View Full Version : Who is exercising and what are you doing?

06-05-2020, 09:41 AM
I've been on and off into fitness since age 18. I had some serious health issues that kept me out of sports as a child but that cause was discovered and ended up being very treatable (cause no but symptoms yes).

I was doing a pretty intense cardio workout at the gym prior to the virus with the goal of increasing lung capacity and losing the cage (gut) with the final goal doing P90X at home.

That got accelerated due to the virus so I started P90X about 5 weeks ago and I am seeing major gains.

I am more flexible, losing fat, gaining muscle, and just feeling like dynamite! I'm seldom tired during the day and just feel very confident.

If I exercise a lot I'll typically have 2 or 3 bowel movements a day, if not, then just one a day. I have learned that exercise increases metabolism.

P90X is the DVD set of dumbbell lifting, cardio, stretches, yoga, and intense ab workouts led by Tony Horton of Beachbody.com fame.

I work out 6 days a week, about 2 to 3 hours each day. Sundays (if I have the time) I bike in a big parking lot or spend the day mowing and yard work.

What are you guys doing?

06-05-2020, 10:58 AM
I get out of bed, if I can, and do finger curls on the way to the coffee maker. While the coffee is brewing, I insert 2 pieces of Breadsmith multi grain bread in to the toaster. It could be a honey day, or a blackberry preserves day, or maybe just a bit of peanut butter, or all of the above. Then I do elbow curls while getting my coffee and food and sitting down to watch Have Gun Will Travel. I finish my food and tv and do some more elbow curls while cleaning up my aftermath and tackling the dishes. Yesterday, the wifey was running errands so I did dishes, vacuumed the whole house, did 2 loads of laundry, cleaned the bathroom, and mowed and whipped the lawn. I've never been one who expected a wife to be a maid and when she returned, she was a happy camper and got to relax for the day. I get my exercise just living.............:)

06-06-2020, 06:03 PM
Nice day in Austin to go kayaking... (not me, but a friend took this pic):

06-06-2020, 07:16 PM
That must have been nice. I haven't paddle a boat of any kind since 2009.

I did not work out today.....just too busy. I may go bike riding tomorrow with a friend though. It'll be an open carry day of Kahr CW 45 if I go.

If not it'll be a mowing day of open carry Kahr CW 45.

06-08-2020, 10:47 AM
Usually do some calisthenics and hike with a 30lb pack for minimum of 7 miles up to 11 at least 2 to 4 times a week.
Over did it last month hiking and been having some foot pain, so I slowed my pace down a lil.
I may have to find my P90x and start it. Seems like your getting great results. Definitely is true that you feel better when you exercise at least 3 to 5 days a week.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

06-12-2020, 07:11 PM
Thanks Ren....yoga was a bust yesterday though, too much back pain. Exercise lost out on today and will be tomorrow also. My crack head sister is in town so that means not leaving my father's house since I have some things there and dad is perfectly fine with things going missing. Things have gone missing for years and dad just turned a blind eye.....including all mom's jewelry and a few of her checks plus two handguns.

I'll get back on things next Monday, assuming nothing unexpected comes of this latest episode of "Crack Head Sister/Enabling Dad."

07-07-2020, 07:03 PM
Got back on P90X today, didn't get any cardio in at all last week. (Last week was a cardio week on that system). Workout was good with gains in all areas. Strength increasing along with rep numbers for things like pullups, pushups, etc. I can nearly do a perfect "diamond pushup" now.

Ab Ripper was not so good, I had not done that for like two weeks.

Weighed myself and I am at 182 pounds, so I have lost about 10 pounds since beginning the workout program. My arms and chest are getting bigger though, so I may end up not really losing much poundage....it'll "change form." :D

I have to buy some suspenders though! My pants are all falling off me and a pair of shorts I bought back in May that were then too tight, are now far too loose! I may be a 34 or 32 in the waist now.

07-08-2020, 10:22 AM
I have never been one for regimented workouts. I am an avid outdoorsman. Being retired, I get to participate more than ever before. As this pandemic was winding up, I was still x/c skiing and ramping up my canoeing. I'm 30 minutes away from some great hiking trails. 15 minutes from two rivers and a big lake. Besides my regular yard work and remodeling projects, I do a lot of physical outdoor activity on a pretty regular basis. No particular goal, as my weight, health, and flexibility are quite good. But the skiing and canoeing get ramped up when time allows - and I never do either the easy way. In between all that, I'm pedaling the bike for cardio.

07-09-2020, 08:13 PM
Sounds good FreeMe.....you are a skier? Amateur or professional?

I skied professionally for 7 years. Don't get too excited though, I was an instructor, most of my students were under age 10. Insanely good exercise though as I skated back up the hill as much as I skied down it.

My workout today was really good. I saw gains with nearly every set. Side tri rises were especially good today.

