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I would be too! I do like those flat hammers.
06-01-2022, 07:00 PM
She's a beauty 340! Those sure fetch a pretty penny everytime I've seen them. Hope you got a good deal. I bet it will run and run and run!
06-01-2022, 08:51 PM
Me Jealous!!!!!
06-01-2022, 10:08 PM
My first ever handgun was a Smith blue .22 four inch target revolver my Grandmother bought me for my 13th birthday and I remember setting up Dixie cups in the back yard and shooting at them off the back porch, I missed more than I hit but it sure was fun…….Nice find for one that old and in such good condition, mine was stolen in a burglary and I never saw it again and I would give anything to get it back and wonder if it’s still out there somewhere with someone having as much fun with it as I did so long ago……
06-02-2022, 10:38 AM
It's can always go out and get another SP. That hammer can be fixed up for ya.:o
Decided I like the stainless look without so much black. Replaced the slide catch, mag button, backstrap, grip safety, hammer pin, and put in a single sided thumb safety to replace the ambi. I like the looks much better like this. I had to hand fit the thumb and grip safeties. Everything else dropped right in. If I had known how much time it would take to fit the grip safety I would have bought the Wilson full fit instead of the drop in. Of course that might have meant having to fit it to the frame as well.
Before and after
06-11-2022, 12:28 AM
Shouldn't the sear pin be filling that hole behind the grip? I do like the more stainless look. I've never fitted the thumb or grip safety so I'd be completely clueless where to begin. Kind of like cars, I'll work on making the run but I don't do brakes. Course I don't got to stop, I got's to go.
06-11-2022, 07:12 AM
Looks nice...................
Thanks bb.
That's not a hole Colonel, it's a black pin. I haven't swapped that one out yet. Good eye!
I did this also as a learning exercise. If in the future I get enough confidence and a jig or two I may even try a new sear/hammer combo. But that's a pretty big if.
Oh, and I started by laying the original and the new parts down side by side. And them re-examining them many times while filing the new parts to fit. A little at a time.
06-11-2022, 09:23 AM
I have been on the 4" 1911 train for a while... about 20 years, but I decided I really should fill the void with a standard 5" 1911, just to be inclusive. Friend of mine had a Kimber Custom II two-tone that needed a new home, and at a bargain price, so I cast caution to the wind...
From the top, clockwise... the 'new' Custom II, my Pro Carry (not a 'II'...) and my first Kimber, a Pro Eclipse II, all in .45, of course.
The new pistol shoots well enough; I'm always surprised at how much 'bigger' a full-size 1911 feels in the hand... not in a bad way, but just different. I'm also surprised at how each of those pistols feels different in the hand, and how much different they shoot. I can't explain it, but it's true.
After handling it and shooting it, I've decided I'm not a big fan of the 2-tone look... or, actually, 3-tone... when you consider the stainless frame, the gloss blue slide, and the matte top finish, it is sort of a clash of aesthetics. I swapped the grips off the Eclipse, because I really like the rubber grips my Pro Carry came with, so add the weird grip color to the 3-tone weirdness. I'm contemplating sending it off to have it coated in some way... it was bought as a workhorse pistol, anyway.
Very nice! I'd love to have a Classic Carry Pro...
06-11-2022, 10:42 AM
I actually like the two, three or four color pattern, kind of flashy. I've always preferred stainless guns for some reason, guess I just like shiny things.
After my lake trip last week and my EAA Tupperware 1911 5" shot so well I've been carrying it every day. Always carried a commander and it was so much nicer but for some reason this one is working comfortably. Don't know if it's the slightly less weight or I got the cant and belt location nailed or what but it carries nice.
Might try the other 5''er's again.
You got an awfully nice trio there and the "all in 45 of course" makes my heart sing.
06-11-2022, 02:00 PM
A couple years back I bought a Ruger SP101 22lr just to teach students how a revolver operates. Liked the gun and it had a great trigger but cocking the hammer was a pain due to the weak stippling on the spur. Today, I traded it for a S&W Mod 17-3.
The wide trigger and hammer in the K22 models made it a no brainer. Not in perfect condition but no rust or serious dings and just a bit of holster wear from it's 47 years of use.
Left the store, took it to the range and was very happy with the performance. It's home now and completely stripped and lubricated. I am a happy camper.
http:// (http://<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) (
The perfect full size .22 DA revolver!
My brother has one, and it is a delight to shoot.
Loved my little Model 34 .22, but my grandson loved it more….
Sometimes I'm amazed that after growing up playing Cowboys and Indians throughout my childhood, and having untold numbers of cap-firing six guns I've somehow never taken to real revolvers. I mean I like the looks of them, and admire them for their form and function but I've only ever owned one and that was one I bought for my wife who didn't take to it so we sold it pretty quickly. Nice shootin' irons there Army.
06-11-2022, 03:46 PM
I won't speak for all revolvers but in my case, 5 shots, DA/SA, stainless, no magazine, big boolits, no FTF"S, no FTE'S, easier to clean, holsters galore, and in my case a trigger that's better than a Kahr. What's not to like?????? :)
The fact that you have one and I don't? :D
06-12-2022, 04:14 PM
I won't speak for all revolvers but in my case, 5 shots, DA/SA, stainless, no magazine, big boolits, no FTF"S, no FTE'S, easier to clean, holsters galore, and in my case a trigger that's better than a Kahr. What's not to like?????? :)
06-12-2022, 04:25 PM
Actually there are basically only 2 colors that belong on ALL GUNS!
I'll agree only if you classify stainless as a non-color :D
06-12-2022, 05:59 PM
My son has one of those Smith 1911's. Been trying to talk him out of it for years. Trying to find myself one and haven't stumbled across one in my price range. Feels good, nice and light. His isn't the right color but I could sure live with it.
06-12-2022, 08:17 PM
Very nice! I'd love to have a Classic Carry Pro...
It's a nice pistol! Guy I bought it from said it had about half a box of ammo put through it, and judging by the wear, I would agree. It's a NRA edition of some sort... note the embellishment at the rear of the slide. #744 of #750, for whatever that's worth. It sure does carry nice as well... after 8 hours, a few ounces feels like a few pounds. It does pop your hand pretty good with factory-level 230's, so I usually load 200's over a midrange charge of Unique for it.
Had to get this one before our commie magazine law goes into effect in July. P229 in .40S&W
Anyone heard from Bird?
06-15-2022, 08:32 AM
Very nice!!!!
06-15-2022, 11:11 AM
Mork calling Bird, Mork calling Bird. Come in your immenseness.
06-15-2022, 05:28 PM
Great you just need to get a 357 barrel or it.
For some reason I've never been drawn to .357. Of course once upon a time I was never drawn to .45. Now I'm liking it. A lot.
Ground Control to Major Bird. Commencing countdown engines on.
06-16-2022, 08:46 AM
I like that 2 tone with the wood grips. Looks nice.
Thank you Sir, they are classy looking. Extra mag? Not if you carry a BUG :)
06-16-2022, 10:35 AM
Are they married, or just dating????????????:)
06-16-2022, 12:54 PM
Are they married, or just dating????????????:)
Perhaps just friends with benefits?
Strangers. The little one's sick and the big one is pushing her to the hospital.
Heard from Bird, he's doing fine. Just busy with life.
06-27-2022, 12:39 AM
Heard from Bird, he's doing fine. Just busy with life.
Thank you!!!!
Hey Colonel, looking for some extra work? If so, would you be interested in adding some checkering to the backstrap of these?
06-30-2022, 10:42 AM
Hey Colonel, looking for some extra work? If so, would you be interested in adding some checkering to the backstrap of these?
I can do that, no problem. All I have are 20 line per inch cutters, hard to tell from the pic what the sides are checkered at, so it may or may not match perfectly but should still work fine if it close which it should be.
Thank you Sir, I'll get them up to you sometime next week.
Comin along. I've spent 5 or 6 hours total sanding and polishing so far I think. Probably would have been time better spent learning how to take decent pictures.
I've also swapped out the controls and backstrap for stainless versions. Bottom pic is how it came to me.
07-12-2022, 05:23 PM
She’s lookin great DAO!
Coming from you Bird that means a lot.
I've learned that the slide is not perfectly flat in the center between the bottom and where the round starts. There's an area on each side that I've had a hard time getting to. It looks like what you've described as chatter marks. The center of the slide where they reside is somewhat concave between the bottom and the round and so block sanding wasn't getting it done. I got most of it out of one side today by sanding with the edge of my block as it rode on only either the top of the bottom. A few more sessions and I should have it all out.
So far it's all been done by hand. I don't know if I'll use my buffer because I'm not sure how far I want to take this given that I'm only doing the flats of the slide. If I can get that last bit of chattering out I'll probably wrap it up with 2000gr paper and call it purdy.
07-12-2022, 06:21 PM
It sometimes is very revealing as to just how imperfect some guns are once you strip off factory coatings, etc. Sometimes I’m kind of like “Surprise! Surprise!” (Gomer, Lol!).
I’m seeing you getting your rewards from all of that hard work. Each of those hours is obviously paying you in eye candy dividends! ;)
Yes indeed. And I'm enjoying fondling it :D
This is not something I would have attempted on my CBob. But with this one I feel like, if I mess it up I can just take more material off.
