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05-16-2020, 03:18 PM
Wait is over. Just like the one before this my wait time was only 4 days. Still, it's hard to leave them behind after paying for them.
The gun is brushed and shiny on the flats and bead blasted on the rounds. I'm not much of a photog so the pictures don't do the gun justice.
Took a few pictures with the factory grips, a set of light grey canvas micarta grips that I oiled so they're black right now, but will turn much lighter when dry. And a set of white G10 grips.
Colonel I'm about to send you a PM about a work request.

05-16-2020, 03:35 PM
Is that a Dan Wesson?

05-16-2020, 03:58 PM
It is indeed. Technically it's a CZ as they bought Dan Wesson and the quality improved although Dan Wesson did them right.

I wear one most everyday, just a great gun.

Of those 3 grips I much prefer the stock grips, hopefully what I send you will put those in the drawer but the stock grips are nice. I always keep the original grips for each gun.
Kind of frustrates me that they can make those in probably 15 minutes and it takes me 2 full days or more. Modern technology meets old school shade tree I guess.

Back to the sawdust for me, kind of cloudy and cool here, perfect day for sawdust.

05-16-2020, 04:16 PM
As the Colonel said, it is indeed. I'm very impressed with it and can't wait to get it to the range.

The oil (FP-10) that I put on the micarta grips is already drying and the grips are gradually going back to their gray color. When they're done I'll take another pic. I wouldn't have oiled them except I forgot what I was doing and grabbed the gun while cleaning it, with oily hands. I'm really hoping they will return to their white/gray color. Micarta is used more on knife handles than gun grips. I have a couple of TOPS knives with gray/black micarta handles. They have more of a wood-like pattern to them than these but they match pretty well.

I don't know how checkering is done, and I have a feeling that I shouldn't. I don't have the patience to do something like that, AND I'm sure it would take me much longer to do it wrong than it takes you to do it right Colonel.

05-16-2020, 06:47 PM
Congrats dao! That's a fine firearm.

05-16-2020, 06:55 PM
Thanks Greg, it feels very nice in hand.

05-18-2020, 05:55 PM
That's beautiful! I like the wood grips best but whatever you put on there will look great....Made my overalls stick out...

05-18-2020, 06:22 PM
Thanks! The Colonel is making a set of wood grips with the "Armor of God" medallions on them for me. He's going to let me choose between that last set of cocobola grips that he checkered, and a set of wenge wood grips. Those will be for dress-up, I'll run the Micarta grips in the middle picture on it for daily carry. They're starting to lighten back up as the oil dries. They're about halfway to light gray now, but still have some drying to do to get back to what they were before I oiled them.

05-20-2020, 02:56 PM
Grips continue to lighten but still a long way from the mostly white that they were when I unpackaged them. Or maybe it's just my memory at fault. Compared to the picture on VZs site they're very close.

05-20-2020, 03:50 PM
They are looking better and better as they lighten up.

05-20-2020, 07:32 PM
That is a very nice looking firearm! Congrats. I’m jealous but not too much because I have a pristine K9 Elite i can actually fondle when I start drooling at that DW.

05-20-2020, 08:17 PM
The finish on the shiny parts of it are about identical to the shiny bits of the Elite finish. The rounds of the slide and frame, which are bead blasted are rougher and darker than the grayer parts of the Elite finish. I wouldn't have minded if it was finished exactly as the Elites are all over. But I'm not complaining. I'm sure your K9 is beautiful.

05-22-2020, 04:40 PM
I think they've lightened up as much as they're going to, at least in the short term. They were lighter in the package so maybe as times goes on.

Below the first pic I've posted how the same gun looks with a set of handmade Wenge wood grips by Bawanna with Armor of God medallions

05-22-2020, 06:34 PM
Enjoy your Dan Wesson.
I enjoy mine :cool:

05-22-2020, 07:20 PM
That right there is the Dan Wesson Flagship model. Very nice!

10-06-2020, 03:40 PM
Needed a holster that did the DWs justice. From William Sproul at justincaseholsters.com His lead time is every bit as long as he states it will be but I think it was worth the wait. I got the two sets of belt loops with it. I like the black the most.

08-05-2021, 12:50 PM
Something I've been wanting for awhile. Smallish but heavy, 6.6" long, 5.1" high, and 29.5oz with an empty mag. But Signess throughout.

08-05-2021, 02:04 PM
Congratulations! Nice, but too heavy for me! I wear shorts the year around... and clogs.I like Sigs but have never owned one. I like the .40 S&W, too.

My EDC is my black P40 with the 4" ported barrel and night sights coming in at 24.2 ounces with 6+1 loaded. It becomes unnoticeable with my Crossbreed Minituck and Looper Kydex-reinforced bun belt. I carry a 7-round mag opposite side giving me the same capacity as my Glock 23-C, but more comfortable.


08-05-2021, 02:45 PM
Thank you Sir.

P40 is a nice gun, especially for comfort. And of course .40 is arguably an equalizer between lower capacity and higher caliber. I've continued to wait to see the prices of the .40 guns go down due to the current discontent over the caliber but I guess as much as people like to complain about it, it isn't enough for everyone to go out and get rid of theirs. :O)

This will be for those days when I don't want to pocket carry but IWB is a good choice under a light cover. That being said I do carry my MK40 in shorts pocket at times. Only ~4oz. lighter than this one. And actually it's the length of the P239 more than the weight that would make pocket carry in shorts inconvenient.

08-05-2021, 03:39 PM
Something I've been wanting for awhile. Smallish but heavy, 6.6" long, 5.1" high, and 29.5oz with an empty mag. But Signess throughout.

If you find a supply of reasonably priced mags let me know. I inherited the 9mm version and I only got 2 mags with it and I’d love more

08-05-2021, 05:23 PM
My latest inheritance. Came from a good friend we called Grandpa Curlew. He was the grandfather to some friends we meet every year at of course Curlew Lake. Been meeting them for 30+ years and a few time during the year although they live a few hours away. Great family time for us and for them and Grandpa did love to fish although he struggled not seeing well.

First and probably of least note is this little Jennings 22. I don't think Grandpa shot much as he was legally blind, didn't know he had this one. I'll probably play with it some, sentimental value mostly.
https://i.postimg.cc/zBp1RRhs/DSCN8215.jpg (https://postimg.cc/gXw7CjNs)
This little Ruger is pretty mint, a couple years ago apparently somebody took it apart and couldn't get it back together. He brought it to the lake for me to fix. I did and then his family had concerns he had suicidal thoughts, grandma was still alive and poorly, I don't think their concerns were founded but they told me to unfix it. I removed the firing pin, it functioned and went click and acted like it worked but of course wouldn't fire. They of course lost the firing pin so I had to get a new on which arrived today.
https://i.postimg.cc/cHdSHcv7/DSCN8213.jpg (https://postimg.cc/p9c7czYy)
This one I refinished the stock for him several years ago. It's a Hoban. They were made from 1945 to 1948 and made to look like an M1 Carbine. It's 22 single shot. They gave them away to kids as prizes for selling enough cream, forgot what it was called. Sold for a quarter so they must have had to sell a lot.
https://i.postimg.cc/G3qc46J4/DSCN8211.jpg (https://postimg.cc/bdSXMC5P)
This one is marked Premier, I found that it's one of the first rifles Mossberg made. Made from 1923 to 1925 if memory serves. I just oiled up the stock and removed some paint splatter. Funny how many folks paint the closet and don't remove the rifles, had this several times before.
https://i.postimg.cc/rsFMh9cy/DSCN8209.jpg (https://postimg.cc/nj5yrBCN)
The usual Stevens 12 gauge single shot, haven't researched this one yet, strange it has a plastic stock, not sure when they did that.
https://i.postimg.cc/fbcsDPRT/DSCN8212.jpg (https://postimg.cc/gw2QKNhf)
Many of the guns in my accumulation are inherited, these will ride with me till they nail the lid shut. I couldn't believe our friends gave them all to me. I do love old stuff for sure.

08-05-2021, 05:26 PM
I don't know what a "good" deal is for everyone, but I've noticed that Sig factory mags can be quite pricey. Here's a mix of them, some of which are not factory. Strangely the .40 mags by one seller are cheaper than the 9mm mags by another.


08-05-2021, 05:32 PM
Some nice guns there Colonel. One has to wonder how many Mark 1, 2, and 3's there are sitting around in pieces...

08-05-2021, 06:30 PM
Yeah I've had a lot of friends ask me to put them back together, and sometimes especially if it's been awhile I struggle. I struggled with this one. Everything has to be just right and hold your mouth just so or it don't happen.

08-05-2021, 06:43 PM
Yeah I've had a lot of friends ask me to put them back together, and sometimes especially if it's been awhile I struggle. I struggled with this one. Everything has to be just right and hold your mouth just so or it don't happen. Sounds about right. I’ve enlisted my wife or son multiple times to “push this in and hold it right there”, or When I put these 2 together in there, push this pin into this hole”. I’m warning everyone, don’t ever disassemble a GSG Firefly (Sig Mosquito) unless you have patience and dexterity. I’ve read one description that fits, which is it is like a gun inside of a gun (frame spilts in half, gotta hold those 2 halves together with 1 hand and do all other assembly with the other hand). Bersa Thunder (UC Pro) was tough too, as there are no videos, schematics, etc to do a total disassembly. Colonal, if you are like me, I take a lot of cell phone pics, make drawings, etc to try to make sure I get it back together correctly. When I went to put that Bersa back together, I couldn’t find my drawings for a few months, so I was helpless until then. Pretty cool you are fixing your buddies guns though. I have one regular shooting buddy who really is helpless, so I clean his and fix them on occasion.

08-05-2021, 06:48 PM
I don't know what a "good" deal is for everyone, but I've noticed that Sig factory mags can be quite pricey. Here's a mix of them, some of which are not factory. Strangely the .40 mags by one seller are cheaper than the 9mm mags by another.



08-05-2021, 07:39 PM
Whenever I buy a gun with which I have no familiarity I always try to find a well made dissaembly and reassembly video on youtube for it, and download it to my computer. That, and rely on places like this site and others where people like the Colonel and Greg hang out so I can get questions answered, even if they're not my questions at that particular time.

