View Full Version : Pm45
07-31-2020, 12:34 PM
I'm considering a new PM45 that's listed on Gunbroker at a pretty good price. The seller/FFL says it comes with two mags, but I thought the PM's came with three...two 5-round and one 6-round. Maybe that's no longer the case, or perhaps it's an older model that only shipped with two? I dunno. I guess I could have them check the manufacture date.
07-31-2020, 01:49 PM
I've not ever heard of the PM's coming with 3. My PM45 which is several years old came with two.
07-31-2020, 02:24 PM
I've not ever heard of the PM's coming with 3. My PM45 which is several years old came with two.
Maybe I'm wrong then, which is a distinct possibility. I don't really know why, but I always thought that all the PM's came with three.
Thank you, sir.
07-31-2020, 03:00 PM
I picked up a new (old stock) PM45 a couple of years ago and it had 3 mags. I think it just depends on when it left the factory because as Bawanna said some come with only 2. Either way mine has been a good pistol.
07-31-2020, 03:24 PM
I picked up a new (old stock) PM45 a couple of years ago and it had 3 mags. I think it just depends on when it left the factory because as Bawanna said some come with only 2. Either way mine has been a good pistol.
Thanks! I've asked them for a DOB, but haven't heard back yet.
08-01-2020, 05:40 AM
Take note the PM45 like the PM9 had an older “blunt nose” version.
08-01-2020, 12:45 PM
Take note the PM45 like the PM9 had an older “blunt nose” version.
Yes sir, thanks. The one I'm considering has the tapered front. It's NIB with night sights, and the price is $642 shipped.
08-02-2020, 06:40 AM
This may be a viable alternative
08-02-2020, 07:30 AM
I guess that depends on if size matters. Night sights will run another hundred if you have someone else install them.
08-02-2020, 08:24 AM
Obviously! I have owned two PM45 over the past ten plus years with thousands fired. My favorite edc. Most of the time it’s with the six round mag and AIWB. The grip is small and the extra length of the extended mag helps with the draw. The P series is the perfect size.
08-02-2020, 08:48 AM
Kind of regret seeing that P45 for $450. Can’t stop thinking about owning a third Kahr 45. A PM45, TP45 maybe a P45. I best not wait very long.
08-02-2020, 10:28 AM
I have almost bought a used P45 a few times. However, my CW45 is hard to beat and has a great cocking serrations area as it's abbreviated on the P45 series. A tapered nose is nice for reholstering, I would think so anyway, especially one-handed reholstering.
A CW45 and a S&W 638 are the same size. Height, length, width.....actually the cylinder is wider in width. That puts things in perspective when thinking about the CW45's size.
08-04-2020, 09:35 PM
Obviously! I have owned two PM45 over the past ten plus years with thousands fired. My favorite edc. Most of the time it’s with the six round mag and AIWB. The grip is small and the extra length of the extended mag helps with the draw. The P series is the perfect size.
My PM45 is dimensionally very similar to my K9 (old version). I'm very happy with that size.
08-16-2020, 04:19 PM
This may be a viable alternative
Thanks, but I want the natural stainless slide with night sights. I've found another deal online for $607, including shipping and credit card fee. With my FFL's transfer fee, I'm at $637 out the door.
08-16-2020, 06:12 PM
Thought I owned all the Kahrs I'd ever need or want, but that was before this thread started me reading and watching PM45 reviews. I've found myself poking around gunbroker, window shopping the stainless, iron-sighted models . . .
08-17-2020, 08:35 AM
Thought I owned all the Kahrs I'd ever need or want, but that was before this thread started me reading and watching PM45 reviews. I've found myself poking around gunbroker, window shopping the stainless, iron-sighted models . . .
I've resigned myself to the fact that this gun thing never ends...just when you think you have all you need, something else comes along. The problem is complicated when you have a wife who thinks that anyone who owns more than one gun is crazy. I spoke to the owner of my favorite LGS, and he's not a fan of the PM45, or the Springfield XDs 45 for that matter. According to him, the recoil on both is too harsh for most people. He's a Ruger master dealer, so that probably influences his opinion somewhat.
08-17-2020, 10:54 AM
A lot of dealers don't know Kahrs and rely solely on hearsay and rumor for information, a lot like the internet.
That being said my son has 3 XD 45's and they don't sing to me, I don't notice anything harsh on recoil on them but we just don't gel. He want's the hammer model out now, but like me he's questioning himself. He has 3 already. Of course I tried to provide fatherly wisdom and told him to buy one anyhow, you got the money, you got the desire, why torture yourself ya know.
