View Full Version : Today I file to import my mail order bride!

07-22-2020, 12:24 PM
Today is the day.....finally got all the docs together, off they (and $535.00) go to DHS to import my girl. Christian, conservative, fit, libertarian, great shot, gun loving....sometimes you have to go far to find what you need.


07-22-2020, 02:04 PM
Good luck! Hopefully you won’t need it, but just in case. Love is awesome when it is true!!!

07-22-2020, 02:46 PM
Where is she from? Congrats, BTW.

07-22-2020, 02:46 PM
Good luck! Hopefully you won’t need it, but just in case. Love is awesome when it is true!!!

Thanks man, I am a mix of emotions but there is no way I'll ever find her equal. If someone told me they were dating such a girl and asked my advice on marriage, I'd advise them to marry that person in a New York Minute.

She is from Jakarta, Indonesia.

I NEVER thought I'd marry an Asian.....when I first saw her pic and where she was from I thought 'oh what the hell, send her a "flirt," it's not like we'll ever meet her.' SMH!

07-22-2020, 07:13 PM
Congrats Turtles, I wish you all the best and hope that you find your true soul mate and you both know the meaning of real love for all of your days.......Interesting the import fee for a wife is only $535.00...... I gotta check into how much the export fee for one is....:biggrin1:

07-23-2020, 06:27 AM
Do they have any BOGO deals?

07-23-2020, 07:11 AM
When she gets there ask her if she has a sister. Then PM me with pics.

07-23-2020, 08:10 AM
Congrats Turtles, I wish you all the best and hope that you find your true soul mate and you both know the meaning of real love for all of your days.......Interesting the import fee for a wife is only $535.00...... I gotta check into how much the export fee for one is....:biggrin1:

Regarding EXPORT FEE'S....

As da Blues Brothers would say...."it's cheaper to keep her".:yo:

07-23-2020, 08:22 AM
Does Amazon deliver those? I'd have to use the Amazon boxes at the gas station...

07-23-2020, 09:01 AM
Does Amazon deliver those? I'd have to use the Amazon boxes at the gas station...

Or you could use Wayfair!:w00t:

07-23-2020, 10:16 AM
Funny guys, love it, keep it coming.

She does have a sister, who is engaged already. My GF's mother is upset my GF was not first to marry, being the eldest of the three children. Her aunts and uncles basically harassed her for years about not being married then planning to marry a foreigner. My mother would do me that way for about 20 years.....trying to marry me off. Finally she gave up on it.

Met her on a dating site, one geared to interracial dating (I like women with built-in tans). Prefer American black women but nearly impossible to find a conservative or libertarian of that flavor. "We need more Candace Owens's!"

07-23-2020, 12:22 PM
Met my wife on a dating site 21 years ago. It was dangerous and immediate.....................been married for 13 of those years. Both of us had been married before. It's amazing what you can learn from a wrong marriage. I wish you all the luck.............These days, it's very hard to find the "right woman". I think it's much more difficult than say 20 years ago. Age and politics and religion and education and up bringing have a much stronger affect on a relationship these days , along with the Covid s#!t IMHO.

07-23-2020, 02:32 PM
Congratulations.... pictures of her shotgun?

07-23-2020, 02:56 PM
My brother in law got a "mail order bride"....about a year and a half after marrying her [and getting her citizenship], she dumped him.
She actually told him it was only to get citizenship [after she was divorced]!

07-23-2020, 03:38 PM
Congratulations.... pictures of her shotgun?

Her dad's shotgun, you mean? ;)

07-23-2020, 05:17 PM
My brother in law got a "mail order bride"....about a year and a half after marrying her [and getting her citizenship], she dumped him.
She actually told him it was only to get citizenship [after she was divorced]!

How long was he in contact with her before he imported her?

07-23-2020, 06:44 PM
Not sure.

07-23-2020, 08:55 PM
My brother in law got a "mail order bride"....about a year and a half after marrying her [and getting her citizenship], she dumped him.
She actually told him it was only to get citizenship [after she was divorced]!

Sounds like somebody who needs a long ride in a small box aboard a very slow boat to Kukla the F'n Munga to me....

07-23-2020, 09:06 PM
Not sure.

It's something I worry about for sure and plan a hefty prenuptial agreement before the wedding but I've been in contact with this lady since Jan. of 2014. If she is a scam artist she's a very patient one. I met her family, friends, and coworkers when there.

