View Full Version : Hello from Seattle
08-14-2020, 02:04 PM
Hello, not new to Kahr, but new to this site. I bought a CW9 back in 2008 brand new and have had it since. Typically don't wear it on me wherever I go, though I do have a valid CCW license and have since I bought it. Usually it just rides around in the car with me, and I hardly ever shoot it, but that has changed in recent months. Recently, due to the current issues pending within our great nation, I've been motivated to enhance my interest in it. Picked up a couple 10 round and an 8 round extended magazine for it, as well as two belt clipped Kydex mag holders off eBay, which I love. Also picked up one Neo-mag clip for it, which is a really cool device to pocket carry a magazine discretely. Now I carry 36 rounds all total between 4 magazines.
I do have an intermittent bullet dive issue with the original magazines, which I've found plenty of threads talking about various fixes for that. Never can tell when it's going to do it, very random. The new mags I recieved have an updated follower that seems to prevent the notorious bullet dive. Haven't experienced a bullet dive with the new mags yet after about 200 shots fired, knock on wood. I ordered some all aluminum followers from Lakeline LLC for my 2 original magazines with the original followers so I can update them and hope to improve their feed characteristics. FTF from bullet dive is the only problem I have ever had from my CW9 since 2008. I love how small it is and the simplicity of the firearm and will be keeping it if the FTF issue is truly resolved. I'll keep shooting it and see how reliable it feeds going forward. If I continue to have the bullet nose dive issue even with the new mags, then I cannot trust this firearm and it is essentially useless to me. I like the gun so much though that I'm going to give it a chance to build my trust up.
New updated follower on left, original on right. New follower came in new mag directly from Kahr, it's not aftermarket. pg?_nc_cat=102&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=nK0B4J7FlJMAX_jPecj&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&_nc_tp=6&oh=798b20af7d83936471f0e8c028a7af2b&oe=5F5C15DE
08-14-2020, 05:20 PM
Hi SingleStackNine, welcome to Kahrtalk....I have Lakeline followers in all my PM9 mags and they really solve feeding problems with the little Kahrs....I've been very lucky with my PM9 and it has never had any issues at all so far with about 600 rounds through it....What I have found is that Kahrs like to run well lubed and I am guilty of pocket carrying much and shooting way too little and the last time I took mine down after 3 months of carry and no shooting I found it completely dry and lint everywhere....I will do better with monthly field stripping and generous lubeing....Can't expect any machine to work correctly if you neglect the maintenance.....Again welcome to the forum and glad you found us!
08-18-2020, 01:11 PM
Still having a ftf issue, but now it's only with the 10 round mags. I installed the aluminum Lakeline followers in my 2 ten round mags and a 7 round mag. I can hand rack the slide as slow as I want with the 7 round mag and it feeds every bullet smooth as butter perfectly till the mag is empty. 10 round mags still have bullet dive on first round, after that feeds like butter as slow as I want to manually rack each round. Seems 10 is just too many single stack 9mm rounds. 9mm rounds are not perfect cylinders, they have a slight taper and I believe that's what's causing this issue. With 7 round mag it's not too many bullets stacked up causing the bullet dive tendency. I'll try putting only 9 rounds in the 10 round mags and see if that won't fix my bullet dive issue. It could also be the ammo I suppose.
08-18-2020, 01:57 PM
Ok, final result for anyone that cares. Again, no issue with 7 round mags. Hand rack each round as slow as you want, each feeds like butter from the 7 round mag. With the 10 round mags, you must aggressively sling shot the first 3 rounds and then each round feeds like butter when hand racking as slow as you like. I have total confidence in the 7 round mags and will bet my life they'll feed every time. The 10 round mags, I need to get to the range and put about 200 rounds through them to really get a feel for if I can trust my life to them feeding reliably every single time. If there's only 7 rounds in them they feed just like a standard 7 round mag, like butter.
Seems like 7 rounds is the magic number + one in the chamber. I'll probably just order a couple more factory Kahr 7 round mags and a few more Lakeline followers. The Lakeline followers were what made all the difference in how the 7 round mags feed. Those aluminum followers were what gave such buttery feeding. Was not like that at all before with the plastic followers, neither the original, nor updated plastic ones.
Ken L
08-18-2020, 04:56 PM
One thing I remember seeing somewhere, is that Kahr's like to feed rounds with the full force of the recoil spring propelling the slide to strip off the rounds. I don't know where I saw it, might have been on this forum somewhere, but "riding the slide" seems to cause misfeeds that don't exist when firing. That's probably the reason that Kahr recommends releasing the slide with the slide stop rather than slingshot. For the same reason Kahrs like full power loads--drives the slide all the way back so it can strip a new round with gusto.
Hope this helps.