07-13-2022, 07:32 AM
Yes indeed. And I'm enjoying fondling it :D
This is not something I would have attempted on my CBob. But with this one I feel like, if I mess it up I can just take more material off.
Smart move. That’s how I started, with one I knew I could mess up on and not be too upset if it went sideways. Your’s is a lot nicer than my first one though.
The Colonel does fine work. I sent my grips up to him with a request to put some checkering on the backstrap, which was smooth before he started. Picked them up from the PO today.
I didn't realize when I took the pictures that I didn't have the left grip centered on the holes which is why the grips don't line up perfectly in the picture. They do now though.
Great job Colonel! Let's talk about what I owe you for your time, your fine work and the postage! BTW no need to sharpen up the points beyond what they are now. A little sharper would have been fine, but they're also fine as is. They feel much better in hand now. The P229 is a fairly small gun and in .40S&W I don't think I would have enjoyed it with the grips as they were. Thanks again!
The man has skills I tell ya!
07-17-2022, 08:11 AM
Looking good!!!!!!!!!!
07-17-2022, 08:23 AM
Wow! I’m impressed. They came out great!
Maybe just the pics, but are your controls (decocker, slide stop, mag button) nickel DAO? I’ve been putting aside to get the stuff to nickel mine (when it cools off and the mosquito’s die down) but would much prefer stainless. Did it come that way, or did you put those parts on there? Thanks!
They are nickel plated Bird. Came that way on this model from the factory, back in the mid to late nineties. In this instance the frame was made in Germany and the gun put together in Exeter, NH. I don't know where the small parts were made but given that the slide was made and plated in the US I'd venture to say the small parts were also. Sig doesn't keep records for the guns whose frames were made in Germany so the closest I can pinpoint my year of manufacture was 1997, possibly '96. The grips are aftermarket Hogue's. I don't know why they don't checker the backstraps but we have the Colonel :)
07-17-2022, 09:30 AM
They are nickel plated Bird. Came that way on this model from the factory, back in the mid to late nineties. In this instance the frame was made in Germany and the gun put together in Exeter, NH. I don't know where the small parts were made but given that the slide was made and plated in the US I'd venture to say the small parts were also. Sig doesn't keep records for the guns whose frames were made in Germany so the closest I can pinpoint my year of manufacture was 1997, possibly '96. The grips are aftermarket Hogue's. I don't know why they don't checker the backstraps but we have the Colonel :)
Thanks for that! I think yours & mine must be a close build as it’s slide & frame are marked as yours. So, doing some nickeling is definitely on the project list! :D
You might be able to just buy the controls from Sig, Bird. Not sure of course but another option would be to contact them and possibly have them go over the gun and install them in the process. From what I've read they do good work, are pretty quick, and are not prohibitively expensive.
These grips feel much better in hand than they did before. I think I'll leave them on at least until I take it to the range. After that, depending on how it shoots and feels I may put the G10s I bought for it back on for carry. It looks good either way but wood grips and leather holsters are the cat's meow for me.
On a side note I continued sanding and polishing my Tisas for another session. I've gotten almost all of the chatter marks out on both sides but I can still see them if I look close. One thing I have noticed is that naked stainless with a high shine needs/likes to be wiped down a lot, or smudges appear seemingly out of nowhere :)
I just bought this holster from Don Hume. I've become very interested in cross draw and the neutral cant on this, along with the sweat shield should work for several guns, though it's made specifically for the rail-less P229/P228 (ignore the glock). Not bad for $38. Found here ( No tax, free shipping.
07-18-2022, 08:44 AM
Classy looking holster and I do agree that the Colonel enhanced grips will go very well with it.
I had looked at the Sig nickel stuff and had considered them. I was just hoping to find stainless (was hoping you’d say yours were stainless) and I think you know why/what I’d do to them ; ). I’m going to go ahead and nickel what I’ve got after cleaning them up. If my nickel job does not come out perfect I’ll visit Sig for their factory nickeled stuff. Wanting the 229 to come out perfect. Yours looks very nice with those controls against the black frame.
Very true about the smudges. Only one I every carried much after polishing was an Iver Johnson Thrasher SS. It too smudged and showed every finger print. I would wipe it down each evening with a silicone cloth, then a regular micro fiber cloth or a paper towel. I would always wipe it down before showing it off. : )
07-18-2022, 02:42 PM
I use the Don Hume JIT holster. Good products. I use Renaissance Wax on my stainless. Keeps the smudgrs down and shows no fingerprints.
Hey thanks BB, I'll try some wax when I know I'm finished sanding on it
07-18-2022, 05:06 PM
I use the Don Hume JIT holster. Good products. I use Renaissance Wax on my stainless. Keeps the smudgrs down and shows no fingerprints.
I’ve read about that stuff on more than one occasion. It is definitely on my list of stuff to get.
Does it have to be Renaissance? Will any paste wax do?
07-18-2022, 07:03 PM
Does it have to be Renaissance? Will any paste wax do?
Maybe Beretta can chime in. IÂ’ve not read of any others, or have not heard/read others giving any comparisons to it. It has been mentioned in a few posts on various boards. I (personally) would stick with it as it has been given such high marks from others. I only want some based on those remarks, and because my safe has no dehumidifier, beyond damprid.
07-19-2022, 07:37 AM
I've used plain ol' Johnson's Paste Wax for years
Thank you! I was hoping to hear something like this. Nothing against Renaissance, I just don't have any on hand.
07-19-2022, 12:42 PM
I've never tried regular paste wax...........I got the Renaissance after reading about it. They use it for just about anything including valuable antiques in museums. I guess they even use it on some pictures. A little dab will do you and it will last a long time and not dry out like some paste waxes. I purchased it to protect my stainless arms from rusting. You just need to apply every so often and so far, it works well. I also apply it to arms that are in the safe. No residue. It's noy a polish, it's a protectant and preservative.
Thanks for the extra info BB. If I haven't finished sanding my Tisas before I hit Home Despot next I'll have it on my list.
07-23-2022, 07:06 PM
Well I just traded one of my Sig P220's for a Langdon Tactical Beretta Centurion LTT Elite 92g with a red dot. I am not into red dots but I thought I would try one again.
07-23-2022, 09:38 PM
That’s right there is nice.
Yes that is nice. Gotta love the Centurion, compact slide and barrel, full size grip. And Beretta's smooth as butter action. And Langdon just makes it all even better. Congrats jeep!
07-24-2022, 12:48 AM
That’s some Beretta perfection right there Jeep! I think you did good on your trade!
07-24-2022, 10:53 AM
Nice Jeepster! How is that Holosun mounted? Is that the one with 32MOA ring and 2MOA dot? I just got my 1st red dot mounted handgun also - still playing around with it - but I think I like it. Believe it or not I'm still way more accurate with my iron sights - it's probably in large part to the crappy trigger which I've still got to fix on the red dot mounted PSA Dagger - LOL. BTW - I've found the tall or suppressor height sights block too much of the optics window , I went with 1/3 lower co-witness.
07-24-2022, 11:54 AM
Yes it has the ring and dot. Seems pretty easy to see SO FAR. It mounts direct to pistol rear sight plate which with tall front sight works in conjunction with dot. It had the factory trigger job and feels real good.
Hopefully I will get used to an optic....not so's hard to teach old dogs new ticks.
07-24-2022, 12:31 PM
Before deciding on the Holosun, I tried almost everything on the market or at least tried too - LOL ! But usually 1/3 - 1/2 of the red dot optic mounted handguns at most places were DEAD - from dead battery. I like that you can turn OFF unit or place in shake awake mode. The RMR version has a significantly larger optics window than the RMRc - much easier to acquire dot. I did about 500 or so target acquisition drills - seemed to help.
07-24-2022, 02:04 PM
Nice trade................nice gun.
Ruger P345D - Decocker only. 8+1 single stack .45acp. The last of Ruger's P-Series, hammer-fired models. Also the slimmest. It is the most complex/complicated pistol I've ever owned. When the P-Series debuted Ruger bragged about there being only 50 parts. That later increased to 56. But numbers aside the way the slide is put together, and the guide rod/barrel lockup is unlike anything I seen before. This one left the factory in 2006 and from the looks of it had very few rounds put through it. All of the P-Series had a reputation for being built like a tank and would eat anything dependably. This one is the least tank-like and I hope it lives up to the dependability of its forerunners.
08-05-2022, 06:58 AM
Dang DAO, that one looks brand spankin new. Somebody must have put it away in a real dry space and did not fondle it.
I’ve had other Ruger P’s, and yes that one looks mighty slim in comparison. More so with it being a 45 vs the 9mm’s I had. They had a pretty large grip in comparison and an alloy frame. That safety decocker looks well improved too (nice knurling).
08-05-2022, 08:21 AM
Great gun!
Thanks Guys. It's an odd duck gun, though in very nice shape, at least from what I can see. More on that below.
