View Full Version : Happiness is a new gun 2
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They used to put the script on edit: after before they finished the guns. Nowadays they're actually etched or cut into the frame before the finish.
Same here Bird, best of luck to the both of us on that score!
01-12-2024, 10:55 PM
No new guns, but the old one is getting a lil shinier each day. This one has drawn blood. Will have some of my dna in it!
01-12-2024, 11:47 PM
That's looking really fine. I threw up seeing the blood. Did you cry? As unmanly as it might be it's ok, I'll cry with you.....
My son has one of them ported guns, real soft shooter, like it a lot. Tried to talk him out of it but he won't part with it. Guess I didn't raise him right.
01-13-2024, 12:46 AM
Lol! My wife said I’m nuts because it started 3 days ago and I’ve kept sanding since despite it keepin on. I’m trying to set a personal best record for shortest amount of days from start to finish. Moving so slow does make me want to cry. I’ll let you know when I do, so we can do it tandem. Haven’t shot it yet, but hoping it runs good and shoots soft like you say. Your son probably figures you got more guns than the military already.
Like you, I'm not a big fan of billboards either Bird. But on that gun, with the ported barrel and slide, and being finished as you are doing it I think the engraving will actually highlight the beauty of the work. Good job, keep at it. Can't wait to see the finished product!
01-13-2024, 09:28 AM
Thanks dao! Can't wait to finish and show it off to you guys. 😊
01-13-2024, 09:55 AM
I've wanted a shinny stainless semi-auto.
Maybe hard chrome or something.
Just haven't done it.
I own lots of stainless steel semi-autos.
But they are all matte stainless.
Do have an extended ported barrel for my Sig P220 45.
Was disappointed in the performance of the porting.
IMHO it seems like porting works better with supersonic ammo.
My ported 357 Sig gun is a whole different story :cool:
01-13-2024, 10:21 AM
Nice Elite MK!
Yes, some comped one's I've tried have shown less of a result than others. Best to date is the guide rod mounted one's on the Glock 17's. My wife LOVES shooting hers and she never enjoyed shooting any other 9. Now have 3 because of that and mag interchangeability with the AR9's
01-13-2024, 05:34 PM
Previous shots were about as far as I could go at the kitchen table. Braved into the outdoors and cranked up the buffer. (Sorry to show the warm, t-shirt & shorts weather to those in the snow). Hoping to be done in another week or two. These shots give me motivation to keep at it. Lot's of small parts still need attention, as well as a few more areas on the slide and frame.I promise, no more pics until it's DONE.
01-13-2024, 07:00 PM
That be a BBQ gun for sure and certain. Appreciate the concern for us in the frigid northwest. It's about 18 out and even with my pellet stove going all day in the shop it only got up to about 40. Too damn cold for this dude. My feet are like popsicles, poor circulation no doubt in the legs and feet. Done out there for today, stay inside next to the wood stove and thaw out. Might need a little internal anti-freeze to help thaw things out a bit.
Oooohhh. Me likey! And I still say, on that finish the writing on the slide adds to the beauty of it. OK Bird, when are we going to talk about you doing that to my Classic?
01-14-2024, 06:31 AM
That be a BBQ gun for sure and certain. Appreciate the concern for us in the frigid northwest. It's about 18 out and even with my pellet stove going all day in the shop it only got up to about 40. Too damn cold for this dude. My feet are like popsicles, poor circulation no doubt in the legs and feet. Done out there for today, stay inside next to the wood stove and thaw out. Might need a little internal anti-freeze to help thaw things out a bit.
Maaaan that's cold. I don't blame you for getting back into the house. Sorry to hear about the feet/circulation. That kind of stuff is no fun at all, more so with cold weather. Internal anti-freeze? Lol! Never heard it called that, but think I had 2 glasses of it last night. Now I'll be paying for it for the next 3-5 days. Always messes me up, but sure is fun at the time of consumption.
01-14-2024, 06:37 AM
Thanks dao. Man, you sure do have some nice 1911's! I love the big ol' slab sides on that DW. Would look real nice all shinied up, not that it isn't a looker already. If you were close by I'd certainly help you get it BBQ'd up. 😉 I'm hoping to have some DW's in my collection again one day. Had 2 that got away. Definitely tops on my "you shouldn't have done that" list.
01-14-2024, 07:12 AM
Looking awesome Bird! :third:
01-14-2024, 07:15 AM
I like SHINEY. :w00t:
01-14-2024, 07:56 AM
Thanks Jeep.WOW! Nice one's you've got there. Of course I like the shiny one, but what a great looking combo with the black slide, green frame. Those grips really tie it all together too. I've always liked those Pachmeyers with wood and rubber together. Wish they made them in compact.
What are those 2 1911's? (make/model?)
01-14-2024, 08:19 AM
Planning for the next project...
My buddy sent me a picture of these real Mother Of Pearl grips last night. Just snagged them. The Colt Gold Cup Trophy will get these when it's polishing is done. I think they will bling it up real nice!😁 When the wife finds out, I'm in trouble! Not supposed to be buyin anything right now. 🤬
01-14-2024, 08:31 AM
Those are mind-boggling nice!
01-14-2024, 09:51 AM
Those are mind-boggling nice!
Thanks! Super excited. Was going to get the fake, swirly pearl one's with the silver "Rampant Horse" inlay, but could not get past the cheapness look of them.
01-14-2024, 09:55 AM
Thanks! Super excited. Was going to get the fake, swirly pearl one's with the silver "Rampant Horse" inlay, but could not get past the cheapness look of them.
Wise Decision :cool:
I've considered and rejected fake pearl grips on many occasions.
Those look outstanding!
Well Done :D
Technical Note:
My super cool custom slim wood grips on my V-Bob cracked :(
So I went back to the original grips that came with the gun (VZ Slim Line G10).
Never actually even shot the gun with those grips..
Aren't really stylish, but I guess functional?
I'm thinking I'll actually shoot the gun with the VZ grips this time - LOL!
Then decide what's next.
It's been my BBQ gun for a while and just seems to need to be more stylish some how?
01-14-2024, 11:04 AM
Thank you sir!
Those look great on there. The diamonds look almost like carbon fiber. More stylish? I dunno. I'd LOVE to have it just how it sits. Maybe some brushed grips screws with a pattern? And, that trigger is what I'm wanting for the V10. That curved one or a flat faced solid one. I'm gonna do a photo cut & paste in PowerPoint before I "pull the trigger" on the trigger. Pun intended!😁
01-14-2024, 12:38 PM
Para Ordnance on left Taurus on right.
Thanks dao. Man, you sure do have some nice 1911's! I love the big ol' slab sides on that DW. Would look real nice all shinied up, not that it isn't a looker already. If you were close by I'd certainly help you get it BBQ'd up. I'm hoping to have some DW's in my collection again one day. Had 2 that got away. Definitely tops on my "you shouldn't have done that" list.
It is too bad we're 3300 miles apart. I can think of few things that would be more enjoyable than sitting around with a friend, polishing up a gun. Over a beer or two. I think the only good thing about letting guns go is the feeling of satisfaction we get when we bring home another one like it much later.
edit: Here's that same Classic Bird. With the grips that the Colonel made for me. Along with the Guardian that I let go. Sadly.
01-14-2024, 01:53 PM
Para Ordnance on left Taurus on right.
I see! I think I know why you made the Para so custom/nice. If your is anything like the one's I had in the past, the factory finish is very soft and prone to wear. I think you nailed the custom look on it. Would be proud to own it!
01-14-2024, 01:57 PM
It is too bad we're 3300 miles apart. I can think of few things that would be more enjoyable than sitting around with a friend, polishing up a gun. Over a beer or two. I think the only good thing about letting guns go is the feeling of satisfaction we get when we bring home another one like it much later.
Sounds like good times! The buddy that sent me the pic of the pearl grips came over once and we did exactly that. Weather had just gotten a bit warmer after a freeze, so we sat out in the garage, mosquito free, til late in the night. Drinking and polishing with the radio on. I think I was doing the Kahr K9 at the time. That's a good memory. Thanks for reminding me. Yes, too bad you are so far away my friend 😊
Both of those DW's ... 😛 The Colonel does his grips right! Too bad about the Guardian, but like you said, now another you can love is coming home (ECO). Here's the 2 that got away from me:
01-14-2024, 02:12 PM
I'm pondering a set for Barth. Not sure what to go with for wood and pin or no pin etc. Feedback from Barth and others welcomed. Haven't made a set in a while so I'm overdue.
01-14-2024, 02:32 PM
I'm pondering a set for Barth. Not sure what to go with for wood and pin or no pin etc. Feedback from Barth and others welcomed. Haven't made a set in a while so I'm overdue.
For his V-Bob? Can’t wait to see what you do. Wood? Horn? Wooly mammoth ankle bone? :tongue: I’m sure you’ll do something with some flair!
01-14-2024, 04:36 PM
I'm pondering a set for Barth.
Not sure what to go with for wood and pin or no pin etc.
Feedback from Barth and others welcomed.
Haven't made a set in a while so I'm overdue.
I really want to shoot the gun with the VZ 10 grips first.
Normally I shoot 1911s real well.
Wilson Combat QCB in particular, as well as Night Hawk and Kimber.
But for some reason I don't shoot the DW Lights Out.
I'm sure it's not the gun.
And wonder if the super thin slick custom grips I had on the gun might be the culprit.
The G10s are slim too, but they are far far away from slick.
And I think G10s are what comes on QCB (Slim or Standard I don't know)?
Or maybe standard thickness grips might make a difference?
Something to fill my hand.
I just don't know... :confused:
But Colonel I totally appreciate the offer.
And am honestly intrigued at the thought of what you might come up with :)
I'll try to get to the range soon and give the G10s a spin.
Can you give me some sort of price range we would be looking at If I went with some "Bawanna Specials"?
Was kind of thinking something in Stag might be right up your alley.
And would look good with the brushed stainless V-Bob.
I'm a complete novice with 1911 grips.
And the grips screws seem super shallow with a delicate fit...
Off the top of my head I was thinking -
01-14-2024, 05:06 PM
Yes shiney is good!
01-14-2024, 05:33 PM
I really want to shoot the gun with the VZ 10 grips first.
Normally I shoot 1911s real well.
Wilson Combat QCB in particular, as well as Night Hawk and Kimber.
But for some reason I don't shoot the DW Lights Out.
I'm sure it's not the gun.
And wonder if the super thin slick custom grips I had on the gun might be the culprit.
The G10s are slim too, but they are far far away from slick.
And I think G10s are what comes on QCB (Slim or Standard I don't know)?
Or maybe standard thickness grips might make a difference?
Something to fill my hand.
I just don't know... :confused:
But Colonel I totally appreciate the offer.
And am honestly intrigued at the thought of what you might come up with :)
I'll try to get to the range soon and give the G10s a spin.
Can you give me some sort of price range we would be looking at If I went with some "Bawanna Specials"?
Was kind of thinking something in Stag might be right up your alley.
And would look good with the brushed stainless V-Bob.
I'm a complete novice with 1911 grips.
And the grips screws seem super shallow with a delicate fit...
Off the top of my head I was thinking -
As much as I love stag, I'm pretty much a failure on making them. I do have one set I made that's "good enough for me" after trying several tries. The horn or antler has to be just right for the proper coverage but also not too thick. I like thin and it's tough to find stag that is any less than a standard thickness and most are much thicker. That being said I will try again and if miraculously I am successful I'll probably offer them up. Sounds like you have large hands or prefer standard thickness, I'll play some.
01-14-2024, 05:44 PM
As much as I love stag, I'm pretty much a failure on making them. I do have one set I made that's "good enough for me" after trying several tries. The horn or antler has to be just right for the proper coverage but also not too thick. I like thin and it's tough to find stag that is any less than a standard thickness and most are much thicker. That being said I will try again and if miraculously I am successful I'll probably offer them up. Sounds like you have large hands or prefer standard thickness, I'll play some.
No Problemo Old Friend.
I'm thinking of trying out some standard, palm swell, VZ 10s.
They look like the fit I'm looking for.
Don't sweat it :)
Just ordered the VZ Black Tactical Standard Size Palm Swell grips.
They look like just what the Doctor Ordered - LOL! :D
Funny how I found these pics so easily...
Sounds like good times! The buddy that sent me the pic of the pearl grips came over once and we did exactly that. Weather had just gotten a bit warmer after a freeze, so we sat out in the garage, mosquito free, til late in the night. Drinking and polishing with the radio on. I think I was doing the Kahr K9 at the time. That's a good memory. Thanks for reminding me. Yes, too bad you are so far away my friend
Both of those DW's ... The Colonel does his grips right! Too bad about the Guardian, but like you said, now another you can love is coming home (ECO). Here's the 2 that got away from me:
Those are really nice Bird. DW is down to a relatively small number of models in their lineup now, but they sure can make nice looking guns. As did Para Ordnance!
Ironically I'm on the lookout for a PC-C 9mm which are a true CCO. I already have a magwell for it. Hopefully it will show up right around tax time. I've yet to own a government model. Don't know if I ever will as they just look like they would feel long to me. I started out with Commanders, and while I really like them still, I've really taken a liking to the compact models most especially the true officer size 3.5". The PM-C is a 4 or 4.25" barrel but it's also all-steel and I think I'll like that especially as I get older and weaker. I do have a Rock Island 3.5" all steel coming but that's as much to play with and trying to shine up. Kind of a combination learning tool and hobby gun.