08-18-2020, 07:21 PM
One thing I remember seeing somewhere, is that Kahr's like to feed rounds with the full force of the recoil spring propelling the slide to strip off the rounds. I don't know where I saw it, might have been on this forum somewhere, but "riding the slide" seems to cause misfeeds that don't exist when firing. That's probably the reason that Kahr recommends releasing the slide with the slide stop rather than slingshot. For the same reason Kahrs like full power loads--drives the slide all the way back so it can strip a new round with gusto.
Hope this helps.
Hello! Yep per the manual they recommend dropping the slide with slide release to chamber your rounds. Yes I did do that since 2008. I also used to get so many FTF over the years that I didn’t consider this gun good enough for EDC. My opinion is you shouldn’t have to slam the slide shut to hammer a round into the chamber. That’s poor engineering.
Now this gun runs smooth, like and auto loader should, like my other larger ones. Well, with the exception of the 10 round mags, if loaded up full. In a single stack mag I believe it’s just too many. I been trying the 7 round mags all day and I cannot get it to mess up and I rack the slide as slow as I want. Now it wants to eat every single time. That has always been the ONLY issue this gun has had in 12 yrs since it was new.
08-19-2020, 02:33 PM
Welcome to the forum but living in Seattle you might want to change your user name and your gun to DoubleStackNine.
BTW, I mean no disrespect as I live near Minneapolis and have upgraded my car gun to a Sig M11A1 with a couple spare mags.
08-19-2020, 02:44 PM
Welcome to the forum but living in Seattle you might want to change your user name and your gun to DoubleStackNine.
BTW, I mean no disrespect as I live near Minneapolis and have upgraded my car gun to a Sig M11A1 with a couple spare mags.
Hahaha, yeah that's true. I do have a Sig P365XL on back order, but it's going to take forever to receive that. In the meantime I have the CW9 running good.
08-19-2020, 03:53 PM
Slap a Magguts in there and you have 8+1. Not bad.
08-19-2020, 07:44 PM
Interesting looking device, the Magguts. Might have to order one and try it out, see how smooth the feed is with 8 rounds in a 7 round mag. Won’t hurt to try. Thanks for the info.
While I like my Kahrs, if I lived in Seattle or Portland I'd probably consider carrying a double stack. Welcome to the board. Stay safe!
08-20-2020, 12:23 AM
If I lived in Seattle or Portland I could probably only need a single shot. One to my own head to end my foolishness for living there in the first place.
08-20-2020, 12:55 AM
If I lived in Seattle or Portland I could probably only need a single shot. One to my own head to end my foolishness for living there in the first place.
Sometimes God puts us where he needs us rather than it be our choice. I’d left this place long ago, but I haven’t been able to make it happen.
08-20-2020, 08:12 AM
Sometimes God puts us where he needs us rather than it be our choice. I’d left this place long ago, but I haven’t been able to make it happen. What did you do to piss him off???????????????????????????????????????????
08-20-2020, 01:30 PM
What did you do to piss him off???????????????????????????????????????????
Oh man, I don't know, but I just go with the flow, or it'll just piss him off worse.
08-21-2020, 06:23 PM
Best welcome thread I’ve ever read here! :D
Welcome from Round Rock, Texas!
08-26-2020, 06:16 AM
OP: Greetings from Maple Valley...My first Kahr was a PM9 which I stumbled across at Fall City Firearms, jumped on it at $319 (used of course with three mags). Fell in love with the Kahr brand and have since added the CW45. I have the Magguts +1 spring and follower in the PM9's 7+1 and 6+1 magazines so I'm carrying it as 8+1 or 7+1, which is decent. Absolutely no issues in feeding. I'm using the Kimber (#1000173A) 7+1 magazine in the CW45 so she's a 8 rounder, again a decent count and typical of any single stack. My other single stack EDC's are the M&P Shield in 9mm, 40 S&W, 45ACP and Sig P238 (all four guns have Magguts +1 springs and followers).
As far as living in Seattle goes, I could have left years ago too but to where? Hurricane alley? Tornado alley? Sub zero temperatures? Blizzards? Blistering Socal/AZ heat? I'm still here only because the freakin' weather isn't a killer, yeah gloomy skies in the winter months but clouds don't kill.
08-26-2020, 07:56 AM
You can't find perfect weather anywhere. I like seasons myself. A bit of brisk winter air for a while kind of freshens things up a bit. Fall is a perfect time for me. 60 degree weather and beautiful colors. The sun sits a bit lower in the sky, so it's not so bright and hot. Prefer that over rain every third day. Clouds don't kill, but socialism does, along with the looting, burning, and the all about me scumbags. You have my condolences....................
08-26-2020, 08:57 AM
The only perfect answer to weather is two homes in different areas of the country.
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