She comes from a decently wealthy family, has a good job, is very skilled, talented, and is hardworking. I could be wrong as I am not a mind reader, but I think I am safe with her. Hope so anyway!

07-23-2020, 09:39 PM
And has she been to West Virginia?

07-23-2020, 10:45 PM
And has she been to West Virginia?

She has not. It's not so easy to travel to America as it is for Americans to travel abroad. Our system is a mess!

07-24-2020, 07:50 AM
Winter could be quite a shock.

07-24-2020, 08:58 AM
Winter could be quite a shock.

Yup.....as with my brother in law Kenny's wife, Laura convinced him to move out of Minnesota after one winter. They moved to Florida and within that year they were divorced.

07-24-2020, 09:08 AM
Yup.....as with my brother in law Kenny's wife, Laura convinced him to move out of Minnesota after one winter. They moved to Florida and within that year they were divorced.

I'd really like to know how long the victim knew the scammer before they were married.

I will not move to any state with a red flag law.

My Asian Persuasion and I have discussed winter many times. She wants to learn to ski and play in the snow. Once, in her city, she told me "no one in my family has ever gotten a divorce---not an aunt, uncle, even cousin."

07-24-2020, 12:00 PM
Yup.....as with my brother in law Kenny's wife, Laura convinced him to move out of Minnesota after one winter. They moved to Florida and within that year they were divorced.

I don't know why people go from one extreme to the other and think it'll be comfortable. There are places in between that are liveable.

07-24-2020, 12:59 PM
I don't know why people go from one extreme to the other and think it'll be comfortable. There are places in between that are liveable.

Many people do that. All in or all out. AC is either "off" or on "full blast." Same with the heater. My GF and I have discussed winter many times....if she doesn't like it we can divorce, she go wherever and I keep my stuff (prenuptial). She knows this as I told her up front.

07-24-2020, 01:50 PM
Most mail orders are not concerned with "keeping your stuff", they are looking for citizenship. :amflag: Marriage is the fast track to becoming citizen.

07-24-2020, 04:34 PM
Most mail orders are not concerned with "keeping your stuff", they are looking for citizenship. :amflag: Marriage is the fast track to becoming citizen.

She might be just after citizenship....I am not a mind reader......but if so, she's very patient. We met 6 years ago. I would think if she was after that only she'd have moved on from me years ago.

07-24-2020, 10:58 PM
She might be just after citizenship....I am not a mind reader......but if so, she's very patient. We met 6 years ago. I would think if she was after that only she'd have moved on from me years ago.

Well, ive held off saying anything as not to sound like a know it all, but here goes nothing....

If she has a little age and maturity on her you’ll probably be fine because she’ll adapt. You’re going to have some adapting to do too, no disrespect intended. If she’s 23 years and immature old you may face some real challenges. I’ve seen it both ways and warned friends in the past.

Now I’ve been married to a Filipina since age 24 in 1987 and it’s been real good. I got married overseas and told the embassy to give her a visa because I wasn’t leaving until she got one. I lived in her country for a year “like the natives live”, not American style, so I know their culture and speak the language at a 4 year old level (learned it from my 4 year old nephew). Now she’s more American and patriotic than most native born American folks.

My only advice is if she’s nice when she gets here and willing to put up with you, adapt your ways and hang onto her (she is going to have enough adapting to do anyway, trust me.) And she is going to get homesick bad in the beginning.

Be advised though the import fee is just the beginning of your cost. They have cultural family ties and commitments far greater than we have here and like to (and many times are expected to) provide monetary support to family back home. She may work and send all her money to family. You can advise her but you need to support what she decides to do with her money. Try to remember that because if you haven’t lived in her country you probably won’t understand that, even if you’ve heard about it. Hearing and living it are completely different experiences particularly if you haven’t lived her culture for 9 to 12 months in her style of living. Philippine and Indonesian culture is more similar than it is different so you’ll likely deal with the same things.

I’m just saying because I had an employee who did what you’re doing and after 6 months he was whining. I told him he had been advised and to just to adapt. He hung in there and they’re fine now and her mother lives with them (wifes father was murdered in the home country I believe because he was targeted as receiving money from overseas.) Another guy in his mid 50’s and hard headed worked for me and married a 24 year old nurse on the spur of the moment and it lasted only a year and cost him Thousands of dollars. I told him him I warned him.