I think the ECO and my Colt Stainless Officer OACP will be my primary carry pieces for Winter, at least until I can find and try a PM-C 9. Or maybe until after Shot Show? :D
01-14-2024, 06:35 PM
Jeep: Sharp Ruger! You’ve got those Pachmeyer grips on there that I love too. Looks like you put sights on it, with the “tactical rack” ledge in the rear?
Barth: That pic with the stags… if he can duplicate those, would totally transform your gun. I’ve always loved ‘em. They will be thick for sure and I think you are onto something about grip thickness. I’ve had guns that I shot better with a grip change, or by going from an arched mainspring housing to a flat one.
UPDATE: Just saw the last few posts about the Colonel kicking you to the curb on the stags ;). I dig those palm swells. Reminds me of a company that makes grips out of aluminum (forget the name) that have that palm swell in them. I talked to them about making them without their gaudy logo on the grips, but they shot me down. I bet those are going to feel great/ergonomic and they look pretty dang cool too.
01-14-2024, 06:45 PM
Jeep: Sharp Ruger! You’ve got those Pachmeyer grips on there that I love too. Looks like you put sights on it, with the “tactical rack” ledge in the rear?
Barth: That pic with the stags… if he can duplicate those, would totally transform your gun. I’ve always loved ‘em. They will be thick for sure and I think you are onto something about grip thickness. I’ve had guns that I shot better with a grip change, or by going from an arched mainspring housing to a flat one.
UPDATE: Just saw the last few posts about the Colonel kicking you to the curb on the stags ;). I dig those palm swells. Reminds me of a company that makes grips out of aluminum (forget the name) that have that palm swell in them. I talked to them about making them without their gaudy logo on the grips, but they shot me down. I wanted them because like the one’s you ordered, they had that cool palm swell. I bet those are going to feel great/ergonomic.
That's one of the reasons I fell for the HK P30/VP9 guns.
Triple size grip panels and backstraps makes for a custom grip I love :)
01-14-2024, 06:51 PM
Those are really nice Bird. DW is down to a relatively small number of models in their lineup now, but they sure can make nice looking guns. As did Para Ordnance!
Ironically I'm on the lookout for a PC-C 9mm which are a true CCO. I already have a magwell for it. Hopefully it will show up right around tax time. I've yet to own a government model. Don't know if I ever will as they just look like they would feel long to me. I started out with Commanders, and while I really like them still, I've really taken a liking to the compact models most especially the true officer size 3.5". The PM-C is a 4 or 4.25" barrel but it's also all-steel and I think I'll like that especially as I get older and weaker. I do have a Rock Island 3.5" all steel coming but that's as much to play with and trying to shine up. Kind of a combination learning tool and hobby gun.
I think the ECO and my Colt Stainless Officer OACP will be my primary carry pieces for Winter, at least until I can find and try a PM-C 9. Or maybe until after Shot Show? :D
Thanks! Wish they were still mine. Totally agree about how nice some of the models are. The fit and finish on them is stellar. Definitely guns that I can sit and fondle like a nut case. I think if you take a decent government with target sights to the range, you will be amazed. I’ve never shot anything better. I of course love the officers, and they are a lot more realistic for carrying in my opinion, but for plinking a gov can’t be beat. Good luck on your search. Good things come to those who wait. I got lucky when I bought those DW’s as I paid only $1k each. I don’t mind buying used, so that helps. That’s funny you are buying that PC-C because you already have the just so right magwell for it. I think it was me & the Colonel discussing one day how we would get a certain magazine for a gun we did not own, or a certain caliber ammo, then have to go get the gun for it to go in. Lol!
Just the thought of your stainless Colt officer… I want one and hope to have one one day. Had the blued one, a blued New Agent and a blued Defender. Never had a stainless one. Once I do, you already know what I’ll be doing to it! :D
01-14-2024, 06:53 PM
That's one of the reasons I fell for the HK P30/VP9 guns.
Triple size grip panels and backstraps makes for a custom grip I love :)
That tells me you have bigger hands than I do. I TYPICALLY (not always in all honesty) go with the smaller back straps on guns like that.
BTW, I just zoomed in to your profile pic. Small and blurry, but obviously that’s you next to a Mustang. This whole time I thought it was a picture of the Batmobile. :o
01-14-2024, 06:59 PM
That tells me you have bigger hands than I do. I TYPICALLY (not always in all honesty) go with the smaller back straps on guns like that.
I have small girl sized hands LOL!
Like Large backstraps on all my Hk guns (P2000 actually has four and I use Extra Large!).
Like small on the side panels, but the P30/VP guns have a natural palm swell.
And I love and shoot exceptionally well my FS USP Tactical 45 with a Hogue finger groove grip sleeve!
Go Figure...
01-14-2024, 07:08 PM
I have small girl sized hands LOL!
Like Large backstraps on all my Hk guns (P2000 actually has four and I use Extra Large!).
Like small on the side panels, but the P30/VP guns have a natural palm swell.
And I love and shoot exceptionally well my FS USP Tactical 45 with a Hogue finger groove grip sleeve!
Go Figure...
Lol! That’s interesting. I’d think you’d want/feel better with the thinner grip areas like I USUALLY do. I say usually, because there have been a few large gripped guns that I loved and shot well. But it’s mostly the opposite. Sharp 2000! I see you did the comped/weighted front end. I bet that’s a soft shooter.
01-14-2024, 07:19 PM
Lol! That’s interesting. I’d think you’d want/feel better with the thinner grip areas like I USUALLY do. I say usually, because there have been a few large gripped guns that I loved and shot well. But it’s mostly the opposite. Sharp 2000! I see you did the comped/weighted front end. I bet that’s a soft shooter.
That's my FS USP Tactical 45 that I converted into a Match Clone.
Sports a Jarvis 6" Match barrel and a third party Match weight.
Don't have a pic of my P2000 357, but I can take one...
01-14-2024, 07:33 PM
That's my FS USP Tactical 45 that I converted into a Match Clone.
Sports a Jarvis 6" Match barrel and a third party Match weight.
Don't have a pic of my P2000 357, but I can take one...
Lol! Excuse me. Hopefully you see why I said that. The USP slide at glance sure does have a P2000 look to it.:rolleyes:
01-15-2024, 03:26 PM
MLK Holiday?!? I worked this one.
But took out the VP9SK for some lunchtime fun!!
Loving this gun ;)
01-15-2024, 03:32 PM
Sounds like great lunch break! 😁 Was the dot already dialed in?
01-15-2024, 04:17 PM
Sounds like great lunch break! Was the dot already dialed in?
Yes, dead on right out of the box.
01-15-2024, 04:23 PM
Yer a lucky guy. Time to buy some scratch off tickets! 😁
01-16-2024, 01:56 AM
Not a new gun, but somebody mention liking the shiny stuff ...
01-16-2024, 06:50 AM
Likey shiney and likey 45’s!
Dang man, I don’t know why you don’t like HK’s very much. What’s wrong with HK’s? :madgrin:
01-16-2024, 06:54 AM
BTW, a USP was my first HK. I bought it hastily, got it home, then realized the guy had blasted it and coated it. Serial number was just barely legible. Small grain sized dots of coating would come off when I handled it. I traded it off for a Ruger “Night Watchman”. Wish I kept it and polished or brushed the slide. That looks good done that way.
01-16-2024, 07:08 AM
Speaking off unused holsters...
I just re-purpoused a DeSantis that was gathering dust. I wanted a pocket holster that allowed me to get my web up into the beaver and allow me to have a full grip before drawing, so no grip adjustment needed once drawn. I cut off the excess on the muzzle end, removed the belt clip and any leather that blocked the beaver or grip area. The little hook grabs the pocket on the way out, so getting a nice draw everytime! :D Maybe a bit rough looking, or uncivilized, but not a bbq holster.
After waiting about 3 weeks, just got a shipping notice for this Garrett Industries hybrid. It's for my Officer 1911s, and it will also work for the 3" models. I had it made to look just like this one.
01-19-2024, 01:04 PM
All I wear these days is Garrett IWB rigs, think I have 7 or 8. Good people and great rigs. I'm still fond of Mernickle for OWB but they have changed ownership a couple years back. Still look good but haven't got any.
01-19-2024, 03:47 PM
I like it dao. BBQ holster! Based on what I've heard about their products I bet it was worth the wait. Congrats!
Thanks Bird. I don't have it in hand yet. Just got a shipment notice today. I have one other one by them, but it's a plain black IWB holster. It surprisingly holds several gun models, likely due to the fact that they are not press molded to a fine degree. The picture is one of their stock photos and I've always admired the color combo. And given that I wear jeans about 99% of the time it should blend in well.
Watch this one closely Bird. I won't be bidding on it but only because it's going to go for more than I have to spend.
01-19-2024, 06:10 PM
Lol! Been looking at it last couple of days and drooling.
01-19-2024, 06:13 PM
It's gorgeous but all I can do is drool also. Too rich for my side of the tracks. I'm sure it'll climb a bunch in the next two days too. With 28 bids, somebody wants that one bad!
01-19-2024, 06:13 PM
I wear jeans about 99% of the time it should blend in well.
I see what you are saying. Too bad you can't show it off. If we could, I'd be out there wearing a pimp looking blue ostrich leather holster with a polished 1911 sporting blue stabilized mammoth grips. 😁😁😁😁
01-19-2024, 06:13 PM
Went back to the range for lunch.
Just some quick point blank relaxed freehand shooting
with the new VP9SK - Holosun SCS.
Then my original LCP had been unreliable.
So I sent it back to the Mothership for Service.
Decided to function checked the little monster today
rapid fire with 50+ FMJs and 50+ JHPs.
I freaking love this little gun :cool:
Special thanks to Ruger Customer Service for making things right.
01-19-2024, 07:07 PM
100 round session with that lil gun woulda been brutal without the hoagie! ;) Looks like you got that bad guy. Again and again and again and…
01-19-2024, 07:08 PM
With 28 bids, somebody wants that one bad!
I’m one of ‘em, but livin on yer side of the tracks too :frown:
01-19-2024, 07:49 PM
Hey Barth - love that little stainless LCP!
For some reason I never got around to buying one. But I did get this standard “gen 2” at a close out at Dick’s in 2016 for $170 before they went woke.
Hasn’t been fired yet.
01-19-2024, 08:09 PM
Hey Barth - love that little stainless LCP!
For some reason I never got around to buying one. But I did get this standard “gen 2” at a close out at Dick’s in 2016 for $170 before they went woke.
Hasn’t been fired yet.
I got my daughter a special pink frame LCP.
She lives in Oregon so I wanted her to have a stainless slide too.
Bought a second black frame LCP with a stainless slide.
Then I swapped slides and gave her a Pink frame Stainless Slide gun.
Looked something like this -
Then I gave the all black LCP to her husband as wedding gifts.
She still owns, shoots and carries that Pink Stainless LCP :cool:
01-19-2024, 08:36 PM
You’re a good dad. 👍
I see what you are saying. Too bad you can't show it off. If we could, I'd be out there wearing a pimp looking blue ostrich leather holster with a polished 1911 sporting blue stabilized mammoth grips.
I hear you. In 40+ years of CCW I have yet had to brandish, have never carried openly, and have never let anyone know I was carrying. Took me years to even contribute on boards like this, even after I could. If I ever do buy a bbq gun (or holster), it will never see a bbq, let alone be shown.
01-19-2024, 09:30 PM
Really? $170 brand new? I'm a bargain hunter and consider myself pretty good at it. My two past LCP's, though used, ran me more than than your new one. Ya scored man!
01-19-2024, 09:37 PM
I hear you. In 40+ years of CCW I have yet had to brandish, have never carried openly, and have never let anyone know I was carrying. Took me years to even contribute on boards like this, even after I could. If I ever do buy a bbq gun (or holster), it will never see a bbq, let alone be shown.
I hear you and hope your desires to keep these lovelies only to the ones we want to share it with comes true. If you look at past posts of mine, I had one draw down. A Kahr MK9 was my savior. By visual display only, but with a "let's rethink attacking this guy", desirable result that we all want. Who wants to be ran through the courts these days, with all if the bought out DA's, judges, etc (simls, Cuck's) anyway?
01-19-2024, 09:40 PM
Really? $170 brand new? I'm a bargain hunter and consider myself pretty good at it. My two past LCP's, though used, ran me more than than your new one. Ya scored man!
I did have to pay’s the 8.25% sales tax on top of that.
01-19-2024, 10:42 PM
After shooting my Stainless LCP today I decided I needed a backup - LOL! :p
Total Items:1Cart Total:204.00
Shipping Fee:14.51
Order Total:218.51
01-20-2024, 06:19 AM
I did have to pay’s the 8.25% sales tax on top of that.
Still a steal to me. I need to follow your lead apparently. Got any stock tips? :cool:
01-20-2024, 06:21 AM
After shooting my Stainless LCP today I decided I needed a backup - LOL! :p Items:1Cart Total:204.00Tax:0.00Shipping Fee:14.51Order Total:218.51 guess January really is the time to buy. That one even has that better trigger. The new slide with forward serrations really helps out on such a tiny gun.
