs, although don't count me completely out. I'm sorely tempted but have other desires on the burner.
Wish I could hold it, I recall I had a kind of bad time with the decocker but this might be small enough that it wouldn't be an issue.

01-26-2022, 06:51 PM
Marriage of my two 9mm's. Take all the time you need as far as I'm concerned Colonel. Just between these two I essentially have four guns I can carry and fondle, depending on my mood. :)
I'm going to start out by carrying the bottom one, just as soon as I get it to the range and ensure it's a runner.

01-29-2022, 11:17 AM
IIRC, the Colonel wanted to see more of that Springfield Model 1873 Trapdoor .45-70 my dad bought surplus for $1.25 back in Missouri when he was in high school during the 1920s.
Well, here it is... no finish, pretty well worn, but tight action & good bore.
(Apologize for the poor pictures, but am old and can’t do diddly when it comes to photography)

01-29-2022, 11:23 AM
Now that makes my britches stick out in front. That's gorgeous and has the bayonet too. That's a genuine my oh my right there.

Genuine PM sent.

01-29-2022, 11:47 AM
The stories it could tell!

01-29-2022, 12:32 PM
Here's some pics of one my Interim Chief at the department has. He brought it in and kept it in his office. I visited it everyday. Tried to figure out it's provenance or history. He claims it's mine someday but he's such a good guy I hope he outlives me. All the hardware was chromed like a parade rifle, but didn't really look modern repro. I don't think they even had chrome back in those days so it almost has to be messed with in modern times. No matter it's gorgeous and I'd love for it to live with me.
https://i.postimg.cc/1XPNYL5w/DSCN7642.jpg (https://postimg.cc/7Gs65tzZ)
https://i.postimg.cc/nc3Q0S89/DSCN7643.jpg (https://postimg.cc/WhJ34n1s)
https://i.postimg.cc/1XHNxJfT/DSCN7645.jpg (https://postimg.cc/JHshZ33c)
https://i.postimg.cc/FKLdF9Y0/DSCN7649.jpg (https://postimg.cc/gwGkNbq0)

He lives a couple hours away but I think it might be time for a visit. He let me have it here at home for awhile while I was trying to figure it out. We traded some other guns but never nailed this one although he was willing enough.

01-29-2022, 03:37 PM
I sure love those old guns! I kick myself back when I lived in Wyoming I had a service advisor I hired that used to work in the oil fields. He travelled the state and collected old guns. He had an unbelievable collection. He offered to sell me cheap any ones that I wanted and at the time I passed. He had some really cool stuff.

01-29-2022, 06:15 PM
That chrome one could’ve been done as a parade/drill team rifle sometime in the first half of the last century.... maybe for an ROTC program or American Legion. Just guessing.

Mine is pretty dirty in the photo because I just picked it out of the back of the spare closet where it has sat untouched for several years (to my shame). Guess I’d better clean it up tomorrow.

01-29-2022, 06:57 PM
That chrome one could’ve been done as a parade/drill team rifle sometime in the first half of the last century.... maybe for an ROTC program or American Legion. Just guessing.

Mine is pretty dirty in the photo because I just picked it out of the back of the spare closet where it has sat untouched for several years (to my shame). Guess I’d better clean it up tomorrow.

That's why it should live with me, it would never ever see the back of a spare closet again ever. It should be hanging on a wall where anybody walking by could get hit with some history and experience the bulge in the front of their britches.

02-03-2022, 04:34 PM
A budget priced, hammer forged frame, slide, and chrome-lined barrel. Less than $500 but very good reviews. Tisas B45 Carry made in Turkey, imported by SDS Imports.

02-03-2022, 05:10 PM
Looks good to me. Course I never saw a 1911 I didn't kind of adore.

02-03-2022, 05:45 PM
Well the fit and finish on them is supposed to be very good Colonel. I'll report back on that when I get it. They're also supposed to run well. Not a lot of money for them, and given that I won't be putting thousands of rounds through it if she runs and is put together well it should outlast me, and I'll consider it a very good deal.
I debated on getting the stainless but this is intended to be a knock around gun and stainless just picks up scratches too easily. Speaking of which, do you ever touch up your Classic? If so, what do you use on it?

mr surveyor
02-03-2022, 06:02 PM
where do you get spare/replacement parts from ...when/if needed?


02-03-2022, 06:21 PM
Well, it's a Series 70 1911. I don't want to say it's entirely milspec, but parts should be readily available nonetheless. Some may require hand fitting but there should be no shortage of pieces to start from.

02-03-2022, 08:53 PM
Well the fit and finish on them is supposed to be very good Colonel. I'll report back on that when I get it. They're also supposed to run well. Not a lot of money for them, and given that I won't be putting thousands of rounds through it if she runs and is put together well it should outlast me, and I'll consider it a very good deal.
I debated on getting the stainless but this is intended to be a knock around gun and stainless just picks up scratches too easily. Speaking of which, do you ever touch up your Classic? If so, what do you use on it?

Actually for a knock about or everyday like my Classic I prefer stainless. You scratch bluing or cerakote or whatever you have to refinish. With stainless a little steel wool or fine sandpaper cleans it up and no finish required or do the Bird finish is that's what it requires.
My second to last chief left his Para Ordnance 1911 on the floor of his car which leaked so it was in a puddle of water. He brought it to me extremely nasty. I didn't really like the guy and abusing the gun like that was like hitting a woman that didn't deserve it ya know. Since I had nothing to lose I ended up hitting the sides of the slide with a belt sander.
Surprisingly it turned out looking damn near new, I impressed myself with the luck.
I too think many of the parts on this one will be mil spec so shouldn't be a big issue I wouldn't think.