Only problem with P90X is it takes so long to do. The lifting days take me up to 3 hours per workout, if I include Ab Ripper X, which I almost always do. I have to build a dumb bell rack too since I end up with a big mess with dumb bells all over the floor after the workout. I can do that though.


You hike with a weighted pack? That's pretty impressive. A friend from college used to do that.

07-10-2020, 09:02 PM
I'm not a professional at anything anymore. ;) No, I've always been strictly amatuer for my own entertainment. Mostly backcountry, as I have so much of it here. Weighted pack? Well yeah - isn't that what packs are for? Can't get far without some weight.

But my passion is the canoe. No lollygaggin' lillydippin' here. Upstream/downstream, catch every eddy....surf every wave. Occasionally put the miles in on the flats.

07-10-2020, 09:59 PM
I get out of bed, if I can, and do finger curls on the way to the coffee maker. While the coffee is brewing, I insert 2 pieces of Breadsmith multi grain bread in to the toaster. It could be a honey day, or a blackberry preserves day, or maybe just a bit of peanut butter, or all of the above. Then I do elbow curls while getting my coffee and food and sitting down to watch Have Gun Will Travel. I finish my food and tv and do some more elbow curls while cleaning up my aftermath and tackling the dishes. Yesterday, the wifey was running errands so I did dishes, vacuumed the whole house, did 2 loads of laundry, cleaned the bathroom, and mowed and whipped the lawn. I've never been one who expected a wife to be a maid and when she returned, she was a happy camper and got to relax for the day. I get my exercise just living.............:)

I hear you man, I do one sit up every morning to get out of bed then my first steps are to find the ibuprofen bottle so I can continue on to the coffee maker.....After some caffeine and a little creaking I'm good to go....I remember being a 32" jeans size and then age happened and my a$$ moved north to my belly and I grew man boobs and I said oh well this is it, so it goes....I'm old, I'm fat, my hair fell out but like Jeff Dunham's old buddy Walter always said, "I don't give a Damn"......and not to get all political here but has anyone noticed how much Joe Biden and Walter seem to be the same guy?.....Just saying

07-11-2020, 07:36 AM
......not to get all political here but has anyone noticed how much Joe Biden and Walter seem to be the same guy?.....Just saying

I was thinking that too, but then I remembered that Walter's mind is still sharp.

07-11-2020, 08:37 AM

07-11-2020, 09:38 AM
Helps to remember that Plugs's hair wouldn't be there without medical intervention.

07-11-2020, 09:07 PM
Joe Biden has most certainly had hair plugs installed. He had less hair when he was younger!

I started going bald at age 18, by age 25 it had stabilized and I was pretty bald. Rogaine and Propecia were wastes of money. I started a crew cut around age 22 and finally began shaving it at age 28. I wish I had begun shaving my head at age 18!

Once I embraced my destiny, I got more way more dates, just as a friend in college told me I would. He was shaving his head long before Vin Diesel made it popular.

For years my mother begged me to let her pay for hair plugs but I am very glad I never accepted. Bald heads get attention and women go nuts over it.

A bald head comes with a price though: even minor head impacts result in cuts, there is no cushion when you bang your head on something, the sun burns it rapidly, and the cold air is easily noticed. I wear a big hat in summer, watch cap in winter. Try not to bang my head into things.

07-12-2020, 11:41 AM
I remember when Joe got plugged. There were photos. I knew back then what to think of him.

A light lunch today, and I'm out for an upriver canoe poling trip.

07-12-2020, 12:59 PM
I remember when Joe got plugged. There were photos. I knew back then what to think of him.

A light lunch today, and I'm out for an upriver canoe poling trip.

I don't think hair plugs are a good idea either but I suspect Trump has had them too.

That's OK, Burt Reynolds put a lot of money into keeping his hair as did John Wayne. I just think hair plugs look bad. I prefer a shaved head though.

Gosh, get out there and enjoy yourself! If I could go out and mow today I would, drug addict sister in to visit though so I have to stay at dad's house. I wonder what drama awaits.... Will she try to force me to speak with her again? Will she begin to scream and curse like she did last time when I refused to answer? These are "The Days of Our Dope Head Sister Drama Lives."

Edit: dad going to see her! He doesn't fully trust her, so instead of staying at his house he pushes her off on his sisters. They told me they'd never let her stay again due to her being doped up and "out of it" but they reversed themselves at my father's behest. But she's decided not to come visit (elderly people have to haul her around, she wrecked her car) so he's gone to see her over there. YAY.

Now I can work on his truck and maybe mow for a guy. My Sunday is looking up.

07-13-2020, 07:32 AM
Haha! I think Trump just combs it over the bald.

Poling session was good yesterday. First time standing in the canoe since winter, but I don't feel like I lost any skill. Sure missed it, even though I've been paddling from the seat a lot. Full body workout, and the best way to explore a river.

My sympathies to you with your sister. I know a little about what that's like. I can only say that I've seen first-hand what miracles God can work with a long-time addict.

07-13-2020, 03:31 PM