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07-10-2023, 09:16 PM
Here's a handful for you. I'm not really considering one of these but they make a few models in .45lc/.410 that I am mulling over. Possibilities would include the Snake Slayer, Blackjack, and Rowdy XL.

The laser engraved picture of a .45/70 cartridge on the barrel is actual size of one of them loaded into the gun!



07-11-2023, 12:48 PM
Good honkers!
Talk about a handful!

07-11-2023, 01:31 PM
I once bought a 9mm derringer and the recoil was brutal, I don’t want to imagine how this one 45-70 will be and of course I don’t want to find out. I have a rule that I will not pay for pain, stress, trills and to scare my self. Already got way to many of those for free.

07-11-2023, 03:18 PM
Here's a handful for you. I'm not really considering one of these but they make a few models in .45lc/.410 that I am mulling over. Possibilities would include the Snake Slayer, Blackjack, and Rowdy XL.

The laser engraved picture of a .45/70 cartridge on the barrel is actual size of one of them loaded into the gun!



My 44 Mag S&W 629 Mountain Revolver literally draws blood at about 40-50 rounds :eek:
Have no interest is shooting that derringer at all ...

King Rat
07-11-2023, 04:18 PM
My personal belief or set of rules (Iam sure not shared by all) Is that a revolver or Pistol, if you cannot shoot 200 rds in one session, then it is not worth owning. And that is the bare minimum.

07-11-2023, 04:46 PM
That would be about $400 cost with 44 magnum :amflag:

King Rat
07-11-2023, 05:06 PM
That would be about $400 cost with 44 magnum :amflag:

That price does not include the cost of hand surgery.

07-11-2023, 05:45 PM
Or a new hearing aid

07-11-2023, 06:11 PM
My personal belief or set of rules (Iam sure not shared by all) Is that a revolver or Pistol, if you cannot shoot 200 rds in one session, then it is not worth owning. And that is the bare minimum.
I agree.

07-11-2023, 10:04 PM
We went to one of my wife’s employees for a cook out a few years back and they lived way out in the country and he could shoot off of his back deck and he wanted to show off his new S&W .500 revolver and asked me if I wanted to shoot it and I knew better and said no way, you go ahead which he did and the blast from that thing was impressive indeed……I had my fingers in my ears and it still hurt but he didn’t have any hearing protection on and is now near deaf which was a really stupid thing to do just trying to show off…….I just don’t see the need for a giant hand cannon pistol in a caliber past .44 mag and if you can’t kill it with that you should have brought a proper rifle….

07-12-2023, 04:15 AM
My personal belief or set of rules (Iam sure not shared by all) Is that a revolver or Pistol, if you cannot shoot 200 rds in one session, then it is not worth owning. And that is the bare minimum.

200 rounds through my LCP Max might be a bit much, for both my hand and the pistol! [emoji4]

07-12-2023, 04:46 PM
My personal belief or set of rules (Iam sure not shared by all) Is that a revolver or Pistol, if you cannot shoot 200 rds in one session, then it is not worth owning. And that is the bare minimum.

My 44 Magnum Mountain Revolver draws blood at about 50 rounds.
It's my most accurate handgun, in my hands, and is not going anywhere :cool:
Plus it can blow your head clean off - LOL!

07-12-2023, 04:54 PM
Serious handgun. Nice!

King Rat
07-15-2023, 02:31 PM
Deleted-will post again when I can make picture smaller.

09-18-2023, 05:42 PM
Summer's ending. Have to find things other than outside to while away the rainy days 'round here. I like this. But what really sets it off for me are the grips and the brushed flats.

09-18-2023, 07:56 PM
That one's purty dao!

09-18-2023, 08:32 PM
Thanks Bird. All steel too. I'm getting weaker in my older years, need the heft to tame the recoil some. Haven't shot it yet though.

09-18-2023, 09:22 PM
Thanks Bird. All steel too. I'm getting weaker in my older years, need the heft to tame the recoil some. Haven't shot it yet though.

Totally understand. I am the same. If it's not metal, I've gone to putting compensator's (rail mounted or guide rod mounted) on to tame them down. I do love a big bore every now and again, but that stuff is only good for a few cylinders. ;)

09-28-2023, 01:34 PM

09-28-2023, 01:45 PM
I like that, don't know for sure what it is but I got an idea.

09-28-2023, 02:42 PM
I love the looks.......Sig 1911 Tribal.https://s3.amazonaws.com/mgm-content/sites/armslist/uploads/posts/2020/07/24/12170336_03_sig_sauer_1911_ultra_compact_t_640.jpg

09-28-2023, 03:28 PM
Beautiful example BB!

09-28-2023, 04:13 PM
Last year I tried to find one and finally gave up.

09-28-2023, 09:58 PM
Love the lil Sig 1911’s. Can’t believe how much they’ve gone up in the last few years and how unobtanium some of them have become. I miss my little collection of them. One of my “Doh!” regrets in letting them go in pursuit of other things. The “Traditional” was my fave. Had not seen the tribal at that time. Nice find there Beretta!!!

11-04-2023, 04:23 PM
My LGS guy took in an Estate, and gave me first look at the ones I marked on his list beforehand. This is the only one I settled on. 1989 Vintage. I stripped the slide and stainless frame completely down, except for the plunger tube. Added a couple of new springs but everything else looked good. I took some 2000gr sandpaper to it, very sparingly, and removed a slight idiot mark that someone had put on it. All of the guns this guy had were well taken care of, and shot. This one was no exception. There was no pitting under the grips, which I had wondered about given that it had what looked to be original wood grips on it when I bought it. I put the Stan Chen Magwell and G10 grips on it, but other than those, the plunger tube innards, and a new Wilson Combat mag release setup, it's all original.

11-04-2023, 05:31 PM
I had one of those when they first came out. 1989 sounds about the right time. Some had issues with them but I never had a problem with mine. Can't remember why I was such a dumb arse and traded it. I don't think I was totally warm and fuzzy with the platform at the time. Things have definitely changed for me since then.

11-04-2023, 10:38 PM
The spring plug is known to break. Others last for years and years without breaking. But in any case it is an unusual configuration. Also, on some of the earlier ones the hole for the slide stop, where it slides up to catch the frame, was oval shaped and prone to cracking. After those early ones they did away with the hold and just notched out the frame there like you see on most guns these days.
A company called Clark Custom Guns makes a more robust spring cap for them.
So many of us have sold guns that we still miss to this day. Nature of the hobby I guess, to be attracted to the next new thing, at the expense of the "old" thing. In this case I feel better about this one than I did about my Defender. Partly because I like the finish better, but also because I like the heft of it much better.

11-04-2023, 11:57 PM
I regret nearly every single one I sold or traded. I quit selling or trading just for that reason.

11-05-2023, 04:59 AM
The few I’ve regretted selling, I replaced. Most of them, a memory is sufficient.

11-05-2023, 08:41 AM
Nice find and revamp dao!

11-05-2023, 09:23 PM
Traded in a CW45 for a P45. The CW was a recent used buy that shot low and was a bit of Rattler. Went a ran the P45 today. A much better shooter. Made me look good. It had the fired brass and was dated 2006. Looks like it wasn’t shot much.

11-06-2023, 05:25 AM
Traded in a CW45 for a P45. The CW was a recent used buy that shot low and was a bit of Rattler. Went a ran the P45 today. A much better shooter. Made me look good. It had the fired brass and was dated 2006. Looks like it wasn’t shot much.
Congratulations! Always nice to slip into something new with improved accuracy.

11-09-2023, 03:17 PM
I still like Ruger LCP pocket .380s.
Went stainless slide on this Max today…..

11-09-2023, 04:13 PM
Ok, I’m in. Springfield XD-e DA/SA 9mm.

11-09-2023, 10:22 PM
Nice, guys. Gotta buy 'em while we still can!

I had an XD-e in .45. Liked it a lot, and it's one I regret letting go.

11-20-2023, 10:31 AM
The spring plug is known to break. Others last for years and years without breaking. But in any case it is an unusual configuration. Also, on some of the earlier ones the hole for the slide stop, where it slides up to catch the frame, was oval shaped and prone to cracking. After those early ones they did away with the hold and just notched out the frame there like you see on most guns these days.
A company called Clark Custom Guns makes a more robust spring cap for them.
So many of us have sold guns that we still miss to this day. Nature of the hobby I guess, to be attracted to the next new thing, at the expense of the "old" thing. In this case I feel better about this one than I did about my Defender. Partly because I like the finish better, but also because I like the heft of it much better.
dao, That's a gorgeous OACP you have there, nice work boss!

In regards to the Clark plug, during 2008 (https://www.1911forum.com/threads/om-recoil-system-to-ismi-or-not-to-ismi.218288/ ) I put together a recoil spring system using one of those plugs I had from Clark. I modified the plug by drilling a hole in it to accept a guide rod from EGW. I used the EGW guide rod as it allowed me to use an ISMI flat wire recoil spring. I used that setup without issue until I converted my OACP to CCO some years later.

EGW started offering (and still does offer) that setup as a complete kit:
or in stainless: https://www.egwguns.com/officer-s-guide-rod-kit-w-clark-plug-ss-45acp-22-officer-s-spring


11-20-2023, 12:29 PM
Ok, I’m in. Springfield XD-e DA/SA 9mm. Thought about one for a while. Da/Sa is my thing. Probably a nice firearm, with no stinking grip safety! But it had too heavy of a trigger pull. Over 25 ozs. in weight. Not a " compact " gun in size. Cannot fully retract the slide unless safety is depressed. Already had full size guns. Too many cons for me. Did enjoy not seeing that usual safety..................I never see very many for sale.

11-20-2023, 02:09 PM
dao, That's a gorgeous OACP you have there, nice work boss!

In regards to the Clark plug, during 2008 (https://www.1911forum.com/threads/om-recoil-system-to-ismi-or-not-to-ismi.218288/ ) I put together a recoil spring system using one of those plugs I had from Clark. I modified the plug by drilling a hole in it to accept a guide rod from EGW. I used the EGW guide rod as it allowed me to use an ISMI flat wire recoil spring. I used that setup without issue until I converted my OACP to CCO some years later.

EGW started offering (and still does offer) that setup as a complete kit:
or in stainless: https://www.egwguns.com/officer-s-guide-rod-kit-w-clark-plug-ss-45acp-22-officer-s-spring


Talk about nice work! You came up with something there that took awhile for others to duplicate. EGW now sells plugs with holes of at least two different sizes, to accomodate different diameter guiderods. Looks like you did it first. And it's one of those kits that I bought, complete with Clark's plug. EGW states on their site that they are now the producers of the Clark plug. And on the Clark site you can buy just the plugs with holes, but no kit, and seemingly no hole-less plug. Which is why I went with your idea, sourced from EGW. :)

Here's a look at the front end of mine now, with the thick bushing that I also got from EGW. Had to sand on it for a couple of hours by hand to get it to fit.

