View Full Version : Dazed and Confused
07-30-2020, 10:26 PM
I watched an Atlanta Braves game earlier in the week and I understand that there are no fans allowed in the park because of the virus but I noticed there were pictures of fans placed all around the park to make it look like things were normal and I thought it was pretty stupid but enjoyed watching the game but in the paper today it seems people are paying 50 bucks to have their picture printed on a cardboard cut out so they can look for themselves on TV.....The seats behind home plate are selling for much more so you can see your smiling cardboard self for every pitch, didn't say how much they cost but I can think of about ten million things you could spend money on such as food banks to help people who have lost jobs and really could use that money to get through this mess.....We've lost our minds
07-31-2020, 05:02 AM
No, WE haven't lost our minds but it is interesting to note how many people have.
It's impossible for me to imagine wanting my image to appear at a MLB game, let alone PAYING for it to happen. I'm disappointed that there are so many people who appear to think it's important to have their cardboard image on a TV screen. That said's pretty trivial in the grand scheme of things. I'm MUCH more concerned about the number of people who want to turn my country over to the America-hating Democrat party.
07-31-2020, 09:14 AM
Welcome to today's world of snowflakes.....we are now in the "selfie generation"....:cheer2:
07-31-2020, 09:49 AM
I am also depressed having to opt out of my season football tickets for the U. Of Texas Longhorn home games.
Gonna miss the family tailgates, the pageantry, and the occasional victories.
07-31-2020, 10:08 AM
I'm MUCH more concerned about the number of people who want to turn my country over to the America-hating Democrat party.
Yeah, I lean more toward saving than spending, and while I don't tell other folks whether or not, and on what, to spend their money, the same hands-off should go both ways. I'm not too excited about folks coming up empty in their retirement years and reaching into my pocket to help them back-fill a lifetime's worth of their bad decisions and frivolous expenses (yes, I understand that they feel the latest fashions, newest electronics, nicest cars, necessary vacations, lavish college student experiences, and cardboard baseball cutouts are "not frivolous or 'luxury'; they're what I deserve/need because I work so hard"), but the immutable law of nature since time immemorial is that humans make decisions and suffer their consequences, and I'm particularly concerned about so-called "progressives" gaining enough governmental power to remove consequences and make my decisions for me and take and spend my savings (and that of my descendants) to build their (dystopian) Marxist utopia.
I keep saying it's crazy times, but a glance back at the global situation over the past several centuries makes me think that what's actually crazy is that a small body of brilliant, enlightened people was able to craft a framework that created the island of stability and prosperity that I've been so blessed to enjoy, and that it'll take ongoing, continual, tiring effort to keep it, because as a whole, we humans sure seem to incline toward stupid.
07-31-2020, 11:29 AM
Amen, tokuna!
07-31-2020, 11:07 PM
Great post tokuno, I agree x a million....What worries me now is if the left pushes the USPS mail in vote because of this so called pandemic then we are screwed....I don't know how everyone's mail service is but my carrier sails by my house as fast as that little truck will go and some days I get nothing then other days I get several neighbors mail so I have to finish his job and deliver it myself which is not a bad thing I guess, my address is 5236 and I get 5326 mail all the time which is about 1/4 mile away but we have become friends thanks to my USPS carrier.....If mail in voting is allowed the left will make sure that votes from certain red areas somehow get held up or lost and votes from other blue areas from pets, dead relatives and unborn children somehow make it to the polls just fine and get counted....If the USPS was what it used to be and could be trusted like we remember from years ago when Mail carriers wore uniforms and cared about their jobs I think it might have worked but today when the Post Office hires anybody with a blood pressure and we trust them to deliver ballots for a true and fair election, well we're screwed...
08-01-2020, 12:32 AM
I tuned in to a Rockies games the other day, forget who the were playing and they were on the road. After about 5 minutes I noticed a blm on the pitchers mound, the backside so you could see it every time the pitcher threw the ball.