08-05-2021, 08:34 PM
Being able to tear them down and put them back together is all empowering to me. Not many I actually do. A week ago or so I took my new to me Ruger PC9 completely apart, outwards it looks intimidating but in reality it's really simple and makes it nice to go deep for a good clean once in awhile. If I'll remember how to do it day after tomorrow is a big question.

One thing about Glocks is after armorer class they are mindless easy, makes me wish I liked them more so I could carry one. I still have my department 21 45 to take apart once in awhile and it rides in the night stand with a mounted light.

08-07-2021, 03:32 PM
I have bought quite a few magazines from Greg Cote, mostly for CZ's. But he carries Sig Stuff too.


08-08-2021, 11:56 AM
Whenever I buy a gun with which I have no familiarity I always try to find a well made dissaembly and reassembly video on youtube for it, and download it to my computer. That, and rely on places like this site and others where people like the Colonel and Greg hang out so I can get questions answered, even if they're not my questions at that particular time.
Thank the heavens for the internet sometimes! I do the same as you and am glad I live in an age where so much info is available for free, within seconds.

08-08-2021, 12:01 PM
Being able to tear them down and put them back together is all empowering to me. Not many I actually do. A week ago or so I took my new to me Ruger PC9 completely apart, outwards it looks intimidating but in reality it's really simple and makes it nice to go deep for a good clean once in awhile. If I'll remember how to do it day after tomorrow is a big question.

One thing about Glocks is after armorer class they are mindless easy, makes me wish I liked them more so I could carry one. I still have my department 21 45 to take apart once in awhile and it rides in the night stand with a mounted light.
If I ever get another rifle it will be that PC9. I have a few too many rifles as is, not being much of a rifle guy, but the caliber and feedback I’ve seen (folks love ‘em) about that one has it 1st on the “next” list.

08-12-2021, 09:02 PM
Got it home. Put some new grips on it and cleaned it thoroughly. Feels good in the hand and points nicely.

08-12-2021, 11:24 PM
Good looking pistol you got. I like the grips too. They look like g10.

08-13-2021, 06:46 AM
Looks very melted. I think they did a good job in that department. Nice looking gun DAO!

08-13-2021, 09:27 AM
Thanks guys. The grips are Hogue G10. Very good grip, wet or dry. I do like the Sig Anti Snag, SAS treatment.

It's a heavy little bugger, but feels nice in hand. Balanced well.

08-18-2021, 11:14 AM
I like the look of the factory grips best. Happy shooting!

09-03-2021, 09:46 PM
I think I have an addiction.

This one is not mine, just a representation. Mine on its way though. Same as this one.

09-05-2021, 08:53 AM
I think I have an addiction.

This one is not mine, just a representation. Mine on its way though. Same as this one.

Nice, is it in 9mm or .40? I’ve got the same pistol in 9mm.

09-05-2021, 11:14 AM
It's a 9. P2KSK comes in 9 or 40, the P30SK only comes in 9mm. I used to like short grips a lot. These days not so much. I've got 13rd mags coming for it that I'll carry it with, and they extend the grip far enough for me to get a full grip.

09-08-2021, 07:10 PM
It's a 9. P2KSK comes in 9 or 40, the P30SK only comes in 9mm. I used to like short grips a lot. These days not so much. I've got 13rd mags coming for it that I'll carry it with, and they extend the grip far enough for me to get a full grip.
I used to have the P30SK. It had the longer mag. Nice gun. Can’t say anything other than good stuff about it.

09-08-2021, 08:58 PM
Mine arrived at my LGS today. Got to fondle it a bit. Date code of CB (2021). Got the paperwork filled out. Now to wait.

09-09-2021, 03:51 PM
Just got this today......

09-09-2021, 04:13 PM
I've always had a special place for Berettas. But I just can't wrap my hand around them as much as I like. Do love my Cougar though, it's the only one I have left. That will probably leave me on my next boating trip though.

Nice pickup, beautiful gun!

09-09-2021, 06:27 PM
Had Beretta 9's when I started at the PD, then went to 40's and finally Glock 45's. Now back to 9's but still Glocks.

I got along fine with the Beretta's, a little fat thru the grip for my taste and the lady officers found them kind of big but they did fine with them. I bought my 9 when they went to 40's, should have got a 40 since they were so cheap on the buy back but I didn't.

The Armorer class was 3 full days and pretty much needed all 3. Lot of pieces and a lot of springs in those things. Had to work on a fella's awhile back and found that I'd forgot most of what I learned. We got er put back together but took a little doin.

09-09-2021, 07:43 PM
I've had nothing but good experiences with them. I still like them but they're just a bit big for my tastes. Even the compact. And they never did offer much in .40 which is my preferred caliber. Now they don't offer it at all. But they are great guns. Well most of them. The APX is as ugly as a mud fence imo.

09-09-2021, 07:47 PM
Well this one was used and got it for decent price. It is about the same size as my Sig P226 and Sig P220. In the research I did, before getting it, it sounds like Wilson Combat gets it right with them.
I have always liked the looks of the Beretta.

09-09-2021, 08:06 PM
If you got it for a decent price, it being a Wilson variant I'm sure you'll be happy with it.

The one Beretta grip I never tried and probably should have is the Vertec. They're now on all the 92X's but I haven't had one in hand yet. The also come with a wrap around grip for those who like the larger circumference.

09-09-2021, 10:07 PM
I didn't note it was a Wilson. Has to be damn good. They do mighty nice stuff.

09-09-2021, 10:27 PM
I'm pretty sure that the Wilsons and the Langdons are done in TN at the Beretta factory. There's been discussion about this because people have tried to get warranty work done by one or both and have been directed to contact Beretta instead. If memory serves it was a Langdon (LTT) 92 that was involved, but I do think they're both actually put together in Gallatin, albeit with Wilson or Langdon provided specialty parts. I could be wrong of course.

09-09-2021, 11:44 PM
It sure is pretty no matter where it was put together.

09-10-2021, 12:20 PM
I agree. Berettas (most), are works of art. Just as you would expect of a 500 year old Italian company.

09-10-2021, 10:31 PM
Man, that is a super nice looking pistol you got there man! I certainly would show that one off!

09-12-2021, 10:52 AM
I bought a Keltec CP33 a few weeks back and started bolting stuff on. I still am missing 1 part, an angled fore grip, but she is close to done. The folder and tailhook brace came in just a few mins ago. Can't wait to shoot it and hope it runs well. 34 rounds of cheap to shoot fun! (I hope) ;)

09-12-2021, 11:22 AM
I've heard some good things about the 33 and a lot of good things about the 17?. Let us know how she runs ok?

09-12-2021, 11:36 AM
Will do! A bit concerned about the mag loading, but I watched vids on it and think I've got it. I'll report back on all of that too once I've shot it. Thanks!

09-14-2021, 09:06 PM
Another short 3.5 day wait, not counting the weekend. Just 5 inches tall with the pictured 13rd mag, and only 5.5 with the 15rd mag in it. With the replaceable backstraps and side panels they really can be made to fit like a glove.

09-14-2021, 09:14 PM
I do say it looks super ergonomic. Nice HK!!!

09-14-2021, 09:38 PM
An acquired taste I guess. I liked the looks of the P2000 and P2000SK that I used to have better. These look more like a Walther but it's hard not to like the in-hand feel of them. With the P2K and P2KSK what you saw is what you got. No way other than an aftermarket grip sleeve to customize the fit. And out of the box they were just too slim in the hand. First time I held a P30 I had to have it. Traded my P2KSK straight across for my P30S V3 9mm. I believe I'll hold onto these for longer than I did the others. I haven't shot the P30SK yet but the P30s are soft shooters. There are lots of different fire control variants. I like these V3S models that allow for condition one carry.

09-14-2021, 09:45 PM
An acquired taste I guess. I liked the looks of the P2000 and P2000SK that I used to have better. These look more like a Walther but it's hard not to like the in-hand feel of them. With the P2K and P2KSK what you saw is what you got. No way other than an aftermarket grip sleeve to customize the fit. And out of the box they were just too slim in the hand. First time I held a P30 I had to have it. Traded my P2KSK straight across for my P30S V3 9mm. I believe I'll hold onto these for longer than I did the others. I haven't shot the P30SK yet but the P30s are soft shooters. There are lots of different fire control variants. I like these V3S models that allow for condition one carry.
I think you’ll like it. I have had 2 P30sk’s. I think they had what they call the lem(?) triggers. My ex boss still has one of them. I got lucky enough to try them out before the prices jumped. Very nice guns. Wish I still had one. Never had a full size, but hope to one day.

09-23-2021, 02:21 PM
Well was not looking to add another to the herd....but I could not pass up a Sig in 10mm. Top is 9mm, next 357 Sig, then 45 acp and lastly 10mm. :amflag:

09-23-2021, 02:35 PM
The favorite child felt left out....my multi caliber P229 SAS [shoots 9mm, 40, 357 sig].

09-23-2021, 02:52 PM
Mighty fancy! I see you like G10 grips as much as I do. Nice collection O' Sigs you've got there!

09-23-2021, 03:56 PM
Nice family photo jeepster. Sorry to hear about the boating accident that took them all. I'm sure you must be devastated. At least you can still enjoy the memories and photos :)

SAS's are so cool. And in the P229 it's hard to beat. I've started looking at M11-A1s. Just looking though

09-23-2021, 05:50 PM
I picked up another Mossberg at our local gun show last weekend. First show we've had in over a year, wasn't crowded, figured it would be standing room only. Not packed with tables but plenty to look at.

Model 46, made 1937 to 1939.

09-23-2021, 06:52 PM
I picked up another Mossberg at our local gun show last weekend. First show we've had in over a year, wasn't crowded, figured it would be standing room only. Not packed with tables but plenty to look at.

Model 46, made 1937 to 1939.

I don’t know what it is but there’s just something about a hot babe in a cowboy hat that always gets my attention……

09-23-2021, 07:16 PM
Two gold stars for you from the trophy wife.

09-23-2021, 08:03 PM
Looks like someone's family valued it as much as the original owner Colonel. Good find!

09-23-2021, 08:42 PM
Two gold stars for you from the trophy wife.

Rut Ro, and that’s a mighty fine looking old Mossberg too! :D

09-23-2021, 08:58 PM
The favorite child felt left out....my multi caliber P229 SAS [shoots 9mm, 40, 357 sig].
Man those grips are nice. I have a 40 cal police trade in that could use a set of grips like that.