02-03-2022, 10:33 PM
Bird finish?

02-04-2022, 12:05 AM
Super High Polish.

02-04-2022, 07:22 AM
Bird finish?
Lol! Those SDS have caught my eye too. Seems hard to beat for the $. They do make them look very nice and appealing. With the front serrations, looks just like the Sig stuff in my eyes. At some point I hope to grab one too.

02-04-2022, 07:35 AM
I didn't really like the guy and abusing the gun like that was like hitting a woman that didn't deserve it ya know. Since I had nothing to lose I ended up hitting the sides of the slide with a belt sander.
;) Lol!
My best buddies dad passed a year or so ago and I inherited a little work station on wheels from him. Has one of those movable/fixable lamps, a vice, a drill press and a belt sander all bolted on top. I’ve got to do a little restoration on it to get it up to speed. Been meaning to try out the belt sander with a high # grit to hit the sides of slides, maybe carefully (avoiding rails & plunger tube) a stainless frame. Sure would speed up the process!

02-04-2022, 09:13 AM
Last night I tried some 8000gr paper on my Classic. Didn't touch it so I went to 2000, and then 1500. The latter two have made it almost like new but I can still barely make them out while turning it in the light. And they were put there only by me handling it I guess because it's never left my home. Compare that to the Kahrs I've used Mother's on. Their finish seems impervious to holsters and handling. They still look the way they did when I stripped the matte finish with it.

02-04-2022, 12:13 PM
I finished the job this morning. I tried steel wool but while it appeared to bring a nice shine to the side of the slide it didn't get to the scratches. Now these scratches I'm talking about are extremely light, probably put there by brushing the slide up against something soft like cordura or something? I don't think it was from holstering because they were perpendicular to the length of the slide.
Well I took some more of the 1500gr paper to them and managed to sand/polish them out. I just decided to quit being afraid I was going to mess something up, masked the slide to protect the matte portions and then was careful to place the paper on the slide and only move it along the grain of the finish. It looks factory new again.
Colonel what grit paper would you recommend for use on the Classic's slide, for very light scratches? The 1500gr worked well but if I can use something that takes less time and yet does not require me to sand the entire slide to match the spots I'm touching up I'd prefer that.

02-04-2022, 06:48 PM
I never went anywhere near 1500 grit. If you want no brush marks might have to work your way up. I know I never went over 500 grit. I think I finished with the steel wool. Been awhile.

02-04-2022, 09:31 PM
Thanks Colonel. I was trying to err on the side of caution. I saw some vids on youtube where they used 800gr. which I don't have any of. I just didn't want to make a mess of things, and my hope was to keep it looking like it came from the factory. I think I did that, and since I didn't have anything better to do the time wasn't a waste.

02-05-2022, 05:47 AM
Thanks Colonel. I was trying to err on the side of caution. I saw some vids on youtube where they used 800gr. which I don't have any of. I just didn't want to make a mess of things, and my hope was to keep it looking like it came from the factory. I think I did that, and since I didn't have anything better to do the time wasn't a waste.
I wish you took before & after pics to post up. Of course I love to see that kind of stuff ;)

02-05-2022, 09:13 AM
I'd don't know if my photography skills are good enough to capture very light scratches on shiny surfaces. To most they probably wouldn't have been worth troubling over. But with some things I am pretty particular, and this is one of them. But I'm happy to say it turned out well, and it now looks like it did when I brought it home and unwrapped it for the first time. Sometimes I think that brushed stainless scratches just by breathing on it. Mayhaps I should buy some white gloves :2eek:

02-05-2022, 10:11 AM
I'd don't know if my photography skills are good enough to capture very light scratches on shiny surfaces. To most they probably wouldn't have been worth troubling over. But with some things I am pretty particular, and this is one of them. But I'm happy to say it turned out well, and it now looks like it did when I brought it home and unwrapped it for the first time. Sometimes I think that brushed stainless scratches just by breathing on it. Mayhaps I should buy some white gloves :2eek:
I know what you mean. After working so hard on them, I just want to pull ‘em out and oggle them, other than range trips. Glad you got it looking new again. It’s a good feeling to be able to do such a thing.

02-05-2022, 11:39 AM
Steel wool on stainless can lead to problems. The steal rubs off into the pores of the stainless and later rusts causing a yellowing or even rust color. A steel brush will do the same. Sandpaper that has been used on steel can also cause the same thing.

02-05-2022, 01:52 PM
Good to know, thank you

02-05-2022, 02:06 PM
Steel wool on stainless can lead to problems. The steal rubs off into the pores of the stainless and later rusts causing a yellowing or even rust color. A steel brush will do the same. Sandpaper that has been used on steel can also cause the same thing.
Interesting. I never knew that! Makes perfect sense though.

02-05-2022, 05:20 PM
It's more prone to bad on a brushed finish. I've always just cleaned thoroughly with a nylon brush and solvent. On a polished finish I don't think much of the steel wool is going to embed in the metal but it certainly can and again thorough cleaning has to help.

02-05-2022, 05:24 PM
It's more prone to bad on a brushed finish. I've always just cleaned thoroughly with a nylon brush and solvent. On a polished finish I don't think much of the steel wool is going to embed in the metal but it certainly can and again thorough cleaning has to help. I know whatchya mean. At least when I get done with one, I don’t think there’s a pore left on it! (wish there were better emoji’s to choose from, so I am posting a ridiculously large one below).

