View Full Version : Law and Order

05-29-2020, 10:02 PM
I'm very angry, I am watching my city of Atlanta being burned and looted tonight after a large protest against the death of George Floyd during his arrest by Minnesota Police which we have all seen the video of and which was absolutely totally wrong and the officer involved should have to answer for his actions and stand trial for what he did.... In any profession there are bad apples but what I am seeing tonight makes me sick to my stomach....I believe in our first amendment right to assemble and protest but when things start to become violent then law enforcement should be allowed to control the situation and do their duty BUT Atlanta Mayor Queen Keisha Lance Bottoms put out the order to our openly gay Atlanta Police Chief Erika Shields to have the APD Officers stand down and let the protesters do whatever they pleased.....The Officers were not allowed to wear body armor or riot gear because it might anger the protesters and were having to dodge water bottles, eggs, fire works, rocks, urine and even freeking knives being thrown at them and were not allowed to protect themselves or do their job and arrest the thugs....Many Police cars have been burned and destroyed and innocent business owners have had their store windows smashed and their merchandise looted all while the Police were handcuffed by their useless PC chief and not allowed to prevent anything from being stolen because again, it might anger the criminals..... I am very confused.....God Bless our Police....

05-29-2020, 10:36 PM
Well, that's what you get when a certain party is in local office......we've seen it twice in Ferguson, MO and in "if you need space to destroy" Baltimore, MD.

Personally, I would shoot any SOB that threatened my property. There is no way in Hades I'd allow my business or my home to be burnt. Not happening.

05-30-2020, 12:32 AM
As a news update, large crowds of peaceful protesters have marched about 10 miles north of downtown Atlanta to Buckhead which is a BIG MONEY, high end shopping area with two mega $ malls, Lenox and Phipps Plaza which are places you don't go to unless you have a very thick wallet and which have now been broken into by the fine protesters and who are looting everything they can carry away, lots of new owners of brand new Gucci purses showing up on social media, they are burning cars and places of business along the way which were already in financial trouble before this and now are totally destroyed and will never recover...The Police are diverting traffic from the area....The Gov. has called in the National Guard....What a freeking mess....Boys and girls, this is why we arm ourselves....Glad I stocked up on ammo while it was available....Lock and Load, be ready for what comes.....Pray for Peace

05-30-2020, 01:16 AM
As a news update, large crowds of peaceful protesters have marched about 10 miles north of downtown Atlanta to Buckhead which is a BIG MONEY, high end shopping area with two mega $ malls, Lenox and Phipps Plaza which are places you don't go to unless you have a very thick wallet which have now have been broken into by the fine protesters and who are looting everything they can carry away, lots of new owners of brand new Gucci purses showing up on social media, they are burning cars and places of business along the way which were already in financial trouble before this and now are totally destroyed and will never recover...The Police are diverting traffic from the area....The Gov. has called in the National Guard....What a freeking mess....Boys and girls, this is why we arm ourselves....Glad I stocked up on ammo while it was available....Lock and Load, be ready for what comes.....Pray for Peace

A great deal of this has to do with how social media radicalizes people and encourages ever-increasing exhibitionist behavior.

The next most-important thing is the lack of willingness on the part of government to stop this behavior.

Much of this rage is purely Trump Derangement Syndrome.

05-30-2020, 05:36 AM
This is why we have to take responsibility for our own safety. With all due respect to law enforcement, the police cannot be relied on to protect you or your property.

05-30-2020, 06:30 AM
Just wait and see how many businesses leave town permantly. More unemployment for the city. Less opportunities for the poor. It is self destruction to do this. Sure glad I am in a small town far from this insanity. Still kind of makes want to build bunkers and tunnels at my house. May be a fortified tower would be better, guard all directions by just spinning around.

05-30-2020, 09:10 AM
This is why we have to take responsibility for our own safety. With all due respect to law enforcement, the police cannot be relied on to protect you or your property.

Tough to protect you and your property when your hands are usually tied behind your back. Typical, paint a whole group be it cops or protestors with a broad same brush. The governor telling them not to interfere with the protestors but let them go is a prime example.

05-30-2020, 09:43 AM
Tough to protect you and your property when your hands are usually tied behind your back. Typical, paint a whole group be it cops or protestors with a broad same brush. The governor telling them not to interfere with the protestors but let them go is a prime example.

I didn’t mean that police were unwilling to protect and serve but that they would not be allowed to. I should have said “we cannot rely on the authorities to allow the police to protect our lives or property”.

I do stand fully behind my revised statement.

Just as I believe that should a law be passed that allows for confiscation of certain firearms, police will, under orders from the authorities, carry that out.

05-30-2020, 10:50 AM
None of this is new....I first saw the "hands off approach" back in the early 1990's with the LA Riots. Later, as I became more educated on the issue, I learned why that is. The US Supreme Court has ruled that "police have no duty to protect" which makes sense......they aren't security, cannot be everywhere at once, and if they were required to protect people they'd be sued out of existence.

My issue is with governments (CA, IL, MD, MA, NY, etc.) that ban the tools of self-defense and demand the victims first run away. Evil has never been defeated by fleeing from it (Jeff Cooper).

People lament the lack of grocery stores in black communities...well....turns out being robbed, looted, and burned down is kinda expensive and hard on insurance rates.

However, the Supreme Court has ruled on this, and the police had no duty to protect anyone or any property.


05-30-2020, 10:53 AM
Strange how this seems to be happening in jurisdictions with liberal, pro criminal, anti gun policies. Portland, DC, Atlanta, of course Minneapolis, etc. Not much going on down here in Florida. Probably a coincidence.

05-30-2020, 11:00 AM
I was thinking just the same thing and I seem to recall touching on that point in my very first reply to this thread. ;)


05-30-2020, 12:15 PM
I also live in Atlanta and I saw something on the national news last night that encouraged me. The Atlanta police officers came out from behind their barricades and walked among the the "protesters". They listened to them and engaged them in conversation. Engaged might be too strong a word - the officers listened to them! Consequently, the violence settled down more quickly than in other major cities. Three cheers for those officers!

05-30-2020, 03:41 PM
From what I’ve read, only in New York City did police take aggressive action to end violent protests.

05-30-2020, 03:55 PM
Well our Governor here in Minnesota is a moron and the "kid mayor" is a COMPLETE MORON in Minneapolis. 2 ultra left wing puppets and then throw in the radical attorney general here and you get the whole package. I wouldn't be surprised to see them offer the looters a chance to come back and get the warranty cards for what they stole.
The "kid mayor" campaigned when he ran for mayor riding a bicycle outfitted as a UNICORN in rainbow colors.....to give you a picture of his ability and who he campaigned to.
I stay out of the LIB HAVEN of the metro Mpls area. The fools should of stopped the mobsters from burning down the police station and everything most likely would of ended there.

05-30-2020, 04:01 PM
Apparently some officials in Minnesota are blaming the violence on white supremacists.

05-30-2020, 05:01 PM
Apparently some officials in Minnesota are blaming the violence on white supremacists.

They'll say anything to cover their a**es. They encouraged this and allowed it to happen.

I just received this email and to my shock, I got the same as a voice message on my phone about an hour ago. At first I thought it was a scammer calling! Nope, ATF.

This is an important message from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Possible civil unrest in our area may result in looting of businesses. The ATF reminds you to remain vigilant and to take appropriate steps to secure both your firearms inventory and your required records. Please report all suspicious persons or activity to your local police department. Additionally, notify ATF at if you find any of your firearms missing, lost or stolen or if you are a victim of an attempted burglary of your business.

05-30-2020, 06:33 PM
The BATFE does not make calls like that.
It has to be a scam.

05-30-2020, 07:46 PM
Now they are looting in Seattle, burning, tearing **** up? National Guard activated.

They are sure lucky I'm not in charge. Live ammo, anyone inside a closed business with windows broken, head shot.

Morons think this is the answer to dealing with a minority of bad cops????