11-28-2023, 08:49 PM
Nice, guys. Gotta buy 'em while we still can!


You can say that again!

12-01-2023, 11:35 AM
Hard to believe.
I've been looking for a new gun regularly.
But I just can't find anything that is a real definitive improvement over what I already own.
No surprise to folks that know me.
I'm not so patiently waiting for the release of the new Hk SFP9CC.
I wait and watch...

12-01-2023, 12:56 PM
Just ordered another CZ75 Compact identical to the one I bought in August. $30 more though.
Sons drooled over the first one.

12-01-2023, 06:38 PM
On its way

12-01-2023, 08:44 PM
I'm feeling plumb left behind here. I need a new one too.

12-01-2023, 08:56 PM
I'm feeling plumb left behind here. I need a new one too.
I’m feelin yer pain. Always a slow/low income time of the year for me, so the boss lady’s grip on the wallet is too tight to overcome.
Nice lookin Sig dao!!!

12-01-2023, 11:07 PM
I think I want a CZ 75 compact like Army. Been hankering for a CZ, thinking Rami but CZ75 Compact would be nice. So many configurations I can never make up my mind or figure out what's what.

12-02-2023, 07:03 AM
I think I want a CZ 75 compact like Army. Been hankering for a CZ, thinking Rami but CZ75 Compact would be nice. So many configurations I can never make up my mind or figure out what's what.
How bout one of each? Wouldn’t that be nice? We just need the right lottery ticket. Or maybe a flipped over Brink’s truck!
Seriously tho, I want to try the compact too. I had the Rami years ago. Searched high & low to get it as they were hot at the moment. Got it, but the trigger kept pinching my finger. That was one that I did love to fondle tho. Metal work of art!

12-02-2023, 04:18 PM
Thanks Bird.

I've always admired the Rami, and the 75 Compact. I wish now that I had picked at least one of them up while we could still buy them with 10+rd capacities. Stupid politicians don't know their muzzle from their breach face.

12-02-2023, 06:34 PM
I swapped out my Rami trigger with a CGW trigger, I think they called it the combat trigger. It has a more traditional curve to it and it’s nice.

12-02-2023, 09:02 PM
I've been on the edge with a CZ 75 Compact or CZ 75 Compact PCR.
I'm still holding out.
So many guns.
So little time...

12-02-2023, 10:45 PM
That's the one, I forgot that blew my dress up. CZ75 Compact PCR. Your right, so many guns so little cash, I mean time.

12-03-2023, 12:07 AM
Went to a gun rights banquet last night and for about $25 dollars in raffle tickets I won a SIG P365. A plus it fits the holster for my Kahr PM9.

12-03-2023, 05:32 AM
Went to a gun rights banquet last night and for about $25 dollars in raffle tickets I won a SIG P365. A plus it fits the holster for my Kahr PM9.
Well that was a great night! Big congratulations!

12-03-2023, 07:04 AM
I bought a PCR a couple of years ago (my 3rd CZ), swapped the sights for fiber optic. One thing I like about the CZ's (except the Rami) is the front sight slides in from the front. Don't have to worry about getting it centered.
14+1 capacity. This PCR is my only de-cocker pistol. Decent trigger right out of the box. I do not care for the metal base plate on the magazines, but you can get rubber base pads. I carried it as my EDC for one winter, then went back to my CCO. When I get older, I may give up the .45 and go back to the PCR. I bought a custom pancake holster for it and everything.

12-03-2023, 07:23 AM
On its way

That P225 is a beauty.

12-03-2023, 08:41 AM
I bought a PCR a couple of years ago (my 3rd CZ), swapped the sights for fiber optic. One thing I like about the CZ's (except the Rami) is the front sight slides in from the front. Don't have to worry about getting it centered.
14+1 capacity. This PCR is my only de-cocker pistol. Decent trigger right out of the box. I do not care for the metal base plate on the magazines, but you can get rubber base pads. I carried it as my EDC for one winter, then went back to my CCO. When I get older, I may give up the .45 and go back to the PCR. I bought a custom pancake holster for it and everything.
Interesting about those front sights. I wish more caught onto that. Great idea in my opinion!

12-03-2023, 08:42 AM
Stupid politicians don't know their muzzle from their breach face. They don’t, and don’t care to. Anything that goes against what is good for us seems to be the deciding factor these days.

12-03-2023, 08:45 AM
I swapped out my Rami trigger with a CGW trigger, I think they called it the combat trigger. It has a more traditional curve to it and it’s nice.
Did you just want a better trigger, or was yours pinching you like mine? If so, did that solve it? Like I stated, those little guns are a work of art to me. I’d love to get one again if I knew I could shoot it comfortably.

12-03-2023, 08:47 AM
Had to look up that PCR. Looks like a scaled down version of a big ol CZ I once had, the 75B. That PCR is a nice one too!

12-03-2023, 09:09 AM
Did you just want a better trigger, or was yours pinching you like mine? If so, did that solve it? Like I stated, those little guns are a work of art to me. I’d love to get one again if I knew I could shoot it comfortably.

It was pinching a bit like all my Czech CZ’s tend to do, and since I was ordering parts from Cajun gun works anyway I added a trigger to the cart. No more pinch now. One day I may order one for my P01 (non-omega). I think it’s the same trigger that comes on the PCR also. I added it to my SP-01 Phantom too and it doesn’t pinch now either.

I never understood why many of those euro guns have those hooked triggers. My H&K’s pinch me the same way.

12-03-2023, 09:21 AM
I've been on the edge with a CZ 75 Compact or CZ 75 Compact PCR.
I'm still holding out.
So many guns.
So little time...
So little money.

I sometimes think about all the guns, cars, and trucks I could have if I had become a rich man. Not in a longing way, because I'm blessed as it is. But just as an exercise mostly in thinking about the things that I don't already have. The list is very long.

12-03-2023, 01:15 PM
It was pinching a bit like all my Czech CZ’s tend to do, and since I was ordering parts from Cajun gun works anyway I added a trigger to the cart. No more pinch now. One day I may order one for my P01 (non-omega). I think it’s the same trigger that comes on the PCR also. I added it to my SP-01 Phantom too and it doesn’t pinch now either.

I never understood why many of those euro guns have those hooked triggers. My H&K’s pinch me the same way.
Thanks for answering. Now I know what to do if I happen to get a crack at another one! :yo:

12-03-2023, 01:16 PM
So little money.

I sometimes think about all the guns, cars, and trucks I could have if I had become a rich man. Not in a longing way, because I'm blessed as it is. But just as an exercise mostly in thinking about the things that I don't already have. The list is very long.
My thoughts exactly! I’d have a few each of many, as well as some hot rods, race cars, old trucks… but feel blessed with what I have.

King Rat
12-04-2023, 03:56 AM
Chevy Holiday Commercial Shows What America Needs To Get Back To


12-04-2023, 06:43 AM
Chevy Holiday Commercial Shows What America Needs To Get Back To

My hope is that some of these companies are abandoning the woke stuff. Even though it may only be because of the profit losses they’ve realized.

12-04-2023, 08:58 AM
Great commercial KR, thanks for posting it.

I agree Bird, but even if that's the reason it keeps the garbage outside where it belongs.

12-04-2023, 12:58 PM
You know it man!

12-04-2023, 04:01 PM
Since I got the 15 round Equalizer mag for my Shield +, my full sized M&P was not as loved for "winter" carry. Only 2 rounds less in the Shield now. So, being that $ does not flow this time of year, I was able to sell off the full size, add a few bucks and get this V10. Looks like one of the mags may be original. I had the blued slide version once, but the slide finish was rough. This one will EVENTUALLY be the polished mate to the CCO I've shown here. I've promised myself that I won't touch it until I finish the 3 polishing projects I currently have in pieces. Can't wait to make it shine though!

12-04-2023, 05:17 PM
Very nice Bird. Gotta love 10rds in a .45 1911!

12-04-2023, 06:16 PM
Thanks dao! Actually, they made 2 versions. A single stack and a double stack. This one is the single stack. Good thing, so regular officer mags fit.

12-05-2023, 07:54 AM
On its way

225 226 or 229? hard to tell :confused:

12-05-2023, 08:56 AM
Ah, I think I'd like the single stack better Bird. I didn't know that they made one that they still called a V10. So is it a 3.5" barrel? ie Officer's length and height?

It's a P225-A1 jeep. Should be able to hold it in hand on Thursday. I was torn between this and another Officer's 1911, but I just couldn't pass up the price on the Sig, especially since I'd been "needing" one for a few years now.

12-05-2023, 11:10 AM
Correct on all dao! That barrel hood was bothering me, so it's already shiny (#1200 grit then a polishing cloth), along with the feed ramp. Did a good clean and was surprised/happy that what I thought was rust in the serrations was just grease/body oil build up. CLP, a toothpick and CLP soaked paper towels...she's looking MUCH nicer already. Might not polish it after all! (Or maybe just the slide). Going to put on regular grips and your clear skateboard grip tape on the front strap.;)

12-05-2023, 11:18 AM

12-05-2023, 11:40 AM
Nice Beretta! Is that yours? Looks like the double stack.
Just noticed.. Looks like they scalloped the frame to allow the take down to be swung down.

12-05-2023, 03:57 PM
Unfortunately, no.......they've got some for sale on GB. I'm not really a 1911 guy, but it's one I wouldn't mind having....................yours should clean up nice...........

12-05-2023, 08:51 PM
Unfortunately, no.......they've got some for sale on GB. I'm not really a 1911 guy, but it's one I wouldn't mind having....................yours should clean up nice...........

I saw none of them had bids. No wonder, given what they are asking. I paid slightly more than half what they are asking for the stainless one's. No way I'd pay that much. Cool lil guns, but not that cool! :confused:

12-05-2023, 11:50 PM
My thoughts exactly. I went there soon as I saw beretta's post. Too rich for my side of the tracks, then again most things are. I'm used to it.

12-06-2023, 08:49 AM
My thoughts exactly. I went there soon as I saw beretta's post. Too rich for my side of the tracks, then again most things are. I'm used to it.

Youda liked the guy I got it from. He was showing me pictures of his latest gem, a Pedrosili (spelling?) trapdoor. I told him about you as you are the only guy I know who has one.

12-06-2023, 12:34 PM
Youda liked the guy I got it from. He was showing me pictures of his latest gem, a Pedrosili (spelling?) trapdoor. I told him about you as you are the only guy I know who has one.