Something I do with any gun I buy is to measure the grips front to back (F2B), and side to side (S2S), My 1911's with standard grips are:
F2B 2.04"
S2S 1.31"
This Ruger is:
F2B 2.08"
S2S 1.17"
So it is indeed slim in hand. The slide is 1.01" and at the decocking levers it is 1.21". If it wasn't for the 7.6" length and 5.75" height it would be a slim compact. As it is I'm hoping that the size and it's commander-esque weight of 29.2oz with an empty mag will still allow it to be fun to shoot. It has a unique cam engagement between the guide rod and barrel that's supposed to help with recoil. It's just a single round wire recoil spring that's 22lbs from the factory. All in all an interesting gun. Sights could be better than the tiny 3-dot setup but we'll see how it shoots. The trigger is long and fairly heavy in DA but smooth, and nice and crisp in SA though there is a lot of takeup and a long reset in that latter mode.
Everything I've read about these guns though points to good dependability, with one caveat. On this model if you dry fire it without the magazine in you can damage the interface between the hammer and the firing pin plunger block and/or the safety plunger in as little as three pulls. That can result in either a stuck firing pin or one that is inconsistent in its ability to ignite the primer. I did mention they are complicated and yes this has two separate and distinct plungers, mounted under that long rear sight plate that you can see in the picture. It is held in place by a set screw, and I'm not sure how tightly the sight channel holds the dovetail.
For some reason Ruger had a tendency to build complexity into some of their designs (think MK's 1-3 of their .22lr pistols), that was seemingly unnecessary, and not used by most other manufacturers. The manual says dry-firing is fine, so long as the magazine is inserted. I was leary about buying this one used for that reason but it seems to have been treated as the factory detailed in the user guide, though I did go out and buy some spare parts in case it was damaged, from a place called Parts are not easy to find, and Ruger does not recommend messing with the firing pin/safeties. I could not find another firing pin for it, so the my upcoming range trip with it will be interesting.
08-05-2022, 10:02 AM
Oh it's fun to shoot. I wish I still had mine. The trigger is pretty good. I never heard of the damage from three dry fires, my hunch is that's exaggeration or just internet fake news but who knows. Shoot it like you stole it.
I've been scanning the web for info on this. Ruger apparently had a bunch of returns early on because they did not include the following caution, shown in red below and in the manual itself in the early editions of the user manual provided with the first batches of guns. I have actually seen a very early instructional field stripping video made by Ruger in which their smith dry fires his gun a few times for a function check after reassembly, without the magazine inserted.
The RUGER® P345® pistols can be dry-fired without damage to the firing pin or other components as long as the magazine is inserted.
CAUTION: Dry firing your RUGER® P345® with the magazine removed may result in damage or unnecessary wear to the firing pin blocking mechanism.
My hopes are that it is overblown and that mine has suffered no deforming of either of the blocks or firing pin. But I won't be dry firing it without the mag inserted. The reason there are two plunger blocks is because the one in front is the magazine disconnect safety, and by the time the firing pin reaches it there's enough momentum behind it to peen one or the other or both. And I believe the block is a cast part.
This gun also slams the hammer forward harder on a decock than any gun I've handled. And noticeably harder than a simple hammer release on a dry fire. There's nothing in the manual about having a mag inserted before decocking so I'm hoping that's a normal decock for this gun. Did I mention that Ruger made this more complex/complicated than may have been necessary? :D
08-05-2022, 04:56 PM
I couldn't get a new gun right now so I decided to mess with an old one. One I didn't care for much at first but with a little time and a new trigger I've come to love and actually carry everyday.
My EAA Witness as it was born. (
Browsing on Fakebook I ran across this Gunskin stuff. It's a vinyl wrap I suppose like the stuff they wrap cars and trucks with now days. Decided to give it a shot.
I kind of messed up some on the slide, first time and all and I'm still trying to improve on it, got a few wrinkles getting around the sights. (
This is the bad side that still needs attention.
This is the good side which ended up pretty clean. The grips which are not removeable on the EAA worked well. Very little loss of texture, the stuff is pretty thin. (
I'm not sure if I like it yet or not. I like a little slashy but this might be going a bit too far. They have a ton of different camo patterns, this was a precut pattern and the only one available for the 1911 so I just went with it. One of the other camo patterns might be a bit more palatable. Guess I'm trying to show I'm up to date, I'm a wood stock, blued or stainless steel guy born probably a 100 years too late, so trying to fit in.
If I was going to do a flag on my 1911 it would look like that. Not really distressed, but muted enough to look good without being glaring. I like it.
08-05-2022, 08:10 PM
08-05-2022, 08:14 PM
I’ve been on the Ruger forum forever, had a lot of P series guns, and I don’t recall anyone reporting issues like that. So I’d say it’s overblown. You can improve the trigger pull by removing the mag safety, so they say. Maybe that will nullify the concern.
08-05-2022, 08:27 PM
What's that, I don't speak Portugese. Or maybe that's Malaysian?
America, sometimes shortened to 'murka Colonel.
I’ve been on the Ruger forum forever, had a lot of P series guns, and I don’t recall anyone reporting issues like that. So I’d say it’s overblown. You can improve the trigger pull by removing the mag safety, so they say. Maybe that will nullify the concern.
It's solely a P345 issue, the other P-Series guns are put together differently. I've seen it discussed in some of the reviews from back when the model was introduced, as well as on the Ruger forums. Might be overblown but I'm not going to take any chances, given that I can't locate a firing pin and I don't want to pay for a trip back to Ruger for it.
On another note I swapped out the 22lb factory standard hammerspring for a 19lb Wolff spring today. DA trigger pull averaged 9lbs, 13oz before and went to 7lbs, 8oz after. SA pull only went down a fraction. My wife was having trouble with the DA before but not afterwards. The DA trigger pull is smooth and doesn't stack at all, so other than being long it'll work for me. Long like a Kahr :)
I struggled to get the slide off today to break it down before swapping the hammer springs out before I remembered that on this model you have to push the ejector down into the magwell before the slide will come off. Another example of the complexity or "different" design of this model. I didn't necessary have to take the slide off but I just like to when working on a frame.
08-06-2022, 07:52 AM
I have always liked Ruger's seem to be good guns that are made in the USA.
I hear they have excellent customer service too. Hope I never need it :)
08-06-2022, 08:59 AM
I've used their customer service three times, I think. Both on used guns, and they sent me parts or repaired the gun free, no questions asked.
08-06-2022, 10:21 AM
I have always liked Ruger's seem to be good guns that are made in the USA.
I've always loved Ruger revolvers, never gelled much with the auto's myself. I did a little on the job training at a gun shop 25 years ago and sold a bunch. Nothing but good reports then and I'm sure they have improved even more since then.
08-06-2022, 10:40 AM
How's the trigger?
Better since I put a lighter hammerspring in it. DA is just under 8lbs now. Smooth throughout but long. Crisp break. SA is just under 4lbs, short and crisp but quite a lot of take up.
I'm just the opposite Colonel, not much of a revolver guy. But from what I've seen in hand and read there's not much to dislike, if anything about their wheel guns.
08-06-2022, 01:13 PM
I've shared this before but since it was such a high point in my life I'll share it again.
Many many years ago, probably 35years or more I had a Ruger Blackhawk in 45 Colt. It was well worn and had been packed a lot out in the woods.
I was big into reloading in those days and in my insanity of youth read a lot of PO Ackerly's writings and load developments. He came up with what he called a Tri-Plex load for 45 colt warning only to be used in modern carbines.
It consisted of 3 different powders and then a filler to keep them in place. I reasoned that if they worked in a carbine, it should certainly be ok in a strong Blackhawk.
So I proceeded to load a half dozen or so of these Tri-Plex loads and headed to my friends house with property to try er out.
Got it loaded up and in the interest of safety offered him the first shot. He passed and said I should have the honor, went back and forth until I went to the truck and got some fishing line I'd brought just in case this should occur. Along with 3 25lb bags of #8 shotshell BB's.
We put down one bag, then the gun barrel, with 2 bags on top. Tied the line to the trigger and backed off about 15 ft, pondered a bit and decided 30ft might be safer and since I had plenty of line went back about 50ft.
Long story getting longer I gave er a yank and lord have mercy I thought a grenade had gone off. We waited for the smoke to clear and went to retrieve the gun. 50lb's of shot scattered all over the area but the gun looked fine and dandy. Yeehaw!
So then we argued about who got to shoot it in hand first. I won that argument. BUT when I went to pull the hammer back the cylinder wouldn't rotate......hmmmm nothing for it, it had bulged the cylinder.........
So now for the best part. After some contemplation for a week or so and beings I could still hear on the phone a little bit, I decided to call Ruger and explain my issue.
Low and behold after a couple rings I hear. Sturm Ruger, Bill Ruger speaking........I couldn't speak, he says hello. I managed to get out William Bannerman Ruger? He said yes, how can I help you. I said you answer the telephone? He said he likes to move around the company, machining, all the different phases but how could he help......I told him what I'd done, straight up. Major overload, totally my fault.
His response, send the gun in to his attention and he would take care of it.
About 2 weeks later my beloved Ruger came back in a brand new factory box, they replaced the cylinder, and reblued the entire gun, it looked brand spanking new. Which was kind of sad, lost all the character of the well worn gun.
Along with a gun was a note that this was no way Rugers fault and determined to be caused by a severed over charge. Invoice......... per Bill Ruger NO CHARGE.
