View Full Version : BassCliff's 8th Range Report, 1/30/2021

02-06-2021, 04:54 PM
Greetings Patriots!

Here's another range report that I copied over from "that other website" (xdtalk dot com) to share with you here since it features our Kahr CW9. I'll apologize right now and tell you that I don't shoot the CW9 as well as my XD9. I just need more practice with it and its new fiber optic front sight. Anyway, here's the goods.
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I hope you all don't mind that I call us that, Patriots. I know we all love America and want to best for everyone here in this greatest country on God's green earth. Today I was by myself at the Rancho Magnum Range (https://www.magnumrange.com/), a nice indoor facility run by some nice young folks. (Wow! I just noticed that they've updated their website. It looks nice.) Mrs. BassCliff did not want to go with me this morning but I had things I wanted to work on so I packed up my kit along with my XD9 and Mrs. BassCliff's CW9.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3e_cQQTaOA_WoKYrEQCIxQDZ0Zo9hZOmqJDri3U19lQthXUBFX 83_pm_PA4r3TV6cEfPYacquCoWSqjrQZ5Cfaq4jgHYHOvfHtCL Apvkp71nfq57QuOWfhMNGJjTKaTH1Kl-yWsW28OmTEoYbDa-w3MPg=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

I wanted to practice some more with the CW9 and its new front fiber optic sight, figuring out where to hold for the most accuracy. I also brought along two pair of my reading glasses, 1.25x and 1.75x, to use with my new right eye in order to see the front sight better. I popped out the left lens and used only the right lens to give me a clearer picture of my front sight. I shoot with both eyes open. I'm sure you remember that I had cataract surgery about five weeks ago. I was shooting cross-dominant until today. We'll see how that works out, going back to right eye dominant.

After a couple of days of rain the local mountains were beautiful. The day was clear and cool for the short drive over to the indoor range.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3eeossYkVfH1JYaVBGuQsMmfnKcBUvrmgVPh95VXqIUEXsDBln oVgs-hqoJvpLZ0BtGi2bOg5TBUcMy2Ae9NDCGg8bbmedQV3Wmjfr8r-nPeEsXLWrSFDuaBFLZABrWMZ_0Oc61X24Kn5PhYjrhgrv2vw=w 1280-h960-no?authuser=0

Here we are at the only egress to the Rancho Magnum Range, located in the industrial section of this little bedroom town.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3ewrvhK-AexIWVNQfM702Qk8ImhMB8qxxkzkpkdhxZBVWsqUfv849qHu7q BZ3vFQCr9b07LFTxeZayNJ3tsBcwbZGu687Td8gy5nbhfVlBxs t_A59xuRI15k_g6QqaaxEoUwDiWa9LffSTIA1-BVMd27Q=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

Here's your sign. RMR offers rental packages, lessons, FFL, etc. Rates are reasonable. I bought a target for a dollar and $17 for two hours in lane #3. I didn't hurry, shot 250 rounds, and still had time left.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3eUN74RFm-HjqzGzVGTiaiVx6OOKhDW_ZdJWh0SXS7ZD_Jpc95IdY4sug4a8 Mg3Lv69XEHrh7_KsOWuuryBP1O0na9fqk-f8TdYxp58gyTn8IVnYkQ-ebV6pJBZaNr9a5USVI4CMBDUyrkDi5p3ceWWSw=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

There are a couple of huge gun safes where they keep their rentals (https://www.magnumrange.com/rental-guns).

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dw0e8rjdfuhlncm2z7ze1OH5ChT2OK486Uoqr1WDojlc7Fkaj i-ADR6z-nETIoNMxHMy3jpzttPZ4qBbhrxqGg5moRnZN95o5US0XgkbLlU ZQtJ3plaisJGm9gyiPG5QIYy8nNvnoWk7cs_5mAJxcD1Q=w128 0-h960-no?authuser=0

They were doing a pretty good business when I arrived a couple hours after opening. I got a lane right away. In front of me was a family out to have some fun, five kids and a few adults. They were well behaved. I like seeing that big cross prominently displayed.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3eigJK5jIiVMB2g6nc5bMZ4Tz0Y_ViOXEe_hhKIqvlOv-P1W_geI8-v5WyEmSZyhIH68nQc3ufDp1qfqDOVGZJXt4MrBDDna2vaNCSxS ZwIIgjA8zkhe1jU7JCZxPx-P3tgXPML-OzZ8eJx4D0mLd56dA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

I unpacked my kit in lane #3. Along with the XD9 and CW9 I brought 100 rounds of aluminum Blazer, 100 rounds of factory reloads, and 50 rounds of Fiocchi, all regular 115 grain FMJ. If there was any difference in the accuracy between the different ammo, it was all my fault. http://www.kahrtalk.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3cYWDd3C4r2nMQgO9zntgmpgvWIG90y59EO0vl57S3Z9Orfsrw PdLMJZwRC0vrSp5huvol-vVgYwlv_eXF2yqxmZoXAfBp4XWaEcWhBZE783qIOOsR27Pgt93 5ST_5Z3ims1kFOkT_sk8w69pqoUFf-RA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

I think that's eight pictures. It will take me a few posts to copy the whole range report. I hope you don't mind.

