View Full Version : BassCliff's 7th Range Report, 1/23/2021
02-05-2021, 09:49 PM
Greetings Patriots!
I know this is not my seventh range report here. I have been posting range reports on another forum, xdtalk dot com, because I also own an XD9 along with the CW9. I do have a couple of recent range reports featuring the Kahr so I though I'd share them here too. It's a bit less convenient here because we can link only eight pictures per post. I tend to take a LOT of pictures. Here we go...
We had a special guest shooter today trying out the new cowboy gun she got as a late Christmas present. My daughter and I had a ton of fun today at the Rancho Magnum Range (, an indoor range not too far from the house. After going over proper safety procedures and operation of daughter's new Heritage Arms Rough Rider .22LR we assembled our kit and made ready for our range day. HvY6WpReY-tzOHNlB4pWbh02O4ylqgEjrvl5ZwQXTIQOtfuVfyTbYY2eXtEk fmSAHcVjPKAnhq8THuiG8ZTsS6NfrULzindmg6mPztMWzwit85 EkxRfodnRtKMCOtTZ0nb1NJIK8CTb7b1JjCNYYkz3J2Pn5E_G1 zPu8ShqdhVmbWmbBtMtSGwY-UAJrQO0qZh4kbY_zjkKdTQl3wJB9DvipGLY_QTR8etQWl0bjUu R8LrBX2NMccywMFmaYQdR0Hlb_2E5k-HcHVbhAZTar0krZVl3KYau8VMUsE3pZkEwXYDnA2tSaHtsS3-l_BoKTVBBcNuBIk_nOFchn_EeVsIe2OjowLGGc1WPJyMlF1RlE c66c4J7vgB0L_R7WzmN9NfQgEQhJO57ynW4zqpP91GNO3RRoGH TmWw9O9gcqOv5gGeC9rGHSXagrYxu2iLu6IoNH2qaF30RPFepZ awJNJqYCajSLAohNNKCUaxn1H8F8s38Qq5EssTl1XbkDOjS_n4 k8IwC8io_7EY2-AFtW0GK-jTAM1QvNv5K0gwCkTV9JCZ0i8adPDtNH84rhJ_2DVKGj3ubJU-_CJwojZ0qmCJu9g=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
I think someone is excited to try out her new six shooter. raJidVlr2JQnChJzRPgGHpNfAQ69gM_RE0GCubT9I2a9oOUb8d BZfFmWbxVGEVW7HJYsoebcO6uVlLD-xDgKdijF2IwkZ1FnPgbz7tah1mlOnBD3LNWRlWbIwkT_hoGqH3 iO0bxaYBPBbAMczyCWh5_bhz6nYievlJ-0I2qlFV4zYYnbRmWLWVxn3M9Ic17aM1PMR45JU_pjVPv0JwwE7 FjarhECaczQ9UMcJwehk8IehO1pGy1RJCSR-3Kzbz3iIw3lRpkv3T-AnU3ROTWEDUwokfnh8xQY_nWhkgsiPOwWr0aMahqNTHqQxzcgc GM1AA4QlM8OtVHfwb4HEu8Y-wNz0SBCpdyyi7dLeX8F4ctaCY-kFMLeGNj1Ao_w0DzYPa-6VSdWUwtIZHZigh0DY6D8ZGqmpLv9pgDEzrtciYxA9_fZlHA1O xRIsDWwTy6CjrzdNLPZLAvoG1gnWtd5GkgK7dQQlVqkGhk17Xl Sun331ZW9EhPldvHeNxyWMWXyw-lSivgi6JPaDAlgKEBfl1Ozv0t52fQuZyEAEVJBuJl-0p8dwUpehfdaCJejcDn0S-UIwN-i4LsgjEbiFes4OUsrcWaGz_QszUWLiupKg01_lrhklhuYpA1R_ pEVibb8b33Q2gMg=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
We had to wait a few minutes for a lane to open up. There are a dozen lanes in this facility. It's a pretty nice place. jT1rjhjadD48FLA1lswnYctKnhcnV6zrxDE8im3YxvXuU6mgFA Vi1P9CYpgmHP_KDL-O2UgsaLvtZIK3o_ECpLXj7IzkbKSArm0A0IQyQRgu7SrpEvPon NgUyTcSjGBzCbmZAOzbEJxss4B4g2KazdGUbL53wqILxTPg_2q-wbyttNMTUNitptnaX31aJ7U4s5JlYuA1jGtOZQpLeVGYKU5xKj xHcy0NPUehR4g26ASVpnr2TJi9K3acgCIT5QQwk7pPdii56XnD hl1_Y_A8JW523sjNEuDv-EoR3kdKArOPzycFUF5z1-5__WRmFBMbzdrJcb_sUvyJSCRNhAHQTkzB3tSdWI3BQJl1vx7_-hd6nSoaZpdLfSYMVRyWSIi6p3d89mEhlnpc7VjQxDQeYnXNdJe JhFYHoF8GBNqWcFX4QkW2cOKCd4405JsduyDtb6Z_WPwgI0Ri1 H2UBdLKXhv0uzsNp6soXM2mmkqLLPl0w1Qg4Ws0aHIMX47mnTQ nbkQXIDHMa-kGSfxUTd2_KwTPVkCGj8zJZ8TIwUsySot7dLZ4GoXpLfhaVy03 uXoSGsiufV7ZjtoowBdzgkunrM7y0PRM1LZkFpM=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
My daughter, being who she is, picked out her target. She wanted to destroy the evil IT clown. I picked a target a little more traditional. This room is between the lobby and the shooting lanes where you can put on your eyes and ears before entering the bang area. 3yQmh5QZIuQ4q9LeZcqP6OPeU4Apd-ayyP4TdrJj3aq6gGUoBouw1bSAZk-EwMfrc_6csm-hfwi7frPeO9OHUQoJqo9F-SS5Dq93l7gqUUTXnCOa2pSMtTaVMxKVRoamYa2SEhs5RRIu1jb 1xC5GjB87qiLUX1hVxxmXlr0Gqp1FUxn84PvR7MOHMMKHDzyXt dmDA-ooX1_qYFL8i2Q3yu49M_x6avKYDJZHqrKkpzHD0LGIvcQ08n2x qw49b3SUmvuqTvPIGy462EzlxQzClu-AIxWBaEaQJithYkuKAqdIBe_x43-Sr-vFeVZguHeNrzqOpZDm_BdWqLdtKhz9Stz-m5mn3DAX4kGTwhSyFKiF4JTa8JIPTnhN5JB0IswQ125IKTv8h2 xY3JloeVAjs10MbXeA0PlTRz1AMneie1uitD2ukIDNmgqIGbk6 Dv-TukZ58Q4lFbPxlDRitRr9-w_pn6MAYzkuEcZ6HJf8MqRDRq4YFCk_v0Ths1xTf8AkF7zL6Cq XfUmjY2Xj5avufLsCNH4zQ5ntrlwp1SkWjeyUDvd56qCB_G1J8 z8dahE-nloNLY8XgGQWPXPsZJiP_lHuwHYeG1VdsLnK73aLSFpSlPuKI= w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
