View Full Version : Difference in cleaning needs between pistols

04-21-2021, 02:35 PM
Kahr P380 with several hundred rounds of Blazer and gun needs a good cleaning due to residue. [Yes, I know Blazer is dirty].

Springfield XDM 9mm with 500 rounds through it with Blazer and it needs a light cleaning. Not much residue.

Can anyone explain?

Ken L
04-21-2021, 04:18 PM
The only thing I can tell you is that even within Blazer ammo of different calibers the powder will be different. Plus you're talking about a longer barrel in the 9mm, insuring more of a complete powder burn. 380s also unlock and open up pretty violently, what a shooter would call "snappier". Thus more unburned powder flying around inside the gun to foul stuff up. If you follow the Kahr procedure of oiling, there's a lot of oil in the gun to collect and hold residue also. Don't know if a Springfield is a "wet" gun like a Kahr or a "dry" gun like a Glock, but that will play a role also.

04-21-2021, 10:39 PM
All I can say is since I’ve started using Ballistol, my handguns: Kahrs, and others, all stay cleaner longer.

04-22-2021, 04:54 AM
Interesting topic.
I recently did a "detail strip" ( if that's the correct term...)full cleaning of the slide on my CM9. Everything was taken off/out of the slide assembly except the sights. I was a little surprised by how much black "gunk" had accumulated in the striker assembly.
If you've never done one of these, I highly recommend it. Your findings will vary of course, based upon what powder you're shooting. In my case...I have a lot of Winchester Super-Lite shotgun powder around and have developed several SAFE loadings for handguns that allow me to use it up, and keep shooting. It's not especially clean and I accept that a bit more detailed cleaning is necessary.

Canine Dave
04-22-2021, 06:50 AM
What makes one powder "clean" and another powder "dirty", other than pressure. I made an honest effort to find the answer to this on the internet.

Re. "black gunk", was that caused by dirty powder or the wrong type or quantity of oil/grease? Why did you think you had to detail strip the slide? Was the gun not working? Does using clean powder make "white gunk"?

04-22-2021, 08:20 AM
Good questions Dave. Over the years I’ve observed a wide variation in the amount of residue left after firing ammo loaded with different powders. When the dry residue from firing accumulates and mixes with whatever oil or grease that’s in the gun, we get “ black gunk”. I use a fine machine oil ( the sort that’s specified for high speed turbines). It’s not a gun oil. Perhaps Ballistol or something like it will alter the result.
What got me to take the slide apart was some failures to fire I experienced with my practice ammo. Upon checking my records I found that when I first began using that load it was functioning flawlessly in the CM9. It occurred to me that a really thorough cleaning might be in order. Since doing it, I’ve only fired 100 rds or so, but have not had failures to fire from that same run of reloads.

04-22-2021, 09:54 AM
It's best to leave that striker and channel dry. I clean it, oil it and then wipe it all off. I don't think it's gonna rust but just stuck in my head that metal and moving parts need oil.

04-22-2021, 11:09 AM
You’re probably right Bawanna. I have that same admonition in my head as well.

Canine Dave
04-22-2021, 11:57 AM
I, too, have an exact castigation in my head.

Everything here well put, and explained thoroughly.

I would never use ballistol because 1. I can't pronounce it, and 2. the Germans lost two World Wars using it.

I do use it to make moose milk.

mr surveyor
04-22-2021, 12:26 PM
just an occasional "blowout" with non-chlorinated brake cleaner will keep the striker tunnel flushed and clean. I never use any type of lube in the striker/firing pin tunnel. I learned a long time ago that any lube in the "tunnel" was nothing but a crud magnet.

just my opinion though


04-22-2021, 12:34 PM
Well now “black gunk” “white gunk” we better not go there.

I’ve been loading Vihtavuori powder the last few months and the stuff burns very clean. No black or white gunk. BE86 and Silhouette also burn clean. Many low charge weight powders burn dirty.

As for detail stripping the slide for a cleaning, I do mine about every 300 rounds. Especially if using Federal primers.

Canine Dave
04-22-2021, 12:43 PM
I trust and value your opinion.

I haven't attempted the flush/blowout yet but thinking about it. Besides right in your eye (my luck anyway) where does the nasty stuff come out? You stick the brake cleaner straw in/near the little hole in the slide, right?

Why non-chlorinated, I should wonder? There is at least one oem plastic part in the channel. Will it tolerate the cleaner ok? Or turn to goo?

04-22-2021, 01:01 PM
If you squirt it in the striker hole in the back of the channel it squirts out the hole in the breech and the little "ventaport" in the side of the channel. Non-chlorinated because you like your liver and you want it to like you back.

04-22-2021, 01:20 PM
I use CRC electronics parts cleaner, plastic safe and cost $1 more than brake cleaner at Waldo Mart. Ever see the pics of SOME striker channels stripped for the first time and all the metal that is in there. Happened to me on two of my 45 Kahrs. This was after squirting out the channel through the side hole. The metal was toooo large to get past the striker. My PM 45 was fairly new maybe 150 rnds. Kahr service said “ someone must be using Federal primers”. I was using CCI. Some wonder about light strikes, could be the gunk or metal in the channel.

Canine Dave
04-22-2021, 02:29 PM
If you squirt it in the striker hole in the back of the channel it squirts out the hole in the breech and the little "ventaport" in the side of the channel. Non-chlorinated because you like your liver and you want it to like you back.

My Dad's Buick had four ventaports. I like my liver and Lord knows I need it.

Good ol' highly flammable non-chlor for me!

04-22-2021, 11:23 PM
Hilarious Canine Dave !

04-22-2021, 11:34 PM
Lot's of oil or lube attracts more dirt, as was mentioned, but Kahrs like to be wet according to many, including Kahr. Just got my P380 back from Kahr today and it's very wet indeed. Nature of the beast I guess.

Hey, these are first world problems when you get down to deciding which lube is the best and the work required to clean it good. Now consider that, to say, Vietnam and having to have your Colt M1911 or M16 protect your life HOURLY! Perspective fellows, perspective.

'The cure for everything is salt water- Sweat, Tears, or the Sea'
... (\ __... (\ __

04-23-2021, 08:09 AM
My Dad's Buick had four ventaports. I like my liver and Lord knows I need it.

Good ol' highly flammable non-chlor for me!

Ha...I wondered if anyone would get the ventaport reference! I almost said Cruiserline Ventaports.