05-30-2020, 08:11 PM
The BATFE does not make calls like that.
It has to be a scam.

If it is, I think they forgot to try and make any money off the scam. They didn't ask for anything, just called, the taped message warning, hung up. Then I get home and find that email.

I'm just a Curio and Relic collector, that's it.

05-30-2020, 08:40 PM
Even though I live in a quiet suburb 10 miles from West Palm Beach, it’s time to load up a couple more pmags.

05-30-2020, 08:53 PM
That message might go out to dealers, Curio and Relic is still considered a dealer for most purposes.

05-30-2020, 09:20 PM
That message might go out to dealers, Curio and Relic is still considered a dealer for most purposes.

Never gotten anything like it before and I've had his C&R since 1997.

05-30-2020, 09:37 PM
Betcha a lot of these “riots” are coordinated by the usual antifa thugs. The ones who were arrested in Minneapolis were alleged to be from out of town, or so the mayor supposedly said. If the NSA can snoop on everyone as much as everyone claims, then they should have a handle on who is orchestrating & manipulating a lot the violence. I hear Gitmo has quite a few vacancies.

Legitimate peaceful demonstrations are as American as apple pie. The violent anarchy we see on the tv is so..... French.

05-30-2020, 09:53 PM
Kind of convenient that every one can wear a mask so any identification via camera is probably not gonna happen.

05-30-2020, 10:43 PM
Well things started out looking like another repeat of last night but kudos to Georgia Governor Kemp for seeing how bad things got out of control yesterday evening and who didn't hesitate to call in the National Guard to take control....Last night there was nothing to stop the mob from breaking store windows and looting but tonight there are at least 100 military vehicles in the parking lot of the looted mall with a couple hundred very heavily armed men on the ground making sure the thugs know who they should definitely not **** with and guess what things are very much under control this evening....I have to say Mayor Bottoms came around and was really angry about what happened and finally decided enough was enough and allowed Police Chief Shields to allow her officers to do do their jobs....APD is doing a fantastic job now that the cuffs are off and are kicking a$$ and taking names, making arrests and doing it professionally and with respect to those who stay on the street beyond the lawful curfew of 9pm....Basically what it all comes down to in every single one of these cases is this, just do what the Police Officer tells you to do and comply and all will go well for everyone...Law & Order is a great thing.....

King Rat
05-31-2020, 05:22 AM
Now they are looting in Seattle, burning, tearing **** up? National Guard activated.

They are sure lucky I'm not in charge. Live ammo, anyone inside a closed business with windows broken, head shot.

Morons think this is the answer to dealing with a minority of bad cops????

It has never been about a "Bad Cop". It is about Power. The cancer that has taken over America and that is being "Politically Correct". These riots are nothing more than a Terror and hence should be treated like Terrorist. If a terrorist had set a bomb in a Police vehicle, they would be taken out one way or the other. These so called Protestors have destroyed much more than one vehicle as just one example. This is NOT a Protest. This is a act of Shear Terror. What part of this does America not get?

Question. If a Al-Qaeda terrorist or any terrorist organization came into America and then started to try and burn the city, destroy Police Cars, business's, loot, steal, threaten the White House and on and on, what would you expect America to do? What would you be prepared to do?

Being Politically Correct has destroyed this Country and this is where it has come to. Politicians need to take a stand and say enough is enough. NO MORE!

05-31-2020, 05:33 AM
As I read the news this morning I fear that our nation has crossed another line. The riots we’re seeing across our country are not, like they claim to be, about justice for a victim of police brutality but are all about destroying the rule of law. We are reaping the consequences of seeds sown over many years.

The thin blue line is being stretched. I pray it doesn’t break.

05-31-2020, 08:59 AM
As I read the news this morning I fear that our nation has crossed another line. The riots we’re seeing across our country are not, like they claim to be, about justice for a victim of police brutality but are all about destroying the rule of law. We are reaping the consequences of seeds sown over many years.

The thin blue line is being stretched. I pray it doesn’t break.

It's all about power and tearing down America as a free nation. The useful idiots doing it and most of the politicians and media that want it, aren't smart enough to realize they won't live long if they ever get the communism they so desire.

05-31-2020, 10:33 AM
As I read the news this morning I fear that our nation has crossed another line. The riots we’re seeing across our country are not, like they claim to be, about justice for a victim of police brutality but are all about destroying the rule of law. We are reaping the consequences of seeds sown over many years.

The thin blue line is being stretched. I pray it doesn’t break.
For the most part, yes.
But the thin blue line does need need to weed out its bad seed so we don’t see incidents like the one in Minneapolis.

My nephew, a 30+ year LEO, and two of his colleagues quit because their chief covered for a bad cop on their force (not a killing, however).
Too bad, three good cops left the force and the bad apple stays. Not a good thing for that community.
Nephew had enjoyed his career with that department up until that chief took over recently and had planned to make it to 35 years.

05-31-2020, 12:31 PM
Just saw on the new that Trump will designate ANTIFA a terrorist group. About time! Hopefully other domestic violent groups will be named in the very near future, whether they be on the left or the right.

05-31-2020, 12:54 PM
Just saw on the new that Trump will designate ANTIFA a terrorist group. About time! Hopefully other domestic violent groups will be named in the very near future, whether they be on the left or the right.

I hope Pelosi and Schumer are on the list. :)

05-31-2020, 01:37 PM
It took the lightweight governor of Minnesota two days and hundreds of millions of dollars lost to looters, including banks, Post office's, retail stores both small and large to finally take the advice of those smarter than him to start getting tough. I am sure his decision was based on the fact he was getting bashed by the media in the city which all lean heavily to the left, not to mention the thousands of phone calls calling for both Mayors and the Governor to resign.
Last year the chief of police in Minneapolis asked for an additional 400 officers. The nitwit mayor gave him 14 and all of those were doing some form of desk duty.
What will come of all this is, the residents in poor areas of the city that were burned will no longer have a place to shop. (I highly doubt Target will rebuild in that location).
Those minority owned business will cease to exist creating more unemployment,
But dozens of looters will have a 72" flat screen to watch in their 400 sq. ft. subsidized apartments.
As Jeepster said, the leftist mentality in Minneapolis has destroyed a once fine city.

05-31-2020, 02:00 PM
Just saw on the new that Trump will designate ANTIFA a terrorist group. About time! Hopefully other domestic violent groups will be named in the very near future, whether they be on the left or the right.


05-31-2020, 02:02 PM
It took the lightweight governor of Minnesota two days and hundreds of millions of dollars lost to looters, including banks, Post office's, retail stores both small and large to finally take the advice of those smarter than him to start getting tough. I am sure his decision was based on the fact he was getting bashed by the media in the city which all lean heavily to the left, not to mention the thousands of phone calls calling for both Mayors and the Governor to resign.
Last year the chief of police in Minneapolis asked for an additional 400 officers. The nitwit mayor gave him 14 and all of those were doing some form of desk duty.
What will come of all this is, the residents in poor areas of the city that were burned will no longer have a place to shop. ()I highly doubt Target will rebuild in that location).
Those minority owned business will cease to exist creating more unemployment,
But dozens of looters will have a 72" flat screen to watch in their 400 sq. ft. subsidized apartments.
As Jeepster said, the leftist mentality in Minneapolis has destroyed a once fine city.
Yet your mayor & governor will both be reelected.

05-31-2020, 06:40 PM
Anarchy comes to West Palm Beach this afternoon. I-95 closed in both directions for a few miles.

