View Full Version : CM 9 hard slide retraction

05-16-2021, 08:18 PM
My wife shoots her CM9 really well, and we both love the trigger. But it takes a heck of a lot of oomph to pull back that slide, even after about 1,000 rounds. Without hurting function, can a lighter recoil spring (or something) be used to lighten the slide retraction effort? Thanks in advance

05-17-2021, 07:05 AM
Retracting the slide on the CM9 is definitely more of a challenge than many..( most) other semi-auto pistols....no question. As I've aged, and been blessed with a touch of arthritis in my hands...I began to find it ALMOST prohibitively difficult to rack the slide on my CM9, that I've been carrying and shooting for 8 years. In other words...a while back my thoughts ran to simply replacing the CM9 with something else. That may become necessary at some future point but what I did instead was to do some research on better technique. I'm sorry I don't have any links to share...but they aren't hard to find. There are techniques for racking the slide on a CM9 that REALLY help make the little gun more manageable, even with "mature" hands. Shooting larger semi-autos such as my 1911's and Hi-Powers...I just hold the gun in my strong hand (without imparting any movement to it) and pull the slide back with the other...no problem. That simply doesn't work reliably for me with the little CM9.The best description I can provide for a technique that helped me was to use both hands, moving in opposite directions to affect the movement necessary. Sorry if that doesn't make sense, but it's the best way to describe my technique.
Hope this helps. It's too nice of a pistol to quit on until or unless it's absolutely necessary.

King Rat
05-17-2021, 11:10 AM
Proper technique is the key to retraction of any slide especially strong slides. That said, I am wondering if this my benefit you. I have never seen one, but others might be using them Kahr Charging handle.