02-06-2022, 02:37 PM
I wasn't entirely happy with my work on my Classic. I have not touched the two flats behind the cocking serrations. And before today I had used 8000/2000/1500 grit on the flats in front of the serrations. I have not touched the frame.
The areas on the slide that I did try to take the light scratches out turned out too shiny, and no longer matched the rear of the slide or the frame. So today I went down to my local hardware store and tried to buy some 1200, 1000, and 800 grip paper. All they had was 800, which I did buy. I tried some of out on a spoon and decided it just might work.
To backtrack just a bit, since 1981, until 2012 when I bought a Kahr P380 with a stainless slide, and then in 2015 when I bought my CM9 I had never owned anything other than black guns. Both of those were long gone in 2020 when I bought my Classic. And before this week I've never tried to do anything to the finish on a stainless gun.
But Colonel and the Bird (or the Colonel and Bird :) ) inspired me and so I kept at it until today when I finally got my Classic looking like it did when it came from the factory. The scratches weren't deep at all, and you had to turn the gun a certain way to even see them, but after using the three ultra fine grits on them it became immediately apparent that the flats on the front of the slide no longer matched the rear, or the frame. I've now fixed that. My pictures aren't the best, but the scratches are gone and I cannot see a difference in the grain of the areas I fixed and the rest of the gun. These are not before and after, but rather all are after with one of each side with and without flash. There's a smudged area of oil in the last picture right below the ejection port.
If you're curious about the grips they came from the Colonel.

02-06-2022, 02:57 PM
Looks perfect. That's just a very mild brushed finish on the sides. So going too fine a paper will polish out the brushed finish.

02-06-2022, 03:03 PM
Here's mine, grips from Dao. I was gonna put them on my Wilson but found I liked them so much I put them on my daily carry. Guy not wearing his own grips?????

https://i.postimg.cc/85Z5jZ82/CBob.jpg (https://postimg.cc/FdJm6gHp)

02-06-2022, 03:08 PM
I seem to be having an Armybrat moment here and not working on the fix. Another attempt.

02-06-2022, 04:21 PM
I can see your photog skills are better than mine Colonel.
Cool thing about metal guns is that we can swap out the grips whenever we like. Kind of like a new desktop on our computer or phone, they change things up a bit and give us a new, or different perspective on an old friend. G10 are the cat's meow, especially for carry. I have a standard set in that pattern that I swap out from time to time. The only thing that beats them in terms of tactile feel is micarta, at least to me. But then there's something about the richness of wood too.

edit: I just noticed a couple of differences between your Classic and mine. Yours has a DW engraved in front of the Classic engraving. And your cocking serrations are finer than those on mine. Probably several years between production runs.

02-06-2022, 05:24 PM
This is like a year or two after CZ bought out Dan Wesson. Some say the best of the best??? Who knows. I do know that the first one I saw at a gun show and I wanted so bad was like 700 bucks, didn't have it and kick myself for not getting it any way I could. This one came from Wyatts in North Carolina and was close to double that 700.
Rumor was that everyone was telling CZ your making a top quality 1911 and selling for half the price of comparative brands. So rather than jacking the price, they came out with the VBob to replace the CBob. Virtually the same gun near as I could ever tell. This drove the price of the CBob double over night.
Don't know if that's all true or not but all I know is I should have grabbed the first one.

02-06-2022, 05:25 PM
She came out super nice DAO. That’s a real looker there! Glad to hear you took on the challenge and came out on top. You both have very nice DW’s!!! Yes, surprised to see the Colonel sporting grips he did not whittle from an exotic wood, horns or femur bone of some poor, long gone creature.

02-06-2022, 05:27 PM
$700!!!:w00t: Oh how I long for the good ol days!

02-06-2022, 05:29 PM
I'm looking for an arm extension so I can pat myself on the back, I got my picture oriented correctly. I don't mean to toot my own horn but well ok I won't.

02-06-2022, 05:33 PM
And after a very long time I finally finished up a set of K grips. I think the wood is Bubinga, but not certain. No long gone creatures were harmed in the process, however some tree someplace was brutally bothered in so many ways.

https://i.postimg.cc/jSySzx0Q/K9-2.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

https://i.postimg.cc/tgyCkK90/K9-3.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

https://i.postimg.cc/dtb0k7XV/K9-1.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

These are hung on my K40 mostly cause it was handy.

Guess I better post over in the emporium, I've sorely neglected that thread for quite a spell.

02-06-2022, 05:35 PM
Man you outdun yourself on those. Gorgeous! If somebody could get a machine to pump those out looking that good I bed they’d sell well. I have no clue how many hours you have into those, but bet they took a looong time. Your checkering is as crisp as crisp gets.

02-06-2022, 06:36 PM
And after a very long time I finally finished up a set of K grips. I think the wood is Bubinga, but not certain. No long gone creatures were harmed in the process, however some tree someplace was brutally bothered in so many ways.

https://i.postimg.cc/jSySzx0Q/K9-2.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

https://i.postimg.cc/tgyCkK90/K9-3.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

https://i.postimg.cc/dtb0k7XV/K9-1.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

These are hung on my K40 mostly cause it was handy.

Guess I better post over in the emporium, I've sorely neglected that thread for quite a spell.

Now that there is a beautiful thing, my skirt’s sticking way out………

02-06-2022, 06:58 PM
Man you outdun yourself on those. Gorgeous! If somebody could get a machine to pump those out looking that good I bed they’d sell well. I have no clue how many hours you have into those, but bet they took a looong time. Your checkering is as crisp as crisp gets.

Fitting the inside is not a lot of fun and time consuming. Checkering takes many hours but as long as you have your mind right and want to do it, it's not hard. I've often thought of buying a bunch of smooth grips from Kahr and then slimming them down and checkering or put inlays, doll them up with different stuff. Just too cost prohibitive. Good wood is hard to find around here too. Used to be a place that had tons. They went down to not much. They are building back up now but no Coco Bolo. Said their supplier couldn't get it.......

