View Full Version : Virus

01-02-2021, 09:15 AM
Up until yesterday, I didn't know anyone who has gotten the virus. Now, the wife's brother and wife have it, and their married daughter and husband have it. They have 2 children.. Haven't heard whether they have it but one would assume??????? So far, all of the adults got tested. They all still had jobs they were going to and I'm assuming again that it could have played a role in them getting the virus. The wifey and I are still adhering to wearing masks and only going to the grocery store when necessary, along with an occasional visit to the library or the gas station.

01-02-2021, 09:52 AM
The virus is real....it should NOT OF BEEN POLITICISED, my wife's sister died last week from it. She was an RN. Due to all the politicians spinning it people are having a hard sorting out the truth from the fiction.

01-02-2021, 11:08 AM
I read an article about how masks and physical distancing have almost eliminated influenza this year. And flu usually kills tens of thousands a year, so the measures are good for something.

01-02-2021, 02:55 PM
We plan to get the vaccine whenever it is available for us in a week or two. Brother’s grandsons (both are firemen) got their first shots earlier this week. No problems.

01-02-2021, 03:47 PM
No shot for me. If they make it mandatory it will be double no for me. Jeepster is spot on, who knows what to believe with all the powers that be twisting stuff around to fit their agenda.
I'm pretty sure that a large number of Covid deaths are actually a result of something else entirely but a nest egg for the hospitals that report them as such.

mr surveyor
01-02-2021, 03:47 PM
I read an article about how masks and physical distancing have almost eliminated influenza this year. And flu usually kills tens of thousands a year, so the measures are good for something.

my opinion for a wording change ..... "masks and physical distancing have almost eliminated all accurate reporting of influenza this year"

all I'll say


01-02-2021, 04:47 PM
The article actually implied that - it said some patients, "also may have some SARS RNA sitting in their nose while being infected with Influenza, in which case the influenza would be 'confirmed' to be COVID."


mr surveyor
01-02-2021, 04:54 PM
Thanks, John ;)


01-03-2021, 08:47 AM
No shot for this guy either. Even if I have to stay home for the next two years. I'll take a chance and spin the cylinder. Never have gotten a flu shot either. Did get a tetanus shot once. Couldn't use my arm for 3 days. I think that the wifey wants to get a dose. I'm currently trying to dissuade her............................................... .................................................. ................

01-03-2021, 11:39 AM
If you have allergic reactions, it is a real risky gamble.

01-03-2021, 12:16 PM
No idea if it's true or not but I heard the first ingredient in the vaccine is antifreeze. Ethyl Glycol or something, not sure I need any of that.

01-03-2021, 12:34 PM
No idea if it's true or not but I heard the first ingredient in the vaccine is antifreeze. Ethyl Glycol or something, not sure I need any of that.

Ummm. No offense Colonel, but do/have you eaten hot dogs? Chicken nuggets? Velveeta?

King Rat
01-03-2021, 01:00 PM
First of all the main stream media have totally censored so much information that contradicts their Narrative. Just like any negative information about BLM and Antifa. Public schools have become nothing but part of the Propaganda machine that has taken over the US. Revisionist History is also a example of the outright filth and lies they are teaching. Doesn't take long to find out that Fraud Fauci is long time family friends of the Marxist Cuomo Brothers and family, and caught in so many lies and hypocrisy. A minimum of 56% of the US Population do not even believe Biden will be a legitimate President. (any more than the People of Iraq believed Saddam Hussian was legitimate) There is a ton of pictures of these scum sucking advocates of wearing the mask, actually doing just the opposite when off camera.
CNN for example loves two things. One use "sensationalism" lies and half lies. Two, use Trump and the Virus as "Wedge Issues" to not allow their flock to learn the other Real live events going on in the US and around the world. We will most likely have a new Fake President who actually has teamed up with China and Iran. For God sake, CHINA? The arm Pit that stated the virus!
To take the Vaccine is a huge risk. One of which there is NOT any real information you can actually trust your life on.

"COME MY CHILDREN, DRINK THE COOLAID" At least get the vaccine made in the US. China will be importing it real soon now that Biden has teamed up with them.

https://i.imgur.com/PbGvgLF.jpg?1 https://i.imgur.com/OVcGfZx.jpg?1

01-03-2021, 01:44 PM
Polyethylene Glycol


I’m not pro Coronavax, I’m putting it off as long as possible, but I see all the crazy stuff too. I believe we’re all being played. One side is taught to fear the virus, the other is taught to fear the cure. We’re so busy fearing everything, we don’t notice that they’re making us all serfs with debauched currency and dependence on China.

01-03-2021, 02:16 PM
Miralax, AKA Polyethylene Glycol... I've been using it for over a decade, I think. It helps gather moisture in the colon and ease or promote "regular" bowel movement. I take that, 3 stool softeners, and psyllium fiber. PLUS a whole bunch of probiotics. It all helps without any drama to prevent constipation. :D

01-03-2021, 02:41 PM
TMI!!! We have it at our house, too. It’s also the stuff you chug by the gallon before a colonoscopy.