01-20-2024, 07:58 AM
I guess January really is the time to buy. That one even has that better trigger. The new slide with forward serrations really helps out on such a tiny gun.
Yup, Yup, it's an Original LCP unofficial Gen 3 gun LOL!
Model 3791 - Limited Availability
Didn't even know it existed :cool:
For a pocket gun I didn't want the tall sights they added to the LCP 3755 (so called Custom).
Like the minimal no snag sights of the original.
Plus the gun points so naturally, point blank I don't even need sights :)
What is the sigificance of the "Mayodaning" on the right side of the slide?
01-20-2024, 08:43 AM
If you are making a samich, and your name is Dan, you can use it to spread your mayo. Named after a guy at the Ruger factory that would use an LCP on his lunch break to do just that! :lie:
01-20-2024, 08:44 AM
Yup, Yup, it's an Original LCP unofficial Gen 3 gun LOL!
Model 3791 - Limited Availability
Didn't even know it existed :cool:
For a pocket gun I didn't want the tall sights they added to the LCP 3755 (so called Custom).
Like the minimal no snag sights of the original.
Plus the gun points so naturally, point blank I don't even need sights :)
A buddy has that little custom. He had the regular model before it. Says the trigger was a major improvement.
01-20-2024, 08:45 AM
When the Gen3 LCP came out, a local gun shop, ran a one weekend special on the Gen2 for 199. Bought one. Never had an issue. Bought an extra magazine with the little finger extension for $20 at a pawn shop. I took it and my CW380 to the range once, one shoots a little higher than point of aim, the other one, shoots a little low. Maybe an inch at 5 yards. I can live with that. I only carry the LCP when I wear a suit. So not very often. Wish it locked the slide back when the mag is empty.
01-20-2024, 08:51 AM
When the Gen3 LCP came out, a local gun shop, ran a one weekend special on the Gen2 for 199. Bought one. Never had an issue. Bought an extra magazine with the little finger extension for $20 at a pawn shop. I took it and my CW380 to the range once, one shoots a little higher than point of aim, the other one, shoots a little low. Maybe an inch at 5 yards. I can live with that. I only carry the LCP when I wear a suit. So not very often. Wish it locked the slide back when the mag is empty.
Yup, yup, my LCP II does lock back with the new LCP II mags.
LCP II is backward compatible with the old mags, but will not lock back when empty.
I do like that feature.
But I shoot the original LCP much better.
So I can live with the sling shot method for that gun :)
01-20-2024, 12:15 PM
Yeah, a lock back feature after the last round would be nice, but not a deal breaker for me.
Barth, you ain’t doing me any favors with the link to that $204 stainless LCP. 😜
My new S9 hasn’t even been delivered here yet.
01-20-2024, 03:08 PM
I had to take out a sick cat that was wreaking havoc in the neighborhood ae., howling all night, pissing on everything including decks and steps, driving everyone's dog's crazy, etc. I could tell it was sick, it was moving really slow and wouldn't even try to run from dogs. I didn't really want to do it...............Looked outside one day, saw it on my drain field. Made the decision, grabbed the wife's LCP2, stepped out on the back steps, peeked around the corner of the house, took one shot from about 45 ft. Done. It was a big tom, so he was still moving so I quickly got it over with. I knew I should have used a larger caliber........................I do like it as far as accuracy, even with rudimentary sights and could shoot it all day.........
01-20-2024, 05:19 PM
Yeah, a lock back feature after the last round would be nice, but not a deal breaker for me.
Barth, you ain’t doing me any favors with the link to that $204 stainless LCP.
My new S9 hasn’t even been delivered here yet.
That's a whole lot of gun for $204 :p
01-21-2024, 07:49 AM
What is the sigificance of the "Mayodaning" on the right side of the slide?
I think that’s Mayodan, NC, where the new Ruger plant is located.
01-21-2024, 08:02 AM
I think that’s Mayodan, NC, where the new Ruger plant is located.
Yup, Yup, my original LCP was made in Arizona :)
They have moved the manufacturing to NC these days...
01-21-2024, 11:01 AM
The plant in Arizona is still producing guns, but all the LCP production was shifted to NC several years ago.
Both my LCP Maxes were made in NC.
Now Mayodan, NC makes perfect sense. Making a samich indeed. Good one Bird :)
Lol! Been looking at it last couple of days and drooling.
Wish I had been in the position to bid on this. It went for less than the price of a new one. This one was made in 2010, and according to the description may never have been fired outside of the factory. Winning bid was $1925.
01-21-2024, 08:37 PM
Wish I had been in the position to bid on this. It went for less than the price of a new one. This one was made in 2010, and according to the description may never have been fired outside of the factory. Winning bid was $1925.
I think that was a steal! That's one I would have never fired either. Just too dang pretty!
King Rat
01-22-2024, 02:04 AM
Speaking from a whole lot of experience with LCP's, I can tell you emphatically that Kahr makes a superior firearm. Much better build quality. Will out last the LCP many times over. Milder shooter, can handle Plus P or HOT ammo with no issues. I do have one LCP left after owning many. And it does have the rubber grip installed, because that gun needs it. Kahr does not. I termed the LCP's as throw away guns many years ago. And that is what they are. I do not recommend them at all if you plan on shooting often. They do not hold up. I know this as a fact. I shoot Pocket guns on a regular, diligent training schedule and have been since the LCP first came out. The Kahr just keeps on trucking. A real testimony to their quality.
01-22-2024, 05:50 AM
I agree.
01-22-2024, 06:25 AM
I think just visually looking at the two broken down next to each other would paint that picture. the Kahr is more robust in every area. Thicker everything.
01-22-2024, 01:31 PM
Well, considering the Kahr S9 pistols we ordered are currently in the same price range as the little LCP, there is no question about which is the better deal.
Of course they are in totally different classifications.
01-22-2024, 02:59 PM
Agreed and agreed!
01-23-2024, 10:52 AM
Yaaaay! Picked up the S9 today ;)
I'll take a break from polishing tonight so I can clean up the slide internals. Now to get the light (TRL-7A) and a holster. Gotta wait on that stuff though, so this one will have to languish a bit. 😔
Congrats Bird. That will be my son's first gun if he ever gets around to taking some training and getting his CCW. They are a very nice size.
01-23-2024, 12:45 PM
Congrats Bird. That will be my son's first gun if he ever gets around to taking some training and getting his CCW. They are a very nice size.
Thanks! I think he would like it. Feels good in hand, but a bit thin after gripping the Shield+ that has a Hogue on it. I wish Hogue made a grip that had the double finger grooves instead of the single for it, but… the whole reason I wanted the S9 was to have something slimmer than the Shield+ sometimes, so I’ll skip the Hogue on this one altogether. In summer clothes, even with just the Clip Draw instead of a holster, the Shield is printing a tad bit more than I’d like. Since I just got this, I’ve already ordered a conventional iwb holster for the plus. Second reason for that is the Clip Draw has the plus riding too low. Drawing with part of the grip under the belt line is less than optimal. Hoping the new holster, with it’s adjustability in ride height, will solve this issue without riding too high. I still have a bit of dunlop (I’m working on that) and don’t want the grip pushing out further, increasing the printing. Thanks again man!
01-23-2024, 01:27 PM
Mine is “out for delivery” this afternoon.
Am going to order one of the steel magazine base plates like I have done for my other Kahrs to make them a bit smaller for concealment.
01-23-2024, 01:51 PM
Mine is “out for delivery” this afternoon.
Am going to order one of the steel magazine base plates like I have done for my other Kahrs to make them a bit smaller for concealment.
I'm surprised mine came quicker than yours. I thought with one of the pics you posted that you already got it. Good idea about the mag base. Wish I had kept the one's I once had.
Nice pickup Bird. The S9 is a good choice. It will be my son's first when he's ready.
01-24-2024, 02:20 AM
That new Kahr S9 sure looks sweet!
And the price is crazy good too.
If I didn't already have twin Ruger LC9s Pro guns (and a Walther PPS M2).
I'd order one of those in a heartbeat.
Two Identical Twin Ruger Stainless LCP Gen 3 guns are scheduled to arrive at the FFL today.
One for Dad and one for me :)
Have already had the new HK VP9SK Holosun SCS out to the range three times.
It just continues to impress :cool:
January isn't even finished and 2024 is already looking great!
01-24-2024, 06:43 AM
Yer kicking the year off great! I bet Dad will be happy. Is that going to be a surprise to him?
3 range visits already? I used to do that and wish I still did.
01-24-2024, 09:42 AM
Yer kicking the year off great! I bet Dad will be happy. Is that going to be a surprise to him?
3 range visits already? I used to do that and wish I still did.
I had FTF issues with my old LCP, sent it back to the Mothership and just function checked it.
The repaired gun runs 100% on Hornady XTPs and effortlessly shoots point blank 9 ring groups!
So I orders a second and told my Dad about the gun.
He wanted to see it and after handling the gun (along with my Mom) asked if I could get one for him too?
Early BDay/Xmas present to both of them :)
My has a Ruger Speed Six 4" 357 loaded with 38s he bought many years ago.
But my mother has complained about the size and weight of that gun.
I told him technology and time has changed - LOL!
At one time I used to go shooting about twice a month.
But after Covid hit I had not been shooting at a range in years :(
Would drive my 4x4 off into the desert off and on for some blasting.
But much less often than I'd like.
Finally, now things have settled down.
There's a range near me that has annual membership of $228.
That includes unlimited range rental.
And they have a portal where I can reserve a 1 hr lane in advance.
No waiting and I can use my own ammo/targets!
Have target ammo stacked deep.
So now I'm shooting whenever I'm in the mood :D
01-24-2024, 10:15 AM
Glad you were able to get Ruger to sort that LCP. That’s a nice B-Day gift!
Off into the sand to shoot? Man, that would be fantastic. That and when I hear of guys shooting on their property…sigh! (envy)
Yeah, before covid, I’d go to the range 1-3 x’s a week. Ammo was cheap. I was paying $9 a box of fmj 9mm. Got real good for a bit there. Now, sometimes 3-6 months between range trips. Luckily, went twice in December. Having the wife now enjoying (or at least not being afraid of her pistol has helped.
King Rat
01-24-2024, 10:19 AM
Yaaaay! Picked up the S9 today ;)
I'll take a break from polishing tonight so I can clean up the slide internals. Now to get the light (TRL-7A) and a holster. Gotta wait on that stuff though, so this one will have to languish a bit.
Super Congrats Bird and Army. Smart move. Great looking high quality firearm.
01-24-2024, 10:33 AM
Thanks King! 😊
01-24-2024, 10:39 AM
I’ll pick mine up today and put it in the safe alongside its twin.
01-25-2024, 10:52 AM
New S9 looks just like the first one….and is less than 600 numbers off.
The magazines are really hard to seat properly - I have to slam them in with the heel of my hand to get them to snap in that last 1/8”.
01-25-2024, 02:18 PM
Them poor guys musta been sittin around not doin much since yer last one 😆 Good to hear the shipping delays were not to infinity!
01-25-2024, 08:49 PM
Not a whole new gun but building from parts on hand and a new upper. New AR minimalist. 6 lbs 4 oz as shown. Need to try it out before seeing if I’ll try for lighter (although losing those additional oz. come at greater cost.
01-25-2024, 09:06 PM
Personally, love stuff like this yqtshj. Some would say "cobbled", while I say "making it happen" (with what we've got). No better way to learn what works and what does not than giving it a go and seeing what happens. Kudos!
01-25-2024, 09:46 PM
Thanks. I know I could shave off about 4 oz with a skeletonized bolt carrier, but not sure about the longevity of those. Then a pencil barrel would be about 5 oz lighter but may affect accuracy a bit, and I’d have to come up with a gas block and handguard plan, as well as front sights. That would get me under 6 lbs but I’ll have to ponder all this for a while. All the furniture is about as light as you can get at this time and still be functional. 5 oz handguard, 6 oz stock, 1.8 oz grip.
Got her home, cleaned her up, and installed a magwell, some bushings and some new grips
01-26-2024, 12:29 AM
Identical Twin Ruger Stainless LCP Gen 3 guns have arrived.
Added Hogue grips and Galloway Stainless guide rods.
Really digging the upgraded cocking serrations and aluminum skeletonized trigger.
01-26-2024, 06:09 AM
Thanks. I know I could shave off about 4 oz with a skeletonized bolt carrier, but not sure about the longevity of those. Then a pencil barrel would be about 5 oz lighter but may affect accuracy a bit, and I’d have to come up with a gas block and handguard plan, as well as front sights. That would get me under 6 lbs but I’ll have to ponder all this for a while. All the furniture is about as light as you can get at this time and still be functional. 5 oz handguard, 6 oz stock, 1.8 oz grip.
You aint messin around! In drag racing we would say "every ounce counts"! Not sure of it's weight, but I once sold some gold coins to a 3 gun guy. I took a light one in as partial payment. It has a pencil barrel and other parts he was explaining he had on there to reduce weight. I just wanted it because I only had to give him $500 off. My wife has a poly AR9 that weighs like nothing. I replaced the buffer stop, trigger group and selector with metal, which upped the weight, but then put a carbon fiber forestock on it and brought it back down a little. Crazy light!