08-17-2020, 02:26 PM
Well, I done pulled the proverbial trigger...$606.79 shipped with the credit card fee. If I don't like it, I'll blame Bawanna. :p
08-17-2020, 02:38 PM
I'll accept the blame if it's deserved but I got a suspicion your gonna like it just fine and dandy. That's a decent price, as I recall I paid considerable more for mine and that was several years ago.
Guess I better go find mine and show it some love...................oh wait, there it is on my ankle. Guess I'm getting forgetful.
08-17-2020, 02:58 PM
I'll accept the blame if it's deserved but I got a suspicion your gonna like it just fine and dandy. That's a decent price, as I recall I paid considerable more for mine and that was several years ago.
Guess I better go find mine and show it some love...................oh wait, there it is on my ankle. Guess I'm getting forgetful.
Deserved? I don't remember who exactly, but somebody told me that you get the blame for everything around here...deserved or not.
08-17-2020, 04:53 PM
Well I guess everybody knows that. Same at home. That's why I'm frequently found on the kitchen floor in a fatal position sucking my thumb but that's my fault too.
I blame Greg sometimes for stuff but he don't really deserve it none.
08-17-2020, 04:59 PM
Well I guess everybody knows that. Same at home. That's why I'm frequently found on the kitchen floor in a fatal position sucking my thumb but that's my fault too.
I blame Greg sometimes for stuff but he don't really deserve it none.
08-17-2020, 06:59 PM
Bawanna, you said frequently, so I'm guessing you meant a fetal position not a fatal one! :eek:
08-17-2020, 07:03 PM
Fetal? Ain't that like a baby womb or something?
08-17-2020, 11:06 PM
Yep... the position of the fetus in the womb... fetal.
08-18-2020, 06:51 AM
Now the trick is going to be finding some ammo to break it in. I've got 50 rounds of .45 on hand, and that's it. I've got a feeling that I'm going to be doing a lot of slide racking by hand.
08-18-2020, 07:16 AM
Thought I owned all the Kahrs I'd ever need or want, but that was before this thread started me reading and watching PM45 reviews. I've found myself poking around gunbroker, window shopping the stainless, iron-sighted models . . .
The dealer I used at Gunbroker is Elk County Ammo & Arms, and I just noticed they have another one listed for the same price I paid. They also have one with standard sights for $499, plus shipping. These are far and away the best prices I've seen at GB, or anywhere else for that matter. The owner of my favorite LGS said he couldn't even come close.
08-18-2020, 11:06 AM
The dealer I used at Gunbroker is Elk County Ammo & Arms, and I just noticed they have another one listed for the same price I paid. They also have one with standard sights for $499, plus shipping. These are far and away the best prices I've seen at GB, or anywhere else for that matter. The owner of my favorite LGS said he couldn't even come close.
Thank you so much for the heads-up, but Dang! Excited, ready to buy, realized I hadn't verified the PM45's qualification on the CA DOJ approved firearms list . . . it's not. *insert loser trombone audio: wah-wah-waaah*
I love California, hate its politicians.
08-18-2020, 12:50 PM
You can have my share.
08-18-2020, 08:34 PM
Thank you so much for the heads-up, but Dang! Excited, ready to buy, realized I hadn't verified the PM45's qualification on the CA DOJ approved firearms list . . . it's not. *insert loser trombone audio: wah-wah-waaah*
I love California, hate its politicians.
The P45 is on the approved list. Used with nearly flush fitting, Officers/compact 1911 magazines (, it's not terribly larger than a PM45. It also holds an extra round (or 2*) more than the PM. (
The above is an edited photo (to approximate a P45 with flush magazine) from ( (
* I've yet to find a seven round magazine that will consistently lock the slide back when empty, but those that I do have feed just fine.
08-19-2020, 12:15 PM
The P45 is on the approved list. Used with nearly flush fitting, Officers/compact 1911 magazines (, it's not terribly larger than a PM45. It also holds an extra round (or 2*) more than the PM.
* I've yet to find a seven round magazine that will consistently lock the slide back when empty, but those that I do have feed just fine.
Nice! I'd all but sour-graped the P45 as better for me than the PM (~1/3" x,y increase, with a longer barrel & sight radius, and more grip room), but 7+1 tips me over.