Needless to say, I'm done with MLB. I'm all for ALM, though.
08-02-2020, 10:22 PM
Now I'm really confused....Today I ventured out for the first time in a while to get a birthday gift for my son and it felt good to be out of the bunker and drive my old truck around a bit.....While driving about at a stop light I came up behind a really nice car and noticed bumper stickers on the trunk and moved up out of curisoity to read them....It was a Lexus GX and they had two stickers plastered on the trunk and the left one said "Bernie 2020"" which surprised me a bit so I moved up a little closer to read the one on the right of a $20,000 paint job on the trunk which said "It's Our Turn Now" ......Not sure what that means because a Lexus GX starts at about 65 grand so I just had to figure there are really stupid people that make a lot of money that haven't figured things out yet.....On the way home I pulled up behind a Audi A7 which is about a 70 thousand dollar car and it had the same "Bernie 2020" on the left side and on the right side and I chit you not, the one on the right said "No one should be a Billionaire".....Really? This world has spun off it's axle, if you can afford an automobile that costs more than most people make in several years and you want a Socialist Government to take your earnings and distribute it to people who can't afford a Lexus or an Audi, well your just a total idiot and I hope you don't vote......For me I think I'll have some bumper stickers printed that say "Do you want to be a Billionaire".....F'n A.....This great country is what it is because of people who were willing to risk everything to start a business and make a PROFIT which is not a bad word but which is necessary and required to keep our economy healthy and one which the rest of the world wants to emulate....I fear for our future if Socialism become the norm....Brothers and Sisters this why we need to stay armed.....The future of our nation depends on right thinking people who are willing to vote no matter how difficult it is to do so....It's up to us....
08-03-2020, 10:24 AM
What tops that is the probability those idiots are university graduates who have been influenced by the leftwing professors that were the street-riot radicals of the 1960s & 70s.
Sad that so many higher education centers of learning now preach against the 1st Amendment and practical economics.
08-03-2020, 12:20 PM
Now I'm really confused....Today I ventured out for the first time in a while to get a birthday gift for my son and it felt good to be out of the bunker and drive my old truck around a bit.....While driving about at a stop light I came up behind a really nice car and noticed bumper stickers on the trunk and moved up out of curisoity to read them....It was a Lexus GX and they had two stickers plastered on the trunk and the left one said "Bernie 2020"" which surprised me a bit so I moved up a little closer to read the one on the right of a $20,000 paint job on the trunk which said "It's Our Turn Now" ......Not sure what that means because a Lexus GX starts at about 65 grand so I just had to figure there are really stupid people that make a lot of money that haven't figured things out yet.....On the way home I pulled up behind a Audi A7 which is about a 70 thousand dollar car and it had the same "Bernie 2020" on the left side and on the right side and I chit you not, the one on the right said "No one should be a Billionaire".....Really? This world has spun off it's axle, if you can afford an automobile that costs more than most people make in several years and you want a Socialist Government to take your earnings and distribute it to people who can't afford a Lexus or an Audi, well your just a total idiot and I hope you don't vote......For me I think I'll have some bumper stickers printed that say "Do you want to be a Billionaire".....F'n A.....This great country is what it is because of people who were willing to risk everything to start a business and make a PROFIT which is not a bad word but which is necessary and required to keep our economy healthy and one which the rest of the world wants to emulate....I fear for our future if Socialism become the norm....Brothers and Sisters this why we need to stay armed.....The future of our nation depends on right thinking people who are willing to vote no matter how difficult it is to do so....It's up to us....
Hey getsome, do you know where the quote "An armed society is a polite society" originated?
BTW, don't tell anyone I drive a $130,000 Jaguar.:Amflag2:
08-03-2020, 03:04 PM
I'm betting your Jag doesn't have a Bernie bumper sticker...Don't get me wrong, I like nice cars, the faster the better but what I don't understand is why a person that can afford a Lexus or an Audi would want to be a Socialist.....
