View Full Version : Virginia Get Good News! State Senator Busted!

King Rat
08-18-2020, 12:43 PM
On of the most corrupt Senators in Virginia just got busted along with a group of her Terrorist friends. I am sure the GOV of this Corrupt state will promote her. But at least she is charged!

Bravo to the Police!


08-18-2020, 04:27 PM
Too bad that we can't bust about half of the US Senators. I'm including 3 or 4 Rinos.

08-18-2020, 05:11 PM
We easily could if anybody whose job it is to do so would do their job.

08-18-2020, 05:21 PM
What the Colonel said.

Trouble is, the Swamp is too full of slimy creatures.

08-18-2020, 06:15 PM
That's why I've always said we need a clean sweep, (even the good ones). Fumigate and disinfect the buildings, maybe the whole town and start over fresh so there's no old swamp creatures to teach the new guys (no new gals in the future) how to become swamp creatures.

08-18-2020, 07:43 PM
While we're at it require the Press to give equal time to both sides of the political arena. Saw yesterday that the MSM was 150 times more negative to Trump than Biden. And I don't just mean 150 articles. I can still remember when the Press served the people, protecting them from the slimy creatures by calling them out and exposing them regardless of which side of the aisle they sat on.

08-18-2020, 08:08 PM
I'm going to watch some of the Dem Convention tonight to hear AOC speak, I think that will finally be enough to push me to pony up for the Ruger Charger I've been hankering for.....How in the world did she ever get elected.....Those people scare me.....I think Joseph McCarthy had it right, One Communist in Government is One Communist too many.....

08-18-2020, 08:41 PM
While we're at it require the Press to give equal time to both sides of the political arena.

As long as we keep settling for "both sides", we're doomed. We need to completely abolish the current political parties and their stranglehold on our government.

08-19-2020, 05:02 AM
Whatever happened to "equal time"?

I remember it being mentioned on tv on a regular basis.

08-19-2020, 08:18 AM
Whenever I am at the re-loading bench I turn on a leftie radio talk show just because. Believe it of not, they believe the media is heavily slanted to the right. Go figure.

08-19-2020, 10:18 AM
^^^That there is a prime example of brainwashing. Tell people the same lie over and over and they will start believing it. Either the host of that talk show is administering it, or he's heard it enough to pass it along as truth. Either way it's the same thing.

That view:

Truth tellers:

The Media:
FOX News

King Rat
08-19-2020, 04:44 PM
During the last election, I was doing online betting. You would play it like the stock market. Buy and sell shares daily. Now when it comes to money, I was unbiased for sure. I just wanted to win. So I really got into it. I would read every editorial across the nation, look up facts, and really try and get a grasp of the truth. Yes, I would even stomach through gut wetching CNN.
Now during this process, Trump stock was low. Hillary was way up there. But the more I listened the more I saw how much BS was going on with the Propagand from the Left. I know that the rest of the US just could not be buying their garbage. So I actually invested heavily in Trump Stock.
I will never forget the night before the election and watching CNN. They had all their usual fools running their mouth like crazy. And here is the Kicker. They were constantly telling all, that Hillary would win by 300 electoral votes.

Man, that night, I bet just about everything but the house. I knew I had a winner in Trump and would cash in. And sure enough, the rest was history. Trump wiped the floor with Hillary. And not only that, I bet on the electoral vote as well. Picked all but two states correctly.
I have never in my lifetime seen any party have such a weak pathetic Presidential Contender than Biden. I mean he just looks weak and the VP he choose is one the the oddest things I have ever seen in politics. Crazy Joe, lol, man the wolves are salivating at the mouth.

I took this clip before the Election and saved it.


PS. By the way, if you ever want to see the worst of the Worst, just full of putrid out right lies. Read "The Atlantic".

08-19-2020, 06:10 PM
I'm just hoping there will be some kind of Trump-Biden debate which I think the Dems will do every thing in their power to prevent because all President Trump will have to say is, Joe can you explain your last statement and poor old Joe will ramble off into the fog and it will be painfully obvious to everyone, even the die hard left that the man has dementia and needs help....

08-20-2020, 06:10 AM
They don't care how bad Biden is. He is just a temporary figure head. Harris is their man.

King Rat
08-20-2020, 07:14 AM
They don't care how bad Biden is. He is just a temporary figure head. Harris is their man.

