View Full Version : Spike in revolver prices?

03-16-2021, 10:34 AM
Over the past year I have seen used Glocks sell at my LGS for $450 and yesterday a used P365 went for $465 but last night while looking at their used online page if see,
Mod 60-1 2" with adjustable sights for $995
Mod. 686 no dash for $995
Mod 640 no dash 38sp. for $695
Mod 650 22WMR for $995
Some with original box and some without.
These are listed by an LGS that is and always had what I would call "fair" prices on guns and ammo.

I am not a collector and I realize these are pre-lock guns but do the prices seem to be high?

03-16-2021, 10:46 AM
Oh yeah, seem high to me. We're in a gouging frenzy right now. 686 no dash has been in that range a long time, been looking. The rest seemed to have increased a lot!

03-16-2021, 10:48 AM
You should go to Bills and take a look at the price for new revolvers. Or any LGS. What were $650 are now $999 +. When all that is left in the sales cases are a very few semi,s and maybe slightly more revolvers. Supply and demand comes into play. Pretty much all the semi and revolvers are at or above MSRP. The biggest problem with buying a revolver now is finding something to put in it.

03-16-2021, 01:37 PM
Maybe it's just my impression but it seems gun dealers push revolvers on female first time buyers. Since there are a lot of those these days I wonder if that has impact?

03-16-2021, 02:27 PM
I believe,
revolvers have always been more complicated to build and they should cost more than Tupperware guns made with interchangeable parts.
but now that gun control measures are being pushed, lowly wheelguns are probably way down the list as far as the gun grabbers are concerned and many are buying for that reason.

That said, as far as being pushed to first time gun owners, that is a real possibility and in many ways I support that measure. We get a half dozen brand new shooters per week that have their new semi-auto lock up after the first round is fired. We are constantly running over to a new shooter with a malfunction and making sure they know how to safely clear their firearm. Most of them cannot even remove the mag let alone lock the slide back and few are aware they may have just chambered a fresh round. Last Sat. alone within five minutes of each other we had a brand new in the box Gen 3 and a new Gen 5 second round malfunction both from the same LGS.

You can't limp wrist a revolver. They are super simple to load and unload and there are no safeties to think about. Most can pick one up after not looking at one for years and remember how to open the cylinder. Put a set of CT laser grips on that thing and watch the shooter instantly improve.
When working with a individual that is looking for a first handgun, I always start with a 22 semi but when moving on to a centerfire guns, a revolver is always in the mix.

In a recent post I mentioned I had found a 642 snubbie. Years ago I gave my then single mom a Mod 60 ProSeries with a 3" barrel and laser grips. This 642 will go to her and her fiancé as a traveling gun for their trips into downtown Minneapolis.
No, her eyes are fine, the safety glasses added a major distortion and made her look like Foster Brooks.

http:// (http://<a href=&quot;https://postimages.org/&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;>https://i.postimg.cc/TYwfsyht/502a30ee-368c-4547-843a-5ddad63e7f3b-zps2fhnf9um.jpg</a>)https://i.postimg.cc/TYwfsyht/502a30ee-368c-4547-843a-5ddad63e7f3b-zps2fhnf9um.jpg (https://postimages.org/)

Canine Dave
03-16-2021, 02:38 PM
I'd like a cheap 5-shot 357 revolver from Kahr Co.

I think they could do it.

King Rat
03-16-2021, 04:40 PM
You might need more in in Downtown Minn.

Lol, George Floyd square is a war zone. (AKA Mostly Peaceful Protest)


03-16-2021, 05:45 PM
I'd like a cheap 5-shot 357 revolver from Kahr Co.

I think they could do it.