As for the quote which in it's entirety says "An armed society is a polite society, manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life"....It's from science fiction writer Robert Heinlein's book "Beyond this Horizon"...Never read it but I understand it's pretty grim and violent....I liked the quote but I understand it's used somewhat out of context....
08-03-2020, 04:21 PM
I'm betting your Jag doesn't have a Bernie bumper sticker...Don't get me wrong, I like nice cars, the faster the better but what I don't understand is why a person that can afford a Lexus or an Audi would want to be a Socialist.....
As for the quote which in it's entirety says "An armed society is a polite society, manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life"....It's from science fiction writer Robert Heinlein's book "Beyond this Horizon"...Never read it but I understand it's pretty grim and violent....I liked the quote but I understand it's used somewhat out of context....
I don't wear my political choices on my sleeve, especially today with all the idiots on the street, but you're right - no Bernie's or Biden, or anyone else. If I had a sticker is would probably be Reagan, but President Trump has probably done better under the current circumstances.
You're right about Heinlein and also the book source. I read a lot of SF in the fifties, but mostly Asimov and Clark. No junk. Heinlein had several good Quotes. My favorites were "I never learned from a man who agreed with me" and " You can have peace. You can have freedom. But don't ever count on having both at once." He also said "The supreme irony of life is that hardly anyone gets out of it alive."
08-03-2020, 05:04 PM
Thanks O'Dell, those are good quotes...I like some science fiction and find myself reading 1984 and Slaughterhouse Five every year or two....I'm with you about putting no bumper stickers political or otherwise on my cars, even a NRA sticker is an invitation for a thief to break in thinking there may be a gun in the vehicle....
08-03-2020, 05:40 PM
My favorite quote growing up was from Kurt Vonnegut, "Every hour our solar system moves 93 million miles closer to the globular cluster M-13 in the construction Hercules and yet there are misfits that insist there is no such thing as progress."
08-03-2020, 09:57 PM
I may have to reconsider putting a Trump bumper sticker on my old Silverado pickup after a friend and member of Kahrtalk sent me an email today that is quite an eye opener....I know politics are maybe frowned upon here but I just wanted to throw this out there to chew on in support of our President in this strange and most unusual time we are living through....
It took a Major Pandemic which has changed everything we do and how we live along with a 35% Stock Market loss and the shut down of thousands of small business operations along with unemployment numbers we haven't seen since the Great Depression to get back to the highest economic figures ever recorded under Barack Obama's eight years in office....
08-04-2020, 01:32 AM
I have had stickers on cars in the past, but in today's climate, the only safe one would be a Biden or other democratic sticker which I obviously won't carry. You may be okay with an older PU, but a Trump sticker on the Jag or my 2020 electric car would be asking for a confrontation. I won't even wear a political baseball hat.
Back in 2008 and 2012 I put this note on any parked car I saw with an Obama sticker.
08-04-2020, 09:05 AM
My former navy son has a big sticker on the back window of his pickup. It says:
”Hillary Clinton killed my friends.”
When he was in college on his GI bill he had a part time security job at a museum and he would park right at the entrance, sticker facing approaching traffic. He said it was just to make a statement to the regular museum leftist. Seems like he had a Sig sticker to one side of it and a Glock sticker to the other. Not something I would do but he’s bigger than I am so I figure he can take care of himself.
08-04-2020, 10:39 AM
I have had stickers on cars in the past, but in today's climate, the only safe one would be a Biden or other democratic sticker which I obviously won't carry. You may be okay with an older PU, but a Trump sticker on the Jag or my 2020 electric car would be asking for a confrontation. I won't even wear a political baseball hat.
Back in 2008 and 2012 I put this note on any parked car I saw with an Obama sticker.
I love that. Great idea. A friend of my sons had an Obama sticker on the bumper of the pickup he drove back and forth to school. I offered to buy him a new bumper if he took the damn thing off. Just feel plumb sorry for some clueless folks.
