View Full Version : BassCliff's new CW9
12-05-2020, 08:09 AM
Greetings and Salutations!
This new Kahr CW9 is actually Mrs. BassCliff's new pistol but she's not really into gun forums. I'm going to introduce myself and our new CW9.
I picked it up a few days ago at our local indoor range who handled the FFL here in Kalifornia. _vByHkssYPqYmNSx0l_WpgCZ0wxogxwRKRjOyV7cx0zrCnzkGU 416OBPNnQ2UqOhush49v7lIG4eplzNRDQyNWLP2XbHPKFYpC6u 4EQ=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Hey! Look! It came in a new box! ;) t1fEM980QQ4CIAFONybNW7X8gLM1joWMX6zk6u02OS98mMTFGB kMYKFqa1nuB9Um9HQZsGngBMccWcK5I20sD4QgnmCNWqTkUN-gD6w=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Ain't she cute all wrapped up in her plastic bag and foam? The economy model comes with one 7 round magazine and a trigger lock. h7fLu-4WZaTZbymACQJ5HW4sw2_PnVxNHMb2_NrqgVYt7Abg=w1280-h646-no?authuser=0
I immediately field stripped it to clean off the factory gunk and install a couple of zoot parts. This new gun is tight! I had to use a tape-wrapped flat screwdriver to pull the slide stop pin out the first time. I used the "chamber flag" (orange zip tie) in the ejection port to hold the slide in the proper position. 7W-LmDvoaBmeKO9qEEc4y61_MA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
There ya go! It's ready for clean and lube. I also replaced the striker spring and guide rod. The spring was from Wolff and the stainless steel guide rod from MCARBO. KGizAeoFdXazOJx5NVC_frwA1XjY0Ew0pQMklXEek7_wJplKU1 VhoBV8IR7IjpxuqC9JiY55eag=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Now she's had her bath, ready to get herself together again. Ht2vnF0es7JBW1Ol0ggWPtUgzRF9UPSsTwvmqRnjDg9pXyRpV_ J_rsCqM8sKAaoWLompc9t0LXdcffdpCo7OyzO5286DS-7Z7GdedWA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Now she's all ready for the range today. The missus and I are taking her out on her maiden voyage this morning. 17nS4cXMcL0S1Pqel_7n5_SDdk2AzoyTR_v2ngjDqldMyMtxiW 2_FGfxRJ_zLV-xSQIB-_7I-JF_Zg9zdVXrirUCElqCLfDRuejOSxA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
I hope to learn a lot from the experienced folks here. Thank you for letting me join such an august group.
Thank you for your indulgence,
12-05-2020, 09:17 AM
Welcome.......................that's quite the intro. You'll probably like it here. Not a lot of far as your location, you have my condolences.:rolleyes:
King Rat
12-05-2020, 10:07 AM
Welcome! Great Pics, hope to see more of them.
Sorry about where you live. Looks like us Virginians will be in the same boat soon.
12-05-2020, 10:18 AM
Your first Kahr? Won’t be your last. Start searching for magazines, one doesn’t cut it.
Canine Dave
12-05-2020, 10:38 AM
Welcome! And behold the best trigger in the industry!
Really nice work on the initial cleaning. I wonder if you'd mind sharing the brand of the elixir (in the red? bottles) you use? Looking at the patches it seems to be very effective. I'm always on the look-out for something better.
12-05-2020, 11:02 AM
Welcome, glad you found us. Just line up the marks and tap the off side of that slide lock lever with a screw driver handle or a soft face hammer. Just a little tap to start and then it will pull right out. Not need to pry.
Probably have to do that, that initial little movement is kind of hard as it should be.
12-07-2020, 10:26 AM
Welcome.......................that's quite the intro. You'll probably like it here. Not a lot of far as your location, you have my condolences.:rolleyes:
Thank you! It's good to be here. It doesn't totally suck living here, but it sucks a lot less in other parts of the country. The CA handgun roster doesn't have any "scary" guns on it. Don't get me started. :D
Thank you for your indulgence,
12-07-2020, 10:30 AM
Welcome! Great Pics, hope to see more of them.
