View Full Version : Which 9 mm?

Jim g
06-08-2021, 09:19 AM
I hav used a ct380 for summer carry for 5 yrs, am looking for a lite, similiar 9mm kahr, suggestions? I like the grip height on the ct380, so hopefully nothing shorter...

06-08-2021, 10:49 AM
Cm9 is probably about the same height. Mine has been a really good pistol.

06-08-2021, 11:30 AM
Hi Jim g welcome to Kahrtalk, A CM9 or PM9 will be slightly larger than your .380 but not by much....I carry my PM9 in a right front Wrangler jeans pocket in a Sticky holster everywhere I go with no problem at all.....Since you are familiar with a Kahr pistol and their trigger then either a CM9 or a PM9 pistol would be perfect for you.....Good luck and again welcome to the forum, stop by anytime.......

06-08-2021, 02:07 PM
Based on your preference not to go shorter then the CT380 grip height (4.4”), CW, P series may be of interest to you.

CT380, Length 5.52”, Height 4.4”, Width .75”
CW9, 5.9”, 4.5”, .90
P9, 5.8”, 4.5”, .90
PM/CM, 5.42”, 4.0, .90

Canine Dave
06-08-2021, 06:18 PM
get the mk9 and never look back. don't overthink this.

06-08-2021, 10:12 PM
get the mk9 and never look back. don't overthink this.

I agree with Canine Dave.

Here’s one to getcha thinking. And, it’s MK40 sibling. Thank you, Lakeline/Alfonse!


06-08-2021, 10:31 PM
Here are some more ideas of what you can do with the MK9. Well, I guess you could do this with the CM or PM, also.

But, I’m partial to the MK. With the extensions, I can make the gun feel like a K9, or a T9.


06-09-2021, 09:08 AM
I just added the pinky base pad to my MK9. Give me a 3 finger purchase. Makes the grip almost identical length as my K9. With the curve of the base pad, the added length is at the belt line. It nearly conceals like the flush base pad.

06-22-2021, 03:53 PM
I like my little mk9 and I’ll never sell it I just wish they had doubled the magazine I love the weight of it I think I’m gonna take it to leach coatings and have it cerekoted.

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06-26-2021, 02:29 AM
IMHO the polymer guns are better for pocket carry.
All steel guns are a bit heavy for me.
My MK40 Elite works well for belt or ankle carry.
But if I had it to do all over again?
K9 Elite on a belt would be my choice :)

06-28-2021, 01:04 PM
Although it adds to the overall cost, I might suggest the CM9 (or PM9) and get a Lakeline grip extension ("magazine sleeve") for the 7 round magazine (+1 sleeve). It isn't pretty, but in hand it feels good. This way, you have the option to go with the two finger grip if/when you feel comfortable with it when you need a smaller package. I did this until I learned how to shoot well with a two finger grip and shorter mag.

I have the CM9 and K9. The K9's grip is much more contoured to the hand than a CW9/P9 but is significantly heavier. However, I might suggest learning how to shoot well with the two finger grip... especially with these thin guns. Once I did, it jived with other guns in general, and helped reinforce high holds, web-of-the-hand grip, finger placement, and separation of grip and trigger finger control when shooting. I would frequently shoot the Rem HTP +P out of my CM9 with no issues... until I moved to Kahr's 45 line.

Canine Dave
06-30-2021, 11:56 AM
If the Glock 47 was 33/10000 thinner i would buy a Glock 47, if you could buy a Glock 47.

06-30-2021, 04:33 PM
I love my MK40N, but it's too heavy for pocket carry and that's why I'll always have my PM9. No other pistol I own will work as well.

06-30-2021, 08:15 PM
I love my MK40N, but it's too heavy for pocket carry and that's why I'll always have my PM9. No other pistol I own will work as well.

Exactly O’Dell, there are all kinds of double stack micro 9’s out by every manufacturer now but you can’t cheat gravity and 10 + 1 is going to weigh more and be thicker that a PM9 which to me IS the perfect pocket 9mm pistol…..The MK series is a beautiful gun but it’s heavy, the 365 Sig while a very nice pistol is just a little too thick and heavy if fully loaded to work for pocket carry…….If you belt carry then the little extra weight won’t matter but for normal jeans pocket duty the CM/PM pistols are perfection…….

07-03-2021, 12:43 AM
Exactly O’Dell, there are all kinds of double stack micro 9’s out by every manufacturer now but you can’t cheat gravity and 10 + 1 is going to weigh more and be thicker that a PM9 which to me IS the perfect pocket 9mm pistol…..The MK series is a beautiful gun but it’s heavy, the 365 Sig while a very nice pistol is just a little too thick and heavy if fully loaded to work for pocket carry…….If you belt carry then the little extra weight won’t matter but for normal jeans pocket duty the CM/PM pistols are perfection…….

Plus, once you go to belt carry old school sub-compacts/compacts work great :)

07-04-2021, 08:58 AM
Since losing my Sig 365 to my daughter....my Shield 45 has been the new SMALL replacement.

07-05-2021, 01:00 AM
Since losing my Sig 365 to my daughter....my Shield 45 has been the new SMALL replacement.
Funny how daughters seem to do that - LOL :)