View Full Version : Happiness is a new gun 2
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10-26-2022, 12:40 PM
I totally get the "That's not a pistol thingy".
Have a hard time honestly describing these two as pistols.
5.56 NATO :)
7.62 NATO :eek:
10-26-2022, 01:14 PM
Me too.
But that’s how the ATF classifies them.
10-26-2022, 01:54 PM
Barrel less than 18'' has to be a pistol. Smart thinking on the manufacturers part. Like the Ruger Chargers, sold as a pistol.
Towards the end of my time at the PD, we got those to fit in the saddle bags of the motorcycles. I was totally against it myself but they ended up getting them. At the time there were several school shootings and they argued the motors could get in further and faster than cars. I figured only a fool would ride a motor into an active shooter scenario.
10-26-2022, 02:11 PM
Me too.
But that’s how the ATF classifies them.
Yup, yup.
And this is a pistol too!
Isn't that a Hoot?
10-26-2022, 02:26 PM
Any recommendations for an IWB holster?
Leather preferred….none of that Kydex stuff.
10-26-2022, 04:08 PM
I always kinda wanted a Keltec PLR16. But not badly enough to buy one. They're hard to find, anyway.
10-26-2022, 05:45 PM
I always kinda wanted a Keltec PLR16. But not badly enough to buy one. They're hard to find, anyway.
I've got a thing for small powerful guns.
I'm beyond help and like it! :D
10-26-2022, 07:13 PM
Hey Army...just make sure you wear GOOD ear protection with an AR 556/223 pistol. They are real LOUD
10-26-2022, 07:19 PM
My choice in AR pistols is in 300 Blackout shooting 220 grain ammo. More of a thump than a loud crack.
10-26-2022, 07:35 PM
Hey Army...just make sure you wear GOOD ear protection with an AR 556/223 pistol. They are real LOUD
Was function checking my Arsenal SLR-106U 10.5" 5.56 at an indoor range with various ammo.
An employee came by to see what in the world I was shooting?
He told me the walls were shaking :eek:
Full Disclosure:
Years and countless 22 LR rounds down range without hearing protection later.
My hearing SUCKS!
Also my first center fire weapon was a 4" 44 Mag S&W.
Of which I shot boatloads of Federal 240 gr Magnum Hydra-Shoks (with hearing protection).
I like fireballs and don't seem to notice concussion/blast :p
Maybe that's one of the reasons I like 357 Sig so much?
These days loud sounds actually hurt.
I use Decibel Defense muffs (Reduce Noise 34-37 Decibels).
My experience with these short barreled guns (5.56 and 308s with brakes).
The folks to the side get punished, but me, directly behind the blast, am just fine :D
10-27-2022, 01:26 PM
Went looking today
10-27-2022, 02:34 PM
Was function checking my Arsenal SLR-106U 10.5" 5.56 at an indoor range with various ammo.
An employee came by to see what in the world I was shooting?
He told me the walls were shaking :eek:
Full Disclosure:
Years and countless 22 LR rounds down range without hearing protection later.
My hearing SUCKS!
Also my first center fire weapon was a 4" 44 Mag S&W.
Of which I shot boatloads of Federal 240 gr Magnum Hydra-Shoks (with hearing protection).
I like fireballs and don't seem to notice concussion/blast :p
Maybe that's one of the reasons I like 357 Sig so much?
These days loud sounds actually hurt.
I use Decibel Defense muffs (Reduce Noise 34-37 Decibels).
My experience with these short barreled guns (5.56 and 308s with brakes).
The folks to the side get punished, but me, directly behind the blast, am just fine :D
This is pretty much my story to a T. My right ear don't work at all, Doc said it's not even talking to my brain. Left is extremely poor. No talking on the phone, lip reading helps. Loud noises do hurt.
I spent a lot of time behind various 44's and my 30-30 Thompson Contender. Still have them but don't shoot em very often. Kind of desiring a 44 Henry Lever gun so the revolvers might get revisited if I ever manage to get one.
Funny my dad was just the opposite, he was deaf in his left and poor on his right. One doctor even suggested it was too much time on a tractor. My dad always looked over his right shoulder, I always looked over my left. Maybe that exhaust stack contributed some too although he had a lot more time in the tractor seat than I ever did.
10-27-2022, 04:06 PM
This is pretty much my story to a T. My right ear don't work at all, Doc said it's not even talking to my brain. Left is extremely poor. No talking on the phone, lip reading helps. Loud noises do hurt.
I spent a lot of time behind various 44's and my 30-30 Thompson Contender. Still have them but don't shoot em very often. Kind of desiring a 44 Henry Lever gun so the revolvers might get revisited if I ever manage to get one.
Funny my dad was just the opposite, he was deaf in his left and poor on his right. One doctor even suggested it was too much time on a tractor. My dad always looked over his right shoulder, I always looked over my left. Maybe that exhaust stack contributed some too although he had a lot more time in the tractor seat than I ever did.
Same here.
Right ear sounds like I'm underwater or in a plane and it needs to pop.
Left is OK unless there's background noise (like in a restaurant).
I've started reading lips too.
Dad was a single engine plane pilot.
22 LR guns, lawnmowers, factory equipment ...
Nobody knew I guess.
We all know now...
10-27-2022, 07:34 PM
Went looking today
Just looking????? Bring anything starting with CZ home?
10-27-2022, 07:59 PM
Just looking????? Bring anything starting with CZ home?
10-28-2022, 10:54 AM
Finally found it. A semi I can shoot well. I expect these first groups will get better with practice.
10-28-2022, 02:54 PM
Realized I couldn't remember last time I was out shooting (Over 1 year I think) :(
With Covid and the ridiculous cost of ammo I just stopped.
Have a Hk VP9 Frankenstein gun (non SN matching slide/frame) that I've never function checked (not like me).
And an early SS slide Ruger LCP that had misbehaved from the get go on FMJs.
Shot 200 rounds to break it in which improved reliability dramatically, but not completely.
After reading about Ruger Customer Service I finally decided to send it back to the mothership.
They asked what ammo I was using for carry (Hornady XTP Custom JHPs) and told me to send it in.
Came back with a new barrel and was told they had ran the XTP loads successfully.
But again with the cost of .380, I was hesitant to function check it (it ran OK most of the time...).
Anyway, I'm on a four day weekend and decided to function check both guns out in the desert this AM.
The Hk ran fine - shocker.
The troublesome LCP ran a bunch of FMJs and several mags of XTP customs just fine!
I'm guessing the early LCP barrels may have had feed ramp issues???
(Way to go Ruger CS) :)
Getting ready to go I realized I hadn't shot my carry gun in some time (Hk P2000SK sub-compact).
Shooting skills are perishable.
So I put a box on a stick.
Got a flash sight picture putting the XS Golf Ball front sight on the box.
And squeezed off a quick mag freehand.
The mag was filled with Fire Breathing Underwood 125 gr 357 Sig GDHPs.
I'm OK with this for quick close range combat shooting -
10-28-2022, 04:03 PM
Last few years I've only been shooting when at our annual vacation spot. Weird but only shooting 2 or 3 times in that 10 day period once a year I find no depreciation in my shooting. Actually usually shoot better than when I was shooting monthly. Perhaps it's because it's outside with usually no one else around unlike the indoor ranges where there's people and other shooters and sometimes a range officer breathing down your neck. The range I seldom go to but prefer they avoid bothering you but still distractions.
I do wish to get out and do some shooting. Guess I enjoy tinkering with guns as much as shooting them. That along with reloading which I don't do near as much as I used to but find myself doing a bit more keeps me off the streets.
10-28-2022, 05:51 PM
Finally found it. A semi I can shoot well. I expect these first groups will get better with practice.
Sweet. I like.
10-28-2022, 06:20 PM
Finally found it. A semi I can shoot well. I expect these first groups will get better with practice.
I've wanted a classic CZ 75 for some time.
Never shot or even held one.
Only CZ product I own is a Micro Scorpion (which I totally love).
All of my steel DA/SA guns are Sig (P220/P229/P239).
I need to rent one of those bad boys (CZ 75) and see if it agrees with me :)
Know I post pics of my guns way too much.
But it's almost Halloween and I'm in a mood - LOL!
This is my cherished CZ (and it is a tack driver)
10-28-2022, 06:37 PM
I planned on getting the compact with s rail, but when I held it again the short grip kind of cramped my hand where the front strap curves forward at the magwell. The full size just felt better, and having night sights makes the absence of a rail ok. This may or may not be a Bump In The Night gun, so a light might be a good idea. My bedside M&P9 has one. That may go bye bye eventually. Heck, my BHP may go bye bye.
10-28-2022, 06:44 PM
I planned on getting the compact with s rail, but when I held it again the short grip kind of cramped my hand where the front strap curves forward at the magwell. The full size just felt better, and having night sights makes the absence of a rail ok. This may or may not be a Bump In The Night gun, so a light might be a good idea. My bedside M&P9 has one. That may go bye bye eventually. Heck, my BHP may go bye bye.
Glad you posted that.
Was thinking compact as well.
I really need to rent the various models and figure that out.
Just looking and thinking about guns really doesn't work...
Although I've used a variety of handguns for "Bump In The Night Duty" over the years.
I seem to have settled on this beside my bed -
10-28-2022, 07:19 PM
That should work!
Finally found it. A semi I can shoot well. I expect these first groups will get better with practice.
I could practice all day and not do better than that John. Nice shootin'!
10-28-2022, 08:00 PM
Those CZ 75 series are the best looking double stacks on the market, IMO.
I’d love a compact..
10-28-2022, 09:15 PM
Finally found it. A semi I can shoot well. I expect these first groups will get better with practice.
This guy has a lot of magazines for CZ's. And the rubber base pads.
The CZ OEM mags are kind of pricey, but the MecGar ones work very well for less money.
10-28-2022, 09:49 PM
My choice in AR pistols is in 300 Blackout shooting 220 grain ammo. More of a thump than a loud crack........
10-29-2022, 02:34 AM
My choice in AR pistols is in 300 Blackout shooting 220 grain ammo. More of a thump than a loud crack........
Just what I need, one more caliber - LOL!
10-29-2022, 07:18 AM
Realized I couldn't remember last time I was out shooting (Over 1 year I think) :(
With Covid and the ridiculous cost of ammo I just stopped.
Have a Hk VP9 Frankenstein gun (non SN matching slide/frame) that I've never function checked (not like me).
And an early SS slide Ruger LCP that had misbehaved from the get go on FMJs.
Shot 200 rounds to break it in which improved reliability dramatically, but not completely.
After reading about Ruger Customer Service I finally decided to send it back to the mothership.
