View Full Version : BassCliff's New Heritage Rough Rider .22LR/WMR

01-09-2021, 06:56 PM
Greetings Patriots!

Yes, I wanted to get a little cowboy six-shooter to plink at the range and let my daughter have something that she could call her own. It will be good for her to learn guns safety and usage. I picked it up yesterday from one of my favorite FFLs.


I noticed this LGS had some .22WMR in stock so I picked up 50 rounds. We've got a brick of 800 .22LR but I also wanted to try the bigger bang. When I arrived home Mrs. BassCliff was out front getting the mail. It looks like I got a big letter from Hornady too. Oh boy! It had sales brochures and a big poster of ammunition types. Great! I need new decorations on the wall in my home office.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3ewVLhJOIMsK2r8-rBpsDN5vXLnBgyF64hF7vIEGiLo4Y8doZEPlIqRW0qy9lDiCBM bZakuV842tOUSKlVzRi6Py4siWMaa2Uf4JQhdOwrHKUe9ufM1a t-r5HHGrXV7mGYnWC0MT1tX_ygMccMmIvi3Xw=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

I picked up a new nylon brush too. After all, there are three pistols to clean now. This is the 4.75" model that includes the .22WMR cylinder. Let's see what's in the box.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3cVvtSoAi7ScrS7Q38d4iyKEM5kdOnP69mOy1s28L2FONamo0r xypQVRbcK4knq4nVH7U_0hkwY8sWeFYO0ubCqez6hquBTzDUMP mLiKJDxY5lCb68qIPH4p6RY-5rpsUmb7y7xeq4XUH1423wjblRDPQ=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

I think she's kind of cute. I had to look up cocobolo to find out if it was real wood. Then I immediately took it apart to clean and practice swapping cylinders.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dNHw9Y6NKmohg4q7Cxvf7ACxG1Rjazxq4zI02r7UHFHBDcG4f s_MF5kGN3oKyS4J43gWEcG0MF4Ba9noHcPWYC6feUuK7NqJwUv 01xWeVBko5lh5W88C_uIZjlJBWnggRpxRNXvxQ9UsD-inOIjHQ6gA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

This is going to be a fun little pistol. It's single action so the pace will be leisurely when we use it at the range. Now I have to get a picture with our entire "arsenal" all together. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,


01-09-2021, 07:01 PM
Went to a local sporting goods store today and they had exactly 6 guns. 2 of them were just like yours and I was tempted but didn’t get one. It looks like a fun gun.

01-09-2021, 07:19 PM
Coco Bolo is a fan favorite wood, I've whittled a ton of it. For awhile I had red in the lines of my hands and my shirt collar from Coco Bolo sawdust. In it's raw form it's actually toxic a little bit, but it sure is pretty and makes a real fine grip.

Big difference between 22LR and 22 Mag. I managed to get a couple boxes of 22 mag a couple weeks ago, I got lots of LR, about 6000 accumulated over the years, I need to start shooting it more.

01-09-2021, 08:36 PM
Hi Guys,

Went to a local sporting goods store today and they had exactly 6 guns. 2 of them were just like yours and I was tempted but didn’t get one. It looks like a fun gun.

Can you see the pictures OK? Hmmm, I was on one of my devices and could not see them. But they show up on my computer just fine. Anyway, yes! I'm looking forward to making this one go bang.

Coco Bolo is a fan favorite wood, I've whittled a ton of it. For awhile I had red in the lines of my hands and my shirt collar from Coco Bolo sawdust. In it's raw form it's actually toxic a little bit, but it sure is pretty and makes a real fine grip.

Big difference between 22LR and 22 Mag. I managed to get a couple boxes of 22 mag a couple weeks ago, I got lots of LR, about 6000 accumulated over the years, I need to start shooting it more.

Cocobolo is new to me, but I like it. I'm going to have to find a cheaper supply of 22mag. The brick of .22LR I picked up last week was about 8¢ a round, $65 for 800 rounds. Why should .22mag be 40¢? Maybe the big box stores I frequent will have a little better price. But these are inconvenient times.

Thank you for your indulgence,


01-09-2021, 09:15 PM
Can you see the pictures OK? Hmmm, I was on one of my devices and could not see them. But they show up on my computer just fine. Anyway, yes! I'm looking forward to making this one go bang.

I'm on a desktop computer and I can't see them.

01-09-2021, 09:34 PM

I'm on a desktop computer and I can't see them.

Thanks for letting me know. I tweaked some permissions. Reload the page and let me know. These darn computer-y things can be finicky.

Thank you for your indulgence,


King Rat
01-10-2021, 01:56 AM
I have had one for about 10 yrs now, fun Plinker. I would like to get the new Bar Keep as well or his one with the Birds head grip.


Bar Keep


01-10-2021, 07:03 AM
I like that birdshead. Am partial to those, and miss the little Bearcat Shopkeeper I gifted to my grandson earlier this year.
Might look for one of the Heritage versions.

01-10-2021, 09:20 AM

Thanks for letting me know. I tweaked some permissions. Reload the page and let me know. These darn computer-y things can be finicky.