We send the clown downrange and get ready to fill it full of lead. We are going to shoot all the pistols today. gLqpUThSPwCEzeE_PDziFL9eFVk0a63JkOJ9YGwyA_-hf7lOOP3gh6d7T-TqFdjS1IPpJ2JOYFyCIyJ_OndYoWUllZwpwJoOTOjt8hRpdxix L8M4W42ZndTgisVtOe8QUlGV355uTWNyqpKHflzzbu6Y98fb19 HcCVCrJWloHZKkL_aX9tDhXLsrun8CFSflOZIuNpwuZbb0tfDw EwZn5ElSiSDqbn0ajbqvsjTJ8w2ycVLJDtN47xWecZ3u6WOlQ2 hFkyvP_DUq0O-wjUreqgnGPM8HoKgPxf-85bdKe0zl1uqspq7HhnpR4Mv6MkHgU49Msa05qkYgYlFYHSFjM RUFAhCCM2VPaYn2inr-9tWtK8IRmEvpggLzg3GHZPf9v7gK7Ko5WNGBYO-ZKX3wS7TAyCDwSAHxxeFmSghgkPs_wcLrVGRWAhbj6_usC-amkArvgYPmeyXmu74D_F_XEkkpJy7wjjczI2tBQ9ZuOeWTZ0N0 g08YYhv8oSO5-sDtpAQTpkC2Fci53TvivO-hB3Mpcq2b0IRiB4olF2yJ7zCEjWuFJGyhOQW6NWdzx_UDDYLeX 5b7pqo9RZx7KxU2YwjtwkeKUJb1RamK9CRcgVeQmfdHp0fDR3-vwmzYcEFQjD8l1T0YVuMKs=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
My daughter loads up her pistol just in case that clown makes a move, or even if he doesn't. He's hanging around at five yards, fifteen feet. NaB2q7iqBuxMW5t4QEOudDjZw4EGly5GYTALIL1MUSnMun8CQt bAoYVc2Ayj6rcKzqmwbsAR2BziyKQLy8Exom2FEEnmH6hqmCcx jwNj12QlJb2KeFIu3WZr5z7TCA18AsjXTnUbXdAJQt24HNUaGe t2jw8rWXkvprE2M-KUXG2g0fH7l50gtfvOx9MYQEOqFP_Puoi9vnPRm82uriNdXnkD Vy-gRFb4s7jZqJzkQtf7bh6aYGEGAalf9_xy7q3Es3m3lWR1E7zOV YKSiFk-CBOrgJYqmNZ-0sUDL7dxTDRZ5JQFghFkzoHkhVf4AKLGz5XEvpbsP3BxYtTK9P LhmDtBNdUSgjGY_KDlWMxLGHsxe0v5Iv7gy9DEon7ObrN8Rv27 _mmx1M2hNgxfNPqFYPujTbIgsCk4LIj0hafpr78ZV2VpBSWmTm c1B-QJKdjveLuYC7RGRbCosY3xZrGqLOnYdCme4V087ZxBJVBmOhEY 8J-O9hpJ_DvUgSMEoZzJEpGvsy2Bzb83ZpgrCQogv5S1NHXZsC45m SBz4WNVxhG1ecyRhATLTVK-liBRVl4imLAwW4UXL68WufhF66asWR-m_SYlqbjJcGQp7GfVC0dS8NpNuTdxvPtteRu-hqRw8Ip3DRUfYKS8M=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Daughter puts a half dozen holes in the clown but it's really hard to see where. GRpFjAa0drQGHCZrKtM14kSoWp0oCdDicutgUAvpbTDCn6MJqp IpxIdxM3tvwg7c16gYdmt7hH16lKJ3KvljphV48gqqcptjfGTu 3harGV3nO0V7fmHD-yTkjJsAuc6oDZcKgqQG5bxCjzSiwRFvgZZ_gKCFmHPdN4825n2 9mzIT-N0XRQBMUXt9VFk03T3Fpdh6v5T4Eql9sK6Ej3fx31-ikuDDCtpG8iRgr-xcGbBkeHuF0sfUhyqSspUMdyLHbg2pDsV8hsV37Q7kNu9n4VFg 1LfY4hKxiYmLEe8hlBOVXNHCvPBxbv5hQ1NyFg18DwiLkP5LhN _4oPpjkDF4fFmb4HMz6dAbdvwCY4otmJzvj3DKXEN0D1GRAtZR B2japQ_HSkHJ32uabyC9sFo_r6EJeVZMeOGZgZsOXtUt1AavYi _Ci__sQxprPUuXsvpXedAhtToKjwY8CcVE3X4RjFRaTE1dMwen WZTZnce4cdoIni_F6mpT9kZjdbG1NwUiKKaHGEDJB_1rxqPcQo G6NLjM9ItfBU65Qn2ptZ5qP1nw1E8heXNGg1C3RCEPVIST5bTk hXNIJhl1X7gL9XPkaV9dPwgHeUDk4l-KDOUvGOqFl2ms1H_FlyYsljn069zAKKMBxkSdTyjQs=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
This was her very first time shooting this pistol. She was shooting at his head. We marked the holes with the black dots. Don't worry, she'll figure out her sight picture. I put a reactive target on the clown to give her more contrast and make it easier to see where she's hitting. W5WmJu0LJMA-LJw-s4cPT8wPPNXedkgMhyNLXRsPMhgJUdCbCsBFHvf2pzf8v0jX1y WZDmSO7NPxMiHeiwBLWvueYeLQrgt_Z7z-TLQkovivtSxChYJlN56MTRTeogU3_yvTvpfC5VCr1hqa50zK2g 2z8Zj_rcXKrEyWV3YSDrlupwu3LZGQ3h0fCu6B8HanJY6SPT5z FpPlP5476_4G6lhfhI1dTYMEfSIHUlMq2jRKZ8-XNbMBYymZBDseVqd22PzGh35iJ7xHSFVsbXAIATjtpEqhHdXZX wfywIUCJypq3qEJqmftRtk-U-O6x6Il98wG-76kXYX0ODBOoufNTiR-jpNMWL3uQHVw4ZVNtyPIzGNSiOcI9cjJlxpBg9eKkhortW-zpzPJaFWaaddxO4pehGpGSb1eifKnYVl_B_nWMXnAQTw3IXWYt MZ-TXwB_SLv0nzVmWsotUZUJpBOKfTeMMM7ZVnlrTSRIEMPdtdg25 TyO1Herz_U3NzY3lpFZz3rgtKWUuCLzgiUxV19PVAHRaSqiAo3 AqIn0ueSoJN4jO01Ml_SX2qCtnR-UeC9KS-FcFuyyxuuK6e4duZbsOlTYWtheV2Q=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Back in the next post with more fun! Thanks for looking!