What I find so interesting is the question of WHY did he choose her? I understand that BLM pretty much gave him his marching orders, but she is all over the board. She finished dead last in the Dem. Presidential run. She is on video of accusing him of being a racist. Her Prosecution record in CA. is insane. I could go on and on. But is Biden actually decided that he has decided he wants to loose? Is this some ploy were he gets elected and steps down and BLM takes over? Crazy stuff!

PS on the Virginia Front, Lucas the Crimminal is screaming "Racist" now which in Virginia is a free get out of Jail card. Same with the school systems. They are taught at a young age to call the teachers, bus drivers, cafeteria workers racist, if any of them are threatened with a "Referral" for bad behavior. And in the "Politically Correct world we live in today, they always win. Schools are scared to death of a law suite do just let them get away with anything. Discipline problems are out of control.

Mean while, all the Dems like Gov. Blackface, Terry McCauliff, NACCP are rallying around her for this "FELONY" arrest. But of course the LAW in Virginia means nothing. Even if found guilty she will be pardoned.
And she has a history of nefarious activities for years in Portsmouth VA. A real King Pin.

08-20-2020, 08:00 AM
Harris then: “Biden is a racist, sexual predator, ...!”
Harris now: “Oh, you want me to be your VP? Honey, come over here and give me some sugar!”

08-20-2020, 08:35 AM
Harris then: “Biden is a racist, sexual predator, ...!”
Harris now: “Oh, you want me to be your VP? Honey, come over here and give me some sugar!”

I think she doesn’t realize that most citizens would like our politicians to craft policy, not be actors switching hats and playing roles.

How can we trust anything she says, when it’s all just for show?
Answer: we can’t. She blows in the wind like a windsock. She's just limp, until there’s a chance to gain support or power. I aver that she doesn’t stand for anything except Kamala.

King Rat
08-20-2020, 10:22 AM
Many feel the Feds have taken a interest in the case And there might be more to this than we see now. Might turn out to be interesting.

By the way, Chief Warren was speaking to at the Convention last night, of course wanting to give away more money.

Can you see what is in the Background of this picture? A little subliminal message.


Ken L
08-20-2020, 11:03 AM
What I find so interesting is the question of WHY did he choose her? I understand that BLM pretty much gave him his marching orders, but she is all over the board. She finished dead last in the Dem. Presidential run. She is on video of accusing him of being a racist. Her Prosecution record in CA. is insane. I could go on and on. But is Biden actually decided that he has decided he wants to loose? Is this some ploy were he gets elected and steps down and BLM takes over? Crazy stuff!

My theory is that they chose her so that she'd be the first woman President. Their hope is that Joe gets elected and a few months after inauguration he's found to have something like dementia. Not much of a stretch, right? He steps down, she's in for almost 4 years. The uproar when it happened with Ford will be nothing, but it's still the way I see it playing out.

08-20-2020, 11:11 AM
The scariest part of that theory which is spot on in my opinion is, she becomes president, some patriot takes her out..................then we get Pelosi.

I'm confident that we still have more people with functioning brains and Trump will prevail. Obama got in on the if you don't vote for me your a racist. She'll get a lot of the if you don't vote for us your a sexist and a racist but hopefully not enough.

This all started when we let them drive cars and smoke cigarettes, then vote, been a downward spiral ever since.

King Rat
08-20-2020, 12:18 PM
My God, I shutter to think of the consequences if Kahdalay Harris became President. Think of the Horror of who she would fill her cabinet with. The whole US would be run by BLM. Seriously, it is a real possibility that the end of the US would be very near to total destruction. I would not give the US more than two months. They already want to defund the Military. You can bet Russia, China, Iran etc. are salivating at the mouth at the thought of Kamjawala Harris as President of the United States of America. Even the thought seems something right out of Mad Magazine.
Al Sharpton as Secretary of the Treasury etc?

PS the subliminal message in the Chief Warren photo in the Back ground were the Children's blocks arraigned to read BLM.

King Rat
08-21-2020, 08:07 PM

Lol, it Don't pay enough to be a cop in Virginia. They now want to change the Assault on a Police officer from a felony to a misdemeanor. Specially designed for the Riots and Looting. Seems they are preparing for the future. And OF COURSE if the cops have made a arrest then they are automatically Racist.

08-23-2020, 07:30 PM
https://scontent-ort2-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/p843x403/117835191_891669847908106_6398358920529630499_o.jp g?_nc_cat=101&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=onMv3Y6DdokAX_ESFGa&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.xx&_nc_tp=6&oh=a0b44204049870479110260c4006f281&oe=5F6A2F5B