View Full Version : What would you do?
This coming weekend is the anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg.
Living within a couple of hours drive of the town, and being a Civil War buff, I make a trip out there every few years. It's time to go there once again this year. It never gets old for me - there's always more to learn and see.
I have a friend that is a park service guide that lives right across from the National Cemetery, but I won't be looking him up this trip. He'll be plenty busy. He's often said I should consider becoming a park service guide when I retire. Maybe I will.
I'm going out there with an old friend that wants to learn more about the battle. I wanted to go on the 4th, but he's hosting a barbecue that day, so we're going on the 3rd. This is fine with me, as the 3rd was also the last day of the battle (Pickett's Charge), and there may be some reenactments going on.
Here's the kicker. ANTIFA has announced they're gonna be there, and will have a flag burning in the National Cemetery from 3-6pm on the 4th.
I suspect they'll have a presence there all weekend as well. The residents of the town are pretty freaked out by this. There's been threats on social media about rioting, looting, damaging monuments, and taking the protest out to the suburbs, with violence, burning, and death threats to civilians. The town residents have put out requests for protection beyond what the local law enforcement and park service security can provide. The Pennsylvania "Militia" has already said they'll be there - in force. Who knows what other folks will respond to their call.
I made my friend aware of this info, and he still wants to go. He's not afraid. He was an MP in the army, and is a rather large individual. I'd already made my mind up to go. Heck, I'd love to see the "festivities" at the cemetery on the 4th, but no joy. Having two opposing groups in such close proximity is surely a powder keg. This could get ugly...
What do y'all think?
06-30-2020, 02:06 PM
I'd go if only to protect the monuments and the historical site. I'm totally sick of this antifa pot stirring stuff.
We're supposed to have bikers from all over coming to clean out CHOP in Seattle, clear out the losers, removed the graffiti and clean the place up. It might be a good show too.
Wish I was closer, I'd go with you. I'd love to visit Gettysburg some day, most likely never happen but would love to all the same.
To be clear I would definitely NOT OPEN CARRY but I would be heavily armed. I would not antagonize but I would get ugly if they start tearing stuff up.
Much like being a civilian and carry concealed, try to go over every eventuality which might come about, that you can think of, before you go. What will I do if this happens? Can I watch them burn a flag in order to illustrate their Right to "free speech", without a reaction from me? Under what conditions should I draw my weapon if I feel threatened? Or fire it? Will I allow their taunts to go unanswered if I think they are directed at me? If not, how should I react?
I too would love the opportunity to go. You're fortunate that you can. But if you can see yourself being drawn into a confrontation with misguided protestors in a scenario that would be questionably right on your part, ie legal, then perhaps another day might serve you better? I'd be hard-pressed to ignore disrespect shown toward the thousands of soldiers that died trying to end slavery so it might be better for me to stay away. I'm assuming that is what BLM is out to do by burning the flag, and I'm also assuming you meant a US flag. They are self-described trained marxists so I can't imagine being in agreement with most anything they might feel compelled to do there. I think you are right in that things could get ugly. In fact they might be counting on it.
06-30-2020, 03:48 PM
Of course they are counting on ugly. That's what they do. It actually has nothing to do with black lives or slavery. And the Civil War was about a lot more than just Slavery.
It's their opportunity to stir up crap and tear stuff up. The media digs this stuff. They are just being used as pawns and they are too stupid to even know it.
King Rat
06-30-2020, 03:54 PM
This coming weekend is the anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg.
Living within a couple of hours drive of the town, and being a Civil War buff, I make a trip out there every few years. It's time to go there once again this year. It never gets old for me - there's always more to learn and see.
I have a friend that is a park service guide that lives right across from the National Cemetery, but I won't be looking him up this trip. He'll be plenty busy. He's often said I should consider becoming a park service guide when I retire. Maybe I will.
I'm going out there with an old friend that wants to learn more about the battle. I wanted to go on the 4th, but he's hosting a barbecue that day, so we're going on the 3rd. This is fine with me, as the 3rd was also the last day of the battle (Pickett's Charge), and there may be some reenactments going on.
Here's the kicker. ANTIFA has announced they're gonna be there, and will have a flag burning in the National Cemetery from 3-6pm on the 4th.