02-06-2022, 07:39 PM
Those look fantastic! And you did fantastic on your Classic. Mine was made in 2020, I bought it in 2020, and I paid more than double what you did. I don't regret it because I think it's worth every penny in the world of 1911, but I sure wouldn't mind it if I had paid half what I did.

02-06-2022, 07:40 PM
Fitting the inside is not a lot of fun and time consuming. Checkering takes many hours but as long as you have your mind right and want to do it, it's not hard. I've often thought of buying a bunch of smooth grips from Kahr and then slimming them down and checkering or put inlays, doll them up with different stuff. Just too cost prohibitive. Good wood is hard to find around here too. Used to be a place that had tons. They went down to not much. They are building back up now but no Coco Bolo. Said their supplier couldn't get it.......

With all of the geometry inside and out, I know it must be easy to mess up and hard to get as right as you did. Good idea about taking those smooth Kahr grips and dolling them up. Too bad they would start out costing so much from the get go or I see how you could make a thing with them. I see how you would have to “be in the zone” when checkering. Not sure how hard that wood is but I know it aint like steel, so that one moment of lost concentration would send them to the kindlin pile real quick. Kudos again!

Getting the woods...I bet it has something to do with all of the supply chain issues our fearless leaders have brought about. We are constantly having to apologize to customers where I work as the delays are down right ridiculous and frustrating to no end. It’s hard enough to sell what I sell at the prices things cost these days, then when you tell people it will be 4 mos, they want to see if they can get it quicker elsewhere. They can’t, but once they go shopping you don’t get them back too often.

02-10-2022, 03:58 PM
The Sig P210 Carry!!!!!!



02-10-2022, 04:06 PM
Very nice. Looks like European meets modern with those G10 grips. Very generous thumb safety and slide release ledge on there, unlike the tiny one’s you see on some.

02-10-2022, 04:09 PM
In that pic, it looks like the safety is up/on, yet the hammer is rested? Is it not like a 1911, where you can’t thumb up/on the safety without the hammer back (“cocked & locked”)?

02-10-2022, 05:02 PM
The Colonel can answer that. I cannot. But I wouldn't put too much stock in a marketing photo. Remember back when it was Beretta I think that included a magazine in one of their stock photos, and the rounds were loaded backwards in the mag?

edit: Looks like the MSRP might be $1300. That's about the same price as the Standard, and less than the Target. Of course it will initially jump over that, perhaps by a wide margin.

02-10-2022, 05:19 PM
The Colonel can answer that. I cannot. But I wouldn't put too much stock in a marketing photo. Remember back when it was Beretta I think that included a magazine in one of their stock photos, and the rounds were loaded backwards in the mag?

edit: Looks like the MSRP might be $1300. That's about the same price as the Standard, and less than the Target. Of course it will initially jump over that, perhaps by a wide margin.
I’d gladly take any 1 of the 3. But, I’d say the target’s line’s are more accentuated by the grips, so more like something the Italians would have designed. That would be my #1.
Lol! Never saw that Beretta ad. Wonder if somebody got canned over that one. If not, the co-workers probably never let them live it down. Maybe the Colonel with step in and let us know about the safety/hammer question.

02-10-2022, 06:29 PM
Be right back.

02-10-2022, 06:42 PM
Ok, what was the question again.........oh yeah Sig.

The safety appears to be in the on position. With the hammer down I can push the safety up into safe position. If I pull the hammer back (I don't think we can say cock around here) it's on safe. So you have to go off safe, lower the hammer and then put the safety back on. Not sure why one would want to do that but one can if they desire.

02-10-2022, 07:08 PM
Well that’s interesting!

02-11-2022, 12:30 PM
I like it. Probably won't buy one, but it looks awesome.

02-17-2022, 10:28 PM
Picked up my bargain Tisas from Turkiye today. Fit and finish are very nice. Trigger feels pretty darn good. Safety is not as positive as I'd like but with the good holster I have it should be safe to carry. It's not a Dan Wesson but if it shoots as well as it is put together I'll be right pleased.
I bought the aluminum grips that are on it to replace the plastic ones in came with, and to sort of match my Kimber Triari. The grips on the Tisas are very aggressive, which is a good thing because there is no checkering on the front or back of the grip. Not a perfect match to the very nice G10 grips on the Triari but not too bad either.

02-17-2022, 10:41 PM
Those grips do mimic the Triari’s grips and slide!
I think the Tisas are a good bargain. I watched Hickok45’s review of them once. If I remember correctly, it shot very well for him. I bet you could shoot the snot out of it and probably never break it. I like the forward serrations too!

02-17-2022, 10:57 PM
It has a forged frame and slide. For a range gun I'm thinking I'll like having some of the recoil soaked up by the extra weight. My hands aren't as tough as they once were. Actually no part of me is as tough as it once was. Getting old sucks.
I have a box of 230gr+P that I want to use up in it, that just didn't feel real good running through my P227 :) I've never been particularly sensitive to recoil but me parts is breaking down I guess.

02-17-2022, 11:11 PM
I hear you and know exactly what you mean! I’ve not shot a P227, but I’m sure the Tisas frame and slide are quite weighty (is that a word?) in comparison, so you are probably correct about it’s ability to mitigate recoil. I’ve never used them, but there’s always shock buffers too.

02-18-2022, 12:15 AM
You can stretch out or replace the thumb safety spring and enlarge the little divets it in the thumb safety itself to make it much more positive. I've done that to several. I like them to click on and click off pretty positive.

