View Full Version : Happiness is a new gun 2
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04-01-2022, 07:55 AM
Now stay in line or else!
04-01-2022, 08:57 PM
I guess it prepared you for Army life?
I was not in the Army myself, I was Just an Army brat. A really bratty one at that.
My dad was an O-5 Regular Army with 20 years active duty.
I wondered that after I posted.
04-04-2022, 02:16 PM
Not new to me, but just finished putting new parts on my Beretta 92FS. I know this in not everyone else’s flavor, but wanted to “build” something different, kind of a Resident Evil knock-off. Still some small changes to do to it, but got everything together for the most part.
Well, it's different. But in a Classy way Bird. Not my cup 'o tea but your preferences are what matter here. Will definitely be a conversation starter at the range I'm sure.
I sold my 96A1 and M9 because they just felt too big for me. I'd have to use two hands to hold and hit point of aim with that hand cannon.
04-04-2022, 04:30 PM
Well, it's different. But in a Classy way Bird. Not my cup 'o tea but your preferences are what matter here. Will definitely be a conversation starter at the range I'm sure.
I sold my 96A1 and M9 because they just felt too big for me. I'd have to use two hands to hold and hit point of aim with that hand cannon.
Thanks DAO! I know it’s a rather crazy looking, movie type gun :D
Funny you say you got rid of yours for the same reason I had gotten rid of my M9. I had been shooting 9mm 1911’s mostly when I got it, so it was quite a different beast in hand for me at the time. Since then, I went through a big bore wheel gun phase to now practicing and carrying the CW45. Shooting the Beretta’s now they seem like much more tame things than back when I fired the M9. Back then, I actually remembered thinking “what do people see in these things?”. Plus, maybe all that polishing has strengthened my grip! :cool:
04-04-2022, 05:34 PM
I watched over about 35 92's at the department when I started. Other brands tried to sell the dept on theirs, Glock, HK, etc saying we'd not have near as many issues, but unlike many others, we never had any major issues at all.
They were cumbersome for small hands and the few women we had but they even seemed to like them.
Beretta armorer class was a hoot, we spent more time chasing flying springs than anything else. The rule was look for 5 minutes and if you didn't find it, go to the instructors parts box and get a new one. I'd go to my room in the evening and when I got out of the chair I'd find half a dozen springs, detents etc, most not even mine.
I still have one of them I purchased when we went to 96's, sometimes wish I'd gotten a 96 when they went to Glocks, missed the middle one. Got the 92 and the Glock 21 when I retired.
04-04-2022, 07:19 PM
I watched over about 35 92's at the department when I started. Other brands tried to sell the dept on theirs, Glock, HK, etc saying we'd not have near as many issues, but unlike many others, we never had any major issues at all.
They were cumbersome for small hands and the few women we had but they even seemed to like them.
Beretta armorer class was a hoot, we spent more time chasing flying springs than anything else. The rule was look for 5 minutes and if you didn't find it, go to the instructors parts box and get a new one. I'd go to my room in the evening and when I got out of the chair I'd find half a dozen springs, detents etc, most not even mine.
I still have one of them I purchased when we went to 96's, sometimes wish I'd gotten a 96 when they went to Glocks, missed the middle one. Got the 92 and the Glock 21 when I retired.
Sounds like you likely know these things like the back of your hand. They do have a bit of a grip on them, and adding the finger grooves increased that. Definitely a two hand gun, but it’s a range toy/show it to my buddies gun, so I’m cool with that. Wish I could go sweep that class floor for spares/back-up parts. Cool/funny story! :D
Beretta makes fine guns, for the most part. They have some lemons but then so do most all the others. But they don't innovate as much as I'd like them to. I'm down to just one now, my 8040F Mini Cougar. I don't think I'll part with it before it gets passed on to my son.
Got the faux bone grips I ordered today for my Colt. I've decided I'm going to tear it down completely, replace all the springs and whatever other parts might look worn and put it all back together. I've ordered everything already from Wolff and Midway. I'm hoping my son's going to learn how along with me. I've got some good videos to watch before, and possibly during if I get stuck. I won't be doing anything to the sear or disconnector other than removing and putting them back, though I am going to tweak the sear spring a bit to make the trigger a little stiffer. I'd like it to be about 5lbs for carry. It's a little more than a pound lighter than that now.
04-04-2022, 08:06 PM
The grips look good on there. Simple and clean! The sear to hammer “shelves” are the only parts I’ve never messed with on ANY gun I’ve tinkered on. Maybe one day (I’d get a jig). Have not had the need to do so. I’m no competitive shooter, don’t carry a 1911 and have never met one with a trigger I did not like. Have fun with the tear down and fix up with your son. Sounds like great father/son times to me!
Thanks Bird. He could use a distraction after going through a breakup with a long time GF recently.
I ordered a set of double diamond real bison bone checkered grips today. I don't know if they age like other grips but I'd like a bit more grip on a carry gun. And if all goes well that is what this will be.
No way I see myself ever becoming good enough to mess with sear geometry. I'm hoping I'll find this one to be in good shape with a nice crisp and clean mating to the hammer shelf. Otherwise, short of getting it to a good gunsmith first I won't carry it.
04-05-2022, 12:32 AM
I've found that a little skateboard tape, the kind of rubbery stuff on the front strap makes a huge difference when running smooth grips. Night and day. With checkered or textured grips, the front strap doesn't matter that much. Having both makes a real grippy gun.
Another option is stippling the front strap. I've never built up the nerve to try it myself yet but I see it coming one of these days.
04-05-2022, 02:27 AM
I ordered a set of double diamond real bison bone checkered grips today. I don't know if they age like other grips but I'd like a bit more grip on a carry gun
I’ve seen some of those that are really nice. I’m sure the Colonel would know about the aging question. I would think that they would age unless sealed.
04-05-2022, 02:37 AM
Another option is stippling the front strap. I've never built up the nerve to try it myself yet but I see it coming one of these days.
I’ve been curious as of late as to what the process is to stipple the front strap on a metal frame. I’ve seen both 1911’s and some Kahr K’s where that was done and love the look. Seems like a laborious process to get all the little pebble textures just so. I would think someone would be using some of the same tools an engraver would use. Speaking of front straps, and 1911’s, the attached pic is my unicorn, most desired 1911 I’ve seen in the last few years. I think it’s front strap is a thing of beauty. If you zoom in, you’ll see it’s kind of a blending of various dpi’s. That one and a while back one that I saw where an engraver did a framed basket weave at a 45 degree angle on a front strap. Drool! Drool! Drool! If I ever hit the lottery!
I saw something like that recently Bird. I think they're calling it skip lining. Pretty cool.
I did that very thing to my Tisas Colonel. I used a marine step tape that I bought a roll of years ago to make grip panels for my Kahrs. It helps a bunch, and feels great too. On this Colt I'm applying gun oil to the finish every few days to get it to soak in and revive it. It's coming along nicely. After I disassemble it and put it back together I'm planning on doing it to the Colt too.
04-05-2022, 10:05 AM
Stippling I've heard is really easy, totally random. Many just use a sharpened punch or a broken 3 sided file. Exactly the same process I did stippling my Kahr tupperware only driving into the metal. Bigger deeper divots equal more aggressive grip. If it gets too aggressive put some smaller not as deep divots in between.
That is a beautiful front strap on that 1911. Somebody really knew what the heck they were doing on that one.
04-05-2022, 10:53 AM
I saw something like that recently Bird. I think they're calling it skip lining. Pretty cool.
The name makes it make sense. I see how the smith would just move his guides and file over a set amount a few times, skipping over where he would started the next line or two. Now I know! : )
04-05-2022, 10:54 AM
I hope you try it. I hope it turns out well and I can copy you on one. I’m looking to get a budget 1911 before too long. Multiple things I will try out on it. That will be one, as well as possibly doing a case hardening.
The thread were I saw this is here ( Actually called skip line checkering, not skip lining as I said.
If I ever hit the MegaMillions PowerBall lottery Bird for $100m or more you can hold me to this. I'll buy you that gun. Or one like it. :)
04-05-2022, 04:45 PM
Same as skip line checkering in wood which I do a lot. It's basically just leaving a double wide space on a regular pattern. I usually do 3 regular lines and then a skip which is twice the width of the single. I do 20 LPI so the skip is 10 LPI.
Some like it (I do) others not so much. It's generally not quite as aggressive for grip but looks great.
I like it. I believe I've liked all the checkering I've seen and a good bit of the stippling. About the only stuff I haven't liked are the amateurish stippling jobs.
The checkering I've seen of yours Colonel looks like it came from a factory where a skilled craftsman turned it out. You and Bird have much more patience than I'll ever have.
04-05-2022, 06:15 PM
Not many factories hand checker any more. They have power checkering machines. I'd love to play with one just to see how it works. I know they just cut one pass and could probably checker a set of grips in minutes. Not to take away from the folks that do it, they still need to know how to checker and I'm sure it takes some patience and practice to get good at it.
The ones I don't care for are the pressed in checkering where they just use pressure and heat and steam. That is a good way to learn though, turn that pressed into cut, great learning experience.
Completely stripped my Colt today down to a bare slide and frame, cleaned it, replaced all the springs and firing pin and put it all back together. With a new pair of shoes. I learned some things as this is the first time I've torn into a 1911. It's clean!!!
Bent the new sear spring to get the trigger to a bit over 5lbs. Once I get it to the range and confirm it shoots reliably and well I can start carrying it.
04-09-2022, 10:38 PM
Completely stripped my Colt today down to a bare slide and frame, cleaned it, replaced all the springs and firing pin and put it all back together. With a new pair of shoes. I learned some things as this is the first time I've torn into a 1911. It's clean!!!
Bent the new sear spring to get the trigger to a bit over 5lbs. Once I get it to the range and confirm it shoots reliably and well I can start carrying it.I like the peanut butter, honey comp grips with the honeycomb leather holster. Nice pairing! It’s got tha flava! You are probably like me. I’ll look at hundreds of pics, websites, etc before “pulling the trigger” on a purchase. If spending the dough, why not make it look just as good as possible?
04-09-2022, 10:45 PM
[QUOTE=dao;429973The checkering I've seen of yours Colonel looks like it came from a factory where a skilled craftsman turned it out. You and Bird have much more patience than I'll ever have.[/QUOTE]
Thanks Dao, I think what I do takes patience while what Bawanna does takes both skill and patience. I can mess up on metal and compensate. Once you f that wood or bone, it goes into a scrap pile. If I could take his skills and add to my patience I would feel like a king!!!
I was hoping the color of the grips would match the holster but he didn't have pictures of these or the tan ones he sells so I took a chance on these in coyote. I'd like to get a set in brown that match if I could find some. Especially if I could find a pair for this Colt and my bobtails.
I'm looking forward to getting this Commander to the range and try it out.
04-10-2022, 12:11 AM
Try a little oil in a tiny spot someplace and you might darken that holster up a bit. It's pretty and close enough for me, not sure I'd risk taking the chance.
Nice thing about grips is they fit in the wood stove easy if I screw up. I used to do quite a few rifles for friends and always my first question was if I screw up, how much is this going to cost me.
It is painful to spend days making a set of grips, especially hard ones like a kahr and then have them crack or get a hole in the wrong spot. Cracks are usually on like a 1911 or something, there's enough wood on a Kahr grip they usually don't crack.
King Rat
04-10-2022, 09:29 AM
Completely stripped my Colt today down to a bare slide and frame, cleaned it, replaced all the springs and firing pin and put it all back together. With a new pair of shoes. I learned some things as this is the first time I've torn into a 1911. It's clean!!!
Bent the new sear spring to get the trigger to a bit over 5lbs. Once I get it to the range and confirm it shoots reliably and well I can start carrying it.
Beautiful! What holster is that?
No, I won't be messing with the holster to try to match a set of $20 grips. I had the holster custom made and like it a lot. I'll eventually find grips to match it. :) These Wasp grips, and Hive grips like them seem to be catching on. More variations will come.
04-10-2022, 10:37 AM
Try a little oil in a tiny spot someplace and you might darken that holster up a bit. It's pretty and close enough for me, not sure I'd risk taking the chance.