08-06-2022, 01:35 PM
WOW how cool is that!!!!:amflag:
08-06-2022, 01:53 PM
Not really related....but kind of reminds of back in my drag racing days when I went "heads up" with Don Garlits, [King of Drag Racing]. I was put up against him at Lebanon Valley Dragway in New York during time trials. He was racing Top Fuel and I was racing Jr. Fuel [ supercharged hemi dragster against injected small block Chevy dragster]. We were 2 entirely different classes of race car that was raced against each other in time trials. I hole shot him off the line by about 5 car lengths [he flew by me half track like I was tied to a tree]. He came over to me in the pits and asked what I was running saying "he had never been hole shot like that". I was using experimental 2 speed transmission with a 50 pound flywheel. Others all were using "direct drive" [1 speed] and no flywheel less than 10 pounds. It was cool talking to such a legend!
08-06-2022, 03:24 PM
Very cool stories!
Bill Ruger and Big Daddy Garlits. You guys rub shoulders with the best of the best. Thanks for sharing!
The stars finally aligned...anyone have any first hand experience with one of these? Probably should have asked that first :)
08-30-2022, 03:06 PM
That must be the new P210 carry. I have the P210 target which I'm told is basically the same but with larger formed to fit hand grips. I think the sight's might be an upgrade too, been awhile since I read about it.
Should be an absolute joy to shoot and pretty nice to carry too. I'd love to have one myself. I don't want to carry my Target. Though about trying to get or make some standard style grips, then maybe I would.
08-30-2022, 03:39 PM
Nice acquisition dao! I remember some of ya’ll talking about that carry version coming out a while back. I’ve yet to get the target version. May never as nobody wants to get rid of them for much if any less than new. Classy pistols in my opinion!
The Target has a 5" barrel vs. the 4.1" on the Carry, and has a steel frame vs. the alloy frame of the Carry. Sig did its homework and made it CC-friendly. The sights are Siglites but I did see one reviewer say he was able to pick up the contrast sights of the Target a bit easier, which stands to reason in daylight use.
Is the Target also 8+1 single stack Colonel?
Thanks Bird, I'm looking forward to holding it in hand. I've been wanting one of these since Sig debuted them at Shot Show 2020. It took them a bit more than a year I think to even bring them to market after that, according to Phil Strader because of supply chain issues and covid.
I'm also hoping it will fit in my 1911 Commander holsters. While its smaller in some dimensions I'm pretty sure the slide may be thicker than a 1911, as most Sigs tend to be. But I'm hopeful that at least one of my leather 1911 holsters can be made to fit. No kydex for this one.
The last two pics are the 210 Carry vs some form of the 210 Target. I don't know if it is one of the older gen Targets or a more recent release. The Carry is definitely a winter time option for concealed, especially with the longer grip to conceal.
If anyone is interested this site offers quite a few, but not all guns for comparison
08-30-2022, 04:39 PM
That 210 Carry gives me a woodie, but she’s too high dollar for my budget.
Mine too John. I had to sell in order to buy :(
08-30-2022, 05:33 PM
I’d have to sell two or three.
08-30-2022, 08:34 PM
I had a small memory recovery and what I was referring to was the P210 Standard. It was very similar to the Target with smaller grips, not as good sights. But I heard the internals and function were the same as the Target.
Sig discontinued the Standard and came out with the Carry which sounds like turned out to be a fine idea. I probably won't be able to pull one off but the desire is there and quite often there's no stopping the train once the desire hits.
You have the Target don't you Colonel? I seem to recall that yours has the big beautifully made grips on it. I did find that there are a lot of choices now for the Target and Standard. I'll be happy with the G10s that come on the Carry as I like them on everything I've put them on.
Sooner or later I'll add to the mags for it and of course make sure I have a good holster but other than those things I don't see the need for changes or additions. Yet.
08-31-2022, 12:08 AM
I think I tried mine in some of my 1911 holsters and it didn't fit very well. If I ever get a Carry I'll be ordering a Garrett Silent Thunder IWB before it gets here.
The 4" barrel on the Carry is appealing, the Target might be pushing the limits but I've been carrying a 5" 1911 for several months now so maybe it would work. It's awfully pretty though, wouldn't want to scuff it up too bad.
I kind a looked and the Carry is hard to find and way high on the cost list but most good things come with a price.
08-31-2022, 12:44 AM
I still like my SIG C3, but I have to have a jacket to cover a belt holster to carry it. It has a 4.5 inch barrel, but is fairly light for a 1911 since the frame is alloy.
Thanks Colonel, I'll let you know on the fitment when mine arrives. I can't warm up to the idea of carrying around a full size 1911, or anything with a barrel longer than 4.25". Would if I had to, but thankfully there's choices to make. If I had my own range I'd probably own longer guns.
That's a nice C3. I may end up with one of their 1911s one day.
Oh, and apparently Garrett doesn't have the 210 Carry on their list of supported holsters. Darn.
08-31-2022, 10:16 AM
I still like my SIG C3, but I have to have a jacket to cover a belt holster to carry it. It has a 4.5 inch barrel, but is fairly light for a 1911 since the frame is alloy.
I love your C3 too. Been looking for a lightweight commander size. The alloy frame makes a big difference. I've grown accustomed to the steel but really want a lightweight one of these days. Seems my wants never seem to end these days.
08-31-2022, 10:19 AM
Thanks Colonel, I'll let you know on the fitment when mine arrives. I can't warm up to the idea of carrying around a full size 1911, or anything with a barrel longer than 4.25". Would if I had to, but thankfully there's choices to make. If I had my own range I'd probably own longer guns.
That's a nice C3. I may end up with one of their 1911s one day.
Oh, and apparently Garrett doesn't have the 210 Carry on their list of supported holsters. Darn.
Contact them and you'll probably get a response from Sheryl or Bob the owners. When I got my EAA they ordered a blue gun for a model, turns out they were thinking a different model and a regular Colt Rail Gun worked perfect. They most likely don't have a model yet since they are so new and probably not many request yet. Maybe models not even available yet but I'm sure they will make you one if they can get one.
Thanks Colonel. This review ( the P210 Carry at has some good pictures and comments about size comparisons and holster fitment.
I have a few leather Commander holsters I'm going to try before I go on a hunt. I've gotten good mileage out of multi-purposing leather holsters. If my JIC holster fits it I'll be tickled pink, because the holster would do the Carry justice.
08-31-2022, 01:50 PM
I just took the grips off my 210 Target and found there isn't a hook in the grip on the front. It relies on a really good fit and the one screw. It's basically flat on the inside or would be if I just covered the frame. There's some mighty tricky angles and they would be tough but not as tough as I anticipated. I'm not sure I'll bother though as the trigger is spectacular but way too light for a carry gun. The Target grips feel so darn good in hand, I'm not sure I'd want to take them off anyhow.
Guess I'll keep an eye out for a Carry.
Trigger pull on the Carry is supposed to be 3.5-4lbs. Kind of light for my tastes but it's better than 3lbs (for carry).
Can you post a pic of your Target?
08-31-2022, 03:44 PM ( ( (
The grip really adds to the length. The magazines to have a thick baseplate which is flush with the wood. Making some flush with the frame and finding a thinner baseplate if one exist would reduce the size considerably.
The standard and carry models use a smaller baseplate. The grips still extend below the magwell but not nearly as much as yours does, so they don't need the tall baseplates.
Beautiful gun though!
08-31-2022, 05:21 PM
I'm watching a couple Sig C3's. Right now extremely reasonable but with a few days left I'm sure they will skyrocket. BUT, maybe I'll get lucky, never happened before but maybe this time?
08-31-2022, 07:07 PM
If it’s something I have on GB, you’ll probably win it at half price.
08-31-2022, 07:52 PM
I've never sold on any of the auctions, guess I'm skeered. I'd be the same, get pennies on the dollar for whatever I put on.
Course all's fair, what do you have on Gunbroker I can look at?
08-31-2022, 08:18 PM
I don’t know what the secret is. An irresistible description? Sexy photos with soft bedroom lighting? Something in the bid price structure?
08-31-2022, 08:20 PM
Actually I've put several items for sale here on this forum like everybody else from time to time and never not once got a single nibble. Apparently nobody wanted what I got.
08-31-2022, 11:50 PM
Actually I've put several items for sale here on this forum like everybody else from time to time and never not once got a single nibble. Apparently nobody wanted what I got.
Not true, AT ALL! You got skillz. I can’t vouch for the bo staff skills, but I can vouch for the custom checkering and modifying you did to my 1022 stock so that I could resume shooting after two neck/spine surgeries. And then you customized a second one for me! You should see the jaws drop when I pull either of them out of the range bag. Maybe I should post photos again to get people to have to wipe the drool off their chins? 😁
09-01-2022, 12:03 AM
Not true, AT ALL! You got skillz. I can’t vouch for the bo staff skills, but I can vouch for the custom checkering and modifying you did to my 1022 stock so that I could resume shooting after two neck/spine surgeries. And then you customized a second one for me! You should see the jaws drop when I pull either of them out of the range bag. Maybe I should post photos again to get people to have to wipe the drool off their chins? 😁
Definitely post pictures, I often times don't recall stuff until I see it again.
09-01-2022, 06:57 AM
Niiiice Sig’s guys! Yes dao, I have found their slides to be a bit wide vs other makes in the same caliber (love how thin Kahr’s are). Good luck on your holster search.