They asked what ammo I was using for carry (Hornady XTP Custom JHPs) and told me to send it in.
Came back with a new barrel and was told they had ran the XTP loads successfully.
But again with the cost of .380, I was hesitant to function check it (it ran OK most of the time...).
Anyway, I'm on a four day weekend and decided to function check both guns out in the desert this AM.
The Hk ran fine - shocker.
The troublesome LCP ran a bunch of FMJs and several mags of XTP customs just fine!
I'm guessing the early LCP barrels may have had feed ramp issues???
(Way to go Ruger CS) :)
Getting ready to go I realized I hadn't shot my carry gun in some time (Hk P2000SK sub-compact).
Shooting skills are perishable.
So I put a box on a stick.
Got a flash sight picture putting the XS Golf Ball front sight on the box.
And squeezed off a quick mag freehand.
The mag was filled with Fire Breathing Underwood 125 gr 357 Sig GDHPs.
I'm OK with this for quick close range combat shooting - I think it's always a good idea to stay in good standing with your carry guns. I try to get out once every few months. Granted, I just go in the back yard which makes things a lot easier. I also carry a P2SK in .40 cal. with the XS Golf ball. :p Great sights. Also stay in practice with my SP101. I shoot a bit high with it, so practice helps with the muscle memory. Also helps keep in touch with nasty .357's. Bark and bite. I'm sure your HK handles the Sigs well.
10-29-2022, 10:16 AM
I planned on getting the compact with s rail, but when I held it again the short grip kind of cramped my hand where the front strap curves forward at the magwell. The full size just felt better, and having night sights makes the absence of a rail ok. This may or may not be a Bump In The Night gun, so a light might be a good idea. My bedside M&P9 has one. That may go bye bye eventually. Heck, my BHP may go bye bye.
I agree that the compact size does cramp the hand a little if one has medium to large hands. I have the P-01 and if I use flush mags (the ones with no rubber base pad) the bottom of the mag digs into my little finger after a while.
What do you think about the trigger? DA and SA?
10-29-2022, 10:28 AM
DA is a little heavy, but doesn’t throw me off much. SA is good. I’m used to mediocre Ruger P series triggers, so it’s a step up.
10-29-2022, 06:55 PM
DA is a little heavy, but doesn’t throw me off much. SA is good. I’m used to mediocre Ruger P series triggers, so it’s a step up.
if I remember right the factory hammer spring is 17 or 18 pounds (maybe 20). You can pick up a 13 pound CZ hammer spring from Wolff or Cajun gun works and it will transform the trigger like you won’t believe without compromising reliable primer strikes. If you buy anything from Cajun gun works I’d get one of their firing pin retaining pins, part number 61100. That retaining pin (a basic roll pin) is about the one weak link in their gun because it dents and then could keep the firing pin from hitting the primer. $12 will get both parts from CGW.
Regardless, that’s an awesome gun
11-02-2022, 01:34 PM
So I finally did it.
This thing was filthy when I took possession, but the slide racked smooth as glass. Even the grip screws were dirty. I've cleaned it up and it's ready to try out. It looks like it's been shot enough that it likely doesn't have any issues, but one never knows.
11-02-2022, 06:49 PM
11-04-2022, 06:42 PM
Always wanted a T9.
Really wish for a T45!
Anyways all this new gun talk got me twitching.
So I ordered a second Hk P2000SK 40 LEM.
Really love that gun so...
Pictures? I once had a P2000 in .40 and an SK in 9. Always regretted not getting the SK in .40 to match it.
I've since gone to P30's, in both calibers. These days I'm wanting them to produce a P30SK in .40. The grip ergos on the P30 line is so much better for me.
11-05-2022, 01:35 AM
Pictures? I once had a P2000 in .40 and an SK in 9. Always regretted not getting the SK in .40 to match it.
I've since gone to P30's, in both calibers. These days I'm wanting them to produce a P30SK in .40. The grip ergos on the P30 line is so much better for me.
Well I just ordered the second P2000SK 40 and don't have it in hand at the moment.
But here is the first one that I was carrying today.
Put an OEM 357 Sig barrel and Underwood ammo in it.
Can't find a second 357 barrel for the new gun so it will have to run 40...
Do own a P30 40 and a P30SK.
Wish the P30SK was a 40 too, but only 9 was, and continues to be, available.
Don't really think HK will ever produce the P30SK in 40 :mad:
And they have discontinued producing all 357 guns...
Do love the ergonomics of the P30/P30SK guns.
But prefer 357 Sig to 40 S&W and am not crazy about 9mm.
Plus I find my P2000 357s easier to carry/conceal than my P30 40.
And I shoot the P2000SK 357 better than the P30SK 9 for some reason?
I'm a HK addict you see... :cool:
11-05-2022, 07:42 AM
I own a P2SK in .40 myself (same year of mfg.) and understand your connection to HK. They build an awfully nice gun. The best firearm I've ever owned, and I've owned many over the years. Handles the large caliber well.
11-05-2022, 11:27 AM
I really like the 357 Sig caliber!
Well I just ordered the second P2000SK 40 and don't have it in hand at the moment.
But here is the first one that I was carrying today.
Put an OEM 357 Sig barrel and Underwood ammo in it.
Can't find a second 357 barrel for the new gun so it will have to run 40...
Do own a P30 40 and a P30SK.
Wish the P30SK was a 40 too, but only 9 was, and continues to be, available.
Don't really think HK will ever produce the P30SK in 40 :mad:
And they have discontinued producing all 357 guns...
Do love the ergonomics of the P30/P30SK guns.
But prefer 357 Sig to 40 S&W and am not crazy about 9mm.
Plus I find my P2000 357s easier to carry/conceal than my P30 40.
And I shoot the P2000SK 357 better than the P30SK 9 for some reason?
I'm a HK addict you see... :cool:
There are far worse things to jones on than an HK! I like them very much myself. I found the P2K and SK required a sleeve to fit my hand better whereas the P30 family grips can be put together in 27 different combos and should fit everyone's hand with at least one. That's another same they don't do the P30SK in .40, or even .357. But it sure looks like you've got the best that is available anyway.
I really like the 357 Sig caliber!
Nice Sig jeep! P226?
11-05-2022, 02:22 PM
P226 Legion. I have 2 slides for it; one for 9mm and other for the 357 and 40 barrels. Helps on ammo shortages.
11-05-2022, 09:18 PM
I really like the 357 Sig caliber!
Yup, Yup,
Sig P229/P239 & HK P2000/P2000SK/SS USPC :cool:
Bought this LNIB for $449 :)
Well, you guys were right. The glow I experienced after buying the P210 started to fade.'s a stock picture of what's on the way.
Below that is a stock pic of one that I picked up awhile back. Gonna have quite a few combos to play dressup with.
11-06-2022, 05:43 PM
Some nice new one's you guys! I have not been doing much on here, but am drooling over your new finds tonight. Ya'll are making me want to buy something new for sure! Just got new a/c, ducts, windows and doors. Boring in comparison. All I got out of the deal was that b-day gun. Maybe next year though!
11-06-2022, 08:05 PM
Christmas is just around the corner…
11-06-2022, 08:40 PM
Christmas is just around the corner…
True. We usually get stuff for our son, but thats it. My work slows end of year, so the $ won't be as good until February or March. That's when the wifey starts giving me "bonus" $ when sales are good.
11-07-2022, 01:37 PM
My birthday came and went without notice, just the way I like it cept I could of used a shiny new gun this year. Oh well, always next year.......(maybe)
11-07-2022, 05:44 PM
My birthday came and went without notice, just the way I like it cept I could of used a shiny new gun this year. Oh well, always next year.......(maybe)
I usually like birthdays like that too. Something tells me you will have plenty of shiny new guns in your future though!
11-07-2022, 07:28 PM
Dang I hope your right.......I'm happy as a sheep far away from Jocko right now. Bought a pellet stove a month ago, got my shop finally wired after 10 years of extension cord hell. Tried for 2 weeks to get the pellet stove working unsuccessfully. Call Tractor where I used to work and they said even though it was past 30 days, bring it back, they had a couple others of the same returned. Got a bit larger nicer one, quite a challenge getting it out of the van with me and the wife but we got her. Didn't take long and she's all hooked up and blowing heat. Should be a warm comfy day out in the shop tomorrow even though they are saying 24 degrees outside. Don't hardly believe that but it's been too durn cold from me old bones.
Just tickled I am.
11-07-2022, 08:28 PM
We broke the record hi temp today, record was 78, set back in 1961, we hit 80. I almost turned my AC back on. Weird winter so far, down in the 20's next Sunday night.
11-07-2022, 09:36 PM
Dang I hope your right.......I'm happy as a sheep far away from Jocko right now. Bought a pellet stove a month ago, got my shop finally wired after 10 years of extension cord hell. Tried for 2 weeks to get the pellet stove working unsuccessfully. Call Tractor where I used to work and they said even though it was past 30 days, bring it back, they had a couple others of the same returned. Got a bit larger nicer one, quite a challenge getting it out of the van with me and the wife but we got her. Didn't take long and she's all hooked up and blowing heat. Should be a warm comfy day out in the shop tomorrow even though they are saying 24 degrees outside. Don't hardly believe that but it's been too durn cold from me old bones.
Just tickled I am.
24 degrees? Hay Zeuss!!! Sounds like you and I are alike. I can’t get much done outdoors until cooler weather sets in. I know I drone on about the skeeters here, but I’m over the itching, that and no telling what they are carrying in them these days. Sounds like you’ve cozied up the shop real nice. I can just picture it. I wouldn’t mind having one of those stoves, or even a traditional wood burner, just in case. Got your shop wired? No more extension cords? Yep, I’m probably 10 years behind you. Extensions run everything I ever do out there. I’ve got a few years to go until retirement, but wiring, cooling and heating are on my list for out there. Sounds like you are livin the life now man. Congratulations on your upgrades!
11-07-2022, 09:39 PM
We broke the record hi temp today, record was 78, set back in 1961, we hit 80. I almost turned my AC back on. Weird winter so far, down in the 20's next Sunday night.
You aint that far up above me. Always amazes me how much just a few hours of driving can make for a difference in temps. My car dash today said 85. I went for a walk after work and it felt like the 90’s for the first bit. Then some breezes and some sprinkles came and it got nice. Record temps? Must be that global warming. We all better start eatin z bugs or we are gonna fry!!!