I guess I'm considered a home for unloved firearms. That Trapdoor probably made me as happy as any old firearm I've ever adopted. Especially when it didn't blow up when I shot it. Think I'm gonna shoot it some more this year on vacation. I need a dang range in my back yard.

12-07-2023, 07:44 AM
My sister is just like you, except with cats. I told her one day that I thought her couch had finally reached puberty. (Covered in cat hairs!)

12-07-2023, 10:02 AM
Maybe a good Christmas present for her would be a brace of lint rollers Bird? When we had a couch we used to let one of our German Shepherds on it. It must have reached puberty too. We gave it to our son when he moved out. Now the poor dog has to sleep on the matching ottoman that was left behind. It's about the same size as a baby's crib, and my wife found a couple of fitted sheets for it. Much easier to keep clean now.

12-07-2023, 01:50 PM
Grandson is turning 18 and heading off to college.
His XMas request is a handgun!?!?!

HK VP9 is in the works :D

12-07-2023, 04:21 PM
Grandson is turning 18 and heading off to college.
His XMas request is a handgun!?!?!

HK VP9 is in the works :D
Lucky guy!

12-07-2023, 04:27 PM
Maybe a good Christmas present for her would be a brace of lint rollers Bird? When we had a couch we used to let one of our German Shepherds on it. It must have reached puberty too. We gave it to our son when he moved out. Now the poor dog has to sleep on the matching ottoman that was left behind. It's about the same size as a baby's crib, and my wife found a couple of fitted sheets for it. Much easier to keep clean now.
She’d need a whole box of ‘em, a few boxes of swifter pads, a few vacuum bags… I told her they don’t live in her house, she lives in their house. I don’t go inside her house anymore. Can’t stand the smell, or needing to de-fur myself afterwards. To look at her outside her home you’d never know. Everyone thinks she is pretty, clean, neat. Good job on the fitted sheets! Makes clean up a breeze. After years of throwing out dog beds, we lucked upon one that unzippers and can wash the outer part. Problem is that there are 5 separate pillows that go inside it and you gotta get ‘em just right or it won’t zip shut. The frustration is worth it though. No more buying beds every few months and everyone I’ve asked says it does not smell like dog in the house. ;)

12-07-2023, 04:43 PM
The condition of the V10, and it"s possibilities, had me go back on my word. This is the first time I've ever done a brushed finish (you may have to zoom in to see the scratch lines). I thought it would be quick & easy. I thought all of the purpousful scratches would hide imperfections. Nope! Still having to sand out every scratch, nick, high/low spot. But liking how it's coming out. I will eventually turn it into an Equinox looking deal, doing all of the rounds in black, along with the serrations, with Duracote. That would be a first for me as well. Most of the rounds are good in the factory grey finish, but when I removed the grips I found the front strap finish to be rough. Had to destroy the bushings to remove them, so now to complete this one I'll need grips, bushings, the trigger I want, a flat msh and the Duracote.

12-07-2023, 05:51 PM
I think I have lots of bushings. You going for standard thickness bushings or the thin. I know I got standards, might be low on slim as I do a lot of skinny grips. Not seeing much threads in the lower hole grip photo.

12-07-2023, 06:02 PM
Thanks Colonel! I've just ordered some, but appreciate it. I also snagged these grips. These are thick, and will work for now. I looked high and low, all over the net, but nobody had (unless custom stuff) compact Springfield Armory factory grips with the crossed cannons logo. Only EMP stuff out there, which would have been too narrow. When I do the Equinox look I will be switching to thin, charcoal silver, checkered double-diamonds or possibly a half checkered/half smooth grip in charcoal-silver.
I will run a small, circular brass brush around in those bishing holes. There was some sort of thread locker on the bushings. Once I got them going with vice grips they all unscrewed without any wobble or cross thread like action, so hoping I'm good to go. If not, I have a set of taps & dies (spelling?). Hope to not have to go there, but have done so succesfully in the past. Thanks again for your offer!

12-07-2023, 07:19 PM
A bushing bit for your screwdriver is worth it's weight in gold. They make one for standard bushings and one for slim bushings. Gets you a more positive bite on the bushing head so you don't twist it off. Those bushing might have been staked too.

12-07-2023, 07:20 PM
How would Ivory (real) look on that V10? I'll take a picture when I get a minute.

12-07-2023, 08:20 PM
How would Ivory (real) look on that V10? I'll take a picture when I get a minute.
I’d love some, as it sits. But once I do the black stuff I don’t think they would go so well. Wish I could afford some real ivory grips. Love the ones on the CCO!
Bushing bit? First I’ve heard of it. I’ll have to get me one. Can’t be too much, and prob less than buying bushings. Thanks for that!

12-07-2023, 08:29 PM
I’ll prob end up getting this. A bit pricey, but I like how the grip screw locks the slot into place. They have a vid on the website showing how it works. Pretty cool. Thanks for opening my eyes to this!

12-07-2023, 08:49 PM
They make a bit that fits in a bit holder (screwdriver). Way more cheaper and seems like a lot easier to use than that. Could get both standard and slim with enough left over for a few boxes of 22.


12-07-2023, 10:46 PM
They make a bit that fits in a bit holder (screwdriver). Way more cheaper and seems like a lot easier to use than that. Could get both standard and slim with enough left over for a few boxes of 22.


Thanks for the "tips"! No pun intended. Funny you mention the 22 ammo. Just left my pop's place. He is going in a nursing home. Brought back the Ruger 10/22 I bought him years back (Absolutely MINT) as well as his EIG 'Buffalo" 22 revolver (2 cylinders, 1 for 22 long, 1 for 22 mag). I had taken him a few boxes of 22 ammo over the years. They were all sitting there, along with a bunch of other 22 long/magnum ammo.Plus found a few 270 rounds for the old hunting rifle he had given me a few years ago. Glad to have that kinda stuff, but sad given the situation.
I seem to have hijacked this thread. Can somebody please post up about a new gun?!?!?:blah:

12-08-2023, 11:57 AM
Challis makes excellent quality stuff. I have both the slim and standard bushing tools and I feel like they are worth the money. Difference between them and the screwdriver bit is that it allows you to screw the tool down into the bushing, and prevents any sort of slippage. I use them on any bushings I remove for any reason, not just for bad ones, with the exception of Challis bushings I've installed. Now that being said, if a bushing's inner threads are shot then these would be no different than a bit. They do require good grip screw threads in the bushing in order to take advantage of the tool's protection of the bushing's slots. Challis makes some hex headed bushings that don't have the fragile slots, as I mentioned above.

You do have a way with metal Bird. That V10 is already looking much better. With the black rounds it will look like a Sig Equinox, or a Kimber Ultra Elite. I'm really partial to both of those myself.

12-08-2023, 12:52 PM
Thanks dao! I was looking at what the Colonel sent me and thinking… If I bought both tips, one for the slim and one for the thick, I’d be just a few buck below the Challis kit. If I’m reading their stuff correct, it comes with both? I do like the idea of the grip screw locking the piece into place to prevent slippage. I was also looking at their grips screws. Those hex heads do not interfere with grips? If so, I would think that would be an even better route to go.

12-08-2023, 02:07 PM
I'm not seeing the kit that comes with both. I see standard and slim, 29 bucks each. Never seen those before. If I could get both for 29 or so I'd get a set myself.

12-08-2023, 03:52 PM
Not a kit. They come separately. I wish they just sold one complete (either thick or thin), with the screw and rod, and then a separate complementing bushing tool for less money. But they don't.

The hex heads do not interfere with grips, and nothing needs to be done to the grip for them to fit.
Well durn it! I’d want to have both and the Colonel is correct about the price then. I’ve already ordered some standard bushings, but will get some of the Challis one’s the next go round. I think that design solves the slipping screwdriver head dilemma all together.

12-08-2023, 03:53 PM
Not a kit. They come separately. I wish they just sold one complete (either thick or thin), with the screw and rod, and then a separate complementing bushing tool for less money. But they don't.

The hex heads do not interfere with grips, and nothing needs to be done to the grip for them to fit.

12-09-2023, 04:04 PM
Happy dance. I finally managed to win an auction yesterday. Been trying for a few weeks. Got what they call a Gill Gun. This one is a Savage 7A. Stevens and Savage and others made them in the 50's. It' semi auto 22. The thing that intrigues me, granted it don't take much is when you fire and hold the trigger back, the action stays open, soon as you release the trigger it goes back into battery to fire again.
I did a refinish for a guy a few years ago and knew I had to have one someday. This one is a mag feed. I'm watching another one that is a tube feed. Hoping it don't go out of sight price wise so I can get it too.
So many toys, so little time. And yes, I'm taking them with me. When they nail the lid shut I won't have pall bearers, they'll need a crane.

12-09-2023, 06:02 PM
Congrats Colonel, sounds like a very cool gun. Got pics?

They might nail the lid shut but it sounds like maybe they'll need to bolt the bottom on :D

12-09-2023, 08:59 PM
Big congrats! I looked in all the usual places once you told me you wanted one. No luck. Maybe not a lot of them out there? Sounds like some interesting mechanicals inside that one. Let me know where they are gonna bury you. I'll let you rest a bit, then add to my collection! :rolleyes:

12-09-2023, 09:32 PM
Might not work out, wife keeps mentioning BBQ.

12-10-2023, 01:01 AM
Might not work out, wife keeps mentioning BBQ.
Well, she’s thrifty. Gotta love that!

12-10-2023, 11:19 AM
Grips, screws & bushings came in. Grips are warmer, richer red than in the ad, so like them a lot. Had to order thin bushings/screws as the grips came thin, which they were not listed as. Pleasant surprise there. Flat MSH will come in this week. She's coming together nicely and I'm happy with the way it's looking. 🙂20390

12-10-2023, 11:50 AM
Big congrats! I looked in all the usual places once you told me you wanted one. No luck. Maybe not a lot of them out there? Sounds like some interesting mechanicals inside that one. Let me know where they are gonna bury you. I'll let you rest a bit, then add to my collection! :rolleyes:

Just checked and gosh durned if I ain't winning a second Gill Gun. This one is a Wards and the tube feed I sought. Only an hour to go and just a tad over a 100. Sweet. A lot of folk overlook the Wards, Ted Williams etc even though they were made my Stevens or Savage or Mossberg or even Winchester etc. Fingers crossed. This would be a first for me 2 wins in 3 days and momma probably won't kill me since they was cheap treasures.

12-10-2023, 12:38 PM
It is looking sweet Bird, I'd be happy too!

