View Full Version : Beautifully Sad

09-30-2020, 10:38 PM
Was flipping TV channels last night and happened to hit ABC and listened to a guy playing the National Anthem on the cello before the NBA finals and it was so beautiful I had to keep listening and if any American can listen to this and not feel proud then you might want to rethink being a patriot...http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5UmQVvJgS9U the man is Ben Hong, a renowned philharmonic musician and his simple one instrument rendition of our country's anthem nailed it......The sad part is every player of both NBA teams including coaches and even the referee's took a knee during the anthem which is the most disgraceful thing I have ever seen.....I'm not really sure why this bunch of NBA players are protesting about oppression and discrimination and such since they are absolutely making a living wage so just for fun I looked up Lebron James salary this year, seems Mr. James makes $151.00 a second every game which is $9060.00 a minute or $434,880 dollars a game, such a shame in this country today a man can't make a decent living bouncing a ball and throwing it through a hoop, I think I would protest too against such a terrible country in which systematic raceism will not allow a man to prosper and be successful.....Shame on us

10-01-2020, 08:14 AM
"took a knee". Exactly why pro sports is dead to me. Rich, pampered, and entitled athletes showing disprespect to the flag of the country that has made their lifestyle possible along with all those who have died defending it is good enough reason for me to stay away. Shame on them.