Thank you for your indulgence,
02-05-2021, 09:51 PM
To continue....
Now she's really getting used to where her bullets are landing and getting used to her sight picture. She'll teach me later. q9rKlAnSI6vhupYA9N6jmHo0A3GPTG7v9qN-4EkAMH-B5rE1RSLoBGoiqC9z47zCHzch7TEhXRGXGY3RqqD8ultw3-NvuVWjBO9gHHsCLmqaGES6u1wYU7J82KPqRom76_y9dME5mY8A bwMdRFGvuEA-1JwHS2LGsnXAPouWlVsNggpk4i9ySGFSr_eu-9ITP9SdBlLCdBqBZq5jdWF-9nM0wB4GygbBolWARhmpHHJe_sCxbLmtoYGBwbUOEDmxBqwMnA GdePlnGFFYnMqiAYSVA81f30z4wwlYpsoHazc6W73e-u6vdmxMbRvl25jXqzODB6HQ6g7Pg1TGA2hVsu9Ldzk9dAe80uJ OEXb76pzatuLkD4QSZrWCTcS9pd1pJGvpcYzk5vb19dAI_-SZhlC5Vt6EYLr3lh0fG0C-fGDnS1RuHM0EF5vvETH88Rje4hFLe3Q9SM7vQNVBJ3ahpPZVqq BpcoSBxIqkzKrQCbj7Q370_s4PojXmXOaa5IM5nGfe02U1_Leo mnpTuAcpqGpgUycKaVvcAEpELDiEJunOId18C328CyhL1btGBw jv7ZAoHqFQh_AoBM43SUvHM4L7oMrup8VM=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
It's time to reload. My daughter is a lefty so she's figuring out what works best for her. 6S_EOGW1jG9G_ZcERzRxeqVBd_N7yYsucQr3DEuV19NmXgAjHC qwtdCldSPMJ2YBTBwyF3RsLNJALtIIU6BOufnJygsToWg9Ndea DR2jDKEajwKus4QPd1pIAZYNvo43XMKiBMG_xLWMeeZQR9vXRM W7joh5y3SYkYSUCuVk7a3UuGeMOBnSqhlJYQaQxK58hXzvXkTR OoJ5cPJwr75se8DpUXk-2AxWV3a5gqOTVnr3gZW_fRYtZZkOU0gEovtVsnsS36z1Ly0JUG M0qHPl7FpHW9ak7ZSGf0wq12RiUDvW3fKZdFV7eK8u2za_NAD_ pdurtfagWp4lZjZGMoqIBwDXxNgW9pQlsQR1DJm-x5v6EzaiVQAPV9ZbB-QcF8BVXLWaXTVjzblW49eF-M8E9XuSb2JTW2rryfIpHdaIZmx90_zXfeazWf2fGUs1pd3-Abutq5N3O4ENnrHgRmaaD5gclcJjuLplMUBrFXsP8ieI07pHBq cPK4dfUSSs0yZoWVTDVXHMDZuCzjd9odeOctSNGK_kAsbrQnbx 5rh25tN9wLOYndK1nTKBSBULy3yBbZntQkVp5xv0IN7ODrTFhl gSYEymREOAOBInwEqzcLGnxF0Niti-cKtvc=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
I'm just so glad there were no balloons chasing us around too. Daughter keeps the clown at bay. uDular8mQ8oJfR4oShVQHrTnGOj2lNDFzJMFQDfsrAvsT7A2jm yuGWR_3kzX9GTyXxqIHTFGuCMTW-4AC1T-BD0M_w3l-LWo_TBpOpdq_1nBGW4Bhv-vrTxsNE3hElDJsttITCllbtmZfZQlzY-TLeanwyfrL4wHK7HVYjglzJDlb5CQdy5fBPwgoLC3WEOcD7kdj 3hXjqV6HVYtYUOt4PeLLBewHQyLHfj42PSQtBMscVvGOVrnQUo pS-CpJ97MqBHcY_h5RpyAOAAJqwQ8kipw-rdzSFNSXKRDLsOkIiWTo4UIAdsa2r22ipNh8kuVPzBogKtOas_ mOkM8KaplqTUtJkzDyN3PLdS57qpHawMzt-3vuN9cbz4Sv7FtoQWx-chIQtvu7RgPbyid8R9poCrkebymZQZmvBPouocE7OoHPBG-FhOar99uMjxeXQZr0K_9p7ZYYMzdPLaWBvd91qsXKHkds4YG7R v6aZvFbUe1IXE8SUcwN4_AtUYXwab4xuDOashpIkQzQt1wjQRz DmEDltrNyCNkm0b18NR0hDdCORkMe3OVNc=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Yes! She's getting the hang of it and really having fun now. She says she likes the slower pace of the single action six shooter. It's a good first gun for her. _bEnz0vlZBBBPox6X6jM3QpD6zb-XnQu-diEt--z-y5uaTDZ4_0rEXRfUl8fpIIX7q1vMjVvXUMrvO6GUCoih7-plkEa-2v9jkK8YV-SyxmC4U5ANQrGDhr_GlhDyHZ6X7oChemL8JfLztQb_ayZ1mIn4 ykWoCRnjftlJ0QtdDYRaMBTXx2JLzgH0X6lSvZZXzIsiNCROqo gBkNLVvYhDznM9Ggf64LC5WWjF00KbRs08mDptmkEDxaXrIv7w v4lJDu7hy9SBEYn5Mrv84obRJ5VAEiTBuTuS9t3inLDrRk2XLf HZXMSKkr0RnW2PaqPdRkZ2G8pV9w7ULORw6xinS5N1KvqWrcEG Lo0AOPMCChwNHfPth53OYbhvUyU9Q4rGVtz3sP5ctOBFfDQZkE 6nrgl3dxpFKRbfSP6ytGk5r2ddY-zNC3JOQBz2TllB1-C9_QG3Y4KxJCaJnsxA4KcsHinzDZYjsPaCesien7miZFaCnbHw RQS_GJyHLvfUiA2Zmyg-Hgx66ohXyjY82F-r0DX4esh2vFKGFncLE1zBZuRGSDK8xp__4GMZOL41YYeCtPqFY Ceab1MUrQ1i3ftOyt4Kr99jtYbbAXZk8=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