Hope you win it Colonel. It is close to Christmas, and I can't think of a better caretaker for it than you. Or, since you intend to take it with you, I guess that will qualifiy you as the new (and last) owner?

King Rat
12-10-2023, 04:21 PM
Grips, screws & bushings came in. Grips are warmer, richer red than in the ad, so like them a lot. Had to order thin bushings/screws as the grips came thin, which they were not listed as. Pleasant surprise there. Flat MSH will come in this week. She's coming together nicely and I'm happy with the way it's looking. 20390

Now that, is what I call quality. It sure shows! NICE!

12-10-2023, 05:21 PM
That is very nice looking!

12-10-2023, 05:48 PM
Nice Bird...:w00t:

12-11-2023, 10:57 AM
Thanks much everyone!
Congrats on the 2nd one Colonel. Getting them at those kind of prices is half the fun and definitely lowers the amount of flak that comes our way.

12-12-2023, 06:08 PM
Very nice 1911. Love the wood grips.

I wonder if similar wood is available for CZ75 Compacts. Just picked up this one today - it is identical to the one I bought several months ago. Sons are gonna be happy when their birthdays roll around this summer.

12-12-2023, 06:26 PM
I'm not sure. I've had a few sets made by KSD. Some can be a little pricey, depending on what you want, but they can pretty much do it all. Here's a few CZ grips off of their website.

12-12-2023, 06:38 PM
I’ll check them out.

12-12-2023, 07:22 PM
Check here (https://www.hogueinc.com/grips/cz) too

12-12-2023, 07:26 PM
Very nice 1911. Love the wood grips.

I wonder if similar wood is available for CZ75 Compacts. Just picked up this one today - it is identical to the one I bought several months ago. Sons are gonna be happy when their birthdays roll around this summer.

I'm still readily available for adoption. Just sayin.

12-13-2023, 08:11 AM
Speaking of grips....my nightstand friend got new shoes :typing:
Old first then the new:

12-13-2023, 09:00 AM
I'm not sure. I've had a few sets made by KSD. Some can be a little pricey, depending on what you want, but they can pretty much do it all. Here's a few CZ grips off of their website.

Thanks for this, I was not aware of KSD grips, only question is do they have a palm swell, like the OEM ones have. I sent them an email asking.

12-13-2023, 02:05 PM
Speaking of grips....my nightstand friend got new shoes :typing:
Old first then the new:

Very nice jeep. Did they add much bulk to your grip?

12-13-2023, 03:27 PM
Surprisingly no. I thought they would. Feels about the same. Considering it is a double stack 45, I was worried.
Perhaps because it is a LATE ISSUE P227 with the undercut grip it doesn't appear to matter.

12-18-2023, 11:30 AM
I've had this awhile now, and posted pictures of it earlier. But I find that because I get bored easily, and also like to change things up I decided to play around. And I found that a 1911 does not have to have an extended magwell in look good in flat bottom grips that are cut for a magwell, . And I like the size of this better without the extended magwell. I think I'll stick to Officer and CCO sized grips for extended magwells for the most part. I like this shooter a lot, but I do wish that it could be produced in the US.
Before and after

12-18-2023, 11:31 AM
Surprisingly no. I thought they would. Feels about the same. Considering it is a double stack 45, I was worried.
Perhaps because it is a LATE ISSUE P227 with the undercut grip it doesn't appear to matter.

I have a 229 that I bought some wood grips for. They look great but on that gun they do add considerable girth. You must have longer fingers that me.

12-18-2023, 12:11 PM
Nice dao! I feel exactly the same, prefering magwell grips wothout the actual magwell. Just an all around cleaner & more finished look in my opinion. Digging the white double diamonds!

12-18-2023, 12:56 PM
Looks great. Headed out to clean my Tisas. Mostly sawdust, won't take long.

12-18-2023, 05:39 PM
Those white dd's are buffalo bone, and only about $35 on eBay!

Sometimes I clean them Colonel, by wiping off the clean oil and applying clean oil.

12-18-2023, 06:52 PM
Those white dd's are buffalo bone, and only about $35 on eBay!

Sometimes I clean them Colonel, by wiping off the clean oil and applying clean oil.

Pretty much what I do all the time. That's what I did today. I'll have to check out buffalo bone.

12-18-2023, 06:58 PM
Those white dd's are buffalo bone, and only about $35 on eBay!

Sometimes I clean them Colonel, by wiping off the clean oil and applying clean oil.
Well those were a real score then. Wish I had seen those when grip shopping last time. I want a set for if and when I ever sell the CCO, since I can’t sell the ivory one’s, and those would be PERFECT! Thanks for the tip : )

12-18-2023, 10:29 PM
He still sells them. Makes them in smooth as well. Also in black. But sadly, none for Officer/Compact/CCO.

12-19-2023, 07:07 AM
Thanks for this, I was not aware of KSD grips, only question is do they have a palm swell, like the OEM ones have. I sent them an email asking.

Got an email for KSD today, the CZ grips DO NOT, have the palm swell.

12-19-2023, 07:36 AM
He still sells them. Makes them in smooth as well. Also in black. But sadly, none for Officer/Compact/CCO.
Ah, that might explain why I did not see them. Well I’m sure there will be another gov’t in my furure that will need some pretty stocks.. Sorry, I’ll be copying you when I do!

12-19-2023, 07:39 AM
Got an email for KSD today, the CZ grips DO NOT, have the palm swell.
Bummer man! Sorry they did not work out. They sure make some beautiful stuff.

12-19-2023, 07:42 AM
Nice 227 Jeep! Those grips transformed it from what I’d call sporty to sporty-classy. :cool:

12-19-2023, 03:02 PM
We all need to quit posting AWESOME GUN pictures for awhile.....it's making me want another.
I been trying NOT to get a Sig P229 Equinox that is like new for only $629

12-19-2023, 03:49 PM
Those Equinox are GORGEOUS!

12-19-2023, 05:20 PM
Your NOT HELPING....:smash:

12-19-2023, 05:57 PM
Your NOT HELPING....:smash:
Well it is Christmas time and the Jeep Man has been good, hasn't he?!?!? 😂😂😂

12-19-2023, 06:20 PM
Define good?

12-19-2023, 06:26 PM
Define good?
Now that’s something that’s open to interpretation!

12-19-2023, 07:38 PM

12-19-2023, 08:31 PM
Lol! Hope he see’s things your way!

12-19-2023, 09:43 PM
We all need to quit posting AWESOME GUN pictures for awhile.....it's making me want another.
I been trying NOT to get a Sig P229 Equinox that is like new for only $629

That's quite a deal Jeep. You should go for it. I've never seen a price that low for an excellent condition P229 Equinox

12-20-2023, 07:16 PM
I picked this up locally back in June. It basically comes as a frame and you can add what you want and then you build a slide assy as well. The guy I bought it from did a nice job assembling it. It has a nice fiber optic front sight as well as a nice Novak style rear sight. He chose to build it in .45 Auto with a long slide. The gun feels real good as it has a 1911 grip angle yet uses G21 magazines. I shot it and determined that the striker spring was too light as the reset was very weak and that is not good with a glock variant. I replaced the striker spring and then I replaced the Trigger and bar and went with an aftermarket, NDZ trigger spring. I polished the trigger bar, connector and firing pin safety. This pistol now has a great trigger pull, positive trigger reset and it is safe. I have been toying with upgrading the trigger to an adjustable pre-travel and over-travel. I like how she shoots now. I find it a decent looking arm for a glock-base pistol. The grip angle is perfect and it is very accurate. 20424

12-21-2023, 05:40 PM
We all need to quit posting AWESOME GUN pictures for awhile.....it's making me want another.
I been trying NOT to get a Sig P229 Equinox that is like new for only $629

Bought this LNIB P229 for $449! Fantastic Gun :cool:
Glad to be of Help :D

12-21-2023, 05:49 PM
Just checked and gosh durned if I ain't winning a second Gill Gun. This one is a Wards and the tube feed I sought. Only an hour to go and just a tad over a 100. Sweet. A lot of folk overlook the Wards, Ted Williams etc even though they were made my Stevens or Savage or Mossberg or even Winchester etc. Fingers crossed. This would be a first for me 2 wins in 3 days and momma probably won't kill me since they was cheap treasures.

Happy dance for a wheelchair dude. I just got back from the FFL and expected to do paperwork and start the wait. BUT she just treated it probably unknowingly like a bolt action and did the phone call insta check and alas I got to walk (in a rolling sort of way) out with them. I fully expected a 10 day wait and not bring them home till long after new year. I'm beyond happy.
I panicked. The manager called my wife (I can't hear on a phone) and said I might want to reject the last one that arrived today as the stock was damaged. Scared me plumb out of my wits, what few I have. Turns out just the butt plate corner was gone and a slight damage to the corresponding wood. Which I saw in the pictures and wasn't concerned about. Other than that it's near perfect. And the second one is very close to perfect also. Happy dance.
Pictures to come when I get done playing with them a big, have to bond don't cha know.

12-21-2023, 07:19 PM
Photo evidence. Note the cage on the off side of the chamber. Hence the name Gill guns. Also sometimes called clickety clacks.

Holding the trigger back after firing holds the bolt in the open position until released. Then goes back into battery. Not sure why I find that so fascinating, but I think it's cool.

12-22-2023, 04:47 AM
Barth: That was an AWESOME price you got it for. Looks like it has little to no wear at all.

12-22-2023, 04:48 AM
Colonel, it looks like one is tube fed and the other is not? Those do look to be in great shape. Other than what you mentioned about the butt of one, the stocks look very nicely cared for.

King Rat
12-22-2023, 07:35 AM
Photo evidence. Note the cage on the off side of the chamber. Hence the name Gill guns. Also sometimes called clickety clacks.

Holding the trigger back after firing holds the bolt in the open position until released. Then goes back into battery. Not sure why I find that so fascinating, but I think it's cool.

Congrats! However not sure what for as I have never heard about them. Just now starting to learn. I guess it is a Stevens manufacture? Hopefully will find a video of how it functions. I see they have single shots and tube fed. Regardless, at this point seems like a cool 22.cal. Did you order it on line? Merry Christmas! Obviously Santa has been good to you.

Yes, a very cool 22.cal.


12-22-2023, 09:08 AM
Nice gun Barth, and as Bird said, a great price. I don't know where you shop but pick me up the next time you head out there.

Two good looking rifles Colonel. Look like great guns to teach the grandkids with. The minor damage you describe would not bother me a bit when it comes to vintage pieces. Besides I'm sure you're well able to put them right.

Congrats guys!

12-22-2023, 10:38 AM
Colonel, it looks like one is tube fed and the other is not? Those do look to be in great shape. Other than what you mentioned about the butt of one, the stocks look very nicely cared for.

