View Full Version : I知 glad I waited ...

06-04-2020, 01:05 PM
... to buy a Drew Brees jersey.

Drew Brees apologizes after visceral backlash over stance against kneeling during national anthem


06-04-2020, 01:27 PM
I think he had it right in the first place. Kneeling and disrespecting the flag isn't the way to fix issues, nor is looting and cop killing. Also lowering standards to open doors and create opportunities isn't a fix in my book neither.
Creating opportunities to help meet current standards is a much better solution.

06-04-2020, 02:39 PM
In order for someone to be bullied, they have to be willing to be bullied. This guy was willing to be bullied. He put whatever (income, acceptance, etc.) over his integrity, character, personal standards, and his rights. He submitted to a bully.

He's a loser, a coward, a willing victim.

06-04-2020, 05:38 PM
If the NFL plays this year and the kneeling crap starts up again the league will be as good as dead and lots of highly over paid street thugs will be looking for a job somewhere else....I used to enjoy pro ball but haven't watched for a while because I've got better things to do than watch extremely rich punks disrespect the American flag and National Anthem...

06-04-2020, 05:41 PM
If the NFL plays this year and the kneeling crap starts up again the league will be as good as dead and lots of highly over paid street thugs will be looking for a job somewhere else....I used to enjoy pro ball but haven't watched for a while because I've got better things to do than watch extremely rich punks disrespect the American flag and National Anthem...

I think there will be mass kneeling at the first NFL game played and every game thereafter.

On a related note, it was great to see a Nike store in the LA area completely looted.

06-04-2020, 05:56 PM
I threw away two brand new Nike golf shirts I got for Christmas a couple years ago, thought about giving them to Goodwill but didn't want anyone else wearing something of mine who's logo supported a piece of crap like Commie Kaeperdick

06-05-2020, 05:15 AM
Who is "Drew Brees"..???
What does he do that I should care what he said, or didn't say..??

06-05-2020, 05:45 AM
I threw away two brand new Nike golf shirts I got for Christmas a couple years ago, thought about giving them to Goodwill but didn't want anyone else wearing something of mine who's logo supported a piece of crap like Commie Kaeperdick

Well said, I love it.

06-05-2020, 08:43 AM
Well said, I love it.

I have two Nike'marked exercise outfits and two pairs of Nike tennis shoes, one for gym and one for running/biking. I am not trashing either since I'm the one that has to pay. I didn't want to buy Nike but in 2013, that's what I found. I think it's rather dumb to hurt ourselves financially to make a statement.....however I will endeavor to never buy Nike again.

06-05-2020, 09:35 AM
Who is "Drew Brees"..???
What does he do that I should care what he said, or didn't say..??

He's the QB for the New Orleans Saints. A very good guy who has repeatedly done and paid for things to help the people in his community. The very latest was $5M to help in the covid19 fight.

I wish he hadn't retracted what he said, but I didn't see it and do not know to what length he walked it back. I would doubt he did more than try to be more inclusive in his meaning though. I don't expect he would have contradicted what he originally said which was that he would never disrespect our flag, our national anthem, or our soldiers.

06-05-2020, 09:39 AM
The financial and social pressure to cave into the Left is rather overwhelming for most. For the NFL, which has increasing become a wing of the Left, it may have been "cave or never play again." Myself, I would have long-since put my millions into other areas (not super cars or mansions) so I don't think I would be under much pressure, having other avenues to grow my wealth. Most guys blow it though, all gone on hot women, drugs, alcohol, parties, cars, houses, credit cards......he might be so in debt he had to cower and beg forgiveness at the Alter of Wokeness. It is a religion, as Ben Shapiro has so keenly described it as.

Shapiro broke down what the "whites kneel before blacks to beg forgiveness" was about. Atonement before the religion of Woke. They will publicly atone and then go on to tell everyone else how racist America is. It's cucks on display and their white guilt demands it.


06-05-2020, 10:15 AM
I think for Brees playing it is more ego and trying to prove he is the best. I would bet that his bank account is plenty sufficient to quit. Unfortunately over 60% of NFL players are filing for bankruptcy within 5 years of ending their carriers. The NBA percentage is only better by about 10%. Dan Marino was selling weight loss programs because he was broke. He fell for a slick guy selling a nonexsistant tech company and lost everything. Some loose their money trying to get richer fast, and some just squander it. There are some though that know how to handle money.

06-05-2020, 11:00 AM
Strange world when one's "ego" tells them to cower. I don't think I've ever seen that. Guess I am more old fashioned than I thought!

06-05-2020, 12:00 PM
Money makes the best of men do strange things............................................ ..............................................

06-05-2020, 02:07 PM
He sounds like a good guy, if he痴 giving that kind of money out of his own pocket to help people.
Too bad so many people attacked him for what he said. I知 SURE they will be giving all that money back to him.