I suspect they'll have a presence there all weekend as well. The residents of the town are pretty freaked out by this. There's been threats on social media about rioting, looting, damaging monuments, and taking the protest out to the suburbs, with violence, burning, and death threats to civilians. The town residents have put out requests for protection beyond what the local law enforcement and park service security can provide. The Pennsylvania "Militia" has already said they'll be there - in force. Who knows what other folks will respond to their call.
I made my friend aware of this info, and he still wants to go. He's not afraid. He was an MP in the army, and is a rather large individual. I'd already made my mind up to go. Heck, I'd love to see the "festivities" at the cemetery on the 4th, but no joy. Having two opposing groups in such close proximity is surely a powder keg. This could get ugly...
What do y'all think?
I also am a History buff. Love American History. What a privilege to go to Gettysburg. A my God, how Civil War history has been totally butchered and rewritten. I have visted many civil war battle fields over the years and but made it to Gettysburg. Antifa and BLM are out to destroy anything American. I say do not cower down to them. If they want War then so Be it. It is getting past the time to start making a stand against Terrorism. And make no mistake, BLM and Antifa are TERRORIST!
06-30-2020, 05:02 PM
I just don't understand the need of the radical left to erase any and all history of the Civil War, it happened so get over it.....Gettysburg is blood soaked hallowed ground for both sides and should be respected for the men who suffered and died there for what they believed to be right....
BLM is marching this weekend at Stone Mountain Memorial Park which is a Georgia State Park and Confederate Museum and they are demanding all Confederate items be removed and the carving be destroyed....The carving is an amazing creation and has General Robert E. Lee, General Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson and Confederate President Jefferson Davis on horseback....A brief history of the carving goes back to 1923 and was started by Gutzon Borglum but money ran out in 1928 so he went to South Dakota and carved Mount Rushmore, another unbelievable piece of American history which will stand for eons....The Stone Mountain carving of Lee's head went pretty much untouched until the early 60's when the State of Ga. bought the mountain and hired Roy Faulkner to finish the carving....Faulkner using modern equipment was able to finish the gigantic carving (several men can easily stand on one of the horses ears) in the early 70's....Faulkners chief engineer fell to his death in 1966 and Roy himself almost fell 2 years later but he completed the incredibly amazing and beautiful work of art on time and under budget...
I can understand removing Confederate monuments from public places like courthouses where the general public has to go but Stone Mountain Park is a Confederate Museum and NOBODY is forced to go there and if the things in the park upset you and go against your beliefs then by all means DON'T freekin go but BLM is such a force now that I'm sure Faulkners beautiful work of art carving will be blown off the mountain in the very near future and the sound that you hear will be, if you don't agree with the anarchist left, you are a racist, you have no rights and you and your history no longer matter because only BLM.....
06-30-2020, 05:20 PM
BLM is a communist group and the goal has long been the rewriting of the Constitution. The low hanging fruit was the Confederate statues, then the Founding Fathers, and finally, the Constitution. I recall this being discussed in an article I read around 2005. Of course BLM did not exist then, but the same people funding BLM were after the Constitution then.
BLM's stated goals are reminiscent of President Mugabe of Zimbabwe, who murdered white farmers, seized their farms, then gave the land to blacks who had no idea how to run farms, leading to mass starvation. They openly call for the end of the two parent family, the police, and make several pleas for whites to donate their property blacks.
I'm a bit busy to go to PA but I support those that will go, even if I have to send them money. Recent events have made me reconsider joining the local chapter of The Oath Keepers, my time as a firefighter allows me to qualify.
I suggest open carry of long arms and for defensive groups to surround statues.......which is what the police and NG should be doing, plus they must arrest anyone that threatens public or private property.
06-30-2020, 09:17 PM
Good post in this thread.
I’d say go to Gettysburg with your friend and don’t take any crap. If the PA militia is going to be there it might be worth seeing what happens. ANTIFA might learn a lesson.
Id like to see the bikers clear out CHOP. It would be awesome.
I remember in the late 80’s when I lived in the Atlanta area you could see Stone Mountain for free. Kenesaw Mtn park was open to drive to the top for free too. They had that trail you could hike to the very top with the old cannons on the way.
BLM And ANTIFA is funded heavily by Soros. He’s out to overthrow our way of living. if that would be reported maybe some eyes would open. Then again there are so many stupid left minded people today maybe it wouldn’t matter. Cut off that funding and it would be no more.