Thank you for your indulgence,


02-06-2021, 04:57 PM
Let's continue!

I brought only two mags for the CW9 because I knew I wouldn't be shooting that as much. Besides, Mrs. BassCliff leaves a couple of loaded mags on her night stand and I didn't want to unload and reload them with her SD ammo. I hung my four silhouette target and sent it out to five yards for my first four mags of the day.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fpuK4PzyMZ0QC3bTwvGDDux-jejZEwdXfjGvGFWT85LW6Fm8q5TkUwnECPCeg3XK9G3Itv2Ufj iClNsocB-dquBV4omzIdmaFAEB5vUMNQS-qmgw_POMxfwu64U98msHV1q7rL4UpDAdOrB8TXiZjzIg=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

Yes, I brought Mrs. BassCliff's pink Uplula loader. It works a LOT better than my mag loader. I put the first magazine from my XD into the upper left target. That don't look too bad.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3eTfsT3HFK2UXqOTNBN8-Tihqgcz_p-Q9zhH43EakZTdRKrvvTAxVTIYQ9XtYDSC7hJ83W0A2x2zO1XGD DMzxjugltI9ETJnE8vJZsOSo-5zoTNFam-U4pk_jBHj7oz8SdQlvaQrDR7nUX-xkeMcAX7dw=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

Let's have a closer look at the target. This turned out to be the best group of the day. But after these first four mags all the other targets were at seven yards.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dPL6gX-0Q2lLL4v-7QIHQtuBk8MiSWPPL_TS5UhIFM03vB9dHhV7tu3HbZJbfVAjPb XRr3q-BLQ7XqMPP0wKL-eGVIYKRrXXdGW9PUEVJgkJIy0qeaWEjVObHM1MHdSauraBMSfK K1ZoEtFG1E31aUuw=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

On the second magazine I let a couple go low.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3eDzEEGUD9x4v4kSeoHeLj37AWb9GHT8srTVgcTZP5R7DLHzaS T1z3IWD8ySorgGWmfwyjzXxQXBpdOGbuetdHzj5au0QitV2qcg TnHvzzzkN4WzazgqxjYnEz_MFUW_aNII-xHgeS4rijrp47mQGbIRg=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

The third magazine, lower left, was a bit more spread out. The fourth magazine was a little better.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dtQiq09elEGVoGoPMcVaJBL1PXWk7LAjRJ6eIgOzupb65AySO N6fYmzFL156Rkoe0IIJi55j0UBYNAUHtoI66f4z6t5Nm-Vj1vq-VI-LsCp_sDK31N5vQWuYHA3tB_Q1o0FQrJFGNFitDc8QRgpisMdg= w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

It seems all day long I shot the upper pair of targets better than the lower pair. I started using reactive targets after shooting up the silhouettes. I've been buying these in bulk for about fifty cents apiece. They're fun. I sent them out to seven yards and shot there for a while. The last few magazines of the day I shot at ten yards.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3duqK5YlqgHUloWuX1df0uT_P47mfhgW-419Q31ER8ywQjrSZzDvplPlrom95v35x1pKCNoIwjU9FsyLqzJ C5TKYVCwnXyMSNW_tJZGW-Yva5jcDquijyrVEv5SIJKyPNn22Nl_R0B-S7QO3ggbW2DkSw=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

There ya go. My first magazine at seven yards. I'd say that's not bad considering I just switched back to right-eye dominant and I'm trying to use a makeshift diopter on my right eye while leaving my left eye unaided.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3f2bMBMVwSa4FU0O2SAm8OhOan_WNPtw8nD1kSoYukN2maFyvK L-J0rGaafBM3mHPH_HVRIlu-AFH5a72jUkKoWBQbw9EhfKG-2Eb2_40ktMy1QYnf_rTo9zxg7Tby7K95tgrSHyAILY9hDJHjJN shzFA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

Practice makes perfect, or hopefully will make better at sometime in the future. Today I was experimenting with the 1.25x and 1.75x diopter (reading glasses with the left lens punched out) and trying to get used to shooting right eye dominant again. Here are the second, third, and fourth magazines on this round of targets. Seems I had one or two flyers from each mag. I hope that's still plenty good for self defense shooting at seven yards. (Remember, that head shot on the lower left target was from the previous set of targets.)