Gleefully back to Gunbroker - love the window shopping.
08-19-2020, 12:34 PM
I'm a happy owner of a PM45 but in retrospect if I was having a do over I'd look hard at the P or even the CW.
I love my PM without question but there are definitely plus's to the next size up and still not too big in my book.
08-20-2020, 01:46 PM
Picked up the PM45 today and am very impressed. It did come with 3 mags...2 5-round and 1 6-round. The sights are TruGlo Brite-Site TFX Pro, which I'd never heard of, quite frankly. They're both fiber-optic and night sights, so you get the best of both worlds, and they pop out in total darkness and bright sunlight. I won't be firing it for a couple of days till I jump through the obligatory prepping hoops, but I'm a happy camper.
I have absolutely no connection to Elk County Ammo & Arms in Saint Marys, PA, but they're good folks to deal with on shipping, good communication and the best price I could find on this particular gun.
08-20-2020, 01:48 PM
I've dealt with Elk County a couple times and agree, good people and good prices. They are a pretty big player I reckon.
08-21-2020, 06:56 PM
Disassembled the PM45 today to do the prep, and reinstalling the recoil spring involved some blood, sweat and tears. This little guy ain't coming apart again until I have at least 100 rounds through it. :(
08-22-2020, 07:02 AM
You are going to like that pm45. The best sub compact 45 made for carry. On the recoil assembly, I just don’t understand why so many have trouble installing the assembly. No problems with my old arthritic fingers. I can only surmise it’s technic.
08-22-2020, 11:01 AM
I've no had any issues either. Wish I knew how to make a video sometimes.
My PM40 bought a year ago April came with 3 Mag. FWIW.
08-24-2020, 12:51 PM
You are going to like that pm45. The best sub compact 45 made for carry. On the recoil assembly, I just don’t understand why so many have trouble installing the assembly. No problems with my old arthritic fingers. I can only surmise it’s technic.
I do like it a lot...put 10 rounds through it in the back yard yesterday, and had zero malfunctions. I was using Remington UMC FMJ, which is pretty anemic, but nevertheless was impressed by the very manageable recoil. I've got three boxes of American Eagle FMJ, which I think is a little bit hotter, so I'll try it next. I did get one ejected casing to the side of my forehead, but I can live with that.
I don't know what's up with the recoil spring, other than it was brand new when I was fiddling with it. I've got many years under my belt with semi-autos, mostly Glock G22's but others as well, and I've never seen a recoil spring this strong. I think mine was hot off the Kahr assembly line, so maybe they just recently increased the strength of the RSA? I dunno. I'll see what it's like next time after having put some rounds through it.
08-24-2020, 02:20 PM
If I get a little sloppy with my grip mine will give me a forehead tap once in awhile. Good grip and it doesn't seem to ever happen.
08-24-2020, 02:41 PM
If I get a little sloppy with my grip mine will give me a forehead tap once in awhile. Good grip and it doesn't seem to ever happen.
That might have been what caused it. I know I was thinking about intentionally limp-wristing to see what would happen, but I don't know if I actually did or not.
08-26-2020, 01:30 PM
I took the PM45 to an indoor range today, and put 45 rounds through it with zero hiccups; however, I lost track of how many casings I took to the forehead. :( I was careful with my grip, so I don't know what the issue is. I've only got 55 rounds through it so far, so I'm hoping it will improve after I shoot it some more. Other than that, it's a sweet shooter...I can't believe how mild the recoil is for such a small, lightweight 45.
09-04-2020, 05:00 PM
I took the PM45 to an indoor range today, and put 45 rounds through it with zero hiccups; however, I lost track of how many casings I took to the forehead. :( I was careful with my grip, so I don't know what the issue is. I've only got 55 rounds through it so far, so I'm hoping it will improve after I shoot it some more. Other than that, it's a sweet shooter...I can't believe how mild the recoil is for such a small, lightweight 45.
Quick fix for that;) (
09-04-2020, 10:58 PM
I had that problem with my PM45 on the first outing. I left after shooting a few hundred rounds and went to Walmart. After I got home, I looked in the mirror and I had all of these pencil eraser-sized black dots on my forehead! People must have wondered WTF.
I learned that in addition to my safety glasses, buttoning up my polo all of the way, and wearing shoes instead of clogs, that a cap with the bill forward and as low as possible was mandatory. Those big .45 cases hurt when they land mouth first on your toes... and burn when they go down your shirt front or rear! :eek:
09-04-2020, 11:54 PM
Quick fix for that;) (
Thanks a lot Greg, now I'm sure there is no hope for our countries future....Please God don't let them vote....