08-04-2020, 12:04 PM
I remember seeing those notes to put on Obama-stickered cars. Very funny. I never did it though.
Trump stickers and yard signs are common where I live but I don't put anything on my car. Conservatives rarely vandalize others' property but Leftists feel they are "fighting Nazis" by scratching up things.
Back in 2015 I nearly passed up a lady having problems loading long boards in her SUV because it sported a "Bernie" sticker. However, I believe in Free Speech, so I helped her load up and showed her how to do so without scuffing up the inside. I never said a word about her political choice or mine.
08-04-2020, 12:20 PM
I'm usually not terribly vocal in politics although I'm usually strong minded.
This time it's different, there are enough commy, marxist, traitors already in elected positions that losing this election with the dimentia patient winning would just have horrible repercussions. Friends tell me, hey we survived Clintons, and Obama we could get past this but I really don't think so.
Thus ends my political rant on this forum as we prefer to avoid it here and I'm supposed to set an example which I do a very poor job of doing, just a weak spot in my exterior I reckon.
08-04-2020, 06:24 PM
Unfortunately Bawanna, I think you are right. This election is probably the most critical in my life, and there is no way we can afford to lose it. Yes, we survived Clinton and Obama, but can we survive Marxism? I think NOT. I just heard today that Susan Rice is the #1 pick for Bidin's VP, and she could be a real threat. We can only hope that all of the President's supporter will GET OUT AND VOTE.
Now I'm finished too!!!
08-04-2020, 08:24 PM
^^^^^^What he said^^^^^^ Just ordered my Red Trump 2024 hat....That should really pi$$ um off....I'm done too
King Rat
08-05-2020, 06:52 AM
I guess you saw the article where the Elderly Black Man that had signs put out supporting trump and wearing a Trump Hat, was shot down in cold Blood in his predominately Black neighborhood.
08-05-2020, 09:11 AM
I guess you saw the article where the Elderly Black Man that had signs put out supporting trump and wearing a Trump Hat, was shot down in cold Blood in his predominately Black neighborhood.
We've got to fight racism and clearly the man had internalized whiteness. He was an oreo and had to be stopped.
**Liberal Mode now disabled.**
The lunacy of the Left is fascinating.....I wish I had majored in psychology, I'd write my thesis on it (not that any psychology department would allow that, of course).
Covert Kahr
08-05-2020, 11:22 AM
Is it time to characterize the violent rioters, and anarchists in general) as sufferers of a mental disease?
King Rat
08-05-2020, 01:34 PM
Is it time to characterize the violent rioters, and anarchists in general) as sufferers of a mental disease?
We need to classify them as Terrorist. And treat them like Terrorist.
Definition from the FBI website.
And most clearly this is a act to destroy this Country's Economic stability with a group of Marxists ideological revolutionist. Start doing the homework and the more you do, the more you understand who is behind this, what they intend to do and where the money comes from.
Domestic terrorism ( Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.
08-05-2020, 06:09 PM
I guess you saw the article where the Elderly Black Man that had signs put out supporting trump and wearing a Trump Hat, was shot down in cold Blood in his predominately Black neighborhood.
No, I haven’t.
King Rat
08-08-2020, 04:42 AM
An Active-Duty Officer Analyzes the Latest George Floyd Video ( Bob Peele, American Renaissance, August 6, 2020
"Unless you have put on a uniform and a gun belt and tried to arrest a violent, powerful black man, don’t tell the world what the officers should have done. If you think you know how to arrest a large, uncooperative black man on illegal stimulants, well, just try it. Many cities are talking about sending unarmed civilian teams instead of police officers to handle people like Floyd. I say, good luck to them."