05-31-2020, 10:17 PM
I thought our Democratic Mayor, Queen Keshia Bottoms had come around and supported her APD officers but last night in the middle of a freeking riot, two officers arrested some college students for not disbursing and per the Mayor after viewing the body cam video decided the officers used excessive force and they were immediately fired...Seriously?... What were they supposed to do, sing Kum-By-Yah and hand out cookies and Kool-aid to the little twits...The officers had all been working double shifts for several days, it's really hot and they were having to put up with unbelievable abuse, dodging rocks, bottles, urine filled balloons and steak knives being thrown at them by the anarchists of all races and this wasn't just a black thing, there were many pink and purple haired little white snowflakes in the crowd doing the crap too so it's not just African Americans to blame for this, many of the little white punks were wearing Bernie and Biden shirts and I am very worried about the future of this nation with their way of thinking and obvious lack of any kind of raising.....What a mess, I am ashamed of our Mayor for not supporting her Police Officers working in what was a war zone and taking the easy PC way out and throwing 2 officers under the bus so she can look good to the punk thugs who took over the streets of Atlanta.....During the battle an APD officer Max Brewer who is an African American was run over by a thug riding an ATV into the crowd and was seriously injured and in ICU tonight...Pray for Officer Brewer and for this country as a whole because things are seriously messed up here.......MAGA.....:Amflag2:

05-31-2020, 10:57 PM
I thought our Democratic Mayor, Queen Keshia Bottoms had come around and supported her APD officers but last night in the middle of a freeking riot, two officers arrested some college students for not disbursing and per the Mayor after viewing the body cam video decided the officers used excessive force and they were immediately fired...Seriously?... What were they supposed to do, sing Kum-By-Yah and hand out cookies and Kool-aid to the little twits...The officers had all been working double shifts for several days, it's really hot and they were having to put up with unbelievable abuse, dodging rocks, bottles, urine filled balloons and steak knives being thrown at them by the anarchists of all races and this wasn't just a black thing, there were many pink and purple haired little white snowflakes in the crowd doing the crap too so it's not just African Americans to blame for this, many of the little white punks were wearing Bernie and Biden shirts and I am very worried about the future of this nation with their way of thinking and obvious lack of any kind of raising.....What a mess, I am ashamed of our Mayor for not supporting her Police Officers working in what was a war zone and taking the easy PC way out and throwing 2 officers under the bus so she can look good to the punk thugs who took over the streets of Atlanta.....During the battle an APD officer Max Brewer who is an African American was run over by a thug riding an ATV into the crowd and was seriously injured and in ICU tonight...Pray for Officer Brewer and for this country as a whole because things are seriously messed up here.......MAGA.....:Amflag2:

What did you expect from her anyway?

If the police there had any real courage and any real sense, they'd immediately go on strike, one and all, and demand some respect. I say "real" courage since a person will risk their lives a lot sooner than they'll risk a paycheck. The reason why police are constantly crapped on is because they can be depended on to take it and keep showing up. They need to learn to strike all over the country, at once.

Seriously that's exactly what they need to do.

05-31-2020, 11:49 PM
I think it's something like this, being a Police Officer is a calling, obviously it isn't the money or the crappy hours but a inner need to help people...I have never been a Police Officer but have in my youth spent many years as a volunteer Fire Fighter/EMT and all I can figure is that it's something you just must do and I'm not sure why but it's in your blood and it just feels right....I think going on strike goes against everything people who do this kind work even think about, I have seen and had to deal with so many things it's unreal and I did it all for free and I would gladly do it all over again without even half a thought...I think there are many Police Officers and Fire Fighters who would gladly work for free because it's just what they do and is who they are......Working as a cop or a fire fighter is something you must love from your soul and it is imperative that you have trust and support from upper management that should have come up through the ranks but sometimes don't and when you can no longer trust your superiors and know they have your back it must really eat at your heart...They say even though a house has a good, firm foundation but has a leaky roof it rots from the top down....

06-01-2020, 07:21 AM
Anarchy comes to West Palm Beach this afternoon. I-95 closed in both directions for a few miles.

As expected, it turned violent. Minor compared to some cities but violent nonetheless.

The local newspaper, which has been leftist forever, blamed the violence on the police. Based on the pictures and video I saw they couldn’t blame it on white supremacists or Russians so I guess the police are next in line.

06-01-2020, 09:23 AM
Friday night in Minneapolis and the nitwit Governor was hounded enough by business leaders to put multiply the force on the street by four and they were given orders to use tear gas and other non lethal methods to break up the crowds. The local television interviewed armed groups protecting their own businesses, none of which were attacked by looters.
Shotguns seemed to be a very intimidating weapon in the hands of a pissed off business owner bent on protecting his own business. Also the word was out and armed neighborhood groups were in many areas.

06-01-2020, 09:41 AM
Presently, I am sitting in the parking lot outside my wife’s church office where her “crew” is counting the Sunday collection.
In view of how churches are not immune to the violence perpetrated by the rioters, arsonists, looters, and antifa terrorists, I thought it prudent to wait on her nearby with sufficient personal protection devices.

06-01-2020, 10:28 AM
As expected, it turned violent. Minor compared to some cities but violent nonetheless.

The local newspaper, which has been leftist forever, blamed the violence on the police. Based on the pictures and video I saw they couldn’t blame it on white supremacists or Russians so I guess the police are next in line.

This violence was still maybe 10 miles from my house. I just saw that a T Mobile store in the town next to me, maybe 5 miles away, was looted at 330 AM. Door smashed, a dozen looters.

06-01-2020, 11:34 AM
Should call them mourners, I think that's the politically correct terminology.
Next town over from us, maybe 10 miles had would be looters and trouble makers. A local motorcycle gang joined up with local law enforcement and no looting occurred. Had to have been out of towners as it's a nice little town, very few big box stores, mostly small shops etc. I would have went but I don't know many of their LE guys or county guys.
If it was going on in my town I'd go in a heartbeat and I know them and they know me. Cancel the national guard, bawanna is here!

Ed M
06-01-2020, 01:10 PM
Cancel the national guard, bawanna is here!


06-01-2020, 02:32 PM
I think I figured it out. All of the riots were caused by outsiders. So that must mean that the riots in Minnesota were caused by people
from Atlanta and the riots in New York were caused by people from Minnesota and the riots in Atlanta were caused by people from New York and so on and so forth and all of the rioters are Russian members of the KKK.

06-01-2020, 02:53 PM
Probably so. I know that wherever they were bused in from they aren't doing their cause a lick of good in any way. Which makes me think that they don't care about their cause, they just enjoy tearing stuff up and stealing.
I also think that many of the looters are basically good people just following the crowd. If somebody else didn't start it they probably would not have got involved.

I remember in some of our car prowl stings we couldn't make it too easy or appealing because then good people or people on the good/bad line might prowl like they were invited. The crime can't originate in the eyes of law enforcement.
Like leaving a bag of money visible in a car with the window rolled down etc.

Rules, lawyers, never ends.

06-01-2020, 03:19 PM
I think it's something like this, being a Police Officer is a calling, obviously it isn't the money or the crappy hours but a inner need to help people...I have never been a Police Officer but have in my youth spent many years as a volunteer Fire Fighter/EMT and all I can figure is that it's something you just must do and I'm not sure why but it's in your blood and it just feels right....I think going on strike goes against everything people who do this kind work even think about, I have seen and had to deal with so many things it's unreal and I did it all for free and I would gladly do it all over again without even half a thought...I think there are many Police Officers and Fire Fighters who would gladly work for free because it's just what they do and is who they are......Working as a cop or a fire fighter is something you must love from your soul and it is imperative that you have trust and support from upper management that should have come up through the ranks but sometimes don't and when you can no longer trust your superiors and know they have your back it must really eat at your heart...They say even though a house has a good, firm foundation but has a leaky roof it rots from the top down....

And that's why they are and will continue to be, everyone's door mat.

I was a volunteer fire fighter myself and worked as a rental cop, having the privilege to back up local police on some calls and was rewarded with a few ride-alongs. I strongly considered law enforcement as a career but became a teacher instead. Teacher unions are useless, they only care about membership dues and who the US president is, as union leaders get the kickbacks.

Until police learn to stand up for themselves and other officers, they will be abused. It's just how the world works......bullies come in all shapes, sizes, and use different methods and only a unified stance stops them.