01-26-2024, 06:14 AM
Got her home, cleaned her up, and installed a magwell, some bushings and some new grips That magwell and magwell grips really smooths out/complete's the bottom area dao. Not on my 2 polishing projects, but plan to do those on my next officer. I like both looks (traditional pin cutout and magwell), but I do think the magwell & grips make for a cleaner, less mechanical or utilitarian look, if that even makes sense? 🤔 I'm not 100% settled on the Gunsite grips I put on the V10. I may be getting some mother of pearl or some sort of bone grips. While not putting a magwell on it, those grips would definitely be magwell bottomed.
01-26-2024, 06:17 AM
Identical Twin Ruger Stainless LCP Gen 3 guns have arrived.
Added Hogue grips and Galloway Stainless guide rods.
Really digging the upgraded cocking serrations and aluminum skeletonized trigger.
Those little LCP's have come a long way. Yes, the trigger and serrations look much better to me on that little gun. I would fore grip the slide anyway on one so small, so functionaly those were a good move on Ruger's part. Of course, I'd be polishing the slide and trigger eventually, but I'm just a polishing nut case! 😂
I wish I had a cnc machine. I'd make pinky extensiins from aluminum for that one and other guns where they are currently unavailable. A polished aluminum extension would tie everything else together, in my crazed opinion.😂
01-26-2024, 08:00 AM
Those little LCP's have come a long way. Yes, the trigger and serrations look much better to me on that little gun. I would fore grip the slide anyway on one so small, so functionaly those were a good move on Ruger's part. Of course, I'd be polishing the slide and trigger eventually, but I'm just a polishing nut case!
I wish I had a cnc machine. I'd make pinky extensiins from aluminum for that one and other guns where they are currently unavailable. A polished aluminum extension would tie everything else together, in my crazed opinion.
I really prefer the ergonomics, trigger and shape of the old LCP better.
Plus the newer LCP II never came with a stainless slide that I'm aware of.
Nevertheless, in an effort to "Enable the Shinny", I had Robar Electroless Nickle plate the gun.
They did a really great job and plated all the small metal parts too :)
01-26-2024, 08:18 AM
Man that came out nice. Blingenest LCP I’ve ever seen! Pocket BBQ anyone? :cool:
01-26-2024, 08:21 AM
Identical Twin Ruger Stainless LCP Gen 3 guns have arrived.
Added Hogue grips and Galloway Stainless guide rods.
Really digging the upgraded cocking serrations and aluminum skeletonized trigger.
Ruger has managed well keeping these original style LCP’s on the market and relevant for what they were designed for. I do like there 2nd generation trigger much better than the original too. My second one I bought for my late dad and now have again is in my desk drawer right near my car keys. If I can’t carry something bigger ( or I’m just lazy) in the pocket it goes. Oldest son now carries my original in its 13 year old Blackhawk holster.
That magwell and magwell grips really smooths out/complete's the bottom area dao. Not on my 2 polishing projects, but plan to do those on my next officer. I like both looks (traditional pin cutout and magwell), but I do think the magwell & grips make for a cleaner, less mechanical or utilitarian look, if that even makes sense? 樂 I'm not 100% settled on the Gunsite grips I put on the V10. I may be getting some mother of pearl or some sort of bone grips. While not putting a magwell on it, those grips would definitely be magwell bottomed.
I think magwell, flat-bottomed grips clean up a gun too, even without an actual magwell. Also, for me they help a gun fit my hand better.
Here's a Rock Island Armory 9mm Officer's I also picked up this week. I wouldn't have bought this one if not for the fact that only RIA and Girsan sell steel framed Officer's models these days. And I wanted a steel framed 9mm to compliment my ECO lightweight. Lots of MIM on these. And the finish was hideous. Like you Bird I found a lot of imperfections once I removed the paint(?). Unlike you I only did a quick polish of the flats. I'm thinking even if I took hundreds of hours to try and make something that would mimic what you do, it would still essentially be like trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. If there's a next time I might buy a Girsan. Between Tisas and this RIA there is no comparison. Tisas does it better. Much better. If they ever make a 3.5" I'll buy one of those. Also, I tried three different magwells on this and none would fit. I have a cheap Klonimus coming that I'm hoping will work.
Before and after
01-26-2024, 06:42 PM
Dang man, that looks a million times better than stock. What grit did you end with? Looks pretty smooth. #1200?
Thanks Bird. Started with 600, 800 then 1000. Up close you can still see the ripples in the metal. I guess RIA doesn't make them flat. :)
01-26-2024, 08:44 PM
Thanks Bird. Started with 600, 800 then 1000. Up close you can still see the ripples in the metal. I guess RIA doesn't make them flat. :)
I’ve yet to find one that’s super flat. But, can’t beat how that one came out. I’d be showing it off!
01-27-2024, 09:51 AM
DAO, looking at those officer models, reminded me why I like vintage Dan Wesson so much. The DW's always had rounded corners on the backstrap/main spring housing.
I’ve yet to find one that’s super flat. But, can’t beat how that one came out. I’d be showing it off!
Thanks Bird. I was going for the same look that my Colt OACP has. It came out close enough to where I'm not ready to return the RIA now. I was seriously considering it. I'll replace the mim parts here on it soon, and hopefully the Klonimus magwell I ordered will fit it. Then I'll take it to the range to begin the break-in process. Below is my OACP next to my RIA
DAO, looking at those officer models, reminded me why I like vintage Dan Wesson so much. The DW's always had rounded corners on the backstrap/main spring housing.
I agree Ken. I've often wondered why some 1911's leave the shop with mainspring housings that are essentially meat grinders in your hand. DW's are typically rounded nicely. But I have found over the years that I need a gun to sit far enough down in the heal of my hand in order to naturally point for me. The magwells do help with that.
Gotta say that the 3.5" barrels do blow my skirt up.
01-27-2024, 01:19 PM
Is that your magic tape on the front strap of the Colt or is it stippled. I still have some of the tape you sent me, works good.
01-27-2024, 01:19 PM
I'll take one of each please! 😁
Yep, clear skateboard tape. Decided not to put it on the RIA yet, since it's only 9mm and most of the G10 grips I have along with its weight and a checkered backstrap (if the Klonimus fits), should keep it firmly in hand.
01-27-2024, 02:33 PM
:cheer2: hmmmm now there's an image SKIRT BEING BLOWN UP......:blushing:
01-27-2024, 02:37 PM
Is that your magic tape on the front strap of the Colt or is it stippled. I still have some of the tape you sent me, works good.
I've still to use what he sent me. It was lost a while back, but has since been found. Just not wanting to put it on one of those polished deals. Hoping to eventually do a budget 1911 project gun and that gun is getting it for sure!
01-27-2024, 02:38 PM
:cheer2: hmmmm now there's an image SKIRT BEING BLOWN UP......:blushing:
🤡 world out there today!
01-27-2024, 04:11 PM
:cheer2: hmmmm now there's an image SKIRT BEING BLOWN UP......:blushing:
Hate it when they use my photograph without permission....Sheesh.
Well thankfully you weren't standing on an air vent Colonel. So I guess the eye bleach can stay in the jug for now.
01-27-2024, 07:28 PM
Wow Colonel, you conceal those big ol 1911’s ya carry real good. Even when dressed all silky like!
01-27-2024, 08:13 PM
dao, I was sitting there tonight staring at the pic of your 2 occifers for a bit. You know I want the Colt in a bad way, so I went to GB to window shop those. Maybe you saw this one. May not be to your taste, or anyone else’s, but it is SOOOO me. (I might have have been a Mezican gangster in my past life). Wish I had more hands, more money, more time. I’d make something like that. Drool! Love how they bead blasted the top of the slide and comp. Contrasts with the polish and makes the comp flow into the slide like it was meant to be. Dig the checkered msh/magwell!
THAT my friend is a beautiful gun. I'm not much into compensators (or longish guns), but beauty is beauty, in whatever form it comes in. I'd never carry something like that, but I'd be happy to own it, and would surely fondle it enough to concern my wife :D
01-27-2024, 11:28 PM
I'll take one. I've always wanted a long slide model. Not great to carry but cool to look at and I'd probably find a way.
01-28-2024, 04:04 AM
I'll take one. I've always wanted a long slide model. Not great to carry but cool to look at and I'd probably find a way.
I had an itch for a 45 Long Slide myself.
Being an Hk guy though this is what I bought.
Do have a holster for it, but never even tried to carry the monster ...
It's a double stack 12+1 BTW.
01-28-2024, 10:06 AM
I have a double stack Para Ordnance LDA. Carried it a lot long ago. Carries just as well as a 5'' 1911. Don't know why I don't carry it more often. Holds 13 in the mag (45's). I do prefer the commander size, for some reason as a full time sitter that 1/2'' or so difference makes all the difference. Many don't like the Para LDA trigger. I really liked it myself. Officers and others usually went ick soon as they tried it. Somewhat similar to a Kahr, kind of a cross between a 1911 and a Kahr.
01-28-2024, 10:34 AM
New to me CZ 97B. Been wanting one for awhile. Have not received it yet, but it's on the way. I don't think they ever caught on, so CZ discontinued them. This one is a SA only.
Anyone know if a SP01 holster will work with it?
01-28-2024, 10:51 AM
I have a double stack Para Ordnance LDA. Carried it a lot long ago. Carries just as well as a 5'' 1911. Don't know why I don't carry it more often. Holds 13 in the mag (45's). I do prefer the commander size, for some reason as a full time sitter that 1/2'' or so difference makes all the difference. Many don't like the Para LDA trigger. I really liked it myself. Officers and others usually went ick soon as they tried it. Somewhat similar to a Kahr, kind of a cross between a 1911 and a Kahr.
I'm aware of the gun and wanted one for some time.
They seem to be kind of rare right?
Never could find one so when I came across the HK Long Slide for $1000 I jumped.
As for daily carry I've tried a wide variety of sizes and weights of semi-autos and revolvers.
And tried to carry in a variety of ways.
After years of experimentation I've pretty much settled on a double stack sub-compact with a flush mag.
Carried OWB, cross-draw, with twin flush mag reloads (currently a HK VP9SK).
Driving/Sitting I'm completely comfortable and have easy access to draw :cool:
It's the perfect size for me.
Even with a slightly extended mag in the gun or even in re-loads.
I can feel the difference and it's clearly less concealable.
My P2000 has a 3.66" barrel.
And it presses into my thigh when seated.
The VP9SK 3.39" barrel makes all the difference in the world :)
For me size does matter.
And the VP9SK/P2000SK/P30SK guns are the sweet spot.
Obviously my Kahr MK40 Elite disappears on a belt too :cool:
01-28-2024, 11:10 AM
I tried to be good, but it’s not working out. I suddenly got a hankerin’ for a Ruger SP101 in .327 Magnum. 6-rounder, to go with my .22 SP101. I wish the 4” didn’t have the giant fiber optic front site. The 3” looks perfect, though. I have dies and brass. And a cooler head may prevail…
01-28-2024, 11:56 AM
I tried to be good, but it’s not working out. I suddenly got a hankerin’ for a Ruger SP101 in .327 Magnum. 6-rounder, to go with my .22 SP101. I wish the 4” didn’t have the giant fiber optic front site. The 3” looks perfect, though. I have dies and brass. And a cooler head may prevail…
For a carry revolver, the 3" barreled guns are the sweet spot.
My S&W M65-3 3" Heavy Barrel is my Carry Revolver :cool:
Good luck on the cooler head thingy, that's never worked for me LOL!
01-28-2024, 11:59 AM
We have the 22 SP101 for the wife. I'm not nuts about the trigger. Need to do more with the spring thing. Always intended to get the 357 and shoot 38's for her but they are a bit heavy. Ended up with a Smith 638. Not thrilled with the trigger on it either but she likes it. I offered her my Colt Cobra, holds 6 and has a much nicer trigger but she wanted to stay with the Smith. Didn't mind, the Colt was my first ever new pistol. Long long ago and still mint even though it got carried for years.
01-28-2024, 12:20 PM
I tried to be good, but it’s not working out. I suddenly got a hankerin’ for a Ruger SP101 in .327 Magnum. 6-rounder, to go with my .22 SP101. I wish the 4” didn’t have the giant fiber optic front site. The 3” looks perfect, though. I have dies and brass. And a cooler head may prevail…
Love the SP101’s. Congratulations! I’m going to be doing the opposite though, putting a fiber optic on the polished one. Figuring a blue rod will go with the blue grips.
.327? I had no idea it was available.
Back in the 80's I had a chance to buy a Dan Wesson revolver from a friend who got hurt at work. It had two barrels, one long and one short. I didn't want to take advantage of him so I declined with an offer to loan him some money instead. Later when he got back on his feet I offered to buy it from him but he declined to sell it then. Oh how I wish now that I had accepted his initial offer, which if memory serves was $200. It was a beautiful satin stainless, in .357 I think. Probably worth a ton more now. But at least my heart was in the right place.