Yes, I see them now on both my desktop and iPad.

01-10-2021, 11:52 AM
Hi guys,

I have had one for about 10 yrs now, fun Plinker. I would like to get the new Bar Keep as well or his one with the Birds head grip.


Bar Keep


I like that birdshead. Am partial to those, and miss the little Bearcat Shopkeeper I gifted to my grandson earlier this year.
Might look for one of the Heritage versions.

Yes, I like the look of that grip too! The short barrel models are cool. I love the whole vintage vibe of the Heritage products. I've been checking out all their offerings at heritagemfg.com and they have some fun firearms at good prices, larger bore too. I'm looking at a holster for my daughter. I'm sure she'd enjoy carrying her pistol at the range. 😉

Thank you for your indulgence,


01-10-2021, 11:59 AM

Yes, I see them now on both my desktop and iPad.

Cool. I just forgot to make the folder viewing public after uploading. Good geeky fun! 😎

Thank you for your indulgence,


Canine Dave
01-10-2021, 02:48 PM
Coco Bolo is a fan favorite wood, I've whittled a ton of it. For awhile I had red in the lines of my hands and my shirt collar from Coco Bolo sawdust. In it's raw form it's actually toxic a little bit, but it sure is pretty and makes a real fine grip.

Big difference between 22LR and 22 Mag. I managed to get a couple boxes of 22 mag a couple weeks ago, I got lots of LR, about 6000 accumulated over the years, I need to start shooting it more.

What do you think, Bawanna. Genuine cocobola?

Stuff's getting pretty rare.

I can't afford $.40/a pull, until my 2k stimulus comes.

01-10-2021, 02:49 PM

I was just curious about that rifle model of this pistol. How cool is this?


Thank you for your indulgence,


01-10-2021, 03:28 PM
What do you think, Bawanna. Genuine cocobola?

Stuff's getting pretty rare.

I can't afford $.40/a pull, until my 2k stimulus comes.

If you mean the grips on his Heritage I'd say they are Coco Bolo. The stuff varies considerable. I've gotten large boards of the stuff in the past and fine one or two really nice grip sections and the rest kind of plain. Nice but not super nice grain pattern.

I got lucky a few weeks back and the Coastal my wife worked at for a short time had some 22 mag. And they weren't gouging on price. I think it was 12.99 a box. Only allowed 2. She scored a couple boxes of 9mm before she quit too. Didn't really need it but can never have enough.

01-10-2021, 03:46 PM

What do you think, Bawanna. Genuine cocobola?

Stuff's getting pretty rare.

I can't afford $.40/a pull, until my 2k stimulus comes.

The grip on this little revolver looks great, it's real wood. Yeah, I'm going to have to find a better price for the .22WMR ammo. I only paid that much because it was convenient. The online prices are insane. I'll be so happy when this madness is over. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,


01-10-2021, 05:15 PM
I agree, the grips on yours are exceptionally nice. Very good grain pattern and look great.

Canine Dave
01-10-2021, 06:13 PM
[QUOTE=Bawanna;420942]If you mean the grips on his Heritage I'd say they are Coco Bolo. The stuff varies considerable. I've gotten large boards of the stuff in the past and fine one or two really nice grip sections and the rest kind of plain. Nice but not super nice grain pattern.

sho 'nuff cocobola.

I thought it was becoming more rare and expensive.

King Rat
01-10-2021, 06:39 PM
Atamount grips on my BlackHawk and Heritage


Atamount has quite a collection of grips


01-10-2021, 07:43 PM
Coco Bolo has always been more pricey than some of the others but wasn't insane the last time I bought some. We have a lumber yard that carried all the exotic woods, a whole warehouse full of stuff to walk through, in all kinds of lengths. You could buy as much or as little as you wanted as long as you left a 3ft piece. If it was 3' 6'' you could buy 6''. Gaboon Ebony was sold by weight and you pay for the sawdust. That stuff is pricey.

Sadly a few years back they cut way back when the economy was ovomiting. They didn't have much last time I was there. Need to get up and check it out again. I'm way low on most everything.

01-10-2021, 08:13 PM
Hi guys,

I agree, the grips on yours are exceptionally nice. Very good grain pattern and look great.

Thanks. Sometimes you just get lucky. I like the grain pattern on these grips too. Purdy. ;)

[QUOTE=Bawanna;420942]If you mean the grips on his Heritage I'd say they are Coco Bolo. The stuff varies considerable. I've gotten large boards of the stuff in the past and fine one or two really nice grip sections and the rest kind of plain. Nice but not super nice grain pattern.

sho 'nuff cocobola.

I thought it was becoming more rare and expensive.

I was looking at all the grips available on the shopheritagemfg.com website: https://www.shopheritagemfg.com/grips-2

Some of them are really cool and none are that pricey.


I think grips would make a nice birthday present for my daughter. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,


01-10-2021, 08:19 PM

Atamount grips on my BlackHawk and Heritage


Atamount has quite a collection of grips


Altamount has a lot of neat grips listed on the Heritage website too. Pretty dang cool!