I met a black family today from MA that told me they were scared to go home to Boston. The lady also told me she had tried to get a permit to carry a gun but was denied. I encouraged her to move to WV where their rights would be respected. She agreed that gun laws only disarm good people and didn't run away screaming when I informed her that "many West Virginians carry, every day, including me." I wished her the best on her trip but there is no way in hell I'd go to MA on a good day, much less now.

In 2015, following the terrorist attack on the gun free zone of a TN Marine recruiting office, yours truly and 6 others stood guard for a few days at the local office. The support we received was overwhelming and humbling. I'll do it again if it comes to it.

06-01-2020, 04:45 PM

Nope, no brass catcher and no stereo.

06-01-2020, 05:35 PM
No stereo needed, I'm deaf and the gun makes the music. Brass catcher is a nice thought though.

06-01-2020, 05:37 PM
A little Greg artwork.

https://i.postimg.cc/bw20QYfd/Lawn-Service.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

06-01-2020, 06:21 PM
Looks like President Trump has opened up a big can of Whoop A$$ and is not taking this crap anymore and is deploying Army troops from Fort Bragg to clean out D.C. and has put Antifa on notice to get out of town....Thank you President Trump for having the stones to deal with this anarchy and put a stop to it....

mr surveyor
06-01-2020, 06:30 PM
A little Greg artwork.

https://i.postimg.cc/bw20QYfd/Lawn-Service.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

That was good! :)


06-01-2020, 09:25 PM
I do like that......excellent movie. I referenced it to a friend yesterday.

06-02-2020, 06:53 AM
After reading of multiple instances last night of police being shot, attacked and run down with vehicles, I’m convinced that the thin blue line has snapped. We are in the early stages of full on anarchy.

King Rat
06-02-2020, 06:59 AM
Just saw on the new that Trump will designate ANTIFA a terrorist group. About time! Hopefully other domestic violent groups will be named in the very near future, whether they be on the left or the right.

He should have designated "Black Lives Matter" as a Terrorist group as well. I guess you have to be Politically correct when choosing Terrorist. Any group that advocates killing Police should be high on the list. Snowflakes and Street Thugs. What a mess.
Oh golly, look, a bad cop incident. All Righty, time to get me some new Nike's, burn down a few stores. Floyd who? Oh yea that guy.

06-02-2020, 10:48 AM
I live near a small "city" in SW WA. They've boarded up the local Walmart and some other stores, even though we're 80 miles from the nearest big city, and 50 miles from the State Capitol. Fortunately I'm 20 miles from that small city. And our County is predominantly Conservative.

06-02-2020, 03:00 PM
We just drove through a local “upscale” area of hipster condos, restaurants, & fancy shopping to see that some stores are being proactive after rumors started of the rioters moving out of downtown Austin. Took these pics...

06-02-2020, 03:21 PM
Does plywood burn? I doubt that their actions will save them if the rioters go there.

06-02-2020, 03:54 PM
Anything burns if you have a hot enough fire. Won't stop them but might slow them down some. A lot of money in plywood there, it's 35-50 bucks a sheet for the cheap stuff in these parts for the 5/8 3/4 stuff. Probably shouldn't post that, now the morons will probably steel the plywood.

Can't comprehend the stupidity of all this senseless almost tribal activity. Kind of like indians attacking the settlements.

06-02-2020, 04:18 PM
I agree, plywood is useless. Here are just a few useful things:


06-02-2020, 07:13 PM
Or 410, 20, 12, 10, and even 8 gauge if you can find one. Might even be better for flock shooting.

06-02-2020, 08:11 PM
Folks we are at war and there is most definitely a war on Police Officers all over this nation...An officer shot in Las Vegas and on life support, a NYPD officer intentionally run down in the middle of the road and in ICU while his scum bucket NY Governor Andrew Cuomo gives a news conference blaming Police for not doing their jobs, cops are damned if they do and damned if they don't.....Here in Atlanta our totally useless DA Paul Howard who is under Federal investigation for padding his bank account with illegal compaign funds (shocked I am) has issued arrest warrants for four more APD officers in addition to the two who were immediately fired by Mayor Queen Keisha for using excessive force and charging all six with aggravated assault and destruction of property in the arrest of Messiah Young and his girl friend Taniyah who claimed they were only out looking for something to eat, guess they didn't notice the smoke, smashed in windows and all the people out looting and running down the street, must of missed it I suppose...

Now I believe the liberal media is doing everything they can do to make things look just as bad as possible for the police and have altered the original body cam footage to what is now being broadcast over and over which looks like the officers ran up to the car and broke out windows and tased two perfectly innocent students and drug them out of the car to be handcuffed....Looks pretty bad but as Paul Harvey used to say, here is the rest of the story...

Police were trying to clear a busy intersection in the middle of a riot and young Messiah and Taniyah were stopped in the middle and were not moving with their phones held out taking in what was happening...Several APD Officers walked up to the car (this was from the original body cam video which now seems to be strangely missing). They motioned for Messiah to roll down his window but he wouldn't comply and after trying to talk to him through the glass to get him move on he finally rolled down the glass a couple inches and you could see the couple start reaching for things in the car and at that point the officer at the window asked the driver to get out of the car which seemed to agitate him so the officer tried to reach into the partly rolled down window to either open the door or try and turn off the car...(All of this video is not being shown on mainstream media)....With the officers arm in the window, young Messiah takes off and try's to run but he didn't notice that traffic one block up was at a stand still and they have nowhere to go so the group of officers run half a block up to the car and break the glass and assist young Messiah and Taniyah (now lawyered up, ready to sue the city for millions) out of their vehicle to be properly arrested but to look at what the media is showing it looks like the cops picked out a random car and assaulted two perfectly innocent young African American youths....

Thank God for the Police and the impossible job they must try to do....Now six veteran APD officers, five of whom are African American are facing trial and almost certain prison time just for doing what they were trained to do, enforce the law....I'm very glad there are men and women who want to do the job but in today's environment I just can't for the life of me understand why....

06-02-2020, 09:47 PM
Law Enforcement, the one job where you can do everything right and still be fired or imprisoned. Is this a great country or what?

06-03-2020, 12:27 AM
Several jobs are like that......several hobbies too!

Until people band together and refuse to work until all are respected, nothing need change.

I read this in the comment section somewhere today, "every anti American group and cell is coming out to seek the overthrow of the US." Ben Shapiro pointed out today how the US media is going full on to excuse the rioting, excuse the looting and violence as "protesting," to ignore it, and that this is a move to erase the US and what it stands for.

I know an open communist who has said many times "we need to tear the whole system down and start over." I guarantee you he's scared tonight but it's what he's wanted for decades.....civil war and for the communists to win. He's a super smart guy but not smart enough to know he'll lose everything he has and maybe end up in a gulag.

06-03-2020, 03:50 PM
You should remind him that Revolutionaries windup eating their own.
See: French Revolution, Russian Revolution, Cuban Revolution, North Korea, china’s “Cultural Revolution”, etc.....
useful idiots are usually the first to go.

06-03-2020, 03:51 PM
Which George are they fighting for....

06-03-2020, 04:58 PM
Most of them? Themselves, Soros, and Floyd, in that order. That would be my guess.

06-03-2020, 07:11 PM
Well the people that live in these cities with worthless mayors [ that they elected] may all of a sudden have NO COPS. We may see a mass exodus of law enforcement from big cities that are hating them.
I would think small towns would jump at the chance to hire a seasoned cop and they would support them. Cops would be happier too.
These wonderful SANCTUARY CITIES can recruit the ill-legals to police themselves......:w00t:

06-03-2020, 07:56 PM
I think you hit it on the head jeep, the solution to all this big city rioting and looting thing is to arrest all the cops because it's quite obvious that they are the problem so if you remove them from the situation then everything will take care of itself and all will be swell......Am I Right???

mr surveyor
06-03-2020, 08:37 PM
I'm old .... I have "a" gun ... get off my lawn



06-04-2020, 06:35 AM
Just think of the quality of the replacements for the big city cops that leave. Sure glad I don't live there.