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fmGUgTZIAHdQxNRFbJSDG9GT71RGkwFzCWtOD0egZX9YqRWpk slY--QlUHA0wFITS321UfjwP-0mBd3oBbrU7s10aY56HzXVVhi-d1bH8qnC3gybr0BBc3QQUzb7cwyVBGEe7Lxo0bnkavgnh1dRTd FA=w725-h966-no?authuser=0

I'll be back in the next post with more of the adventure.

Thank you for your indulgence,


02-06-2021, 05:00 PM
To continue:

I used the sticky dots to repair the reactive targets for the next round of magazines. I like to get at least two uses out of these targets. I guess that cuts the cost to twenty five cents a target, right? http://www.kahrtalk.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3elVA7U82qt2ZxI9DUtZAXkIiz7Ime4zlMijQVdzIEkT1KYmm9 vsaVXxtvZxfyyip-4l4bLhrOjDs99-TidwazZJICJNCqNeDHEFE3FSna67ZM2FeMTR6amQmNL05fzKzC pB07uF6-9AcE6lVflSeQjvQ=w725-h966-no?authuser=0

Before I send this sheet out to seven yards again, let me show you how goofy I looked today. The left lens has been popped out of this pair of reading glasses. I'm wearing my cheap shooting glasses over the reading glasses. This way I can see the front sight better, shoot with both eyes open, and hopefully hit where I'm aiming.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fCqYNyLLqc3xX8f8Cizb3RUAIk2VYjLO002cHSO1TcSGLG8gk ynIO3o_qTSd6A4gPaPsa6pELPL4zlpdxeGgBNC3PKCuBod4bJG yjSqMX5wHJ9hQSIQXAjsuVjQG9Nu3g-Mbn_ZumyP0JBUgGunzO0tQ=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

You see this time I covered all the flyers with black dots. Where I hit, we're going to know it now. The round of four magazines from my XD9 did pretty well. There were only two hits that were not on the reactive targets at seven yards.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fTrwFs8Rsqobtbrrm4D69k5337CS3y9wOOAT0riTDKPpNZDmQ aSi8BVTIqKNwiDU_ZGPY7v8AqqZu9XJktVvjiPC2oQEmcT5g83 EMDUkpIq_acXXJ2Op3bG9O1I_WsNpguyHSeOhxb6b1FR_r3Avc CUQ=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

I can't help but think that after I get some shooting glasses with the proper diopter, like the SSP Top Focal (https://sspeyewear.com/collections/top-focal-tactical/products/top-focal-assorted-interchangeable-kits), my groupings will get better. Let's have a little closer look at that target. I actually thought I had only one flyer off the target so I stuck my chamber flag in it. I didn't notice til later that group #2 also had a low hit.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3ccIH_MEK-coRhYi4eRTrmpLSw2hmcaY-3ioibXOd_9mgoIsWpa89wZj4nmf65U5bbF3do7AVZxaCJWEGTQ xfj6nidTmkTOK7lnYHrYtU6pXGGpr9Ds_mkNlhVg1UaATaKJyt R2nzvNs3FCkKhRi1vDmw=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

Oh sure, why not! Let's repair them again, send them out to seven yards again and have some fun. I forgot to put a dot on top of the hole where I had my chamber flag. Oops.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3eUQ5r_1fJrrWA7ialy3nYd4WXI9sbBBc8mx_ALTMgRIReAzhM-i0M_VFCH0-321sSkICk1sgGZiZqJP3tUzfbs39-yDdangQuHF7GKbDkbDSbxJclOY5g2kYM7qVs8YeRejxgiAM2c0 cm7T3IjYMqsAw=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

I guess that's about twenty one feet, or seven yards.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3eNByB7Ko6vmcuMDR2I2zRcIbbBBh9lz4-CeNij5il6mmnady_J1SO_sQwgrXAq1JlaWq3Kzlnq8_3X1roJ0 016HQPnz5zx8sWSBbAKBFt44wi84iaFPKS9a565k0cFghBlsaC wG_VzcyHSSdVDGE9lHA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

Oh! Looks like I'm going to shoot Mrs. BassCliff's CW9. I shoot this pistol like crap. I need more practice with it.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fqXwxtezjb2UA-6y0PHWosV9SKWV7IRHBQduNBVYib-pdWX77tT68MaeEWS5W8rOmOsajzZh-pWVj65cy5ljbzA40jkOF4kQhWuojiHR_j4kQCk_RsFayxh40gZ yoXmgpcFF9Led65QA0LB5OiDtviSw=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

OK, one more post will finish this report. Thanks for looking!

