View Full Version : Black Panthers aren't so good with their guns.....

07-25-2020, 08:23 PM

Now imagine had this been the TEA Party or any conservative/constitution group.

07-25-2020, 10:09 PM
One of the members of the NFAC spoke to throngs of protesters and said “we had a little accident, it happens....

These rocket surgeons are apparently ignorant of the term "negligent discharge".

07-25-2020, 10:15 PM
And they seem to be reading a different constitution than the one I know...


King Rat
07-26-2020, 03:45 AM
Just when you think they cannot possibly be more stupid. Too much sitting around eating doughnuts ,drinking mad dog and watching Wakanda flicks all day. Seriously, this comes across as some kind of comedy movie. Even the name of the group NFAC is comical.

Seems these buffoons are going around the Country making fools of themselves. They are even threatening to "TAKE TEXAS" if they do not get their way. Watch out Texas! You in Big Trouble Now!


07-26-2020, 04:01 AM
Pretty sure that if you tune in to MSNBC this morning, Al Sharpton will be explaining that this is Trump's fault.
He will likely ALSO blame the NRA.

07-26-2020, 10:18 AM
“Ex military, trained shooters... ” yeah we can even shoot ourselves, it happens he said.

07-26-2020, 11:05 AM
Given the low entrance requirements the US military adopted post 9/11 to keep recruiting numbers up, I have no doubt a few low-lifes are in the NFAC but on the whole, they are not that impressive-looking. A negligent discharge or several is not surprising but is funny, as long as the right people got shot.

07-26-2020, 01:16 PM
Black panthers at meeting....and in jail! One ran into a 3 percenter.....:amflag:

07-26-2020, 05:22 PM
Wouldn't someone calling themselves Grand Master be racist?!? I must be missing something here.

And those pics above are hilarious!!!

07-26-2020, 08:16 PM
Wouldn't someone calling themselves Grand Master be racist?!? I must be missing something here.

And those pics above are hilarious!!!

dont you know? In today’s world black people can not be racist.

07-26-2020, 10:12 PM
dont you know? In today’s world black people can not be racist.

Some how sarcasm just doesn't reach across the interweb...lol

King Rat
07-27-2020, 04:13 AM
We hate the Police, but keep em close in case we shoot ourselves. (which they actually did)


07-27-2020, 07:21 AM
White people will forever be reminded of the past and continually blamed for something that happened 200 years ago. Personally, I'm tired of the blame, the violence and the black ignorance that comes with it. I can guarantee you that none of my relatives EVER owned a slave period. Let it fcking go. Definition of insanity. Doing and saying the same s#!t over and over and expecting something to change. All the blame and violence will not change a thing, and just makes the black community look less trustworthy. Why don't we ever talk about the Germans who came to this country and fought against their own people? Like my father......................the black community acts like their the only ones who have ever had something bad happen to them. I don't see statues of MLK being torn down..........friggen race baiter. If white people started tearing down MLK statues, you'd never here the end of it. HYPOCRITES........................................ .........................

07-27-2020, 09:08 AM
My Dad (American citizen by birth - born San Francisco, CA, 1921) was forced in early 1942 to leave college (working on a mechanical engineering degree) and was shipped via train (bayoneted guards in every car, and no idea where they were going - the window shades pulled down during a multi-day trip) to the desolation of Heart Mountain, Wyoming, where his first assignment was working a detail to build a barbed-wire fence and watch towers to keep himself penned in.
He started a Boy Scout troop to provide structure for the boys (who were running a bit wild with the dissolution of their family structure), and with the other internees, otherwise set to work making the best of a bad situation.
He left the "camp" to enlist in the Army Air Corps, and at war's end, returned to school to finish his master's, meet & marry my Mom (who as a 16-year old school girl, had been interned in Poston, AZ - hot, desolate & thick with wind-blown desert dust) and get on with a career with NACA (which became NASA).
Neither of my parents complained or otherwise talked about their experiences till we were older, and we asked about it, because it had come up in school. They were too busy getting on with building a family.
My father was an avid hiker/backpacker, and he enjoyed cresting a hill and looking back to note how far we'd come; how much progress we had made. I believe that was evidence to him of faith well-placed for moving forward and believing in a better future.
I dislike the intentional whitewashing and elimination of our history. If future generations have no evidence or knowledge of how very much progress our forebears made, then they can be led to discard the framework that has enabled it.

White people will forever be reminded of the past and continually blamed for something that happened 200 years ago. Personally, I'm tired of the blame, the violence and the black ignorance that comes with it. I can guarantee you that none of my relatives EVER owned a slave period. Let it fcking go. Definition of insanity. Doing and saying the same s#!t over and over and expecting something to change. All the blame and violence will not change a thing, and just makes the black community look less trustworthy. Why don't we ever talk about the Germans who came to this country and fought against their own people? Like my father......................the black community acts like their the only ones who have ever had something bad happen to them. I don't see statues of MLK being torn down..........friggen race baiter. If white people started tearing down MLK statues, you'd never here the end of it. HYPOCRITES........................................ .........................

07-27-2020, 04:16 PM
Hear hear!

One of my forbearer cousins left his native state of North Carolina at the beginning of the Civil War and joined my gggrandfather with the Missouri volunteers.... in the Union Army. Never went home and established his own family in the Show Me state.

07-27-2020, 08:33 PM
My Dad (American citizen by birth - born San Francisco, CA, 1921) was forced in early 1942 to leave college (working on a mechanical engineering degree) and was shipped via train (bayoneted guards in every car, and no idea where they were going - the window shades pulled down during a multi-day trip) to the desolation of Heart Mountain, Wyoming, where his first assignment was working a detail to build a barbed-wire fence and watch towers to keep himself penned in.
He started a Boy Scout troop to provide structure for the boys (who were running a bit wild with the dissolution of their family structure), and with the other internees, otherwise set to work making the best of a bad situation.
He left the "camp" to enlist in the Army Air Corps, and at war's end, returned to school to finish his master's, meet & marry my Mom (who as a 16-year old school girl, had been interned in Poston, AZ - hot, desolate & thick with wind-blown desert dust) and get on with a career with NACA (which became NASA).
Neither of my parents complained or otherwise talked about their experiences till we were older, and we asked about it, because it had come up in school. They were too busy getting on with building a family.
My father was an avid hiker/backpacker, and he enjoyed cresting a hill and looking back to note how far we'd come; how much progress we had made. I believe that was evidence to him of faith well-placed for moving forward and believing in a better future.
I dislike the intentional whitewashing and elimination of our history. If future generations have no evidence or knowledge of how very much progress our forebears made, then they can be led to discard the framework that has enabled it.

Thanks for sharing that!