View Full Version : For Sale Sold and gone

02-22-2021, 08:59 PM
SOLD AND GONE :Amflag2:BRAND NEW 308 AR [everything is new]....test fired for function only. Complete with 10 magazines, plus one 50 round drum, BORE SIGHTER, mag loader, NEW 1-6.5 Tactical Scope [$700 plus value], soft case, G-Shock recoil reducing stock, Bi-pod, ALEXANDRIA ARMS AR. Also included OVER 1700 rounds of AMMO [current ammo value is well over $1800 by itself]. Sell ALL for $2995.00 Located Twin Cities South Metro Minnesota LOCAL SALE ONLY at this time.
I do not want to ship, will also consider Sig 220SAS or M11A1 or 229SAS in trade with cash. :amflag:

02-22-2021, 09:05 PM
Here is another picture.

02-22-2021, 10:31 PM
Guess Washington ain't exactly local at this point. A little out of my range anyhow but she sure is a beauty.