01-28-2024, 12:24 PM
We have the 22 SP101 for the wife. I'm not nuts about the trigger. Need to do more with the spring thing. Always intended to get the 357 and shoot 38's for her but they are a bit heavy. Ended up with a Smith 638. Not thrilled with the trigger on it either but she likes it. I offered her my Colt Cobra, holds 6 and has a much nicer trigger but she wanted to stay with the Smith. Didn't mind, the Colt was my first ever new pistol. Long long ago and still mint even though it got carried for years.
I would say do a full trigger job, but if you’ve ever COMPLETELY taken one apart… I’m not looking forward to putting mine back together. Thank the heavens there’s a guy with a youtube video. When it comes time, if that video is gone, I may have a bunch of nicely smoother SP101 parts for sale! ;)
01-28-2024, 01:03 PM
I tried to be good, but it’s not working out. I suddenly got a hankerin’ for a Ruger SP101 in .327 Magnum. 6-rounder, to go with my .22 SP101. I wish the 4” didn’t have the giant fiber optic front site. The 3” looks perfect, though. I have dies and brass. And a cooler head may prevail…
Just buy it, you’ll be glad you did.
01-28-2024, 02:31 PM
Back in the 80's I had a chance to buy a Dan Wesson revolver from a friend who got hurt at work. It had two barrels, one long and one short. I didn't want to take advantage of him so I declined with an offer to loan him some money instead. Later when he got back on his feet I offered to buy it from him but he declined to sell it then. Oh how I wish now that I had accepted his initial offer, which if memory serves was $200. It was a beautiful satin stainless, in .357 I think. Probably worth a ton more now. But at least my heart was in the right place.
I had a Dan Wesson pistol pack. Had the brief case with 4 barrels, two handles, the wrench, a patch and some other stuff. Great gun. Why I traded it boggles my mind to this day. And the price they get now days is insurance that one will never see my man cave again, unless Bird wins the lottery and shares a lot with me being his pal and all ya know.
01-28-2024, 03:13 PM
Today I scratched an itch. Had been looking at coach guns for a couple of months. I grew up watching spaghetti western shows. Picked up a Stoeger Double Defense in 12 gage. At first I was thinking wood furniture, then I came across the Double Defense. Ported barrel, fiber optic front sight. Shot it today and I will be shopping for a Limb Saver.
01-28-2024, 03:41 PM
Today I scratched an itch. Had been looking at coach guns for a couple of months. I grew up watching spaghetti western shows. Picked up a Stoeger Double Defense in 12 gage. At first I was thinking wood furniture, then I came across the Double Defense. Ported barrel, fiber optic front sight. Shot it today and I will be shopping for a Limb Saver.
Wish I got one of those bag when a lgs had them on sale a few years back. Could not believe the sale price.
01-28-2024, 03:42 PM
I had an itch for a 45 Long Slide myself.
Being an Hk guy though this is what I bought.
Do have a holster for it, but never even tried to carry the monster ...
It's a double stack 12+1 BTW.
I bet that’s one accurate pistola!
01-28-2024, 05:45 PM
I had a Dan Wesson pistol pack. Had the brief case with 4 barrels, two handles, the wrench, a patch and some other stuff. Great gun. Why I traded it boggles my mind to this day. And the price they get now days is insurance that one will never see my man cave again, unless Bird wins the lottery and shares a lot with me being his pal and all ya know.
That pistol pack was a nice set. They had nice sight inserts, heavy barrels, and were smooth shooting.
01-28-2024, 06:23 PM
Is that a belt buckle?
01-28-2024, 06:57 PM
Is that a belt buckle?
Yes. They came with that patch and the buckle. Dang I wish I still had that thing.
01-28-2024, 07:00 PM
Today I scratched an itch. Had been looking at coach guns for a couple of months. I grew up watching spaghetti western shows. Picked up a Stoeger Double Defense in 12 gage. At first I was thinking wood furniture, then I came across the Double Defense. Ported barrel, fiber optic front sight. Shot it today and I will be shopping for a Limb Saver.
I have a Stoeger Coach gun. Son got it for me many years ago. I wanted a stainless with a wood stock. He couldn't find one so got a Nickel plated with a black stock. Like the nickel, didn't like the black. Thought it was tupperware. But alas it was wood painted black. Off came the black and some nice walnut underneath. Then I got brave and cut off the pistol grip and made it an english style. I semi regret that. I love the look of it but was easier to hold with the pistol grip. I even shot trap with it once and actually hit a few birds with it. From the hip.
01-28-2024, 07:49 PM
Imitation plastic! What will they think of next? Oh well, it’s better than a stock made from those laminate trees.
01-28-2024, 09:12 PM
I have a Stoeger Coach gun. Son got it for me many years ago. I wanted a stainless with a wood stock. He couldn't find one so got a Nickel plated with a black stock. Like the nickel, didn't like the black. Thought it was tupperware. But alas it was wood painted black. Off came the black and some nice walnut underneath. Then I got brave and cut off the pistol grip and made it an english style. I semi regret that. I love the look of it but was easier to hold with the pistol grip. I even shot trap with it once and actually hit a few birds with it. From the hip.
I looked at the nickel ones. Until I read up on them and realized “ nickel plating”. Not a fan of nickel. Stainless, oh ya. With the Double Defense having ported barrels and fiber optics, I really like being able to see a front sight. I’ve got to see if the stock is able to be shortened to accommodate the Limb Saver.
01-28-2024, 11:08 PM
I would have much preferred the stainless steel but the nickel has held up fine for what little I've shot it of course.
I'm not familiar with the Double Defense model, I'll have to look it up. If it's a wood stock it can for sure be shortened to whatever you need.
OK, looked it up, it's a tupperware stock so it will be much more challenging to shorten. If there's a will there's a way. I just took the pad off my Ruger PC9 yesterday, wanted to shorten it a tad, there was a piece in there, alas the piece is made to accept the pad. It would take some imagination and a little Mcgyver magic to shorten it. I didn't want to shorten it much so not worth it yet.
01-29-2024, 06:54 AM
Forgot what brand of mags you’re running with that little carbine, Glocks or the Rugers?
I stuck with the Rugers since I already had a few of their pricey SR9s. Then bought some more 2-packs on “sale”.
And have you thought about getting a can for it?
01-29-2024, 11:48 AM
I'm running Glocks in mine for the same reason you stuck with Rugers. It came with several Glocks and I had access to a few more. Didn't have any Rugers. I got Ruger revolvers but no auto's.
I'd love a can but don't want to go thru the hoops of getting one.
01-29-2024, 06:52 PM
Do new grips count as a new gun? :D
01-29-2024, 07:07 PM
1/2 credit....for grips. :2eek:
Do new grips count as a new gun? :D
Certainly. It's how I bide my time until I can afford an entire new gun. I have more sets of grips than my wife has shoes. :D
01-30-2024, 07:44 AM
Certainly. It's how I bide my time until I can afford an entire new gun. I have more sets of grips than my wife has shoes. :D
Exactly. Accessories are a must have for us firearm owners.
02-02-2024, 07:31 AM
Here's what I want.......:w00t:
02-02-2024, 08:09 AM
Here's what I want.......:w00t:
Now that's pretty cool!
02-02-2024, 09:06 AM
Here's what I want.......:w00t: you do the jeepster thing (all green) with long guns too?
02-02-2024, 09:17 AM
Here's what I want.......:w00t:
That one is a bit heavier than my PCC takedown. But it looks pretty cool.
02-02-2024, 09:23 AM
Hmmmmm green!
02-02-2024, 09:26 AM
Crap, thought I had everything I wanted cept old stuff of course. Now I want one of those too. I love my PC9, it needs a larger brother. Thanks Jeepster, my wife and I hate you very much.;)
02-02-2024, 09:35 AM
Thinking green here too on this one or maybe polish it up.
I wouldn't change a thing on that jeep. If you remove the patina collectors won't give you top dollar :D
02-02-2024, 10:14 AM
But it's his gun, he can do whatever he wants. I agree the patina is really nice.
02-02-2024, 10:58 AM
I wouldn't change a thing on that jeep. If you remove the patina collectors won't give you top dollar :D
But it's his gun, he can do whatever he wants. I agree the patina is really nice.
I stole it for only a grand....when done i'm betting i'll get 5 or 6 hundred for it. Generally it has worked out for HIGH and sell LOW.
02-02-2024, 11:37 AM
Hmmmmm green!
Who's Mares leg is that? I have a Rossi, I was just playing with it 5 minutes ago. Really like em, hard to shoot but loads of fun.
02-02-2024, 12:27 PM
But it's his gun, he can do whatever he wants. I agree the patina is really nice.
Patina? Ya’ll must be liberals. Ya’ll come up with new words for everything these days. :p
02-02-2024, 12:28 PM
I stole it for only a grand....when done i'm betting i'll get 5 or 6 hundred for it. Generally it has worked out for HIGH and sell LOW.
There’s a guy on youtube that takes guns like that and fixes them up. Pretty neat to see them go from “patina” to decent looking, functioning guns aftetwards.
02-02-2024, 12:42 PM
You don't think patina is decent looking? Hmmmm? Beauty is to the eye and sometimes hands (if they're real lucky) of the beholder.
02-02-2024, 01:40 PM
That's not patina, that's called a battleworn finish. And a really well done one, too.
02-02-2024, 02:36 PM
Me and my buddy were in his back yard, digging a hole to put his dog in. We unearthed a cap gun revolver in simular shape. He said he remember burying that thing about 45 years earlier.
02-02-2024, 02:37 PM
The dog was not alive by the way.
02-02-2024, 03:00 PM
A little Flitz and cold blue will bring it up to NRA Very Good.
I stole it for only a grand....when done i'm betting i'll get 5 or 6 hundred for it. Generally it has worked out for HIGH and sell LOW.
Hey jeep, I'm sure you're old enough to remember, "That's my Line". And my MO.
That's not patina, that's called a battleworn finish. And a really well done one, too.
You're right, battleworn would be a better way to state it. Still though the collector's want them as found. :D
Me and my buddy were in his back yard, digging a hole to put his dog in. We unearthed a cap gun revolver in simular shape. He said he remember burying that thing about 45 years earlier.
I lost a cap gun like that about 60 years ago. Wasn't until much later that it dawned on me that my brother probably took it.
02-02-2024, 03:56 PM
Who's Mares leg is that? I have a Rossi, I was just playing with it 5 minutes ago. Really like em, hard to shoot but loads of fun.
02-02-2024, 04:14 PM
Thinking green here too on this one or maybe polish it up.
Where are you people from? All that Luger needs is a little WD-40 and some duct tape on the grips and it will be good as new. If it needs anything else later the dremel can do it.
02-02-2024, 04:25 PM
Mine is 45 Colt. I kind a wish it was 44mag. I just today got some jacketed bullets to load for the 45. Course I got a 1000 hard cast lead to load only to have all the ranges not allow lead any longer. I try to shoot em over on vacation at an outdoor range. I found I loaded a lot of them too light. Cases get all black and dirty. Folks said not enough load, blowback since the case doesn't seal up I guess. Should pull em and do over I guess.
Where are you people from? All that Luger needs is a little WD-40 and some duct tape on the grips and it will be good as new. If it needs anything else later the dremel can do it.
There you go too. Talkin' about messing with that battleworn finish that would bring a premium if left untouched. Ain't you ever watched Antiques Roadshow?
02-03-2024, 06:14 AM
^^^Turned a natural work of art. Into a tool. :D
Amazing turnaround, and a whole lot of work.
02-03-2024, 09:46 AM
Agreed! Those things started out looking like magnet fishing finds, or maybe farmers tilling up battlefields. I would love to tackle such a thing one day. I wonder where he finds those to start with.
His video editing and camera work makes it interesting too. Just wish he’d shoot ‘em at the end. Only thing I’d do different would be to use a gel stain on the “furniture” after the epoxy work. Would come out looking like wood, or closer to the originals I do believe.
02-03-2024, 09:50 AM
He's a lucky guy. Didn't twist off no screws, a little oil and everything comes loose. If I tried that it would probably be a horror story for sure.
02-03-2024, 10:07 AM
He's a lucky guy. Didn't twist off no screws, a little oil and everything comes loose. If I tried that it would probably be a horror story for sure.
I was a bit surprised that he was using pliers/channel locks and not a crescent or box wrench.
02-05-2024, 12:04 PM
Just received a couple more extra 7 round mags for the two S9s recently purchased. These give me a total of four extra mags besides the four that came with the two pistols. (8 altogether).
Also bought another extra 7 round mag for the CT380 I gifted to my son last year, which will give him a total of four magazines for that one.
02-05-2024, 01:23 PM
Just received a couple more extra 7 round mags for the two S9s recently purchased. These give me a total of four extra mags besides the four that came with the two pistols. (8 altogether).
Also bought another extra 7 round mag for the CT380 I gifted to my son last year, which will give him a total of four magazines for that one.
Happiness is full magazines from here to the horizon an back! And cases of ammo to refill them when necessary.
02-05-2024, 02:13 PM
Sounds like you've got them all properly outfitted now Army!
Added a Wilson Slide Stop, and fitted a Wilson thumb safety and Klonimus Beavertail, and did a bit of machining on a Klonimus magwell to get it to fit. Not a silk purse but it's looking like something other than a sow's ear now. The controls and MSH that were on it from the factory were pretty bad. They fit and worked fine but they just did not look good at all.