On a fresh target she gets serious. All six were right at that nine point circle. Not bad at all. WRsgRa6OJrwKL68tZ-fVvE6B9mLb4YFWIa3FHwlWsKFoGkbhtN_U63vHkjawXJ-XZklFWjqejlZFXyQKbiGa5fWRBw8NIUx_PQdllWtdNOVAJPiVd PdnO5NAINs6-5B83AoBkbBdpneDMzciCeL3ca9A6NCA7uzSkUNEkaqdVKFBEsr WTiv7mHKtFgTnfBjFTsWrV9sa7tK7puD582YY3gm-v0-pkVZCZDk87K8ij9SsVr3bd_YAvOlbU7GBsFaMO-kuv3zVBGssx40IGhFMdTsgkW3z9r5-GX_GyS1STt6tb3cyZjsuBURWbBDFyp1QdtMPFf6VBC6d122mq5 iJiLwdlYRPCQlbg0wjX3MIz6Bpe96ODHJ5jz4dpTED2ice9l7Q g1WgABeO_fnQbaiNByPcpU4YHiZ6nOsW0N5R7abm6fg8hzET4Q lv-7G9RriLbp8_zuMDxMdqwKRmQlJs5XMWr__M6k5PlBAG6TyiP8r HGRLyc0nEGc_uitTuttx2VJZ73DbWNQLYnhtfVzfveSPuQIlsR B7_ay5tIt8hIX8h8nYrP4tg0OTRCFIxdWSmWMUoEyIqVki4foz 4dlDATWoJ_7AfMdfp-dGFZCAifAzhtRc=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
She showed that clown not to mess with her! 1ukKj1-wuoRuDuTvlq8_UQGTMaja7b_wpoCuEQFtCP5CJ5gFMUzT6a-GknDbBgc8BG83_8NCX250qmA7lHDj_w7c7AqGKotBpuwWH_YoM f-sD1SIPA2TyOYCXyu5YpV-F4MH1oKYssEuV6GJXf5jn6u5WEpNjcbm1d9pRaR4kS7JVlu8dw O5VqHezvwIlP6EkPK-SopIWw-hDWLKSsQokZOdL_sgt7guMjgsIBxGbWydS0aPDW02FmsJqG6Tm CObqOLEWbyRsZcMGww_1uLqFBMmbz1r6XZ6jXOupeKQoMKnzYU UGes4xdewgXVoM8ksHaxQi0ttYHvH173VzMElalyc9Eq9euIud SkkGH2j0jDwEuNBzJzheBMSzaSAKUjd7vf__p2ZbhuT44z9dDl cmqm22xscHDhywgvB1LSM8a9Ao1GbOfVmF2vb-TfclXk8Nfb2NTAXx4lyN3tNOnuMQ_2oIdzK1IsjQL7dwJLLOiu yjPgqjoymIKMECiO7_2cWCttFLAIcTLDq1fDpimR8yij00vjGq GyC5qu9OCqZneJCojWGoGdKucVQ72LgGrVP6FFABdwFv2ZB8DD P5wACwqMhF7iZCkjUNAVX9t8YgRzp0w=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
I wanted to do a little plinking with the new pistol too. I need a lot more practice with this one. ztJw1QR1-KVHVt2dzqUzLEhDED-RxUQHt-HBmW6qN7VWr8q-AInKV45nvOBJkpDNdSgcLmLjrUQiFcsZVLVmMJZwAHEDbJFxE0 oyD-CTqDmA52wSk4DSOZ33iMCV0jpYcKBH6CEdbMS-6E3XUsLS_NHtvtlYvjnQM1hjmcvpJl1HBZEnZUJoPZJyQ8xi4A 969C3dbxo6lX7ZaVil-6EwWq3A0-6Q_KY2W2gEERZFgUDwf1QjvLuc5qg55gcq4HO-_MpUkqmH8zBsDQYNvXT7SwgSOmr_tv8IRetBWFyfSdng4jkhFT RfiXP2GIL7_quJag4n_YcIzI-oIC3z_t5FXyikMWH1qeDVMF2l_nJLU7PjsBW_J8Qa5lcfenipa DagUs6JrgMUuXHWUNrFBlyR7fGiYr1TfRDqFxYyLvTBghtAt7K j90QQUWowmWH5Ux0hlPcW6wAZRqdRzudn3HIalVuFX-6pK2SEfI05pM1I4_ux_vJ2z94WG7Dxrlvstx3JI3KmbwQpyWQe Hh3tcqs4lHw0MgVeyEirhkZnKaJC-OO15kAUsA9fLOrqBAlajI6TW6LJkSH_9S9Dx0Qu5shZ5iCsXSu-TEOcm_AVEcVqUBb1wjHPU6QpAW7shUaAoiVdoK7yGJ8SoHcQM= w725-h966-no?authuser=0
It's time for daughter to try her Mom's CW9. I told her to hang on tight! The recoil still surprised her. 6xJswpAmA-aXJvgPDDH1Ecrr_aLTgLd6WQ5Wy-bpSc4f322AE3rg4JxUXI8fjyj6_I4MJoxcvqUpwQj8gU7tBuZy MUGgI4GyNvnNbYi8XZx0zEoWZ5DMcVwl2XiT2DGOLBSLbFSDCG 5pK0b6y5uCPBRJpZbZ6N0ANFTmduRNe33OtiBlMKBOY3RPkM3e J6wuKbB8kN0MhrC20vupLgWkaoFt9PNnG36gesG9h052T3_g9c MBddlxG3GHRi5TPdFeMN2BtI56XarR7uuYo1PZvqT0RrJCyLQJ wHkjr9JirQ4JHUt0RZZPjtZLbbrpSK-U0JDmF_YMqK0gsDCFgW9u0pfDCyw8yZ8zcYUlM_jmsyg-IxjZKP0IMxvt-QhVXwTSkMjyZgDOCoYylGIAQy7YAVbu3w2wfVQT_e6RR08M3vx I9H__BJFzIDKY14-tRGfK0Jf1k7SYK2I5sNBBPhPNKnPQjSqRCJb0NLTTAwm33IOXH o_1DREpsuMqsJFE3IkEPp0MdN69HvAO13Ger8jjX8WNgesVzyn AoRloVhTzGU3uHiMObDAaoV0N1JLXW7DbC2smys9R-7KIXknCK2EI3q8LiTOhEqC_D4qga0l1en86n6COqjtqGugUGXo Pp0vrLxDly8JyMrQNQ=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