Correct. I got in a situation where I was bidding on 2, actually 3. Then I won the one and nobody was bidding on the second. First was mag fed and I thought the second being a tube feed would be nice too so I got both. Lucky for once.
Also, not quite so lucky. On closer examination something didn't seem right on the tube feed one. Found out the riser and feed piece on the chamber end of the tube was missing. Not good. Put a round in the tube and it just gets pushed into a void in the stock. So for now it's a single shot. Already searching for parts and it seems like it might be a long difficult road but I will persevere. Stocks are almost too nice, was planning on a refinish, now not sure. The one with the busted butt plate I might do as I repair that. Not sure yet. King Rat is also correct. These were made by Stevens, Savage, and a couple others. One of these is a Savage model 7. The 2nd branded as Wards, which I think was made by Stevens.

12-23-2023, 09:12 AM
Durn it man! Hope you can find the missing part. Too bad the seller was not up front about that.

12-24-2023, 07:44 AM
Correct. I got in a situation where I was bidding on 2, actually 3. Then I won the one and nobody was bidding on the second. First was mag fed and I thought the second being a tube feed would be nice too so I got both. Lucky for once.
Also, not quite so lucky. On closer examination something didn't seem right on the tube feed one. Found out the riser and feed piece on the chamber end of the tube was missing. Not good. Put a round in the tube and it just gets pushed into a void in the stock. So for now it's a single shot. Already searching for parts and it seems like it might be a long difficult road but I will persevere. Stocks are almost too nice, was planning on a refinish, now not sure. The one with the busted butt plate I might do as I repair that. Not sure yet. King Rat is also correct. These were made by Stevens, Savage, and a couple others. One of these is a Savage model 7. The 2nd branded as Wards, which I think was made by Stevens.

On a long shot call Ahlman's for the part you need. They have TONS of gun parts.


12-24-2023, 09:33 AM
Thanks Jeepster, early in the search but coming up goose egg so far. I'll give em a shot. I don't see any on the online parts search but I'll get the missus to give em a call.

12-24-2023, 04:14 PM
Well shoot (Pun fully intended). Where'd the rest of the post with the picture go. K75RT, I'm sorry, I haven't moved a post for quite a spell and after several attempts for some reason I only moved part and lost the picture post.
Please forgive me and repost in this thread. It was actually ok as it was right above this thread anyhow but whatever, I goofed. I'll still work on it a bit and see if I can figure out what went wrong.

12-24-2023, 04:18 PM
I picked this up locally back in June. It basically comes as a frame and you can add what you want and then you build a slide assy as well. The guy I bought it from did a nice job assembling it. It has a nice fiber optic front sight as well as a nice Novak style rear sight. He chose to build it in .45 Auto with a long slide. The gun feels real good as it has a 1911 grip angle yet uses G21 magazines. I shot it and determined that the striker spring was too light as the reset was very weak and that is not good with a glock variant. I replaced the striker spring and then I replaced the Trigger and bar and went with an aftermarket, NDZ trigger spring. I polished the trigger bar, connector and firing pin safety. This pistol now has a great trigger pull, positive trigger reset and it is safe. I have been toying with upgrading the trigger to an adjustable pre-travel and over-travel. I like how she shoots now. I find it a decent looking arm for a glock-base pistol. The grip angle is perfect and it is very accurate. 20424

OK, for some reason the picture and original post got moved to the previous page, only I could screw something up this good. Anyhow hoping this appears as I plan. Yeah right, good luck with that.

12-24-2023, 10:13 PM
Hey Bird, this is NOT my gun. But it went for more than $3600 on GB this evening. It was advertised as showing no handling marks, though it didn't say it was unfired. This price is about four times what the average going price is for a very good example of this model. The main difference between it and mine that I can see is the polish job. Though the grips on this one are described as genuine stag, which would also add to the value somewhat. It's a beautiful pistol, and as you can see the work like you do fetches a premium. I know auctions can be funny but this one's outcome is not at all unusual from what I see happen on GB frequently, for mirror polished guns. People will pay big dollars for all the elbow grease and attention to detail that you seem to be very good at.

12-24-2023, 11:17 PM
That's awesome and I love those grips. They do look a bit on the thick side as stag usually is. Sure nice to look at though.

12-25-2023, 04:48 PM
Santa was really nice to me. A little Henry 22 I've been hankering for, matches my 45/70 perfect.

12-25-2023, 05:40 PM
I bought one of those in the youth size for my son several years ago. Henry lucked out with their "new" ownership. The make great guns again. I'm sure you'll love plinking with that one Colonel. Congrats!

12-25-2023, 06:20 PM
Has a very smooth action just like my wife American Eagle. Her's is the silver with a gold emblem. Slickest lever gun I ever held. I'm tickled pink.

12-25-2023, 10:04 PM
We know you love older guns very much. And that's a good thing. But sometimes a brand spanking new one is just the ticket too! Henry makes good looking, quality guns. I'd be tickled too.

12-26-2023, 09:43 AM
I gifted these identical 9mm CZ75 Compacts to my 2 older sons and the Ruger Max 9 to my granddaughter’s fiancé.
I got a new pair of house slippers. (Which I really needed)

12-27-2023, 05:50 AM
I gifted these identical 9mm CZ75 Compacts to my 2 older sons and the Ruger Max 9 to my granddaughter’s fiancé.
I got a new pair of house slippers. (Which I really needed)

I need a new handgun like I need a hole in my head - LOL!
Still, the only CZ I own is a Scorpion Micro of which I'm extremely impressed with.
Always wanted a classic CZ75, but they seem just to big for carry.
Lately have been vacillating between the CZ75 Compact and related CZ75 PCR.
I know the PCR is nearly identical, but sports an alloy frame and a decocker (with no manual safety).
Have read the CZ 75 Compact trigger is actually better of the two.
Everyone seems to rave about Cajun gun works trigger packages - but their services seem expensive.
And potentially unnecessary on a carry gun.

Your thoughts?

12-27-2023, 06:50 AM
dao: That’s a beauty (you and me both wish it were ours, I’m sure). I do see what you are saying though if it sold for that much. May be a good retirement gig for me one day. Bird’s House O Polish! Lol! :D

Colonel: Very nice thing came down that chimney for ya! Cool to have them in both calibers. I’m not a hang guns on a wall for display kinda guy, but those two would look nice hanging together.

12-27-2023, 07:02 AM
I have one of the PCR's, the trigger from the factory is decent. They do get a little better after a bit of shooting. I have three CZ's and have kept the factory triggers on all three. No complaints. The only thing I do not like about the PCR is the metal base plates on the magazines. Hurts my hand. I bought rubber base plates to replace them, and am happy now. BTW, the PCR also has a lanyard ring. Was not a factor in my choosing it. I am not sure, but I think the Compacts may have 15 round magazines, while the PCR magazines are 14 round.

12-27-2023, 08:25 AM
The pictured CZ Compacts have 15 round magazines.

12-27-2023, 08:48 AM
CZ makes some good looking weapons. And from what I've seen on the web, they're of good quality too.

12-27-2023, 01:12 PM
dao: That’s a beauty (you and me both wish it were ours, I’m sure). I do see what you are saying though if it sold for that much. May be a good retirement gig for me one day. Bird’s House O Polish! Lol! :D

Colonel: Very nice thing came down that chimney for ya! Cool to have them in both calibers. I’m not a hang guns on a wall for display kinda guy, but those two would look nice hanging together.

Way ahead of ya. This is my 45/70 and wifes 22. Not sure there's enough room. The TV is just out of the picture. Might have to raise the TV up a bit so all three will fit. Nice to look at when there's nothing worth watching which is most of the time.
https://i.postimg.cc/tTsL7mXx/DSCN8219.jpg (https://postimg.cc/qhdm5w6J)

King Rat
12-27-2023, 05:14 PM
Way ahead of ya. This is my 45/70 and wifes 22. Not sure there's enough room. The TV is just out of the picture. Might have to raise the TV up a bit so all three will fit. Nice to look at when there's nothing worth watching which is most of the time.
https://i.postimg.cc/tTsL7mXx/DSCN8219.jpg (https://postimg.cc/qhdm5w6J)

Great Pic Colonel, Say's a lot about you and your family. God Bless America!

12-28-2023, 03:48 PM
OK, for some reason the picture and original post got moved to the previous page, only I could screw something up this good. Anyhow hoping this appears as I plan. Yeah right, good luck with that.
Thank you for moving my post, I did not see this topic and posted not realizing that this topic is where it should have been! TY!

12-28-2023, 09:34 PM
Nicely done Colonel! The horns/antlers as a "rack" is a nice touch. That whole pic makes me want to go into the mountains and rent a cabin (which is actually something we hope to do this year). Cozy/warm look you folks have going on there.

12-31-2023, 04:58 PM
No new gun to show, but a project update. After forum member dao posted pics of a polished Colt Officer, I switched directions (thanks a lot for all the extra work dao!), I figured I had the V10 about 30%-40% ready to polish, so changed from a brushed goal to a polished goal. Probably put 10 hrs into it since the last post. As you can tell, still have a LONG ways to go (still scratches, etc. in the shown pieces) but just happy to be making some measured progress. I think the mag pic is cool because it shows the evolution from black, to the spotty metal under the finish, to almost mirror down at the base. Last pic is the follower. Some scratches still under the “P”, but getting there!

12-31-2023, 05:10 PM
I'm exercising patience mind ya, but when can I expect my V10 to be completed and delivered? Just askin.

12-31-2023, 05:42 PM
Well I’ve been off all December, but go back to work on Tuesday, so won’t have as much time or energy after that. I will keep on it though, and not brush it off. I’ve got 5 pistols in pieces right now (including this one) that are part way done, so my only resolution for 2024 is to get this one and those other 4 done. Once done with this one, I’m gonna post up pics of the current state of the other 4 (STI USPSA 1911, Colt Gold Cup Trophy, Ruger SP101, Sig 229) and take a poll with you guys. I’ll finish whichever one you guys tell me should be next.
Crap, just thought about it, still have to finish a Beretta 92S too! That, and still have a few odds and ends to tie up on the SA CCO. So much work ahead of me!!!!!!

12-31-2023, 05:49 PM
Been eyeballing the SA “Champion” models on GB, as well as keeping eyes peeled on V12’s. Maybe next year, after these projects. Those 2 will round out the collection of semi-rare (or just not seen all the time), fully polished SA 1911’s. ;)

12-31-2023, 06:25 PM
So reading between the lines, it seems your pacing yourself and NOT going to send it to me when done anyhow?