06-04-2020, 10:11 AM
If this were to really happen we'd all live there as we'd have to fence all the big cities. All the "good" people would move out to the suburbs so there would be no getting away.
All cities would be like Chicago, New York and such where people go to work (again the good people) but live outside. Have to go to a war zone to work every day.

We're all damn lucky cops don't strike. Many quit and who can blame them but most stick with it. I don't know how the big city cops do it myself. Hands tied behind your back and told to enforce the law but don't offend or hurt nobody.

06-04-2020, 11:53 AM
If this were to really happen we'd all live there as we'd have to fence all the big cities. All the "good" people would move out to the suburbs so there would be no getting away.
All cities would be like Chicago, New York and such where people go to work (again the good people) but live outside. Have to go to a war zone to work every day.

We're all damn lucky cops don't strike. Many quit and who can blame them but most stick with it. I don't know how the big city cops do it myself. Hands tied behind your back and told to enforce the law but don't offend or hurt nobody.

Life wouldn't change much where I am....people largely police themselves and those that didn't would get touched off quickly. I say: STRIKE!

06-04-2020, 01:48 PM
If this is true, I think it’s great. You deserve what you get.


Ken L
06-04-2020, 02:18 PM
If this is true, I think it’s great. You deserve what you get.


This will be just great. I hope all other cities take the same tact, especially New York and Los Angeles. It will have a positive effect on lowering the crime rate. (In case you can't tell, I am being sarcastic)

06-04-2020, 02:36 PM
This will be just great. I hope all other cities take the same tact, especially New York and Los Angeles. It will have a positive effect on lowering the crime rate. (In case you can't tell, I am being sarcastic)

I'm not seeing any solutions being suggested though.....you want police to be supported but at the same time, you want them to continue on as if nothing is wrong. I think that's called "insanity."

If that city is dumb enough to do away with police, they should go for it. The wealthy will hire security as will the leadership, the middle class will move, and the poor will be victims.

That is, assuming county and state police don't simply start answering calls, which is exactly what would happen.

My "city" has no police force....county and state handle calls but faster than a large city like Minneapolis can....if you call 90 minutes "fast" that is! :roll:.In 2014 I called police to report a possible home invasion in progress. Police arrived 1 & 1/2 hours later and then went to the wrong house. :w00t:

06-04-2020, 05:54 PM
Below is a quote from Cory Booker. It’s just one example of the false narrative about George Floyd. They are making him out to be a hero. At best, he was a victim.

“His family wants him to be remembered not for his death, but for being family-oriented, loving and Godly,” Booker read.

06-04-2020, 06:03 PM
If this is true, I think it’s great. You deserve what you get.


Yup they got it coming. With all the officers killed or seriously injured recently, I kind of doubt they will be warm and fuzzy to attending any meeting with the "citizens" without a gun.
Our town had a protest march today. Nobody assaulted, no property damaged, mayor marched along with them. I think they did it just cause they figured they ought to I guess. Kind of like a parade with a bunch of black lives matter signs but no floats or pretty cheerleaders.

06-04-2020, 08:10 PM
Yes there almost certainly things that the public does not know yet. One of them is why did the officer continue to kneel on his neck after he was cuffed? Did Floyd know he was trying to pass a counterfeit bill? Why did the officer not let up after he was told by the guy that he couldn't breath instead of mocking him by asking why he was able to still talk if he couldn't breath? Why did his fellow officers not intervene?
Don't get me wrong, I too believe police do what almost always seems to be a thankless job these days. And I also believe that the vast majority of police are good, compassionate people. But that after seeing and dealing with the worst of our society on a daily basis it can change them. I actually know this to be true because I have two brothers-in-law who have been doing policing for decades and when listening to them during family gatherings I can see and hear that they are changed men. And I also understand that the amount of crime committed by people of color is way outside the proportionate number of the percentage of our population that they represent. But in spite of all that, there are some police who have become hardened and unable to feel compassion as they used to. And there are some that should no longer be dealing with people on the street. And there are some who just make mistakes, just like we do. But the difference is that our mistakes do not usually lead to drastic results for others.
I don't know what happened on that street, leading up to what the video shows. But I do believe that what happened in the video should not have happened and if it hadn't that man would still be alive. With all of his warts and faults. And the officer would still have a life to live that he would probably find worth living. I grew up thinking I would like to become a police officer. I am so thankful that I did not, for entirely selfish reasons. Though I continue to have the utmost respect for them and thankfulness that they do overwhelmingly protect and serve.
All I can take away from this is that everyone involved has been hurt, and the victim is not the only one to have lost his life. And that everyone involved, and their families could use our prayers and support.

06-04-2020, 08:57 PM
We agree, there is absolutely no way to watch that video and not wonder what in the hell Officer Chauvin was doing kneeling on Mr Floyds neck like that, no way, no how was that right and the other officers should have stepped in and pulled him off....There is absolutely no excuse in that and I think he should have to answer for it in court....We must have the same brother in law because it sounds like the same guy, My BIL was hired right out of the army and I really think he wanted to hurt somebody and was so Gung Ho as to be scary...He hired on as a County Officer and after wrecking 3 police cars they fired him and he later divorced out of the family, hope he still isn't on the job somewhere....Some Police Officers should never be hired in the first place and don't belong in a position dealing with the public and Chauvin seemed to be one of them.....I hope he understands how much pain and suffering his actions have caused so many people....

06-04-2020, 09:23 PM
Dao & Getsome, I agree.
All the peaceful demonstrations are as American as apple pie, but the riots & looting are abominable & mindless.

06-05-2020, 07:46 AM
@ getsome The common thing in all these incidents seems to be, don't be a criminal and you shouldn't have any problems with Police just because you happen to be Black.... That statement is naïve at best. There are still way too many people being pulled over for "driving while black" and other common activities. Don't go jogging in Atlanta if you are black. We have a lot of problems that have to be cleared up to put the blacks on an even basis with whites. Criminal activity will put you front and center, black or white and that is as it should be. When you choose to fight with a cop you are taking your life in your hands and the odds of winning the fight are almost non existant. I believe that if I got caught passing a single fake $20 bill they would take my name and address and turn it over to the secrete service for follow up. Did Floyd refuse to identify himself? Just how did the whole thing escalate to the fight to put him in the car end up with him on the ground.

06-05-2020, 09:24 AM
Actually dustnchips, that's not true. One may think that given what news they listen to or if they play on their phones all day.....statistically, whites are killed by police much more often and according to Ben Shapiro (who has yet to be proven wrong on any stat he's quoted) blacks are demographically more likely to speed. Personally, I suspect, blacks have a higher rate of having defective equipment, lack license/registration, etc. and when stopped, blacks seem more likely to be problematic during the stop. Several officers on this forum, I'm sure they can clarify if a stop goes better or worse if the subject is friendly, rude, aggressive, or non-compliant during the stop.

"Jogging while black." Catchy but not exactly borne out by the facts. The very fact the Arbery case was such news is its rarity and how the local police and DA were so corrupt and did not prosecute. That was a clear-cut felony hindering/kidnapping and negligent homicide/manslaughter case.

Arbery should have been armed and defended himself. I often walk a few miles down main road, at least 3 miles at a time, maybe up to 12. Had a truck cut me off and armed men tried to detain me, I would have engaged. I'm not blaming the victim, he was clearly hindered and then murdered. He did very well defending himself via hands on until he was shot.

Whites are many more times killed by blacks in America. Blacks make up 13 percent of the US population yet commit over 50 percent of the violent crime. I believe the biggest killer of white males aged 18 to 26 is suicide yet I know for black males the same age it's other black males via homicide.

Rape of white women by blacks is pretty common, yet rape of black women by white men happens less than a dozen times nationwide per year? (It's so low it's statistically insignificant).

As to the Floyd case, the cop was immediately fired, jailed, and then overcharged with felonies*. There isn't even a reason to protest as the govt. did not cover up for the cop at all.