If she’s fit and attractive be prepared for guys to make a pass at her or even stalk her around Walmart or even follow her home. If your a jealous person that’s gonna bother you. Now what I taught my wife if if someone is eyeballing her and follows her home, pull out the stainless .357 magnum and go to the door. She found that gets rid of them real fast.

Now if I had to do it again I wouldn’t change anything. My marrage has been awesome overall. Just be ready to experience the ride....

07-25-2020, 07:20 AM
Well thanks man, that's something I can actually go by.

She is 36 years old, seems very mature. I don't make enough to date a 20 something nor would I if I did. She's eager to carry a handgun once she gets here and I have been completely open about my gun habits and addiction since we started talking. We shot airguns when there and she is a very good shot.

Someone checking out my GF just means "I have a hot GF." I take it as a compliment. :-)

07-25-2020, 08:38 AM
Congrats and all the rest. For some reason that I don't know. I think you have a happy future ahead. I am sure if she wanted papers this would not have gone on so long. Sounds like you found an exotic winner. I respect that you went through with process. Not as easy as it sounds. I know a few people that are insanely happy and in love that have done the same thing your doing. All the best my friend.

Sent from my Pixel 3a using Tapatalk

07-25-2020, 10:52 AM
Well thanks man, that's something I can actually go by.

She is 36 years old, seems very mature. I don't make enough to date a 20 something nor would I if I did. She's eager to carry a handgun once she gets here and I have been completely open about my gun habits and addiction since we started talking. We shot airguns when there and she is a very good shot.

Someone checking out my GF just means "I have a hot GF." I take it as a compliment. :-)

Sounds like it will probably work out good. Best wishes.

07-25-2020, 12:08 PM
Thank you for your riveting read. Your ability to distill and confer advice out of your lived experience makes me wish I associated with you so I could be available to catch it when you occasion to share an anecdote or caution.

"Hearing and living it are completely different experiences".
Yep, and speculation and conjecture are just that. Everyone's a repository of life experience that differs from mine, and I'm fascinated to hear of it (regardless of its pertinence to my situation - I've been living-with/married to my wife since '85).
Thanks, again, for sharing some of yours.
Great read!

Well, ive held off saying anything as not to sound like a know it all, but here goes nothing....

If she has a little age and maturity on her you’ll probably be fine because she’ll adapt. You’re going to have some adapting to do too, no disrespect intended. If she’s 23 years and immature old you may face some real challenges. I’ve seen it both ways and warned friends in the past.

Now I’ve been married to a Filipina since age 24 in 1987 and it’s been real good. I got married overseas and told the embassy to give her a visa because I wasn’t leaving until she got one. I lived in her country for a year “like the natives live”, not American style, so I know their culture and speak the language at a 4 year old level (learned it from my 4 year old nephew). Now she’s more American and patriotic than most native born American folks.

My only advice is if she’s nice when she gets here and willing to put up with you, adapt your ways and hang onto her (she is going to have enough adapting to do anyway, trust me.) And she is going to get homesick bad in the beginning.

Be advised though the import fee is just the beginning of your cost. They have cultural family ties and commitments far greater than we have here and like to (and many times are expected to) provide monetary support to family back home. She may work and send all her money to family. You can advise her but you need to support what she decides to do with her money. Try to remember that because if you haven’t lived in her country you probably won’t understand that, even if you’ve heard about it. Hearing and living it are completely different experiences particularly if you haven’t lived her culture for 9 to 12 months in her style of living. Philippine and Indonesian culture is more similar than it is different so you’ll likely deal with the same things.

I’m just saying because I had an employee who did what you’re doing and after 6 months he was whining. I told him he had been advised and to just to adapt. He hung in there and they’re fine now and her mother lives with them (wifes father was murdered in the home country I believe because he was targeted as receiving money from overseas.) Another guy in his mid 50’s and hard headed worked for me and married a 24 year old nurse on the spur of the moment and it lasted only a year and cost him Thousands of dollars. I told him him I warned him.

If she’s fit and attractive be prepared for guys to make a pass at her or even stalk her around Walmart or even follow her home. If your a jealous person that’s gonna bother you. Now what I taught my wife if if someone is eyeballing her and follows her home, pull out the stainless .357 magnum and go to the door. She found that gets rid of them real fast.

Now if I had to do it again I wouldn’t change anything. My marrage has been awesome overall. Just be ready to experience the ride....