Nice thing about grips is they fit in the wood stove easy if I screw up. I used to do quite a few rifles for friends and always my first question was if I screw up, how much is this going to cost me.
It is painful to spend days making a set of grips, especially hard ones like a kahr and then have them crack or get a hole in the wrong spot. Cracks are usually on like a 1911 or something, there's enough wood on a Kahr grip they usually don't crack.
That must SUUUUUUUCK to spend all that time, only for the grips to crack or get a hole. I’ve often wondered (more so earlier in my polishing career) “what if I mess this thing up”, after spending the dough on the gun,then all of the hours. It’s why I prefer slower methods vs super abrasive/aggressive wheels, etc. I have seen pics of the rounded corners and waves in the metal from guys that want to rush.
04-10-2022, 10:41 AM
Exactly, power tools allow one to screw up much faster. I pretty much stay with files and hand tools.
04-10-2022, 10:44 AM
I wonder if some of those grip makers on Ebay (I’ve bought a few from a guy in Turkey, custom designed those Beretta grips for me) could affordably make you a set from wood with that SAME wasp pattern (either the same sized hexagons, or even as large as the ones’s on the holster) using their CNC or the pressure/heat/steam methods the Colonel mentioned. You could then get a perfect matching stain that complements your holster leather. Home Depot has MANY colors with little swatches where you could take in your holster, hold it up to the swatch and pick out the one you need. Then a glossy clear over that to match the gloss of your leather. A bit of work and a bit of dough, but if that’s what you desire (I go that far sometimes) it is definitely doable. What you have looks great to me though.
04-10-2022, 10:57 AM
Ironically that's what got me into making grips. Eagle Grips made a set of grips for the Para Ordnance P13, it's double stack, but for some reason they did a cut out for something, I don't recall, an ambi safety or something that left a gap if you didn't have that. I contacted the owner, he was middle eastern or something and spoke perfect english. Asked if he could make some without that cut. He said he would try and would send me the first set but it never happened.
I contacted him later when I found that the whole place closed while they went out and looked for bones and antlers and such to make handles. I asked if he had any Whooly Mammoth? The perfect english went right out the window and in his native accent he said I got no Whooly Mammoth, like this was impossible.......funny at the time.
Anyhow I made my own, incredibly difficult and very thin but they work. Never did get any Whooly Mammoth.
04-10-2022, 11:54 AM
Neccesity is the mother of invention! I got another set from a Turkish outfit that were ready made (I bought an existing design), but once installed the mag would not drop. My first thought was that their thin profile may have the screws protruding into the magwell, capturing the mag. I removed the grips, dropped the mag, reinstalled the grips and inspected. No, the screws did not protrude. Loostened the grip on the opposite side of the mag release and everything funcioned fine. I inspected the grip on that side and found that they cut the mag relief in the correct spot, but the cut was squared off, when the mag release had a semi circle shape to it. I made a pencil rub template of the frame around the mag release on that side, cut out the template, held it over the relief area and traced the semi circle area that needed to be removed. I carved it out with an xacto (spelling?) knife, reinstalled the grip and everything was good on planet Earth! I said to myself, "Bawanna would be proud of me"! : )
Other than trimming for an ambi safety, that's about as far as I've ever gone to do any type of grip work. I don't think I'll ever attempt anything beyond such simple stuff.
I don't know if I'll go to the trouble of ordering an unfinished set to match the holster and then finishing them myself. Mostly because I don't keep any one set of my guns for very long. I admit it would be cool. But then part of the enjoyment of playing dress up is the hunt for new shoes. It's the closest I get to actual hunting these days, and I do rather enjoy it. Not as much as being out in the woods and enjoying that experience along with the company of good friends but that's how hunting has changed for me.
edit: Meant to say I don't keep any one set of grip ON my guns for very long.
King Rat
04-10-2022, 06:28 PM
I don't know if I'll go to the trouble of ordering an unfinished set to match the holster and then finishing them myself. Mostly because I don't keep any one set of my guns for very long. I admit it would be cool. But then part of the enjoyment of playing dress up is the hunt for new shoes. It's the closest I get to actual hunting these days, and I do rather enjoy it. Not as much as being out in the woods and enjoying that experience along with the company of good friends but that's how hunting has changed for me.
I love the woods. Loved them since I was a young boy. Spent so many hours in them. Love the America Whitetail deer. Still find them one of the most beautiful creature on earth. Love studying them. I have turned down so many good shots at nice bucks each year. Just do not have the desire to shoot one again. Just being in the woods is good enough. Normally would hike into the swamp for miles. Many bear etc. None ever bothered my. Getting older now and doubt next fall I will even carry my gun with me. (except for the one on my hip for the two legged predators I may encounter)
The woods have been my Church. It is where I see God more clearly than anywhere else.
Swamp Buck
04-10-2022, 07:12 PM
I very much agree, I love the woods and the sound of the morning wind through the trees, the smell of wet earth and leaves, the deep woods are a mystical magical peaceful place…….I also love being out on the open ocean out of sight of land, it makes me remember just how big God is in all his wonder and how insignificantly small I am…..
04-11-2022, 05:59 AM
I don't know if I'll go to the trouble of ordering an unfinished set to match the holster and then finishing them myself. Mostly because I don't keep any one set of my guns for very long. I admit it would be cool. But then part of the enjoyment of playing dress up is the hunt for new shoes. It's the closest I get to actual hunting these days, and I do rather enjoy it. Not as much as being out in the woods and enjoying that experience along with the company of good friends but that's how hunting has changed for me.
edit: Meant to say I don't keep any one set of grip ON my guns for very long.
Completely understand! The hunt for something can be fun. Even more so when we get a good deal on it.
I too, like you, getsome and King do love the woods and find it can be a zen like experience. I wish some of the wooded areas of my youth were still around.
04-11-2022, 07:06 AM
Where are there woods that you don't feel like you're trespassing on someone's property, or you won't be confronted by a park ranger or wildlife management officer? Or run up against a meth lab?
04-11-2022, 07:26 AM
Totally agree on the wood's thing. Spent my life in them. Camping, hiking and just hanging around in them. Spent time golfing in them too. :p My property has 3 acres of them, and I spend a lot of time in there. Even better when there's a river or creek running through. I read a book about how trees communicate and help each other. Keep your deserts, plains, lake country, mountains, I'll take a river and woods anytime. Quit hunting in my 20's. Just can't shoot an animal of any kind anymore. I'm also always armed for those two-legged creatures that can wreak havoc. My Polish neighbor used to come over and pick the mushrooms growing on my property and cook them in butter. He showed me how to tell the difference between the edible and inedible one's. The wife says don't you dare.............................................. ...........
04-11-2022, 11:51 AM
I'm with her on the mushrooms, I like em but they all look alike to me. Not gonna risk it.
King Rat
04-11-2022, 02:32 PM
One thing you never want to do is get food poisoning. My God, you will be begging for someone to put a bullet in your head. I had it, and gives me nightmares to this day. Lol, I was convinced I was going to die. I remember thinking, damn, all that Ammo I have been hoarding will go to waste, should have shot it.
04-11-2022, 05:49 PM
One thing you never want to do is get food poisoning. My God, you will be begging for someone to put a bullet in your head. I had it, and gives me nightmares to this day. Lol, I was convinced I was going to die. I remember thinking, damn, all that Ammo I have been hoarding will go to waste, should have shot it.
I got a touch of it from an Encherito Special at Taco Bell 26 years ago.
Had continuous accidental discharges from both muzzle & breech overnight, probably my most miserable 10 hours ever..... and that includes a couple of heart attacks and a case of the shingles.
04-11-2022, 05:57 PM
I’ve had it from undercooked chicken several times. It ain’t fun, but it wasn’t traumatic either.
04-11-2022, 06:55 PM
I kind of deal with that on a daily basis, some sort of intestinal malady. Told the doc I need a full digestive transplant, he laughed, I was serious. Been dealing with it for years, poked and prodded and they keep saying IBS but found nothing wrong.
To be continued I guess. Main reason I stay home a LOT!.
Ever take probiotics Colonel? I've dealt with IBS and also C-diff. I had to stay home for a month with the c-diff and it didn't stop until I started a course of probiotics. Gut bacteria is important.
04-11-2022, 08:07 PM
You name it I've tried it. Probiotics, super high fibre diet, gluten free (whatever the hell a gluten is), took some crummy powder that you mix with a drink, orange flavor but it's like it's got sand in it, horrible stuff, went through 2 prescriptions of that 288 doses and have another under the sink I won't bother with.
Gave up coffee for awhile, went non dairy which wasn't hard except I like ice cream.
Everything seems to help for a few day to a week, then don't work no more.
I've suggested some of the things you see advertised on TV but docs say I don't have whatever that is.
It's a great life if you don't weaken.
Growing old is tough work. This I know.
04-11-2022, 09:01 PM
Beer, it’s the ultimate gastronomical delight, helps with digestion, sleep, a constant nagging wife, and overall general physical health and mental well being………Hey even if it doesn’t cure everything all at once it don’t matter because there’s always tomorrow to give it another shot…………
04-11-2022, 09:16 PM
Ironically that was one of the cures that actually worked for a couple weeks. We were on vacation over at the lake. I'm not usually much of a beer drinker but it was hot and for some reason it tasted especially good. Normally over there my issues seem worse than usual. After just a couple beers one afternoon, the next day I was pretty much a new normal half man! So I had a couple beers that day too and so on for the 10 days and it was great.
Got home and right back to same ole jazz. Laid off a bit and tried the beer again, sometimes it's good for a few days, now doesn't seem to work but I did acquire a taste for beer so guess it wasn't a total loss. Makes the scotch last a bit longer anyhow.
Life is short. Try other beers! Getsome just delivered some pearls of wisdom there. I can't drink beer much anymore but when I could I typically found that a couple of stout ales would cure most anything that ailed me at the time. Even if just for a little while. :)
A good Redhook, Winter Ale, or just about any of their offerings sure go down good. Might be that more yeast could help Colonel? And the good ales are heavy with yeast. Or try a couple one day, none the next, and two more the day after that?
04-11-2022, 09:55 PM
Dr. Getsome recommends a two week diet of nothing but red meat and lots of it and at least 12 or more Killian’s Irish Red’s every day……...No dairy, cheese, bread or sugar, nothing but red meat and as much Killian’s Red as you can wash it down with and you will be a new man………
04-11-2022, 10:23 PM
I think they'd nail the lid shut if I drank 12 of any kind of beers. There was a time when that would have been easy, but those days are long gone, but what the heck I'll try it.
04-12-2022, 06:57 AM
I have some of the same issues. Thought it was gluten so gave up gluten for a while. That wasn't it. Gave up dairy and butter except for cream in the coffee. Tough for me too, with the ice cream thing. The wife has dairy issues also, so we went to the sorbet thing. It's pretty good if you find the right kind. Cut out meat except for burger and the occasional chicken. Didn't like doing it, but it helped. They say the Brat diet helps a lot. Bananas, rice, apples and toast. Calms the gut down. Who can eat that all of the time? Soups, stews, veggies and fruit. Not having dairy is tough because they put whey in just about everything these days. Dairy issues happen to a lot of people later on in life. I love cheese so it's been tough. It's basically a process of food elimination. Eating smaller meals and more time between meals seems to help me. Gives the body time to digest. I really miss my spices and Mexican food. What are you going to do????? It also helps to stay away from greasy fried foods.
04-12-2022, 07:02 AM
One thing you never want to do is get food poisoning. My God, you will be begging for someone to put a bullet in your head. I had it, and gives me nightmares to this day. Lol, I was convinced I was going to die. I remember thinking, damn, all that Ammo I have been hoarding will go to waste, should have shot it. I got it from bad Italian dressing. Curled around the commode for a long time. Almost called an ambulance. That was the sickest I've ever been. Much worse than any heavy drinking sessions. You think it's never going to end. Ever since then, no leftovers are eaten after the second day. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
04-12-2022, 07:54 AM
I need to get back to eating either (or both at the same time sometimes) kimchi and sauerkraut. Those 2 fix my guts well. That and a super spicy Korean soup with tofu in it. That stuff will make me sweat bullets, but fixes me up good when having stomach issues. Funny, you’d think that kind of stuff would ittitate, but it does the opposite. I LOVE a bit of kimchi with each bight of beef or steak. Out of this world good!