09-23-2021, 10:42 PM
Man those grips are nice. I have a 40 cal police trade in that could use a set of grips like that.

Step right up


09-24-2021, 05:59 AM
The Mossberg looks like it could of been produced yesterday. Somebody took good care of that one!

09-24-2021, 10:56 AM
I usually look for ones that are mostly all there with a rough stock and enjoy refinishing them. This one is one pretty hard to find, in fact I couldn't find any to compare on gunbroker and stuff. This one has a few minor little dings and I'm aching to go at it but it's nice enough that I'd best leave this one alone.

Kind of fun searching for parts for the ones I get that are missing something. Relatively inexpensive guns in the overall scheme of things and everyone I've got it a tack driver. Some really get big bucks for parts sometimes. Messed up on one at least and had to pay large for a sight. Oh well, makes for good fun. I always take them fishing with me and sadly lose one every trip so never hurts to add another whenever possible.

09-24-2021, 11:36 AM
That's the spirit Colonel. What is it they say, idle hands are the devil's workshop?

10-05-2021, 12:37 PM
I like mouseguns.
Just got this Ruger LCP Max (10+1) .380, which will replace my old LCP.

10-05-2021, 12:56 PM
I’ve wondered what that one would be like for pocket carry, in something like gym shorts? Regular shorts I can actually run around with my CW9, but with elastic band shorts the LCP is about it. I switched to the 22 LR version. At the range, the regular LCP and me would sometimes not get along. I mean I would occasionally limp wrist, which had me thinking that under duress I may have the same occur being as I’m a little more focused on not doing so at the range.
Your new one looks nice and doesn’t really seem to take up much more space. I have not seen one in person yet. Hope you enjoy it!

10-05-2021, 02:44 PM
It is slightly thicker and the grip is about 1/4” longer, so my fingers fit better than the old model. The tritium/white outline front sight is nice for my geezer eyes, and the extractor is more robust than the original.
I’ve not had a problem limpwristing with the LCP, but did with one of my KelTecs.
I too wear shorts with elastic waistbands & drawstrings,which limits my pocket carry to these mouseguns.

During cool weather I’ll tote my CW9 in a Remora that can be worn IWB or a jacket pocket..

10-05-2021, 02:48 PM
I ran into a fella last year at the lake who wore a Sig 220 with his swim trunks. The kind that has a string. Said he just pulled the string real tight. Funny thing is the Sig was hardly noticeable. Him and his wife became friends.
The lake is about the only place I don't carry all day every day, might change my perspective.......
Course last time out fishing the boat plug fell out. I had to jump out to McGyver a quick plug so I wouldn't lose the boat and sadly in the process my last Kel Tec went to the deep. Guess I need to look for some sort of firearm ya know just in case.

10-05-2021, 02:54 PM
So your little KelTec joined that huge pile of firearms on the bottom of the lake that was tragically lost by all the local gun owners after unfortunate boating accidents?

10-05-2021, 02:59 PM
Were a man to discover that spot, and invest in a little scuba gear, he would be RICH! Or heck, just go magnet fishing!

10-05-2021, 03:03 PM
It is slightly thicker and the grip is about 1/4” longer, so my fingers fit better than the old model. The tritium/white outline front sight is nice for my geezer eyes, and the extractor is more robust than the original.
I’ve not had a problem limpwristing with the LCP, but did with one of my KelTecs.
I too wear shorts with elastic waistbands & drawstrings,which limits my pocket carry to these mouseguns.

During cool weather I’ll tote my CW9 in a Remora that can be worn IWB or a jacket pocket..
I read that they had actual sights this time around. Sounds like they got them right. Yeah, the tiny grip on the older, smaller version is a bit of a trade off. I never limp wristed with range grade stuff, but with Hornady’s and some of the other defense rounds. It would not feed my favorite ammo though, the Liberty stuff. Too bad as in my other guns that stuff shoots noticeably softer.

10-05-2021, 04:46 PM
So your little KelTec joined that huge pile of firearms on the bottom of the lake that was tragically lost by all the local gun owners after unfortunate boating accidents?

Yup, that's me. My insurance company knows me by first name. Even though I been cancelled by several.

10-05-2021, 04:56 PM
So your little KelTec joined that huge pile of firearms on the bottom of the lake that was tragically lost by all the local gun owners after unfortunate boating accidents?

Somebody should file a class action suite against the boat industry. There has been a plethora of sinkings in the last couple of years. Clearly the boating industry could use some oversight.

10-05-2021, 05:00 PM
I like mouseguns.
Just got this Ruger LCP Max (10+1) .380, which will replace my old LCP.

I think I need a LCP max

10-05-2021, 05:46 PM
Had a couple of the LCPs but decided to keep my trusty P380. But all of them all but disappear in most any clothing. I call mine my no excuses gun. Can't think of a good reason not to have it with me if the situation precludes carrying a larger one.

Got seriously bit today by i1639. My PC Carbine is the first semi-auto rifle I've bought since it was voted in by the progressives. Found out I have to wait a mandatory 10 business days before I can get it out of jail. And to add insult to injury I have to pay an additonal $18 to the DOL for them to process their nanny paperwork. Such is life in Commifornia North

10-05-2021, 06:24 PM
Yup, same for even a 10/22, any semi auto is now like a pistol. You've been lucky, might not take the whole 10 days. Myself, I always get the full 10 days and sometimes not even then. After 10 the shop can deliver regardless.

I wasn't aware of the additional charge for the DOL.

10-05-2021, 08:58 PM
My LGS guy told me that it is a mandatory 10 day wait for semi-auto rifles. I didn't realize that. I'm gonna check the initiative wording.


Section 4

(2) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, a licensed dealer may not deliver a semiautomatic assault rifle to a purchaser or transferee until ten business days have elapsed from the date of the purchase application or, in the case of a transfer, ten business days have elapsed from the date a background check is initiated.

So he's right. As opposed to a pistol approval, which can be done before 10 days have elapsed, he has to hold the "assault" rifle for the whole 10 days, whether the approval comes back before then or not.

10-05-2021, 09:35 PM
That’s nuts, all I can say is Delta is ready when you are…….Come to Georgia, we can open carry if you so desire and the purchase laws are free and Constitutional so long as you are legal…..With a CCW permit you walk in the store and find what you want, show your permit, pay and go on your way, except for showing the stupid unconstitutional state issued carry permit and being forced to fill out a 4473 form it’s not too bad…….

10-05-2021, 09:51 PM
That's how it was here too, until i1639 was voted in about 3 years ago. According to it a .22 semiauto is an assault rifle. For pistols including a .45 it's the shorter of the return of the approval or ten business days. For the 22 it's the entire ten days and the approval. Hopefully the SCOTUS' rulings this session will prevent things from getting worse. Everywhere.

As for moving to Georgia, I talk too funny to be able to converse with you folks. No Southern accent here. :)

10-05-2021, 10:34 PM
So K, we have no problem with yanks, we’ll teach ya’ll how to talk right…..

10-05-2021, 11:02 PM
The sad part is to them every semi auto rifle is an assault rifle. 10/22, PC9. We can still open carry but you won't catch me doing that. It's only good for if one has a wardrobe malfunction and the toy peeks out. Your still ok.

10-05-2021, 11:12 PM
Yeah, never had in interest in open carry either. But at least with it legal, like you say we don't have to worry about a brandishing charge.

Georgia? Prolly not. Though some of that southern hospitality would be nice.

10-06-2021, 06:56 AM
That's how it was here too, until i1639 was voted in about 3 years ago. According to it a .22 semiauto is an assault rifle. For pistols including a .45 it's the shorter of the return of the approval or ten business days. For the 22 it's the entire ten days and the approval. Hopefully the SCOTUS' rulings this session will prevent things from getting worse. Everywhere.

As for moving to Georgia, I talk too funny to be able to converse with you folks. No Southern accent here. :)

That’s ok, we understand your language, and won’t make too much fun of the way you talk.

10-06-2021, 08:47 AM
Disgraceful how y’all’s politicians treat you law-abiding citizens.
When I bought that LCP Max yesterday I just presented my LTC (License To Carry) & drivers license, filled out the 4473 on their tablet gadget, watched the manager double check the info, paid the cashier and then walked out with it..... all in about 20 minutes.

10-06-2021, 10:36 AM
We used to do that here. With a carry permit it was in and out. I remember once I already had a shoulder holster on when I bought a Colt Officers model. Paid, did the form and they even loaded the magazines and I put it in the holster and walked out. Another fella there was not happy, he didn't have the permit and had to wait.
Your right it is disgraceful and there's anticipation it will only get worse at the federal level. So far at least your governor has to them to pound sand more than once. Good for him.

10-06-2021, 12:25 PM
The new LCP Max fully loaded (10+1) with 90 grain fmj Remington range ammo weighs in at exactly 15 ounces.
My old 1st generation LCP fully loaded (6+1) with the same type ammo comes in at 12.5 ounces.
The fit in the strong side front pocket of my shorts is slightly more snug, but not nearly as much as my old PM9 that bulged noticeably more.

10-06-2021, 12:30 PM
It used to be like that in Michigan. Show your CPL and out the door. Since pot was legalized here the Fed put a stop to that and now you have to go through the rigamarole.

10-10-2021, 09:41 AM
With license to carry its only as long as it takes you to fill out the ffl paper work and pay for your pistol . Might be as quick as 5 minutes .

10-10-2021, 10:00 AM
Our State is almost deep blue now. Wasn't always this way. Used to be a lighter shade.

10-12-2021, 04:41 PM
Got some new shoes (Altamont “bonded ivory”) for my Ruger Single Seven .327. Slick & sweet, IMO.

10-12-2021, 05:36 PM
Looks nice!

10-12-2021, 05:46 PM
Clean and simple. Looks great!

10-12-2021, 08:09 PM
That is very nice indeed…..Like those grips, and the .327 Federal Mag is a great caliber….As Doc Holliday would say, that’s a huckleberry……

10-13-2021, 10:27 AM
The other view...

10-14-2021, 02:39 PM
Nice lil revolver you’ve got there. Those grips really make it!

10-25-2021, 08:14 PM
Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably heard Springfield Armory is going to make Hi Powers. The descriptions, pictures, and MSRP have me kinda sportin’ a woodie. I guess I’m not done buying guns after all.