02-18-2022, 06:49 AM
You can stretch out or replace the thumb safety spring and enlarge the little divets it in the thumb safety itself to make it much more positive. I've done that to several. I like them to click on and click off pretty positive.
Man that sounds like a great solution. Simple, but why didn’t I think of that?

02-18-2022, 08:58 AM
I've used the DYI TALON rubber grip or grit tape on the front strap with great results. There's a guy on eBay that sells the TALON stuff under a generic label and he also has pre-cut sheets ( I use them on the edge of my phone case for non-slip). I prefer rubber on carry guns and I use the grit on my competition guns if they don't have front strap checkering.


on phone


02-18-2022, 09:08 AM
Other than field stripping and cleaning I've never dismantled one of my 1911's Colonel. I've read that most of 1911 plunger tubes are staked on, but I have no idea how to release the nibs on each end to get to the spring. I guess a youtube search is in order. I would very much like the safety to be more positive. One bright side I guess is there was very little chance of picking up the dreaded idiot scratch when I reassembled it last night, and my mag release/disassembly lever isn't even notched like they are on my DW's. But still I'd opt for a positive safety click over less of a chance of scratching this gun.

I did have it in the back of my mind when I was shopping for a Tisas that they might be a good gun/opportunity to become more familiar with the innards of a 1911. It is a series 70 just like the DWs. So if I do pull it apart at some point at least I may be in a position to use the experience on one of my others if the need arises.

02-18-2022, 10:14 AM
You don't have to pull the plunger tube. (EVER). You just pull the safety and usually the spring and detents will fly out the back. Sometimes a bugger to get back in actually. All it takes is like a dremel to make the notches in the safety itself a bit more pronounced.

I also put the notch in the take down lever on all mine. None of them had it I don't think, maybe the CBob did, don't recall.

A youtube video might be the ticket. It's kind of intimidating but really not difficult. I'm not a natural at it and do worry some taking them apart but always managed to get them back together and functioning. Like any gun, function test everything every time.

02-18-2022, 05:10 PM
Well Colonel I watched a youtube video that showed how to position the safety lever just so and then just pull it out of the frame just enough to let the plunger come out. But my Tisas has ambi safeties on it and I haven't found yet how to separate each side from the other.

pk I have a roll of marine step material that looks just like that. I've used it to make countless grip panels. somewhat like Talon grips. I thought about wrapping the frontstrap with it and tucking the edges under the grips. I s'pose I could do the same on the backstrap and then have it front and back.

02-18-2022, 05:37 PM
The left side is a male flat, that just slides into a female flat slot on the off side. On your the grip is the only thing holding the right side in place. You should be able to just wiggle the left side like the video, at about mid point it will pull out.
Watch for the spring. You can stretch it a bit and I usually put a kink in the middle, keeps it from flying out so bad.
Going back in you place the spring and then have to push it in so the safety can pop back into place. Something small, I have some q tips on a stick. I use the little stick to push the spring in until I squeeze it with the safety, then push in and pull the stick out.

02-18-2022, 05:41 PM
Here's a picture that kind of shows what I'm talking about.

02-18-2022, 05:59 PM
Thanks. I watched another youtube video that showed it's essentially the same process for ambi's, so I got the left side out, twice. It's a tough little spring. After the second time I have the safety stiffer but not as firm as I'd like it to be. I just don't know how much I can stretch that spring before it just lets go and I end up with a non-functional spring. I may pull it off again before I will carry it.

02-18-2022, 06:39 PM
Well, I don't like leaving things hanging. Then I recalled what you said about the notch in the safety Colonel, so I took it off again and using my dremel oh so carefully made the little divot a tad deeper. Good thing I didn't do more because it's now a bit painful to my thumb to flick it on. It flicks off easier than on but even in that direction it is more positive than it was. I'm happy with it now. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! Function checks all passed.

02-18-2022, 07:21 PM
Detail stripping a 1911 isn’t hard. It’s the little inner ear bones I have trouble reassembling. Tough to get in the right places.

02-19-2022, 12:19 AM
Well, I don't like leaving things hanging. Then I recalled what you said about the notch in the safety Colonel, so I took it off again and using my dremel oh so carefully made the little divot a tad deeper. Good thing I didn't do more because it's now a bit painful to my thumb to flick it on. It flicks off easier than on but even in that direction it is more positive than it was. I'm happy with it now. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! Function checks all passed.

You can just taper the little divets on the safety a bit to smooth it out but still keep it positive which is what one should seek. You said it flicks off easier, so look at that divet and try to match it to flick on.

02-19-2022, 12:50 PM
I tried it this morning after my thumb had rested from all the abuse I threw at it last night. Safety on click is pretty darn good, and positive. Safety off is much better than it was but not as positive as I would like it. But I think the only way to tweak it now would be to take some material off the safety where it rests against the plunger when the safety is up and on, since I've already removed the slight ramp that was in front of the hole the plunger rests in when the safety is off. The hole is now perfectly round with no ramp, so flicking the safety up is very firm.

Once it's up and on all the plunger has to do is ride over the contour of the safety to reach the hole. I think I have to relieve that contour just a bit where the plunger rests against the safety lever when it is up and on, to give it a bit of resistance, ie a less smooth contour to ride over before the plunger reaches the hole when pushing down on the lever. My amateurish picture below shows the area I'm thinking of relieving just a tad.

The picture shows why I never won playing Pictionary.