Look at us, a bunch of senior citizens (not you Bird), sitting around lamenting what we can't do anymore. Ah the good old days. As opposed to us when we were kids, sitting around lamenting what our parents wouldn't let us do. Life is strangely comical at times. Oh, and Dr. Getsome? If I followed that regimen I wouldn't even know if I still had a problem. Until the next morning. But it sounds exciting! Part of me wishes I could still do that. Another part of me says "hey, you had your fun. Stop at two". Or in my case none :(
04-12-2022, 09:29 AM
Not a senior yet, but at 50, I’m not as I once was. Definitely have my share of ailments and “reoccurring” injuries. Had to stay home last week due to my bulged disc reoccurring, and walking/standing slightly hunched for a few more weeks. Usually takes about a month. Poor wife works all day, then comes home and attempts to do EVERYTHING for me. I now live vicariously through my son. : )
04-12-2022, 10:26 AM
One of the suggestions my gastro specialist???? made was not to eat??? Anyhow I generally don't eat anything till 2 or 3 in the afternoon, sometimes a donut or a pastry mid morning but quite often nothing.
Now I'm trying to eat like shredded wheat or some high fiber cereal in the morning, worked for a few days and now not so much.
I carry a bottle of Imodium at all times, easy with the chair and my little front bag, like a Snap On Tool box the **** I carry on me.
I try not to take anymore than needed. My doc says it's not habit forming and take all I want. The gastro guy says too much will give me a heart attack. Pondering which is worse???
04-12-2022, 11:30 AM
I was only kidding earlier about the Dr. Getsome red meat, Killian Red diet but it sounds fun for a little while……I also have old man digestion problems with gas, burping and heartburn no matter what or how bland the food is but I found that if I take Prilosec OTC Omeprazole (I take the Kroger store brand) it works great for heartburn and even though I’m not lactose intolerant I found if I take a couple Lactaid Lactose enzyme pills it takes care of the gas, burping problem……With the above store bought meds, a blood pressure pill and 6 or 8 Ibuprofen tablets I get through the day…….Ain’t old age fun!
Beautiful! What holster is that?
Sorry King, I missed your question. I had William Sproul of make this for me. The idea was to kind of resemble a baseball glove in the color and stitching of the throat leather. I loved playing baseball in my youth, which is something else that is now behind me. Which I also miss a lot. Anyway, he does great work, and you can tell that by his 14 week wait time, along with the pictures of his creations on his website. I ordered this one in the Spring a couple of years back so that it would ready for Winter carry season. Worked out well. His work is top notch and he's a pleasure to talk with during his design meeting to discuss what you're after. I'd recommend just going to his site and looking at his gallery to simply admire the pictures for anyone that appreciates a nice leather holster. His photograhy skills are also top notch so be sure to have something to keep the drool off the keyboard.
We knew you were kidding getsome but one thing we all have in common I think is that we miss some of the things that we used to be able to do, eat, and drink. Part and parcel of our trip around the wheel I guess. And a few beers definately sounds good.
04-12-2022, 05:33 PM
One of the suggestions my gastro specialist???? made was not to eat??? I’ve fixed a few issues with fasting. It definitely has benefits. Anything past 16-18 hrs. Apparently, the body goes after weak cells, damaged cells for food, then the body makes new cells. It is tuff to get started on, especially when I do a fast over 2 days, but man do you feel GREAT once you get past the mental anguish. I read that prisoners of war, such as during WWII were reported to live to ripe old ages due to how their bodies replenished and renewed due to the forced fasting. The one’s that made it past the internment that is.
04-12-2022, 08:25 PM
That makes good sense, reminds me of what Cliff Clavin from “Cheers” explained to Norm about why he drank beer when he said, “Well you see Norm, it’s like this…..A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo and when the herd is hunted it’s the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed off first…..This is called natural selection and is good for the herd as a whole because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing off of the weakest, slowest members…….In much the same way the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells……Excessive drinking of alcohol as we know kills brain cells but naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first…..In this way the regular consumption of large quantities of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells making the brain as a whole a much faster, more efficient machine which explains why you always feel much smarter after a few beers………
Sounds right to me……
04-12-2022, 08:46 PM
That makes good sense, reminds me of what Cliff Clavin from “Cheers” explained to Norm about why he drank beer when he said, “Well you see Norm, it’s like this…..A herd of buffalo can only move as fast as the slowest buffalo and when the herd is hunted it’s the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed off first…..This is called natural selection and is good for the herd as a whole because the general speed and health of the whole group keeps improving by the regular killing off of the weakest, slowest members…….In much the same way the human brain can only operate as fast as the slowest brain cells……Excessive drinking of alcohol as we know kills brain cells but naturally it attacks the slowest and weakest brain cells first…..In this way the regular consumption of large quantities of beer eliminates the weaker brain cells making the brain as a whole a much faster, more efficient machine which explains why you always feel much smarter after a few beers………
Sounds right to me……
Your method is sound sir! : )
I can picture and hear Cliffy telling Nammy that. Great show!
04-14-2022, 04:16 PM
New Altamont grip panels for the New Vaquero .357.
King Rat
04-14-2022, 04:39 PM
Beautiful gun Army. Read a article once that said the Ruger's Blackhawk etc. would be a good choice for survival gun at the end of time. Solid built for sure.
Here is my +9mm/357 with BearPaw Burl wood.
04-14-2022, 04:47 PM
Nice Rugers guys! Makes me want to have a stiff drink for some reason though!
I'm working on a Ruger right now, and waiting on grips for it to come in.
04-14-2022, 05:36 PM
I think they would make a great survival gun. Very little to go wrong plus I've always been a thumb buster so I love single action. I have other revolvers but when I was hunting it was always a Ruger (usually 44) that rode with me.
I'm still searching for a 41 mag and now maybe a 357, gave my daughter my 357 so I need one.
Nice shooters Guys! Might be good for end times, but they sure can be enjoyed before then. Not a big revolver fan but if I was it would be for something of 4" or better I think. I like both of those. Colonel I think my LGS has a 41mag in. I have to go in there next Tuesday to pick up something and I'll check. If so I'll take some pics and get some info on it. Or you could call him. If you'd like his number shoot me a PM.
04-14-2022, 08:09 PM
I maybe just haven’t looked, but 41 mag must be hen’s teeth as I don’t think I’ve ever seen it on the shelves at my usual gun shops, sporting goods stores, etc. Colonel, do you reload? Or maybe it’s just my location. I’ve heard plenty of people mention it in threads, etc though.
04-14-2022, 08:12 PM
Beautiful gun Army. Read a article once that said the Ruger's Blackhawk etc. would be a good choice for survival gun at the end of time. Solid built for sure.
Here is my +9mm/357 with BearPaw Burl wood.
I have been looking for a 4.6” Blackhawk in .357. Hadn’t thought about getting the convertible, but now you have me reassessing my search. It would be interesting because I have some 9mm semiautos along with a lot of ammo for them.
04-14-2022, 08:22 PM
That would be a very versatile gun. I get the quick cylinder change out, but what about the barrels?
04-14-2022, 10:40 PM
That would be a very versatile gun. I get the quick cylinder change out, but what about the barrels?
Barrels the same Bird. Or close enough. I got a 45 ACP Birdshead Ruger that I like a lot. I wish I had the convertible that did 45ACP and 45 Colt. If you have a convertible you can buy a 45ACP cylinder but you can't buy a 45 Colt cylinder if you have just a 45 ACP. Not sure why.
I only want a 41 cause I got 4 boxes of ammo and a coffee can full of good brass, just something else on the menu I guess, another want, not a need but a want kind of makes it a need don't it?
King Rat
04-15-2022, 12:36 AM
Barrels the same Bird. Or close enough. I got a 45 ACP Birdshead Ruger that I like a lot. I wish I had the convertible that did 45ACP and 45 Colt. If you have a convertible you can buy a 45ACP cylinder but you can't buy a 45 Colt cylinder if you have just a 45 ACP. Not sure why.
I only want a 41 cause I got 4 boxes of ammo and a coffee can full of good brass, just something else on the menu I guess, another want, not a need but a want kind of makes it a need don't it?
If I had it to do over I would have gotten as well. I do not hunt with handgun, but I saw this new Ammo and it is so interesting as they list 9mm +p,45, and 40,cal as "BIG GAME" NOT MEDIUM GAME as most of this ammo on their hunting page.
They must pack a serious punch huh? Seeing 200gr .40 is a first for me. Though admittedly I lead a sheltered life.
04-15-2022, 09:51 AM
I wouldn't mind having a few of those .40 rounds...............:w00t:
04-15-2022, 02:55 PM
Not a new gun....but a new scope for it and I really like it. It also allows stock sights to still be usable UNDER scope.
My Mini 14 with Trijicon Mini ACOG.
04-15-2022, 03:28 PM
Very nice set up Jeepster. I really liked the ACOG's we had on our dept rifles. Some didn't, I think most did.
You are the king of green, that's for sure. Nice combination on that stainless rifle though. Looks great.
04-17-2022, 07:48 AM
Barrels the same Bird.
another want, not a need but a want kind of makes it a need don't it?
Interesting... I guess I learned something. I did not know 9mm and 357 mag had the same diameter projectiles. Then again, I’ve never reloaded or got into learning about the projectile sizes.
Yes, your want/need analysis is sound. I often times justify wants as needs. Keeps it simple! ;)
04-19-2022, 02:42 PM
Thats the nicest mini-14 I've ever seen. I have to agree that the green stock coupled with the stainless really jives well!
04-19-2022, 02:46 PM
Picked up an SP101 a few weeks ago. Of course it has me sidetracked from my other polishing projects. First time I've ever dissasembled a revolver. Had no idea how many parts there were in the trigger system. I'll be smoothing out all of those little parts as well, at least where they interact. Grips came in yesterday, so it's a bit telling as to how it will look once done. I need to focus and get one done before breaking down another!
04-19-2022, 03:07 PM
Yeah, the inside of a revolver can be quite intimidating. I'm afraid to go there. I replaced a spring or two in my wife's S&W but not all that came in the set, it was too scary.
I have a spring kit for her SP101 (22) but haven't gone there yet either, probably had them 2 or 3 years but guess I'm too chicken.
Those grips look great.
Colonel here's the .41Mag I was telling you about. And it's still there as of a couple of hours ago.
If you or anyone else wants the phone number of my LGS shoot me a PM.
04-19-2022, 04:37 PM
Yeah, the inside of a revolver can be quite intimidating. I'm afraid to go there. I replaced a spring or two in my wife's S&W but not all that came in the set, it was too scary.
I have a spring kit for her SP101 (22) but haven't gone there yet either, probably had them 2 or 3 years but guess I'm too chicken.
Those grips look great.
Thanks Colonel! I intend to use this video once I reassemble. Best one I’ve found. Might help you with the spring set install:
Following what this guy does for polishing the internals, just not messing with the hammer as I don’t have the jig, nor do I intend to buy one:
04-19-2022, 06:15 PM
What weight springs are you using????
04-19-2022, 06:28 PM
Colonel here's the .41Mag I was telling you about. And it's still there as of a couple of hours ago.
If you or anyone else wants the phone number of my LGS shoot me a PM.
That looks good but I think I'm gonna stick with the Blackhawk SA with a shorter barrel 4 5/8" I think. Looks like an H&R top break next to it. I have one like it or similar. Think it's a 9 shot.
Thanks for taking the pic.
04-19-2022, 06:43 PM
What weight springs are you using????
Not sure if you are asking me or the Colonel? I’ll be looking at a kit from Wilson Combat, but not sure yet. What little research I did has me under the belief that people have had better results with the WC stuff than with the MCarbo stuff. I’m open to any experience, feedback or pointers. :D
EDIT: Just read up on the WC spring kit...
