View Full Version : PM9 Slide Stop Question?

09-10-2020, 05:58 PM
Speaking of Slide Stops, my new to me PM9 (unknown round count, though it looks to be pretty new?), locks back ok, but I notice that I can push the slide stop after it's locked back on it's own, up another 1/16" or so, is this a feature or a bug?

I have cleaned and lubed, but only dry fired with snap caps and hand cycled so far as our local indoor ranges are closed due to COVID, and the outdoors ranges are near/in fire zones with bad AQI.



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09-10-2020, 08:39 PM
It may loosen up, but it could also be that your mag spring is weak. Or it could be that your follower is partially broken, examine it closely.

09-11-2020, 06:16 PM
It may loosen up, but it could also be that your mag spring is weak. Or it could be that your follower is partially broken, examine it closely.

Thank you dao, appreciate the help.

All three mags behave the same, so I'm thinking it's just tight, so I'll put some rounds down range when I can, and prior to that I'll continue to work it manually with leather gloves LOL!

Any thoughts on how the MagGuts or Lakeline followers would effect this?

09-11-2020, 09:09 PM
Depends on what's going on with your gun. The Lakeline followers are metal so they won't break. But if there's something hanging up on the gun itself then neither the mag nor the follower is guaranteed to affect it. Put an empty mag in the gun lock the slide back and look closely at the moving parts, and what happens to them when you move it that last 1/16". Does the follower rise along with the stop? What's hanging the stop up? Are there any burrs? Does something need to be stoned or otherwise smoothed? It's got to be something :)

09-12-2020, 03:34 AM
Depends on what's going on with your gun. The Lakeline followers are metal so they won't break. But if there's something hanging up on the gun itself then neither the mag nor the follower is guaranteed to affect it. Put an empty mag in the gun lock the slide back and look closely at the moving parts, and what happens to them when you move it that last 1/16". Does the follower rise along with the stop? What's hanging the stop up? Are there any burrs? Does something need to be stoned or otherwise smoothed? It's got to be something :)

Thanks again dao, much appreciated!

Ok, tested some more and the issue is this, the mags don't seat high enough to push the slide lock to it's maximum upwards position.

Here's the way all of the three mags normally sit when inserted...

https://i.postimg.cc/VN1FrQc7/Slide-Lock-Mag-Normal.jpg (https://postimg.cc/rDn43HsW)

...and if I push up on the mag like this, then the slide lock goes all the way up...

https://i.postimg.cc/9fpYy8mc/Slide-Lock-Mag-Up.jpg (https://postimg.cc/PLCDjMv7)

Again, while manually cycling snap caps it does hold open on last round, but I can still push the slide lock further up with my thumb etc.

Also, again, I haven't had a chance to try it with live ammo yet, soon I hope.

So, my only question is the normal mag location on mine typical of these, or do I have a problem with my mag release or the mags?



09-12-2020, 08:50 AM
Your mags look normal. Or I should say the gap looks normal. What I would do at this point is to run the gun while making sure your thumb is well away from the slide stop and see if the slide locks back. I have a feeling it will. If so, keep on running it, and enjoying it. Good luck. And welcome to the board!

09-12-2020, 11:07 AM
I believe your gun is truly fine and normal. The extra movement in that lever is to allow for exactly what you demonstrated. When you seat the mag it goes up flush to insure it locks in. The lever has to be able to move up that distance which appears about equal to the gap in the magazine frame which is also normal.

Only live fire will tell for sure but I think your really good to go.

09-12-2020, 12:52 PM
Thanks gentlemen, appreciate the help, and glad to be here (was looking for either a PM9 or MK9 out here on the west coast for a while)!

09-12-2020, 05:50 PM
Here's the way all of the three mags normally sit when inserted...

You could always sand a tiny bit from either the mag bottom's top side or the frame's handle bottom if you suspect it isn't going up high enough. I had to do that to one of my 7 round magazine for my S9.