02-19-2022, 01:25 PM
I think your onto it, it's just a matter of getting the proper detent and the right contour to get there.
Personally now that your an expert at 1911 safeties I've never been fond of ambi safeties unless your one of the 3% of the population that is left handed.
You can toss the ambi and purchase a regular single side safety and if you get a good one the detents and contours should be right where they belong.
Many prefer the ambi especially if they are doing shooting games where they have to weak hand etc.
And if you get yours where you want it, it's perfect, forget everything I said above.
Speaking of 1911's, I just swapped out some too thick grips I made on my Wilson for some super thin grips I made years ago, had to swap to the short bushings which went fine which I was thankful for. Whole new gun, feels so incredibly much better, my day is complete and it's not even noon yet.

02-19-2022, 08:25 PM
Actually Colonel I was searching specifically for an ambi model. Last year I had a weird thing happen with my right forearm and I had to start shooting with my left hand. I didn't carry on that side but did buy several holsters, including one for 1911 Commanders that will allow me to if it happens again. I'm ambidextrous myself on some things, shooting being one of them. I don't yet have the muscle memory needed to be comfortable, much less proficient to handle and carry a gun on that side but with practice, carrying around the house and holstering/unholstering, clearing etc I could get to the point where I wouldn't be a danger to myself or others pretty quickly. Fortunately the muscle issue resolved itself and hasn't come back but I'm prepared from an equipment perspective if it does.

I'll probably work on making a better detent on my safety tomorrow. Though I might not be able to do what I have in mind if removing any material will then prevent the edge of the safety from retaining the plunger. I've seen that sometimes they can become so thin that they allow the plunger to push out farther than it should. I don't want to end up in that situation. But I'm gonna look closely at it to see if there's enough material there to allow me to relieve just a bit of it. Expert I'm not, and will never be.

02-19-2022, 11:50 PM

02-20-2022, 08:56 AM
I sure wish the VP9 came with a manual safety. I love my P30's. HK makes fine guns. Other than Kahrs though I don't carry a striker fired gun without a manual safety.

02-20-2022, 03:34 PM
Well I have tuned my thumb safety to have the same positive detent going both up and down. It took me two tries to get the detent for the up position as firm and positve as the off detent but with my dremel and a very fine abrasive bit was able to grind just enough of the lever away to let the plunger come out just a hair further and rest in its own relief when it is in the up/on position. Unlike the safeties on my DW's this one is not chamfered along the leading edge so there was little risk of having the plunger slide over the edge after trimming.

After I get the gun to the range and hopefully successfully break it in I'll be able to carry it with confidence that the safety will stay up and on while in the holster.

02-20-2022, 04:32 PM
Congrats on getting it just so. Nothing funner than taking one that isn’t quite right and making it just right!

02-20-2022, 05:38 PM
Thanks Bird. This one weighs 38oz empty and 44oz loaded so I'm anticipating it being a nice smooth shooter.

02-20-2022, 08:12 PM
...one of the 3% of the population that is left handed.

C'mon man, we are 10%. Actually anyone who was truly left handed was likely Darwined out of existence long ago.

As a lefty in a right handed world, we are forced to become ambidextrous just to survive.

It's not easy manipulating magazine and slide releases with an index or middle finger. Some decock levers are unusable.

02-21-2022, 12:21 AM
Oh I know, I feel for you folks, I really do. I can't even pick my nose with my left hand so it has to be tough.

I was shocked how many officers at my old department were right handed but left eye dominant. That's tough too, especially with rifle where they had to learn to shoot left handed.

It's a great life if you don't weaken.

02-21-2022, 08:57 AM
Sometimes I think I'm not ambi, but confused. I shoot pistols right handed but am left eye dominant. I can't even blink with my left eye. So I shoot rifles left. I throw a ball with my left. I write right and eat right. But I can pick my nose with either hand.

02-21-2022, 09:18 AM
That right hand shooter with left eye dominant can be a difficult thing at times. Ask me how I know....................................

02-21-2022, 10:18 AM
I fought with admin brass all the time. They would hire a new officer and it was my job to equip them, holsters, guns, tasers all that stuff. But I could never get them to ask in the process if they were right or left handed, like they didn't think it was important or something.

02-21-2022, 11:26 AM
Well it's not....to a pencil pusher. Beyond their ken I guess.

02-21-2022, 05:59 PM
At the moment with a couple hours to go I'm winning this here Ruger 41 Mag. I'm not nuts about the Burnt Bronze color to much but it's not running up as high as the standard blued models. Really doesn't pay to pay full price on the internet in Washington these days, with transfers and tax add infinitum, you gotta get a deal or you lose.

Ken L
02-21-2022, 07:52 PM
Bawanna, that 41 will be a great knockabout pistol. I have a Ruger Wrangler 22 and a RIA 1911 10mm that are Cerakoted. The 1911 still looks brand new despite being my companion on my weekly hikes in the mountains. The Wrangler looks NIB too, because unfortunately it still hasn't been shot. Rig up a holster on your scooter, put the 41 in there and forget about it until such time is that it's needed. The intimidation factor of that in one hand and a kukri in the other will be off the charts.

02-21-2022, 08:25 PM
I pick my nose with whichever finger is cleanest. Usually.

02-21-2022, 08:25 PM
Sadly it just ended and once again I got sniped. Granted I didn't want to go more than 550 what with all the extra fees, tax etc. Went for 577. I should have went to 600. 20/20 hindsight AGAIN!

The search continues.

02-22-2022, 06:55 AM
It may have gone for $700 to, you just never know.

02-22-2022, 07:55 AM
I was just recently bidding on a Beretta Elite II .40 cal. like NIB with 5 mags. Needless to say, I dropped out at $550 w/ 15% buyer fee. Guess I never had a chance. It's at $900 right now. CRAZY................

02-22-2022, 10:30 AM
It may have gone for $700 to, you just never know.

It shows the final bid if your a bidder, if not it just says sold. I hate myself.