Comes with a #10 trigger spring and both a #10 and #12 hammer spring. I will install both the #10’s. If I get light primer strikes I will go to the #12 hammer spring. The hammer spring is super simple to get to if need be.
04-19-2022, 07:44 PM
I have a 1990 SP-101 in .22LR on the way. Wolff sells lighter springs for that, but not for the newer .22s. I expect I’ll be getting those. This 101 has a 4” barrel and holds 6, not the unnatural 8 of modern ones.
04-19-2022, 08:43 PM
I have a 1990 SP-101 in .22LR on the way. Wolff sells lighter springs for that, but not for the newer .22s. I expect I’ll be getting those. This 101 has a 4” barrel and holds 6, not the unnatural 8 of modern ones.
Should be fun! In that frame, you can shoot 22 +P++++++++++ :p
Are you going to shoot it some before the springs? I’d be curious as to the light strike concerns some address with the 22’s. But then again, Wolff usually gets it right from what I’ve read.
04-19-2022, 09:17 PM
I have a 1990 SP-101 in .22LR on the way. Wolff sells lighter springs for that, but not for the newer .22s. I expect I’ll be getting those. This 101 has a 4” barrel and holds 6, not the unnatural 8 of modern ones.
I think that's what we have a 6 shooter. I have the Wolff spring kit which as I recall came with a couple options in weight. An old coworker did his 38 I believe and it made a noticeable difference. Maybe this will inspire me to try doing ours???
04-20-2022, 11:14 AM
Still have the stock springs in my 1993 SP101 .357.
It serves as my car gun for road trips along with a couple of speed loaders.
04-20-2022, 12:41 PM
Not sure if you are asking me or the Colonel? IÂ’ll be looking at a kit from Wilson Combat, but not sure yet. What little research I did has me under the belief that people have had better results with the WC stuff than with the MCarbo stuff. IÂ’m open to any experience, feedback or pointers. :D
EDIT: Just read up on the WC spring kit...
Comes with a #10 trigger spring and both a #10 and #12 hammer spring. I will install both the #10Â’s. If I get light primer strikes I will go to the #12 hammer spring. The hammer spring is super simple to get to if need be. I was asking you. I was just curious. My SP is polished internally, shimmed, and I used the Wolff springs. 9# hammer spring and 8# trigger spring. Haven't had a light strike yet. Makes a world of difference in pull and smoothness. Feels like a Kahr trigger basically. Sp101 triggers can be awfully gritty and stiff from the factory.
04-20-2022, 03:44 PM
A few dry fires with snap caps will tell me if I want the lighter springs. I had a 2" and a 3" 101 in .357 long ago and changed the springs in those with satisfactory results. I have read that the Ruger rimfires can be lightened up a lot without light primer strikes. There's a guy on the Ruger forum who fabricated a whole new part that the spring goes around, a longer one to lighten the spring tension. I forget the pull weight he ended up with but it was shockingly light, and he had zero problems with a whole lot of rounds fired.
Does anybody here have any experience with anodizing aluminum?
04-20-2022, 06:16 PM
Does anybody here have any experience with anodizing aluminum?
I have done quite a bit of research, but have not done it yet. Might be buying dyes and masking agent this weekend. I am “building” a P226 and will be doing it’s frame to mimic a rust/case hardening (see attached pic). I will mask, do 1 color, dillute that color, mask all but close to the 1st color, do a 2nd color (dilluted from the 1st) and keep repeating the process with the colors needed until I obtain that look. A bit afraid, but I think I can pull it off. I contacted a BUNCH of anodizers and all but 1 said they could not do it. The 1 that said yes took 1-2 weeks to respond between emails, then I looked at his reviews and complaints and figured I better study up and learn how to do this myself. I will practice 1st on some aluminum flat stock before going to my frame. I’ve also been studying plating and will be getting those supplies too. The plating and anodizing is what’s holding me up on a few of my projects right now. I wish all the parts were just stainless or aluminum so I could just polish them up! : )
04-20-2022, 06:19 PM
I was asking you. I was just curious. My SP is polished internally, shimmed, and I used the Wolff springs. 9# hammer spring and 8# trigger spring. Haven't had a light strike yet. Makes a world of difference in pull and smoothness. Feels like a Kahr trigger basically. Sp101 triggers can be awfully gritty and stiff from the factory.
Sounds like you’ve turned yours into a smooth operator. I have read of others who have had great results like you did too, and am hoping for the same. :D That’s comforting to hear that your using the 9# hammer spring and have had no light strikes.
04-20-2022, 06:24 PM
A few dry fires with snap caps will tell me if I want the lighter springs. I had a 2" and a 3" 101 in .357 long ago and changed the springs in those with satisfactory results. I have read that the Ruger rimfires can be lightened up a lot without light primer strikes. There's a guy on the Ruger forum who fabricated a whole new part that the spring goes around, a longer one to lighten the spring tension. I forget the pull weight he ended up with but it was shockingly light, and he had zero problems with a whole lot of rounds fired.
That guy could probably sell a few of those, even more if he made them for the Smith’s too. Your research sounds promising as to what to expect. Hoping all goes well for you man! I used to have a Taurus in 22 magnum. That thing hurt my finger about as bad as a SCCY after a few loads. I couldn’t imagine anyone being a good shot with such a stiff trigger. Maybe with a ton of practice, Lol! Sometimes I wish I had one of those Lyman (spelling?) scales, just to see what difference what I do to these guns actually makes, other than a seat of the pants feel. More so since I never mess with sears or hammer shelves. Congrats on your new Ruger that’s on the way!
04-21-2022, 07:27 AM
I think he could market them too, but he said in his first post he wouldn't so don't ask him to :)
As for my 101, I'm getting skittish. The seller has good ratings but UPS has said it's been "label created" for four days now. Either he's waiting till he has several shipments to drop off, or UPS is "experiencing supply chain issues" or something's going south. I've emailed the seller twice with no response yet.
OTOH, I was shopping for aftermarket wood grips and found some cool looking ones, but decided not to buy them (or the springs) until I had the SP101 in hand so I wouldn't jinx it. So I think it'll be ok.
I think that will be my final Gunbroker adventure. It's gotten too expensive and too much hassle. Buying at the LGS seems like the better deal these days. I've used Florida Gun Trader a couple times, and was lucky not to have met up with a psycho killer, but I don't like going that route unless it's something I just gotta have.
04-21-2022, 09:26 AM
You have to be careful with aftermarket grips. Depending on the date of firearm manufacture, you can have really bad fitment problems. Some are just too far off to fit, no matter how you try to clean them up. Ask me how I know. :p
04-21-2022, 09:28 AM
True! My hunch is the SP101 grip tang hasn't changed at all, but I could be wrong.
04-21-2022, 09:36 AM
I think he could market them too, but he said in his first post he wouldn't so don't ask him to :)
As for my 101, I'm getting skittish. The seller has good ratings but UPS has said it's been "label created" for four days now. Either he's waiting till he has several shipments to drop off, or UPS is "experiencing supply chain issues" or something's going south. I've emailed the seller twice with no response yet.
OTOH, I was shopping for aftermarket wood grips and found some cool looking ones, but decided not to buy them (or the springs) until I had the SP101 in hand so I wouldn't jinx it. So I think it'll be ok.
I think that will be my final Gunbroker adventure. It's gotten too expensive and too much hassle. Buying at the LGS seems like the better deal these days. I've used Florida Gun Trader a couple times, and was lucky not to have met up with a psycho killer, but I don't like going that route unless it's something I just gotta have.
I’ve had quite a few purchases lately that say “label created” for even up to 2 weeks, then it arrives. I think the shipping co’s and the usps suck at updating their stuff. As with most any service oriented thing these days, all prices have gone up and all decent customer service has either gone down or completely away. Really have lost a lot of faith in humanity over the last few years!
I know your itch to buy goodies for a pending gun. I’ve been there many times. So far, I’ve never bought anything short of magazines for a future purchase and have not gotten bitten, but hope it stays that way.
04-21-2022, 09:39 AM
You have to be careful with aftermarket grips. Depending on the date of firearm manufacture, you can have really bad fitment problems. Some are just too far off to fit, no matter how you try to clean them up. Ask me how I know. :p
How do you know? ;)
I agree. It has happened to me also, early on in the gun stuff. I try to do good research (thankful for all the info at our finger tips these days) but it can still happen. Just bough Beretta mag extensions that were supposed to fit. They fit alright, after about 2 hours opening the mag catch windows, trimming the base lips and replacing the lanyard loop mainspring caps with flat one’s. Sheez!
04-21-2022, 11:02 AM
I've been trying to avoid the online sales like gunbroker these days. I've never had an issue and it's of course a real candy store but you add CC fee's, huge shipping, dealer transfer on my end and of course now tax here in Wa and local is the better deal "IF" you can find what your looking for.
The deal with online is I like old stuff, old Mossberg 22's, Ward, Sears and Take Back. Stuff that you won't find local unless it's a trade in. Tables at gun shows where nobody is looking is normally where you'll find me.
I too have a bad habit of buying carts before I get the mules. I got 5 mags for my someday Springfield SA35 which I still don't have and still now word on possible arrival. Holsters are bad too, I usually get them pretty quick an then find I really don't like to carry the gun anyhow. Oh well it's only money right?
It brings us joy. In the hunt and bringing 'em home.
With GB there are deals to be had. I've bought a few with no CC fees and free shipping. With those I just pay the GB fee of 1% and $30 FFL fee when it gets to my LGS. But my LGS doesn't have a lot of what I'm drawn too so in between acquistions there I do GB. If you watch it a lot, like I do, a good deal can offset the CC fees and shipping when present. For instance I bought a Kahr P9 last year that was a total of $374 with shipping, fees, and FFL. Turned out it was exactly as described which was nearly new. A two tone. Got my brand new PM45 two tone for a total of $640 after all fees and FFL. Whereas I paid $570 for my new PM9 back in 2003 from a retail shop. So the deals are out there but it does require luck and a habitual scouring of your saved searches. I enjoy the hunt so I don't mind. The luck comes in when you see a good deal, it's with an honest seller, and you're ready to buy, all at the same time. You're right Colonel, it is a candy store. And I've always liked candy.
04-21-2022, 01:26 PM
I've been trying to avoid the online sales like gunbroker these days. I've never had an issue and it's of course a real candy store but you add CC fee's, huge shipping, dealer transfer on my end and of course now tax here in Wa and local is the better deal "IF" you can find what your looking for.
The deal with online is I like old stuff, old Mossberg 22's, Ward, Sears and Take Back. Stuff that you won't find local unless it's a trade in. Tables at gun shows where nobody is looking is normally where you'll find me.
I too have a bad habit of buying carts before I get the mules. I got 5 mags for my someday Springfield SA35 which I still don't have and still now word on possible arrival. Holsters are bad too, I usually get them pretty quick an then find I really don't like to carry the gun anyhow. Oh well it's only money right?
Just got the new American Rifleman mag in the mail. Seems Girsan is also now in the High Power game! (EAA MCP35, Not sure how it compares in price, fit, function, etc to the Springfield, but bet it can be had for less and probably won’t be such a back order deal like SA’s. Just making folks aware. I have no qualms about the Girsan brand, but also would not feel it to be an equal to the SA stuff. I may be wrong though.
I too have a sour in my mouth about dealing with gunbroker these days. DAO’s words had me take a look a while back and I did score a few deals. I tend to buy when they allow a postal money order to be sent. I don’t mind the few extra days wait and a postal money order has a bit of an insurance feature built in. I try to find the pawn shops and small shops that sell a few at a time. They seem to have the best deals. My sour comes from a few sales I made on there the last time I let a few go. They did not let me know I would be responsible as the seller to collect a “buyers fee”, so I ended up not collecting enough and eating it. That and sales tax on one of them, which they did not show in my statement until after I collected payment. Lost over $200 due to their BS. I will buy on there if the deal is good enough, but I will most likely never try to sell anything on there again. Florida Gun Trader used to be a good place for deals here, but as I think it was JohnR put it, it’s the “Mos Eisley” of the gun world. Takes a lot of bobbing & weaving to avoid the scumbags, data collectors, tire kickers, liberal gun haters, etc that frequent the joint. Yes DAO, the hunt itself can be fun and rewarding!!!