More pictures to come!
Thank you for your indulgence,
02-05-2021, 09:53 PM
She did not do badly her first time with six shots out of eight on the target, shooting at five yards. 0FveIvEvB5vZLqxEn6rjOreNEGnIxG_Tm3klZS_MyN8NoeRNiK XRdTJ7p0gtLqILGbSafTuKxWZ2ScBJgsjvgnIR4mYIJ_c7duSB NMj1lNYRMpaMiPMpxYBsLNkO66Q4s_BhQDHttLmRBZx3sqBpH4 o28svdczQMCyirr6OUBAvZazBaUPHKqb9Af8dh0ldhZo1oqLqy 3xFu05dcWrvJ2HvLrXdgEvw4k96JJwMvwom0rH3IDXwGZ9ivkj 4y4bC91FOKttVLHoVIqXW4nlq6uvzxVIFcBlir8sh2_GMxDZs-R9j7kL29SzWyXMUEXxqsSspp4cMB4Q8msxz8PZ_31nSQPNVqIH Fmd_9jJuA9KCNeaCQqUcUfyUc1kzG93i4A-bajO5_WD7aQYH2mLk5Y8gA_ol9SQlHsJJahYzOTNuJFJkTe83t knjneDzGHb-FNPXnjcmi_M8NIjgm0hGH1XtfWf9WFmyl1_Bb2cADEVJ70zWpH K1qQCCkiVNZsdXpLqeZpXT7ULQgaYxlqZjh9BUF88pjNKrn6tm gRSSdXlbHmjzflFi_ll1vb_Mn-LeqAA1hfbengV3SrQ55-PA3_aNNPRPwpEJATNqESl0kxVCGtpj4ZsLvk2Usn814sZ3VyEb bQLHWxkSy-M=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Then it was my turn to have some fun. I went ahead a put a reactive on my blue silhouette. I think I'll try Mom's gun first too. I've never shot it before and I just put on a new fiber optic sight on the front. This should be interesting. N5XC6YXkmXPIhoYu76T9j0AXf7r-zu5i3IRQwdhxEQXmDCdWdNIsgu58irWsHRf45YGe2axAnnSHNE S_QQGKxMlxUC33_azIiNiZeaptW7dzFQFRQSvtSIJi_oHBSquW cvFmO-hu2XbAspZ7DgcZh6S5BgQNYOi4-pm75Q3xbemeZvxY5IElG0qolSj77aJCT4CH9037NclAhV2CccB KKVzzHDgxL9khmpWq6TLQuHaSEc-4L04aLxpRObu785EJqoCVwMbtcb9CIi7b-4vGE3rpcbRoZRtOXEvEwKdiJqnH4r6-pg_PGoAjhXkfUDeL91iuH61ZQeeFeefAcVhfaYXPv3Ls7WeJb0 RJvQQRRvntJ41WN9q7EV6rk-vBhqCr9jX-o-y25kyRSKlzhGiiFfby2PSKs2ZNXMx4-wWt2nL1wrIGmqEkSuIKBmxEIuS8_mq-3LqwZLykZa34jLCnPeOUuky5dLaRAtqQNCQ3pWJD7Nv1ov5vsF DoA2NtclXJamVwIvsviDZ0X614Q7Q4e8dmBsgm8zjnqCuSwYzE =w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
OK! Here we go. I sent my target downrange to seven yards, twenty one feet, and used Mrs. BassCliff's CW9 for the first time. That fiber optic front sight looks great. pjoew4vIc2GjabfC0ahS02YqJeXrL_NFJs_6ou9TqnCJ4bog2f Y2T9B1V2xPKc1bm08DN2xkzCRd2D9TvI9zFg5WvuIRv7S_Gx_p 2yAZeXiolmFVSvkDLKyxKGg0Ddj3Y9_7hdKVYJ0I35xjL62c2B S6-Cjza4PCyTep-U4btp1UKXza7vSwWnSrJzlge2hRnF5_u9I9eQrI67qjW_oLT_k IOJ63j2p1ncb5Cj2GrZP0LmEoEMM4u6ydIP1q53MIV9qhP3jq5 fEsXx94vxg_PQv-3sPQ6eyP18tUcOjL3hAiL42YNW7v33E_GV-Rw03_LDVa4etnF1UrDocjGWX9LSRLrolNWSliFWbUdpeKyCGBz 68m9Ku9DWxawRMxVh7cQk7Z97m5pFH7NUEW8tr1qi3yylyTm7i agAhZQDrAB6PuV09nNRszY4acpe7SEWai-R11xIlkQIC06BhTBOYkrmh-PxqU21ZtfAxaQA8RDMHJgiy7AN2MQ7YIaEgQhZZDOIuhdHdnoI raKkWeveMYcwEzuxBveVeEb3AWHfHbx3FBbAqkF8J5198g3tqM ohfiaZObzrrPIWs0Qta0NIlWE_nP5ZmL8zjYbUKqb2q-xAvS_K1X1ELH8B2YhJhIMr77JiC7cTOZsmn4Y=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Yick! My first