02-22-2022, 10:33 AM
I was just recently bidding on a Beretta Elite II .40 cal. like NIB with 5 mags. Needless to say, I dropped out at $550 w/ 15% buyer fee. Guess I never had a chance. It's at $900 right now. CRAZY................

Our dept carried Beretta Elite II's for about 10 years. We had good luck with them, I should have bought one when we traded them in on Glocks. I think they were less than 300. I did buy one of the retired 92's when we went from 9 to 40. Still have that and several mags.
Let me check and see if any of the guys that bought their Elite's want to part with them, might get you a decent deal after all.

02-25-2022, 06:19 PM
Been wanting to polish a metal framed Sig for a while, but could not find one that was priced low enough for me to pull the trigger. I just got one at a bargain today. P229 in 357 Sig. Missing decocker, has the bobbed hammer, slide is holster worn big time, tired night sights. The good: Came with a new set of Hogue's, 2 mags look nearly new, frame is almost immaculate, barrel etc look GOOD! I thing it was carried a lot and shot a little. I am going to turn this into a showpiece! This will most likely be my last polishing job, and will get on it once I complete the STI. Also, ammo being crazy expensive, he threw in 200 rounds for $150. 100 rounds Speer Gold Dot and 100 rounds budget hollow points.




02-25-2022, 06:31 PM
Today was my lucky day as I also picked up a Para "Black Ops" (single stack) that is like new. Almost ashamed at what the guy sold it to me for. I don't know if these are any good, but for less than the price of a Rock Island and right at the price for a Tisas... I'm happy!


02-25-2022, 06:51 PM
Methinks you done good Bird :)

02-25-2022, 07:05 PM
I was just recently bidding on a Beretta Elite II .40 cal. like NIB with 5 mags. Needless to say, I dropped out at $550 w/ 15% buyer fee. Guess I never had a chance. It's at $900 right now. CRAZY................ It went for $900 plus 15% plus tax.

02-25-2022, 07:08 PM
Methinks you done good Bird :)

Thanks DAO. I was just telling you recently about how hard it was anymore to find any good deals, then these both happened almost simultaniously. WooHoo!

02-25-2022, 07:35 PM
That Para is a real find, you should go out right now and buy a Power Ball lotto ticket before the magic goes away…….By the way, are they hiring over there where you work at!

02-25-2022, 07:52 PM
I have 3 Para LDA's, never gave me any trouble at all. Like the Kahr, many folks don't like the trigger but I get along fine with it. Don't carry them much now days but doubt I'd ever part with any of them.

02-26-2022, 06:22 PM
That Para is a real find, you should go out right now and buy a Power Ball lotto ticket before the magic goes away…….By the way, are they hiring over there where you work at!
You know it’s kinda funny you said that.. I bought $20 worth of scratch offs and hit $100. Part of the purchasing dough used to buy the Para! : )

02-26-2022, 06:28 PM
I have 3 Para LDA's, never gave me any trouble at all. Like the Kahr, many folks don't like the trigger but I get along fine with it. Don't carry them much now days but doubt I'd ever part with any of them.
I kick myself for getting rid of a Para LDA 9 I once had. Slide finish was a bit rough, so you know what I did. Had beautiful wood grips on it that I’m sure you’d appreciate. That was a cool lil gun.
I messed up about 2 mos before the scampandemic hit. Saw an all stainless one in 45 at a pawn shop. They were wanting $450. I said I’d do $400 out the door. They usually relent there, but did not that time, saying $425. I wanted to play hardball and get my deal, so I walked. I thought about it and drove back later in the day. They said a guy who was there hearing me talk to them about it bought it as soon as I left,though it had been on the shelf there for weeks.

02-27-2022, 03:21 PM
Here's my MK40 Colonel.


02-27-2022, 04:11 PM
Wow, that is indeed pretty. Absolutely mint I'd say.

02-27-2022, 04:28 PM
Those CT’s look good on there!

King Rat
02-28-2022, 12:37 AM
Methinks you done good Bird :)


02-28-2022, 06:10 AM
Piano keys, almost.

03-19-2022, 02:36 PM
For the love of SAS. I just can't help myself

03-19-2022, 03:27 PM
Brand new? (it looks it) Sexy lil gun you got there!

03-19-2022, 06:59 PM
Safe queen, unfired outside of the factory. Manufactured end of 2018. Same size and look of my P227 SAS. I'll take a picture of both when I get this one home.

03-19-2022, 07:16 PM
Safe queen, unfired outside of the factory. Manufactured end of 2018. Same size and look of my P227 SAS. I'll take a picture of both when I get this one home.
Looks like a mint safe queen. Congrats on acquiring it. Honestly, I don’t normally like that grip, but it looks perfect on there and I would not change it. You’ve got me wanting one with those pics.

03-19-2022, 08:37 PM
My 227 had the same E2 grips on it but I replaced them with Hogue G10s. Probably do the same thing with this one eventually.

03-19-2022, 08:43 PM

03-19-2022, 09:07 PM
My 227 had the same E2 grips on it but I replaced them with Hogue G10s. Probably do the same thing with this one eventually.
Just looked up the Hogue’s... I see what you are saying. They do look nice. Quite costly. I’ve bought their g10 stuff for 1911’s, but those are much less $. I guess it’s the intricate curves they have to put in them that drives up the cost. But in the example pics they showed, they really do transform the gun.