04-21-2022, 02:06 PM
FN is making the Hi Power once again also. Word has it the SA is still the best bang for the buck as they addressed the issues with the original. Funny they said the tooling was worn out and to costly to stay in production but as soon as SA came out or about the same time they were back in the game. Competition is good I guess.
04-21-2022, 02:12 PM
I bet you are correct. They, and others saw SA selling 'em like hot cakes and want to get a taste!
04-21-2022, 03:37 PM
The "Shooting Illustrated" NRA email blast this morning was gushing about the new FN "High Power." They say it's an all-new gun, different dimensions and not interchangeable parts.
On the 1911 forum (which has a section for the Hi Power), people are saying the SA-35 still has extractor issues.
04-21-2022, 03:38 PM
Still not getting any reply from the seller, I called the phone number and got a voice mail message in a gruff male voice, "Leave a message." I didn't leave a message.
04-21-2022, 03:54 PM
If I don't get one in my hands fairly soon I just might lose interest and have 5 Hi Power mags. I do have a Hi Power for they won't got to waste but it don't get shot much.
04-21-2022, 04:41 PM
I decided my two BHPs were plenty. But I hear the SA35’s trigger is better…
04-21-2022, 05:31 PM
Did you remove the magazine disconnect on you Hi Powers. I just did one for a friend. It's real easy and supposedly makes a big trigger difference.
04-21-2022, 05:39 PM
Did you remove the magazine disconnect on you Hi Powers. I just did one for a friend. It's real easy and supposedly makes a big trigger difference.
You sound like the kinda hooligan that would rip the tag off a mattress. And here I thought this was an upstsnding forum!
04-21-2022, 05:49 PM
Who told ya about the tag on the mattress? Name the rat!
04-21-2022, 05:58 PM
My ‘87 BHP, I tried but the pin was beyond the ability of my meager tools so I had a smith do it. My ‘73 is near mint condition, I only fired one magazine to make sure it worked. So it hasn’t been altered. I paid $800 for it, when it could have been worth double, but I’m guessing values have gone down a bit. I’m still ahead, I think.
Well, some of us are upstanding Bird. Others not so much. :D
You never know John. On the right day, in front of the right buyers, a '73 gun of good quality could fetch much, much more than expected.
04-21-2022, 06:47 PM
I can only hope! It’ll be up to my heirs to manage that.
04-21-2022, 10:23 PM
You are very kind John! I plan to sell off all but a few home d guns (whatever I can still handle in seniority) and take a trip to Vegas! (just kidding). I hope they appreciate what you have left them and cherish them!
04-21-2022, 10:25 PM
Well, some of us are upstanding Bird. Others not so much. :D
You never know John. On the right day, in front of the right buyers, a '73 gun of good quality could fetch much, much more than expected.
Agreed! I’ve only had a run in with 1 or 2 here since joining. They always seem to just go away or somehow a magic button gets pushed by somebody! :p
Yes, I think John is good to go, given what I’ve seen them going for. But, maybe it will be his heirs that discover that!
04-21-2022, 11:18 PM
I can't push the button on myself, that just wouldn't seem right. What if I sew the tag back on the mattress, would that put me back in the good graces of the assembly?
04-21-2022, 11:26 PM
I think you’ll be ok. We can say it was ripped during that boating accident you had. Besides, I found the rat. Looks like he got some just dessert today!
04-22-2022, 06:23 AM
Bye bye, Reedy Creek.
04-22-2022, 06:25 AM
When we retire to the mountains, I’m planning to only keep about seven or less of the guns I just can’t let go of. I’ll sell off a bunch just to lighten the load and simplify.
04-22-2022, 06:29 AM
Bye bye, Reedy Creek.
Yes sir! Glad to see/hear that company getting it handed to them!
In the mountains? With only 7 guns? What about those sasquash? I heard they’re meaner than a feminist at a certain time of the month!!!
04-22-2022, 07:12 AM
It's funny, Sasquatch is from Bawana's neck of the woods, but you see Bigfoot stickers and signs all over Appalachia. Sasquatch seems to be an American icon.
I'm not concerned with the number of guns at hand, only the quantity of ammo!
04-22-2022, 08:17 AM
I'm not concerned with the number of guns at hand, only the quantity of ammo!
A valid concern. Sometime’s, depending on the administrations whims, you can easier spot a sasquatch than certain calibers of ammo!
04-22-2022, 08:42 AM
A valid concern. Sometime’s, depending on the administrations whims, you can easier spot a sasquatch than certain calibers of ammo!
That has certainly become a concern of mine. I like .45ACP and .38/.357, but I can't justify the cost of factory ammo these days, and I can't find primers to reload them. I know primers are out there, but I don't have the patience to seek them out. So I sit on my stash of those calibers while I shoot 9mm and .22LR since I have lots of those and can replace them easily. As long as this ammo drought has gone on, my hopes for it to change are fading. So yeah, having guns in multiple calibers is a wise decision.
04-22-2022, 10:18 AM
I've tried countless times to thin my herd and doing so to acquire funds to buy ammo is a smart thing to do. I got through and make a pile that can go and a pile that can't go. Then I go to the to go pile and it's kind a like, well that one can't go, and heck I can't part with that one, and eventually there is no to go pile.
Thank goodness for the boating accident and then the sink hole, just wasn't my month.
Now I'm trying to find that damn tag to sew back on the mattress, I'm such a terrorist.
04-22-2022, 10:20 AM
Sasquatch is real, I ain't never seen one personal but I think we should round em up and bus them to the capital. Just sayin.
King Rat
04-22-2022, 10:34 AM
I believe Sasquatch is very real. Yes, some folks mistakes bears etc. for one. I made a mistake and reported seeing one in my city. In fact there were many calls besides mine. Turned out to just be Michelle Obama in town visiting. Hey, looked like a Sasquatch to me.
04-22-2022, 11:16 AM
I kind a did the same thing but turned out to be Chicago Mayor Lightfoot.
04-22-2022, 03:40 PM
I believe Sasquatch is very real. Yes, some folks mistakes bears etc. for one. I made a mistake and reported seeing one in my city. In fact there were many calls besides mine. Turned out to just be Michelle Obama in town visiting. Hey, looked like a Sasquatch to me.
My oldest grandson, age 29, could easily be mistaken for Sasquatch.
Told him he better stick to the city during hunting season.
04-22-2022, 03:53 PM
Estimated Delivery Tuesday April 26 by 7:00pm. Gotta love UPS NextWeek Air.
King Rat
04-22-2022, 09:53 PM
I kind a did the same thing but turned out to be Chicago Mayor Lightfoot.
That's Lizard Woman.
Hey Colonel, here's a so so picture of my new old stock K9. The top set of grips are from the BF gun sitting next to them. The bottom set are from the AD gun that I have wood grips on now. They look to be identical. I haven't yet gotten ahold of Kahr to get a born on date for the BF gun. But it's got the old style slide with only one notch for the slide release, so I'm guessing it is an earlier model, mayber '99 - '03?
04-23-2022, 05:20 PM
They probably all have only one notch on the slide as it's the other style of slide lock lever retention. The spring being on the right side rather than the tiny little spring with the screw like the tupperware models and sadly the T's.
They do look exactly alike so we should be able to use my K for a fit.
Took my 1995 K9 to the range yesterday, along with the Colt that I rebuilt. Here're the results. Both guns ran perfectly. Top picture is from the K9. Torso and head groups are from a rest. Top left was off hand.
Bottom picture from the Colt. The flyer on the bottom was my first shot. The bottom group was off a rest, the top was off hand. Look like I need to drift the rear sight to the right a bit on it. The rest I used was not tall enough for the bench I was sitting on so I had to hunch downward. I also have a bad habit of not taking enough time.
04-23-2022, 10:29 PM
Your targets prove my theory... flyers are not a bad thing, so long as we learn from them!
The taking enough time have no idea how many times I’ve said that!
Transitioning to rapid firing without using the sights at all has been a rather eye opening, yet very odd feeling experience.
At what distance were you shooting DAO? You sure ate the stomach out of lil blue man on the 2nd one! BLUE MAN BAD! :p
Oh, it was all at 7yds. Annie Oakley is not in my family tree.
04-24-2022, 05:21 PM
Oh, it was all at 7yds. Annie Oakley is not in my family tree.
Mine neither, Lol! But for sure, I know that if a little blue man attacks you at that distance, his goose is cooked!
04-24-2022, 06:33 PM
The guys used to harass me that the bad guy should stand perfectly still or run in a straight line, if he bobs and weaves I might hit him accident.
04-24-2022, 07:28 PM
The guys used to harass me that the bad guy should stand perfectly still or run in a straight line, if he bobs and weaves I might hit him accident.
Lol! So once again I’m correct... all flyers aint bad! :p
04-25-2022, 06:50 AM
Serpentine serpentine
That's what I was trying to think of! I can't remember the name of the movie.
The In-Laws.
Original with Peter Falk and Alan Arkin, the remake with Micheal Douglas and Albert Brooks.
New toy, er tool on the way
04-28-2022, 12:14 AM
Ah, you got the SDS I was checking out. At first I thought I was looking at a carry version of what Bawanna has (his ATI) then realized it was an SDS. Very cool looking gun! Definitely their more pricey stuff, but you can see why. I’d love to have one!!!
Kind of funny thing happened Bird. I'd been looking for a 9mm 1911 for quite some time but couldn't locate one that I wanted to try. Well I bought this one thinking it was a .45 and it turned out to be a 9mm. I'm still not 100% convinced that I'll be happy with a 9, but time will tell.
Yep, it is a Tisas, from SDS Imports. I really liked the Tisas Carry that I had but not as much as the Colt M1991A1 that I traded in for it. These Bantams are described on SDS' site as one of their "custom" products. Other than the machining on the outside I don't know what else might be considered custom, but if it runs like the Carry did I'll be happy about that. I'll post better pictures once I get it home.
04-28-2022, 04:41 PM
Keep us posted on how that Tisas runs. I just looked for one myself and they get pretty big money for them. But if it runs well and don't have issues it's one of those walk or make payments thing ya know.
It's a good looking gun for sure.
I actually got mine for a smoking deal, almost $500 less than MSRP. When I originally saw these I was not liking the lightening cuts on the slide. But they've grown on me since and I'm really starting to see the model as nicely done.
I also ordered one of the the Tisas stainless Carry Commanders to replace my black Carry Commander I had traded in on my Colt. The stainless is in .45.
Kind of a funny side effect of 1639 is that, because we can bring home multiple guns within a 72 hour period of getting back an approval for one gun, I've taken possession of two or more guns under a single approval a few times now. I'm sure the lib pols in our state would gnash their teeth over that if they thought things through enough to realize their attempts at limiting purchases was actually resulting in more being bought sometimes. But too bad for them.
04-28-2022, 08:13 PM
I'd like that Bantam in stainless myself. That would be cool. And 500 off MSRP would be dynomite!!!!!
04-28-2022, 08:17 PM
That’s a GREAT price. That’s the kind of deals I search and search for. Takes some patience, but well worth the wait.
04-28-2022, 08:18 PM
Kind of funny thing happened Bird. I'd been looking for a 9mm 1911 for quite some time but couldn't locate one that I wanted to try. Well I bought this one thinking it was a .45 and it turned out to be a 9mm. I'm still not 100% convinced that I'll be happy with a 9, but time will tell.
Yep, it is a Tisas, from SDS Imports. I really liked the Tisas Carry that I had but not as much as the Colt M1991A1 that I traded in for it. These Bantams are described on SDS' site as one of their "custom" products. Other than the machining on the outside I don't know what else might be considered custom, but if it runs like the Carry did I'll be happy about that. I'll post better pictures once I get it home.
I think you’ll like the 9. Makes such a soft shooter on a 1911 platform.