10-25-2021, 09:41 PM
Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably heard Springfield Armory is going to make Hi Powers. The descriptions, pictures, and MSRP have me kinda sportin’ a woodie. I guess I’m not done buying guns after all.
I crawled out from under my rock and read a write up about it. Sounds like they made a lot of improvements that were much desired by comparison to the other versions. Sexy looking pistol! Funny, as much as I love pistols, and as much as I’ve known Hi Powers to be desired, I have never read up on them. Seeing the trigger, I just always assumed them to be DA’s. This one now has my interest. Now just to wait until I find a guy with one who is in need of quick cash. Something tells me it will be a long time before I can find that guy. Still looking for that guy with a T9!!!

10-26-2021, 12:16 AM
I'm buying the first one I can find. I'm putting the word out at several locations that I want one yesterday.
I generally don't jump on the first issue that hits the street but this one sounds like a sure thing.
I have a Hi Power but not really a shooter. Can't wait to get my hands on one.
Thought I was all done too but never seems to end.

10-26-2021, 04:29 AM
I'm buying the first one I can find. I'm putting the word out at several locations that I want one yesterday.
I generally don't jump on the first issue that hits the street but this one sounds like a sure thing.
I have a Hi Power but not really a shooter. Can't wait to get my hands on one.
Thought I was all done too but never seems to end.
Lol! You guys sound just like me. I’ve told my wife I’m all done prob 3 times this year. She’s gotten to where she say “ooooooooooh kaaaaaaay dear!” in a super sarcastic tone.

10-26-2021, 09:28 AM
NO Honey, I meant I'm done buying this one.

Haven't heard of this SA HiPower of which you speak. Must research...

10-26-2021, 09:47 AM
OK, I'm sold. In 1911's I never really saw the point of a big, heavy gun that spit out 9mm. But at 15rds and Commander sized (and weighted), this SA35 looks like it's gonna hit a sweet spot. I know it's not a 1911, but rather 1911ish. Still a JB design though, perhaps with the best of both?

Just one more gun honey.

10-26-2021, 11:07 AM
I think Springfield has awakened a sleeping giant.

10-26-2021, 12:13 PM
Much to FN's chagrin I'm sure. The changes they've made would not have been hard for FN to do. What is old is new...

10-26-2021, 03:53 PM
When I saw that new Springfield, Bawanna is the first person I thought of. Glad to hear he will no doubt have one soon.

10-26-2021, 04:31 PM
When I saw that new Springfield, Bawanna is the first person I thought of. Glad to hear he will no doubt have one soon.

I hope so and although I keep trying I'll make more effort to get over and visit and bring it along. Springfield says they are already shipping but they are in extremely high demand. Told them I could help reduce the pressure if they would just send me one. I just want one for starters, be completely happy. Until I run onto a 686 I can't afford. I'll be ok, really I will, I'll just curl up on the kitchen floor in a fatal position and suck my thumb for awhile, I'll be ok. Still got Hoppe's on my hands so thumb should be good.

Ken L
10-26-2021, 06:08 PM
The Springfield SA-35 might be the first 9mm that I purposely buy. I have a 9mm M&P that was a gift from my brother, but I also used to have a Browning P-35 in 40 S&W that was the sweetest shooting handgun ever. It was stolen, so to replace it I bought a Glock 22, Remington R1 1911 and a Rock Island 10mm 1911. I'm going to have to put my name on a list for one at my local dealer.

10-26-2021, 07:48 PM
I've been wearing my Remington R1 for the last couple weeks. Might go back to the CBob in a day or two.
I've bought a few 9's just so I could fit in with the crowd around here but find I don't really fit in anyhow. But I had some 9 ammo so needed something to put it in. The Springfield would hold the ammo perfectly.

I ain't getting no 380 to fit in with that crowd so no need to get into that discussion.

10-26-2021, 10:37 PM
I don't know Colonel, that LCP Max with 10/12+1 is looking pretty good to me...

10-26-2021, 10:53 PM
If it looks good to you pal, I got your back and support you 100%. Tell your wife I said it's ok, you live far enough away I shouldn't have to sleep with a metal garbage can over my upper body so she can't cut my throat while I'm sleeping.
10/12 + 1 isn't enough in 380. Now you get a 30+1 that would be about equal to a 9 with 15+1 which is about equal to a PM45 which is 5 +1.
I'd like to have a 5.7 with them 20 rd mags. With the good ammo that was supposed to be LE only but of course is out there it's nasty stuff and lots of it.

10-27-2021, 05:17 AM
With one of them fancy rifles you’ve got, I’m sure you could still get my back at such distances. My only concern is you getting it dialed in using that kinda math. Sounds like you’ve studied some of that high level math like my son tries to talk to me about that makes me feel as smart as a Jerry Springer guest. Dang italics on full auto it seems.

10-27-2021, 11:42 AM
Thanks for the chuckle Colonel. My wife is just about my equal at the range. But she doesn't handle recoil as well. And isn't able to rack tough guns. She did very well with my PM9 but couldn't rack it. We got her an EZ 380 but it's just too big for concealed carry. She's a small lady. She has a P238 in .380 now as well as a P938 in 9 but she rarely carries the 9. So, I'm thinking that we may end up with the max because 10/12 is better than 6/7. I just wish they had an external safety. As in one that could easily be swept off like the ones on her mini-1911ish Sigs.

10-27-2021, 03:50 PM
For the wife it would be worth a try, that's a different story and the little 380 is better than tossing stones. Not much but some.
We need to keep the ladies well protected and armed against those that would harm them or ask for their photo which I was gonna do but now I'm not gonna do since she's your equal at the range and I don't bob and weave like I used too ya know?

10-27-2021, 04:17 PM
That's ok Colonel, few of us do. She decided she wants to stick with her Sigs. She likes the manual safety, and has practiced with them to the point where sweeping them off becomes natural. And I wasn't aware that she always carries the 9 in her carry purse, and sometimes the .380 in a belly holster as well. Go figure.
As for me, I have a little mouse gun already in my P380. The only time I carry that is when I absolutely can't dress around something more effective, which is very seldom. So I guess the Max isn't for me either. That does clear the way to look closely at the SA-35 when they become commonplace though. :) Cleaned my Guardian and CBob today, and I wouldn't mind introducing them to another cousin of theirs. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with 15+1 of 9mm.

10-27-2021, 05:41 PM
The SA35 will be commonplace the moment I get one at my house, or even in my hand at the shop.

Don't recall the last time I was so excited about a new gun, must have been the Sig 210 Target. That one had me pretty jazzed.

Another one caused by our own Greg........

10-27-2021, 05:56 PM
The SA35 will be commonplace the moment I get one at my house, or even in my hand at the shop.

Don't recall the last time I was so excited about a new gun, must have been the Sig 210 Target. That one had me pretty jazzed.

Another one caused by our own Greg........
Me too, and it’s really strange since I have two already and I want this one. Mine have the beer can sights but otherwise they’re fine.

10-27-2021, 08:14 PM
I have a Bolivian Police model, has their insignia on top of the slide. Doesn't or should say didn't run too good. I put all new springs in it but haven't bothered to go out and try it again. I grabbed it online since it came with I think 6 mags. When it arrived it looked like crap, like it was poorly cerakoted or something.
I eventually sandblasted the thing and it cut all the cerakote off but left the original finish intact which looked just fine, so that's how I left it. I'll take it out some more when I break in the SA35, just as soon as I can get one in my hands.

10-28-2021, 07:22 PM
Funny thing, I've been checking daily, ok, ok, hourly at several online gun sales outlets. Today finally some actually showed having some BUT the ones that have one are asking like 950 or better.
Several that don't say if they actually have one are asking like 560. Imagine when they physically have one the price will jump dramatically.
Poor timing wanting one so bad when they are in such high demand the people with lots more money than me (mostly everybody) will pay so might be awhile before bawanna gets his sticky fingers (from gun oil) on one for hisself.

10-28-2021, 07:57 PM
Same here Colonel. I'm not going to pay a 30-40% premium for a gun that will drop in a year's time. Can't afford that.

10-28-2021, 08:18 PM
I saw one on an auction site that was bid up over 2000 bucks and still going. Not sure I can last a year waiting for supply to meet demand, I'll go out and fondle some other toys and hopefully help me tolerate the pain.

10-28-2021, 09:01 PM
I’m thinking shill bidding.

I’m on two online waiting lists. That’s all I could find.

10-30-2021, 02:26 PM
I stopped by the large LGS today, and found the Springfield case. The guy asked if he could help me. “Do you have the new SA-…” “No.” “Do you have a waiting list?” “No.”

I did look at some Springfield 1911s. The TRP - wow. The trigger was amazing. They had a Ronin 9mm, the trigger was not quite as good. I also checked out a Colt competition model, which was very good but that TRP…. Wow. But the front strap’s cheese grater makes Kahr’s feel like a baby’s bottom.

10-30-2021, 05:08 PM
I've had a hankering for a Ronin since they been out too. Seems well put together but never played with one.

10-30-2021, 05:24 PM
The Ronin had a smidgeon of creep before a clean break. The TRP had zero creep. Just a light clean “click.” I’d like to check the “Loaded” since the front strap is smooth. It makes me chuckle a bit, the rollmark says “Loaded,” so you know the gun is always loaded. Or something. Reminds me of Grip Zone in a way, but I know they didn’t mean it that way.

11-01-2021, 12:09 PM
Email today around noon, the SA-35 is back in stock. By the time I got there they were gone again.

11-01-2021, 12:59 PM
Email today around noon, the SA-35 is back in stock. By the time I got there they were gone again.

DAmmit!!!!! I got a notify in on few places and haven't got one yet. There seems to be more everyday on the auction sites but unrealistic in price. Guys are really bidding the things up high.

11-01-2021, 02:56 PM
I’m on three online lists. Bud’s, Brownells, and Palmetto State. I’m sure there are a bunch of others.

11-04-2021, 12:33 PM
I don't know about you guys but when some time passes without being able to bring a new gun home I start to feel deprived. Usually takes about seven days or so. Today was one of those days. When this happens I know it's time to open the safe and pull one or two out and "handle" them. With steel frame guns I can play dress up. OK, I admit, sometimes it's only a day or two before I open the safe.

