02-06-2021, 05:54 PM
Greetings Patriots!
Here's another range report that I copied over from "that other website" (xdtalk dot com) to share with you here since it features our Kahr CW9. I'll apologize right now and tell you that I don't shoot the CW9 as well as my XD9. I just need more practice with it and its new fiber optic front sight. Anyway, here's the goods.
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I hope you all don't mind that I call us that, Patriots. I know we all love America and want to best for everyone here in this greatest country on God's green earth. Today I was by myself at the Rancho Magnum Range (, a nice indoor facility run by some nice young folks. (Wow! I just noticed that they've updated their website. It looks nice.) Mrs. BassCliff did not want to go with me this morning but I had things I wanted to work on so I packed up my kit along with my XD9 and Mrs. BassCliff's CW9. 83_pm_PA4r3TV6cEfPYacquCoWSqjrQZ5Cfaq4jgHYHOvfHtCL Apvkp71nfq57QuOWfhMNGJjTKaTH1Kl-yWsW28OmTEoYbDa-w3MPg=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
I wanted to practice some more with the CW9 and its new front fiber optic sight, figuring out where to hold for the most accuracy. I also brought along two pair of my reading glasses, 1.25x and 1.75x, to use with my new right eye in order to see the front sight better. I popped out the left lens and used only the right lens to give me a clearer picture of my front sight. I shoot with both eyes open. I'm sure you remember that I had cataract surgery about five weeks ago. I was shooting cross-dominant until today. We'll see how that works out, going back to right eye dominant.
After a couple of days of rain the local mountains were beautiful. The day was clear and cool for the short drive over to the indoor range. oVgs-hqoJvpLZ0BtGi2bOg5TBUcMy2Ae9NDCGg8bbmedQV3Wmjfr8r-nPeEsXLWrSFDuaBFLZABrWMZ_0Oc61X24Kn5PhYjrhgrv2vw=w 1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Here we are at the only egress to the Rancho Magnum Range, located in the industrial section of this little bedroom town. BZ3vFQCr9b07LFTxeZayNJ3tsBcwbZGu687Td8gy5nbhfVlBxs t_A59xuRI15k_g6QqaaxEoUwDiWa9LffSTIA1-BVMd27Q=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Here's your sign. RMR offers rental packages, lessons, FFL, etc. Rates are reasonable. I bought a target for a dollar and $17 for two hours in lane #3. I didn't hurry, shot 250 rounds, and still had time left. Mg3Lv69XEHrh7_KsOWuuryBP1O0na9fqk-f8TdYxp58gyTn8IVnYkQ-ebV6pJBZaNr9a5USVI4CMBDUyrkDi5p3ceWWSw=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
There are a couple of huge gun safes where they keep their rentals ( i-ADR6z-nETIoNMxHMy3jpzttPZ4qBbhrxqGg5moRnZN95o5US0XgkbLlU ZQtJ3plaisJGm9gyiPG5QIYy8nNvnoWk7cs_5mAJxcD1Q=w128 0-h960-no?authuser=0
They were doing a pretty good business when I arrived a couple hours after opening. I got a lane right away. In front of me was a family out to have some fun, five kids and a few adults. They were well behaved. I like seeing that big cross prominently displayed. ZwIIgjA8zkhe1jU7JCZxPx-P3tgXPML-OzZ8eJx4D0mLd56dA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
I unpacked my kit in lane #3. Along with the XD9 and CW9 I brought 100 rounds of aluminum Blazer, 100 rounds of factory reloads, and 50 rounds of Fiocchi, all regular 115 grain FMJ. If there was any difference in the accuracy between the different ammo, it was all my fault.;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 PdLMJZwRC0vrSp5huvol-vVgYwlv_eXF2yqxmZoXAfBp4XWaEcWhBZE783qIOOsR27Pgt93 5ST_5Z3ims1kFOkT_sk8w69pqoUFf-RA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
I think that's eight pictures. It will take me a few posts to copy the whole range report. I hope you don't mind.