Yeah I wouldn't mind a Bantam in .45 and stainless also. These are alloy frames, unlike the Carry models but even at that the 9mm should be soft shooting from it. Not that I mind .45 but having a 9 does allow for less expensive range work, and for carry the lightweight can be an advantage.
I see that on SDS' site they no longer list the 9mm. Not sure why that is given that the Bantam was only introduced in July '21, and the 9mm variant sometime after that. Hopefully they didn't discontinue it altogether and/or have had problems with that caliber in it.
Finally got a Born On date for my new K9. It was made in 4/2014. Compared to my 1995 model there's not a lot, or possibly anything, that has changed, though the frame on the older one is more purplish. Not sure is that's how they age or if they came that way. Neither has the new style takedown lever, so I'm not sure when the came about.
Any luck on finding some jet black wood to fashion a set of grips from yet Colonel?
edit: I almost forgot, as some of the early K9s have been found, my '95 example does not have Stainless marked on its slide. The newer one does.
04-29-2022, 03:24 PM
A lot of Ruger's blued guns turned plum color, it's just how it is, I guess. I can't tell which is the old one, but those wood grips look awesome.
04-29-2022, 03:27 PM
I been trying to find one of these to fondle....great reviews. It may follow me home if I find one.
04-29-2022, 03:50 PM
I been trying to find one of these to fondle....great reviews. It may follow me home if I find one.
I've been torn between that and the Ronin myself. Looks pretty good.
04-29-2022, 03:53 PM
A lot of Ruger's blued guns turned plum color, it's just how it is, I guess. I can't tell which is the old one, but those wood grips look awesome.
I was gonna say that too, those wood grips are fantastic.
I'm struggling already, the outfit that makes the checkering tools I like apparently closed up. I thought I had several more sets of cutters but checking I don't have hardly any. There's gunline which never worked for me and one or two I've never heard of. But prices are 10 or 15 times more than what I was paying at Dem Bart. I gotta find somebody that has them left over and buy all I can find.
04-29-2022, 05:14 PM
Speaking of wood grips, these arrived today.
The top one is the '95 John. Bottom is the 2014. Those grips on your revolver look like Bawanna grips. Are they? Sure are handsome.
Well in light of that Colonel I ordered another set from Kahr for the newer K9. At just $58 they're a pretty good bargain. If you find another source for your cutting tools and we can find some shiny black wood we'll revisit this. Oh, and I was meaning to ask you about Ebony. The things I've seen made from it have been mostly black, but I recently saw some Ebony grips that were brown. Does Ebony come in various shades?
04-29-2022, 06:33 PM
The SP101 grips are sold by a guy in Illinois, I’m very pleased with them. You don’t really see square butt SP101s but it looks and feels good.
04-29-2022, 07:08 PM
Ebony does come in different shades, there's also black and white ebony and different varieties of Ebony. Gaboon Ebony is usually very dark and consistent, sometimes has a streak or two running through it. That's what I was gonna look for.
It's very expensive but excellent stuff and good to work with since it's so hard.
I'm not out of the checkering game but darn close, cutters get dull, slows things down.
I'm even soaking some of my cutters in Coke (never drink the stuff) to see if it will eat into them and maybe they'll cut a little longer. So far no great results.
Some gun shops used to stock Dem Bart cutters, I know the one I worked at for a bit had a bunch but they are long since changed hands. The search continues.
04-29-2022, 07:15 PM
A person might be able to take those Kahr grips, sand the finish off around the checkering recut the checkering and use real dark stain.
I've got some stuff that's made to take like Birch or light woods and make it dark. It sure makes Birch dark. I don't know what it would do with Pao Faro which I think is what Hogue uses to make Kahrs wood grips.
Yeah the grips I've bought from Kahr are sold as Pau Ferro. And Hogue does make them as you said.
I contacted a lady at Hogue who oversees their custom work to see what they might be able to offer us. They don't have anything right now aside from some sets of raw aluminum grips for K9/K40s, that I believe are checkered and finished but have not been anodized. She said she'd sell them for $50 a set. They might be pretty nice if polished, especially on a gun like the one that Bird polished.
I don't know if you've seen any of Hogue's black aluminum grips for other guns, but they come in smooth and checkered, and either matte or satin (and gloss for some guns). I had a set of the satin grips on my M9 and they were beautiful. G10 is still my favorite for their pure grippiness but they're just not black enough for what I was hoping to find for this K9. Though if I could find a black checkered set I'd likely buy them. I had a set of the Lakeline G10s for my MK9 sometime back but didn't really care for the pattern, which is sort of a golfball cut. I gave them away. They were well made, just not the right look for me.
04-30-2022, 07:58 AM
Speaking of wood grips, these arrived today. Those look nice. Looks like they would fit a smaller hand nicely.
04-30-2022, 10:41 AM
Those look nice. Looks like they would fit a smaller hand nicely.
They would indeed.
04-30-2022, 11:20 AM
A lot of Ruger's blued guns turned plum color, it's just how it is, I guess. I can't tell which is the old one, but those wood grips look awesome.
Like my Service Six .357 I bought new in 1975...
04-30-2022, 01:11 PM
Speaking of wood grips, these arrived today.
Kind of look like Bill Jordan grips from years gone by. Very nice.
04-30-2022, 03:38 PM
I was gonna say that John’s grips are reminiscent of speed/security six grips, but a sleeker, smoother version. “Smooth operatah”. :D
04-30-2022, 04:36 PM
Ooh, great song!
04-30-2022, 05:10 PM
Glad you know which song I was referencing. ;)
Picked up my two Tisas's today. Great fit and finish. Tight slide to frame fit and solid lockup on the barrels. The bobtail is the 9mm Bantam, the stainless Carry is in .45acp. The Bantam came with those G10 grips, which I'll keep on there until I order an extended mag release. Not a big fan of thumb scoops but they do work when the release is lower profiled.
The Carry came with black pastic grips which I took off and replaced with the Diamond Wood checkered. The checkering is not as sharp as I'd like it so I'll probably get some different grips for it at some point. I tried a set of faux bone, which I thought I was really going to like with the stainless, but they just don't look as nice with the black controls as I was hoping they would.
I tried fitting a single sided Wilson Combat thumb safety to the Bantam. I got it installed but could not get a positive click going off safety no matter what I tried so I reinstalled the ambi safety, at least for now.
The Bantam has a light alloy frame which should be fine with 9mm. The Carry is all steel, which I really prefer. I carried my Colt today when I went to pick these up and with a good holster the steel Commanders just have a nice weight to them.
05-05-2022, 10:49 PM
I’ve got a set of G10 grips just like those on a CZ/Jericho 941 clone I have. I like them a lot.
05-05-2022, 10:57 PM
Plastic grips gotta go. If they were wood I could recut the checkering and point them up better, maybe with plastic too but who wants plastic grips.
I like that Bantam quite a bit, like both but the lightweight is appealing as well as the looks.
Have you ever met a Bobtail that you didn't like Colonel? :D I'll post the actual weight of this one tomorrow, with and without the mag.
Is Dymond Wood (that's the correct spelling I guess), plastic? I had to use a dremel on it tonight to make the right grip into an ambi and it seemed to be a composite but I'm not sure.
I don't think these are G10 but if I could find a set of G10 that are that black and shiny (and more aggressive), I'd be pleased. Do you remember where you got yours yqtszhj?
05-06-2022, 09:55 AM
I got mine on Amazon. Just like these only the color more matches yours.
Cool Hand G10 Grips for CZ 75 Full Size, SP-01, 75B BD, Gun Grips Screws Included, Sunburst Texture mVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMzY3ODIzMUdJVUtQMkY5VVhHOCZlbmN yeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNjEzMDk2SllVU1QzVzBLV0w5JndpZGdld E5hbWU9c3BfZGV0YWlsX3RoZW1hdGljJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1J lZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ&th=1
Oh, I see, you were referring to the grips on the Bantam. I thought you might be saying you found some deep black G10 grips that look like the Dymondwood grips on the stainless. Darn.
Colonel the Bantam weighs 27.09 ounces empty, and 29.75 with an empty 10rd mag. The mag-less Bantam is almost exactly the same as my Guardian without a mag. The more I fondle the Bantam the more I'm liking it. Something kind of odd is that I picked up two Vickers/Wilson 10rd mags and two Wilson 10rd mags for it. The Vickers mags stick out the bottom of the grip about 1/2" while the two Wilsons only poke out about 1/4". Both have a similar floorplate setup but the Vickers is longer for some reason. Still it will be nice to have a Wilson 10rd in the gun for carry, and a 10rd Vickers spare. I'm hoping to get both to the range next week.
05-06-2022, 03:30 PM
Congrats DAO! 2 very nice lookers you got there. I just noticed the fluted barrel hood on the Bantam. Love it! Love it! Love it! Not sure how I missed that before.
Thanks Bird. It's hard to see but there is fluted "checkering" on the front and backstraps. If I could make these grips into bobtails they would match the fluting perfectly!
I've never worked with micarta before so I don't know how it would cut or sand. Or what it would look like after having been altered.
05-06-2022, 05:20 PM
I have cut, sanded it. It just gets kind of a dry look to it. If you apply wax (I use furniture wax) it all goes back to an even color. You could also apply a little clear just over the cut areas to bring the color back. I’d say go for it man! Based on what you are saying about the front strap, seeing the barrel... those grips look like they are made for it, short of them not being bobbed.
05-06-2022, 05:47 PM
This guy looks like he had the same idea. Other than the mainspring pin cut out, I think they came out not too shabby. Maybe if you started with a pair that have a magwell cut?
Edit... looks like he cut the pin relief. Not sure why though. Woulda looked much better without it in my opinion.
05-06-2022, 07:34 PM
Thanks Bird. It's hard to see but there is fluted "checkering" on the front and backstraps. If I could make these grips into bobtails they would match the fluting perfectly!
I've never worked with micarta before so I don't know how it would cut or sand. Or what it would look like after having been altered.
Easy stuff dao. If they fit your bobtails so I can use my Cbob for a pattern I'll bob em for ya.
Those might have started as bobtail, and with the pin cutouts. I've seen some like that. I agree they look better with a non-visible pin relief. I think I'm going to try a set of those Remingtons. For the money it wouldn't be a big loss. Thanks for the inspiration!
Some new furniture for my newer K9. This K9 was made in 2014. My other was made in 1995. In both cases the grips went right on without modification. But for my MK9 Elite 2000 I had to relieve some of the protrusions they built in to fit inside the openings in the frame in order to get them to seat. This newer K9 still has the old style slide and slide stop so it still predates the newer style. I'd be curious to know if the grip area on the guns with the newer slide changed also, though Kahr doesn't say anything about fitment for either set other than that their (Hogue) wood MK grips won't fit on guns in the GA range. I have a hunch that they would but it would require the same mods I did to my Elite which is in the GE range.
05-07-2022, 12:33 PM
It was the MK's I always had fitment issues with, make a set and the person had a newer MK and my old pattern grips didn't work.
I guess I assumed the K's were the same way but perhaps not. That would be kind of nice not having to worry about new style / old style.
I rubbed some elbow grease into my new SS Carry. I'm not good with a camera, but it does shine a bit more than stock. All I did was the flats on the slide. Before starting it was exactly as the rest of the gun, a rather boring matte.
Started with some 800gr sandpaper for about 45 minutes and ended with Mother's for another 45 minutes.
It's not a Bird job, but I don't have Bird's patience. Or skills.
Before with bone grips and after with brown/black G10s:
05-09-2022, 08:58 PM
I think it came out fantastic, and those grips are perfect! I saw another officer a bit back where the guy did just the flats and between his and yours I think I’m going to have to copy you guys one day. It’s areal nice look. Congrats on tackling some polishing!
Thanks Bird. Like the Kahrs just getting some of the matte off the slide makes quite a difference. Still doesn't look as nice as my CBob, or anywhere close to what you do, but it does class up the joint a bit.
05-09-2022, 10:34 PM
King Rat
05-10-2022, 02:59 AM
Beautiful! Some guns are nice to just look at, hold and admire.