12-31-2023, 11:21 PM
When you're done Bird, you'll be lookin' at that masterpiece. And thanking me for all I've done for you. Now get back to work, the Colonel needs his gat!

12-31-2023, 11:57 PM
You guys are certainly drivers. I prob woulda sat on it were it not for you's guys crackin the whip. Colonel, it may just come yer way. I know you got many things in that man cave that would constitute a fair trade. Is there an M1 in my future? 😂😂😂

01-01-2024, 12:11 AM

01-01-2024, 03:52 AM
Bought HK VP9 SK w/ Holosun SCS Green Dot 9mm.
Plus 3 additional 12 round flush mags :cool:

01-01-2024, 07:10 AM
Bought HK VP9 SK w/ Holosun SCS Green Dot 9mm.
Plus 3 additional 12 round flush mags :cool:
That’s a nice one Barth! I heard you can see the green dot better in bright light conditions than the red’s. Always loved the SK models. HK really nailed it in the grip area… sooooo ergonomic.

01-01-2024, 09:17 AM
Nice VP9sk. I picked up 2 additional HK extended mags for my P30SK, one more 13 rounder and one 15 rounder since they were on deep discount. I am surprised at the small size of the 15 round mag. These mags completely change the possibilities for the SK model’s I think. That now gives me 7 mags specifically for the SK, plus the multitude of P30 mags that fit too. Feeling more supplied now…..

01-01-2024, 09:38 AM
Grab one of the HK-made +2 extension kits, and turn that 15 rounder into a 17 rounder. The kit includes a longer spring, tab, and floor plate. Quality stuff. I recently bought a couple of new guns so I haven't been carrying my SK as much lately, but before that it was my goto carry. It will be again at some point I'm sure.

01-01-2024, 04:13 PM
No new gun to show, but a project update. After forum member dao posted pics of a polished Colt Officer, I switched directions (thanks a lot for all the extra work dao!), I figured I had the V10 about 30%-40% ready to polish, so changed from a brushed goal to a polished goal. Probably put 10 hrs into it since the last post. As you can tell, still have a LONG ways to go (still scratches, etc. in the shown pieces) but just happy to be making some measured progress. I think the mag pic is cool because it shows the evolution from black, to the spotty metal under the finish, to almost mirror down at the base. Last pic is the follower. Some scratches still under the “P”, but getting there!
20456 IMHO, you made an excellent choice. I think those models show so much better with a polish. You'll also be increasing the value.......................

01-02-2024, 08:07 PM
This might be my next purchase! https://www.rokronline.com/products/rokr-thompson-submachine-gun-toy-3d-wooden-puzzle-lqb01?spm=..index.featured_collection_third_1.3

01-02-2024, 08:15 PM
IMHO, you made an excellent choice. I think those models show so much better with a polish. You'll also be increasing the value.......................

Hey thanks Beretta! Those polished one's on GB sure look nice. Easy to go get some motivation by looking at those. Maybe one day I will cash out on all of the blingy things. Gonna be hard to let go after all the work.

01-02-2024, 08:18 PM
This might be my next purchase! https://www.rokronline.com/products/rokr-thompson-submachine-gun-toy-3d-wooden-puzzle-lqb01?spm=..index.featured_collection_third_1.3
What an amazing job they did on that. Must have taken somebody forever to design it all to fit together and program the files to cut and engrave it all. Can't believe how cheap it sells for. You could spray all of the normally metal parts black and scare the mess outta someone with that.

01-03-2024, 08:54 AM
^^^^but scary guns are illegal in my neck of the woods. :D

01-03-2024, 11:38 AM
^^^^but scary guns are illegal in my neck of the woods. :D
Hoping it never gets that way here. Hate to have to bury stuff off site.

01-03-2024, 11:44 AM
The more it becomes illegal the more I wanna become Taxi Driver and carry 6 guns on my all the time.

Ken L
01-03-2024, 11:59 AM
I just finished assembling my latest scary gun last week. AR in 458 SOCOM. Haven't put it on the scale yet but I'm thinking it's close to 6ish pounds. It's the lightest AR that I have by a long shot. 16" pencil barrel with a brake, 9" hand guard, slick side upper on a Stag Arms lower. 1-6 Vortex Strike Eagle scope. I built it to carry on top of the mountain for elk. Most shots up there are under 100 yards. Something about 45/70 power in an AR platform intrigues me. Now to get some 300 grain boolits and sight that bad boy in!

01-03-2024, 01:17 PM
I just finished assembling my latest scary gun last week. AR in 458 SOCOM. Haven't put it on the scale yet but I'm thinking it's close to 6ish pounds. It's the lightest AR that I have by a long shot. 16" pencil barrel with a brake, 9" hand guard, slick side upper on a Stag Arms lower. 1-6 Vortex Strike Eagle scope. I built it to carry on top of the mountain for elk. Most shots up there are under 100 yards. Something about 45/70 power in an AR platform intrigues me. Now to get some 300 grain boolits and sight that bad boy in!

Sounds like that might hurt a little bit on both ends. Action might soak up some of it, hope it's tolerable. With our new insane laws we can't "legally" do that sort of thing any longer. Glad you still can. Fingers crossed that after elections some good guys will win and turn all this nazi crap around. Maybe a picture to sooth our pain in the NW.

01-03-2024, 02:00 PM
458's will also break THE AMMO BANK.....

01-03-2024, 03:22 PM
What does a 458 cartridge even look like? I'll have to google it. Maybe a straight walled 556 round?

01-03-2024, 04:01 PM
Here you go....


01-03-2024, 05:30 PM
Hammer of Thor, driving a Phillips head screw!

J/K, I actually like those bullets, and they look very cool in that cartridge.

01-03-2024, 05:37 PM
Here you go....


Good Grief, those are nasty nasty looking. And I see breaking the bank 95 bucks for 20, don't practice much with those. Like JohnR, I do like the looks of them, don't see any in my near future but I like em just the same.

King Rat
01-03-2024, 06:01 PM
Go ahead and laugh. Keltec P32 loaded with 8 fast rounds of Underwood/Leheigh in the face.


01-03-2024, 06:22 PM
Go ahead and laugh. Keltec P32 loaded with 8 fast rounds of Underwood/Leheigh in the face.


I didn’t know those little KTs were rated for +P.
Ruger specifically warns against shooting loads like the Underwood .380+p

Ken L
01-04-2024, 08:33 AM
What does a 458 cartridge even look like? I'll have to google it. Maybe a straight walled 556 round?

Bawanna, just for an ideal of scale, something like 10 rounds of 458 SOCOM fit in a 30 round magazine. It's more than just a straight wall 223. Has a rebated rim, but needs a bigger bolt to handle the bigger bolt head. So you use a 556/223 bolt carrier with a larger bolt. The BCG is still the same overall length.

I'll post a pic of mine in a bit, might even be tomorrow. Might even include a family photo. Have to crack open the vault and lay them all out.

01-04-2024, 09:32 AM
Bawanna, just for an ideal of scale, something like 10 rounds of 458 SOCOM fit in a 30 round magazine. It's more than just a straight wall 223. Has a rebated rim, but needs a bigger bolt to handle the bigger bolt head. So you use a 556/223 bolt carrier with a larger bolt. The BCG is still the same overall length.

I'll post a pic of mine in a bit, might even be tomorrow. Might even include a family photo. Have to crack open the vault and lay them all out.

I love family photos. Anxiously awaiting.

01-04-2024, 03:31 PM
Incoming. Will be my first minimun 10 day wait.
I'll be swapping out the grip bushings for standard size. Haven't really taken to slim grips on a 1911 yet. So this will be the last time these grips will be on the gun for the foreseeable future. Got plenty of other shoes to dress it up in. Also will be getting a Chen Magwell for it once they're back in stock. The Dan Wessons have their MSH pin hole in a slightly different location so it takes a magwell specifically made for them.
I'd rather have had this in a steel frame but sadly they don't come that way. In either 9mm or .45. Mine is a 9mm.

01-04-2024, 03:55 PM
Is that officer size or standard size. Those grips look great. I just did the required state online safety course in case I ever have money again, I can go buy something and wait 10 days just to be safe. Idaho is looking better and better every day.

01-04-2024, 06:15 PM
Ow WOW dao! I wanted an Eco since the 1st time I saw them. Gorgeous lil gun! Love it as is, but curious to see after your grips and magwell get installed. Too bad about the 10 day wait, but I know you have plenty to keep you company until it arrives. ;)

01-04-2024, 06:18 PM
Nicely customized AR (and clips) there Jeep! Yeah, that looks like a wicked and powerful round. If I had not stocked up on everything 223/556 and 9mm I would have gone for that after seeing this. I jumped “all in” but now wishing my “above 9mm” rifles were of a more powerful round.

01-04-2024, 06:26 PM
Hey Army, loving the P32! I’ve pocketed a P3AT for the last few years. After reading up about yours was wishing I had gotten it instead. From what I saw, the 32 is more manageable in a tiny package. The P3AT is way too snappy for such a tiny, thin grip. Was worried about limp wristing it, even though I never did at the range. But, just switched to a Glock 42 once I learned I could hide it in my slacks pocket and gym shorts, even with a +1. Hope to shoot a P32 one day to see how it feels.

01-04-2024, 07:45 PM
The ECO is officer size, 3.5" barrel. The grips look ok, but they're slim. Also I'm pretty much stuck on flat bottom grips with no pin cutout. To me it just cleans up the whole bottom of the grip. Also, they look good with or without a magwell. I like the extra length the magwell adds to the shorter officer/cco/eco/ultra grips, and they sit just right in the heel of my hand. I've taken them off my commanders though because they just make the grip a bit too long on that size. Not that I'm fussy or anything... :D

01-04-2024, 10:05 PM
The ECO is officer size, 3.5" barrel. The grips look ok, but they're slim. Also I'm pretty much stuck on flat bottom grips with no pin cutout. To me it just cleans up the whole bottom of the grip. Also, they look good with or without a magwell. I like the extra length the magwell adds to the shorter officer/cco/eco/ultra grips, and they sit just right in the heel of my hand. I've taken them off my commanders though because they just make the grip a bit too long on that size. Not that I'm fussy or anything... :D

That ought to be a sweet shooter in 9mm.

01-04-2024, 10:32 PM
Incoming. Will be my first minimun 10 day wait.
I'll be swapping out the grip bushings for standard size. Haven't really taken to slim grips on a 1911 yet. So this will be the last time these grips will be on the gun for the foreseeable future. Got plenty of other shoes to dress it up in. Also will be getting a Chen Magwell for it once they're back in stock. The Dan Wessons have their MSH pin hole in a slightly different location so it takes a magwell specifically made for them.
I'd rather have had this in a steel frame but sadly they don't come that way. In either 9mm or .45. Mine is a 9mm.