11-07-2022, 11:06 PM
24 degrees? Hay Zeuss!!! Sounds like you and I are alike. I can’t get much done outdoors until cooler weather sets in. I know I drone on about the skeeters here, but I’m over the itching, that and no telling what they are carrying in them these days. Sounds like you’ve cozied up the shop real nice. I can just picture it. I wouldn’t mind having one of those stoves, or even a traditional wood burner, just in case. Got your shop wired? No more extension cords? Yep, I’m probably 10 years behind you. Extensions run everything I ever do out there. I’ve got a few years to go until retirement, but wiring, cooling and heating are on my list for out there. Sounds like you are livin the life now man. Congratulations on your upgrades!
Funny thing, I have an Electrician across the street, but could never get him to get around to wiring me up. I stumbled onto an Electrician (brother in law to my old construction partner) who I haven't seen or heard from in at least we figured 27 years. He had just retired. Wife was tired of waiting for the neighbor so she called and got a quote, even though all the wire was run and boxes etc in by another electrician a few months back. They wanted 7000 bucks!!! I thought a few more years of extension cords. Then I contacted my old sparky from days gone by and didn't want to bother him since he'd only recently retired but he said he'd do it if I couldn't find nobody. Long story short, he did the whole thing in about a long day for 1500 bucks parts and labor. I was pretty dang happy.
11-07-2022, 11:21 PM
Funny thing, I have an Electrician across the street, but could never get him to get around to wiring me up. I stumbled onto an Electrician (brother in law to my old construction partner) who I haven't seen or heard from in at least we figured 27 years. He had just retired. Wife was tired of waiting for the neighbor so she called and got a quote, even though all the wire was run and boxes etc in by another electrician a few months back. They wanted 7000 bucks!!! I thought a few more years of extension cords. Then I contacted my old sparky from days gone by and didn't want to bother him since he'd only recently retired but he said he'd do it if I couldn't find nobody. Long story short, he did the whole thing in about a long day for 1500 bucks parts and labor. I was pretty dang happy.
It’s good to know people like that, for sure. When I wanted a metal roof put on, I went to the guy I once sold metal roofing for. He had his son do all the flat runs as a side job, then my old boss and his best trim guy did all of the trim & details, also wrapping my fascia. Cost me $12k. About a month later, my neighbor, with a similar sized, but less complex roof, shopped around and ended up paying $14k for a new shingle roof. Since the metal roof went on, everyone around me has had to buy a new shingle roof, some twice. Man did I save some dough on that deal. Been through a few bad hurricanes and more than a few tropical storms since and she’s still doing great. You know the old saying, it’s not what you know but who you know! Glad you got a good deal. Leaves money for those shiny things mentioned earlier :cool:
11-08-2022, 10:42 AM
57 today....67 tomorrow....72 Thurs.................crazy in these parts in November. I'll take it. Which reminds me. Get the snowblower working.
11-08-2022, 11:59 AM
My son just returned from a trip to visit a Marine Corp buddy who was proposing to his girl. It was like a weekend camping trip. I told him long johns, and dress like nanook of the north. Turns out it was in the high 60's. Did rain for a bit. Called that one wrong I guess.
We had an exceptionally long dry hot spell in these parts but flipped a switch and late fall is upon us. Wet and cold. Just don't care for the cold these days.
My new pellet stove is working great out in the shop this morning. Not summer time warm but certainly knocking the edge off so a derelict can work without freezing. Works for me.
11-08-2022, 05:33 PM
57 today....67 tomorrow....72 Thurs.................crazy in these parts in November. I'll take it. Which reminds me. Get the snowblower working.
That 67-72 stuff… I LOVE IT! My dunlop makes anything above that have me headed for an air conditioned space. Funny, when I was a kid, I’d walk on pavement, barefoot, in 95 degree weather. Can’t wait for Florida to have a real winter. It’s been a while. Seems like the “palmetto bugs” and skeeters have proliferated due to no freezes.
11-08-2022, 05:36 PM
My son just returned from a trip to visit a Marine Corp buddy who was proposing to his girl. It was like a weekend camping trip. I told him long johns, and dress like nanook of the north. Turns out it was in the high 60's. Did rain for a bit. Called that one wrong I guess.
We had an exceptionally long dry hot spell in these parts but flipped a switch and late fall is upon us. Wet and cold. Just don't care for the cold these days.
My new pellet stove is working great out in the shop this morning. Not summer time warm but certainly knocking the edge off so a derelict can work without freezing. Works for me.
Your son got to join in? Sounds like a kinky relationship. Not sure that one will last!
I know what you mean about the cold. Hands don’t like bumping into stuff when it’s like that. But cold down here aint cold like up there. Ya’ll got some real cold. Add the wet you mentioned and I just shut down. Time for heating, liquor and some boob tube at that point.
11-10-2022, 05:06 PM
Just pick this up at the FFL :cool:
11-10-2022, 05:23 PM
Just pick this up at the FFL :cool:
That's a nice one Barth. P2000? I likey!
11-10-2022, 05:44 PM
That's a nice one Barth. P2000? I likey!
Thanks, it's a P2000SK (sub-compact) 40 S&W LEM.
(I do have two P2000 357s though...)
11-11-2022, 01:07 PM
My buddies toys down on the border.....[on air boat on the river]. :Amflag2:
11-11-2022, 02:59 PM
My buddies toys down on the border.....[on air boat on the river]. :Amflag2:
Looks like some real firepower. Gator hunters? Lol!
11-11-2022, 05:36 PM
Looks like some real firepower. Gator hunters? Lol!
No works for ICE.
11-11-2022, 08:19 PM
Bidded on a low price no reserve pistol on Gunbroker and what do you know, I won. Kimber EVO SP.
11-11-2022, 08:36 PM
I have not had good luck on gunbroker. GOOD 4 YOU! :typing:
11-11-2022, 09:12 PM
That’s the first one I won. I only bid on items listed by a local firearm distributor that I can pick up in person and usually I get out bid quick.
11-11-2022, 09:15 PM
Bidded on a low price no reserve pistol on Gunbroker and what do you know, I won. Kimber EVO SP.
Seems like it tis the season.
Albeit a bit early, but whatever...
11-12-2022, 07:14 AM
Congratulations on your lil Kimber! Looks very melted.
11-12-2022, 08:31 AM
Congratulations on your lil Kimber! Looks very melted.
Very melted. Theres not a corner or sharp edge on the thing. It’s a tad smaller than a K9 and weighs just over 20 oz. on the wife’s kitchen scale with an empty mag. I couldn’t believe how smooth the trigger is. Trigger weight Feels about like maybe 7 pounds but I swear it is as smooth as any Kahr trigger I have felt. And Slide to frame fit feels like it’s riding on glass. Recoil spring is STIFF as any Kahr I have though. We’ll see if it loosens up after the first range trip.
I have some 6 and 8 round Kimber mags I bought for my P938 that fit this pistol so I’ll be interested to see if they work. A flush fit 6 round mag that works will make this pocket gun eligible.
11-12-2022, 09:06 AM
Merry Xmas...................................
Those are the descendent of the Kimber Solo. But engineered better(?) such that they are much more reliable. The Solo was very finicky about ammo and Sig even stated that they needed to be fed 124gr or higher in order to cycle reliably. Doing so did not guarantee a trouble free firearm however and so a lot of people ended up with firearms that they quickly sold. Plus the Solo's mags were and still are proprietary and unique to that gun.
The EVO though can share mags with the Kimber Micro 9, and by all accounts are very reliable without the common feeding problems that the Solo was known for. And they're just as gorgeous with it's melted form. Plus they have a higher capacity than the Solo without the latter's ugly extended mag. And they shoot better than the Solo. I would probably own one by now except for it's lack of a manual safety. The Solo had one and I personally want/like/need a single action, short stroke pistol to have one. Other than that they're the cat's meow imo. Congrats on a good buy yqtszhj, I'm sure you've got a great little pistol there.
11-12-2022, 10:30 AM
I was really tempted by the Solo, the melting just felt so nice in my hand, but the picky eating was a no-go.
I'm still tempted by the Solo, but the idea of buying a pre-owned Kimber and not being able to send it back to Kimber for warranty service keeps me from picking one up. My hope is that they will eventually equip a variant of the EVO with a manual safety. I'd be all over that quickly.
11-12-2022, 12:30 PM
Yeah it was too bad the Solo was a dog of sorts. Would have been nice if they were more reliable.
Still, the Solo and the Evo are two of the best looking little 9's out there. And I'd imagine that those who bought a Solo that has treated them well are very happy with it. Just as you'll be with your Evo!
11-12-2022, 10:25 PM
I’ve been tempted as well. I’ve seen some really nice looking one’s. The melt, the cool grips some of them have, etc. but have been shy for the same reasons posted here.
11-13-2022, 04:46 PM
As fru fru as they look, I wouldn’t mind having one of Kimber’s aqua and cream colored guns, sorta as an object d’art. They remind me of a ‘57 Bel Air. Then I’d need an aqua, cream, and chrome Bel Air of course. Convertible.
11-13-2022, 05:23 PM
As fru fru as they look, I wouldn’t mind having one of Kimber’s aqua and cream colored guns, sorta as an object d’art. They remind me of a ‘57 Bel Air. Then I’d need an aqua, cream, and chrome Bel Air of course. Convertible.
Interesting you say that because I do believe the model you speak of is the Bel Air. I like those too. My buddy worked at a place named Classic Chevy International and they had one of those ‘57’s just like that. That was about 25 years ago and even back then I think it was over $100k.
11-13-2022, 07:20 PM
Wow, I guess the Kimber will have to do, then.
11-13-2022, 07:23 PM
Wow, I guess the Kimber will have to do, then.
Well, there’s always that Powerball stuff! Lol! That’s a great pic of a Bel Air!
11-13-2022, 07:24 PM
11-13-2022, 07:56 PM
Ride around with that Kimber sittin on the dash!
Yeah, that’s a $100k + car I bet. Looks factory new, if not better. Somebody is a good photographer, both the Kimber and the 57 pictures.
11-13-2022, 08:33 PM
Industrial photography (Kimber’s pic) is an art.
11-13-2022, 08:35 PM
My dad had a 57 Bel Air just like that that I barely remember. What I do remember is he sold it to buy a “family car” he called it like the one below. Funny thing is after all us kids wore out the interior my mom re-upholstered the interior to white vinyl seats and door panels and white deep pile shag carpet on the floor.
11-14-2022, 12:04 AM
My parents had a 57 Chevy, not a Bel-Air, just a 4 door 6 banger, 3 on the tree. Great family car. You could fit bunk beds in the trunk. We moved from Missouri to Washington (bad freakin idea to this day). I spent the majority of the trip layed out on the rear window deck. Those were the days.
11-14-2022, 07:37 AM
11-14-2022, 08:50 AM
….. I spent the majority of the trip layed out on the rear window deck. Those were the days.