05-10-2022, 10:38 AM
Beautiful! ALL guns are nice to just look at, hold and admire.
Fixed it for ya.
05-10-2022, 07:53 PM
Don’t make me post a pic of a Hi Point.
05-10-2022, 08:05 PM
So long as it’s had the Gucci treatment... :rolleyes:
Gotta love that rubber band grip. I'll bet it works fine too!
05-11-2022, 07:28 AM
I kinda need eye bleach, now.
05-11-2022, 07:55 AM
Gotta love that rubber band grip. I'll bet it works fine too!
Lol! “It’s custom”!
05-11-2022, 07:55 AM
John that’s some mighty fine eye bleach. Cleared up my eyes real quick! Love it!
Got the grips I ordered, and sanded them down to fit my bobtail. Not a perfect match, especially in color, but not bad either. Thanks for the idea of using my bench sander Colonel! Worked like a charm.
Also, after my last range visit during which I fired from a rest for the first time ever with a pistol I've been contemplating buying or building one. Decided to give it a shot in the garage using some scraps from other projects.
Because I didn't measure the exact height of the shooting bench or stool at the range but knowing that while using sitting in front of the shooting bench and using the two sandbags I had brought I still had to lean way down while sitting on their stool I knew I was going to need more height. So I made this one in such a way that I can use either the top of the box, or the end of it when standing it on end. To give me the option of using either of the two different heights I used pegs to be able to mount and remove it in either location, and also to allow me to take it apart and store the pieces and the bean bag inside for transport. Still have to figure out a handle for it.
05-11-2022, 03:54 PM
Got the grips I ordered, and sanded them down to fit my bobtail. Not a perfect match, especially in color, but not bad either. Thanks for the idea of using my bench sander Colonel! Worked like a charm.
Try a little oil or wax on the sanded part. Should darken it up a bit and be a good match. Perfectly acceptable as is in my book.
I actually just applied some Sharpie Poster Paint and it matched it very well. If it wears off I'll try the others.
Took my new pistol rest and two Tisas Commanders to the range today. All from 7yds. Both guns performed flawlessly. The rest was almost a perfect height for the torso shots but a little too low for the head shots. I finished up the day with seven off-hand shots into a third target with 3 shots in the light blue "9" ring and 4 in the red "X" ring.
The Bantam 9mm needs a little drift to the rear sight. I compensated for it in the head shots but didn't drift the sight at the range.
05-12-2022, 05:28 PM
Gotta love a ragged hole.
Decided to try my hand at kydex forming this week. Got set up for it quite some time ago, but outside of a small sheath for a knife this was my first attempt. Lined it with some goat skin. Wore it while out and about yesterday and it turned out to be very comfortable, even lugging those 11 big bullets around.
05-20-2022, 10:13 AM
Dang man, that holster turned out nice! So when does DAO's custom holsters and grips, llc open? Grips look spot on too. I know some things look better in pics than real life, but your hired! ;)
05-20-2022, 10:57 AM
That's a first class holster job right there. I'd melted a lot of kydex for knife sheaths, never as nice as that and never thought of even trying to do a pistol. Lining it with goat skin is fantastic, I use Garrett's leather lined holsters and they work super.
Where did you get those screw grommets? I've got grommets that work like a rivet, like your so much better. Never seen them anyplace.
Thanks guys. Those are actually screws with finishing washers and backed by slotted posts. I get most all of my holster making stuff from Good prices and fast delivery. Shipping is free with an order of $49 or more. It's also the only place I've found that sells some of the stuff, expecially the .375 x .225" flat head screws you need to anchor the male side of "Pull the Dot" snaps. Anything with a bigger head actually spreads out the rim of the snap and makes them even harder to snap on and off.
Funny you should mention Garrett Colonel. I've been lusting after one of their STX in Neptune Blue with a black lining, and that's why I finally took the plunge to do this. I didn't actually need another holster for this gun, or my P229 SAS that also fits in this so it was hard to justify spending $148 plus shipping for one of theirs, which is what it would have been for the Neptune and black lining add-ons. Mine isn't nearly as nice as theirs of course, but it is flat-backed which makes them so much more comfortable than most others that are shaped to match the back side of the gun. And that holds true for OWB as well as IWB, at least on my weird body type.
I set up to do all of this quite awhile back but never could get up the courage to actually try it. I used .080 kydex on this one and it's the last sheet I had left that was that thick. The toaster oven I bought at goodwill wasn't big enough to hold it so I stunk up my wife's kitchen using her oven. I didn't leave it in quite long enough (only about 4 minutes), so even my homemade kydex press couldn't press it down quite far enough. I had to do additional shaping in the garage with my heat gun. I don't have an infrared thermometer so I couldn't be sure it was pliable enough in the oven before setting in the press. Plus I actually used my P229 as a mold, covered with the goatskin and then some aluminum foil. The gun was no worse for wear after but I was still nervous about it.
I've made leather backed holsters before but not as nice as this, and always before using pre-made shells I bought online. We learn by doing and so I was pleased at the way this one turned out for the most part. One of these days I need to pick up some leather working tools, like a good skyving knife and a burnisher. My wooden sewing thread spool threaded onto a bolt and turned by my drill motor works pretty well to burnish but I can't replicate the nice rounded edges of a quality holster yet.
Oh, and for filing under the heading of "Who Knew", I recently read or saw something about clear skateboard tape. Can't remember where but because I was looking to do something in the way of a front strap for my Tisas Carry and didn't want to pay the ~$15 for a Wilson stick on front strap I decided to give the skateboard tape a try. I am very impressed with this stuff and will be using it for others as well. I paid about $9 for a sheet that's 9" x 33" so I'll gave enough for a few guns since the piece I used was only 2-1/6" x 1-1/4". And it feels great in hand. I used a piece of rubbery marine step tape on my Colt but I may just pull it off and try a piece of this instead. It might look as nice, or possibly better on a black frame.
05-20-2022, 12:47 PM
I didn't know Wilson Combat made the front strap tape - it actually looks pretty good in pics. Has anybody tried it in real life ? If so please post pics blue and/or stainless. Thanks - BTW they are $9.95 at Brownells Is it metal or is it tape??
05-21-2022, 02:46 PM
I read the stick on Wilson stuff is a very thin piece of sheet metal with an adhesive backing.
05-21-2022, 02:48 PM
Dao, I saw that clear sb tape and you beat me to it. I think it's a great idea, specially on a stainless gun where not wanting to clash or have an aesthetically displeasing look. Nice find on that sheet of it. Looks good to me!
05-21-2022, 05:32 PM
Thanks Dao!
05-25-2022, 03:28 PM
A year or maybe two ago I bought an EAA Witness Tupperware 1911. Another tip from our good friend and smartest man alive Greg. I was somewhat unimpressed first time to the range. It was crude in slide manipulation and the trigger in a nut shell sucked. Not being the smartest man alive I didn't have much hope and just tossed it in the safe.
With some time on my hands this week I decided to revisit it and tried a couple different triggers I had here. One didn't work which didn't surprise me, I think I replaced it in another 1911 for the same issues. So I tried a different one out of a Colt and it made an amazing difference. BUT it was a short trigger so finger right up against the frame when I pulled/squeezed the trigger.
So with that in my thinking bonnet (small capacity) I ordered a Wilson trigger. Wasn't expensive but highly rated and just now installed it. Amazing transformation (prior to range testing of course). I actually have high hopes for this thing now being a shooter.
I guess my own moral to my own story is keep tinkering, don't give up and maybe turn a pig into a ribbon winner at the county fair. ( (
Forget the numbers but it is considerably lighter being tupperware.
Now to see if I can Bobtail this bad boy, better wait for some range time first huh?
A gun that shoots can turn out to be the right gun for the job. Glad you're getting some playtime with it Colonel. Tinkering is about my favorite thing to do these days. Well, maybe second favorite. I still enjoy playing house :D
05-25-2022, 04:08 PM
That’s good news Colonel! I didn’t know a trigger swap alone could make such a difference on a 1911. Now I know!
Wish I could do some tinkering. As of late, all of my stuff is shut down. Just way too hot, humid and mosquito infested out in the garage (semi-enclosed). The closest I’ll do to tinkering will be to put some clear skateboard tape on the front strap of one of my “done” guns, (Are they ever “done”?) courtesy of our buddy Dao!
Hey Bird, how about a big fan in the garage to blow those nasty things away from you? And some citronella sticks?
By big I mean something along these lines. If you're skeeters can defeat those cyclones I ain't never going near your state.
05-25-2022, 04:41 PM
I really didn't think trigger alone would make that much difference but it sure did in this case. I don't mess with the sears or engagements etc. This trigger has tabs to adjust the free take up which I may play with some if it works well other wise but that's not a huge deal to me. The original trigger was plastic with a steel stirrup so I didn't think the plastic part would make that much difference but apparently so.
I plan to play with some clear skateboard tape upon arrival as well. Looks very interesting.
Today I just been playing trying to figure out what to bring to the lake next week. I have several that need testing, others I just love to shoot, would like to bring them all, but don't want to bring too many, but tough to choose. We go again in July so I can bring different ones then. Sometimes that week is tough since all the family and friends and their families are there so if they happen to go along to the range it's just play time for them and not much quality shooting time for me.
The best is when it's just the wife and myself or all alone. She's handy for setting stuff up and will shoot over there so hope that happens a time or two during the week.
05-25-2022, 04:45 PM
That’s good news Colonel! I didn’t know a trigger swap alone could make such a difference on a 1911. Now I know!
Wish I could do some tinkering. As of late, all of my stuff is shut down. Just way too hot, humid and mosquito infested out in the garage (semi-enclosed). The closest I’ll do to tinkering will be to put some clear skateboard tape on the front strap of one of my “done” guns, (Are they ever “done”?) courtesy of our buddy Dao!
That's one area where we're blessed at least in my area of the NW. We don't have too many mesquitoes, we got them up in the mountains and all around at times but here at my place not to many. Flies can be a pest with the horses and other stuff but not bothersome in my shop or my room.
Over at the lake right when the dock lights come on the gnats are a nuisance big time for maybe an hour, then they seem to go away. A little breeze usually slows them down but don't really like the breeze when I'm fishin neither.
05-25-2022, 05:10 PM
Dao, I have 2 of them out there. One on the ground, for my legs, and one set up in an outside chair, for my upper body. Set up like 2 feet away from me. One here and there always seems to have a superman cape on. I’ve got to rally want to go out there at this time of year. Problem is, we have not had a freeze here for years. Even the palmetto bugs (huge roaches) have been multiplying like mad. I’ve had to bomb the attic, crawl space and spray the yard down multiple times this year to keep them somewhat under control. Doesn’t help with mosquito’s or the palmetto bugs that I have a lush yard (bamboo, banana trees, all kinds of vines, etc. etc that they can hide in and get up under the leaves both on the tree’s and on the ground. That pedestal fan you show is a thought though. Maybe 3 fans would do the trick? Lol! I have been kicking around getting one of those HUGE fans like they use in warehouses around here. Just a lil more dough than I want to spend. Would rather buy guns, ammo and parts. Hopefully I’ll get the gumption to get out there again soon though. Hate seeing 4 guns in pieces that are kind of close to being done.
05-25-2022, 05:15 PM
Colonel, you live in paradise! I wish I could step through a magic door and get a taste of your life sometimes! I wish I could go out to a park, some woods, etc and do some shooting. No such luck here unless I drive up to Georgia and visit my pops. You are like me, always wishing I could take a bunch of ‘em when I go shoot. So many that have had mods or tweaking that need to be tested out or sighted in. Your wife is a great partner. Sometimes mine goes shooting with me, and seems to have a good time, but the next 5 times I go she doesn’t feel like it. Been trying to get her more familiar with her AR9 and her sidearm, both of which have new parts on them, as well as a new red dot on the AR9 that needs to be sighted. Hoping to get her back to the range before too long!
We've been in this house for almost 13 years after moving here from 120 miles north of us. We had mosquitoes up there but I've never been bitten down here for some reason. Which is strange since we're way out in the country with forest on two sides of us. And we have a seasonal creek down the hill, on our lower property that you would think would be a breeding ground for the pesky things. But for some odd reason we just don't have them here.