The grips on the Guardian were actually the factory grips from the CBob. I had set them aside, along with those that came on the Guardian so that when the next owner, which will probably be my son, gets them the grips will be pristine. But then though occurred to me in the middle of the night last night that the cocobola CBob grips might look just right on the Guardian in the Just In Case holster that I had made for it. And I was right. Looks like I must have had this picture in mind subconsciously when I worked with William of JIC to decide on what I wanted him to do for me. And after getting my fix I actually found a factory set of these grips online, for a great price! The Guardian comes with slim grips but I bought Challis bushings right after getting it so that I can run standard grips on it, just as the CBob somes with. Feels better in hand that way.

The grips on the CBob were made by the Colonel. Unfortunately because I didn't send him the gun when I asked him to make the grips he was not able to fit them to the gun. And since receiving them from him a year or so ago I haven't wanted to send them back for refitting. And so the left one didn't quite fit. I took a chance today and "carved" out about 1/32" from the left grip that was keeping the safety from being able to swing all the way down. The chance I took was in finding out that the color of the wood under the stain or varnish, or whatever the good Col'nl used, might be noticeably lighter. But it isn't and so they now fit perfectly. And look almost like he had the gun to begin with. Keep in mind that the Colonel would have been more than happy to do this for me had he known, but I never told him. Fast forward to today and I now have this great set of grips on my CBob, and they look fantastic.

The left handed holster is from Eric at ETW holsters that I had made for me last year when I was having trouble with my right forearm. I asked him to just make the holster for me without loops and he was kind enough to ship me loops and hardware to enable me to create my own setup, patterned after those on my JIC. I'm partial to snap loops that allow me to put the holster on and take it off without messing with my belt. I taught myself to shoot left handed last year but have since discovered why my right arm was bothering me, addressed it, and am now back to being a confused left eye dominant, right handed, cross body shooter. I've always been either ambidextrous or a mixture of left and right handed. Or as I said, confused.

I feel better now, I've had some hands on time with a couple of my toys, er I mean serious guns. What will you do today?

11-04-2021, 04:36 PM
bawanna avoids stain and never uses varnish, mostly just oil of one flavor or another. Natural is good.
I got some more of those Armor of God pins now too. I think they are the same size.

Arms Unlimited now has the Springfield SA35 in stock probably for minutes only. 699. I'd like to jump but tempted to hold out as I'm not quite financially ready to sneak it in without spousal knowledge. Checking finances as we speak.

Scratch that, checked finances found a way and now out of stock again.......story of my freakin life.

11-04-2021, 05:37 PM
I'm extremely happy with these grips Colonel. Always was, but wasn't ready to tweak them the tiniest bit needed to clear the safety. Glad now that I was feeling deprived by not having a new gun to handle, and took the chance.
Can't remember, do you do anything with G10 grips? Such as drilling them out to receive pins? I have other grips that would look good with pins in them. And I'm partial to G10 and Micarta. Oh, and I can't remember, what kind of wood are these grips made from? Also, I have the other set of cocobola CBob grips coming...

Oh, and it's encouraging that even for the short amount of time you LGS had the SA35, at least it wasn't marked up too high!

11-04-2021, 06:22 PM
I don't honestly remember what that wood is and hard to tell from picture. I'll look I might have wrote it down, I kind of keep a little book on who I sent grips and stuff but usually just what they fit, not wood type.

I could probably set some pins in G10 or Micarta. I don't drill, I cut them in so they don't have to be round. My favorite ever set was a German Short Hair dog inlaid in a 1911 grip. Old man I made them for cried when he saw them. If that don't warm the cockles of your heart nothing will. I don't care for the stuff only cause it's not fun to work with, makes an excellent grip, just not made by me.

Coco Bolo one of my favorite woods and a real crowd pleaser is near impossible to find anymore. Lumber yard I used to get it from can't even get it anymore. Grab up every stick you can.

11-04-2021, 09:09 PM
I looked at old PMs and it's Wenge wood. Got any pics of the different pins you have laying around?

11-04-2021, 11:26 PM
I really don't have any to put in handles. I kind of collect pins but mostly have singles and stuff from my PD days.
There's all kind of pins online, there's one I'll have to research, forgot the name but they have all breeds of dogs and stuff.

Those do look like Wenge now that you mention it, not clear in the photo. I do have some of that left and a bit of a few others. Need to go visit the lumber yard, haven't been there in years. I emailed and they said they have quite a variety but no coco bolo.

11-05-2021, 09:34 PM
Local FFL works out of his house says he has a Springfield SA35 on order for me. One for me, one for himself. Waiting for a response to find out price and when / if he thinks he might get them in hand. Fingers crossed.

11-06-2021, 06:43 AM
My fingers are crossed for you!

11-06-2021, 11:46 AM
My fingers are crossed for you!

If he actually has a good source and gets them timely and at a decent price I'll let you know and have him get you one too. I can't imagine him being small time being able to get them when the big outfits don't seem to be getting them.
He apparently hadn't even heard of them.

11-06-2021, 03:10 PM
My guy just emailed and said the SA35 will be 660 out the door. So glad I didn't drop a grand or more plus shipping and transfer fee's at one of the online auctions. He didn't say when I might ever see it but fingers crossed.

11-06-2021, 04:09 PM
My guy just emailed and said the SA35 will be 660 out the door. So glad I didn't drop a grand or more plus shipping and transfer fee's at one of the online auctions. He didn't say when I might ever see it but fingers crossed.
Pleeze pleeze let him have two of ‘em! My bank account is ready!

11-06-2021, 04:25 PM
660 out the door doesn’t sound too bad to me. I’d be willing to bet that others are going to be paying quite a bit more than that for them.

11-06-2021, 04:33 PM
All the ones on the auction sites are going well over 1000, one was getting bids up to 2000. Each day there seems to be more and more but still out of line.
As I recall MSRP is 699 so 660 including tax.....is more than fair in my book.
Now if he can actually get them, that is the question.

11-06-2021, 04:35 PM
All the ones on the auction sites are going well over 1000, one was getting bids up to 2000. Each day there seems to be more and more but still out of line.
As I recall MSRP is 699 so 660 including tax.....is more than fair in my book.
Now if he can actually get them, that is the question.
Wow! Well if he gets you one @ 660, then a back rub or something is in order! :rolleyes:

11-06-2021, 04:42 PM
This guy and his wife run his little business, mostly gun shows and online. He came into the department probably 10 years ago and told me he would do transfers for cops for free, and had very aggressive low pricing for LE. He didn't have the buying power to supply the department stuff but alot of the officer bought personal guns me more than the others of course.
He messed up when I told him I didn't want a PM45 when I wanted him to get me one, said they were too expensive. So I bought it elsewhere and showed it to him at the next gunshow.
Course the last transfer I had him do he charged me 45 bucks, the last time I had him do transfers for me too.
Local brick and mortar shop closed up a month ago and the 2nd shop is generally high priced and he don't do transfers, so kind of have to do what one has to do I guess.

11-06-2021, 04:44 PM
Yankee Marshall put up a video on the gouging that's going on with the SA-35. In his words, "it's disgusting".

11-06-2021, 06:00 PM
Man I thought I was paying too much when my fave lgs went from 25 up to 30 for a transfer! That’s all I do with them there though as their prices on everything else is too high. I’ll occasionally buy a small part from them, as they are super nice and I kinda feel bad when I’m just doing those transfers. I either get my guns off of Florida Gun Trader (private sales/purchases/trades), pawn shops and occasionally from Gunbroker. All of the local gun stores are charging too much. I get it that they are running a business and need to pay the bills, but when I can get it elsewhere for less if I’m patient then I do.
Sounds like he’s really hooking you up on that one though!

11-06-2021, 06:13 PM
I can’t listen to that Yankee guy. His voice bothers me.

11-06-2021, 07:04 PM
I’m amazed that it took this long for a modern firearms manufacturer to bring back the Hi Power pistol…..It is a beautiful, timeless design and probably John Browning’s best pistol ever being a perfected 1911 with higher capacity and an improved trigger it’s everything you could ask for in a blue steel and wood pistol……Why FN quit making them in 2017 I’ll never know but I am very happy that Springfield has brought back an improved Hi Power to the market again and I simply must have one……Good luck Colonel bringing one home!

11-06-2021, 07:42 PM
I read that the tooling was worn out.

11-09-2021, 02:51 PM
So because I like to set factory grips aside I decided to take the CBob's factory grips off my Guardian, and found a set of somebody's else's factory CBob takeoffs online. Compared to the color of my CBob grips as seen in post #136 above, this set is darker and much redder. I like them about as much as the lighter CBob grips on the black gun, and in fact this is the color I was looking for when I bought a couple of sets of "red" G10 grips for it awhile back. The G10 grips didn't come nearly as red as these.

11-09-2021, 03:07 PM
I'll make a note of this, if you like red I got some stuff called military stock stain and it's red, real red.
That Wenge wood probably wouldn't take it and change much since it's pretty dark but others would be real red.

11-09-2021, 04:57 PM
Is it possible to restain G10 Colonel?

11-09-2021, 07:11 PM
I honest am not certain. I've not worked with G10 very much. I would think it would take stain. The thing I don't like about most stain is it's like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get.
Even on the same kind of wood etc, one can turn out gorgeous and the next ready for the wood stove.

If you want me to try this stuff on your G10 I'm happy to try. I'm not sure it can even be gotten anymore. Fortunately me and a coworker bought a whole quart of the stuff to refill my little bottle. He still has the quart, he loves the stuff.
He was a dept sniper and had a couple wood rifle stocks I refinished with it and he loves it.

11-09-2021, 08:02 PM
Sent you a PM Colonel. Let's do it!

11-09-2021, 08:32 PM
Sooooo... It is a good day indeed when your Son buys you both a new HK MP5.

He completely surprised this old man. Great day today!

11-09-2021, 08:56 PM
Niiiiice Planedude! Those will be fun and sure do look cool!

11-09-2021, 09:34 PM
My son has one of those, fun little shooter. His is a GSG. Actually fella across the road from me just got one too, think his is GSG also.

Have fun.

11-10-2021, 08:59 AM
Of course a photo of the finished & installed wood product is mandatory to keep us rabble happy.