That was an awesome place to stretch out. Just as fun as sitting on the door arm rest and hanging out the window. Those were the days.
11-14-2022, 03:48 PM
My old 57 Chevy's.....
11-14-2022, 03:51 PM
Well, there’s always that Powerball stuff! Lol! That’s a great pic of a Bel Air!
I think it was made to copy Jeep Pickup!
11-14-2022, 07:11 PM
I want that gas can!
11-14-2022, 07:14 PM
I want the whole jeep!
11-14-2022, 08:12 PM
My dad had a 57 Bel Air just like that that I barely remember. What I do remember is he sold it to buy a “family car” he called it like the one below. Funny thing is after all us kids wore out the interior my mom re-upholstered the interior to white vinyl seats and door panels and white deep pile shag carpet on the floor.
Me & the wife (with bun in oven), and the first car we bought together - 1967 Malibu coupe with 283 &3 on the tree - Easter 1968.
Got the new little Kimber home. Micro 9 Desert Night. Top pic is what it looks like from the factory. Bottom pic is after switching the slides between it and the Micro 9 Desert Tan. I've noticed the FDE on most brands of guns can look much different depending on the light and shadow, even the same gun. I really like the black with tan grips.
The mag in the black gun is one of the new Kimber TacMag Elites. They've been having a promotion since July and it ends in December where you send them your invoice and serial number and they'll send you one of the mags. Since Kimber is quite proud of their mags it saves $50 a pop. And they feel much better in hand.
That '67 would likely be worth more now than you paid for each of your first two houses AB!
11-15-2022, 06:11 PM
Nice. I like that new acquisition you got there. I have a Sig P938 in the same color scheme where they call the tan color bronze but it came with a thick Hogue grip and Sigs trigger guard laser (which I promptly took off.) I like that laser grip that came on yours much better. That TacMag is interesting too.
Side note. I shot the Evo SP I picked up and it worked with 100 124gr., 50 115gr., and 25 124gr. HST’s. The trigger is very nice after I figured out to pull it straight through just like a Kahr and not try to stage it like a Glock trigger. Groups at 10 yards were very good too. Now I have to figure out if I need one of those TacMags you mentioned???? I’m betting it will work for the Evo since I found out that the Kimber 6, 7, and 8 round mags for a micro 9 function perfectly.
11-15-2022, 08:52 PM
I want the whole jeep!
Wow! Me too! That thing is super clean. Been really wanting a cool old truck for a while now. Definitely when I retire, but hoping for one sooner.
11-15-2022, 08:53 PM
Army, bet you wish you still had that one! I have always loved the old Malibu’s! Cool picture!!!
11-15-2022, 08:54 PM
Very nice lil Kimbers dao! Love what you did swapping the slides. Looks much better in my opinion! Nice set!!!
11-15-2022, 09:19 PM
Very nice lil Kimbers dao! Love what you did swapping the slides. Looks much better in my opinion! Nice set!!!
Are we talking Kimbers or new tips?
Thanks guys
Nice. I like that new acquisition you got there. I have a Sig P938 in the same color scheme where they call the tan color bronze but it came with a thick Hogue grip and Sigs trigger guard laser (which I promptly took off.) I like that laser grip that came on yours much better. That TacMag is interesting too.
Side note. I shot the Evo SP I picked up and it worked with 100 124gr., 50 115gr., and 25 124gr. HST’s. The trigger is very nice after I figured out to pull it straight through just like a Kahr and not try to stage it like a Glock trigger. Groups at 10 yards were very good too. Now I have to figure out if I need one of those TacMags you mentioned???? I’m betting it will work for the Evo since I found out that the Kimber 6, 7, and 8 round mags for a micro 9 function perfectly.
My wife has one of those 938's also. I think the model is called the Combat. The TacMags make these guns, including the 938 feel so much better in my hand. The little lip on the front of it makes the difference I think. I haven't shot any gun with the new mags but they sure feel good. I don't see why they wouldn't work in your Evo, since all the others do.
How's the trigger on your Evo? Is it a long pull or a more typical striker action? Like I said before I've heard nothing but good about them being good shooters, comfortable to shoot, and ultra reliable.
11-15-2022, 10:46 PM
Are we talking Kimbers or new tips?
I would have to say I'd choose the new tips first! ;)
11-15-2022, 11:04 PM
Thanks guys
My wife has one of those 938's also. I think the model is called the Combat. The TacMags make these guns, including the 938 feel so much better in my hand. The little lip on the front of it makes the difference I think. I haven't shot any gun with the new mags but they sure feel good. I don't see why they wouldn't work in your Evo, since all the others do.
How's the trigger on your Evo? Is it a long pull or a more typical striker action? Like I said before I've heard nothing but good about them being good shooters, comfortable to shoot, and ultra reliable.
The trigger is good. It isn’t like a Glock trigger at all. It has the pull distance about like a Sig P365 so it’s not as long as a double action, but it’s a very smooth constant pull like a Kahr but only heavier at about 7 pounds. So it isn’t light but it is super smooth and constant all the way till it breaks. It’s Different than anything I’ve shot before.
Hope all that rambling of mine that makes some sense.
11-16-2022, 09:18 AM
I like my 938 it makes a good pocket on very discreet IWB tuckable gun. I took off the awesome walnut medallion factory grips and put on Hogue finger groove grips. Very good compact carry gun.
Yes they are jeep, the 938 and the Micro 9 both work well for most situations.
yqtszhj you've got me curious about the Evo. I'm hoping to see one in the wild that I can hold and examine for myself. I probably won't buy one unless they release a variant with a manual safety, but who knows? A deal I couldn't refuse may come along.
11-16-2022, 09:39 AM
Have to say I'm addicted to Sigs...
11-16-2022, 10:21 AM
Did I mention I like Sigs....:)
10 rounds of 45 ACP on the left 22 rounds of 9mm on the right.
I know the feeling jeep. Is that an AXG on the right? Another one I wish they'd release with a manual safety.
11-16-2022, 12:38 PM
It is actually the Equinox, I put on a standard slide to keep the Equinox from getting dinged up carrying.
Equinox as in the AXG Equinox? The 320 AXG as you probably know is a metal gun and to me much more desirable because of it. Yours looks like that.
11-16-2022, 04:15 PM
Yes AXG Equinox.
11-16-2022, 04:56 PM
Have to say I'm addicted to Sigs...
Those 938’s are soooooo easy to carry IWB that I forgot mine is there. I have a generic leather holster that has molded to the gun and is very comfortable to carry. Pocket works well too.
11-16-2022, 05:23 PM
I agree I also have a Desantis Soft Tuck holster for it when it needs to completely disappear.
11-16-2022, 07:19 PM
Well, it’s not new but since we’re showing mini 1911 love here is some more…..
Maybe I’ll put up my polymer wonder guns in exchange for some metal guns for a while.
11-17-2022, 08:07 AM
Nice....I like the 2 tone look [to bad it is not O.D.Green]. :tongue:
11-17-2022, 08:52 AM
I had a P238 briefly. It was a nice little gun, I'd have kept it but I was done with .380.
11-17-2022, 08:54 AM
Nice....I like the 2 tone look [to bad it is not O.D.Green]. :tongue:
LOL, you mean like this one….
11-17-2022, 08:54 AM
Yes AXG Equinox.
Sig P320 Equinox
11-17-2022, 03:45 PM
Yall making me miss the 238's and 938's I've had. Nothing like a 238 with a hogue grip. Fit my hand like a glove. Just too fat for my business slack pockets.
11-17-2022, 05:39 PM
Got this tonight. Guy showed me the receipt where he bought it 2 weeks ago for $200 more than he let it go for. Been wanting to give one a try since they came out. Compact grip with a 5" barrel. Feels good in hand and that grip texture is like sidey's web! 😀
11-17-2022, 06:22 PM
I’d like to thy the PDP-F, the girly version. I see a future where most semiautos have “easy rack” slides, and grip textures for normal people instead of calloused gorillas. Why make a slide stiffer than it needs to be?
11-17-2022, 06:51 PM
I’d like to thy the PDP-F, the girly version. I see a future where most semiautos have “easy rack” slides, and grip textures for normal people instead of calloused gorillas. Why make a slide stiffer than it needs to be?
Lol! I've wondered how they do that, being that a certain amount of rebound is needed to send the slide home and chamber a round. Are they just paying extra attention to smoothing out mating surfaces? Are they lightening the slide to alleviate how much weight needs to be sent back forward? On that first point, I have noticed on 1911's that I have polished (rails, top of hammer) a noticable smoothness is acheived, which I think would possibly reduce some of the needed inertia, but not so sure. I am not a play around with springs, or a reloader guy that would make "powder puff" loads, or I could test such stuff.
11-18-2022, 08:24 AM
I've always been interested in Walther. Let us know how it shoots. I could be liking those grips.
11-18-2022, 10:24 AM
I like compact semiautos, but wheelguns - especially Rugers - are my favorites. Just ordered another .Blackhawk .357. Gifted my 1968 6.5” BH to my oldest son for his 50th birthday five years ago.
Missed it a lot, so this time the shorter barrel was calling me. It will eventually go to my other son along with the New Vaquero .357 because he has two sons. Hope they appreciate the short barrels.
11-18-2022, 11:58 AM
Nothing better than a Ruger Single Action. I've been kind of looking for a 357 with the shorter barrel. Gave my last one to my daughter. Still have my Birdshead 45ACP and a few others.
11-18-2022, 12:55 PM
Nothing better than a Ruger Single Action. I've been kind of looking for a 357 with the shorter barrel. Gave my last one to my daughter. Still have my Birdshead 45ACP and a few others.
Ordered this one from Grabagun (in the Dallas area).
$620, plus tax & shipping to my local FFL.
A tad bit more than the $80 I paid for the first one 54 years ago, but actually this is less if inflation is taken into account.
11-18-2022, 02:54 PM
I've always been interested in Walther. Let us know how it shoots. I could be liking those grips.
Will do man! The grips do feel nice and grippy for sure.
11-18-2022, 02:59 PM
I like compact semiautos, but wheelguns - especially Rugers - are my favorites. Just ordered another .Blackhawk .357. Gifted my 1968 6.5” BH to my oldest son for his 50th birthday five years ago.
Missed it a lot, so this time the shorter barrel was calling me. It will eventually go to my other son along with the New Vaquero .357 because he has two sons. Hope they appreciate the short barrels.