Have any of the protests obtained permits for their protests? Nope. Blocking roads, inhibiting one's freedom to travel, preventing people from working.....that is violence itself. It's not "American" to keep someone from working.

If one really wants to talk about inequality in America, we need to go back to what's causing the problems in the black community and that would be the welfare act of 1968. Pre 1968 the black nuclear family enjoyed a rate of success equal to or greater-than the white family. Parents married, had kids, and stayed married. After LBJ and the DNC realized that instead of preventing blacks from voting via Jim Crow laws, they could win a permanent voting block if they paid black women to stay unmarried. At the moment (this stat is old, so it will be higher) over 71 percent of black children do not have a father in the home. They are raised by rap music and a culture that has for years, been told "they hate you, you have no chance, vote for me and I'll give you X."

The US school system fails all races but black children more. I taught in a large inner city school were most of my students were black. It was clear that many of my black males were desperate for a father figure, which I became for some, volunteering out-side of school for activities a father would have done. The school principal however (himself a black man), wanted a high graduation rate and he would order teachers to pass kids that failed or had not been to school in months! If the teacher did not, he would change the grades himself, make sure the teacher was pushed out of the school system, and the black child would graduate being functionally ILLITERATE. I used to wonder how I kept getting seniors that were reading on a third-grade level....."how do they pass?" Well, that was answered for me by my second year at that school.

Let's not even go towards the Harvard University policy of discriminating against Asian applicants due to their highest rate of married parents and success in the US. (Asian immigrants enjoy the highest success rate of any demographic in America, they stay married, they do not get arrested, they make the most money, on average, of any race in the country). There is an Affirmative Action lawsuit working its way through the courts about that right now. It is easier for a black student to get into Harvard than an Asian student. Why? "Equality."

"Overcharged in the Floyd case. The murder suspect was charged with 3rd degree murder which I think is rather like negligent homicide. What he did he should have known would kill a man. However, the MO DA, himself a very racist man, one-time leadership in the DNC, who really has it in for Jews and is on tape saying so, looks to have given into outrage and now charged the man with 2nd degree murder, which requires proving intent. Unless the state can show that, that man is likely to WALK.

Now that may be intentional.....that man may have done that (he's very politically connected) for personal and DNC gain. Just like in the Zimmerman case, where the state overcharged, the defendant pretty easily beat the charge. Massad Ayoob (who we all know and love) was slated to be an expert witness on that case, but was not needed. The case was completely brought to appease the Left and outrage and was as hollow as a chimney. One hit with a sledge hammer and it all fell down. The leftist black public, wrongly-promised a conviction, took that as "see, we can't get justice!" This may very well happen again and and the country will suffer.

Right now, the world is convinced America is one big looting spree. No....only liberal cities are suffering. No looting where I am. No one is attacking anybody. It's like nothing at all is wrong and nothing is wrong in most of America.

06-05-2020, 09:34 AM
We agree, there is absolutely no way to watch that video and not wonder what in the hell Officer Chauvin was doing kneeling on Mr Floyds neck like that, no way, no how was that right and the other officers should have stepped in and pulled him off....There is absolutely no excuse in that and I think he should have to answer for it in court....We must have the same brother in law because it sounds like the same guy, My BIL was hired right out of the army and I really think he wanted to hurt somebody and was so Gung Ho as to be scary...He hired on as a County Officer and after wrecking 3 police cars they fired him and he later divorced out of the family, hope he still isn't on the job somewhere....Some Police Officers should never be hired in the first place and don't belong in a position dealing with the public and Chauvin seemed to be one of them.....I hope he understands how much pain and suffering his actions have caused so many people....

Would you have? Would I have? Police are a fraternity and the ranking officer on scene calls the shots. There was an ASP (Active Self Protection) video on youtube concerning a white officer physically battering a a white subject for the crime of not being polite. The junior officers all stood by and let it happen. The subject was arrested but later released and is now suing, as well he should be. The officer was put on leave and I hope he's fired. Maybe he'd had a bad day, wife left him (divorce very common for police) but no groups of whites looted the city or blocked the streets. Whites don't do that----not for other whites.

Now Jesse Watters of Fox News reported that both men knew each other from working security at a bar.....that bar having some sort of run-in with the law itself as in serious legal problems, I forget what. Watters postulates this may have been a "hit" to kill Floyd.....given how police reports were later changed (?)......may be a lot more there. Now that may explain the "overcharging" into 2nd degree murder. If it can be showed the officer intended to kill Floyd for gain....then we can have a conviction but that info hasn't leaked and I'm pretty sure if it existed, it would have by now.

06-06-2020, 09:05 AM
Another step in the direction of anarchy.

Seattle bans tear gas for 30 days amid George Floyd protests


06-06-2020, 09:15 AM

06-06-2020, 09:19 AM

Or stick our heads in the sand.

06-06-2020, 10:13 AM
I got away from watching a lot of the news a few years ago.....really just too busy. I read the articles I want on Foxnews.com and try to get Ben Shapiro's podcast either on the radio (if on a long drive) or on Youtube daily.

I do not use social media at all. No Facebook, Twitter, Instacrap, Ticktock.....I retired the smartphone and went back to a flip phone in 2014. My stress levels are way down and I am a happier person for it. I look at those that use these things somewhat bewildered.....it's an addiction and not a healthy one.

Ann Coulter wrote a book on the religion of liberalism but it's in jihad mode now. "Wokeness" is a religion to them, where "atoning for their white privilege to ease their white guilt" are required for entrance into whatever social media heaven they aspire to. Ben Shapiro did an excellent podcast on the phenomenon either yesterday or the day before. Now Leftist politicians are openly planning to disband police and one even put on Twitter something to the effect of "how serious are you white people, if you get your house robbed, you must still hold to the necessity of banning police."

The politicians will retain security forces. The wealthy will retain their retired Navy SEAL -turned private security. Bloomberg will keep his armed detail of retired cops. Those in the ghetto will pay "protection money" or give away their daughters as sex slaves. The poor and middle class will be victimized. Vigilante groups will form. America will fall into a civil war, which is what Europe, Russia, China, and the socialists have wanted since the 1960's.

More immediately there will be a massive increase in crime, more than what we saw due to the Ferguson Effect (if you don't know what that is you are late to the party). County and state police will take over for the cities but with much-longer response times, the middle class will move out, and eventually the city will become Detroit and no one with any brains will visit. Street justice will kick in with vigilante killings.

King Rat
06-06-2020, 10:42 AM
Black Lives Matter leader removes statue of Robert E. LEE.

Sorry dirty SOB. What right do they have to take away part of Virginia Heritage. How stupid and insane, I mean totally STUPID to believe that the Civil War was all about Slavery. What GALL!
To think that 500 thousand men on both sides of the war gave their lives for Slaves? They are too damn stupid to even understand history, read history or want the truth. Northam himself is known to be a grandiose liar. He lied to even his own worthless flock about his college prank. And now he leads the charge for these terrorist.

Facts about the Civil War do not matter. Stupid matters. And these idiotic jerks actually think that Lincoln loved them? Too stupid too understand that even the Great Emancipator, when issuing the Emancipation Act only released slaves in the SOUTH NOT the NORTH.

Or the fact that any of the differences that the Industrial North and the Agricultural South clashed constantly about their representation in both houses of Gov. The High export Tarriffs imposed on the South in favor of more revenue for westward expansion. Or the fact that in less than two years all slaves would have been free due to Cotton no longer had a market in Europe or the fact that only about 5% of the Virginia Population owned slaves.

Virginia's went to war because they wanted Succession. Lincoln invaded them for leaving not for slavery. I could go on forever about the causes of the civil war for pages. I am sick of them destroying our Heritage with lies and now trying to take away our constitutional rights.

They have NO right. And they will push and push until all hell breaks loose. Black Lives Matter is nothing but a group of thugs, Terrorist that just want more entitlements. American gives Blacks more Free Money than any other country in the World! They are using terror to threaten. They are organized to disrupt all Republican Speeches and gathering. They advocate killing Police.