11-10-2021, 09:01 AM
Planedude, you raised your son right!

11-10-2021, 06:36 PM
Well, playing dress up with the grips only goes so far. Just had to scratch the itch today.

My new HD gun, which will replace the P227 that replaced the FNX45.

BTW, that MP5 looks like a hoot!

11-10-2021, 06:40 PM
Oh, I like that P30L. Like that MP5 .22 also.

11-11-2021, 04:08 PM
I’ve been on the notification list all year for one of these little jewels.
Tuesday morning while eating my Cheerios, thie notification popped up in the inbox at 7am.
I dropped my spoon and had it ordered from Grabagun (near Dallas) 20 minutes later (am slow typing with one finger).
Looked again at noon and they were out of stock.
Got an email at 5pm that said it had shipped.
The package was delivered to my neighborhood FFL at 1:30pm yesterday (Wednesday) - and they left a voicemail on the home answering machine. We were out shopping & dinner, so I missed picking it up then and had to wait until today.
Nice fit & finish - just as good as my 35 year old Mini.

11-11-2021, 04:44 PM
Cool looking little blaster there Army. Is it single action?

11-11-2021, 04:47 PM
Looks like the lil revolver that guy a while back was holding off some antifa rabble rousers with.

11-11-2021, 08:03 PM
Cool looking little blaster there Army. Is it single action?

Yes, all the North American Minis are SA. This Ranger II top break is their latest offering. It is made like a fine Swiss watch.
I can’t hit anything beyong 10’ with my old basic model, but they sure generated a loud muzzle blast.

Put some boot grips on that I already had. Sure makes it easier to hang on to the little thing...

11-16-2021, 01:48 PM
Ahhh toys :tongue: 8 1/2" 300 Blackout and Sig P226 in 357 Sig.

11-16-2021, 02:54 PM
Yes, all the North American Minis are SA. This Ranger II top break is their latest offering. It is made like a fine Swiss watch.
I can’t hit anything beyong 10’ with my old basic model, but they sure generated a loud muzzle blast.

Put some boot grips on that I already had. Sure makes it easier to hang on to the little thing...

Heck I just now noticed and computed that it's break top. That's kind of cool. Beats pulling the cylinder every time you reload and it's a fine looker too.

11-16-2021, 02:55 PM
Ahhh toys :tongue: 8 1/2" 300 Blackout and Sig P226 in 357 Sig.

Nice but not your usual color, you haven't found a new paint shop yet? Little camo on the Sig so it's close.

11-16-2021, 03:34 PM
Hey Jeepster, I like those rail covers on the AR. Are those hard, or rubbery? Who makes them and where did you find them? Thanks!

11-16-2021, 04:19 PM
Ahhh toys :tongue: 8 1/2" 300 Blackout and Sig P226 in 357 Sig.

Hah! I knew it wouldn’t take long for someone to post pics of a real gun. ;)

11-16-2021, 04:23 PM
Looks like the lil revolver that guy a while back was holding off some antifa rabble rousers with.
That was in a Louisville restaurant.

11-16-2021, 04:55 PM
That was in a Louisville restaurant. Yes sir! That’s exactly the incident I was referencing! :biggrin1:

11-16-2021, 06:36 PM
Hey Jeepster, I like those rail covers on the AR. Are those hard, or rubbery? Who makes them and where did you find them? Thanks!



11-16-2021, 07:11 PM
Looks like a gatling gun from the business end. Plumb skeery!

11-16-2021, 07:39 PM
Perfect! I was hoping you’d say that. Gonna get me some. Thank ya sir!

11-20-2021, 09:25 PM

First mag dump at 12yrds…
This HK will shoot better than I can…
And .22 makes it cheap fun.

Today’s range trip was a hoot.

11-22-2021, 05:20 PM
Looks like cheap (relatively) fun.

11-24-2021, 09:32 AM

11-24-2021, 10:28 AM
SAS it appears. They did a nice job melting down the corners. Always liked that.

11-24-2021, 01:47 PM
Yep, in the Lord's caliber. I am particularly fond of the SAS variants. This one's a P227

11-24-2021, 04:34 PM
Congrats on your new Siggy DAO!
I just got a steal of a deal (so hard to find good deals these days) on a Browning BDA 380. Apparently the father had retired, bought 35 guns, stuck them in his safe unfired, then passed recently. Pretty much immaculate, with 2 of the factory 13 round mags. 2nd mag appears to have never been inserted. Blueing is super shiny, even on the barrel hood, with no flaws whatsoever. Just did not have a box. Came in a padded, zippered pistol rug. I definitely won't be shooting this one, just wiping down and fondling her now and again! I've yet to look it up to see what year it is.


11-24-2021, 04:42 PM
Wow, it really is mint, I'd keep it as a show piece too. Can't hurt anything with a 380 anyhow.

What were the other 35, might be something in there screaming bawanna pick me, pick me?

11-24-2021, 04:53 PM
Wow, it really is mint, I'd keep it as a show piece too. Can't hurt anything with a 380 anyhow.

What were the other 35, might be something in there screaming bawanna pick me, pick me?
Thanks man! If you PM me I can give you the guys #. He advised me to do so in case I know anyone who may be looking for something.
UPDATE: I sent you his info in a PM.

11-24-2021, 05:35 PM
That's a good looking pistola Bird! Perfect gun to take out and fondle, er I mean handle on a rainy day.

11-24-2021, 06:11 PM
Thank you sir!

11-26-2021, 12:56 PM
Soooo many cool guns...I need to win the powerball [or even play it sometime] :roll:

11-26-2021, 01:43 PM
Yeah I finally figured out how come I never win. Friend told me I have to buy tickets???? Who knew....

11-26-2021, 10:53 PM
Let me say this about winning the lotto…….I figure unless I get rear ended by a guy in a Lamborghini and hiring that “One Call that’s All” Lawyer dude on TV my next best bet is the lottery……I have played the Jumbo Lotto religiously every week for the past two years because I figure everybody plays bigger payouts like Mega Million and Powerball so my odds are better with a smaller 5-10 million dollar Jumbo Lotto pot…….In the last year or so I have hit 4 out of 6 numbers twice and won 50 bucks each time and 3-4 times I’ve hit 3 out of 6 numbers and won 5 bucks so my winning total to date is about $150.00 or so and since I’ve only spent like $1500.00 on tickets I figure I’m in the 10% profit range and well on my way to incredible wealth…..Am I right!

11-26-2021, 11:05 PM
I can't help ya pal, I always sucked at math.

11-27-2021, 08:09 AM
Let me say this about winning the lotto…….I figure unless I get rear ended by a guy in a Lamborghini and hiring that “One Call that’s All” Lawyer dude on TV my next best bet is the lottery……I have played the Jumbo Lotto religiously every week for the past two years because I figure everybody plays bigger payouts like Mega Million and Powerball so my odds are better with a smaller 5-10 million dollar Jumbo Lotto pot…….In the last year or so I have hit 4 out of 6 numbers twice and won 50 bucks each time and 3-4 times I’ve hit 3 out of 6 numbers and won 5 bucks so my winning total to date is about $150.00 or so and since I’ve only spent like $1500.00 on tickets I figure I’m in the 10% profit range and well on my way to incredible wealth…..Am I right!

It looks like with your run....that in about 37 years you will only have to sell your house to break even. :music:

11-27-2021, 09:20 AM
Let me say this about winning the lotto…….I figure unless I get rear ended by a guy in a Lamborghini and hiring that “One Call that’s All” Lawyer dude on TV my next best bet is the lottery……I have played the Jumbo Lotto religiously every week for the past two years because I figure everybody plays bigger payouts like Mega Million and Powerball so my odds are better with a smaller 5-10 million dollar Jumbo Lotto pot…….In the last year or so I have hit 4 out of 6 numbers twice and won 50 bucks each time and 3-4 times I’ve hit 3 out of 6 numbers and won 5 bucks so my winning total to date is about $150.00 or so and since I’ve only spent like $1500.00 on tickets I figure I’m in the 10% profit range and well on my way to incredible wealth…..Am I right!

looks to me like you’re just one play away from the jackpot.

11-27-2021, 07:26 PM
Now that’s what I’m talking about, A feller has to have a dream! I figure I can buy a couple lotto tickets and pretend I might get rich or buy a gallon of gas which makes me angry…..Today I paid $4.29 for a gallon which a year ago cost me $2.09……..Thanks Brandon

11-30-2021, 08:30 PM
Got to bring home my P227 today. Turns out it has been used, but not much by the looks of it. It's the same size as a P229 with just a little girth added to house the bigger booolits, as Hickok45 says. Fits in the same holsters too which is nice. It's essentially a compact .45 with a 10rd mag. I like it :)

I put the G10 grips on it, replacing the E2 grips that it came with. It's a 2014 so the night sights still glow pretty well. I have another set that I'll put on one day.

11-30-2021, 09:11 PM
Those G10 grips look factory. They did a great job contouring them to fit. Is that a decocker in front of the slide stop/release? Is it DA/SA? I would think so if that’s a decocker. Not familiar with that model. I see it’s also one of the slick models, SAS with everything melted. Nice gun!

11-30-2021, 09:36 PM
Hogue makes the Sig G10 grips on those guns that now come from the factory with G10s, even those with the Sig emblem. Hogue also makes aftermarket grips to the same specs as those they provide to the factory. Hence the similarity. This model was equipped with factory E2 grips which are plastic and attach without screws by squeezing and latching onto the frame. The ones from Hogue to replace those, which I bought and put on also come with the bushings and screws needed to mount them on the gun.

Yes this one is DA/SA and that is the decocker. I have not yet tried one of their DAO, or DAK guns. Don't know if I will. Same with HK, I have only owned DA/SA and none of their LEM (DAO) variants. The only DAO guns I own are Kahrs :).

And yes, I'm very fond of the Sig Anti Snag, SAS treatment. But then I've always been a sucker for a pretty face. Thanks!

12-01-2021, 05:52 AM
Hogue makes the Sig G10 grips on those guns that now come from the factory with G10s, even those with the Sig emblem. Hogue also makes aftermarket grips to the same specs as those they provide to the factory. Hence the similarity. This model was equipped with factory E2 grips which are plastic and attach without screws by squeezing and latching onto the frame. The ones from Hogue to replace those, which I bought and put on also come with the bushings and screws needed to mount them on the gun.