Those are sweet looking guns! I like them in the shorter barrels too, looks wise. I’ve yet to own one, but hope to one day. Wish they made that little Bearcat Shopkeeper in a bigger caliber. Sweet looking lil wheel gun. Probably break my hand off if they shot 357 outta those lil frames. ;)
11-18-2022, 05:26 PM
Ordered this one from Grabagun (in the Dallas area).
$620, plus tax & shipping to my local FFL.
A tad bit more than the $80 I paid for the first one 54 years ago, but actually this is less if inflation is taken into account.
Thats not far off what I paid for my first one, it was 109 bucks out the door at Ernst Hardware. Just this last summer I gave it to a good friend who's not really a gun guy but wanted a blued cowboy 22. Was ok since I got my mom's stainless Ruger 22 with the longer barrel.
I like the extended beavertail on the Equinox guns. And I believe the larger models come with the SRT?
Looks like you got a good buy on that Walther Bird, given that you paid $200 less than he did. Wise move!
The other day when I picked up my Kimber Desert Night my doggone LGS guy took this out of the box in front of me. I've been regretting selling my Marlin 30-30 336, though one of the reasons I sold it was because the darn thing got heavier with age (either its or mine, not sure). I've also always wanted a true Carbine in a pistol caliber. So I went back today and took it away from him. Serves him right for tempting me like that.
This is a Rossi in .45LC. I would have liked a 357/.38 but he couldn't find any made by anyone from among his distributors. Rossi is a Brazilian company that's been making guns since the late 1800's. They now have some sort of partnership with Taurus but as far as I can tell they're still making their own rifles. This little jewel weighs in at just under 5.5lbs and is only 33-3/8" long.
11-18-2022, 07:52 PM
I've wanted a Birds Head grip SA for some time.
There is just something about a revolver.
As I consider my next revolver I pick up these two.
Then I smile :cool:
That's some serious hardware there Barth
11-18-2022, 08:08 PM
I like the extended beavertail on the Equinox guns. And I believe the larger models come with the SRT?
Looks like you got a good buy on that Walther Bird, given that you paid $200 less than he did. Wise move!
The other day when I picked up my Kimber Desert Night my doggone LGS guy took this out of the box in front of me. I've been regretting selling my Marlin 30-30 336, though one of the reasons I sold it was because the darn thing got heavier with age (either its or mine, not sure). I've also always wanted a true Carbine in a pistol caliber. So I went back today and took it away from him. Serves him right for tempting me like that.
This is a Rossi in .45LC. I would have liked a 357/.38 but he couldn't find any made by anyone from among his distributors. Rossi is a Brazilian company that's been making guns since the late 1800's. They now have some sort of partnership with Taurus but as far as I can tell they're still making their own rifles. This little jewel weighs in at just under 5.5lbs and is only 33-3/8" long.
Thank you sir! Looks like you picked up a jewel there! Yes, I have read the same about Rossi. I currently only have one, a rifle that came with a 22 barrel and a 410 barrel. Originally bought for my son to shoot as a tween. It has been flawless in the 50 or so shot shells and maybe 40 of the 22’s we’ve fired through it. I did have a Rossi 38 snub (early model), but my brother, who is a bit liberal in his marbles, realized that the world is not as sugar, candy, frosted coated as he thought it was a while back, so I lent/gave it to him as part of a paint my house deal. I had read from gun snobs about their inferiority, but have not seen it in the Rossi’s that I’ve shot. Have met a few old timer’s that have had Rossi’s for years who LOVE them. Some would say the same thing about our Kahr’s due to lack of experience with them, or lack of the diligence to learn the break in & lube stuff. That one is pretty and I’d love to own it!
11-18-2022, 08:10 PM
I've wanted a Birds Head grip SA for some time.
There is just something about a revolver.
As I consider my next revolver I pick up these two.
Then I smile :cool:
Purdy Smith’s there my man! What caliber? Just enough barrel to consider for carry, but enough to reach out and touch someone a bit further than the belly.
11-18-2022, 08:25 PM
Purdy Smith’s there my man! What caliber? Just enough barrel to consider for carry, but enough to reach out and touch someone a bit further than the belly.
The K frame is a M65-3 3" Heavy Barrel 357 Mag.
It likes Winchester PDX1 357 Mag 125gr JHP ammo.
The "Big Dog" is a M629-2 4" 44 Mag Mountain Revolver.
My gun prefers Federal Hydra-Shok 44 Mag 240 gr :cool:
My understanding is the FBI issued M19 3" 357s to agents before semi-autos.
Somebody likes Magnum Force, and it might be me...
11-18-2022, 10:25 PM
So dao was right. Serious hardware/firepower! More so with those loads. That 44 is a hoot to shoot I’m sure. Shoulda never sold my 29!!!
11-19-2022, 05:40 AM
I have that same 65, same grip too. Love it!
11-19-2022, 10:25 AM
I am an old school revolver guy. I recently, ( 3 years ago), acquired a Ruger Speed Six in .357 (circa 1982), 2.75" barrel. OMG this thing is fantastic, it handles full load magnums. Better trigger than any S&W I own, except for my 586 ( which has several thousand rounds down range). It impressed me so much, I bought a 2nd one of of gun broker, both have great triggers. So... do vintage Rugers have better triggers than same era S&W, or did I just get lucky.?
11-19-2022, 04:45 PM
I had a 1979 speed six stainless in 9mm. One of the many I shouldn't have sold. It had a bit of trigger work and had a great trigger. Replaced it with an SP101 Wiley Clapp model. I've done a bit more trigger work on the SP. The speed six was smoother and better quality but the sights and trigger are better on the SP. Sure wouldn't mind having another speed six. Nice revolvers. I also think that the Ruger's had a better trigger than the Smith's back then. :p
11-19-2022, 06:23 PM
I am an old school revolver guy. I recently, ( 3 years ago), acquired a Ruger Speed Six in .357 (circa 1982), 2.75" barrel. OMG this thing is fantastic, it handles full load magnums. Better trigger than any S&W I own, except for my 586 ( which has several thousand rounds down range). It impressed me so much, I bought a 2nd one of of gun broker, both have great triggers. So... do vintage Rugers have better triggers than same era S&W, or did I just get lucky.?
My Dad has an older Speed Six.
The DA trigger is glassy and rivals my S&W guns.
I wouldn't go so far as to say better...
But the Ruger is stock.
And I've had professional trigger jobs on most of my S&W guns (sans the M65-3).
Classic Ruger revolvers have nice triggers :)
11-19-2022, 09:33 PM
Yeah, my 1975 Service Six’s trigger was pretty smooth….Lots better than my SP101s made in 1993 & 2014.
11-19-2022, 10:45 PM
One of the worst trades I’ve ever made was a letting go of a really nice Smith 2 1/2 inch model 60 .357 that I carried for years for a Kahr CW40 because I thought that I needed more firepower than a 5 shot revolver…….That CW40 had more problems than I can count and forced me to look for internet help trying to fix it which is how I found this place so sometimes bad things lead to good…….I ended up trading that CW40 and now carry a PM9 that’s reliable and perfect for me but I sometimes miss that old Smith model 60 revolver………
11-20-2022, 02:16 PM
Yeah, my 1975 Service Six’s trigger was pretty smooth….Lots better than my SP101s made in 1993 & 2014. You CAN make them better. :)
11-20-2022, 08:38 PM
Unfortunately I had a continuation of the never ending
"beat the dead horse" gun control story with my parents this AM.
It starts out with my mother asking "why does anyone need an AK47?".
Followed by "why does anyone need more than six bullets?".
OMG we have been over and over this.
And I think my head is about to explode.
My parents are intelligent educated people.
Even if we don't agree on a subject.
Seems like we should be able to still have decent conversation.
And understand each others point of view.
I feel like I'm making great points.
But it seems like I'm talking to a brick wall.
Common sense seems to have left the building :(
Anyone else have these problems?
11-20-2022, 09:09 PM
My wife was from New Jersey. Her family is the same way. They have never fired a firearm. Have never held one. Do not know anyone with one, do not know anyone that hunts. All the local's have the same attitude. It's a cultural thing.
To paraphrase someone: You can't use logic on illogical people.
11-20-2022, 09:21 PM
My wife was from New Jersey. Her family is the same way. They have never fired a firearm. Have never held one. Do not know anyone with one, do not know anyone that hunts. All the local's have the same attitude. It's a cultural thing.
To paraphrase someone: You can't use logic on illogical people.
Yeah, I know you're right.
It just saddens me I can't find a way to get through to my parents
on such an important topic.
11-20-2022, 10:03 PM
I can’t remember if you shared where your folks are from but like kenemoore said some people, like those in NJ will never get it.
I have had that conversation a few times and I usually just point to the news and ask that if a crazed person bust into their house to rape or kill a loved one, do you prefer up close and personal beating them to death with a baseball bat, or would they rather have about 17 rounds to start shooting with and then a couple of reloads to run them off? If they say neither and they will take their chances, if I know them well enough I may ask if I can have their car, nice TV, or something else if they’re gone since they won’t need it.
Generally it gets them to think but they still may not change their way of thinking.
If limited to only six, unless a person always has an armed posse with them, with each member armed with 6 rounds, any single attacker with more than six rounds would have the tactical advantage. A life threatening situation. Put into a potential real-life scenario as yqtszhj did, if you're at home with your six shooter and someone breaks in armed with a higher capacity gun you're immediately under-gunned. If your family needs to be defended why would you not want more than six rounds to do so?
11-20-2022, 10:55 PM
If limited to only six, unless a person always has an armed posse with them, with each member armed with 6 rounds, any single attacker with more than six rounds would have the tactical advantage. A life threatening situation. Put into a potential real-life scenario as yqtszhj did, if you're at home with your six shooter and someone breaks in armed with a higher capacity gun you're immediately under-gunned. If your family needs to be defended why would you not want more than six rounds to do so?
Yup, my answer to the six bullet question was "What if there are seven bad guys?"
We have talked in the past about tactics, adrenalin dumps, house invasions, riots...
That you can't have too much ammo/capacity. But sure can have too little!
I want the best guns with the most capacity to give me the best odds of survival.
The Brady Bill didn't work before, what has changed so it will work now?
If you can smuggle and supply this country with metric tons of cocaine?
How can you believe there wouldn't be a similar black market for criminals wanting guns?
Disarming law abiding citizens will actually cost lives not save them.
No answers to my questions and blank stares follow.
But with the next high profile shooting these topic come up again and again...
Although the latest turned out to be a knife.
I wanted to say -
Oh no, it must have been an Assault Knife!
We need to stop this knife violence.
Ban all knives!
What does anyone need a knife for anyway?
You can eat your food with your fingers.
OMG I keep asking for criminal control.
There are endless ways to kill people.
You can't take all those ways away and make anyone safe.