Hey, which big bore Heritage is that? Here's a couple pictures of my little gun family. :D

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3eHj-s5NjP19_CGyTjjG4J549WC-3LYVEA3-fE78ZrmySHNA6lfa3JGv4kTddtl3n37ff_RdrX1UtFUQqvWDOn QmVxJ3skd8ZFJUmVsmRpXic57-ph1aMPkB_itc1Fh4-eeSY8hCk-Ud476j3G1PuhyKA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fU5KKHlDzdXv2EIh4bDBWj3VY9RZ1Fbe4Dds6X5mAFE6B_6n7 wy8wkgeodyCNYX5kbAw-pCu9BxLoEKpW3pffk7bRGlIuzqO-RZPXHFRNVVnAQOrpBUQL8wTTy_xz-9duSuuqZ9OINTE-Ct-Wg_ngA_A=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

The XD-9 and the CW9 don't have quite the personality of the Heritage. ;)

Thank you for your indulgence,


01-10-2021, 08:24 PM

Coco Bolo has always been more pricey than some of the others but wasn't insane the last time I bought some. We have a lumber yard that carried all the exotic woods, a whole warehouse full of stuff to walk through, in all kinds of lengths. You could buy as much or as little as you wanted as long as you left a 3ft piece. If it was 3' 6'' you could buy 6''. Gaboon Ebony was sold by weight and you pay for the sawdust. That stuff is pricey.

Sadly a few years back they cut way back when the economy was ovomiting. They didn't have much last time I was there. Need to get up and check it out again. I'm way low on most everything.

I'm pretty new around here so I hope you don't mind my asking. Do you make custom grips? I hit the link in your sig file and it 404'd on a Wix page.

Thank you for your indulgence,


01-10-2021, 11:41 PM
I make grips as a hobby. Seems I make a bunch and they kind of lull for awhile. I don't often visit that site of mine very often myself, an old member here set it all up for me and did a great job. I did look at it a month or so ago and got in no problem, there's a lot of pictures there anyhow.
I'll give it a try myself and see. I was gonna shut it down as people were checking it and I wasn't.

01-11-2021, 12:07 AM
Well tried to get into my website myself and after fighting to reset passwords and remember all the stuff I forgot it tells me it's disabled. Maybe Biden's squad has already taken the reins? I'll try some more later, technology gives me the brain pain.

01-11-2021, 12:08 PM

I make grips as a hobby. Seems I make a bunch and they kind of lull for awhile. I don't often visit that site of mine very often myself, an old member here set it all up for me and did a great job. I did look at it a month or so ago and got in no problem, there's a lot of pictures there anyhow.
I'll give it a try myself and see. I was gonna shut it down as people were checking it and I wasn't.

Well tried to get into my website myself and after fighting to reset passwords and remember all the stuff I forgot it tells me it's disabled. Maybe Biden's squad has already taken the reins? I'll try some more later, technology gives me the brain pain.

Well, that's certainly inconvenient. Is Wix caught up in the cancel culture too? I'd like to see your work. I hope Wix tech support can get your page back online. Drat and bother.

Thank you for your indulgence,


01-11-2021, 02:09 PM
Well I tried to figure it out some more on my website and it's way over my head. All the help boxes just refer you back to where you just were. I nice you lady who used to be a regular here set the whole thing up before I even knew about it, she was real computer smart, just the opposite of me.
I guess considering I was thinking of removing it anyhow I got what I deserved. It was nice to have all the pictures available for idea's which was it's sole purpose in the first place.

01-11-2021, 04:41 PM
Try looking through this thread, as it has a number of grips Bawanna has made over the years:


Or just go into the General Discussions in the forums and it is the first sticky. The Col. is a bit modest in his skill, he has made me a couple of grips that still knock my socks off.

01-11-2021, 05:58 PM
If nothing else it's a fun thread to take a trip down memory lane. A lot of folks who participated then have moved on or crossed the river. Old Lincoln who started the whole thing back when I didn't have all that many post really started something.
He doesn't visit often as he used to, (our loss) but I did chat with him in the last week and he and his missus are doing fine, confined to quarters apparently without much complaint. I don't mind staying home myself, completely happy here.

I haven't been making too many grips lately, but I'll try to be more diligent in posting photos of the ones I make in the future. I have a drawer full looking for homes. Guess I should take pics of those again.

01-12-2021, 09:17 AM
Thank you gentlemen,

Well I tried to figure it out some more on my website and it's way over my head. All the help boxes just refer you back to where you just were. I nice you lady who used to be a regular here set the whole thing up before I even knew about it, she was real computer smart, just the opposite of me.
I guess considering I was thinking of removing it anyhow I got what I deserved. It was nice to have all the pictures available for idea's which was it's sole purpose in the first place.

Try looking through this thread, as it has a number of grips Bawanna has made over the years:


Or just go into the General Discussions in the forums and it is the first sticky. The Col. is a bit modest in his skill, he has made me a couple of grips that still knock my socks off.

Thanks for the thread link. I will certainly take a trip down memory lane to have a gander at Mr. Bawanna's work. 😉

Thank you for your indulgence,