02-05-2024, 09:31 PM
Dang man, you aint messin around! You are really changing things up like I like to do.
Looks wise you went from not quit zero, but definitely closer to hero. It’s looking real good!
Curious…How long to fit the magwell? I mean, did you blend it into the magwell of the frame? I stuck my STI back together tonight because I just had to see it mocked up with those fake ivory grips that I patina’d. I noticed that the aftermarket magwell/msh combo do not “flow” into the mag well. I’m a bit torn thought. Do I do a blend in there, and permenantly alter a semi rare gun, or just leave as is? I really can’t wait to finish these projects, get a Tisas and do all the stuff I wanna do (metal stipple a front strap, coat a slide or frame, mill or ball mill a slide top, maybe checkering?) like how you are expirementing with the Rock. Kudos my friend. I love it!
Remember how the V10 started out with me wanting it to be brushed? Your guns finish screams that look to me. That look was exactly what I originally wanted (Ya nailed it ;))
02-05-2024, 09:43 PM
Hey doa, disregard the magwell blending question. I went to pull it out to take a pic of what I was talking about and reality hit me.. I'm no uspsa or ipsa chooter 😂 While I'm normally Anl retentive about perfection on each part, just not gonna blend that magwell. 😉 I think I have a slightly rare one here and kick myself in the hiney for all of those I let go of in the past. Done with the stupid moves like that! 😂
02-06-2024, 11:45 AM
New to me CZ 97B. Been wanting one for awhile. Have not received it yet, but it's on the way. I don't think they ever caught on, so CZ discontinued them. This one is a SA only.
Anyone know if a SP01 holster will work with it?
Picked it up yesterday, never been fired, pre 2013. I am going to order thin grips for it. Cleaned and lubed today, ready for range day.
02-06-2024, 12:16 PM
Those grips look pretty thin, can you get even thinner ones? I made some for my P14-45 Para going for thin. I think it was the first set was so thin, light would show through them. Maybe a bit too thin?
Haven't played with that one in a long time, need to knock the dust off it.
I've hankered for the CZ97 for a long time and some other CZ's too. Just hasn't happened yet.
02-06-2024, 12:22 PM
Picked it up yesterday, never been fired, pre 2013. I am going to order thin grips for it. Cleaned and lubed today, ready for range day.
That's a slick looking gun. I bet very little recoil with it, like a 1911.
Dang man, you aint messin around! You are really changing things up like I like to do.
Looks wise you went from not quit zero, but definitely closer to hero. It’s looking real good!
Curious…How long to fit the magwell? I mean, did you blend it into the magwell of the frame? I stuck my STI back together tonight because I just had to see it mocked up with those fake ivory grips that I patina’d. I noticed that the aftermarket magwell/msh combo do not “flow” into the mag well. I’m a bit torn thought. Do I do a blend in there, and permenantly alter a semi rare gun, or just leave as is? I really can’t wait to finish these projects, get a Tisas and do all the stuff I wanna do (metal stipple a front strap, coat a slide or frame, mill or ball mill a slide top, maybe checkering?) like how you are expirementing with the Rock. Kudos my friend. I love it!
Remember how the V10 started out with me wanting it to be brushed? Your guns finish screams that look to me. That look was exactly what I originally wanted (Ya nailed it ;))
Hey doa, disregard the magwell blending question. I went to pull it out to take a pic of what I was talking about and reality hit me.. I'm no uspsa or ipsa chooter While I'm normally Anl retentive about perfection on each part, just not gonna blend that magwell. I think I have a slightly rare one here and kick myself in the hiney for all of those I let go of in the past. Done with the stupid moves like that!
I bought the RIA for two reasons. It was all I could find in all steel, which I wanted for the heft and lesser recoil, and also for the price. It and the Tisas Carry I bought have allowed me to learn about 1911s without risk of messing up a moderately expensive, and nice gun. And it's worked. I've learned to take them down to the bits with only the plunger tube and the ejector left in, and put them back together. And also to fit things like the safeties and the mag release in such a way that they're safe and more pleasing to my eye. I have ruined one WC thumb safety and one WC mag release (yes these can be ruined :) ). But other than that I've replaced a handful of safeties (thumb and beavertails) on these and other 1911s after all of my experimentation with the cheaper ones. One thing I will say about the RIA that I bought, the barrel to slide, and slide to frame fit are spot on. There is no wiggle in either, and the profile of the slide to frame and ejector to slide are what you would want to see in a good gun. Aside from the cheap parts in the RIA, and the very light tension on the ejector I have nothing to complain about. I have a Weigand extractor tool so I tightened it to spec already. We'll see how I did when I get it to the range. It's the first time I've used the tool, and again it's nice to have a less expensive gun to learn on.
I don't blend the magwells. Like you I'm not a competition shooter and I don't see a need to make it "perfect". Also there's the idea that on anything other than stainless it would require refinishing of the frame if I was to take a file to it. The machining I did on the Klonimus magwell I put in the RIA was to move the top of the pin hold up and back a bit. For some reason out of four different magwells I tried on it, none lined up with the frame's hole exactly. And the Klonimus magwell is the only one I wanted to take a chance on. It worked out perfectly because it fits tightly to the frame, and making the top, rearward portion of the pin hole a bit bigger means that it keeps the magwell tight to the frame. The part of the hole that isn't filled now is located such that its size doesn't factor into the fit. The four magwells I tried were an EGW, a Chen non-Dan Wesson, a Chen Dan Wesson, and the Klonimus that I ended up using. I also have a Kimber Ultra that was hard to drive the pin through, but it did go without needing to open the hole. Though being an aluminum frame on that one I won't remove and replace it much for fear of cracking it.
I have also learned that magwells will not always mate perfectly with the beavertail. I more or less ruined a Chen magwell filing it in the wrong place to get it to fit on a Kimber. I didn't want to mess with the Kimber Beavertail so I essentially sacrificed the magwell instead. It still works but I took too much off the top and so the hole for the retention pin does not have enough material left above it for me to trust it. Yes I do like playing around and learning. So far I have't ruined anything expensive, and have learned a whole lot. I'm sure you have too!
Your V10 is looking superb. If you do ever decide to part with it, for any reason, I hope you give us here a chance at it first! Just sayin' :D
02-06-2024, 07:41 PM
dao, I think you are a few steps ahead of me. You’ve done some things I’ve yet to do, but do intend to. Smart move how you’ve gone about it, better to mess up a little part, instead of a gun, or to mess up a cheaper gun instead of a more expensive one. I’ve only had to do mild “fitting” of a msh, clean up of various parts edges, etc to make parts fit. I want to try some hardcore filing/shaping one day. Say something like the Colonel has done, turning a standard heel into bobbed heel by cutting and blending the frame & msh. A little gutsy! I have a had a few budget 1911’s of various sizes in the past. Wishing I had one now. I have to take diversions from sanding, etc or I will get disinterested at the laboriousness (is that a word?) of it all and a project like that would be just the ticket. Lol! Thanks for the compliments. The offer to buy/own the V10 makes me feel a bit more proud of it, so thanks for that too. I can say the same about the Tisas and the Rock you’ve prettied up, I’d love to own either!
02-06-2024, 08:02 PM
By the way, interesting that the Klonimus beaver worked out best as they are the most “budget friendly” of the parts I’ve bought. I’ve bought many Klonimus things (I call them Klony Mouse). Seriously though, I think they sell a ton of stuff. Dude probably lives in a mansion and has many leather bound books. ;)
02-06-2024, 11:32 PM
Picked it up yesterday, never been fired, pre 2013. I am going to order thin grips for it. Cleaned and lubed today, ready for range day.
Congrats on the 97B:)
I have some thin grips from Lok Grips on my Witness 45 They needed a bit of work to perfect the fit, but I am pleased with them now:
They have thin pattern grips for the 97B.
Cool Hand also has grips for the 97B. They are considerably less expensive than the Lok grips. I've no first hand experience with them so I can't comment on their thickness in comparison to factory CZ 97 grips, but I do have Cool Hand grips on my SP01
and find them slimmer than the factory rubber grips.
02-07-2024, 05:39 AM
The factory grips on the 97 are pretty thick, and just cheap plastic.
In 2013, they switched from night sites to fiber optic on the front, and thinner aluminum grips, similar to the Shadow 2.
I ordered a set of thin bogies from Lok Grips yesterday.
02-07-2024, 08:13 AM
I've hankered for the CZ97 for a long time and some other CZ's too. Just hasn't happened yet.
Only CZ I've got is a Scorpion Micro SBR with a can - LOL!
Love that gun.
And there's definitely a strong following for CZ handguns.
I keep thinking I need a CZ 75B PCR with a Cajun Gun Works carry package and barrel bushing :cool:
Almost ordered several times, but I've got a bunch of compacts already ...
02-07-2024, 08:47 AM
Only CZ I've got is a Scorpion Micro SBR with a can - LOL!
Love that gun.
And there's definitely a strong following for CZ handguns.
I keep thinking I need a CZ 75B PCR with a Cajun Gun Works carry package and barrel bushing :cool:
Almost ordered several times, but I've got a bunch of compacts already ...
Quite messin around! Just get it! ;) By barrel bushing, do you mean the take a normally bull barrel and bushing it like the 1911, or are they putting a compensator on it. You know I like comped guns! :D
02-07-2024, 09:09 AM
The Standard CZ 75 barrel is very similar to a Browning Hi Power. It is not a bull barrel, but has the locking lugs like a hi power. No bushing. I am guessing the bushing might increase accuracy by a small margin.
My 75's are very accurate without a bushing. I have looked at the Cajun gun parts in the past, but the CZ's are so good from the factory, could never justify the expense.
Dang man, you aint messin around! You are really changing things up like I like to do.
Looks wise you went from not quit zero, but definitely closer to hero. It’s looking real good!
Curious…How long to fit the magwell? I mean, did you blend it into the magwell of the frame? I stuck my STI back together tonight because I just had to see it mocked up with those fake ivory grips that I patina’d. I noticed that the aftermarket magwell/msh combo do not “flow” into the mag well. I’m a bit torn thought. Do I do a blend in there, and permenantly alter a semi rare gun, or just leave as is? I really can’t wait to finish these projects, get a Tisas and do all the stuff I wanna do (metal stipple a front strap, coat a slide or frame, mill or ball mill a slide top, maybe checkering?) like how you are expirementing with the Rock. Kudos my friend. I love it!
Remember how the V10 started out with me wanting it to be brushed? Your guns finish screams that look to me. That look was exactly what I originally wanted (Ya nailed it ;))
dao, I think you are a few steps ahead of me. You’ve done some things I’ve yet to do, but do intend to. Smart move how you’ve gone about it, better to mess up a little part, instead of a gun, or to mess up a cheaper gun instead of a more expensive one. I’ve only had to do mild “fitting” of a msh, clean up of various parts edges, etc to make parts fit. I want to try some hardcore filing/shaping one day. Say something like the Colonel has done, turning a standard heel into bobbed heel by cutting and blending the frame & msh. A little gutsy! I have a had a few budget 1911’s of various sizes in the past. Wishing I had one now. I have to take diversions from sanding, etc or I will get disinterested at the laboriousness (is that a word?) of it all and a project like that would be just the ticket. Lol! Thanks for the compliments. The offer to buy/own the V10 makes me feel a bit more proud of it, so thanks for that too. I can say the same about the Tisas and the Rock you’ve prettied up, I’d love to own either!
I don't think I could do what the Colonel did, though I've been tempted. Having to refinish the gun afterward is my biggest stumbling block. And yes, laboriousness is a word. Not the word, that would be Bird :D
I hear you on taking a break from something. Seems like the longer something takes the more of a hurry I get in to finish it. I've walked away from some things and come back days later and I've found that my satisfaction with what I'm doing goes back to what it was in the beginning, while the feeling of being in a rush diminishes. I like Chen and WC magwells because they round them at the bottom. But I'll bet you could do the same with the one on your V10, since being stainless and you being very good at smoothing and polishing stainless you could make it look right after filing on it.
By the way, interesting that the Klonimus beaver worked out best as they are the most “budget friendly” of the parts I’ve bought. I’ve bought many Klonimus things (I call them Klony Mouse). Seriously though, I think they sell a ton of stuff. Dude probably lives in a mansion and has many leather bound books. ;)
I've used quite a few Klonimus parts too. And they're very good at taking offers on the bay. The beavertail on my RIA I got with a $28 offer.
The factory grips on the 97 are pretty thick, and just cheap plastic.
In 2013, they switched from night sites to fiber optic on the front, and thinner aluminum grips, similar to the Shadow 2.
I ordered a set of thin bogies from Lok Grips yesterday.
Quite messin around! Just get it! ;) By barrel bushing, do you mean the take a normally bull barrel and bushing it like the 1911, or are they putting a compensator on it. You know I like comped guns! :D
Cool thing about StonerCNC grips is that you can add a 5OFF coupon code to every order. Shipping is free, and they don't charge tax. Most of their G10 grips for 1911s come to $44.95
02-07-2024, 09:30 AM
Looks like Stoner only has RAMI grips. The prices are attractive. <50 for 1911 grips without the discount.