09-05-2020, 09:02 AM
Fashions change. I remember hip hugger bell bottom pants. The more patches on your jeans the cooler they were. Now buy them pre holed and let the holes show.
09-05-2020, 01:07 PM
I had that problem with my PM45 on the first outing. I left after shooting a few hundred rounds and went to Walmart. After I got home, I looked in the mirror and I had all of these pencil eraser-sized black dots on my forehead! People must have wondered WTF.
I learned that in addition to my safety glasses, buttoning up my polo all of the way, and wearing shoes instead of clogs, that a cap with the bill forward and as low as possible was mandatory. Those big .45 cases hurt when they land mouth first on your toes... and burn when they go down your shirt front or rear! :eek:
Did the problem ever go away with your PM45? After my last outing I noticed a little gunk behind the extractor, and blew it out with Gun Scrubber...haven't fired it since though.
I've had my share of .40 caliber shells down the back of my shirt during my police and security careers, and it ain't fun.
09-05-2020, 01:12 PM
Thanks a lot Greg, now I'm sure there is no hope for our countries future....Please God don't let them vote....
Not only do they vote, they're allowed to breed. :ohmy:
09-06-2020, 12:33 PM
I think that I still get a few errant cases to the cap, but no problem with my P45.
As for the holey jeans, my problem was that the crotch wore out! I tried patching a pair, but it's hard to sew in an area full of seams.
I don't wear jeans much... have a pair of Sam's Club jeans for yardwork and mainly my Lands End "custom hemmed" jeans that I got on a 50% off sale. I think they're up to about $60 now!
Shorts, clogs/flip-flops, and a large tee or Polo for me the year around... except for outings when we're in snow country for Christmas in SW CO.
09-06-2020, 04:21 PM
I think that I still get a few errant cases to the cap, but no problem with my P45.
As for the holey jeans, my problem was that the crotch wore out! I tried patching a pair, but it's hard to sew in an area full of seams.
I don't wear jeans much... have a pair of Sam's Club jeans for yardwork and mainly my Lands End "custom hemmed" jeans that I got on a 50% off sale. I think they're up to about $60 now!
Shorts, clogs/flip-flops, and a large tee or Polo for me the year around... except for outings when we're in snow country for Christmas in SW CO.
Thanks...I'll keep shooting my PM45 and see what happens. I was Air Force 1971-1975, mostly at Hickam AFB in Hawaii, and my few final months at Kincheloe AFB in northern Michigan. Talk about a change in climate!
09-06-2020, 05:34 PM
A cap and eye protection help.
I got to Hickam a few times in the early 80's... once diverted there on the way to Guam with a digital-upgraded bomb/nav sustem (DBNS) B-52D because of a typhoon in the way, and another to take a B-52D there for a static display... early 1982 before we switched to the H-model in August '82.
We drove our Rent-a-wreck through a Magnum PI filming scene with the red Ferrari on the side of the road, too. I was a big fan, but not sure who we saw 'cause we didn't figure that out until we were passing the car and saw all of the people in the strip-mall parking lot on the other side of the road... cameras and stuff, too.
After 9 years at Dyess AFB, and 3 years vacation from SAC in Germany, I spent my last two years and a few more at Loring AFB in Northern Maine. I like driving up to Canada to ski... cheap outings. So I've had my taste of snow and still get some in the mountains of SW Colorado at Christmas... usually... up in the air this year with the COVID. :(
09-06-2020, 06:15 PM
Trump will be secure by then where he belongs and all this covid stuff will miraculously go away and other than quite a bit of burning and looting and tearing up stuff by the pathetic losers a sense of normal will return.
You should be ok for CO by December I hope.
09-07-2020, 12:07 PM
A vaccine would be nice. All of the casinos between here and there are suffering without our money!
09-09-2020, 03:46 PM
A cap and eye protection help.
I got to Hickam a few times in the early 80's... once diverted there on the way to Guam with a digital-upgraded bomb/nav sustem (DBNS) B-52D because of a typhoon in the way, and another to take a B-52D there for a static display... early 1982 before we switched to the H-model in August '82.
We drove our Rent-a-wreck through a Magnum PI filming scene with the red Ferrari on the side of the road, too. I was a big fan, but not sure who we saw 'cause we didn't figure that out until we were passing the car and saw all of the people in the strip-mall parking lot on the other side of the road... cameras and stuff, too.
