View Full Version : Bloomberg for President?
Well we recently read where Mayor Daley of Chicago has announced he won't seek reelection. Goodbye and good riddance. Of of the big two anti-gun mayors soon gone. But fresh on the heels of that we have this speculation:
Bloomberg takes show on the road - Maggie Haberman - (
09-13-2010, 09:41 AM
I think he's got some major hurdles. 1. His stance on gun control. 2. His stance on the building of the mosque. If he runs as a republican he won't get my vote.
09-13-2010, 10:24 AM
Well, he has plenty of money and can indulge himself, as he did for his current position. He'll probably have the support of the Lame Stream Media at first, until they see it as a lost cause or he wins the nomination, heaven forbid, just as they supported the "maverick" and RINO at heart McCain, until he got the nomination and then they dropped him and gave their undying and unquestioned support to the Manchurian, er, Kenyan/Indonesian, Muslim raised candidate or whatever, with radical Marxist/communist parents and foster parents. They sure kept that quiet, if anyone even tried to investigate his past and associations.
Hey Bawanna'... Republican In Name Only. I know you're scratching your head.
09-13-2010, 10:31 AM
Thanks so much. I think I've found the cause of my hair loss. Head scratching.
09-13-2010, 10:45 AM
Dang! I gotta go shower, shave, cut my hair, and get ready for a doctor appointment this afternoon. I'm not supposed to drink coffee before the visit, but it's not until 1:40 PM!
I took my blood pressure before the coffee... 117/71 and pulse 68. After one cup, it's 140/83 and 74 pulse. That's what my lady doctor doesn't like. I hope it lowers before I get there.
Y'all have fun, but not too much.
09-13-2010, 05:05 PM
The only difference between Bloomberg and Obama is the size of their bank accounts. Both are global warming adherents. Both want to control our health care and raise our taxes. Both are anti-gun. Both want to tell you what to eat.
They're liberal elitists that could care less what the "little people" want because they're so much smarter than you are. I'd never vote for this tool.
09-13-2010, 05:17 PM
Oh, and he's an amnesty shill.
09-14-2010, 12:18 AM
McCain is in there with all that crap, though he's "changed positions" a bit with the outcry against some of his positions like amnesty. He's with Bloomberg on a lot of crap, especially closing the "gun show loophole" with the Mayors Against the 2nd Amendment or whatever they call it.
Longitude Zero
09-14-2010, 09:03 AM
At best if he ran as a Republican he Bloomberg is a:
No how no way. Too big city TOOOOOOO LIBERAL.
09-14-2010, 12:36 PM
I don't want to even see the ticket.
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