02-07-2024, 09:36 AM
I keep thinking I need a CZ 75B PCR with a Cajun Gun Works carry package and barrel bushing :cool:
Almost ordered several times, but I've got a bunch of compacts already ...
Grab a gun had them for less than $600 yesterday. Now may be the time…..:rolleyes:
02-07-2024, 10:16 AM
The Standard CZ 75 barrel is very similar to a Browning Hi Power. It is not a bull barrel, but has the locking lugs like a hi power. No bushing. I am guessing the bushing might increase accuracy by a small margin.
My 75's are very accurate without a bushing. I have looked at the Cajun gun parts in the past, but the CZ's are so good from the factory, could never justify the expense.
10-4. I’ve had some CZ’s in the past, but did not educate myself as to what I had or what went into their engineering.
02-07-2024, 10:24 AM
10-4. I’ve had some CZ’s in the past, but did not educate myself as to what I had or what went into their engineering.
It's just a super tight accurized bushing...
Not that I've been thinking about it much but - LOL :)
1) CZ 75B PCR
02-07-2024, 10:26 AM
I don't think I could do what the Colonel did, though I've been tempted. Having to refinish the gun afterward is my biggest stumbling block. And yes, laboriousness is a word. Not the word, that would be Bird :D
I hear you on taking a break from something. Seems like the longer something takes the more of a hurry I get in to finish it. I've walked away from some things and come back days later and I've found that my satisfaction with what I'm doing goes back to what it was in the beginning, while the feeling of being in a rush diminishes. I like Chen and WC magwells because they round them at the bottom. But I'll bet you could do the same with the one on your V10, since being stainless and you being very good at smoothing and polishing stainless you could make it look right after filing on it.
I've used quite a few Klonimus parts too. And they're very good at taking offers on the bay. The beavertail on my RIA I got with a $28 offer.
Cool thing about StonerCNC grips is that you can add a 5OFF coupon code to every order. Shipping is free, and they don't charge tax. Most of their G10 grips for 1911s come to $44.95
I too have made offerings to Klony mouse gods, which they so graciously accepted. ;) Thanks for the Stoner promo code. Never know when one of us will use those guys (again). Good to know about the Chen and WC magwells. Have not used one of theirs (yet), but better know now what to expect if I do.
As far as the refinishing, once I tackle a carbon steel one, I will already either have the plating stuff up and running, or I will be using gunkote. Watched a few youtube vids and seems straightforward. I have rattled sprayed many a bmx bike part or hot rod part in my time, so think it would come out good enough. I think you could pull of the Colonel heel tuck, seeing/hearing what you’ve done so far. Was just looking at a custom CCO on another forum (you know) where the builder did so. I asked if he relocated the msh pin and he said no. So, it would just be a matter of cutting, shaping, blending. If I do it before you I’ll certainly take pics of each step in case you want to give it a go. By the way, just got rid of a little budget revolver, so I have the $ for my budget starter 1911. Wife can’t say anything because the money is there! ;)
02-07-2024, 10:46 AM
Sure wish we had a “like” button here.
Kinda miss those two CZ75 Compacts I gave away for Christmas. Even though I didn’t get around to shooting them myself, they felt really good in my hands and seemed to be high quality for a modest price.
Some place has the full size standard 75 BD (with the de-cocker lever) for $499.99.
But am not sure how that decocker works.
Am getting the “itch” already.
02-07-2024, 10:58 AM
It's just a super tight accurized bushing...
Not that I've been thinking about it much but - LOL :)
1) CZ 75B PCR
Their compacts sure are handsome. Looked at those parts…interesting what they say about the factory barrel play. Pretty cool that can be remedied with just one little part.
02-07-2024, 11:00 AM
Sure wish we had a “like” button here.
Kinda miss those two CZ75 Compacts I gave away for Christmas. Even though I didn’t get around to shooting them myself, they felt really good in my hands and seemed to be high quality for a modest price.
Some place has the full size standard 75 BD (with the de-cocker lever) for $499.99.
But am not sure how that decocker works.
Am getting the “itch” already.
With the heft, I bet those shoot as soft as a 9mm 1911.
02-07-2024, 11:07 AM
CZ 75 factory bushings can be kind of a pain to replace. You have to remove the front sight pin, then drive the bushing out.
Here's someone's video on replacing one:
02-07-2024, 11:16 AM
The factory grips on the 97 are pretty thick, and just cheap plastic.
In 2013, they switched from night sites to fiber optic on the front, and thinner aluminum grips, similar to the Shadow 2.
I ordered a set of thin bogies from Lok Grips yesterday.
Thanks for the info on the 97 changes.:)
I like the thin bogie grips. I also have them on my 75B:
02-07-2024, 12:12 PM
I too have made offerings to Klony mouse gods, which they so graciously accepted. ;) Thanks for the Stoner promo code. Never know when one of us will use those guys (again). Good to know about the Chen and WC magwells. Have not used one of theirs (yet), but better know now what to expect if I do.
As far as the refinishing, once I tackle a carbon steel one, I will already either have the plating stuff up and running, or I will be using gunkote. Watched a few youtube vids and seems straightforward. I have rattled sprayed many a bmx bike part or hot rod part in my time, so think it would come out good enough. I think you could pull of the Colonel heel tuck, seeing/hearing what you’ve done so far. Was just looking at a custom CCO on another forum (you know) where the builder did so. I asked if he relocated the msh pin and he said no. So, it would just be a matter of cutting, shaping, blending. If I do it before you I’ll certainly take pics of each step in case you want to give it a go. By the way, just got rid of a little budget revolver, so I have the $ for my budget starter 1911. Wife can’t say anything because the money is there! ;)
I don't see how he could cut the corner off without relocating the msh pin. Usually that hole is completely gone. The top edge of the hole is right at the edge of the new curved msh. Getting that new msh hole in the right spot is the critical step. I have a jig I got just for that purpose but danged if I can figure out how to use it. Must need a better drill press or vise or something. I revert back to my ole stanley tape measure, think, ponder, pray, contemplate. Then I drill a tiny hole to confirm I'm in the right spot. Then I drill a slightly larger hole, until I can get a needle file thru and then file to fit the pin. It's scary for me but I do love me a bobtail. Sadly it can't be done on an officers size 1911. I think that would be pretty cool even if it was less of a curve. Guy might just grind off the corner some and leave the pin location alone. Course that might be even scarier.
02-07-2024, 01:16 PM
I don't see how he could cut the corner off without relocating the msh pin. Usually that hole is completely gone. The top edge of the hole is right at the edge of the new curved msh. Getting that new msh hole in the right spot is the critical step. I have a jig I got just for that purpose but danged if I can figure out how to use it. Must need a better drill press or vise or something. I revert back to my ole stanley tape measure, think, ponder, pray, contemplate. Then I drill a tiny hole to confirm I'm in the right spot. Then I drill a slightly larger hole, until I can get a needle file thru and then file to fit the pin. It's scary for me but I do love me a bobtail. Sadly it can't be done on an officers size 1911. I think that would be pretty cool even if it was less of a curve. Guy might just grind off the corner some and leave the pin location alone. Course that might be even scarier.
You know I was thinking about how close (on an officer) that pin hole is to the corner/bottom of the frame. I mean a rinky, dinky tad of a bit could be removed, but not much at all, if planning on using the same msh pin hole. Re-looking at the pic he posted, I can see that’s exactly what he did. He put all of the “bob” in the msh. This is why I want a Tisas!!! Can’t wait to do this kind of stuff.
dao, I think you are a few steps ahead of me. You’ve done some things I’ve yet to do, but do intend to. Smart move how you’ve gone about it, better to mess up a little part, instead of a gun, or to mess up a cheaper gun instead of a more expensive one. I’ve only had to do mild “fitting” of a msh, clean up of various parts edges, etc to make parts fit. I want to try some hardcore filing/shaping one day. Say something like the Colonel has done, turning a standard heel into bobbed heel by cutting and blending the frame & msh. A little gutsy! I have a had a few budget 1911’s of various sizes in the past. Wishing I had one now. I have to take diversions from sanding, etc or I will get disinterested at the laboriousness (is that a word?) of it all and a project like that would be just the ticket. Lol! Thanks for the compliments. The offer to buy/own the V10 makes me feel a bit more proud of it, so thanks for that too. I can say the same about the Tisas and the Rock you’ve prettied up, I’d love to own either!
You know I was thinking about how close (on an officer) that pin hole is to the corner/bottom of the frame. I mean a rinky, dinky tad of a bit could be removed, but not much at all, if planning on using the same msh pin hole. Re-looking at the pic he posted, I can see that’s exactly what he did. He put all of the “bob” in the msh. This is why I want a Tisas!!! Can’t wait to do this kind of stuff.
I don't see how he could cut the corner off without relocating the msh pin. Usually that hole is completely gone. The top edge of the hole is right at the edge of the new curved msh. Getting that new msh hole in the right spot is the critical step. I have a jig I got just for that purpose but danged if I can figure out how to use it. Must need a better drill press or vise or something. I revert back to my ole stanley tape measure, think, ponder, pray, contemplate. Then I drill a tiny hole to confirm I'm in the right spot. Then I drill a slightly larger hole, until I can get a needle file thru and then file to fit the pin. It's scary for me but I do love me a bobtail. Sadly it can't be done on an officers size 1911. I think that would be pretty cool even if it was less of a curve. Guy might just grind off the corner some and leave the pin location alone. Course that might be even scarier.
I agree Colonel, I don't see how a person could turn a full size into a CCO without losing and then replacing the MSH pin hole. Now possibly it could be done if turning a bobtail into a CCO? You would know more about that possibility than I do.
I ordered a couple of triggers today. Both WC medium length solid aluminum, stainless finished with a serrated, curved face (190M). These will be my first attempt at replacing a trigger. One is for my RIA and the other for my MK IV. I always keep the stock parts in their case, and because there should be nothing in the way of filing on any other part of the gun these should be a no risk proposition. Right now on the three officers it appears that I have a short, a medium, and a long. The DW has the medium and because I don't want to do anything to that other than the magwell I want to standardize all three on a medium trigger. And I tend to like the look of solid triggers over K-Holes and such.
I also ordered a Dawson Extractor tool. They're only $15 and make removing an extractor a breeze. Removing the one on the RIA was a royal pain because of the bend in it, as well as the fact that it's bent further to allow for the smaller cartridge case. I ended up putting the slide in my corner vise and using a 5/16 hex bit to move it over enough to where I could get the hook past the end of the channel. Surprised I didn't garf up the hook in the process, but I got lucky. This took just slips in and pushes it over without damage to the extractor. And because I hear that extractors can be a very common source of problems, from erratic ejection paths to FTE's and FTF's I figure it will be money well spent before I'm done. Here's what it looks like. Pushed in one way it does 9mm, .38, and .40. Flipped over and pushed in the other way does God's caliber.
Also, if you don't already have one, these make getting a safety down past the plunger tip so much less frustrating. I've about used one up already.
02-07-2024, 04:21 PM
I agree Colonel, I don't see how a person could turn a full size into a CCO without losing and then replacing the MSH pin hole. Now possibly it could be done if turning a bobtail into a CCO? You would know more about that possibility than I do.
I see what you are saying and definitely know what you mean as that's what the Colonel did, bobbing his full sized frame & msh. In that project I was talking about, the maker started with a CCO, just nibbled a tad from the lower corner of the frame below the pin, then continued that angle into the msh. Much less dramatic than a full bob like the Colonel did, but a nice touch I do believe.
You can just see the pin above the nibbled off corner.
Ah now I see. And I agree. It is a nice touch!
BTW Bird, have you looked at the Tisas Tank Commander? The newer one, and not the Tanker. At a bit over $400 it looks like a bargain. There's a lot to work with there if you're looking to experiment and learn. Not stainless, but hey black guns are cool too. :) I've liked every one of my Tisas guns, and I think they're the best value for the buck out there still.
02-07-2024, 05:20 PM
I see what you are saying and definitely know what you mean as that's what the Colonel did, bobbing his full sized frame & msh. In that project I was talking about, the maker started with a CCO, just nibbled a tad from the lower corner of the frame below the pin, then continued that angle into the msh. Much less dramatic than a full bob like the Colonel did, but a nice touch I do believe.
You can just see the pin above the nibbled off corner.
The guy mentions he only moves the MSH pin when he bobtails. So he didn't consider this a bobtail. It's kind of a start and I kind of like it. About all one can do with the officer size frame. Take a lot of contemplation to throw that corner on the grinder, course taking the hacksaw to the whole corner is not for the faint of heart neither. I can only imagine machinist with their mills and cutting dovetails or threading tiny screws for red dots and such. Bet they pray alot.
02-07-2024, 06:20 PM
Ah now I see. And I agree. It is a nice touch!
BTW Bird, have you looked at the Tisas Tank Commander? The newer one, and not the Tanker. At a bit over $400 it looks like a bargain. There's a lot to work with there if you're looking to experiment and learn. Not stainless, but hey black guns are cool too. :) I've liked every one of my Tisas guns, and I think they're the best value for the buck out there still.