06-30-2020, 09:25 PM
Virginia Citizens Defense League's "Lobby Day" in VA last February saw THOUSANDS of armed militia show up with only some 100 ANTIFA. The communist scum did NOTHING. I should have gone. I planned to go but copped out at the last.
Even though the gov. had banned carry in violation of the law and the court backed up that violation, there were so many armed militia just outside the barriers any ANTIFA attacks would have been met with a curtain of steel......they didn't do a thing.
Just like the response to the shooting up of the Marine recruiting office, patriots need to get out there and do what the govt. is refusing to.
07-01-2020, 02:35 PM
I would go - armed openly and ready for an issue from them - hope for the best prepare for the worst
Our history needs to be seen as the way the world is turning lately it is disappearing at an alarming rate, I would take the chance to see it.
07-01-2020, 06:34 PM
I think people are getting fed up, this Sheriff says it....
King Rat
07-01-2020, 06:57 PM
I think people are getting fed up, this Sheriff says it....
Bravo to the Sheriff and the men in Blue. Sad that so many just do not have their Back covered by Higher Ups in all areas. So many other are spit on by Mayors, Politicians etc.
07-02-2020, 10:44 AM
If you have the time Ed, please stop by the 8th Ohio monument and give them Buckeyes a tip of the cap for me. (
On second thought...please, a tip of the cap to all that were there those many years ago. To think that battle lines between Americans may once again be drawn there is saddening,
07-02-2020, 12:07 PM
To think that battle lines between Americans may once again be drawn there is saddening,
Im afraid there is a lot of truth in those words.
07-02-2020, 01:44 PM
The only comfort and I do see it happening, perhaps not in my life time but there will be battle lines but both sides technically won't be Americans. It will be American Patriots against communist, marxist, BLM infiltrators or you could put them all under the heading Democrats.
Our mission now is to hang onto or patriotism and our guns no matter what so our kids and grandkids got the tools they need to make it a short but hopefully decisive battle.
And to VOTE. Every election, from local to federal!!!
King Rat
07-02-2020, 04:02 PM
It is sad to see how History has been re-written by the liberals about the civil war. First of all it is utterly INSANE to think that approximately 600,000 men from both sides went to war and died over slavery. I mean INSANE. Facts are trashed in the school systems and most too stupid to even have studied the facts. My brother teaches history. He has actually been given a mandate to teach the trash. Also see Gov. Northams new statutes). I asked him how he could lie like that. He said it would be fired if he told the truth and he is ready to retire.
Start with this one. They are so ignorant to believe that Lincoln, is the Great Emancipator. Lol, they do not have a clue that he only Emaciated the slaves in the SOUTH not the North or border states. SAY What!
I have pages of Lincoln's own words about how he felt about the slave and what to do with them. As in the "Colonization Society." Not to mention slavery would have ended in the second year of the Civil War as Europe no longer was interested in cotton. Lincoln did not give a crap about the slaves other than as he said. "I would let the South have the Slaves if it meant that it would keep them from Succeeding the US and I would get rid of slavery if it meant to stop the South from Succeeding.
It was about economics, High tariffs, unfair representation, succession and on and on.
We could go on for pages about this.
BLM does not care about Slavery. They just want to hold American's Hostage for MONEY. The want to destroy anything about AMERICA. Our Flag, our Police etc. And too stupid to understand that they are pawns of Soros and company.
Report from Gettysburg - 7/3/20.
Spent all day at Gettysburg. I was curious to see what kind of response there would be to ANTIFA's threats. I've never seen anything like this - ABSOLUTELY IMPRESSIVE.
Spoke to a few Park Service guides. They cancelled their free tours this weekend, and they're on high alert. Tours are still available from several private tour companies.
The PA Militia is indeed out in force, as well as the PA State Police, police from surrounding towns, the FBI, and even Homeland Security.
We were told that the Hell's Angels and the Pagan motorcycle clubs have agreed to join forces and help protect the monuments and National Park.
It really warms my heart to see Americans pull together like this. I saw no racism, no rude behavior - nothing but high moral and patriotism. As it should be. Made me so proud to be an American. Heaven help anyone that attacks us.