01-03-2021, 03:40 PM
the virus is real....it should not of been politicised, my wife's sister died last week from it. She was an rn. Due to all the politicians spinning it people are having a hard sorting out the truth from the fiction.
jeepster is right. The virus is real. For whats it's worth, i work in a hospital and two thirds or our census are people with covid. Some do well and some die. Even the ones that survive end up of having huge hospital bills and long time complications. I have a friend who had no underlying issues and ended up missing 3 months of work due to covid complications. I did have the first covid injection already and am due for the second later this week. No complications other than a sore shoulder for less than 24 hrs. Seem like a small price to pay to me.

01-03-2021, 07:34 PM
Very sorry to hear about your sister in law Jeepster, she and all the frontline health care workers are heroes....The China virus is real and we have to realize it’s going to be with us for another year before we can relax....We lost two church members back in the summer and our pastor and assistant pastor and whole family had it but all had mild or no symptoms so it’s strange how it kills some people very quickly and others hardly are sick at all...

What scares me more than the virus is getting sick with it and having to be hospitalized for an extended period of time....In the summer of 2019 I started feeling bad after cutting the grass....My heartbeat was very rapid and I was having trouble getting a breath.....My wife insisted I go to the ER and get checked out....I was in the ER from 8pm to midnight, they gave me a baby aspirin and did an EKG....I was feeling better but they wanted to keep me overnight and do some more tests so they admitted me to a room and at 3am did a stress test and at 7am did a heart scan and after the cardiologist looked everything over he said it wasn’t a coronary and wrote a prescription for Metoprolol which slows down your heartbeat and the stuff works great and I’m still on it as well as BP meds......

Well I was glad it wasn’t a heart attack but then the bills started coming in, I was in the ER for 4 hours basically because they didn’t have any rooms available until midnight....The bill for ER time was $3800.00. the single baby aspirin was $15.00 then later the hospital bill came for the room and two tests they did $4200.00. I was there for 14 hours which cost 8 grand then the Cardiologist bill came for $900.00 for basically looking at an EKG strip, and heart scan film and writing a prescription....My insurance paid all but $1200.00 which was my copay but can you imagine what the bill would be for someone being in the ICU for a month and if they survived that and had to spend another 3 months in the hospital......There is no way any normal person could ever pay for something like that no matter what kind of insurance they have....I told my wife that if I get COVID and get really sick I’m not going to the hospital, it’s much cheaper to die at home because that’s what’s going to happen either way........I could not die in peace knowing that I would leave my family hopelessly in debt for millions of dollars.....

01-03-2021, 07:42 PM

King Rat
01-03-2021, 08:48 PM
jeepster is right. The virus is real. For whats it's worth, i work in a hospital and two thirds or our census are people with covid. Some do well and some die. Even the ones that survive end up of having huge hospital bills and long time complications. I have a friend who had no underlying issues and ended up missing 3 months of work due to covid complications. I did have the first covid injection already and am due for the second later this week. No complications other than a sore shoulder for less than 24 hrs. Seem like a small price to pay to me.

Think of all the people that have lost their jobs and no insurance. And more jobs will be and continuing to close down. I went out to buy a new Auto. I could not figure out why they had so many late model used cars. "Repo's".

01-03-2021, 10:11 PM
Getsome, medical is ridiculous. Try breaking your back and spending a month in the hospital with neurosurgeons and therapists. Fortunately I was working and state Labor and Industries covered and still covers it, but the bills were insane.

Had a little bump taken out of my brain, that was only a week in neuro intensive care, the bill was just as much, fortunately had good insurance on that one too. Off work for 6 months on that one too. Do not want to go there again.

01-04-2021, 09:38 AM
My wifey's best friend dealt with a bout of breast cancer. The bill was over a million dollars including prescriptions.

01-04-2021, 08:00 PM
When my twin grandkids were born 3 months prematurely 28 years ago (1 lb. 13 ounces each) and spent that much more time in the hospital neonatal unit, the total bill was just shy on $1,000,000.

When my middle son sliced his leg open with a power tool and severed his femoral artery 10 years ago, his five day hospital stay bill was $70,000.

When I had my last heart attack (2018), the hospital bill was $120,000. Dang near had another one when I saw the final tally.

01-05-2021, 02:11 PM
Understand this is a business. Doctors and hospitals collect only a fraction of what they bill as insurance and the government are locked into a schedule. The rest is written off and the tax man loses.
Hospitals and doctors also treat a very large number of patients for free and those costs too are inflated and written off.
My sons neighbor in TX is a heart surgeon and a couple of years ago I asked him what Medicare paid him for running a camera up your artery into your heart to check for problems. (sorry I forgot the name of the procedure).
He told me at the time, Medicare paid $150. I responded with, what about the additional supplementary Blue Cross payment? He said they added another $16.
I asked the same of my dentist. I had been paying just over $200 per teeth cleaning x twice per year. I now have insurance that costs me $70/month for me an my wife but covers two cleanings per year for each of us. All other costs are completely covered up to $1000/year BUT my dentist has to bill us exactly what he bills the insurance company which saves us well over 40% for a particular procedure. Again, the dentist said he writes off the excess lost charges.
Looks to me the winners here are the tax accountants and lawyers who lobby for all this crap.