How about enforcing existing laws rather than just adding more?
I guess the part that really triggers an emotional response from me is.
They really want to disarm me and potentially put me in harms way.
With absolutely no logical reasoning on how that's supposed to make anyone safe?
Programmed and brainwashed by the media, like so many others.
I feel this is the true threat to our freedom going forward.
11-21-2022, 06:59 AM
Along those same lines/words Barth, in those conversations or rebuttals, I ask people, "would you rather have 21 rounds and not need them, or need them, but not have them"? No one has ever broken into your home, so why do you lock your doors or have a security system? You have insurance on your home, but you've never made a claim? You say you've never been in a car accident, but you wear a seat belt. Why? Would you rather wear your seat belt and not need it, or need it but not have one on. Just like car accidents, home damages due to fire, flooding, may have never experienced those, yet you keep certain protections in place. Believe it or not, violent attacks do happen. I saw it once on The View, so it must be true!
11-21-2022, 09:29 AM
I agree that they want to disarm us and take our freedoms, the One thing I have found that helps me the most when the foolish talk of disarming folks starts……. buy another case of ammo. It’s almost as good as sex and last longer. :rolleyes:
11-21-2022, 10:58 AM
I agree that they want to disarm us and take our freedoms, the One thing I have found that helps me the most when the foolish talk of disarming folks starts……. buy another case of ammo. It’s almost as good as sex and last longer. :rolleyes:
That's a Great Idea!
Thanks for the Holliday Tip.
I'm starting to feel better already :D
11-21-2022, 10:58 AM
Ammo is also a good bartering tool. .............Now, because of the Jan. 6 fiasco, and all the crazies coming out of the woodwork shooting the h#ll out of everything, they're going to be pushing harder than previously on this gun control thing. I don't think ammo prices will ever come down again. Sure, some ammo has dropped a bit in price, but most is still too much. They're probably going to start fooling with ammo again, one type being more dangerous than another, taxes, etc. Gov't controlled shortages and pressure against ammo manufacturers. At the same time, being the best firearm salespeople ever. They have a couple of years yet, to push the anti-gun agenda. Luckily, the House was controlled, and they can keep anything crazy that comes up under wraps. You can be sure that they'll keep pushing.
11-21-2022, 02:34 PM
Speaking of ammo, I haven’t seen any .357 out on the shelves here for almost three years, so broke down and ordered some from Arrived today…
11-21-2022, 03:29 PM
Last time I bought ammo, I stocked up on 500 rounds of this stuff @ $27.95 for 50 :) g?c=1
11-21-2022, 04:06 PM
Good on ya finding you some Army! I got lucky. Right after the pandemic lock downs were starting, I placed an ad looking for some. Guy sold me 300 rnds of 357 and 200 rnds of 38 for $10 a box. I’ve shot very little (down to 1 revolver currently) so hope it will last. I’ve seen some decent prices on various ammo online, but by the time the shipping is added in it sure gets pricey these days!
Luckily, the local Academy stores stay pretty stocked these days with the others I shoot, which is mostly 9mm, 45 and 223.
11-21-2022, 04:50 PM
Our Academy stores have plenty of the common long gun calibers (except .30-30 & .243) and gobs of .38 Special, 9mm, .40, & .380…..but none of the magnum calibers.
11-21-2022, 06:56 PM
I don't shoot my magnum revolvers much anymore.
Believe it or not, I used to target shoot with Federal Hydra-Shok 240gr JHPS!
Looking at ammo availability now that might not be a bad thing.
At one time I was shooting every couple of weeks and would shoot around 100 to 200 rounds (mostly 45 ACP).
With the cost of ammo now, those days seem long gone...
I have reserves, but they don't seem replaceable so...
Now I just function check new guns.
And occasionally drill some cans and boxes out in the desert for kicks :)
11-21-2022, 08:37 PM
Our Academy stores have plenty of the common long gun calibers (except .30-30 & .243) and gobs of .38 Special, 9mm, .40, & .380…..but none of the magnum calibers.
I actually have not looked for any of those at our’s (3 Academy’s around us) since most of my wheel guns got sold, but when I had found that good deal I mentioned, it was because they had no 357. I will look next time I’m in there to see if the one’s over here are any better stocked with the magnum’s.
11-21-2022, 08:42 PM
I don't shoot my magnum revolvers much anymore.
Believe it or not, I used to target shoot with Federal Hydra-Shok 240gr JHPS!
Looking at ammo availability now that might not be a bad thing.
At one time I was shooting every couple of weeks and would shoot around 100 to 200 rounds (mostly 45 ACP).
With the cost of ammo now, those days seem long gone...
I have reserves, but they don't seem replaceable so...
Now I just function check new guns.
And occasionally drill some cans and boxes out in the desert for kicks :)
I feel ya man! I was going once or twice a week for a while, before the covid mess. Now, it’s more like once or twice every couple of months. I’m like you in that I don’t like to dip into my stores, unless I know I can get a good deal. Just posted an ad up wanting 1k of 9mm, brass cased, factory loads of fmj, and willing to pay $330. Guy met me a block from my home and sold me just that. Nowhere near what I used to pay, but that even beat Academy’s prices and I did not have to fight traffic for 30 mins.
You got a bargain there Bird! Been awhile since I've bought any 9mm for .33 per round.
11-22-2022, 06:49 AM
You got a bargain there Bird! Been awhile since I've bought any 9mm for .33 per round.
Yes sir! Not too shabby a deal. Interestingly, after posting about that on here, a guy posted up 550 rounds for $135. I was too slow seeing it, as he said he has a buyer pending when I told him I wanted it. Will let me know by 3pm today if his “pending” shows up or not. A few years ago, would you have ever imagined us talking about trying to score a deal on ammo? Sheez, what’s the world coming to?
mr surveyor
11-22-2022, 10:14 AM
Seems like only yesterday that Cabella's had adds in their monthly paper catalogue showing 9mm ammo (low end stuff) for "only 6-1/2 ¢ per round in bulk". But, I remember buying .22 cartridges for 25¢ per box fpr Shorts, 35 ¢ per box for Longs and 45¢ for Long Rifles.
After over 50 years of "employment" I'm finally understanding inflation .... just about to the same extent as understanding women ....
11-22-2022, 10:36 AM
Man, those were the good ol’ days!
awhile back. Or at least the outside of one.
Made a leather shop apron and then decided to try my hand at a case for my new Rossi. Came out pretty well. It's two layers, with a reinforced muzzle end on the inside and outside to protect the business end of the rifle. I like to sew stuff and making gear for shooting and working in the garage is mostly what I do. I'm going to enter two of the aprons I've made, one out of leather and the other of cordura, in the county fair next year.
Here's how the case turned out.
11-22-2022, 01:48 PM
That's damn nice. Would love to see the shop aprons too.
Thanks Colonel.
I took up sewing right after I retired. I've made quite a few blankets for a couple of local women/children organizations too.
Here are two of the aprons I've done, which I want to enter in the fair next year. I'm using a couple of others that I made in my garage and workroom now. Idle hands and all that right?
11-22-2022, 03:06 PM
I'm using a cloth apron my wife made. It has some design flaws such as the pencil etc holder being too low, yours is much better. Mine is also a little wider and long enough to go all the way to my feet. Without it me and the chair get covered in sawdust. I've been trying to figure out a way to incorporate like short sleeves so more of my shoulders are covered. Lot of sawdust going on out in the shop. Can't find checkering cutters anyplace now that the good maker apparently hung it up. Been building all kinds of stuff the wife dreams up for holiday bazaars. Don't get rich but the one we've been too, got enough to cover wood and stuff. Not looking to get rich no how although a little slush fund for guns and ammo would sure be nice.
Been building a bunch of squirrel and bird houses and feeders. No plan, just use what I got to make something. Some have turned out pretty cool. Can't find any good pictures at the moment.
Seems like you could take a denim/chamois shirt, remove the buttons and sew it down the front, and than sew it to an apron. Then cut the back of the shirt off from the sides up and and around behind the back of it, leaving just enough under the arms of the shirt to keep it together. You could then put it and the apron on by slipping it over your head and arms. If you tie your apron behind your back now, because the shirt would be sewn to the apron it would be drawn toward your back too just as the apron is. And because the sleeves were left intact and slipped over and around your arms they too would serve to keep the remainder of the shirt on you. If the shirt is stitched all the way across the top and down the sides of the apron there wouldn't be any way for the sawdust to find its way between the shirt and the apron as I'm sure it must now.
You make some nice stuff Colonel. I remember the pics of your bathroom and how nicely that turned out. Those shelf units you have with the daisies and sunflowers on them are something I've never seen before and are very cleverly done. Is that your design or the Mrs.?
11-22-2022, 04:46 PM
Very nice work you guys! I know who I want on my homesteading team should shtf!
Bird I don't know about the Colonel but if the shtf and I don't have my reading glasses handy when I have to bug out I'm not going to be of any use to you or anyone else for any kind of detail work.
I may be able to chop a log without taking my foot off. But then again I might not. :D
11-22-2022, 06:11 PM
Bird I don't know about the Colonel but if the shtf and I don't have my reading glasses handy when I have to bug out I'm not going to be of any use to you or anyone else for any kind of detail work.
I may be able to chop a log without taking my foot off. But then again I might not. :D
Lol! If it does go down, I don’t think I’d be able to reach you anywho, short of sending smoke signals. Since I never learned that skill, I’d probably send you the wrong message if I did! :o
11-22-2022, 10:04 PM
You make some nice stuff Colonel. I remember the pics of your bathroom and how nicely that turned out. Those shelf units you have with the daisies and sunflowers on them are something I've never seen before and are very cleverly done. Is that your design or the Mrs.?[/QUOTE]
Wife does the painting and dolling up, I just build the stuff. I saw a picture and kind of modified it a bit. Wife is looking at pics all the time, shows me something and ask if I can make it. Sometimes yes, sometimes no, sometimes hell no.
11-23-2022, 07:58 AM
Thanks Colonel.
I took up sewing right after I retired. I've made quite a few blankets for a couple of local women/children organizations too.
Here are two of the aprons I've done, which I want to enter in the fair next year. I'm using a couple of others that I made in my garage and workroom now. Idle hands and all that right? When I first glanced, I thought it was a Kimber Belair mini-9 laying there.
11-23-2022, 10:07 AM
Ammo vs. sex, the sex is cheaper.
11-23-2022, 12:47 PM
Ammo vs. sex, the sex is cheaper.
My rapid repeat fire has diminished over the years, though . . .
11-23-2022, 01:03 PM
Ammo vs. sex, the sex is cheaper.