After 9 years at Dyess AFB, and 3 years vacation from SAC in Germany, I spent my last two years and a few more at Loring AFB in Northern Maine. I like driving up to Canada to ski... cheap outings. So I've had my taste of snow and still get some in the mountains of SW Colorado at Christmas... usually... up in the air this year with the COVID. :(
Interesting...were you a pilot in the AF? I was enlisted, and almost made it into a scene of Hawaii Five-O that was being filmed just outside the back gate at Hickam where I happened to be at the time...right at the end of runways 4R and 4L. I earned a commercial pilots license, instrument rating, multi-engine, CFI and CFII while there, and most of my instructors were current or retired AF officers.
09-10-2020, 12:31 AM
Radar Navigator, the bombardier on B-52's... D, H, & G-models. Wow! You kept yourself busy with flying! :)
11-28-2020, 09:18 AM
I took the PM45 to an indoor range today, and put 45 rounds through it with zero hiccups; however, I lost track of how many casings I took to the forehead. :( I was careful with my grip, so I don't know what the issue is. I've only got 55 rounds through it so far, so I'm hoping it will improve after I shoot it some more. Other than that, it's a sweet shooter...I can't believe how mild the recoil is for such a small, lightweight 45.
It's been a while, but I finally got around to putting a few more rounds through the PM45. I recently found a 50-round box of Federal HST 230gr +P at a semi-reasonable price, so I decided to try 5 rounds yesterday. The recoil wasn't that bad, and the shells ejected exactly as they should...none even close to my mug. I followed that up with a few American Eagle FMJ, and got one round to my cap. So, I'm thinking the face pummeling is a combination of the gun not being broken in and anemic ammo. With the current ammo situation I don't want to burn up the HST for break in at $1.40 a pop, so maybe I'll find a face shield or ski mask to use for a while. ;)
Picked up the PM45 today and am very impressed. It did come with 3 mags...2 5-round and 1 6-round. The sights are TruGlo Brite-Site TFX Pro, which I'd never heard of, quite frankly. They're both fiber-optic and night sights, so you get the best of both worlds, and they pop out in total darkness and bright sunlight. I won't be firing it for a couple of days till I jump through the obligatory prepping hoops, but I'm a happy camper.
I have absolutely no connection to Elk County Ammo & Arms in Saint Marys, PA, but they're good folks to deal with on shipping, good communication and the best price I could find on this particular gun.
I ordered the one that Elk County Ammo & Arms had left. It shipped today, and it's described as being factory new with night sights, with the matte stainless slide. They only used one stock picture in the ad, and did not call out the number of mags it comes with. I'll be very happy if it actually does have night sights, even if it happens to have only two mags. Got it for a great price so I was willing to gamble a bit, given that the stock photo illustration was not a gun with night sights. I've never done business with them before.
Canine Dave
12-15-2020, 04:18 PM
Picked up the PM45 today and am very impressed. It did come with 3 mags...2 5-round and 1 6-round. The sights are TruGlo Brite-Site TFX Pro, which I'd never heard of, quite frankly. They're both fiber-optic and night sights, so you get the best of both worlds, and they pop out in total darkness and bright sunlight. I won't be firing it for a couple of days till I jump through the obligatory prepping hoops, but I'm a happy camper.
I have absolutely no connection to Elk County Ammo & Arms in Saint Marys, PA, but they're good folks to deal with on shipping, good communication and the best price I could find on this particular gun.
Always learning new stuff on this forum. What are "preepping hoops?
Canine Dave
12-15-2020, 04:19 PM
12-15-2020, 06:34 PM
Some feel that they need to practice “zen of the new Kahr” before a new pistol is sent on it’s maiden voyage. One should always inspect and clean off the oil and gunk. Go to the tech section Proper Prep of a NEW Kahr, written by the former typing instructor JOCKO. We all miss his wisdom.
Got to examine my PM45 today. It appears to have tritium/fiber optic sights on it. Before I left it I didn't think to look closely at the sights to see how they were marked, and at the time thought they were just FO sights which I found curious. But after getting home and doing a little research I think they are probably Truglo combination sights, which is what the GB ad page said they were. Other than that there are three mags in the box, (2 5rd, 1 6rd), and the gun is factory new as described. With a very stiff recoil spring. Now I wait for the paperwork to go through and the approval to come back.
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