Yes this one is DA/SA and that is the decocker. I have not yet tried one of their DAO, or DAK guns. Don't know if I will. Same with HK, I have only owned DA/SA and none of their LEM (DAO) variants. The only DAO guns I own are Kahrs :).

And yes, I'm very fond of the Sig Anti Snag, SAS treatment. But then I've always been a sucker for a pretty face. Thanks!
Well I learned a few things from your reply. Did not know the DAK one’s were DAO and did not know the HK LEM’s were specific to be DAO, even though I’ve had both at some point in time. Just thought they were some sort of special editions or something. Thanks!

12-01-2021, 09:16 AM
Hogue makes the Sig G10 grips on those guns that now come from the factory with G10s, even those with the Sig emblem. Hogue also makes aftermarket grips to the same specs as those they provide to the factory. Hence the similarity. This model was equipped with factory E2 grips which are plastic and attach without screws by squeezing and latching onto the frame. The ones from Hogue to replace those, which I bought and put on also come with the bushings and screws needed to mount them on the gun.

Yes this one is DA/SA and that is the decocker. I have not yet tried one of their DAO, or DAK guns. Don't know if I will. Same with HK, I have only owned DA/SA and none of their LEM (DAO) variants. The only DAO guns I own are Kahrs :).

And yes, I'm very fond of the Sig Anti Snag, SAS treatment. But then I've always been a sucker for a pretty face. Thanks!

darn, now I have to get a new set of grips. Those look nice.

12-01-2021, 09:17 AM
Sig makes DAO variants as well as DAK. They are somewhat different. DAK stands for Double Action Kellerman, after the guy that developed it. It operates differently than a straight DAO in that the action on a cocked trigger is lighter than that on a decocked gun, though both are double action. So I "think" the DAK might even have a decocker on it too, I can't recall for sure. I'm probably missing something here in my explanation so it might be best to go out to youtube and get the complete (and accurate), definition from someone who owns one, or just plain knows what they're talking about.

The HK LEM variants come in a few flavors. LEM stands for Law Enforcement Model, and while they are all DAO, the hammer springs differ and so the trigger pull varies from strong to light to very light. Never owned one of those either.
Always something new and interesting to learn about our hobby. I spend probably far too much time reading reviews and watching youtube videos about various firearms. But hey, I'm retired so I guess it's ok.

12-01-2021, 09:20 AM
If you get a set of these, OpticsPlanet sells them for less than Hogue does. For that matter you can find them on eBay for less too. They're still the same grips, made by Hogue, but less expensive.

12-06-2021, 10:28 AM
I know I like mine. :Amflag2:

12-06-2021, 10:48 AM
I like it too jeepster. Did you do the camo pattern on your slide?

12-07-2021, 06:39 PM
“ I spend probably far too much time reading reviews and watching youtube videos about various firearms. But hey, I'm retired so I guess it's ok.”
You and me both brother! Not retired, but learning about various guns is FUN, FUN, FUN!

12-09-2021, 09:43 PM
I like it too jeepster. Did you do the camo pattern on your slide?

No, just the slide.

12-09-2021, 09:57 PM
I see a pattern emerging :)

12-09-2021, 11:14 PM
Beautiful piece of wood they are a settin on too. Very nice.

12-10-2021, 09:05 AM
I missed a deal on a S&W 642 with CT laser grips for $365. Would have made a nice third (I live in the MPLS area) car gun.

12-10-2021, 12:40 PM
i missed a deal on a s&w 642 with ct laser grips for $365. Would have made a nice third (i live in the mpls area) car gun.

car gun......:amflag:

12-11-2021, 06:39 AM
I missed a deal on a S&W 642 with CT laser grips for $365. Would have made a nice third (I live in the MPLS area) car gun.
That was a really good deal. I hate when someone beats me to it!

12-15-2021, 09:56 AM
I'm covered for the options of types of weather, dress, and event. So for the foreseeable future I'm gonna be looking for guns to admire for their looks, fit, and finish. Here's a few that are catching my eye. They are all 1911 style, micro 9's. Some of the other variants of these two makes are going for the price of some very nice full size 1911's. But, point is they are all pretty nice to look at, pocket well, and while they are limited in capacity to 8+1 at their max, they are better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Well maybe as good, depending on our aim :)

12-15-2021, 06:10 PM
I am no expert on guns by any means but if going for looks definately like the top two. Maybe the kimber on the right just a little bit better. Happy hunting!

12-15-2021, 06:59 PM
There are a few of us on here that are lovers of anything 1911(ish). I’ve owned the 2 Sigs you show and can vouch for their cool factor and reliability. Amazing what I paid for them just a few short years ago compared to what you’ll pay now. I like the honeycomb/stacked cube grips on the 2nd Kimber too!

12-15-2021, 07:41 PM
Funny you should say that Bird. The cube-patterned Kimber is called the Triari. It's one of their special editions, and I have one incoming to my LGS. It should arrive on Friday. I was torn between it, the Eclipse, and the Raptor. But I got involved in an auction for the Triari, and my bid won out. I've learned since that the Triarii was the elite Roman infantry that was the most experienced and best equipped. They were called into battles as they were needed. Anyway, the grips on it are micarta too, which is my favorite grip material on knives and guns, even moreso than G10. I'm pretty stoked. Also, I wasn't exaggerating about the prices of some of the more fancy Sigs and Kimbers. There was an auction that ended a few days ago I think, where one of the shiny Kimber Micro 9's went for about $3500.

edit: Here's the link to it. Went for $3575. This was about an $800 gun when it was released if memory serves. Pretty, but not that pretty on my budget.


And here's a picture of it

12-15-2021, 07:53 PM
Congrats on your winning bid! I would hold onto that one. She’s a beaut for sure.
Sheez! Can’t believe what the Rose one went for. I remember paying I think $400 for the Sig black pearl and about the same for the Eclipse. Those were the good ol days, but really only a year or two ago. The economy of guns is nuts these days. Not sure if you saw what I posted a while back about the Taurus Raging Hunter 454 I had. Got it delivered brand new for I think it was about $750. Earlier this year I put it up on GB and it sold for about $1900!!! Sketchy on my numbers right now as I’ve tossed back a few, but those numbers are close. Again, congrats on that Kimber as it is super, super nice/unique. Almost too nice to shoot!

12-15-2021, 08:37 PM
Thanks Bird. As I've just learned Kimber is still showing the Rose Gold on their site. They have an $1155 MSRP on it. So that one went for more than 3x that. If I could sell like that, and the way you sold your Taurus, which I didn't see but will look for, I'd be selling on GB for sure. To finance my habit. But unfortunately in my life I tend to buy high and sell low. I'm just not good at selling stuff. Which is a shame because I don't shoot every gun I own, some like this Triari I buy just to have and admire from time to time. I have a few like that and have sold and traded off more than I currently have. Which is ok I guess because it's one of my few vices/hobbies and it's better than throwing the money away at the tables or the bar. At least that's how I justify it in my own head. And my wife's too :) And...I get to enjoy them in hand while I have them.

12-16-2021, 07:56 AM
Ooh, that rose gold Sig looks nice! I like that it's not a feminine rose gold, like iPhones. But they didn't have to stamp "rose gold" on the slide, or "special edition." That detracts from it, in my opinion. The color and engraving jillifrass scream "special," it doesn't need the words.

12-16-2021, 10:11 AM
I would agree. Billboards, especially those that spell out what is already perfectly clear are not necessary.
On a side note I've yet to warm up to some of the S&W 1911's because of their "this gun capable of firing without the magazine" or somesuch printed in white on the frame. And while you would think it's just some legalise, they don't feel the need to print it on every other gun they produce. Maybe I'm old and set in my ways but to me 1911s, and others, are best when understated. I mean people who lean toward them are knowledgeable enough not to have a user manual printed on the gun.

12-16-2021, 11:35 AM
One of the Springfields says on the side that it’s loaded. I guess that’s the beginner’s model, if you haven’t learned all the gun safety rules yet. :D

12-16-2021, 12:10 PM
My apologies to Springfield, it was actually S&W 1911's that I was referring to. I've corrected my earlier post. Here's a couple of examples of "busy" billboard guns, and mostly useless magazine warnings

Notice on the second pic it's one of their Pro Series guns. Shouldn't pros know their gun is lacking a magazine disconnect? I've come close to ordering both, but ultimately was put off by all the print on their slides and frames.

12-16-2021, 01:22 PM
Magnum Research has a billboard on the side at first.
Only got a part of it in this photo.
https://i.postimg.cc/FsNrS3kJ/DSCN6810.jpg (https://postimg.cc/pycMb9Z2)

Fortunately they toned it down a bunch in later models. Billboard or not, that first one is still hands down one of my most accurate 1911's. She's a shooter for sure, one of them that makes me look good even on my usual bad days.
https://i.postimg.cc/59QnjCht/DSCN7878.jpg (https://postimg.cc/8sDh0jP8)

12-16-2021, 02:52 PM
This is how I like 'em if at all possible. As I'm sure most of us do. Last one's tongue in cheek, but I still like it :D

12-16-2021, 02:59 PM
Never had a burning desire for a Desert Eagle, just too big for my girlyman hands. But if I had the loot, I'd get that one.

In 50AE.

12-16-2021, 04:30 PM
I'm not sure I'd have the courage, er gads, to fire one Colonel. I've always been pretty much intimidated by 50 cal. Same with Dirty Harry's caliber of choice.

12-16-2021, 04:56 PM
Figured something like that I probably wouldn't and couldn't afford to shoot much.

I too have kind of drifted away from big recoil. In my younger days I was a 44 guy all the way. Wheel guns of course.

Haven't shot them in years, but the desire to knock the dust off and light em off has reared it's beautiful head recently. That plus I got a hankering for another Henry, one in 44 mag or possibly 357. Not sure why, just cuz I guess.

12-16-2021, 07:51 PM
Last few weeks I have gone a bit crazy........bought a Taurus snubbie (crazy good trigger pull), S&W 638, H&R 20 gauge (those last two for my wife), and I have a S&W 1911 PD (5 inch) with light rail coming.

Been more and more into light rails here lately. Saw a video online where I could see the value of a light on a handgun. Decided to act on it.

Trying to source a holster for a lighted 1911 here lately.