Hmmmm,….. that may depend on if one shops at Walmart, or Bass Pro. :behindsofa::behindsofa:
I couldn’t resist.
11-23-2022, 01:38 PM
With nothing but mountains of respect and admiration for the female gender, nothing involving a female is cheap. I'm fortunate that my wife (female, traditional marriage) isn't high maintenance but still not cheap.
When I first glanced, I thought it was a Kimber Belair mini-9 laying there.
Ya know that's something I completely overlooked. I should include a pocket for one of my micro 9's in my next design. Or add it to that leather apron after the Fair and I start using it. Thanks for the idea BB!
11-23-2022, 02:11 PM
My rapid repeat fire has diminished over the years, though . . .
Try a bump stock :D
11-23-2022, 02:19 PM
With nothing but mountains of respect and admiration for the female gender, nothing involving a female is cheap. I'm fortunate that my wife (female, traditional marriage) isn't high maintenance but still not cheap.
That statement about said it all right there. Never cheap, but sometimes a little less expensive.
11-23-2022, 02:29 PM
My rapid repeat fire has diminished over the years, though . . .
Same here, much to the wife’s relief.
But have been shootin’ blanks since 1980. (“Snip-snip”).
11-23-2022, 02:36 PM
Ammo vs. sex, the sex is cheaper.
Hahaha sex is cheaper hahaha :smash: Once you buy ammo the cost is done! :faint2:
11-23-2022, 03:36 PM
Hahaha sex is cheaper hahaha :smash: Once you buy ammo the cost is done! :faint2:
Not if you reload! Primers are ‘spensive!
11-24-2022, 07:32 PM
Added some Magpul folding sights and an AFG to my new 10.5” RF 5.56 pistol….
11-25-2022, 08:09 PM
A while back, but I added a red dot to my AK.
Does that count?
11-25-2022, 09:01 PM
With nothing but mountains of respect and admiration for the female gender, nothing involving a female is cheap. I'm fortunate that my wife (female, traditional marriage) isn't high maintenance but still not cheap.
I consider myself VERY fortunate. My wife is frugal. She has never been into the shopping stuff, other than for groceries. I sometimes have to literally drag her to even get some newer, nicer clothes for her to wear to work (office environment). At the same time, she allows me to be somewhat wasteful with this gun hobby stuff. There’s no replacement for her on this earth!
11-25-2022, 09:09 PM
Wish I had a nice girl.
My choices have been dumpster fires.
Sometimes we have to walk this world alone...
11-25-2022, 10:53 PM
Wish I had a nice girl.
My choices have been dumpster fires.
Sometimes we have to walk this world alone...
I have a friend who seems to have had the same luck with every one he got involved with. He “chases tail”, but never commits to going any further. Honestly, if anything ever happened to my wife or our relationship, I’d throw in the towel. Seeing how so many women are today, along with what the dating stuff is like, I’d rather be alone too.
11-26-2022, 07:13 AM
Wish I had a nice girl.
My choices have been dumpster fires.
Sometimes we have to walk this world alone...
Hey, I know that guy!
11-26-2022, 03:07 PM
Still gooped up with shipping grease fresh out of the box…
11-26-2022, 07:39 PM
Very nice.
11-27-2022, 08:46 PM
Looks Sweet!
I'm picking up my new HK P2000SK 40 tomorrow from the gunsmith.
Adding Night Sights and some trigger mods.
Will likely hit the desert Tuesday morning for a function check.
11-27-2022, 09:48 PM
Looks Sweet!
I'm picking up my new HK P2000SK 40 tomorrow from the gunsmith.
Adding Night Sights and some trigger mods.
Will likely hit the desert Tuesday morning for a function check.
I don’t see many P2000sk around here. Is there much difference in slide thickness or weight between the P2000sk and the P30SK? I’ve got the P30SK and wonder how they compare.
11-27-2022, 10:15 PM
I don’t see many P2000sk around here. Is there much difference in slide thickness or weight between the P2000sk and the P30SK? I’ve got the P30SK and wonder how they compare.
Guns are nearly identical (I own both).
The real difference is the P30SK only comes in 9mm.
I prefer 40 S&W (and even more 357 Sig) :cool:
Plus, for some reason I can't explain, I shoot 40/357 better than 9mm.
As sweet as the ergonomics of the P30SK feel.
I just shoot the P2000SK better (40 & 357).
My P30 40 FS is a tack driver so there you go...
As much as I wish it wasn't so, I shoot 40 S&W 180 subsonics really well.
My MK40 Elite loves that round.
I've had both and they're both great guns. But the grip ergos of the P30 family are head and shoulders better than the P2K family. Unless of course the one and only P2K grip option fits your hand like a glove, in which case the P30's with their 27 different grip options would have nothing over the P2K's one. Except of course, that you can't buy a P30SK in .40S&W.
11-28-2022, 08:31 AM
Thanks Barth and dao. I was wondering about that.
11-29-2022, 10:21 AM
When the wife and I were firearm shopping years back, she said that the P30 fit her hand like a glove. One of the best fitments for her. I love the P30 feel but I still shoot my P2SK the best. ( in .40)
11-29-2022, 12:41 PM
I’m the same way. I have kinda large hands and my P30SK with the large grip panels all the way around fits me perfectly.
The wierd thing is my regular P30 no matter which grip panels I use doesn’t fit and fill the hand quite as well and I shoot the SK better. I’ve put probably 4000 rounds through the p30 and I still don’t shoot it as well as the SK which probably only has less than 1000 rounds through it. They’re both amazing though because they are very smooth and very flat shooting pistols.
The P30SK doesn't feel right to me unless I have a 13rd mag in it, with an X-grip sleeve on it. Thankfully I got mine before our state decided totalitarianism is for the people and by the people.
12-04-2022, 05:55 PM
Ordered a cheap but complete 16” carbine length upper from PSA just in case the feds go through with their latest shenanigans with the AR pistol braces:
12-04-2022, 06:49 PM
I have a 10 1/2 inch and 16 inch from them and they do pretty good groups at 100 yards. The 16 inch if I remember right does about 1.5 MOA with 55gr. PMC ammo. Not bad at all for a $399 home built ar-15.
12-04-2022, 08:41 PM
Ergonomics and handguns are so much about personal preference.
Grips, sights and triggers are huge.
And then barrels, in my experience, have proved to be unique in what manufacturer, type and weight of ammo they prefer.
It's a fun journey.
But a journey we must make ourselves :)
Oh BTW I never warmed up to my P30 40 LEM till I changed the grip panels to small on the sides and large on the back.
That proved to be the sweet spot for me.
P2000 the extra large back strap and P2000SK the large.
Also for some reason I really shoot well with XS Big Dots on those guns.
For what it's worth...
And don't forget looks. I won't own an ugly gun. Unless maybe it was all that was available and I didn't have another that was better looking. They have to pass the pretty face test with me first and foremost.
12-04-2022, 09:12 PM
Didn't really need it, but I bought a Rock Island Arms "firearm" that shoots 3" 12ga shells. The VFR14. Plus RIA is giving a $100 rebate (can only be used to buy stuff from there accessory store).
12-04-2022, 09:48 PM
Looks good to me?
But I'm sticking with my Mossberg 590 Shockwave :)
Federal LE12700 with Flight Control groups like... :cool:
"That'll do it", said the Goblin King to Gandalf :D
I've come to appreciate magwells on 1911s of late. Ordered a couple and installed them today. They're two-piece EGW's
12-18-2022, 07:24 PM
Technically not a new gun but added a Wilson frame to my 365. Got the XL frame, so now a short slide longer grip. Love it so far. Also added the weight kit from Wilson and I so far liking that too.
Took about 3 minutes, not counting the 45 minutes spent looking for the dropped mag release spring.... grrrr@#%@
12-18-2022, 08:31 PM
Like those magwells dao. I’ve put a few on them too. I think they enhance the 1911’s nicely!
12-18-2022, 08:32 PM
Nice looking 365 Colonel! That frame makes it a whole lot better looking. Looks like the texture would prob be more grippy now too.
Those WC grip modules feel great don't they? They do look better, are more grippy, and WC changed the angle so that it's closer to that of a 1911.
My next purchase will probably be an Officer's/Compact .45. And I intend to put a magwell on it too.
12-18-2022, 09:32 PM
I like that grip frame. Crap, now something else to buy.
12-18-2022, 11:47 PM
I like that grip frame. Crap, now something else to buy.
They are on sale right now which is why I went with it. I'm kind of sold on the weight kit too for some reason, just feels better. Can't help but make it a soft shooter too although I got nothing to back that up with yet.
I just ordered another for a friend of mine.
Merry Christmas to me :) I'm Blessed with a good wife!
12-26-2022, 10:31 AM
Merry Christmas to me :) I'm Blessed with a good wife!
GREAt wife dao! Nice gift!!!
12-26-2022, 11:13 AM
I was hoping for a Daisy Red Ryder but guess I don't have to worry about shooting my eye out this year.
We had one when I was running the property room at the PD. Don't recall the circumstances, weather it was stolen recovered or found or what but it was absolutely mint, the original wood stock. Real nice. Wanted it bad but alas no legal way to obtain it unless it went to auction which it didn't do when I was there. That and the Single Action Colt mentioned before got checked on a lot whenever I was out there.
Oh, I bought it for myself Bird. But I have a deal with my wife. For each new gun I buy I have to give her $50. Unless it's an "investment" gun which won't be carried for which I don't have to give her the surcharge (aka happy wife tax). The extra $50 is worth it to me if it means I don't have to feel bad, or be made to feel bad.
To bad on the Red Ryder Colonel, sounds like it would have been a fine showpiece. And squirrel tamer.
12-26-2022, 11:32 AM
Oh, I bought it for myself Bird. But I have a deal with my wife. For each new gun I buy I have to give her $50. Unless it's an "investment" gun which won't be carried for which I don't have to give her the surcharge (aka happy wife tax). The extra $50 is worth it to me if it means I don't have to feel bad, or be made to feel bad.
To bad on the Red Ryder Colonel, sounds like it would have been a fine showpiece. And squirrel tamer.
Sounds like a good deal to me. I have a deal with my wife where if I bring home over “X” $ amount in a week I get a “bonus”. After a few bonus rounds, I end up getting me one. Nice to have wives who work with us! :)
12-26-2022, 11:37 AM
I was hoping for a Daisy Red Ryder but guess I don't have to worry about shooting my eye out this year.
We had one when I was running the property room at the PD. Don't recall the circumstances, weather it was stolen recovered or found or what but it was absolutely mint, the original wood stock. Real nice. Wanted it bad but alas no legal way to obtain it unless it went to auction which it didn't do when I was there. That and the Single Action Colt mentioned before got checked on a lot whenever I was out there.