08-09-2020, 10:01 PM
I watched an Atlanta Braves game earlier in the week and I understand that there are no fans allowed in the park because of the virus but I noticed there were pictures of fans placed all around the park to make it look like things were normal and I thought it was pretty stupid but enjoyed watching the game but in the paper today it seems people are paying 50 bucks to have their picture printed on a cardboard cut out so they can look for themselves on TV.....The seats behind home plate are selling for much more so you can see your smiling cardboard self for every pitch, didn't say how much they cost but I can think of about ten million things you could spend money on such as food banks to help people who have lost jobs and really could use that money to get through this mess.....We've lost our minds
When I was watching a game it was explained that the cutouts were family members. One of them a players new baby. They showed video of players and coaches going thru the cutouts finding cutouts of family and having a good time of it.
I wouldn't pay to have my cutout there but I would pay for my sis in law to have a cutout there. She is a Braves fan. She could use the awesomeness and she deserves it taking care of COVID patients.
08-09-2020, 10:53 PM
Hi Artie, welcome to Kahrtalk....The information about the cardboard fans came from our local, very liberal newspaper the Atlanta Journal Constitution so I'm not surprised they got it wrong....What a strange time it is....To your Sister in Law I say THANK YOU for the job she is doing as a front line health care worker and please stay safe....The Chinese Virus is very real and we all have to do our best to beat this thing they allowed to happen to the world but we are Americans and we will overcome...
08-14-2020, 07:24 PM
RIP Cannon Hinnant....The 5 year old little white boy was laid to rest today in Wilson N.C. after his next door neighbor 25 year old Derrius Sessoms who is black walked up to the child who was riding his bike in the driveway and shot him in the head point blank and then calmly got in his car and drove away....The family is shattered and said they had no previous problems or bad blood with the neighbors......I have a few questions, why are there no riots, looting and businesses being burned in downtown Wilson N.C.? Why hasn't this story been all over the national news and what would the coverage have been if a 25 year old white man walked over to his neighbors driveway and shot a 5 year old black child in the head...I wonder if that might have gotten more attention?
08-14-2020, 08:07 PM
Hi Artie, welcome to Kahrtalk....The information about the cardboard fans came from our local, very liberal newspaper the Atlanta Journal Constitution so I'm not surprised they got it wrong....What a strange time it is....To your Sister in Law I say THANK YOU for the job she is doing as a front line health care worker and please stay safe....The Chinese Virus is very real and we all have to do our best to beat this thing they allowed to happen to the world but we are Americans and we will overcome...
I lived in Atlanta back in the mid 80’s and we called the paper the Atlanta Urinal Constipation. I thought it was funny then but sounds like it might fit now more than it fit Back then.
08-14-2020, 10:27 PM
RIP Cannon Hinnant....The 5 year old little white boy was laid to rest today in Wilson N.C. after his next door neighbor 25 year old Derrius Sessoms who is black walked up to the child who was riding his bike in the driveway and shot him in the head point blank and then calmly got in his car and drove away....The family is shattered and said they had no previous problems or bad blood with the neighbors......I have a few questions, why are there no riots, looting and businesses being burned in downtown Wilson N.C.? Why hasn't this story been all over the national news and what would the coverage have been if a 25 year old white man walked over to his neighbors driveway and shot a 5 year old black child in the head...I wonder if that might have gotten more attention?
Why couldn't I have been there to provide instant eye for an eye or even prevent this tribal atrocity.
08-15-2020, 11:19 AM
RIP Cannon Hinnant....The 5 year old little white boy was laid to rest today in Wilson N.C. after his next door neighbor 25 year old Derrius Sessoms who is black walked up to the child who was riding his bike in the driveway and shot him in the head point blank and then calmly got in his car and drove away....The family is shattered and said they had no previous problems or bad blood with the neighbors......I have a few questions, why are there no riots, looting and businesses being burned in downtown Wilson N.C.? Why hasn't this story been all over the national news and what would the coverage have been if a 25 year old white man walked over to his neighbors driveway and shot a 5 year old black child in the head...I wonder if that might have gotten more attention?
The media will dutifully report it, but there will be no dramatic 24/7 repeat coverage.
Not all lives matter to them.
08-15-2020, 06:27 PM
Reckon so, seems some lives don't matter at all...
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