If I was on the right side of the tracks I'd take it as is. I love the weight of my Tisas with that alloy/aluminum? frame. In 9 it should be perfect. 45 I think I'd probably stick with steel but like to try the lightweight too.

01-05-2024, 09:08 AM
I have a DW Valkyre CCO, and it came with thin grips also. I have come to love them. Almost all the DW carry pistols, have a radiused main spring housing to help just a touch with Concealed carry. I'm 6'2" tall, but have so called small hands for my height. The thin grips just feel better, shooting an alloy framed 1911. Another great thing about the CCO, I assume the same for yours, is that they have a ramped barrel. This is very desirable in an alloy frame.

01-05-2024, 09:28 AM
Good points Ken. I have med-lg mitts. The slight increase in size just fits my hand better. It's all subjective though. True that about the ramped barrel. Protects the frame. DW makes a fine gun. I'm hoping mine will be in as good shape as described. It is coming to me used.

I would prefer the heft of a steel frame, but supposedly the flat wire frame helps cut the recoil some. As well as being rated for 15K rounds. I will never wear it out that's for sure.

01-05-2024, 11:11 AM
I've always much preferred thin grips. Often thought of just putting duct tape on the frame to make it thin as it could be. Makes kind of an issue with my love for Stag and horn grips which are almost always thick.
I did manage to make myself a set (not good enough to offer to anyone else) but good enough for me that are wafer thin. The reside on the Tisas for now. My Cbob is riding nice so they may get transferred over. Right now it's wear a set I got from dao, they feel real good, like em a lot but not stag.

Ken L
01-05-2024, 12:58 PM
I love family photos. Anxiously awaiting.

Here's the pictures

The 458

https://i.postimg.cc/9QR77J7P/IMG-6948.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

The family

https://i.postimg.cc/52CX0yhn/IMG-6949.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

From left to right: AR10 in 6.5 Creedmoor, 458 SOCOM, the twins 300 Blackout and 556, and last is the 556 prairie dog gun.

The difference in sizes of the bolt faces between a 556 and a 458 SOCOM.

https://i.postimg.cc/Gtt21mPP/IMG-6945.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

01-05-2024, 04:53 PM
Lovely family! 😂
Dang, what a difference in size on those bolt faces. That's a gun 'o war for sure! Body armor? What body armor? 😂
I’m also seeing a HUGE magwell on the 6.5 and 458. Makes the others look tiny.

01-05-2024, 05:03 PM
I like that prairie dog gun. What barrel is that?

01-08-2024, 07:22 AM
I just finished assembling my latest scary gun last week. AR in 458 SOCOM. Haven't put it on the scale yet but I'm thinking it's close to 6ish pounds. It's the lightest AR that I have by a long shot. 16" pencil barrel with a brake, 9" hand guard, slick side upper on a Stag Arms lower. 1-6 Vortex Strike Eagle scope. I built it to carry on top of the mountain for elk. Most shots up there are under 100 yards. Something about 45/70 power in an AR platform intrigues me. Now to get some 300 grain boolits and sight that bad boy in!

My light weight close range blaster is a Galil ACE Gen 1 308 pistol with a brace.
Has an 11.8" barrel, runs 20/25 round PMAGs and weighs 6.5 lbs including the brace.
And with the brake felt recoil is spooky lite (like my 5.56).
Load Velocity 50-yard Accuracy
Hornady 155-gr. American Gunner 2,462 f.p.s. 1.40 Inches
Black Hills 178-gr. ELDX 2,418 f.p.s. 1.70 Inches
Federal 168-gr. Match 2,495 f.p.s. 1.55 Inches
Corbon 125-gr. TMK 2,700 f.p.s. 1.20 Inches
Nosler 125-gr. BT 2,740 f.p.s. 1.30 inches


01-08-2024, 07:47 AM
That certainly is a handful of firepower.

Puts my 10.5” PSA 5.56 in the shade…

King Rat
01-08-2024, 10:30 AM
Grizz Gun!

Ken L
01-08-2024, 11:29 AM
I like that prairie dog gun. What barrel is that?

It's a 24" stainless heavy barrel that I got from Midway. Can't remember off hand if it's their brand or something else. I just checked on their website and it doesn't look like they offer it anymore. That's the first AR that I built. As you can see I fell into a trap. They all have cartridge triggers, all around 3-4#. The 458 has a 3# Timney and the 6.5 Creed has a 3.5# CMC. The other 3 have Rise Armament triggers. Nice triggers make a big difference in my mind.

Longest prairie dog I shot was at a measured 192 yards. No, I didn't hit it with the first shot. Or the second. That's what is so great about prairie dogs, they don't move when the lead is flying, which means you can walk the shots up. With that heavy barrel the gun doesn't raise under recoil and I can watch the shots hit thru the scope.

01-08-2024, 04:32 PM
It's a 24" stainless heavy barrel that I got from Midway. Can't remember off hand if it's their brand or something else. I just checked on their website and it doesn't look like they offer it anymore. That's the first AR that I built. As you can see I fell into a trap. They all have cartridge triggers, all around 3-4#. The 458 has a 3# Timney and the 6.5 Creed has a 3.5# CMC. The other 3 have Rise Armament triggers. Nice triggers make a big difference in my mind.

Longest prairie dog I shot was at a measured 192 yards. No, I didn't hit it with the first shot. Or the second. That's what is so great about prairie dogs, they don't move when the lead is flying, which means you can walk the shots up. With that heavy barrel the gun doesn't raise under recoil and I can watch the shots hit thru the scope.

Nice. I am thinking about building something new. I do have a bushmaster competition hbar 20 inch that will shoot sub moa with “cheap” PMC ammo. It Has a 4-12 Leupold scope on it. I Bought it years ago when they all were still made in Windham, Maine. It needs a better trigger though. Sucker must weigh 10 pounds but it shoots well. It will put all the ejected brass in a 18 inch box at the 4:30 position.

also have an AR10 platform with a really good barrel and muzzle brake on it and although it sounds like a cannon going off it doesn’t move and you can spot your shots through the scope. It will put match grade ammo through the same hole at 100 yards. It’s a fun one to shoot.

I think the next one I work on (maybe one of my current 16 inch carbines I own) will get some tinkering done with the buffer weights so it’s smoother. I have one that is way over gassed and throws the brass forward. I’d like to put a good trigger on it too and a muzzle brake I’m thinking because want it to almost not move when I shoot it rapid fire.

The options on the AR can make it addicting.

Ken L
01-08-2024, 05:23 PM
I enjoy buying stuff a piece at a time for the ARs, then putting it together once enough stuff is collected. The 458 was different, I ordered everything within a week or two. Fell into a couple of good deals in the before Christmas sales, like the Vortex scope from Cabela's. Was like $200 off.

01-09-2024, 04:03 AM
Picked up my VP9 SCS Holosun handgun last night.
Been holding off on the whole red dot optic thingy for some time.
Finally got a Bushnell TRS-25 red dot for my Arsenal SLR-106U 5.56 SBR that I like.
But still not sold on moving away from iron sights.

This optic ready craze with handguns has continued to interest me though.
And being an HK fan boy when the VP9 Holosun package was release I really started to twitch.
The Holosun SCS is solar powered with rechargeable battery backup.
It's not shake awake. You just leave it on all the time.
Rather than a bunch of options. It's mostly automatic.
Including auto brightness depending on lighting.
The default recital is circle with a dot.
And HK went with the super green version.
Also it mounts directly to the slide.
Super low with 100% co-witness to the standard height iron sights.
The irons are black on black so they don't interfere with the sight picture at all.
I'm cross eye dominant and can't shoot with both eyes open.
Get crazy double vision if I try.
But just using the Holosun in my apartment it looks like both eyes open works with this optic!!!
I'm so jazzed to get to the range now.

Next up is seeing if my particular VP9 prefers 124 or 147 gr ammo.
Really don't care which as I've got both stacked deep anyway LOL!
Lots of ammo arriving tomorrow.
I was going to wait till the weekend to go shooting.
But that twitching has started again and I don't think I'm going to make it - LOL!
It's Christmas morning for Barth!
Note: Also the new flush 12 round and 15 round (+2) mags are a sweet bonus!

Plus my B-Day is next month,
Turning 67 I just can't believe I'm that old.
Retirement is close.
I just keep putting it off.
Hard to stop working when I'm making all this money - LOL!
Maybe next year I'll hang it up.
As for me I dropped 50 lbs and am doing 2 hrs cardio / 1 hr weights per day.
Feeling like a new man!

Life is Good :cool:

01-09-2024, 09:04 AM
Congrats on it all Barth! Oh, hey, retirement is great too :D

01-09-2024, 09:25 AM
Big congrats Barth! Sounds like just the ticket on the green dot. Hope it’s everything you were hoping for. I bet it will be! Great job on the weight loss and health gains. That takes commitment for sure.

01-09-2024, 09:33 AM
Plus my B-Day is next month,
Turning 67 I just can't believe I'm that old.
Retirement is close.
I just keep putting it off.
Hard to stop working when I'm making all this money - LOL!
Maybe next year I'll hang it up.

Here’s my retirement advice having retired at 58 1/2. If you love the job, love the money, and like spending it, maybe keep working. Or if you need the money keep working too.

if You don’t need the money and can afforded to do what you want to do in retirement, retire as quick as you can. We never know what the future will hold.

I have never missed one day working, even with medical issues I am still healthier. I still buy the guns and ammo I want, and I do whatever I want to do every day. And there is not a politically correct word in my vocabulary, nor is one required. Retirement is awesome.

01-09-2024, 09:38 AM
Here’s my retirement advice having retired at 58 1/2. If you love the job, love the money, and like spending it, maybe keep working. Or if you need the money keep working too.

if You don’t need the money and can afforded to do what you want to do in retirement, retire as quick as you can. We never know what the future will hold.

I have never missed one day working, even with medical issues I am still healthier. I still buy the guns and ammo I want, and I do whatever I want to do every day. And there is not a politically correct word in my vocabulary, nor is one required. Retirement is awesome.