My buddy had his dad’s when we were kids. He had it slung across his back one day when we were riding our bikes around after shooting bottles in an empty lot. Cops got called and parents got called. His mom stuck it away and it was never to be seen again. Couple years back, after both his folks passed, we found a hidden little storage area in his parents old room. Little nook leading into the attic space. It was in there, along with a damascus 12 ga, an old double barrel 12 ga and his dad’s 30-30 lever. Forget the makes. He sold them all off, keeping only the lever, at pennies on the dollar to a lgs. I was not into rifles at all at the time or I woulda given him more. Live & learn.
Replaced the WC SS drop-in beavertail I had installed with a factory Tisas SS. The Wilson had a very large and unsightly gap behind the frame tangs that I just couldn't stand to look at anymore. The gun came with a black bearvertail to start. Also, added some new shoes and a magwell. This is my learnin' gun. It didn't cost much to begin with so I'm risking only that if I somehow ruin it. Not likely since I've saved all the original parts, untouched and I'm not doing any mods to the frame. Still, fitting some of these parts can be tricky. This last SS beavertail was anything but drop in. It took me most of a day to get it to work properly.
01-04-2023, 08:49 AM
Looking fantastic dao! I’ve worked on some beaver and some tail, but never any beaver tails. You got me beat! Your Tisas is looking gorgeous!!!
01-04-2023, 09:29 AM
Agreed, that's a sweet looking gun right there.
Thanks guys. Beavertail is quite exotic Bird. The sense of having done something unusual and fine when finished is worth all the work I tell ya. :D
Since we're now empty nesters I've inherited our kids' old "schoolroom" as my shop. It adjoins the garage so tools are handy. And I've built two butcher-block topped tables for the room, one for tweaking and cleaning firearms and the other for everything else. My son gave me a flame-topped stool for Christmas that I shortened by 2-5/8" so it fits me and my tables perfectly. I have some clamps on order and when they come in I'll be able to mount a pair of my spare MC footpegs (Kuryakyn Wings) to it so that I can be most comfortable whilst working on various projects. I'll take some pictures of it when I get the wings mounted.
01-05-2023, 03:27 PM
That’s good stuff, dao, especially the 1911.
01-05-2023, 04:26 PM
Thanks guys. Beavertail is quite exotic Bird. The sense of having done something unusual and fine when finished is worth all the work I tell ya. :D
Since we're now empty nesters I've inherited our kids' old "schoolroom" as my shop. It adjoins the garage so tools are handy. And I've built two butcher-block topped tables for the room, one for tweaking and cleaning firearms and the other for everything else. My son gave me a flame-topped stool for Christmas that I shortened by 2-5/8" so it fits me and my tables perfectly. I have some clamps on order and when they come in I'll be able to mount a pair of my spare MC footpegs (Kuryakyn Wings) to it so that I can be most comfortable whilst working on various projects. I'll take some pictures of it when I get the wings mounted.
Jeleous when I hear about some of yall's workshop set ups. We had 1 or 2 days of cold, but back up to Hades type temps already, so the skeeters are still aplenty out in my work area.
It's all relative Bird. You have skeeters and beautiful weather. We have fewer skeeters and cold rain from October thru March, then warm rain thru May, and sometimes longer.
01-06-2023, 10:47 AM
My cousins from Missouri are shocked when we leave the doors open and don't have screen doors. We just don't have the bugs like they do. This year we seem to be inundated with stink bugs, flying little ugly beetle looking things. Lived here over 30 years and never had them before but they are everywhere this year. they are kind of like sloths, move real slow, if they get on their back they are stuck and can't move. Move something and there might be dozens of them laying underneath.
Wife claims if you squish em they put off a scent that attracts more of them. Figured the cold and snow would run em off but they are still around.
01-06-2023, 09:49 PM
My cousins from Missouri are shocked when we leave the doors open and don't have screen doors. We just don't have the bugs like they do. This year we seem to be inundated with stink bugs, flying little ugly beetle looking things. Lived here over 30 years and never had them before but they are everywhere this year. they are kind of like sloths, move real slow, if they get on their back they are stuck and can't move. Move something and there might be dozens of them laying underneath.
Wife claims if you squish em they put off a scent that attracts more of them. Figured the cold and snow would run em off but they are still around.
We have stink bugs down here where we live but this year they were more abundant than normal. I figured it was because we had more rain this year but I’m not sure.
01-07-2023, 05:37 AM
Been living with stink bugs my whole life. Look pre-historic. They are extremely fond of squash plants. Have to fight them off every summer. They bore holes in the leave stems, (which are hollow), and then live there, of course this is not beneficial to the squash plants. qGciigQ2B5eJwjVQL25UBQHaDt%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=72562a421a33badce77315fdaf47075a1fffbd67c232a7 063c9a12d27619984c&ipo=images
01-07-2023, 10:57 AM
Any way to get rid of them. Dang nuisance, especially when they are all over the house. Drives the wife nuts which in turn drives me nuts. Crap, maybe we're just nuts?
01-07-2023, 11:59 AM
We have stink bugs, and the similar looking wheel bugs, but I never see more than one at a time.
01-07-2023, 12:52 PM
I just spray Cy-Kick around the foundation perimeter of our house & garage every 6 weeks or so.
Keeps all those little crawling varmints out - or kills them toot sweet after they crawl over it.
01-10-2023, 08:59 AM
I'll have to look for that Cy-Kick stuff Army. We get too many "Pametto bugs" (HUGE roaches) come summer, rainy season. Last year, we did spray bombs on each end of the attic, and one on each end under the house. Out they came! I sat outside with a tall broom smacking them as they ran out off the soffit vents and crawl vents. My wife did the same inside. I stopped counting at 113!!! Had no idea there were that many in the walls, attic, crawl spaces. Friggin infestation! We keep a clean house, so that grossed us out. Hope to find your Cy-Kick stuff for next summer. I'll spray that (I have an 18v fogger), then do the bombs again. Would be nice to eradicate them!
01-10-2023, 02:04 PM
I'll have to look for that Cy-Kick stuff Army. We get too many "Pametto bugs" (HUGE roaches) come summer, rainy season. Last year, we did spray bombs on each end of the attic, and one on each end under the house. Out they came! I sat outside with a tall broom smacking them as they ran out off the soffit vents and crawl vents. My wife did the same inside. I stopped counting at 113!!! Had no idea there were that many in the walls, attic, crawl spaces. Friggin infestation! We keep a clean house, so that grossed us out. Hope to find your Cy-Kick stuff for next summer. I'll spray that (I have an 18v fogger), then do the bombs again. Would be nice to eradicate them!
I use this stuff, Demand CS. It’s restricted in NY and CA so you know it must be good.
We have those same palmetto bugs. I live on a concrete slab foundation but I spray the upper outside walls and eves of the house since those buggers fly, then set off the bug bombs in the attic. After the initial bug bomb scatter and kill, the spraying of the outside of the house keeps them outside for a year. The stuff even worked in my sons trailer he rented that was infested when he was in college.
01-11-2023, 12:31 PM
Well not a new gun....but new WALNUT grips! I like them, I think they look better than the G10's gun came with.
01-11-2023, 12:36 PM
45 on top, Wilson Combat 9mm on lower left, Equinox 9mm lower right.
I like it both ways, but typically on a Sig the wood grips add circumference. How do they do on the AXG?
Nice little go-to-war family you have there jeep! :amflag:
01-11-2023, 05:06 PM
They are actually thinner than the G10's.
01-11-2023, 07:27 PM
I agree, those do look better than the G10’s. Classy! Digging those triggers too. Are the triggers stock, or did you put them on them?
01-11-2023, 07:31 PM
I use this stuff, Demand CS. It’s restricted in NY and CA so you know it must be good.
We have those same palmetto bugs. I live on a concrete slab foundation but I spray the upper outside walls and eves of the house since those buggers fly, then set off the bug bombs in the attic. After the initial bug bomb scatter and kill, the spraying of the outside of the house keeps them outside for a year. The stuff even worked in my sons trailer he rented that was infested when he was in college.
Sounds like some powerful stuff. Since you used it specifically for the palmetto bugs, maybe that’s more like what I’d need! I’ll take a look see to find out if it’s available around here. Agreed, if it’d been banned, it must be good!
Edit: I just noticed you included the link. Thank you sir!
01-11-2023, 08:50 PM
Sig Custom Shop triggers.
01-11-2023, 10:39 PM
Sounds like some powerful stuff. Since you used it specifically for the palmetto bugs, maybe that’s more like what I’d need! I’ll take a look see to find out if it’s available around here. Agreed, if it’d been banned, it must be good!
Edit: I just noticed you included the link. Thank you sir!
In Georgia we get those giant skate board bugs in the spring and fall along with fire ants and mosquitos all year long…..The product I get at the do it yourself pest store sounds like what yqtszhi was talking about so I went out and looked at the bottle and the name is Demon Max and this stuff is great, doesn’t smell bad or stain carpets or drapes and will kill the chit out of everything with multiple legs, it’s a little bit pricey at 35 bucks a bottle but it doesn’t take but a couple ounces in a gallon pump sprayer to do the job, I bought this bottle when we moved in this house back in late 2019 and I’ve only used maybe a quarter bottle so far so look for some at the pest store and I’m sure it’s available in Florida, give it a try and you will find many legs up dead bugs on their back around the place……
01-12-2023, 07:05 AM
Thanks getsome! I had no idea there were so many options out there. I have always just bought the stuff at Home Depot (Perimeter Defense), which works ok, but the stuff you guys are recommending sounds like it gets better results than what I’ve experienced with the Home Depot stuff. I usually research and find good alternates online for most things, but never dawned on me to do so for pest control chemicals. Aint this forum grand?!?! You can learn how to fix your gun AND kill bugs all in one shot! Lol!
01-12-2023, 07:12 AM
Is it safe to use around dogs?????????????
They are actually thinner than the G10's.
That's great. If I ever get an AXG I'll have a viable option, though I am pretty partial to G10 on my carry guns.
On another note, I received the clamps I ordered, so here's the still I'll be riding in my shop.
01-12-2023, 10:55 AM
Didn't know there was a 45 Sig 320. Is there a 45 in the AXG? Nice stool dao. Mine has wheels.
01-12-2023, 01:11 PM
No AXG 45....just the P320 Compact. I really like it.
Didn't know there was a 45 Sig 320. Is there a 45 in the AXG? Nice stool dao. Mine has wheels.
That's cuz you live uptown. I'm on the other side of the tracks :D
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