12-16-2021, 08:12 PM
I'm not sure I'd have the courage, er gads, to fire one Colonel. I've always been pretty much intimidated by 50 cal. Same with Dirty Harry's caliber of choice.
I’ve never shot a 50. Biggest ever was that 454 Casull. For some reason, shooting the 44 mag after seemed much softer, but it may just have been the difference in the guns (44 was a S&W 4” model 29). The 44 did not seem much more recoilish (yes, I made that word up) than a hot 357. I would like to at least try a 50 at some point, before I get too old and my hands too weak, just to say I did and for the s eating grin I’m sure it would bring. My usual gun range rents them. Maybe for my nest b day treat!
357 is about it for me these days if shooting a decent amount of rounds. Funny enough, I think working on guns is what has my hands in not so great a shape these days so that I can’t handle the big bore stuff as much as just a few years back. If you saw some of my older posts about polishing and saw the gazillion little strips of sandpaper you’d know where I’m coming from. I do thoroughly enjoy a big boom though. My short barreled AR’s do provide that and are much easier on the hands.

12-16-2021, 08:14 PM
Totally agree about the billboards. I’ve seen a few 1911’s I’d absolutely drool over (some posted here) if not for the billboard stuff.

12-16-2021, 08:43 PM
I used to be a sheetrocker, and a commercial steel stud framer. My hands were as strong then as they've ever been. And so recoil never much bothered me. Never had the chance to shoot a big caliber then, and I might have tried with my old hand and arm strength. Fast forward thirty years and I no longer have that kind of strength. And the last time at the range I had two .40S&W HKs to break in. It's the first time in my life where I was ready to stop shooting and it was after only about 90 rounds between the two of them. I still don't know if it was a fluke or if I'm going to have to start weaning myself away from the hotter ammo. I do know that I no longer have the inclination to even consider trying a 50 cal, or one of the big wheel guns. I'm content to leave that to the still strong guys.

12-16-2021, 09:01 PM
I know what you mean. I used to do jiu jitsu. Definitely a young mans sport, or for older guys who like pain. Getting older certainly has it’s advantages, but disadvantages as well!

12-16-2021, 10:39 PM
Somehow when you get older recoil becomes much less interesting than it once was…..Last summer we went to a birthday party for a guy that had a S&W 500 revolver and lives on a family 60 acre piece of land so he can shoot off his deck…..He wanted to show it off and fired a couple rounds which were quite impressive and asked if I wanted to shoot it, my young self said oh hell yes but my current condition self said no I don’t believe I want no part of those thumb size shells but I do wish I could shoot guns off my deck…..

Of all the nasty recoil guns I have owned and shot the worst was a Kahr PM40 which was a fine gun and never malfunctioned but it was most unpleasant to shoot at an indoor range, not only did the little pistol hammer your hand but the ejected shells would bounce off the walls and go right for your face…… .40 S&W is a great round for some but it wasn’t for me in a small light pistol…..Now my current PM9 is much mo better, much less trauma and easier to shoot accurately without pain…….

12-17-2021, 12:04 AM
I kind of feel the same about my K40. Plumb accurate and never fails but not pleasant to shoot for me anyhow.

12-17-2021, 06:49 AM
Of all the nasty recoil guns I have owned and shot the worst was a Kahr PM40 .
That was my first Kahr. Traded a Ruger P89DC for it. Came in a great little leather pocket holster that was squarish so it looked like a cell phone in my pocket. Being rather new to guns, I did not even test it out for about the first 6 months or so. Once I did I got rid of it pretty quickly. I agree, that is a nasty round for such a small gun with such a small grip. I’ve read that people say under the stress of a defense situation that trigger pull and recoil is not a such big deal, but I don’t buy into that. I think being able to quickly put multiple shots on target is crucial and that there’s no way I would have handled that one the way I can the CW9 or the Ruger LCP 22, LCR 22 WMR or Taurus TX22 that are the carry rotation these days. I do like the big booms at the range, but definitely would not carry something like that. Even if I found myself going into bear or big cat areas, I’d rather have a high capacity 9mm. I know people could go rounds about what caliber is needed for such large animals, but again, I’d rather be able to hit something many times. Maybe I would step up to a 1911 though, since the weight brings down the recoil. Again, I know different people have different feelings/thoughts about that subject though, so my points could be debated. ;)

12-20-2021, 02:54 PM
Got a nice IWB holster and one for the pocket for the little NA Mini Ranger II. Plus the rug.

12-20-2021, 03:33 PM
Classy little rig!

12-21-2021, 12:21 AM
Nice little holsters that look like they fit like a glove. I take it the leather one has a clip on the other side? I bet either one is super concealable.

12-21-2021, 07:41 AM
I'm an old fart, but I still enjoy the larger calibers without pain. I shoot .40 cal. my fav and .357 in my revolver. I'm just not getting that "too much recoil" reaction with the larger calibers and have always preferred the two. Maybe it's the fact that I'm shooting .40 cal. from my H&K, which really seems to tame the caliber. The .357 is still a handful out of my revolver, but still fun.

12-21-2021, 08:04 AM
That was my first Kahr. Traded a Ruger P89DC for it. Came in a great little leather pocket holster that was squarish so it looked like a cell phone in my pocket. Being rather new to guns, I did not even test it out for about the first 6 months or so. Once I did I got rid of it pretty quickly. I agree, that is a nasty round for such a small gun with such a small grip. I’ve read that people say under the stress of a defense situation that trigger pull and recoil is not a such big deal, but I don’t buy into that. I think being able to quickly put multiple shots on target is crucial and that there’s no way I would have handled that one the way I can the CW9 or the Ruger LCP 22, LCR 22 WMR or Taurus TX22 that are the carry rotation these days. I do like the big booms at the range, but definitely would not carry something like that. Even if I found myself going into bear or big cat areas, I’d rather have a high capacity 9mm. I know people could go rounds about what caliber is needed for such large animals, but again, I’d rather be able to hit something many times. Maybe I would step up to a 1911 though, since the weight brings down the recoil. Again, I know different people have different feelings/thoughts about that subject though, so my points could be debated. ;) You're right about the bear caliber debate. You just can't go big enough when it comes to bears. Alaskan's use .44 mag at a minimum. I'm not even sure that what I shoot would do the trick. They have a very large heavy skull and when they run towards you, they usually have their head down. If you don't have a caliber that can penetrate their skull, you're in for a bad day. If you can get some into their chest, you may survive. Smaller calibers just annoy them and pisses them off further. There's a reason why many bear hunters use 45/70's. I don't know if you've ever heard the old bear story??????? I was walking the dog in a nearby park and ran into a woman sitting on a bench. We got to talking and she asked if I came to the park often. I said yes. She then spotted my revolver on my side. She said that her and her husband loved hiking and had been all over the U.S. hiking around. She asked if there were any bears in the area. I replied, oh yes, many in this area. She asked what her and her husband could do about protecting themselves. I told her that they could get a firearm. She said oh no, we could never do that. I said ok, then go to the local five and dime. Buy yourself some of those little bells in the bag. Sew them on to your clothing. Then get yourself a big can of bear spray. Then when walking through the woods, the bears will hear you coming and you have the spray to fend them off. She asked how she would know if there were any bears in the area. I told her to look for their scat. She asked how she would know it was bear scat. I told her that it would smell like bear spray and have little bells in it. :)

12-21-2021, 11:09 AM
Lol! Funny bear story. I’m certainly hearing you. I also read a story (forgot where and all of the details) about how many bear attacks there were, what stopped them, etc. From that story, the statistics said that many a bear had not been stopped with larger calibers and that multiple shots by a 9mm from the victim or those that saved the victim had put the bear down. Wish I could find it and post it (maybe I can look it up after I type this) to verify or back up my statement, but that’s why I would carry a high cap 9mm.

12-21-2021, 11:17 AM
Here it is. I retract about the larger calibers (at least in this write up) not being “successful” as there are no instances in this write up. But again, would still stand by the 9mm due to this write up. I have read other articles though, where larger calibers and 12 ga shotguns failed to stop the attack. I think this article was only posting up about the success rates, less about the failures. Again, as always, the caliber debate will rage on for the ages. Due to other articles I’ve also read, I do not feel outgunned when I carry a high capacity 22 LR loaded with high velocity ammo. I know it’s a “To each his own” thing.

12-21-2021, 11:25 AM
I'm an old fart, but I still enjoy the larger calibers without pain. I shoot .40 cal. my fav and .357 in my revolver. I'm just not getting that "too much recoil" reaction with the larger calibers and have always preferred the two. Maybe it's the fact that I'm shooting .40 cal. from my H&K, which really seems to tame the caliber. The .357 is still a handful out of my revolver, but still fun.

40 out of the H&K is no contest for a 40 out of a Kahr. I have no trouble with 40 out of a mid size or full size gun. Glock 27, no problem.

12-21-2021, 02:34 PM
I've handled a few different Glock's but I've only fired .40 out of a Glock 23. My H&K handled the recoil a lot smoother and was a bit less jumpy. Not to mention that the grip was a bit large for my hand. The firearm you choose does make a difference for sure.

12-21-2021, 03:44 PM
My Beretta Cougar does the best job with .40 than any I've owned. Which is not surprising since the rotating barrel is designed to mitigate recoil. I would imagine the PX4 full size or Compact would do a similar job. The PX4 subcompact does not have the same barrel design. But in all fairness I have not shot my Cougar in a long time, let alone in the same session as the HKs I shot recently.

12-22-2021, 09:08 AM
I had a 50 Desert Eagle...couldn't figure out why after getting it and it found a new home. Worst gun I ever had for SHOOTING was my S&W 329PD - .44 Mag AIRWEIGHT. BRUTAL!!!!!
I had it Magnaported which eliminated muzzle flip but the the STRAIGHT BACK FORCE felt it was going to tear THROUGH your hand.

12-22-2021, 10:22 AM
I may have to downsize to the .22 Short....

12-22-2021, 10:44 AM
Worst gun I ever had for SHOOTING was my S&W 329PD - .44 Mag AIRWEIGHT. BRUTAL!!!!!
I had it Magnaported which eliminated muzzle flip but the the STRAIGHT BACK FORCE felt it was going to tear THROUGH your hand.

I’ve heard those are BRUTAL to shoot