View Full Version : Chrono work on Speer Gold Dots in 9mm

06-14-2020, 11:32 PM
Got out last week with my new P9 and ran a couple of loads of 9mm over my Chronograph for checking velocity as a carry load.

First was the Speer Gold Dot 124 grain standard pressure 9mm fired from the 3.5" barrel of the P9 six feet from the muzzle. Avg was 1135fps. Good accuracy!
Second load was the Hornady 124+P 9mm American Gunner load (XTP) it averaged out a 1136fps from same P9.

Temperature was 72 degrees and the altitude was 2710 ft above sea level.

Just thought you might like to know.

06-15-2020, 10:08 AM
Good info. I wish I was at 2710 ft. And 72 degrees. At 165 ft it was 91 degrees yesterday.

06-15-2020, 11:11 AM
Got out last week with my new P9 and ran a couple of loads of 9mm over my Chronograph for checking velocity as a carry load. First was the Speer Gold Dot 124 grain standard pressure 9mm fired from the 3.5" barrel of the P9 six feet from the muzzle. Avg was 1135fps.

Thank you for these results, @Zeke38.

It's interesting to compare your results against Lucky Gunner's (https://www.luckygunner.com/labs/self-defense-ammo-ballistic-tests/#9mm). Like you, LG used a 3.5" barrel for its 9mm Luger tests (though it measured velocity at the muzzle rather than at 6' from the muzzle). LG reports a (slower) 1,067 fps mean muzzle velocity for 124 gr. standard pressure Speer Gold Dot (#53618?).

I wonder what might explain these different results: The particular chronograph used? Ambient temp and barometric pressure? Something else?

If you still have them, can you supply the chrono velocities of all of your Speer tests?



08-29-2020, 12:09 PM
What I can say about these Speer Gold Dot LE Duty 124 gr JHP is they are a lot harder on my wrists shooting them out of my CW9 than any other ammo I've shot through it. My wrist chrono says they're powerful. I'm gonna need a lot of practice with these to get fast enough. There's a lot of muzzle flip from these irregardless of how well you hold on and that makes it difficult to stay on target.

08-29-2020, 08:31 PM
What I can say about these Speer Gold Dot LE Duty 124 gr JHP is they are a lot harder on my wrists shooting them out of my CW9 than any other ammo I've shot through it. My wrist chrono says they're powerful. ...

Yes, and the Speer Gold Dot LE Duty 124 gr +P JHP (my carry ammo for my K9) is even more powerful--noticeably so. I love the way the K9 so easily handles this +P GD. No onerous muzzle flip that I sometimes read people ascribing to the P9 and CW9.