See http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?p=395737

09-12-2020, 06:09 PM
He posted a pic that showed the typical gap between the grip bottom and the mag. The mag is going up as far as it was designed, and I think the Colonel hit the nail on the head as far as the reason goes. He'll probably learn that all is good when he gets the gun to the range and runs it.
I remember The Yankee Marshall saying that his OCD prevented him from "accepting" the gap and he eventually sold his Kahrs I think. It is rather unsightly but only if a person focuses on it and just can't ignore it. Thankfully I'm able to.

09-14-2020, 03:06 AM
Thanks everyone, appreciate the help, and yes the mags do appear to lock in fine, so I'm guessing it's ready to go.

Waiting for the smoke to clear and the AQI to improve so I can visit our only open outdoors range (our indoor ranges are closed due to COVID-19).

I want to try it too! I just bought it, cleaned and lubed it per the factory diagram, manually cycled snap-caps a couple of hundred times for break-in, added the Lasermax Centerfire Laser and zeroed it via a bore sighter to the iron sight's POA at 7 yds, and I''m excited to give it a go LOL!

Hopefully later this week of next week for sure.

09-14-2020, 09:11 AM
Sounds like a plan. Let us all know after the range trip.

09-15-2020, 01:43 AM
Will do, thanks again all!

09-18-2020, 02:22 AM
Geez, local ranges booked into Oct, so this might take a while, though hoping for a cancellation etc?

At least the air is breathable again, Thanks God for that (local fires pretty much contained at long last)!

04-15-2021, 01:00 PM
Geez, local ranges booked into Oct, so this might take a while, though hoping for a cancellation etc?

At least the air is breathable again, Thanks God for that (local fires pretty much contained at long last)!

Ha, well, this has certainly taken a while LOL!

It's now April of the 2021, my wife and I have had our vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna, no issues), and FINALLY, our local indoor range has reopened with limited capacity and mask requirements, WOO HOO!

Today, I'm going to attempt to finally get to fire my new to me Kahr PM9, though I have attempted to break it in by manually working the action and firing with snap caps and laser cartridges, maybe 500 times. The trigger certainly improved during that period so I'm hoping to finally get to enjoy it today (assuming one can really enjoy a pocket pistol in 9mm LOL!). I'm also bringing my modded CZ SP01 in case the little PM9 has any issues.

So today we check function with FMJ's, function with HP's, and zero of the Laserguard at 7 yds (which has already been zero'd via a bore sighting laser in my living room, so it should be close already...).

Wow, excited, it's been a long time...

04-15-2021, 02:51 PM
You have the patience of Job!

04-15-2021, 04:14 PM
You have the patience of Job!

Not by choice LOL! In our case in the SF Bay Area CA, the fires closed the outdoor ranges while COVID closed the indoor ranges, so we were out of luck for a while. The outdoor ranges opened a while back with limited capacity and reservations, but lanes were hard to get due to the crowds, and like I said I wanted to check zero on the new Laserguard, as well as function with FMJ's and HP's, so indoors was always the first step.

Good news, the PM9 ran like a champ once I learned how to grip the little thing for my second shot (first shot was a failure to feed, my bad, crummy grip as there isn't much to grip with the flush mag LOL!), and it was fine with everything after that. Also, as near as I could tell the laser was pretty well zero'd as everything was on my little 5" X 5" targets at 7 yds, and mostly on at 10yds.

Obviously I need a lot more practice, but all in all I have learned how to grip it as my first shots in a mag capacity string were perfect, and as the string progressed while shooting semi-rapidly, I got tired and further off the mark (this is my first 9mm pocket pistol, my other being a old steel Beretta 1935 32ACP, so the PM9 is quite different, especially with +P HP's and I need to pump up after being on lock-down!).

All in all, it's GREAT to get back to the range, and I'm thrilled that the little PM9 ate everything and functioned perfectly once I got my sh*t together, woo hoo!