magazine did not do well. I need to fix my sight picture and practice some more with this pistol. I'm sorry that's so ugly. V2gkD4EXXkKHZafrDj1q3imBZ_7yQhsqMMNlu1sSIoM9rw1E1G aatP2Ue0J7rImdP6zFopEtSY0QumQM7krNA-4O4XjddfVNBi2drVOXbNHgT2_qMmJHdZwUKyOKmYNIrMUX0L9B iwS-tXpfpdjUpEUkehJeOyFiDtf78QLEScSIRfE1EbOiZbUnh5aSPV x2lyBSjyNmJTWA0laJt0poYE-cbgU_2ZiowNMKmWgVI7h4pWP0GR25Czx0l0ACajxNYQz1t7bt8 C5qGVj2y5ZkCsUsrCACB390R2R6pMMVWhI_U9kRzGYOb1zwHN6 VYlM93cGE3bDEmm-KofmAh7K4pflmF_BsXCaXbtlcvNDGDaZUQntgOW_X_VA9OUO_r 9emOPtccyFb8iFvNa2Fhw6Q2krTFPD7TjMveJGqsD7VvEuluMC DgRh0KUYj4kTzMQODcwqCf6dfA0-qW5ei8qtgMtD4EqG78PIJrf6OTx2ce6nWQ8vsMWNgSZJWGc9VC Scr2FRoIRWxAcqGFJUuQcm121v_hbfioMXsY-8Zk2JOjRLJjrT_4dbDAgv4V-e-9FpPvlHohnOLEEHUeoGnceRxTxtWAbQim-BkSwvgMtrKBX530AMItjoC5ZSAOM1B8NTIvGhIRz2LdonCU=w1 278-h966-no?authuser=0
I put another eight round magazine into that target then put on a fresh one to run through the first magazine of the day in my XD9. upmX58JCul5vnhDLwyNagYSEjkSsoGw46I3Oehmwnv-iai6eqRHCTVSJEuqpolEynPeFFkmucGKrkhaEZSOtxscq1jvj0 s894iLfQC6DdBsm-Or4LVbVJjrFaf9vg2AdefkYfU_FdHSZk-6l4HXkR08xnKWAR95Zp-d87t3r9TOC4jRiGfHZhgxTm35SBtDtHveRd36osB3jvOUO3IuY 8DKoDM7yiqI7MFy7kXSqBMXPAK92i-ca167Jp3bPHc32ouiYCt6GistIca5tKmZFw40T8GcOppdZyOEx O_wuOCjFDFqE6tfgEfH25qNs873Kvz86OoSldGsKadr3hDo-73cO3rWsB1dYCKTUSkLViut8LZ3IPmd90ZiB7lIHYgCSt9ZIKi QeuMFlmtC_mNg-M4aqZiTMA-GJTp-ZNjbPvm-X1ZE-Pqy2kwrBD01uRPjxFaDBDpXoc4bqsjlGZ2iuyAwVIELyIg0PFF tAz_Lgr5rv2D36Eue-JvizCWCo_D_XA_NA8801ZMctGDvEoyFwMCq9dkZp_4Zwg8Hepe 1VkqhdEeiFJcJ38Z6dvU-3sMaixeqJN10aRSL8bVR52tkpArt-r1U6qInPvrc9Hd33xoeNyyipIuAs7GFWuQIc=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
It's been about a month since the last time I shot this pistol, heck, since I've shot anything. This felt pretty dang good. xF-r7vMzZEUyIeqPQ83_qK1zuXi09DIARmYj_CLa4kBT5JrZBWxix E8yVcY21hY20Dq_DV8faPvK5obny10kRp6AQpraUe8AkCNJHBD A2usFRegx_T9-5sZvDii0WtLh4hdCG3DdQqc20xkVx7fkTbI5AoRDzredwA6KRo TQr62vKjqF5mHElv5UNMkJ1gEZ0FXl4KDqCFqLhL4JcDRgooqw ChqZlfrc7x2L_1-ztApv2KfAJ2_954T6M26saTN74EL782WgQ5GD4XN6-oRbsyvSBvSr2aOM4EHoXbYv_zPV5zKn4QK4agtdQ97V7xyM6er EaOPvW8Ik1CU4NSByUJvtjBk91h3Ez5qeARrmNCQzE83puAjl3 c_MB-V61_GEGyg46Lcvq3gdHGgKYdzuzm6iD8QBh5fjfOJ9-DsxIRtdVeIEWjVQBwLEDOadEd_87XXNy_j_u9yZ9WqtEdMZCjN VS8ha9O9OSIsX0JJ1w55JE2WclLNvzqlYLooPWMK6v42UH-Yq0dVzWUsJ8FvokNKfpS-k8x3N03-WHrMHSr9E-Llvs5Jk9AzSInCPRRi1t-PbE17wXyGov3o-UpC-SlIGocwjzH2Z87Ma_JGXI8KjSMP1JaBqgR4GQrThwgi06GVJFX k4SahaM=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Hey! Let's take a closer look. I see one big ragged hole with three shots in the lower left quadrant. I kinda like that! Gw8TUW8ERN7uzrnJXSXcJWzFXpRbXWcIfQnLCUq3Yu0EV7S2sp 00hfdcT4NiVOXnojiS7ybzqk7-UJzfd8OVEM_i22IDt5Sjxtvv8Dw=w682-h966-no?authuser=0
OK, I'm jazzed! How about another fresh reactive, another seven yards, and another magazine! This one is not grouped quite as well but I'll take it. cmMh1sFsoD3muHOXC_hDH-FgSHq7ogWIBIo0qKDIGzuXN4AGTtCmkN1G-Tbm3dSCbfig=w793-h966-no?authuser=0
More to come! Stay tuned!