06-05-2020, 07:51 PM
I finally got to hear what Drew Brees originally said which was that he disagreed with anyone kneeling to disrespect the American flag because both his grandfathers fought in WWll to defeat Nazi Germany and keep America free....What's wrong with being a patriotic American and loving your country? I just don't get how being proud of your country and for what his grandfathers sacrifice did to save the world from evil has anything to do with The BLM movement....Mr Brees should have stoned up and not apologized for what he said because he said absolutely nothing wrong.....If African American NFL players continue this war on America they will kill the golden goose which has given them an opportunity for a great college education free of charge and an opportunity to be multi millionaires playing a kids game all because they can run fast and catch a ball.....Maybe they should find a better country where they can play football for millions a year, oh wait a minute I just remembered, there ain't another one on the planet....what a shame......:Amflag2:

06-05-2020, 08:58 PM
Trump had something to say about this....


I read the wussy's apology.....I suspect he was coached or that was written for him. The bad grammar of the teammate's reply was just as telling but in a different way. SMH.

06-06-2020, 01:12 AM
Now Brees has really learned his lesson! He's really "woke" now!


06-06-2020, 06:02 AM
Sooo..I found out who this guy is...some multi-millionaire "sports guy"..OK. This from Mr. Brees:

"We as a white community need to listen and learn from the pain and suffering of our black communities. We must acknowledge the problems, identify the solutions, and then put this into action. The black community cannot do it alone. This will require all of us."
There you go...I guess we're all racist haters...we don't care about the plight of Black Americans...they're all suffering because of US.
DAMMIT...why don't we put a Black person in the White House to PROVE we're not a hate-filled racist nation ?? Someone to lead the whole country, unite us and solve all this..????!!!!
Oh Wait...:rolleyes:

06-06-2020, 06:39 AM
A guy doesn't kneel out of protest and to bring awareness to police brutality, and others change the narrative to him disrespecting an inanimate object and the military lol... Wow... First of all the kneeling wasn't about the military or anything else people conjectured up to take the focus off of what he was really protesting, and second of all, people fought and died so that we could have to right to peaceful protest against any perceived injustice. I have an issue when it comes to blocking streets and rioting, but kneeling during the national anthem, so what... Not the end of the world.

A black CCW holder is killed during a routine traffic stop and more recently, a man is killed by having a knee pressed to his neck, and the same people want to change the narrative to be about the fact that these men may have had traffic tickets and smoked weed or had some other past issues that have zero, nothing, nada to do with the circumstances that ultimately took their lives.

06-06-2020, 06:54 AM
guido - Drew Brees is simply repeating the robotic woke speak that all people must affirm in order to participate publicly in our tolerant society.

All hail the god of woke.

06-06-2020, 07:14 AM
187911 - passing a counterfeit bill and resisting arrest while high on fentanyl and methamphetamine did contribute to the circumstances surrounding his death.

I知 not pointing that out to pass judgement on the guilt or innocence of the officers involved. I知 just saying he wasn稚 a random man hunted down and killed by the police.

06-06-2020, 09:57 AM
A guy doesn't kneel out of protest and to bring awareness to police brutality, and others change the narrative to him disrespecting an inanimate object and the military lol... Wow... First of all the kneeling wasn't about the military or anything else people conjectured up to take the focus off of what he was really protesting, and second of all, people fought and died so that we could have to right to peaceful protest against any perceived injustice. I have an issue when it comes to blocking streets and rioting, but kneeling during the national anthem, so what... Not the end of the world.

A black CCW holder is killed during a routine traffic stop and more recently, a man is killed by having a knee pressed to his neck, and the same people want to change the narrative to be about the fact that these men may have had traffic tickets and smoked weed or had some other past issues that have zero, nothing, nada to do with the circumstances that ultimately took their lives.

There isn't much police brutality in USA.....very little actually. Mostly what we get are nitpicking tickets or office mistakes. *I was once charged with "felony concealed carry of a handgun" even though I showed the officer my permit and receipt for payment which was on department letterhead. Turns out, State Police did not record the renewed permit. After the local sheriff made a phone call, the case was dropped but I was still out a day of work and $300.00 for retaining an attorney. That's another reason why permits are a bad idea.....Constitutional Carry is the only way to go.

No one has to stand for the anthem, most do not due to laziness. That's fine, in a free country people have the right to be indifferent or even hate that country. It's absurd and even disgusting but people have those rights. Note Capernick wore socks with "Cops are Pigs" on them.

"A black CCW holder is killed during a routine traffic stop..." I can only assume you are referring to the Philando Castile shooting, of which I saw and debated the dash cam video and voice recording.

It's pretty clear Mr. Castile had no idea how to handle himself during a stop and certainly when carrying a gun. He was told many times "don't reach for it" and yet, he kept reaching. If that is your idea of "America is racist/police are evil" then I can only hope you don't carry a gun while driving or even drive for that matter. There are retired officers on this forum which I am sure will be more than happy to educate you on how to handle yourself when stopped with a firearm or stopped at all.

I am quite serious concerning this......either you never saw the dash cam video (shows the whole stop, not the passenger's narrative), you don't know how to handle yourself, or both.