“The Virginia Flaggers are disgusted, but certainly not surprised by Mayor Stoney’s announcement today that he would introduce an ordinance July 1 to destroy the beautiful memorials on Richmond’s Monument Avenue. Against the wishes of the overwhelming majority of citizens and to satisfy the demands of a small, violent group of agitators, he is asking the citizens of Richmond to spend millions to destroy national landmarks in the middle of a pandemic that has wrecked the city’s economy.

By the way. Monument Ave. is in the historic part of the city. Old Victorian homes. Civil war leaders line the ave. That was, until some years ago, they placed of the Aids infected Authur Ashe statue. What next? A statute of Al Sharpton?

And nothing is sacred to these animals. Here are good Americans cleaning up after the pigs.


06-06-2020, 11:02 AM
King Rat....although I can disagree a bit about the motivations of the North the real reasons the statues are being removed are that's part of a plan. The goal is to re-write the Constitution. I've followed this for a very long time and it is a plan, one to do away with the Bill of Rights.

Removing statues is just a step.....it will have no impact on racial problems and in fact, will increase as "racial problems" are only a means to an end. It is a way to control weak minds and get people to do as they are told.

06-06-2020, 11:38 AM
Below is a quote from Cory Booker. It’s just one example of the false narrative about George Floyd. They are making him out to be a hero. At best, he was a victim.

“His family wants him to be remembered not for his death, but for being family-oriented, loving and Godly,” Booker read.

The Governor of North Carolina has ordered that flags be flown at half mast today to honor George Floyd.

06-06-2020, 12:17 PM
Or stick our heads in the sand.

Tv newsreaders and talking heads are not the only source for news & opinion.

06-06-2020, 12:34 PM
Tv newsreaders and talking heads are not the only source for news & opinion.

I really don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me. Are you suggesting that the things I’ve posted are fake news?

06-06-2020, 12:45 PM
I really don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me. Are you suggesting that the things I’ve posted are fake news?

Let's calm ourselves....I don't think he's suggesting that.

Just heard from a friend whose neighbor is a deputy, protesters being bused in for a protest tomorrow. Nearby city and largest city in this part of my state.

I won't be going. Might be mowing and hope to be doing a bike ride with a friend.

06-06-2020, 01:19 PM
Robert E Lee requested that no statues of generals be erected. It still gauls me that they are being torn down. He only fought for the south because he felt he had to because his home state of Virginia was southern. Read some of his quotes on slavery if you want your eyes opened about the man. He owned slaves, but believed that slavery had to end.

The Mayor of Chicago has told the people of Chicago to not use guns to defend themselves. Just call the police.

06-06-2020, 01:35 PM
The TV shows Cops and Live PD have been pulled from the air.

Sure glad I have every season of Adam 12 on DVD.

06-06-2020, 01:40 PM
Wow, no more "Cops" or "Live PD?" And didn't BLM want body cams just a couple years ago? LOL

What I found online about it.


Dan Abrams tweeted (https://twitter.com/danabrams/status/1268997440360910849)shortly after 4 PM EST on Friday that no new episodes will air on 6/5 and 6/6. The decision was made to cancel new episodes this weekend in light of continuing protests over the killing of George Floyd. The 300th episode of Live PD was scheduled to air on Saturday 6/6. While it has not been announced, we expect new episodes to resume next weekend on 6/12.

06-06-2020, 03:29 PM
I really don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me. Are you suggesting that the things I’ve posted are fake news?

Not suggesting anything of the sort.
We quit watching the national tv news during the second Bush administration, that’s all. Got tired of all the propagandizing & leftward slant of “journalists” who were supposed to be reporting the straight news, not making it up.
We do not watch any of the cable news channels at all, besides the network news. We will watch the local channels for sports, weather, and local news stories, but when they start yammering about world & national news we mute that noise.

The quality of life in my house is so much better when it is not dominated by talk from all the criminals in Washington DC. That includes both sides of that disgraceful clown show (D&R)

06-06-2020, 03:55 PM
Not suggesting anything of the sort.
We quit watching the national tv news during the second Bush administration, that’s all. Got tired of all the propagandizing & leftward slant of “journalists” who were supposed to be reporting the straight news, not making it up.
We do not watch any of the cable news channels at all, besides the network news. We will watch the local channels for sports, weather, and local news stories, but when they start yammering about world & national news we mute that noise.

The quality of life in my house is so much better when it is not dominated by talk from all the criminals in Washington DC. That includes both sides of that disgraceful clown show (D&R)

Got it. [emoji846]

We haven’t had cable TV for almost six years and don’t watch local TV stations either. I get all my news, both real and fake, from the Internet. I prefer to read rather than have someone talk at me.

06-06-2020, 04:04 PM
I hear you. Same here.

King Rat
06-07-2020, 04:51 AM
The Governor of North Carolina has ordered that flags be flown at half mast today to honor George Floyd.

Honor a man that had a criminal background and resisted arrest? He was so crooked I am surprised they did not have to screw him in the ground. Honor him with Flags at half mast. What Gall. What about the Police that have giving their lives? To hell with Floyd. Good Riddence.

George Floyd’s Criminal Past

George Floyd moved to Minneapolis in 2014 after being released from prison in Houston, Texas following an arrest for aggravated robbery
On May 25, 2020, Floyd was arrested for passing a counterfeit $20 bill at a grocery store in Minneapolis
He was under the influence of fentanyl and methamphetamine at the time of arrest
Floyd has more than a decade-old criminal history at the time of the arrest and went to jail for atleast 5 times
George Floyd was the ringleader of a violent home invasion
He plead guilty to entering a woman’s home, pointing a gun at her stomach and searching the home for drugs and money, according to court records
Floyd was sentenced to 10 months in state jail for possession of cocaine in a December 2005 arrest
He had previously been sentenced to eight months for the same offense, stemming from an October 2002 arrest
Floyd was arrested in 2002 for criminal trespassing and served 30 days in jail
He had another stint for a theft in August 1998

06-07-2020, 07:23 AM
I'm sure of one thing.....................there are probably a few people who's lives won't be touched by Floyd. which is a good thing. They should be marching around their living room.............................................. ......

06-07-2020, 08:04 AM
I'm very angry, I am watching my city of Atlanta being burned and looted tonight after a large protest against the death of George Floyd during his arrest by Minnesota Police which we have all seen the video of and which was absolutely totally wrong and the officer involved should have to answer for his actions and stand trial for what he did.... In any profession there are bad apples but what I am seeing tonight makes me sick to my stomach....I believe in our first amendment right to assemble and protest but when things start to become violent then law enforcement should be allowed to control the situation and do their duty BUT Atlanta Mayor Queen Keisha Lance Bottoms put out the order to our openly gay Atlanta Police Chief Erika Shields to have the APD Officers stand down and let the protesters do whatever they pleased.....The Officers were not allowed to wear body armor or riot gear because it might anger the protesters and were having to dodge water bottles, eggs, fire works, rocks, urine and even freeking knives being thrown at them and were not allowed to protect themselves or do their job and arrest the thugs....Many Police cars have been burned and destroyed and innocent business owners have had their store windows smashed and their merchandise looted all while the Police were handcuffed by their useless PC chief and not allowed to prevent anything from being stolen because again, it might anger the criminals..... I am very confused.....God Bless our Police.... The liberal media picks who they want society to side with..................I think what angers me the most is when they show a fresh car crash after a chase, with mangled steel, and injured people, and a woman standing there on camera. As they are pulling her relative out of the vehicle, she's saying, " Oh no, not my boy. He wouldn't do anything like that. he's innocent. It couldn't have been him ". " These police just continue to harass us. We don't do anything wrong". No matter what the crime, it's always someone else's fault. This country just keeps getting dumber, and more like cro magnon man every day................................