I don’t think you will ever see a Kahr revolver but it would be interesting....The Ruger LCR polymer frame snub revolvers are a nice alternative though.....Last Saturday I stopped by my LGS looking for ammo, no 9mm no .38/.357 or .44 but they had a shelf full of .327 Federal Mag and a pretty good supply of .32 H&R Magnum which are real close to .38 special and the Federal Mags are close to .357 in energy plus you get 6 rounds in the little gun....I bought the only one they had for $599.00 and a box of Federal and H&R all for less than 700 bucks......I haven’t shot it yet but I understand the Federal Mags are a hand full with a bunch of muzzle blast but the H&R mag load is pretty nice......

Not sure why this caliber didn’t take off but there seems to be ammo available (expensive) but at least it’s out there.....Now I need to find a lever action rifle in .327 Federal Mag if they exist.....

03-16-2021, 05:54 PM
I always push revolvers for a first gun, man or woman, especially if they don't intend to shoot once in awhile or for times like these where ammo is impossible to get.

03-16-2021, 06:01 PM
I was absolutely SHOCKED recently when I sold one. I had a Taurus Raging Hunter 454 Casull that I had bought new maybe a year and a half ago. I paid, all in, about $750 for it. When I sold it on Gunbroker recently, it sold for $1,825!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-16-2021, 06:05 PM
My thought was ammo availability and after playing around with the little Ruger it’s pretty neat and with a much nicer trigger than my factory stock S&W 642 .38......I really didn’t need a new gun, still have and daily carry my PM9 but it seemed like a good idea if ammo never comes back, besides my wife was already mad at me which come to think about it seems to be a common denominator for several of my firearm purchases so I said, why not, rap it up, I’ll take it.....:cool:

03-16-2021, 06:35 PM
So you got the Ruger .38 special? I picked up the 9mm version some years ago. Shoots good but on mine I have to make sure to release the trigger all the way. There is a little click about half way to reset but the hammer isn’t reset yet.

03-16-2021, 06:53 PM
It’s a Ruger LCR but not .38 special it’s a 6 shot .327 Federal Magnum caliber.....Same size/weight as the .38 but in .32 and 6 shots rather than 5 like the .38 pistol plus it will shoot any .32 pistol ammo even .32 acp without moon clips so it’s versatile

King Rat
03-16-2021, 07:27 PM
The LCR9mm is a keeper. Bought mine when it first hit the market and never looked back. Love the gun. Enjoy shooting it, great trigger. Snub nose revolver do have a learning curve. I was lousy with them at first but that was thousands of rounds ago. Interesting to see how much you can improve with them. I like shooting it so much, I bought the LCR22 and can truthfully say it is the most fun shooting Rimfire I have shot. Great Trainer and Plinker. After a training/Practice session I love to put Clay's on the 50 yd bern and just take my time busting them. I had never thought about a 22.cal for defense, but one day fast shooting at the range, I felt, like God, would hate to have 8 fast rounds hitting my neck, face and Chest. And you can get very good with one. And being a revolver it is very rare to get a failure.
As Hickcock45 said when reviewing snub and have a good time. "There is just something about them

08-18-2021, 11:27 AM
Nice King Rat. I also like the LCR but carry the M&P 340 more....slightly smaller and so light. But not the best to shoot stout loads in!

King Rat
08-18-2021, 04:24 PM
Over the past year I have seen used Glocks sell at my LGS for $450 and yesterday a used P365 went for $465 but last night while looking at their used online page if see,
Mod 60-1 2" with adjustable sights for $995
Mod. 686 no dash for $995
Mod 640 no dash 38sp. for $695
Mod 650 22WMR for $995
Some with original box and some without.
These are listed by an LGS that is and always had what I would call "fair" prices on guns and ammo.

I am not a collector and I realize these are pre-lock guns but do the prices seem to be high?

This is not the fist time that Revolvers have been mentioned of being a shortage. I talked to the owner of the LGS which I have known for years. I asked him where are all the Revolvers. He use to have a complete case of them all the time, now just a few. He told me he cannot keep them in stock. What was interesting his that he had about 3 or 4 used Sig 365's.