Sorry about where you live. Looks like us Virginians will be in the same boat soon.
Thank you! I think I'm going to like this forum. I've got more pictures from our training session at the range this weekend. I'll write up a little report. There's no question I'll be taking away as much knowledge and experience as I can from the experienced Kahr shooters here but I also hope to contribute when I can. I'm really good at Profound Glimpses Into The Obvious. :p I certainly hope Virginia doesn't get "Kalifornia'd". :(
Thank you for your indulgence,
12-07-2020, 10:39 AM
Your first Kahr? Won’t be your last. Start searching for magazines, one doesn’t cut it.
Yes, this is our first Kahr. I also have a Springfield Armory XD9 4" Service Model. My daughter is getting a .22 revolver for Christmas, a Rough Rider combo. Yes, we are new to handguns this year. I've had a modicum of experience with shotguns and rifles but haven't owned any in decades.
Besides the 7 round magazine that came with the pistol I've already purchased three more 8 round magazines. We both have four mags for our pistols. I'd like to pick up a couple more each when I have a chance, find them on sale maybe. The Kahr single stack mags are more expensive than my XD mags. I find that a little odd, but whatever. Midway has really good prices sometimes. ;)
Thank you for your indulgence,
12-07-2020, 10:52 AM
Welcome! And behold the best trigger in the industry!
Really nice work on the initial cleaning. I wonder if you'd mind sharing the brand of the elixir (in the red? bottles) you use? Looking at the patches it seems to be very effective. I'm always on the look-out for something better.
I haven't even had the chance to shoot it yet. My wife was having too much fun with it at the range last weekend. She loves everything about this pistol except for the fact that there's nothing left handed about it. She's getting used to manipulating the slide, slide stop, magazine release, etc, as best she can. It'll take practice. I wonder if it's possible to move the slide release to the other side? I'll ask in another part of the forum. Thanks for the welcome.
I really like the Shooter Lube products. uOGgH9arNdAWS6GQP8wFPqUn6f7PFvzaJxQ5tZoDB0yniWYKwy bLDgO05xL20EsAprPlST-OB9ynnq_pqYOrg6udL76he2ON6YkbhEQ=w1102-h826-no?authuser=0
I have some Hoppe's in my range bag but I tend to favor the Shooter Lube. Non-toxic, non-flammable, no odor, bio-degradable, etc. Here's a link to the oil: and the solvent/cleaner is great too: They sell the kit with a bottle of both for about twenty bucks. It should be good for a few hundred cleanings. OK, I'll stop being a fanboy. (Yeah, I even bought the t-shirt.) ;)
Thank you for your indulgence,
12-07-2020, 10:58 AM
Welcome, glad you found us. Just line up the marks and tap the off side of that slide lock lever with a screw driver handle or a soft face hammer. Just a little tap to start and then it will pull right out. Not need to pry.
Probably have to do that, that initial little movement is kind of hard as it should be.
Thank you! Yes, now that I've had the slide off a few times, shot it, and cleaned it a couple of times the gun is starting to loosen up. I can now "grab it like a Glock" to line up the marks and the tab behind the slide stop, push the pin with my thumb to get it started, then pull the lever out the other side. Field stripping it after shooting it this weekend was much easier than the first time. I'm impressed with this little pistol.
Thank you for your indulgence,
Ken L
12-07-2020, 11:21 AM
Instead of trying to swap the slide release to the other side, just teach your wife to sling shot the slide. I know the manual says to use the release, but sling shotting it is always more secure as long as you pull the slide and your hand apart and don't let your hand ride the slide forward.
Driver's side mag release is tailor made for a lefty to use their index finger. Probably faster than using a thumb too.
Oh and welcome!
12-07-2020, 05:54 PM
Instead of trying to swap the slide release to the other side, just teach your wife to sling shot the slide. I know the manual says to use the release, but sling shotting it is always more secure as long as you pull the slide and your hand apart and don't let your hand ride the slide forward.
Driver's side mag release is tailor made for a lefty to use their index finger. Probably faster than using a thumb too.
Oh and welcome!