03-19-2022, 09:29 PM
This is my 227 with them

03-19-2022, 09:35 PM
Almost looks like carbon fiber

03-19-2022, 10:17 PM
Well, it is a composite :)

03-19-2022, 10:45 PM

P229 SAS Gen 2

03-26-2022, 05:21 PM
Got to hold my new favorite gun yesterday and filled out the paperwork. I picked up a set of used G10 checkered grips for it, identical to the ones on my 227 above save for the shape of the backstrap, but the E2 grips that are on it did not feel bad at all. Notice the almost 1911 shape of these grips compared to those on my 227 .45 a few posts above this one. I don't know if the angle is exactly the same but they sure look as flat-backed as a 1911. I should be able to pick it up by the middle of next week as my county seems to move along pretty quickly on our background checks.
I've been very fortunate to have encountered honest sellers of used guns. This one was advertised as being unfired outside of the factory and after examining it closely in hand I'd have to agree. It is pristine.


03-30-2022, 10:15 PM
Picked up my new Sig today.

A Colt 1991A1 that I had fondled on an earlier visit was still in his display case, and kept calling out to me. Then the darn thing followed me out the door. I put these grips on it to replace the original rubber ones. I'll replace these too at some point with something a little more classic. Probably another set of G10's with a nice horse on them.

03-30-2022, 11:41 PM
Now we're talking! Beautiful commander and I love those grips. They have finger grooves but you can hardly tell with the color pattern. Bet the feel really good.
I agree more classic would be even better. Those grips would probably look smashing on a blued gun. Nice contrast so to speak.

I switch grips all the time, look good and then I think something else will be better, back and forth, round and round.

Fortunately I have a drawer full of homeless and rejects that work good enough for me.

03-31-2022, 05:59 AM
Very nice DAO! She seems to be in great shape. Is that an interesting serial number, or something else?

03-31-2022, 07:09 AM
Thanks Guys. It's just part of the SN Bird. Which do you think best fit this gun? I'm not big on thumb scoops but I do like the blue color of that one set.

03-31-2022, 07:43 AM
I'm an anti thumb scoop guy too. Often contacting the grip seller to see if I can get what they are offering, but without the thumb scoop. I also try to get magwell cut, so they cover the mainspring housing pin, but that's just me. My pick out of the one's you've shown would either be the 1st double diamonds (without scoop) or the last, half checkered wood one's. Just my opinion, but you asked! 😉

03-31-2022, 08:31 AM
Yes I did, and I appreciate your thoughts on it. I ordered these for now, and will likely order a set with some sort of a Colt brand on them as well, unless the Colonel has something for me? :)
I also have a set of the finger scoops just like the tan ones, but in red. I too like to play dress up with me toys, er I mean tools.

These that I ordered are diamondwood which is supposed to be a micarta using wood fibers as opposed to linen or paper.

03-31-2022, 09:20 AM
I think they'll look great! I like red grips on black guns too. I had some red "dragon scales" on a blued Kimber once. Paid a lot to have a holster built to match them. Those micarta DD's look like what I have on a recently purchased Para. I'm like you & the Colonel in that I like to try different grips in the chase for the one's that are juuuuuust right!

03-31-2022, 09:33 AM
Very nice DAO! She seems to be in great shape. Is that an interesting serial number, or something else?

He did an excellent job of blending in the covered numbers for sure. I've done the computer thing but I'm challenged, if I remember it's usually a piece of painters tape covering up the SN which is a good idea especially now days with big brother watching.

03-31-2022, 10:23 AM
Ah, gotchya! Good idea and point well taken!!!

03-31-2022, 10:40 AM
The tape tends to call a lot of attention to the numbers. I think if I were to digitally alter the photo, I'd digitally change it to "SN01-MYOB" or something suitably snarky.

03-31-2022, 10:45 AM
^^^Or Trump 45&46 :D

03-31-2022, 11:29 AM
And just because the Classic look involves ivory (and I'm cheap), a set of faux, aged smooth grips for Sunday go to meeting occasions. These were $18.25 :D

03-31-2022, 11:40 AM
Nothing wrong with the faux’s! I have a set on one now. Yes, I neglected to mention those earlier in the discussion. Another one of my fave’s. More so on stainless (polished) than black/blued, but love ‘em either way!

03-31-2022, 02:45 PM
Doesn't about anything look good on one of your polished beauties Bird?

03-31-2022, 03:39 PM
Aw, shucks! 😀

03-31-2022, 04:34 PM
Probably anything but his fingers, figure they are plumb wore down to the bone.

03-31-2022, 04:58 PM
Probably anything but his fingers, figure they are plumb wore down to the bone.
Heeeey! There’s nothing wrong with my fingers guys!


03-31-2022, 06:14 PM
Sister Clotilla’s hands looked like that back in my parochial school days. She could wield a mean ruler for sure.
I still suffer from PTSD from that incarceration.

Anyway, my little Mini got some new shoes today...

03-31-2022, 06:35 PM
Fancy! I do dig the scroll work mixed in with the checkering. Transformed that lil gun! I’ll never forget when they showed the guy on the news holding back Antifa with one of those ;)

03-31-2022, 06:38 PM
Yes! That looks great.
And I can relate to the incarceration idea too. Had my knuckles made sore more than once. Doesn't pay to let your teach know you think you're smarter than she is. Thankfully I was only an inmate for a short time.

03-31-2022, 09:01 PM
Yes! That looks great.
And I can relate to the incarceration idea too. Had my knuckles made sore more than once. Doesn't pay to let your teach know you think you're smarter than she is. Thankfully I was only an inmate for a short time.

I did a total of 9 years hard time in Catholic schools. Mom was very insistent. Lol

03-31-2022, 10:01 PM
I guess it prepared you for Army life?

03-31-2022, 10:12 PM
I did a total of 9 years hard time in Catholic schools. Mom was very insistent. Lol

About the same for me. Plumb scared of nuns and priest to this very day.