06-07-2020, 12:08 PM
I assiduously avoid participating in political discussions on these forums. (I am here to share our collective interest in Kahr firearms.) However, I am moved to suggest that there exists now an extraordinary opportunity for many Americans, including several who are posting in this thread, to open their hearts and minds, and actually learn from the many heartfelt public testimonials being expressed by fellow Americans who are protesting the treatment by police and the criminal justice system, of Black Americans and other persons of color, and the history that has precipitated and sustained this, what has been called "America's original pandemic." This should remain our focus at this moment in time, imho.


06-07-2020, 12:24 PM
I assiduously avoid participating in political discussions on these forums. (I am here to share our collective interest in Kahr firearms.) However, I am moved to suggest that there exists now an extraordinary opportunity for many Americans, including several who are posting in this thread, to open their hearts and minds, and actually learn from the many heartfelt public testimonials being expressed by fellow Americans who are protesting the treatment by police and the criminal justice system, of Black Americans and other persons of color, and the history that has precipitated and sustained this, what has been called "America's original pandemic." This should remain our focus at this moment in time, imho.


Since you advocate "listening to black Americans" here is one I think you should listen to. Watch this video and try to square that one away....


06-07-2020, 12:48 PM
Since you advocate "listening to black Americans" here is one I think you should listen to. Watch this video and try to square that one away....



To be accurate, I did NOT advocate "listening to black Americans." I suggested learning from the "... the many heartfelt public testimonials being expressed by fellow Americans who are protesting the treatment by police and the criminal justice system, of Black Americans and other persons of color ...".

One of the (American) panelists on this morning's "Meet the Press" described what he (white) and his wife learned about these matters after having adopted an Ethiopian child. I think you should be able to pull up this MTP edition if you're interested in hearing his testimonial.

My parents are Black American (as were their parents, my grandparents). I have two siblings. My dad retired as a thirty year U.S. Army veteran (served in Korea and a combat tour in Vietnam), and retired afterward as a fifteen year U.S. Army civil servant. We three of my parents' sons, senior citizens now, are a surgeon and two PhD's. Despite this, all of us--my parents, my brothers, and I--feel at risk whenever we encounter LEO, and whenever we negotiate the criminal justice system.


06-07-2020, 01:49 PM
I assiduously avoid participating in political discussions on these forums. (I am here to share our collective interest in Kahr firearms.) However, I am moved to suggest that there exists now an extraordinary opportunity for many Americans, including several who are posting in this thread, to open their hearts and minds, and actually learn from the many heartfelt public testimonials being expressed by fellow Americans who are protesting the treatment by police and the criminal justice system, of Black Americans and other persons of color, and the history that has precipitated and sustained this, what has been called "America's original pandemic." This should remain our focus at this moment in time, imho.


Thank you for posting this. The service at our mostly white church today featured an interview with two black members of our congregation, both of whom I am friends with as we are all part of the music team. They discussed some of the points you raised in your second post. Those points do make me sad and I would never seek to invalidate them. Racism is sin.

I do think that right now we are dealing with much more than racism in our country. While much of what the black community deals with today (including racism, poverty, and crime) is a legacy from the past history of slavery and American apartheid, we are also dealing with 55 years of failed Democratic policies that promote dependency rather than personal responsibility.

Rioting, looting, the call for defunding police and the desire to destroy the “western cisgender nuclear family” are really an effort to destroy the constitution and usurp the rule of law. Lawlessness and anarchy will no doubt lead to an authoritarian socialist government which is ultimately the goal of the leftist movement.

06-07-2020, 02:14 PM

To be accurate, I did NOT advocate "listening to black Americans." I suggested learning from the "... the many heartfelt public testimonials being expressed by fellow Americans who are protesting the treatment by police and the criminal justice system, of Black Americans and other persons of color ...".

One of the (American) panelists on this morning's "Meet the Press" described what he (white) and his wife learned about these matters after having adopted an Ethiopian child. I think you should be able to pull up this MTP edition if you're interested in hearing his testimonial.

My parents are Black American (as were their parents, my grandparents). I have two siblings. My dad retired as a thirty year U.S. Army veteran (served in Korea and a combat tour in Vietnam), and retired afterward as a fifteen year U.S. Army civil servant. We three of my parents' sons, senior citizens now, are a surgeon and two PhD's. Despite this, all of us--my parents, my brothers, and I--feel at risk whenever we encounter LEO, and whenever we negotiate the criminal justice system.

Soooooooo, I guess that all of that stuff we hear growing up, like, one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch, and they're not all like that, and respect your fellow man/woman, etc. applies to everyone but police officers. Educated persons like yourself should know better than to think that every cop in the country is out to get people of color.

06-07-2020, 03:41 PM
More to my own personal story: I began my family relatively late. Consequently, although I am of retirement age, my children, three daughters, are a rising college sophomore and rising high school seniors (twins). My college student is attending a private university located not far from Ferguson, MO. You'd better believe I have had the same prudently cautionary conversations with my own children regarding interactions with LEO, that many parents of Black children have had and continue to have!

Soooooooo, I guess that all of that stuff we hear growing up, like, one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch, and they're not all like that, and respect your fellow man/woman, etc. applies to everyone but police officers. Educated persons like yourself should know better than to think that every cop in the country is out to get people of color.


I think I have written here (or on one of the other gun forums I participate on) that I have a cousin who is retired Chicago PD, and that his wife is still active duty CPD. Let me add here that I have extended family who are LEO in AR. And when I was a doctoral student and afterward, my then-GF and I rented the basement walkout apartment owned by a retired city cop (white, from the univ town). He and his family lived upstairs in their one-story ranch house, and the house is a bit out in the county. Their daughter, an elementary school student when we first met her, eventually became the very first babysitter for my eldest daughter and, later, my twins.

I and others do not "think that every cop in the country is out to get people of color." The protests pertain to the undeniable increased risk that Black Americans and other people of color face when encountering LEO and the criminal justice system.

I am returning now to not engaging in political discussions on these forums.


06-07-2020, 03:51 PM
rx7sig -

Do you own an RX7?

06-07-2020, 06:20 PM

To be accurate, I did NOT advocate "listening to black Americans." I suggested learning from the "... the many heartfelt public testimonials being expressed by fellow Americans who are protesting the treatment by police and the criminal justice system, of Black Americans and other persons of color ...".

One of the (American) panelists on this morning's "Meet the Press" described what he (white) and his wife learned about these matters after having adopted an Ethiopian child. I think you should be able to pull up this MTP edition if you're interested in hearing his testimonial.

My parents are Black American (as were their parents, my grandparents). I have two siblings. My dad retired as a thirty year U.S. Army veteran (served in Korea and a combat tour in Vietnam), and retired afterward as a fifteen year U.S. Army civil servant. We three of my parents' sons, senior citizens now, are a surgeon and two PhD's. Despite this, all of us--my parents, my brothers, and I--feel at risk whenever we encounter LEO, and whenever we negotiate the criminal justice system.


So you are telling us that you are either black or some other race but adopted by a black family? And that matters because why exactly? See I see race because my eyes function correctly as does my brain but race matters not to me. What matters to me is character......which used to the the standard we were supposed to be looking for! SMH.

Why does the race of the person on the panel matter?

Being afraid does not make much difference.....most everyone is a bit anxious when they are pulled over. Going further, if a white person confessed a fear of black people, would that be "racist?"

I guess you are also telling us you didn't watch the video I linked, right?

Since skin color really seems to matter to you then I guess my sharing that my last several girlfriends being black and my current girlfriend being a very dark Asian matters somehow, right? SMH.

06-07-2020, 07:56 PM
Just like the many many misunderstandings going on all over the country and the world right now I think this thread has many and also some misunderstood interpretations.
Not sure what I'm trying to say here other than I don't judge a book by it's cover. Well that's not exactly true, I'm an expert profiler, I can tell a dirt bag right off but the skin color has nothing to do with the profile.

Be that as it may, I think what's needed to be said here has been said and before things turn ugly lets get back to gun talk, or bikini talk, or the best micro wave popcorn.

I'm shutting this one down. Why you may ask. Because I can. Wow that sounded really manly and aggressive huh?