Thank you for your indulgence,


02-06-2021, 05:01 PM
Let's finish it up!

I had a seven round and an eight round mag for this pistol. I think sevens went in the left targets, eights went in the right targets. It look like group #2 was the best.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3ev_wM9mUlvB5kxfTwHLg4VlyEkBOYvWxskxOx6PRAJTV2mYt3 zkBTs6nIdoPdipBwGEE-z81ymS1r7j7eGYzJyKkCgaO0h1gz2zOvDSxeZOnt-MtMdPRM3zOzRbzVbiQ7GnZsfS_EUNDe-NVZc0heDrQ=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

I eventually send the targets out to ten yards but the results were nothing to write home about. Look at this beautiful pistol.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3d3cz_vbA6h0QiDqFHYfLkMgK_aDQ-wQ2KT9wDDkNmZp4l9ffHvT1apGV_R9rtItnugf62IEveAqzUZW LV6gesO2nOrBcP1PvBF0fCKL4BIM_lNslBpKgwC3SQFfeiZPaw sURCCtjHZUNiN2kuehipvBg=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

This target is still at seven yards. I'll not embarrass myself showing you results from ten yards. http://www.kahrtalk.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3d19pelXtcqzJo20UeKRfoXZnXZKJYLvDsiU5ul1aV-MHeh1ifQZU0mxrBKjjvs0MvCzJoOSi5jzE1Oq2ZQu3GYh1IFG9 pTKSt34j1wpBCa-yh7Ezf9Og9L1T7AZxElbku6muNPpr5VIXsv8uErO1gaPg=w128 0-h960-no?authuser=0

Dang! It just seems I lose my concentration for a couple of shots. How do I get over that?

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3d1S2DQ8_lQoTn2GPpbl6mdDIh2IexwzhgZ30o6G0yQjRvLcnc 65qjBiIphGTAVgv047sD3owJS6L2WCO8aPp4WUGml9m6_M8Z9F GZQurxk_uX8KfZ5fRpmVIk5GfnSdEa_9oqedsk4W-uyd3RCTrpmWw=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

I guess by then I was getting a little tired and I hadn't eaten all day. I shot a few magazines at ten yards but didn't do that well. I finished up about 1:15, swept up my brass, and packed up my kit.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fQAZoQd83CvWyVhbvK5YNxiwUImKEP4UFWKG8zHZH9TXShde7 QfjdVeIbTN6kVffdEULRm0Z9mscleWUN6OCp-VZCnm5oCtZDro0fmsC5Lo2fbvINXvIHC6JTHpudzg762vYe3Xt eqUOiH98pkF53Eng=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

Here's a view of most of the lanes. I was in #3 of twelve lanes. I'm just about to walk out the door to the lobby.

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3d9oyUEEkoDsz1Ibk72fQ1YkadmV8doFsNGYDO5JGU9dYsOXAD SJjGpAs6ot8nOD37J_4xBNY5VHF5XyBXEiTO8pJD1t_ThpO7aH zXJr5L6VWxRafdwDdf5zzK0Lo3L8Vf9LJYXPMi24Zi0A1HULKO tNA=w1280-h960-no?authuser=0

Now since I've made two range trips this month I'll need to start hunting and gathering ammo again to replace what I've shot lately. I'm hoping the snow melts up at our outdoor ranges so the family and I can get another training session soon. It was fun today, all by myself, and I pretty much accomplished what I set out to do. I'm going to order a set of shooting glasses with top focal diopters on the right side. I realize that in a self defense situation I will not be able to use my "special" target glasses so I will continue to train occasionally without them, shooting cross-dominant. Kids, let me give you some advice. Don't get old! http://www.kahrtalk.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

Thanks for coming along with me today. Feel free to share your thoughts, scold, heckle, and otherwise poke fun. I like hearing from you guys.

Thank you for your indulgence,


02-08-2021, 01:41 PM
Nice job.

02-08-2021, 03:22 PM

Nice job.

Thanks! Now that I have my new shooting glasses I'm hoping to make ALL the shots more accurate. These aging eyes need help. :p

Thank you for your indulgence,


Canine Dave
03-14-2021, 10:28 AM
I find myself missing Mr. Basscliffs Range Reports!

Been holding my breath for #9...