Thank you for your indulgence,
02-05-2021, 09:54 PM
We're back!....
For my next magazine I did a head shot double-tap drill from low ready. Blah, just OK. oqHvlCOFdLWKd6Y5r5tWJQHuLsSE-vp3GldCBFymNjLV5Yer1sQctdUOeEjhwcFJXZ5uzo45ypZYCw6 RxFYoLyWAr2MtcwL91xOmjew=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Let's have a closer look at the head. fUG0sQoQI-2W6eQAgeuMo2qXqecVMyxco-fShrSscNBQIYtBTF4Rxq0jvFPesR5lln1QQ4MuN8upYm1S0VOS WOz3EWqNNjpUG5Du82w=w1228-h966-no?authuser=0
Meh. Seven in the head and three on the line. Maybe next time I'll use the shot timer app on my phone to add a little extra drama. But with all the noise at this indoor range my shot timer might pick up the other shots too. I'll work with it, we'll see.
Then daughter tried a magazine through my XD. Don't tell anyone, she likes my pistol better then she likes her Mom's. 0gxdN8WcoE5u7Ygkd0LfNnJ1buTBb6B-pvOQQtrX4Xzd56HNtA8NxUj1oEuMTt5V17vuAJ2eOJWlgHgd0Y m-V6GstqZXHGIxJGMIZbA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
She shot a lot better with my pistol than her Mom's. It has a little less recoil than the CW9, enough for my daughter to notice and mention it to me. Crfaq7Dfrf9zXMHGsdR3MxKkQ6wFg=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Then she wanted to shoot her pistol some more. Hey, that's why we're here! She put all six shots on target again. Uu0202kt9HHoWdnUCyQUTVVKagqa9p_nO9McizOiyI6NS_CrnZ FFLPYbeb8OhA91EIyqzj96Eu-zaxudnfYEMN8Nei_xazCPx9GGiDQ=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
It's near the end of our time. I repaired the lower reactive on my target and put a fresh one on top. I'll shoot one more mag with the CW9 and one more with the XD9. lVfikoLbWnV5cEJrzAOvvay6OVMOFVmHXjqbocDh3zBjw8AkX8 joZr8W3jT9oQoH8dHFIeo3BpPI-B3P1GIeI61_ALRfQj3Fg9ziGCg=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
I actually shot two more magazines with the CW9, one at the reactive and one at the dot on the left side of the head. My daughter timed this photo and caught the slide in action. k6YvA1Tr8Yb0EYZrMI5SY71dEsYw0KaBIrmHbiRyyv3qh8dsSt l4EIxhkgvOJGqaQ=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Then I shot one more magazine with my XD9. DPAGIS7NxeORRG97uQtN0TjlqoiVqdsVPFyr0F24Eh8xO4KzBg hdvYI-1kDxYxKXHmxm3nQjMCQ=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
I've got a few more pictures. Hang on!
Thank you for your indulgence,
02-05-2021, 09:55 PM
OK, last set of pictures....
OK, let's have a look. I didn't hit that lower reactive with the CW9 very well. 0kVYW3n_VnL8RvreKalKWSDIkvNpBYlb4H2pSCfUEsv7N7rKwz Aam2dl9DCFnlvbUl5XvemhgRVnM_L_Q_a-VlmVY0NcA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
The eight rounds from the CW9 I tossed at the blue dot were in the ball park. The ten rounds on the top reactive from the XD9 were all in the eight point circle or better. Looks like five in the eight point, two in the nine point, and three in the ten point. Gal7DIXfzpNXmLvqMMlzO1sIGIMJkwLYE4MbBf92i06fveDket ahPLYjRD5E6xwC9Tz4ocFBYyseZCBZo3Tz7g6hyzi3EC8UUUKX KIQ=w1238-h966-no?authuser=0
Before we left daughter and I did a little more plinking with her .22. QJw2kcw8ME1PN1anAbB8f2oN_lKsUohzM-r_G4a2b71N6zqCj-8cPu3cePnbFURkoc7Id8FKRJzoBRACRCl6vg_A=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
We swept up our brass, gathered our kits, and made our way out. Daughter is going to hang her target in her room. It will look good next to her tarantula and skeleton. qQ2QA39QRq995FF-quk_qPsAcDR4BQSNaD0qYqdqTsejgX6SPUoEM7LS4nzBc76sjq G4UgosppxrYc1J86Y3jaqqOw=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
We say goodbye to the range on this cold, wet day. There's going to be lots of snow up in the foothills and mountains. I'm sure the Lytle Creek range is snowed in and probably the Burro Canyon range where we take are training sessions. Hopefully we'll get another training session in a couple of weeks. If not, this place is close enough we can run over here on a long lunch hour. 4ssGZjtWU2TUhqsYlmsIXNfNMmNv2mq4wnPMOwlOcNO3d1h9tL O79V3G6SPgYJdZIm5-T4g4Pe3bOB42F6JefAaX8m4q9DLz4lP50pQ=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Thanks for coming along. Today was more of an "introduction to daughter's new pistol" and a slower paced "marksmanship day" rather than an actual self-defense training day. We'll work on that with our instructor. Until next time, I hope you keep the faith, stay safe, act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly. God bless.
Thank you for your indulgence,
02-05-2021, 10:10 PM
Here's a little epilogue:
Daughter was a Punky Brewester fan when she was little. We watched reruns. Now she's definitely got her own colorful "style" that I hope she will outgrow someday. But she's a great kid so while she's in college we indulge her as long as there's no destructive behavior.