Yes Wlfman, please post those pics.
09-01-2022, 08:40 AM
I've put stuff on gun forums for sale and also got zero nibbles. I probably shouldn't apply for sales jobs.
Not true, AT ALL! You got skillz. I can’t vouch for the bo staff skills, but I can vouch for the custom checkering and modifying you did to my 1022 stock so that I could resume shooting after two neck/spine surgeries. And then you customized a second one for me! You should see the jaws drop when I pull either of them out of the range bag. Maybe I should post photos again to get people to have to wipe the drool off their chins?
I'll second this!
09-02-2022, 02:59 PM
Still watching a couple C3 Sigs. One ends tonight and it's about 725 at the moment. Have to look and see if I can find some new prices to see how badly I want it. Both I'm watching have CT laser grips which I care not much about but probably worth something.
09-02-2022, 04:09 PM
My tip for buying and selling [it has worked well for me], everything I buy is high and I find I can sell real HIGH AND SELL LOW. I move a lot of stuff this way :smash:
That's how I conduct business too. Strange how easy it is to both buy, and sell that way isn't it?
Got to hold my P210 today. I'll give a detailed impression after I get it home next week, hopefully. Our approvals have been coming back in about 3 days. Of course with Monday being a holiday it will probably be Thursday before I get the call. A little teaser though, the Commander holster I brought in with me fit the gun like a glove.
Good luck on your auctions Col.
09-02-2022, 07:18 PM
I'm kind of out on the auction, have less disposable income than I thought I did, so I best suck it up and lay low for a bit. Still only 727.00 curious where it will go in the next 45 minutes or so. If it goes less than 900 I'm gonna hate myself. Maybe I should go ask the wife for permission.........nah, that's out.
Bummer Colonel. But there will be others I'm sure. I find no lack of nice guns to look at on GB.
09-03-2022, 07:51 AM
My tip for buying and selling [it has worked well for me], everything I buy is high and I find I can sell real HIGH AND SELL LOW. I move a lot of stuff this way :smash:
Now that’s funny! :tongue:
09-03-2022, 07:53 AM
That's how I conduct business too. Strange how easy it is to both buy, and sell that way isn't it?
Got to hold my P210 today. I'll give a detailed impression after I get it home next week, hopefully. Our approvals have been coming back in about 3 days. Of course with Monday being a holiday it will probably be Thursday before I get the call. A little teaser though, the Commander holster I brought in with me fit the gun like a glove.
Good luck on your auctions Col.
Good to hear your holster fit. Too bad about the wait. That must be irritating. In Floriduh you take it home after the background check, if you have a carry permit. Most bg check’s come back for folks in about 30 mins. For some reason, mine always takes hours. I usually fill everything out, go eat some lunch, then come back and get it.
09-03-2022, 07:55 AM
Colonel, wish I still had my C3 and the other 2 Sig officer’s. They went with that big sell off a few years back. Sorely miss those cute lil buggers. I don’t think I got more than $700 for any of them. Prices sure have gone up under ****** pants!
Ours used to be that way too Bird, a phone call, show your CCW and off you went. But that was until our 3-term guv'na got his way. The way things are going here, soon we may have to see our choice on a roster. Like the other commie state that is close by.
09-03-2022, 10:49 AM
Actually the worthless Attorney General Ferguson had more to do with our wait now than the useless 3 term governor. He's also responsible for the 10 round mag limit which is really throwing a kink in our gun buying. I saw one ad on gunbroker where he added Washington to the states he wouldn't sell to. Imagine the pain being linked to the likes of California. He also included Oregon?
The C3 I was watching ended up going for 751 dollars. I had my reserve for my Springfield SA35 but it's dwindled all this time waiting. Still haven't even see one and the shops I've checked haven't seen them either.
09-03-2022, 11:54 AM
The C3 I was watching ended up going for 751 dollars. I had my reserve for my Springfield SA35 but it's dwindled all this time waiting. Still haven't even see one and the shops I've checked haven't seen them either.
Sorry you missed it. If it was in good shape, that's not a bad price. I bought mine new years ago, and it was quite a bit more. I think mine is the prettiest pistol in my collection and it has a manual safety, rare in a SIG.
09-03-2022, 01:59 PM
Well maybe you want a nice Sig P245? I have just listed one for sale on armslist. We all know real guns are 45's.
Useless. Worthless. Same same. But I hear ya. And I agree it is limiting what we can and cannot buy. Fortunately there are still some desirable pieces that can be had in 10rds or less.
$751 is a good price for a C3. Sorry you missed out on it.
I've looked at P245's before and they are something I could go for. But given I had to sell in order to buy my Carry I'm tapped right now. Thanks for the heads up though jeep
09-03-2022, 04:11 PM
I've played with the Sig's, wanted a 220 SAS in the worst way but held one and it just didn't work for me. That safety / decocker just was out of reach for me. Yours doesn't look like the sweep is so long. Oh well I'm poor anyhow.
09-03-2022, 06:02 PM
I saw a P210 Carry in the case at the LGS today, but I was good and let it stay there.
Same goes for the two bricks of large pistol primers for $129 each. They could stay there.
09-03-2022, 06:03 PM
WOW posted it yesterday and it is already sold and gone!! Let's go Brandon....the big guy is helping to sell.
09-03-2022, 07:32 PM
Wow jeepster, your world is changing. Sold in one day.
09-03-2022, 09:17 PM
Well durn it Jeep, with your aformentiined selling methods, I bet Ida bought that one. Been primarily looking for 45’s these days and that’s one I don’t have. Congrats on a quick sale!
I saw a P210 Carry in the case at the LGS today, but I was good and let it stay there.
Same goes for the two bricks of large pistol primers for $129 each. They could stay there.
I would have liked to hear your impression if you had asked to handle it John.
09-04-2022, 12:56 AM
My SIG P220 Is a good shooting pistol, but it's too big and heavy for carry. It was my first SIG, got stolen in the robbery, but was returned a few days later. I guess it'll remain a range gun.
That's great that you got it back. Nice looking gun.
09-04-2022, 06:56 AM
I owned a Sig SAS 220. Nice gun but the grip was a bit large for me.
Yes that's one thing about most Sigs. Even the single stacks tend to be on the large size. I don't mind that so much though I traded away a P227 for that reason, it being a double-stack .45 and probably among their largest handguns. The long 4.4" barrel coupled with that fat grip made for too much gun for me. I think O'Dells P220 has the 4.4" barrel too, but the grip will be a bit smaller than those on the P227/P226's given that it's a single stack.
This is what surprised me about the P210's grip. I fits my hand better even that the single stack Sigs I've owned. Almost like it was made for a hand my size.
09-04-2022, 09:11 AM
They also, from Sig offer THIN GRIPS for the 220 and and the E2 one piece grips which both make the P220 comfortable.
The E2 grips provide good purchase but they pick up lint and such when the come in contact with clothing. Also, over time I've heard that they can become loose and prone to rattle a bit because they snap in place and are held there with plastic protrusions.
The plastic grips don't provide for a secure grip, imo (at least compared to G10 especially with wet hands). I prefer G10 grips over most anything else except maybe some micarta on carry guns but that's just me. Of course on guns that are mostly to look at wood can be the "best" way to go. The Colonel has helped me with this aspect in the past. He does good work.
09-04-2022, 09:46 AM
Just an FYI, I used to own a C3, shot it a bunch, the alloy frame has an aluminum oxide finish, which is very hard, a good thing. But, over time the frame part of the feed ramp will wear down. I guess I shoot more than most. Anyway, I traded it away when I got my Dan Wesson CCO, it has a ramped barrel, and eliminated the wear issue.
Got it home. Something a little strange about this gun. It feels smaller in hand than it should, at least as compared to its size. The dimensions of the grips are quite small, very close to a K9 but longer of course. And they're rounder. I've never felt a gun quite like this in hand before. There's something about it that makes it feel much lighter than the 29oz it weighs in at. I'm liking it so far. From the reviews I've read it has a very light recoil impulse also, probably given to the low bore axis, as it does have the CZ-style inverted rails.
09-07-2022, 08:15 PM
One thing I found rather unique on my Target is you can put the safety on with the hammer down but still cock the hammer and it's still on safe.
I really like the looks of that dao, got nice lines, looks like it would be joy in the hand. I want one.
09-08-2022, 09:27 AM
Sounds like there is a lot to like about it dao. Sounds very ergonomic! I love when one feels just right in hand.
I don't think I'm going to be disappointed in it Colonel. Each time I pick it up I'm reminded that it is truly a small gun. Not along the lines of a P365 or a Kahr of course but the grip and balance seem to combine to give it a great feel in hand.
I think it's kind of like comparing two, two pound objects with one in a large box and one in a small box. For some odd reason the object in the large box feels lighter even though it is exactly the same as the one in the small box.
The other thing about the grip is that they are rounded to the point where my fingers wrap further around it than most others. It almost feels like I'm holding a dowel or closet rod in hand and I think that is affecting the way my brain is processing what I'm holding. As far as 1911's go I prefer the standard grips over the slim grips, but these being rounded just feel right even though they are closer in overall dimension to slim grips.
Oh, and Colonel I just checked and the Carry works the same way. Safety can be snicked off or on with the hammer down or back, and if down it can be cocked with the safety already on.