Thanks much for the candid advice!
I don't love my job, but it's easy money.
Have a 1M IRA, but that's not what it used to be.
Guns and ammo are my only vise.
I'm really very frugal otherwise.
And I'm completely debt free!
My target retirement is March 2025 and I'm feeling pretty good about that :D

01-09-2024, 10:01 AM
https://scontent-msp1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/417221356_289802807421414_5589678165815474820_n.jp g?_nc_cat=107&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=c42490&_nc_ohc=g4epyifalAUAX9f3JhL&_nc_ht=scontent-msp1-1.xx&oh=00_AfCcWEmozCmoLnRAV2Nkk8zv7EhrnObijhZhjQSYJkNR Ag&oe=65A1FEBB

01-09-2024, 11:07 AM
I technically retired at 52. I watched my pennies and had enough of the working world early. If I could have afforded it, I would have retired before I even started working. Having to foot my own bills very early in life, I worked myself out of wanting to work. I didn't hate my job, but I didn't love it either. If I would have saved more cash at an early age, I probably could have retired sooner. For me, retirement was/is like someone took an elephant off of my shoulders. I love being able to do whatever I feel like doing at any time day or night. Every day is Saturday. The best part was still being younger when I retired. Still had lots of energy and could fully enjoy life without health issues that come with old age. I guess what I'm saying is that IMHO, I would retire as soon as possible. Like yqtszhj mentioned, you never know what tomorrow can bring. Enjoy while you still have your health..............

01-09-2024, 04:38 PM
I technically retired at 52. I watched my pennies and had enough of the working world early. If I could have afforded it, I would have retired before I even started working. Having to foot my own bills very early in life, I worked myself out of wanting to work. I didn't hate my job, but I didn't love it either. If I would have saved more cash at an early age, I probably could have retired sooner. For me, retirement was/is like someone took an elephant off of my shoulders. I love being able to do whatever I feel like doing at any time day or night. Every day is Saturday. The best part was still being younger when I retired. Still had lots of energy and could fully enjoy life without health issues that come with old age. I guess what I'm saying is that IMHO, I would retire as soon as possible. Like yqtszhj mentioned, you never know what tomorrow can bring. Enjoy while you still have your health..............

We must be twin sons of different mothers. Your story is exactly like mine.

And that happy retirement comic is just like me, only I didn’t put any money in the swear jar. I figured I was owed a swear rant so I didn’t pay a penny. I still swear at them today every time they mess up my retiree health insurance benefits (which is about once a year.)

01-09-2024, 04:49 PM
Here’s my retirement advice having retired at 58 1/2. If you love the job, love the money, and like spending it, maybe keep working. Or if you need the money keep working too.

if You don’t need the money and can afforded to do what you want to do in retirement, retire as quick as you can. We never know what the future will hold.

I have never missed one day working, even with medical issues I am still healthier. I still buy the guns and ammo I want, and I do whatever I want to do every day. And there is not a politically correct word in my vocabulary, nor is one required. Retirement is awesome.

Couldn't have said it better. Been retired for almost 6 years now and don't miss working. I do miss the work sometimes but only what I did in the first 15 years with the company I spent the last 23+ years of my 45 years working life with. Miss some of the people too, but all in all I'm much happier these days.

01-09-2024, 05:01 PM
I just smoothed-up a new Mossberg Maverick 88 Security, I installed a 6-shot side-saddle and Bob's your Uncle! Thinking about lengthening the forcing cone to get her to group better, we'll see

01-09-2024, 05:32 PM
Got to see and fondle my ECO today. Now for the long 10 business day wait and approval to come back.
I've really taken to the 3.5" barrel length on 1911s. Not many companies make them, the 3" versions seem to be much more readily available. The true Officer Size like this is the sweet spot for me.

01-09-2024, 06:41 PM
Sure looks mighty fine. And I love those grips. Some like bland, some prefer a little flash, guess I'm in the latter category. Did you do your mandatory safety class which is a total and complete waste of at least 10 minutes. I did mine just to get it out of the way although I suspect having gotten 3 new rifles already this year it'll be sometime before I see anymore new toys but can't say it ain't gonna happen.

01-09-2024, 10:37 PM
K75RT: Congrats on the new Mossy! I’ve been looking for a good deal on a tactical 12 lately. Post pics if you can. Have fun with it! :cool:

dao: I went to GB to look at the ECO’s. Looks like they quit making them? Only seeing an ECP now (Commander size). Maybe that’s a CZ thing. I know the ECO’s (at list I think) are pre CZ? Looking nice. Bet you can’t wait to get it home and do what you want to make it just how you want it.

To all you retiree’s and early retirees, CONGRATULATIONS! Hope to join you in a few years. I’m only working 3 days a week, and the job is not so bad/tough. BUT, after taking all of December off, I realize how much I’d rather not work at all.

01-10-2024, 09:20 AM
Sure looks mighty fine. And I love those grips. Some like bland, some prefer a little flash, guess I'm in the latter category. Did you do your mandatory safety class which is a total and complete waste of at least 10 minutes. I did mine just to get it out of the way although I suspect having gotten 3 new rifles already this year it'll be sometime before I see anymore new toys but can't say it ain't gonna happen.

I'll be replacing the bushings and grips with some of standard thickness Colonel. If I didn't want to keep them as the originals, I'd send them up to you.
I did take my class. I felt better immediately. Our peerless leader in the mansion really knows what we need, doesn't he?

Bird, they did quit making them a couple of years back, but continued long after CZ bought DW out. They now have the TCP and ECP but I think both of them are CCO guns with Commander slides/bbls, and ECO shortened frames. Also they have that tapered nose which I just cannot warm up to. The ECO is build to the original Colt OACP dimensions. Also, it's a series 70, which I like. Blunt nose, which I really like :)

01-10-2024, 11:27 AM
I see that tapered nose thing you speak of. No, not my cup of tea either. Not terrible, but prefer blunt as you do.
Interesting they make/would name one a TCP as that was one of my 1st pocket 380’s by Taurus.

01-10-2024, 01:05 PM
We must be twin sons of different mothers. Your story is exactly like mine.

And that happy retirement comic is just like me, only I didn’t put any money in the swear jar. I figured I was owed a swear rant so I didn’t pay a penny. I still swear at them today every time they mess up my retiree health insurance benefits (which is about once a year.) I know we went to different schools together.........................I left without fanfare. No swearing. Gave them 2 wks. notice and left. It was hard listening to the begging wanting me to stay for the 2 weeks. I told them that I had given them as much of my life as the company was worth. I wished them luck..........................the last day, I left on my terms with a big a$$ smile on my face. Heard they had a hard time after I left. Made me feel like I was valuable, but just for a minute. :)

01-10-2024, 02:01 PM
Got to see and fondle my ECO today. Now for the long 10 business day wait and approval to come back.
I've really taken to the 3.5" barrel length on 1911s. Not many companies make them, the 3" versions seem to be much more readily available. The true Officer Size like this is the sweet spot for me.

Been trying this morning to find those grips. Looked all over including CZ and Dan Wesson, both of those sites don't even show anything about 1911's, the Dan Wesson site is all CZ models. Must be special for them or something.

01-10-2024, 02:25 PM
I see them from time to time on the 1911 sites I frequent. If I see a set I'll point you to them.

01-11-2024, 06:43 AM
They discontinued the Valkyrie a few years ago also, that's how I got mine. When they dropped them, they allowed the vendors to sell their blue stock to regular citizens. Back then list was north of 1900.00, but got one new from Bud's for just over 1200. I too, do not care for the new bevel on the slide. The one on my CCO, is much cleaner IMHO.


01-11-2024, 07:21 AM
Nice Ken. At an awesome price too. Yes, clean look to it. That one looks like some of the full custom’s I’ve seen.

01-11-2024, 08:57 AM
Nice shooter Ken. Odd that DW did not put their Valkyrie script on the slide above the slide stop. I'll bet that feels real good on your hip.

01-11-2024, 10:16 AM
Nice shooter Ken. Odd that DW did not put their Valkyrie script on the slide above the slide stop
I noticed that too, which I think cleans it up a bit. Kinda like a “no name”. I love ‘em like that.
That STI I have would be sooo much nicer if it did not have the billboard on the side. I bought a S&W SC on here and if I ever get a round tuit I will be polishing just the flats and controls while also removing it’s billboard in the process.

01-11-2024, 11:19 AM
I agree Bird. I like them clean as well. Guncrafter Industries actually makes "No Name" models. There's a few others as well.

01-11-2024, 01:04 PM
I agree Bird. I like them clean as well. Guncrafter Industries actually makes "No Name" models. There's a few others as well.
Lol! Guncrafter’s was the one I was thinking of. I just forgot who it was.
I have seen kits (80%?) where you can ‘smith your own that have nice, unmarked, blunt nosed slides. Very surprised by what those kits go for though. You can buy a decent used DW for what they sell for. I guess you really gotta want to learn that craft to buy one.

01-11-2024, 02:49 PM
I will post soon, been working on my other Mossberg, a Model 500 12 gauge with a rifled barrel. I changed the wood furniture to black polymer as it is tougher to damage than a nice wood stock. I like wood but I do not like having to refinish it if I can use a inexpensive replacement and keep the nice wood for wing shooting!

01-11-2024, 03:44 PM
This is NOT my gun. Found it online. Good example of a Guncrafter Industries No Name Commander. By all accounts I've read they make fine guns.

01-11-2024, 07:19 PM
I will post soon, been working on my other Mossberg, a Model 500 12 gauge with a rifled barrel. I changed the wood furniture to black polymer as it is tougher to damage than a nice wood stock. I like wood but I do not like having to refinish it if I can use a inexpensive replacement and keep the nice wood for wing shooting!

Sounds like a great idea. I have 3 10/22's, all of which have nice, original stocks. I'm wanting one of the black poly one's for one of them. For looks, weight reduction and keeping the stock nice on that one. Yes, would be cool to see what you've done with yours. Maybe before & after shots? Thanks!

01-11-2024, 07:24 PM
doa, that one is drop dead gorgeous! I'm undecisive, but may go with a trigger like that on the V10. I know the Guncrafter's are expensive, but knowing how many hours that must go into their fitting/finishing makes me wonder how they do it. If I polished a 1911 for what polish shops do it for I'd be making like $2-$3 an hour!😂 Yes, I've heard good things about Guncrafter. I just need one real good scratch off ticket and I'm in!

01-12-2024, 12:36 AM
I really like the super clean look of my Dan Wesson V-Bob.
And the bobtail Commander is the perfect size for me :)

01-12-2024, 05:06 AM
Nice shooter Ken. Odd that DW did not put their Valkyrie script on the slide above the slide stop. I'll bet that feels real good on your hip.
It has the script, but black on black, did not show up in the photo for some reason. It is hard to see, if you aren't looking for it.
Edit: So took my phone out today and if I point straight down, you cannot see the Valkyrie logo, but I if tilt it slightly it shows up, who knew.

I did a quick look at gun broker for some discontinued DW models, they are all going for outrageous prices. Not sure what DW/CZ are thinking.