Here's her target now adorning the wall in her room. KbJj997_0mfhF_UahYtW8kaR2iGcTwN9BJGv0cOOE_kQ1yu-c8BriGb6jFXz0GxOSavGbQ=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Also part of the decor, "Marco" the skeleton and "Fluffy" her tarantula. aEmyfX2J5WQJtkDzxbKUQcaNrsjXmmzFOvUAcGN4oJyRaHS5C1 yEh7-_rKQ0QVhAqnRfoi6KpbbbEEelLlLiojREWfmbi-d8IT-z0YQ=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
She's a very responsible tarantula owner and takes good care of Fluffy, who's been with us for five years. I think Fluffy is close to ten years old now so I don't know how much longer "she" will be with us. It will be a sad day.
Anyway, I hope to bring you all another range report soon. I need to practice proper grip! I shared my range report with a friend in my church group this morning. He's a retired police captain. When I told him "Don't pay attention to my thumb positions, I'll fix it" he said, "Don't worry about that. The slide will teach you." Ha! Yikes! I hope not.;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7;)
Thank you for your indulgence,
02-05-2021, 11:23 PM
I was gonna mention the thumbs but you been there done that. Ok on the revolver, not so on the auto.
02-06-2021, 08:07 AM
I like that blue target, you can get a lot of practice without changing targets.
02-06-2021, 05:48 PM
That was a fun trip to the range for me too!
Good for you and your sweet daughter, and I hope she continues her interest in the sport.
PS - my high school senior grandson outgrew his blue/purple/red dyed hair during this past year.
02-06-2021, 06:10 PM
I was gonna mention the thumbs but you been there done that. Ok on the revolver, not so on the auto.
Yes, that was a big brain fart on my part. I really do know where my thumbs go. I fixed it on the next range trip and I'm working more on it today with my draw and dry fire practice.
Thank you for your indulgence,
02-06-2021, 06:13 PM
I like that blue target, you can get a lot of practice without changing targets.
This particular range has at least a dozen different paper targets, dot drills, silhouettes, zombies, etc. I like bringing extra targets to tape on top once we put too many holes in the first one. But yes, I like the blue one too. It has several targets good for separate drills.
Thank you for your indulgence,
02-06-2021, 06:19 PM
That was a fun trip to the range for me too!
Good for you and your sweet daughter, and I hope she continues her interest in the sport.
PS - my high school senior grandson outgrew his blue/purple/red dyed hair during this past year.
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed that. I have a feeling that my daughter will continue to shoot. Once she gets proficient, and her state Firearms Safety Certification, we'll look into getting her a semi-auto. She liked my XD9 more than the CW9, I think because the shorter barrel/lighter/thinner pistol gave her more muzzle flip and recoil. I was also thinking a .380 auto might be good for her too, not as much recoil. We'll see.
Yes, I keep hoping that she will mature out of this blue hair phase. It's harmless, and mildly annoying. But she keeps her nose clean and is really a good kid. I'm trying to pick my battles wisely. ;)
Thank you for your indulgence,
02-06-2021, 06:39 PM
Get her a 9, don't waste a dime on a 380. Ammo is expensive and she can easily handle a 9 without issue. Many struggle racking the slide on the Kahrs, I'm sure your XD is much easier to rack than the CW.
Reminds me of a Winchester ammo seminar I went to at a range. They were shooting several varieties of ammo into ballistic gel. It was at our local prison range and they had a female officer shooting the 9 and 40 and a guy shooting the 45.
Being in a wheelchair and one of only a few out of perhaps 50 attendees genuinely interested, I was right up front next to the shooters.
Don't recall why but I asked the female why she was shooting the 9 and 40 and the other guy was shooting 45. Oh she said the 45 is just too much for females. I told her I felt if she could handle the 40 the 45 would be a cake walk. Turns out she had never shot a 45 and was fed garbage info from firearms instructors. So I convinced them to let her shoot the 45. She had no trouble whatsover and thanked me profusely and said she was getting a 45. Just thought I'd throw that out there, many under rate the fairer sex.
02-06-2021, 07:02 PM
Get her a 9, don't waste a dime on a 380. Ammo is expensive and she can easily handle a 9 without issue. Many struggle racking the slide on the Kahrs, I'm sure your XD is much easier to rack than the CW.
Reminds me of a Winchester ammo seminar I went to at a range. They were shooting several varieties of ammo into ballistic gel. It was at our local prison range and they had a female officer shooting the 9 and 40 and a guy shooting the 45.
Being in a wheelchair and one of only a few out of perhaps 50 attendees genuinely interested, I was right up front next to the shooters.
Don't recall why but I asked the female why she was shooting the 9 and 40 and the other guy was shooting 45. Oh she said the 45 is just too much for females. I told her I felt if she could handle the 40 the 45 would be a cake walk. Turns out she had never shot a 45 and was fed garbage info from firearms instructors. So I convinced them to let her shoot the 45. She had no trouble whatsover and thanked me profusely and said she was getting a 45. Just thought I'd throw that out there, many under rate the fairer sex.
I appreciate this, thank you for sharing. I'm sure with proper training and practice my daughter could handle a 9mm pistol just fine. I'm always considering options and a "plan B", thinking a .380 would have a little less recoil. I hadn't looked into the TCO of a .380 pistol. She might like a .38 revolver. Who knows? We'll rent her a few pistols over the next few months and see what she likes. Mrs. BassCliff really likes her CW9. I'm surprised she let us shoot it. :D
Thank you for your indulgence,
02-07-2021, 03:21 PM
For some reason, most .380s seem to be fixed barrel, which makes them snappier than they need to be. If you’re ok with the current high price of .380 ammo, I’d just get a .45 instead.
King Rat
02-07-2021, 06:26 PM
02-07-2021, 06:56 PM
"let her decide what is best for her to carry". This is the most useful sentence in the entire post. So many guy, husbands, boyfriends and worst of all firearm instructors think woman know nothing and they know everything. Let the woman, girl and even new shooting guys decide. Let them try a bunch and pick what works for them.
I'm allergic to firearms instructors and range masters (most), there are some good ones out there but not many.
02-07-2021, 07:46 PM
I’m glad I didn’t listen when literally everybody told me, “Get a Glock.”
I’ve tried them, tried to like them, failed.
02-07-2021, 08:26 PM
Why you delete your post King Rat, it was meaningful.
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