The ergos might be different for a different hand Bird. For the price I would suggest finding one in the wild and trying it first. I did not and got lucky.
I still haven't gotten to the range with this yet. But it has become my favorite. I've actually carried it a couple of times, I trust Sigs to work if needed.
I happened upon a holster maker on eBay that agreed to make a custom IWB holster for me. Turned out they are apparently Azula, since that's the name that's stamped on the back, though their eBay seller name is 450ackley.
The OWB holster is a Galco, made for a 1911 Commander. It fits the 210 like a glove though it is about 1/2" longer than it needs to be. That's fine with me because I don't like my muzzle to be exposed.
Colonel this gun feels as good in hand as any gun I've ever held. I think if you find one and wrap your hand around it you'll take it home.
09-23-2022, 10:38 PM
If I find one and have the cash it will definitely come home with me. Zero doubt about that. It's just the cash, why does it always have to be about money. I don't give a hoot about money, I just want guns.
Strangely, after buying this gun I seem to have lost the itch for another gun. This is unusual for me. It might be the gun, the fact that I have an example of pretty much all the types of guns I've ever wanted, the fact that we're now limited in what we are allowed to buy, or that as you said they cost money, which I don't have a lot of. Not sure if my loss of motivation to keep looking and buying will last or not but it's definitely there. Things that make you go hmmmm. :confused:
09-24-2022, 09:42 AM
I always get that I got enough feeling after a new purchase. It usually last at least 2 weeks to a month and then the search is on. It helps to nail a really pleasing one, in this case you might last 6 weeks or so.
Funny how I continue to look and shop knowing full well I don't have the means to do anything......
09-24-2022, 10:38 AM
dao, thanks for the top on the holster maker. It does look like it fits like a glove. Nice looking holster too!
I know what you mean about losing the itch. I also agree with The Colonel, no manner or amount of cream can prevent that itch from coming back. At least that has been my experience. I think that if I taped my eyes shut, never visited another gun store, this forum, or looked at a gun magazine then maybe. But we know that won’t happen! : )
09-24-2022, 12:11 PM
Strangely, after buying this gun I seem to have lost the itch for another gun. This is unusual for me. It might be the gun, the fact that I have an example of pretty much all the types of guns I've ever wanted, the fact that we're now limited in what we are allowed to buy, or that as you said they cost money, which I don't have a lot of. Not sure if my loss of motivation to keep looking and buying will last or not but it's definitely there. Things that make you go hmmmm. :confused:
Im the same way in all aspects. I can usually resist any small desire to even look at anything,… unless I go to a gun show. If I go I’ll most likely come home with something. So I usually don’t go but once or twice a year.
To my point. Went to one last weekend and brought home a G26 gen 5. Why?… because the price was good and I have a bunch of Glock mags. Also I’ve missed the one I traded 4 years ago ever since the trade. Didn’t need one but more is always good I guess.
09-24-2022, 12:41 PM
yqtszhj: The G26 is a nice little double stack. I carried one for a while. Did the Hyve upgrades in my favorite color, green (small mag extensions, mag release to match) and upgraded the sights. I’m not so much a Glock guy, but I did shoot it well. That was before I started getting into the slimness of single stacks, particularly the Kahr’s. Congrats on picking up one at a good deal!
09-24-2022, 01:35 PM
The grips on that Sig have a shape and texture that makes me want to caress it and firmly wrap my palm around it.
I’ve been underwhelmed by every 9mm gun I’ve had, maybe it’s the cartridge, maybe it’s me. But I have more 9mm ammo than all other centerfire calibers combined, so I’m kind of committed to it. At one point I almost said to heck with it, get a G19. But I just couldn’t do it. I’ve more or less settled on my 4” Shield Plus PC as my favorite 9mm. Yes I still like the BHP, but it didn’t scratch the itch for long.
I've come close to saying the same thing to my wife, but something keeps me from doing so. Probably that you're all spot on and sooner or later I'll be in the hunt again, looking for my next favorite. Jeff Goldblum as Dr. Malcolm in Jurassic Park kind of said it too, "I'm always looking for the next ex-Mrs. Malcomb".
09-25-2022, 02:06 PM
I wasn't going to buy anymore either.....just looked at and held one of these and working hard to resist! Sig P320 EQUINOX.
09-25-2022, 02:09 PM
That looks nice!
09-25-2022, 06:00 PM
I wasn't going to buy anymore either.....just looked at and held one of these and working hard to resist! Sig P320 EQUINOX.
That does look nice! I did not know it existed. Looks like something WC would have turned a P320 into. Stock, flat trigger to boot! I could see all that shiny stuff getting polished out… OH MY!
09-25-2022, 06:12 PM
The Sig P320 EQUINOX is all metal, not like other 320's with poly frames.
^^^Yep, and that would be what would convince me to take one home. Don't get me wrong I'm not dead set against polymer. I do have a 320 with a polymer frame. But to me an alloy or steel frame is my preference.
09-25-2022, 07:11 PM
I'm still trying to condition myself to accept tupperware rifle stocks.
Give me a lightweight commander (along with my steel ones) and a M14 any day.
09-25-2022, 07:42 PM
The Sig P320 EQUINOX is all metal, not like other 320's with poly frames. Even better! I kinda thought so by looking at it, more so because of the grip screws. I'm with you guys, much prefering metal framed guns. Not that metal frames can't crack, but they just seem like they have a greater integrity and an heirloom type quality about them.
09-25-2022, 07:44 PM
Oh sure, we're on to you pal. You can't polish plastic.................
09-26-2022, 06:36 AM
Oh sure, we're on to you pal. You can't polish plastic.................
09-26-2022, 08:10 AM
Milwaukee Police Association Sues City Over Safety Concerns with Sig P320 - Patrol - POLICE Magazine ( n%20%28MPA%29%20filed%20a%20lawsuit,when%20the%20o fficers%20did%20not%20touch%20the%20trigger.)
If it can be polished, it will be polished. He's way ahead of us Colonel :D
09-26-2022, 10:57 AM
Yup he's definitely ahead of us. I had no clue about that plastic polish.
09-26-2022, 03:24 PM
Oh boy! That's not good. I'm sure they are carrying the polymer one's, but wonder if the fire control system is any different vs the Equinox in discussion.
09-26-2022, 03:27 PM
I have some plastic polish. Had a '68 firebird with foggy, crudded up tailight lenses that I used that stuff on. They came out looking like new. Also used it on a black, plastic emblem and it came out looking awesome. The tail light lenses I did by hand and the emblem with a dremel at low speed.
09-26-2022, 03:39 PM
I gotta get me some I guess. I got some of those crudded up lense covers.
09-26-2022, 09:32 PM
I gotta get me some I guess. I got some of those crudded up lense covers.
Once you buy it, I envision many shiny plastics in your life, around your home! :biggrin1:
Does it work on headlight covers?
09-26-2022, 10:45 PM
I will have to try some of that plastic polish from Griot’s Garage on my headlight lenses……I have bought several automotive wax and sealant products from Griot’s Garage for the hot rod and they have top quality products, expensive but very good stuff…….Thanks Bird for that info…..
09-27-2022, 06:23 AM
Does it work on headlight covers?
You know I never tried that, but I don’t see why not.
09-27-2022, 06:26 AM
I will have to try some of that plastic polish from Griot’s Garage on my headlight lenses……I have bought several automotive wax and sealant products from Griot’s Garage for the hot rod and they have top quality products, expensive but very good stuff…….Thanks Bird for that info…..
Yeah man! Glad I could assist!
09-27-2022, 09:45 PM
Saw an Equinox at the store today, and a metal framed M&P 9. Looks like metal is making s comeback!
A metal framed M&P9? Was it a CSX by chance?
09-27-2022, 11:07 PM
Well! Well! I know what’s on my “next” list!!!!! Thanks John!
I’m going to have to at least hold one of these. I’m curious if all of the textured areas on the grip module are removable. Imagine that slide, frame, trigger all polished up. Giggity! Giggity!
09-28-2022, 07:54 AM
Yup, the M&P. Another gun that I’m skeert to touch or I might want to trade my plastic one for it.
09-28-2022, 08:35 AM
Yup, the M&P. Another gun that I’m skeert to touch or I might want to trade my plastic one for it.
The plastic one is my winter carry (2.0) and have a back-up one I hand to my son at the range. He shoots it pretty well. Love it! Wish I had taken pics of my 1st one, a gen 1. Guy had coated the slide so thick it would not even chamber a round. The extractor was not able to move. I polished the slide. It looked really nice afterwards and ran perfect. The new, metal one’s have a mighty high msrp, so may be a while. I have other polishing projects to finish anyway. I will definitely own one one day, just gotta find that super good deal on one.
09-28-2022, 09:42 AM
Well it followed me home Monday.:2eek: They had a ONE DAY sale with 10% off and it was marked down due to being their last one. So I got for around $200 off. It is sitting in a plastic bag now in my P229 holster in order to have it fit [stretch it out some].
09-28-2022, 09:46 AM
Well it followed me home Monday.:2eek: They had a ONE DAY sale with 10% off and it was marked down due to being their last one. So I got for around $200 off. It is sitting in a plastic bag now in my P229 holster in order to have it fit [stretch it out some].