Greg - your 8th Ohio boys were some kind of special. On the second and third day of the battle, they were a few hundred yards out in front of the main Union position on a skirmish line (see pics). During Pickett's Charge, there were 13,000+ rebels headed straight for their 209 man group. The 8th Ohio didn't run - they attacked.
07-04-2020, 02:09 AM
Report from Gettysburg - 7/3/20.
Spent all day at Gettysburg. I was curious to see what kind of response there would be to ANTIFA's threats. I've never seen anything like this - ABSOLUTELY IMPRESSIVE.
Spoke to a few Park Service guides. They cancelled their free tours this weekend, and they're on high alert. Tours are still available from several private tour companies.
The PA Militia is indeed out in force, as well as the PA State Police, police from surrounding towns, the FBI, and even Homeland Security.
We were told that the Hell's Angels and the Pagan motorcycle clubs have agreed to join forces and help protect the monuments and National Park.
It really warms my heart to see Americans pull together like this. I saw no racism, no rude behavior - nothing but high moral and patriotism. As it should be. Made me so proud to be an American. Heaven help anyone that attacks us.
Gary - your 8th Ohio boys were some kind of special. On the second and third day of the battle, they were a few hundred yards out in front of the main Union position on a skirmish line (see pics). During Pickett's Charge, there were 13,000+ rebels headed straight for their 209 man group. The 8th Ohio didn't run - they attacked.
Well that is good news. Frankly, that is how every city and town in America should have reacted.
07-04-2020, 11:06 AM
Vote, and take as many like minded people to the polling place with you as you can fit in your bus.
07-04-2020, 11:32 AM
Report from Gettysburg - 7/3/20.
Spent all day at Gettysburg. I was curious to see what kind of response there would be to ANTIFA's threats. I've never seen anything like this - ABSOLUTELY IMPRESSIVE.
Spoke to a few Park Service guides. They cancelled their free tours this weekend, and they're on high alert. Tours are still available from several private tour companies.
The PA Militia is indeed out in force, as well as the PA State Police, police from surrounding towns, the FBI, and even Homeland Security.
We were told that the Hell's Angels and the Pagan motorcycle clubs have agreed to join forces and help protect the monuments and National Park.
It really warms my heart to see Americans pull together like this. I saw no racism, no rude behavior - nothing but high moral and patriotism. As it should be. Made me so proud to be an American. Heaven help anyone that attacks us.
Gary - your 8th Ohio boys were some kind of special. On the second and third day of the battle, they were a few hundred yards out in front of the main Union position on a skirmish line (see pics). During Pickett's Charge, there were 13,000+ rebels headed straight for their 209 man group. The 8th Ohio didn't run - they attacked.
Thats awesome.
King Rat
07-04-2020, 04:32 PM
On this day, let no man forget, He is from OLD VIRGINIA! PICKETTS CHARGE
07-05-2020, 05:48 AM
Report from Gettysburg - 7/3/20.
Spent all day at Gettysburg. I was curious to see what kind of response there would be to ANTIFA's threats. I've never seen anything like this - ABSOLUTELY IMPRESSIVE.
Spoke to a few Park Service guides. They cancelled their free tours this weekend, and they're on high alert. Tours are still available from several private tour companies.
The PA Militia is indeed out in force, as well as the PA State Police, police from surrounding towns, the FBI, and even Homeland Security.
We were told that the Hell's Angels and the Pagan motorcycle clubs have agreed to join forces and help protect the monuments and National Park.
It really warms my heart to see Americans pull together like this. I saw no racism, no rude behavior - nothing but high moral and patriotism. As it should be. Made me so proud to be an American. Heaven help anyone that attacks us.
Gary - your 8th Ohio boys were some kind of special. On the second and third day of the battle, they were a few hundred yards out in front of the main Union position on a skirmish line (see pics). During Pickett's Charge, there were 13,000+ rebels headed straight for their 209 man group. The 8th Ohio didn't run - they attacked.
Thank you sir!
07-11-2020, 10:39 PM
My have a relative that's in a motorcycle club and he told me "they would love to meet up with ANTIFA sometime." He also told me club requirements included being a veteran with an honorable discharge and that he knew some of the bikers that went up to Gettysburg.
I'm not a big fan of what some of those clubs are involved in but if they are defending statues and monuments, that's a very good thing and they deserve praise.
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