I'm sorry, I mis-spoke. I meant to say 'mag release'. I wasn't too worried about swapping the slide stop/release, just the mag eject button. Indeed, she can rack the slide, no problem. After a mag swap she'll rip that slide into battery like nobody's business. She will just need to practice the mag eject with her left hand. She says that's always been her lot in life, being a lefty in a right-hand world. ;) I also tend to use the index or middle finger of my shooting (right) hand for mag eject because the button on my XD9 is not positioned well for my thumb. I'm sure with a little more practice Mrs. BassCliff will get quite proficient.
Thank you for your indulgence,
12-07-2020, 11:17 PM
Hey bud, can I ask what price you paid for yours new? I’m looking at purchasing one as well, thank you
12-08-2020, 11:45 AM
Hey bud, can I ask what price you paid for yours new? I’m looking at purchasing one as well, thank you
These handguns used to be REALLY affordable but prices have gone up due to the dempanic, supply and demand, etc. I bought this one online for $474.99. Added to that is shipping, processing fees, DROS, FFL, etc. Still, it was worth it to know that Mrs. BassCliff can use it to protect herself. She loves it. Maybe she'll let me shoot it the next time we're at the range. ;) If you can find one in a local gun shop the price may be better. Seems they sold originally for $350-ish.
Thank you for your indulgence,
Canine Dave
12-08-2020, 02:28 PM
I haven't even had the chance to shoot it yet. My wife was having too much fun with it at the range last weekend. She loves everything about this pistol except for the fact that there's nothing left handed about it. She's getting used to manipulating the slide, slide stop, magazine release, etc, as best she can. It'll take practice. I wonder if it's possible to move the slide release to the other side? I'll ask in another part of the forum. Thanks for the welcome.
I really like the Shooter Lube products. uOGgH9arNdAWS6GQP8wFPqUn6f7PFvzaJxQ5tZoDB0yniWYKwy bLDgO05xL20EsAprPlST-OB9ynnq_pqYOrg6udL76he2ON6YkbhEQ=w1102-h826-no?authuser=0
I have some Hoppe's in my range bag but I tend to favor the Shooter Lube. Non-toxic, non-flammable, no odor, bio-degradable, etc. Here's a link to the oil: and the solvent/cleaner is great too: They sell the kit with a bottle of both for about twenty bucks. It should be good for a few hundred cleanings. OK, I'll stop being a fanboy. (Yeah, I even bought the t-shirt.) ;)
Thank you for your indulgence,
I think we are past due for an oil thread. Who agrees?
12-08-2020, 03:07 PM
I think we are past due for an oil thread. Who agrees?
If it's anything like an oil thread on my motorcycle forum, I'll pass. ;)
Thank you for your indulgence,
12-08-2020, 09:21 PM
Welcome to Kahrtalk BassCliff, this is a real nice place and you will like it here....Glad you are teaching your daughter about shooting and I'm sure she will be thrilled with the .22 SA revolver which is an excellent choice for a new shooter....Sorry but there is no way to move the slide stop over to accommodate a left handed shooter but she will adept, most left handed people are more ambidextrous than right handed folks and she will learn to deal with the inconvenience of the controls....Glad you found us and if you have any questions at all there are many folks here that can help out.....Thanks for posting and let us know how the new pistol shoots....Good luck
12-09-2020, 06:13 PM
Welcome to Kahrtalk BassCliff, this is a real nice place and you will like it here....Glad you are teaching your daughter about shooting and I'm sure she will be thrilled with the .22 SA revolver which is an excellent choice for a new shooter....Sorry but there is no way to move the slide stop over to accommodate a left handed shooter but she will adept, most left handed people are more ambidextrous than right handed folks and she will learn to deal with the inconvenience of the controls....Glad you found us and if you have any questions at all there are many folks here that can help out.....Thanks for posting and let us know how the new pistol shoots....Good luck
And thank you for the warm welcome. I misspoke earlier. I was hoping to move the magazine release to the other side, not the slide stop. There seems to be a space for it. But it not, she will train and practice enough to overcome the lack of dedicated left hand controls. She did great at her first training session with it. Where do you guys post range reports around here? ;)
Thank you for your indulgence,
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