I have seen one of those used listed for sale locally. It apparently just sold a a week or so ago, so I missed it. Ultimately? I’d like to get an officer for the grip and that commander for it’s slide. I saw a Champion complete slide (barrel, slide, recoil assembly, etc) on GB, but it cost as much as that Tank Commander. I may have to be patient, do some hunting around and lay out a solid plan. If I can get decent priced used one’s (without shipping fees, transfer fees, etc) I may be able to get what I want (officer and commander) then sell off the un used stuff to fund cool parts. I’m a frugal wheeler dealer. ;)
Cool new tools you got btw! It’s always nice to get things that make this stuff a bit easier. Had no idea the RIA’s had a bend in the extractors. Good to know. Good luck with the triggers. Should be eazy breezy for you! ;)
02-07-2024, 06:21 PM
The guy mentions he only moves the MSH pin when he bobtails. So he didn't consider this a bobtail. It's kind of a start and I kind of like it. About all one can do with the officer size frame. Take a lot of contemplation to throw that corner on the grinder, course taking the hacksaw to the whole corner is not for the faint of heart neither. I can only imagine machinist with their mills and cutting dovetails or threading tiny screws for red dots and such. Bet they pray alot.
I would love to have access (and the skills/knowledge) to their equipment. I’d be making all kinds of stuff.
02-07-2024, 06:32 PM
The only CZ I got is the Rami....
02-07-2024, 06:41 PM
Dang it man! I got rid of mine (after hunting, hunting, hunting for a year to get it) because the trigger kept pinching me. Yours is so darn great looking though. Really makes me want to get one and copy you.
02-07-2024, 10:40 PM
Dang it man! I got rid of mine (after hunting, hunting, hunting for a year to get it) because the trigger kept pinching me. Yours is so darn great looking though. Really makes me want to get one and copy you.
Cajun gun works has their combat trigger which doesn’t pinch. Now you can start hunting again….:rolleyes:
02-08-2024, 04:36 AM
Cajun gun works has their combat trigger which doesn’t pinch. Now you can start hunting again….:rolleyes:
I really don't need more pushing either - LOL!
Really should rent one and see if these CZ handguns are something I want to get into ...
I want one for some reason :confused:
02-08-2024, 07:08 AM
I don't care for the smaller slides on CZ's after having Sigs. Harder to rack slide back for me.
02-08-2024, 08:32 AM
I don't care for the smaller slides on CZ's after having Sigs. Harder to rack slide back for me.
I've got two Beretta Cheetahs (81,84) and that's the only thing I don't like about them.
I've got a DA/SA Sig P239 357 upgraded with a SRT kit and a trigger job.
I keep pulling that out, fondling it and telling myself -
"This is my DA/SA tuned steel compact" :)
King Rat
02-08-2024, 08:49 AM
The only CZ I got is the Rami....
Wow, those colors look great. Cool gun.
The only CZ I got is the Rami....
Did you have the frame cerakoted Jeep? Looks nice and a bit different. Just the way I like a lot of my things to be.
02-08-2024, 09:12 AM
CZ has dropped the Rami, and the 97B, plus the SP01 Phantom (polymer framed SP01) is rarer than hen's teeth. In my area, the Rami was impossible to find when it was in production. Rumor has it the Czechoslovakian government has adopted the SP01 Phantom and they have stopped exporting to fill the large order.
02-08-2024, 09:15 AM
Cajun gun works has their combat trigger which doesn’t pinch. Now you can start hunting again….:rolleyes:
Would love to, but too many ahead of that one. I just need 1 real good scratch off ticket! 😂
02-08-2024, 09:17 AM
Got the Hogie in and on the S9. Hides the gaudy grip tag/plate. ☺️20725
02-08-2024, 10:34 AM
Did you have the frame cerakoted Jeep? Looks nice and a bit different. Just the way I like a lot of my things to be.
It is Duracoated, seems to wear better than Cerakote. Had it done at Ahlman's. They do 3 types of coatings and say they prefer Duracoat.
02-08-2024, 01:55 PM
The only CZ I got is the Rami.... Nice looking......I'd be carrying that.............
02-08-2024, 02:26 PM
Got the Hogie in and on the S9. Hides the gaudy grip tag/plate. ☺️20725
Looking good.
02-08-2024, 07:51 PM
Looking good.
Domo Arigato Mr Armybrato! ;)
02-08-2024, 08:14 PM
Just bought this one (On GB, so waiting on delivery). I’m planning on expanding my amateur/bubba smithin and taxidermy stuff, so I needed a test bed. The reason I picked this one (I was going to get a Tisas) is…
1. Stainless all around. I wanted to learn coating, but that’s less important to me than being able to cut into metal and let it sit for a bit without turning into rust (Floriduh is hoooomid as can be). I could not find a Tisas officer frame in stainless.
2. I’m going to metal “stipple” the front strap, msh and “memory bump” on the beaver. See #1. Once I do this, I only have to remove any roughness I created. No coating necessary if it sits while I tool with another project that draws me away.
3. Already has an upswept beaver. Was considering others in this price range, which would have required upswept beaver fitting, but think the other mods I’m making already will be creating enough work for me. I will fit a beaver on another, future project. I’m learning that these things can drag out too long which has me lose interest, or have to take too many breaks due to needing NSAID’s.
4. Not an alloy frame. I’ve done enough on the alloy frames to know that the stippling I want to do may have me making a quick/irreversible mistake on alloy. The stainless will take a little more push to get the desired results. I feel the slower things go, usually the better end result as you are more in control and things don’t get away from you.
5. I’ve had a couple of Rock’s. Never had a problem with them. Never shot one a whole bunch, but short of my carry guns, none of them get shot a whole bunch. So hoping this one is as the others were.
6. It’s relatively cheap. Delivered for less than 5 bills.
7. Want to eventually put a 4.25” slide on it. Can get a Rock commander slide or whole gun relatively cheap, if not, maybe at that time someone will part with a Tisas Tank Commander slide, a SA Champion slide, etc. I want a real CCO (Concealed Carry Officer), but have to start with this true Officer sized frame.
Sorry, it’s not in God’s caliber, but plan to crown the barrel, so looking at it you might think so! ;)
I also plan to make my 1st set of epoxy grips using this one’s frame. The grips are pretty nice that come with it, but like the Springfield Armory 1911’s, too much frame is left showing. I want to make something that starts at the front strap and at least continues to the thumb safety edges and on down, following the frames lines. We shall see! :(
02-08-2024, 09:36 PM
That's beauty. I like it just the way it is, but anxious to see what it looks like when you get through. Maybe you can send pictures to me along with the V10, I know DAO asked but I know you like me better than him.
02-08-2024, 10:26 PM
That's beauty. I like it just the way it is, but anxious to see what it looks like when you get through. Maybe you can send pictures to me along with the V10, I know DAO asked but I know you like me better than him.
Thank you sir! The pictures are free. The V10... sometimes I get an itch for something differnt and no cash to fulfill, so you and dao might have to duke it out 😂
I just looked back in this thread and realized this is the same model dao has been fixing up.
02-08-2024, 10:31 PM
Well I think after lunch and a short nap I can pretty much take anybody. Course in the battle for cash on the V10, I probably couldn't afford the band-aids you used for your aching fingers. Someday my canoe will come in.
02-09-2024, 04:20 AM
I'm with the Colonel on this one.
Really like that gun just the way it is :D
Naturally your mirror polish job would be a welcome addition.
And I can highly recommend adding a pair of Bawanna Custom Grips!
Regardless of what direction you go, it looks like a fine weapon.
As for me?
I'm still resisting these temptations so far ...
Seriously, it's the start of February.
And I already broke my annual new years resolution of No More Guns twice! :rolleyes:
HK VP9SK Holosun SCS and a new model of the old Ruger LCP.
I keep going back to that MK9 Elite deal.
But it's so close to the MK40 Elite I've already got.
Just can't justify the same gun in two calibers ...
I've got four guns on my kitchen counter right now.
Asking myself why I need an additional gun?
Dan Wesson SS V-Bob 45 Bobtail Commander.
Kahr SS MK40 Elite
Sig P239 Stainless/Nitron Slide 357 Sig
HK VP9SK Holosun SCS
02-09-2024, 06:23 AM
I'm with the Colonel on this one.
Really like that gun just the way it is :D
Naturally your mirror polish job would be a welcome addition.
And I can highly recommend adding a pair of Bawanna Custom Grips!
Regardless of what direction you go, it looks like a fine weapon.
As for me?
I'm still resisting these temptations so far ...
Seriously, it's the start of February.
And I already broke my annual new years resolution of No More Guns twice! :rolleyes:
HK VP9SK Holosun SCS and a new model of the old Ruger LCP.
I keep going back to that MK9 Elite deal.
But it's so close to the MK40 Elite I've already got.
Just can't justify the same gun in two calibers ...
I've got four guns on my kitchen counter right now.
Asking myself why I need an additional gun?
Dan Wesson SS V-Bob 45 Bobtail Commander.
Kahr SS MK40 Elite
Sig P239 Stainless/Nitron Slide 357 Sig
HK VP9SK Holosun SCS
Thanks Barth!
Resistance is futile! Those things will spawn and new gun babies will appear, year after year!
I would be jumping on it. My problem is the wife and her collection that I compete with. She’s always talking about wanting new “investments”, “IRA’s”, “CD’s”, etc. I mean whatever are those things anyways? She keeps ‘em hidden real good because I’ve never seen one. At least with what I collect I can take it out and polish it. Go shoot it on occasion. Is your wife like that? If not, get that MK my friend!
02-09-2024, 07:26 AM
I'm with the Colonel on this one.
Really like that gun just the way it is :D
Naturally your mirror polish job would be a welcome addition.
And I can highly recommend adding a pair of Bawanna Custom Grips!
Regardless of what direction you go, it looks like a fine weapon.
As for me?
I'm still resisting these temptations so far ...
Seriously, it's the start of February.
And I already broke my annual new years resolution of No More Guns twice! :rolleyes:
HK VP9SK Holosun SCS and a new model of the old Ruger LCP.
I keep going back to that MK9 Elite deal.
But it's so close to the MK40 Elite I've already got.
Just can't justify the same gun in two calibers ...
I've got four guns on my kitchen counter right now.
Asking myself why I need an additional gun?
Dan Wesson SS V-Bob 45 Bobtail Commander.
Kahr SS MK40 Elite
Sig P239 Stainless/Nitron Slide 357 Sig
HK VP9SK Holosun SCS
Im trying to resist the VP9sk because I’m trying to avoid more striker fired guns. Plus I have to take the wife on vacation and need the money (although I’d rather stay home and buy a new gun or more ammo). But that FDE on grabagun for $499 is appealing to me, as well as the RIA stainless officer that folks keep showing. You all are a bad influence.
02-09-2024, 08:20 AM
Im trying to resist the VP9sk because I’m trying to avoid more striker fired guns. Plus I have to take the wife on vacation and need the money (although I’d rather stay home and buy a new gun or more ammo). But that FDE on grabagun for $499 is appealing to me, as well as the RIA stainless officer that folks keep showing. You all are a bad influence.
The new VP9SK I've got is absolutely outstanding.
Hk quietly enhanced their mag capacity from 10 to 12 on the flush mags.
And my particular SK is a tack driver!
02-09-2024, 08:27 AM
Thanks Barth!
Resistance is futile! Those things will spawn and new gun babies will appear, year after year!
I would be jumping on it. My problem is the wife and her collection that I compete with. She’s always talking about wanting new “investments”, “IRA’s”, “CD’s”, etc. I mean whatever are those things anyways? She keeps ‘em hidden real good because I’ve never seen one. At least with what I collect I can take it out and polish it. Go shoot it on occasion. Is your wife like that? If not, get that MK my friend!
Oh I shook off two X-Wives already.
I'm a slow learner, but there's no way I'm going to strike out with a third!
My heart and wallet just couldn't weather a third divorce - LOL!
I'm going to live the rest of my days a happy and free man :D
Really want that MK9, it's a great deal.
But a deals only great if it's something you need.
My MK40 will do everything that MK9 will do.
And subsonic 180 gr slugs work well from that short barrel.
02-09-2024, 10:08 AM
Thanks Barth!
Resistance is futile! Those things will spawn and new gun babies will appear, year after year!
I would be jumping on it. My problem is the wife and her collection that I compete with. She’s always talking about wanting new “investments”, “IRA’s”, “CD’s”, etc. I mean whatever are those things anyways? She keeps ‘em hidden real good because I’ve never seen one. At least with what I collect I can take it out and polish it. Go shoot it on occasion. Is your wife like that? If not, get that MK my friend!
That's investment thing is my wife too. Want's to save, save, save. Vacations and stuff are temporary, guns are forever. Upon my retirement I received a rather large (by my standards) payout from accumulated unused sick leave, vacation and stuff I didn't even know I had. I never saw a dime of it and wife says we have'nt used a dime of it. Well honey cut loose a little bit. Even if it's to do some needed house fixin up ya know.
Not to complain mind ya but I could never make her understand that we had a big Credit Card debt. At high interest. Take some money an pay em off. Bank ain't payin hardly any interest and cards are raping us. She wants money in the bank for emergency. That's what the CC's are for. And guns, of course guns.
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