Yeah Bird I was thinking one of the big industrial size fans. You might have to wear an earplug if you sit at an angle to it but I would think it would blow them right by you. I hate mosquitoes. Well all bugs really.
Colonel I'm really sorry you lost all your guns out on the lake on your upcoming visit! I hear you about trying to shoot with people around. I love it when I get to our range and I'm the only one there. Easier to do these days now that I'm retired but it's never a sure thing.
05-25-2022, 06:42 PM
I've never been bitten down here for some reason.
Yeah Bird I was thinking one of the big industrial size fans. You might have to wear an earplug if you sit at an angle to it but I would think it would blow them right by you. I hate mosquitoes. Well all bugs really..
You are a blessed man! By the description of your property, yes, you are indeed blessed as anything like that around here is a breeding ground for them. Funny side note, when I was a kid, when the “mosquito trucks” would come around, us kids would run after it to smell the fog. Smelled like fried onions! Maybe a miracle my son didn’t come out with two heads! ( Actually, he did, but that’s a risqué joke for another day). My wife and I can sit outside and they will fly right past her to me. Aint I sweet? Maybe to those guys!
I do want one of those big fans though. If life continues as it has, and the Biden/Soros gang don’t entirely get their way, I hope to get one. That or turn my tool room off the garage into a Bawanna want a be workshop with a lil a/c unit in it. Wife won’t see me much if that comes into fruition! :D
05-25-2022, 07:21 PM
Not sure I'd like working on guns and stuff in a wind tunnel though. We have one of those big fans running at Tractor Supply, sell them too but it really blows. You gotta be a ways away from it. Guys in the yard get all hot, they come in and stand in front of the fan, cools em off pretty quick.
I'd look at screening in the open part of the shop were it me, get something to keep cool when it's bloody hot. Maybe a swamp cooler, not 100% sure how those work but visited folks in Reno and they really work.
Not worth it here with out admin and worthless Governor. I'd like to move east myself, but late in the game for me.
05-25-2022, 07:22 PM
That’s good news Colonel! I didn’t know a trigger swap alone could make such a difference on a 1911. Now I know!
Wish I could do some tinkering. As of late, all of my stuff is shut down. Just way too hot, humid and mosquito infested out in the garage (semi-enclosed). The closest I’ll do to tinkering will be to put some clear skateboard tape on the front strap of one of my “done” guns, (Are they ever “done”?) courtesy of our buddy Dao!
I got some clear skateboard tape in the mail today too. Looks like really neat stuff. Anxious to try some on for sure.
Late in the game. I feel it too Colonel. We'd get a tidy sum for our place, but because it would also cost us a tidy sum to buy another, what's the point? Although, my brother-in-law and his wife put their place in Gig Harbor up for sale last week with a $400K asking price. Within three days they had 21 offers and accepted one for $500K cash with no contingencies. They relocated to OK. Had a new place built before they even left here last week. And I'm sure their new place cost a lot less. I hate moving though....
05-25-2022, 09:21 PM
We've been in this place for over 30 years. I'd love to start fresh in a real stick framed house someplace other than Washington but again the thought of moving all this accumulation is monumental. We live in a double wide mobile, it's a nice one, was a stepping stone house until I got hurt and kind of killed the stepping stone part. It'll do. Need a lot of fixing up now, roof, some siding, the list goes on but it'll do.
05-26-2022, 07:50 AM
I can tell you that after we sold our other home in the city and moved here permanently in 2020, I never want to move again, especially at my age. Another move would kill me. The wifey deserves a prize, she busted her butt. Had to get rid of lots of stuff. Had to leave the house with the dog 2-3 times a day when potential buyers showed up. PIMA..............Had to have a rummage sale to sell off some things. Luckily, we put the house up for sale on a Monday and we sold it on Wednesday. It sure made it a lot easier having another home to go to right away, all set up. More work here but it keeps me busy. Smartest thing I ever did getting out of the city. Got a new metal roof last year. I'm the process of building a new roof for my wellhouse. One of the best things is I can shoot in my back yard. We've got plenty of "skeets" up here. I bought the wifey a pod. It's basically a 3-person screen tent that sets up in about 5 seconds. Weighs 10 lbs. Easily moved, no stakes. We put it on the deck at night when the skeets are bad. Works like a charm, and if bad weather hits, you just put it in the garage. Enough room for the 2 of us, the dog and chairs. Luckily, we have a 42'x32' pole garage for stuff.
05-26-2022, 07:54 AM
Late in the game. I feel it too Colonel. We'd get a tidy sum for our place, but because it would also cost us a tidy sum to buy another, what's the point? Although, my brother-in-law and his wife put their place in Gig Harbor up for sale last week with a $400K asking price. Within three days they had 21 offers and accepted one for $500K cash with no contingencies. They relocated to OK. Had a new place built before they even left here last week. And I'm sure their new place cost a lot less. I hate moving though.... Sure hope they have a tornado shelter!!!!
05-26-2022, 07:58 AM
Not sure I'd like working on guns and stuff in a wind tunnel though. We have one of those big fans running at Tractor Supply, sell them too but it really blows. You gotta be a ways away from it. Guys in the yard get all hot, they come in and stand in front of the fan, cools em off pretty quick.
I'd look at screening in the open part of the shop were it me, get something to keep cool when it's bloody hot. Maybe a swamp cooler, not 100% sure how those work but visited folks in Reno and they really work.
Not worth it here without admin and worthless Governor. I'd like to move east myself, but late in the game for me. I was just at Tractor Supply and saw the fans you're talking about. Those skeets wouldn't have a chance. One of my more frequently visited stores.
05-26-2022, 09:18 AM
A fan blowing all the springs and pins around, creating a mini whirlwind of gunpowder, no thanks.
Drastic times call for drastic measures. If it were me and I was going to try this I would place the fan between me and the open garage door, facing toward the outside. Even better would be if the garage had a window with the fan between me and the window. With the fan blowing out the window to provide no ingress for the nasties. Then citronella smoke inside the garage, like from a candle or tiki torch and a little fan blowing over me to cool things down. Of course depending on how hot it gets in the garage it may never be cool enough to sit in it during the day.
05-26-2022, 10:35 AM
It does get super hot out there, so it's always been evening work this time of the year. It is a semi-enclosed garage. When we bought, it was essentially a car port. I enclosed the front and put in 2 garage doors. From the driveway, it looks like a garage. Once you open those, one side is completely open, short of a knee wall and 3 block columns. So, it is as open as can be. It would tske everyrhing you mentioned to not get eaten out there, then some. BUT... When I do my bug spraying (electric fogger) they do subside for a few days, if I really blast the yard too. You keep egging me on and I'm gonna get out there soon! : )
Well, springs and pins can be contained if for example by working in the shallow bottom of a cardboard box to keep the fan from blowing things away. If there's a will there's a way.
05-26-2022, 01:35 PM
True! True! I do any assembly/dissasembly on the kitchen table, unless a vice or press is needed. Out in my little garage workspace all I do is the buffing wheel part of my polishing. I still have to complete polishing on 2 slides, a frame, a baseplate, pretty much an entire revolver and it's internals along with a bunch of small parts including slide stop/takedown, hammer, trigger, etc. etc. Hitting it an hour here than there helps, but barely makes a dent. Winter time? I can be out there 6-8 hours in comfort with no skeeters. 😀
05-26-2022, 01:42 PM
Time marches on. I remember right after I got squished and was teaching myself to checker I could be at the bench all night, 15-20 hours straight and work with the nekkid eye. Now if I can pull off 2 hours I'm doing good and I where reading glasses and an opti visor magnifier. Nice to have multiple things to do so if one thing is frustrating, you can set it aside and do something else and come back to it.
My wife is into crafts and she can work on multiple projects on top of each other with crap all over the place. I just can't do that. I put everything away and start with a clean bench. Sometimes foolishly. I put tools away only to have to retrieve them again minutes later but at least I know where they are I guess.
05-26-2022, 01:53 PM
Bird, get a window a/c from Walmart and call it a day!
05-26-2022, 02:44 PM
Colonel, I'm with you man. In cooler weather I get lost in time. I usually take 3-4 parts at a time out there. The small parts get too hot to hold pretty quick, so I'll put that part down and work on another a bit. I keep each guns parts in their own lil cardboard boxes, with anything to be polished or thats done in lil zip locks to protect them. My only issue is when it's one where there are no drawings or youtube vids. Too long after tear down I can forget whhat goes where, but things like that I make drawings and take a ton of pics during dissasembly.
Time marches on. I remember right after I got squished and was teaching myself to checker I could be at the bench all night, 15-20 hours straight and work with the nekkid eye. Now if I can pull off 2 hours I'm doing good and I where reading glasses and an opti visor magnifier. Nice to have multiple things to do so if one thing is frustrating, you can set it aside and do something else and come back to it.
My wife is into crafts and she can work on multiple projects on top of each other with crap all over the place. I just can't do that. I put everything away and start with a clean bench. Sometimes foolishly. I put tools away only to have to retrieve them again minutes later but at least I know where they are I guess.
I'm with you there Colonel. I've developed a long-time habit of putting my tools away where they belong. I knew way back when that it would pay off and now that I sometimes can't remember why I entered a room it surely has!
05-26-2022, 02:46 PM
John, yes sir, that is my goal. Lot of things need to happen first, including cleaning up and cleaning out that little room. Then purchase a used, heavy wood desk off Craigslist, then cut a hole in the side door for the unit as there are no windows in that room. So, I have to purchase a few of those "round tuits" before I can get started. My back is ok some days, but most days not so much. All of the stars have to align before the round tuits arrive on these kinds of projects. That and the work stuff/having time.😂😂😂
05-26-2022, 10:06 PM
Time marches on. I remember right after I got squished and was teaching myself to checker I could be at the bench all night, 15-20 hours straight and work with the nekkid eye. Now if I can pull off 2 hours I'm doing good and I where reading glasses and an opti visor magnifier. Nice to have multiple things to do so if one thing is frustrating, you can set it aside and do something else and come back to it.
My wife is into crafts and she can work on multiple projects on top of each other with crap all over the place. I just can't do that. I put everything away and start with a clean bench. Sometimes foolishly. I put tools away only to have to retrieve them again minutes later but at least I know where they are I guess.
I can sure relate to that eye thing. I can’t see worth a crap anymore up close. Many times I just have to ditch the glasses all together and just get real close. Seems my bifocals or trifocals or whatever I’m wearing just makes things more difficult. I’m finding getting older sure requires a lot of patience.
05-26-2022, 10:41 PM
I have to get cataract surgery next month and hope it helps some……My vision has degraded for a while but the last year or two has me challenged to drive after dark and to see somewhat clearly I have to close one eye……..Getting old sucks!
05-27-2022, 12:23 AM
I have that close one eye thing two, what the heck does that mean? Think I got cataracts?
05-27-2022, 07:22 AM
When I was seeing a dark spot when looking through peep sights, that was a sign of cataracts. My young eye doc with millions of dollars of equipment didn’t catch them. The old experienced doc saw them with a flashlight and magnifying glass. Zap zap two implants and great vision.
05-27-2022, 08:35 AM
I have that close one eye thing two, what the heck does that mean? Think I got cataracts?
I think if I get the close one eye thing I’ll get me a parrot and an eye patch and create my new image. Of course I’d have to get me a sailboat then too and maybe some cannons. Might be fun.
^^^Thanks for the chuckle :D Some cannons. What a hoot!
06-01-2022, 04:11 PM
A couple years back I bought a Ruger SP101 22lr just to teach students how a revolver operates. Liked the gun and it had a great trigger but cocking the hammer was a pain due to the weak stippling on the spur. Today, I traded it for a S&W Mod 17-3.
The wide trigger and hammer in the K22 models made it a no brainer. Not in perfect condition but no rust or serious dings and just a bit of holster wear from it's 47 years of use.
Left the store, took it to the range and was very happy with the performance. It's home now and completely stripped and lubricated. I am a happy camper.
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