Awesome! Congratulations Jeep. I am jealous!
Congrats Jeep! I had no idea that S&W was doing this. Sadly I don't have any mags for the plastic ones so if I was to buy one it would have to be 10rd mags. I've come very close to picking up one of the M&Ps in 9, 40, and 45 over the years but other than an EZ .380 for my wife I never did. Kudos to S&W for not bowing to the polymer god, and instead actually putting something new out in metal. Now if they'd just do the same with a hammer fired variant!
09-28-2022, 12:06 PM
Congrats Jeep! I had no idea that S&W was doing this. Sadly I don't have any mags for the plastic ones so if I was to buy one it would have to be 10rd mags. I've come very close to picking up one of the M&Ps in 9, 40, and 45 over the years but other than an EZ .380 for my wife I never did. Kudos to S&W for not bowing to the polymer god, and instead actually putting something new out in metal. Now if they'd just do the same with a hammer fired variant!
There's always Idaho or Oregon or any state a member here could help with on mags. I'm confident the 10 round law will go away (Again) hopefully sooner the better. Don't really matter to me except it muddies the waters trying to buy guns that generally hold more. Almost like a California approved list.
There are really just two words that described it best Colonel. It sucks. There are of course many other words that would also do the trick such as this is what career politicians do in order to create political capital for future runs for office. Our AG did just that. They don't understand guns, why they're needed by law abiding folks, and also don't care who suffers or is harmed as a result of their political ploys (read BS).
The idea that a woman can no longer buy a particulr model of small gun (eg. Hellcat, CSX) for self protection solely because it holds more than 10rds in the magazine is ludicrous, dangerous, and advantageous to criminals intent on doing harm. Therefore it is shameful.
I guess I used more than two words there. :o
10-09-2022, 08:29 AM
Didn’t someone here get a CZ 75 Compact recently?
10-09-2022, 09:16 AM
I don’t recall seeing one but there was a CZ grip question recently.
I've come fairly close a couple of times, and also close to a Rami BD. But never did go through with a deal. Nice looking guns though, and they have a good rep from the things I've read. I wonder if they copied the inverted slide rails of the Swiss P210, or if it was the other way around?
10-09-2022, 09:50 AM
The P210 came out way before the CZ, so…
I’m just searching for a 9mm I can shoot as well as my revolvers, never tried a CZ but I hear nothing but good.
10-09-2022, 02:03 PM
For me, I find the CZ's:
A. To light of trigger. [I want to be able to carry any gun that I own].
B. Not as easy to rack the slides.
I prefer the Sig's. I had a CZ Shadow and did not like it. Now my Rami I really like.
10-09-2022, 02:22 PM
I picked up an unfired CZ 75BD back in April/Mayish from a buyers-remorse/impulse-purchase acquaintance.
Haven't gotten around to shooting it (for shame, I know - ducks head sheepishly, but been mighty busy), but it sure is purty, and it feels great in the hand.
10-09-2022, 02:39 PM
For me, I find the CZ's:
A. To light of trigger. [I want to be able to carry any gun that I own].
B. Not as easy to rack the slides.
I prefer the Sig's. I had a CZ Shadow and did not like it. Now my Rami I really like.
The Rami does shoot way better than it should for such a small pistol.
10-09-2022, 02:48 PM
I picked up an unfired CZ 75BD back in April/Mayish from a buyers-remorse/impulse-purchase acquaintance.
Haven't gotten around to shooting it (for shame, I know - ducks head sheepishly, but been mighty busy), but it sure is purty, and it feels great in the hand.
Well, since it’s not getting any love in your safe, maybe it needs a new home. ;)
10-09-2022, 09:30 PM
I bought a CZ PCR (compact) a couple of years ago. It is my 3rd CZ, so I guess I like them. The PCR is my only DA/SA with de-cocker. I bought it to replace my CCO 1911 as my EDC. But went back to the CCO after a few months. Still carry it in the Winter, on occasion.
I own a few polymer pistols, but seem to be drawn to all metal ones. Love revolvers too, just can't afford the ones I really like.
10-10-2022, 08:20 PM
I got to see and touch some CZ 75s today at the LGS. Full and compact, B, BD, and a fancy railed one. The compact didn’t excite me. The full size D Omega was my first choice, but it wasn’t batting its eyelashes at me. Not sure what it was. Nothing wrong with it, but it wasn’t love at first sight.
Based on my revolver odyssey, what I want in a semiauto 9mm is:
Double action but not too long or heavy, DA/SA might be ok.
Enough weight to keep the long heavy trigger pull steady till the break. The compact was too light. Yes, too light.
At least 10 rounds on board, 15 is good.
Compact size but a full grip and 4” barrel.
Steel frame, unless alloy or plastic provides the above criteria.
No thumb safety (hence the BD)
Able to shoot tight groups, better than “combat accurate.”
10-10-2022, 09:15 PM
The best DA/SA pistol I own that shoots awesome tight groups for me no matter how long it has been since I’ve shot it is my CZ P-07. But as we all know that can vary for each person. It’s about Glock 19 size. Price ain’t bad either.
10-10-2022, 09:51 PM
Picked up a M&P sporter 11 AR with a CT red dot used, Never fired. My first AR. This may get expensive feeding it.
Double action but not too long or heavy, DA/SA might be ok.
Enough weight to keep the long heavy trigger pull steady till the break. The compact was too light. Yes, too light.
At least 10 rounds on board, 15 is good.
Compact size but a full grip and 4” barrel.
Steel frame, unless alloy or plastic provides the above criteria.
No thumb safety (hence the BD)
Able to shoot tight groups, better than “combat accurate.”
How about an HK P30 LEM John?
ID Number UPC Code Description
81000103 642230260467 P30, 9mm, (V1) "light" LEM , 2 17rd magazines
10-11-2022, 01:00 PM
I’d love to try out all the HK models.
10-12-2022, 10:24 AM
Love my HK P2SK in .40 cal. Handles the caliber better than most. V3 trigger 11# DA and 5.5 SA. Designed for fast follow up shots.
10-12-2022, 10:45 AM
I'm also interested in the FN 509 midsize. Looks to be a great accurate striker fired gun.
Ken L
10-12-2022, 05:03 PM
My brother has a FN 509. It is a great shooter. Also has an HK, but it's a 45. Not sure the model. That one is scary accurate.
10-12-2022, 10:08 PM
I got to see and touch some CZ 75s today at the LGS. Full and compact, B, BD, and a fancy railed one. The compact didn’t excite me. The full size D Omega was my first choice, but it wasn’t batting its eyelashes at me. Not sure what it was. Nothing wrong with it, but it wasn’t love at first sight.
Based on my revolver odyssey, what I want in a semiauto 9mm is:
Double action but not too long or heavy, DA/SA might be ok.
Enough weight to keep the long heavy trigger pull steady till the break. The compact was too light. Yes, too light.
At least 10 rounds on board, 15 is good.
Compact size but a full grip and 4” barrel.
Steel frame, unless alloy or plastic provides the above criteria.
No thumb safety (hence the BD)
Able to shoot tight groups, better than “combat accurate.”
You may want to check out a Sig P229 :)
I own two (although in 357).
Both have E2 grips which really enhances the ergonomics for me.
10-13-2022, 09:48 AM
Eat my words? When the P365 came out in 380 I questioned the need for that gun in that caliber. Well, I won one in a drawing at a local gun stores anniversary party. It came equipped with Sigs new Romeo Zero Elite Red dot which is supposed to have corrected all the problems Sig had with their original model optic.
Off to the range last night and I did notice a reduction in recoil and although I an not a fan of mounted optics, it was almost like cheating. This optic has the option to change reticles so picking up the dot is a non issue and the sights are suppressor height and co-witness.
The gun ran perfectly with some factory ammo as well as my handloads. This gun is a nice compliment to my two other P365's both in 9mm.
http:// (http://<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) (
10-13-2022, 02:37 PM
I want a new gun :p
10-13-2022, 03:15 PM
I want a new gun :p
Here ya go.
10-13-2022, 03:25 PM
Here ya go.
What is that?
10-13-2022, 03:26 PM
Picked up a M&P sporter 11 AR with a CT red dot used, Never fired. My first AR. This may get expensive feeding it.
Congratulations on your 1st AR! Hope you enjoy it!
10-13-2022, 03:42 PM
Here ya go.
Was actually looking at one of these -
10-13-2022, 04:01 PM
What is that?
.223 lever gun that takes AR magazines. "Because they can," apparently.
Eat my words? When the P365 came out in 380 I questioned the need for that gun in that caliber. Well, I won one in a drawing at a local gun stores anniversary party. It came equipped with Sigs new Romeo Zero Elite Red dot which is supposed to have corrected all the problems Sig had with their original model optic.
Off to the range last night and I did notice a reduction in recoil and although I an not a fan of mounted optics, it was almost like cheating. This optic has the option to change reticles so picking up the dot is a non issue and the sights are suppressor height and co-witness.
The gun ran perfectly with some factory ammo as well as my handloads. This gun is a nice compliment to my two other P365's both in 9mm.
http:// (http://<a href="" target="_blank"></a>) (
That's a great little door prize you got!
10-13-2022, 07:39 PM
.223 lever gun that takes AR magazines. "Because they can," apparently.