Thank you for your indulgence,
Here's another range report that I copied over from "that other website" (xdtalk dot com) to share with you here since it features our Kahr CW9. I'll apologize right now and tell you that I don't shoot the CW9 as well as my XD9. I just need more practice with it and its new fiber optic front sight. Anyway, here's the goods.
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I hope you all don't mind that I call us that, Patriots. I know we all love America and want to best for everyone here in this greatest country on God's green earth. Today I was by myself at the Rancho Magnum Range (, a nice indoor facility run by some nice young folks. (Wow! I just noticed that they've updated their website. It looks nice.) Mrs. BassCliff did not want to go with me this morning but I had things I wanted to work on so I packed up my kit along with my XD9 and Mrs. BassCliff's CW9. 83_pm_PA4r3TV6cEfPYacquCoWSqjrQZ5Cfaq4jgHYHOvfHtCL Apvkp71nfq57QuOWfhMNGJjTKaTH1Kl-yWsW28OmTEoYbDa-w3MPg=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
I wanted to practice some more with the CW9 and its new front fiber optic sight, figuring out where to hold for the most accuracy. I also brought along two pair of my reading glasses, 1.25x and 1.75x, to use with my new right eye in order to see the front sight better. I popped out the left lens and used only the right lens to give me a clearer picture of my front sight. I shoot with both eyes open. I'm sure you remember that I had cataract surgery about five weeks ago. I was shooting cross-dominant until today. We'll see how that works out, going back to right eye dominant.
After a couple of days of rain the local mountains were beautiful. The day was clear and cool for the short drive over to the indoor range. oVgs-hqoJvpLZ0BtGi2bOg5TBUcMy2Ae9NDCGg8bbmedQV3Wmjfr8r-nPeEsXLWrSFDuaBFLZABrWMZ_0Oc61X24Kn5PhYjrhgrv2vw=w 1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Here we are at the only egress to the Rancho Magnum Range, located in the industrial section of this little bedroom town. BZ3vFQCr9b07LFTxeZayNJ3tsBcwbZGu687Td8gy5nbhfVlBxs t_A59xuRI15k_g6QqaaxEoUwDiWa9LffSTIA1-BVMd27Q=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
Here's your sign. RMR offers rental packages, lessons, FFL, etc. Rates are reasonable. I bought a target for a dollar and $17 for two hours in lane #3. I didn't hurry, shot 250 rounds, and still had time left. Mg3Lv69XEHrh7_KsOWuuryBP1O0na9fqk-f8TdYxp58gyTn8IVnYkQ-ebV6pJBZaNr9a5USVI4CMBDUyrkDi5p3ceWWSw=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
There are a couple of huge gun safes where they keep their rentals ( i-ADR6z-nETIoNMxHMy3jpzttPZ4qBbhrxqGg5moRnZN95o5US0XgkbLlU ZQtJ3plaisJGm9gyiPG5QIYy8nNvnoWk7cs_5mAJxcD1Q=w128 0-h960-no?authuser=0
They were doing a pretty good business when I arrived a couple hours after opening. I got a lane right away. In front of me was a family out to have some fun, five kids and a few adults. They were well behaved. I like seeing that big cross prominently displayed. ZwIIgjA8zkhe1jU7JCZxPx-P3tgXPML-OzZ8eJx4D0mLd56dA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
I unpacked my kit in lane #3. Along with the XD9 and CW9 I brought 100 rounds of aluminum Blazer, 100 rounds of factory reloads, and 50 rounds of Fiocchi, all regular 115 grain FMJ. If there was any difference in the accuracy between the different ammo, it was all my fault.;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7 PdLMJZwRC0vrSp5huvol-vVgYwlv_eXF2yqxmZoXAfBp4XWaEcWhBZE783qIOOsR27Pgt93 5ST_5Z3ims1kFOkT_sk8w69pqoUFf-RA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0
I think that's eight pictures. It will take me a few posts to copy the whole range report. I hope you don't mind.
Thank you for your indulgence,