Interesting! Would make for an interesting movie gun!
10-13-2022, 07:40 PM
That's a great little door prize you got!
Sure is!
10-13-2022, 08:02 PM
So the idea of a T9 is still haunting me. I know I’ll love the feel of it, and the trigger, but are they any more accurate than your average 9mm?
10-13-2022, 08:22 PM
So the idea of a T9 is still haunting me. I know I’ll love the feel of it, and the trigger, but are they any more accurate than your average 9mm?
I've yet to try one of them, but do want to. Can't find anybody to sell me one at a less than new price.
10-13-2022, 08:26 PM
Hows the value of a very little used T9 stack up to an E Series S&W. Asking for a friend.
10-13-2022, 09:08 PM
I wish I had an E to swap! Is your T9 gathering dust?
10-13-2022, 09:41 PM
No dust, I fondle and love it, just never carry it and doubt I've shot 50 rounds thru it. It's awesome in hand, feels so nice.
Got a burning desire for a lightweight commander though. I had a full size Ruger for awhile, foolishly parted with it but it was a 5" which is fine but I prefer the shorter commander. There's bunch of lightweight Ruger commanders out there but that E series just blows my dress up prit near my neck.
Never figured I'd ever consider parting with the T but I really should thin the herd although I'm not sure that's the one to start with. Am I talking in riddles or what?
10-13-2022, 09:46 PM
Hows the value of a very little used T9 stack up to an E Series S&W. Asking for a friend.
Lol! That friend wouldn't happen to have a screen name that begins with B and ends with an A would he/she? I might know that guy/gal! :D
I do want a T9 though. When that pm comes your way, I would certainly be interested in it being part of our deal!
Not sure if I posted this yet or not.
P229 German frame, nickel slide and controls. ca. 1997
10-15-2022, 01:35 PM
Now that's a pretty gun. For years I wanted a Sig, I finally got one years ago and I just couldn't get along with that big decock lever. Just too far away and too long a sweep. Love the look, just couldn't handle the ergo's.
Same with the HK USP, had a burning desire until I saw one at a gun show, minute I picked it up I knew it wasn't me. Shame, they are both really great guns.
I wonder Colonel if you'd find a P220 (.45acp), or P225A1 (9mm), both single stack Sigs, better suited to your grip. Though if I only had money to buy one Sig I would make it a P210 Carry. I still marvel at how well it fits my hand. And I've yet to seriously consider buying another gun since I bought that one. Surprisingly I still haven't gotten to the range with it yet though. :(
10-15-2022, 05:00 PM
With the three controls all in a line like that, I was afraid my thumb would get them mixed up under stress, otherwise I liked the Sig I tried years ago.
10-15-2022, 05:15 PM
Got another 9mm to add to my wish list.
Hey that's a nice Tisas. I actually like the looks of it better than my Tisas Bantam.
10-15-2022, 10:12 PM
I've been watching those Tisas Stingrays on the auctions and such. They are pretty reasonable and look nice.
Yeah I thought that might peak your interest seeing as how you were just saying you had a hankering for a new LW Commander. It's a nice gat for sure. I had no idea they existed until John brought it up. Seems that they came out about the time I bought my P210, and stopped looking for the next one. :)
10-18-2022, 08:26 AM
My DW Commander Bobtail :cool:
10-18-2022, 08:59 AM
My DW Commander Bobtail :cool:
Beautiful gun.
10-18-2022, 09:18 AM
Beautiful gun.
Thanks, it's my BBQ Gun - LOL!
I've carried it, but it's just to damn pretty to carry...
Maybe we need a BBQ Gun thread?
10-19-2022, 07:39 PM
I’m leaning toward a CZ75 Compact, P-01 Omega. I wish they’s use simpler names, that’s hard to remember at the gun store.
I keep wanting a T9, though. I watched a Youtube review where the guy said T was for Target. Never heard that before.
10-19-2022, 07:56 PM
I’m leaning toward a CZ75 Compact, P-01 Omega. I wish they’s use simpler names, that’s hard to remember at the gun store.
I keep wanting a T9, though. I watched a Youtube review where the guy said T was for Target. Never heard that before.
If you get a CZ, remember Cajun Gun Works is your friend. Hammer spring change is probably all you’ll want to do to lighten up the trigger slightly. The Omega is easy to polish the internals with some 800 then 1000 grit and it will be smooth as silk.
10-19-2022, 08:06 PM
I’ll keep that in mind. Hopefully they’re easier to do surgery on than other guns I’ve tweaked.
From all I've read, seen, and heard they are great triggers. The Omega actually refers to the trigger system and it is in more than just one model of CZ. It's supposed to be a marked improvement over its predecessor, and that was a pretty good trigger too. One of the perks is that they come with both a decocker and a safety, as separate parts, and you get to decide which of them to have on the gun. So if you want to carry condition one you can, with the safety. Otherwise you use the decocker and the DA is your safety, much like a Kahr, and also some other DA/SA guns. I should have bought one long ago...
10-20-2022, 10:15 AM
Here is probably more information than anybody wants to know as best as I can remember from working on mine. Maybe it will help someone one day.
The Omega trigger system on the CZ is a good option for the novice/home gunsmith to work on and tinker with. Easy breezy.
The Omega system uses a trigger bar on one side of the frame similar to Kahr, Glock, and other modern pistols.
The original CZ with a safety only and no decocker uses a trigger bar similar to 1911’s that goes down both sides of the frame, but it is DA/SA, you just have to lower the hammer manually. It has a “Sear cage” and is a little more challenging to tinker with or work on polishing things up but it can be done pretty easily.
The original (non-omega) decocker only “BD” models have the same trigger bar as the safety only version running down both sides of the frame, but the “sear cage” is different and can have you saying words that shouldn’t be said in front of children. There is a small spring about the thickness of a hair that likes to fly out and get lost, and if I remember right it’s for the safety plunger actuator and it won’t work right without it. I have 4 BD models and have taken them all apart so it can be done, it just may not be too fun putting it back together.
I only have the P-07 and P-09 omega models that have polymer frames and haven’t handled a metal frame omega version. The polymer frame DA Omega trigger to me is not as nice out of the box as the original version. Probably because there is rubbing of the single trigger bar against the side of the frame but a lot of that can be polished up. I would bet it wouldn’t be much of an issue on the metal frame guns because the frame is more rigid than the polymer frame pistol and a drop of lubricant would take care of it. That said, there is nothing wrong with the trigger in any of them. The DA trigger is not bad and the SA trigger is sweet, and my polymer P-07 is a tack driver.
To me the original safety only model has the best trigger, but I like the decocker version best because I like the decocker feature. The DA trigger on the original metal frame guns smooths out really nice too. there is nothing wrong with any of them though, omega or original.
10-20-2022, 12:01 PM
That is helpful, thanks.
10-21-2022, 07:40 AM
I do not see the T9 on Kahr's website. That's not a good sign.
10-25-2022, 07:51 PM
Bought another handgun (wife said “That’s not a handgun!”).
Was surprised that the fit & finish is so good for an inexpensive entry level AR .556 pistol
Radical Firearms (Stafford, Texas) 10.5” barrel with a 10” guard.
Came with a metal 30 round mag of unknown origin, but I have 10 new Magpuls somewhere.
Never have seen an AR pistol before, and the brace is something different.
Just a whattheheck purchase.
10-25-2022, 09:53 PM
Radical has a really good reputation. Several officers purchased or were considering purchasing them a few years back.
That's something I've not yet come close to purchasing, that being an AR-type weapon. And now that we have a 10rd mag limit I'm not likely to anytime soon. Though the main reason I didn't when I could have was because I was too cheap to put hundreds of rounds through one. That one looks cool.
10-26-2022, 05:51 AM
My DW Commander Bobtail :cool:
Nice DW and super nice grips!
10-26-2022, 05:58 AM
Yes, the AR's are super expensive to feed and more so if you take anybody to the range to show a good time. Nice one Army! Get ready for some sonic booms! I have one in a similar length and a few pistols that are even shorter. If you go to an indoor range, unless someone else is shooting one already, you will have everyone there coming over to see what in the world you are shooting that is making such shock waves each time it's fired. I try to limit the shoter barreled one's shot's because nobody on the range can concentrate on their shots with such a racket going on. If there are trembly handed new comers there trying to shoot, forget about it. You will turn them to crying, safe space searchers in just a few shots! Definitely a hoot to shoot though!!!
10-26-2022, 06:12 AM
Always shoot my big boomers out at my brother’s place in the Hill Country.
After adding some sights or an optic (or maybe both) I’ll probably just shoot a mag or two for a function check then put it in the back of the safe.
One of my kids or a grandson might take an interest in it.
10-26-2022, 08:39 AM
Wish I had access to a place like your brother's. Once you shoot it, you might not put it in the safe so fast. Primary Arms has nice red dot's for them, which I have been very happy with, at an affordable price without being junk.
10-26-2022, 10:27 AM
Hey Bird,
Thanks for the Primary Arms mention. I was not familiar with them. Looks like they have some neat stuff.
10-26-2022, 11:08 AM
Hey Bird,
Thanks for the Primary Arms mention. I was not familiar with them. Looks like they have some neat stuff.
Certainly brother!
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