View Full Version : Bersa Thunder Plus .380

08-18-2021, 10:01 AM
I recently sold a supposed project gun that I changed my mind about, so I “re-invested” the funds from that sale. I found a Bersa Thunder Plus at a decent price. It is in excellent shape and came with 2 mags. Previous owner also installed a clip draw on it, which is my preferred method of holstering these days. Frame has either gone “plum”, or maybe it was sent out that way.
I used to own the single stack version of this gun, but thought differently later, finding out that a b.u.g. need not be so heavy. This one, due to it’s capacity, size, weight ratio will be in the carry rotation on my hip.
I have yet to shoot it. From Scootch’s review to others reviews, it looks like it may have a better trigger than that old single stack one had. I’m hoping so. With 16 rounds to fling at a bad guy, I think I will be ok, so long as I practice enough with it, knowing shot placement is everything.
Any of you have one of these? Do you like it? Have you shot it much? Good? Bad?


08-18-2021, 10:13 PM
The Bersa Thunder.380 was my first pistol. Still have it. Reliable and accurate. The SA trigger pull is pretty good. Plan on giving to my son when he is old enough. Can't give a gun a higher recommendation than trusting it to protect my child.

08-19-2021, 06:36 AM
Can't give a gun a higher recommendation than trusting it to protect my child.
Totally agree with that statement. So long as he’s a good kid :p:rolleyes: I bet he’ll keep it forever!!!

08-19-2021, 08:19 AM
I've had several forms of the Thunder/Firestorm. I've only kept one model, the T-22. The Thunder Plus as I recall was acceptably accurate and reliable. My biggest complaint was that it didn't takedown nor go back together easily. I always felt that too much pressure was needed between the barrel and the muzzle of the frame to get everything in the right position. There just didn't seem to be enough clearance. Thunders are known for finicky reassembly. I was afraid I'd crack the muzzle end of the frame. Controls were a bit stiff. The trigger was OK. The grip is great. Great concept that could have been a bit better designed and build. However... at the price point, a hundred dollars or more less than a Beretta 84 or a CZ 83, (the two most comparable .380 pistols), one can see some value in the Bersa. Magazines back then were like hens teeth.

08-19-2021, 09:43 AM
I've had several forms of the Thunder/Firestorm. I've only kept one model, the T-22. The Thunder Plus as I recall was acceptably accurate and reliable. My biggest complaint was that it didn't takedown nor go back together easily. I always felt that too much pressure was needed between the barrel and the muzzle of the frame to get everything in the right position. There just didn't seem to be enough clearance. Thunders are known for finicky reassembly. I was afraid I'd crack the muzzle end of the frame. Controls were a bit stiff. The trigger was OK. The grip is great. Great concept that could have been a bit better designed and build. However... at the price point, a hundred dollars or more less than a Beretta 84 or a CZ 83, (the two most comparable .380 pistols), one can see some value in the Bersa. Magazines back then were like hens teeth.
Thanks for that feedback/info!!! I’m happy this came with 2 mags. I have seen them available, but man they are pricey!

08-19-2021, 12:50 PM
Update: I LOVE THIS GUN! Just got back from the range. Awesome little gun. Ran a box of cheap stuff through it. Both targets shot at 20 FEET. 8" splatter targets.First shot being double action had that shot a bit low each time (yes, I should practice more), but the single action surprised me. I am not much of a shot, but I shoot it as decent as my CW9 at those distances. First target was the first mag through, and I took a bit of time for sight alignment. Second target is a few mags through, with some at a quick cadence. Again you can see the double action rounds down low.
All in all, so far, I think I have a winner. Next step is the buy some Liberty ammo to run through it to see if it feeds reliably. If not I will stick with fmj.18068

08-19-2021, 02:25 PM
That's incredible for 20 yards. I seldom shoot that far, too embarrassing for me.

Ken L
08-19-2021, 04:17 PM
That's some fine shootin'!

My stepson has a single stack Thunder. It always seemed too big and heavy for a 380. I haven't shot it though, I suppose that weight makes it comfortable to shoot.

08-19-2021, 05:37 PM
That's some fine shootin'!

My stepson has a single stack Thunder. It always seemed too big and heavy for a 380. I haven't shot it though, I suppose that weight makes it comfortable to shoot.

Thank you sir! Yes, the weight makes quite a difference. Shooting a LCP afterwards was WOOOAH! In comparison.

08-19-2021, 05:41 PM
Lol! You made me realize what I wrote Colonel. It was 20 feet, not yards. So, not as great a shot as originally typed :(
I've done that well in the past with that Colt Competition 9mm, but I can not shoot as well anymore. I tried it the other day, and while everything landed in that 8" target, they were all over the place. But, I figure a mans head is not much smaller than that 8", so I should still be ok. Wish the eyes and hands were what they once were!

08-19-2021, 08:11 PM
I kind of suspected it was a might closer but I didn't want to come out and call you a bald faced liar or nothing disrespectful ya know. Liable to be an arse whooping involved and I suspect your bigger than me, most folks are. Course after lunch and a short nap I can be plumb wiry. I'm a minute of pie plate guy myself. If I can put all or most of them in a pie plate, a paper plate will do (large) I figure I'm scary good.

08-20-2021, 05:39 AM
I kind of suspected it was a might closer but I didn't want to come out and call you a bald faced liar or nothing disrespectful ya know. Liable to be an arse whooping involved and I suspect your bigger than me, most folks are. Course after lunch and a short nap I can be plumb wiry. I'm a minute of pie plate guy myself. If I can put all or most of them in a pie plate, a paper plate will do (large) I figure I'm scary good.
Well I would have had it coming from you rightly so on this one. Lol! If someone typed out what I did and I saw it I may have made at least a slightly sarcastic remark. Minute of pie.... I like it! Hope you don’t mind if I adopt that because that pretty much describes my shooting abilities. ;) Would he a cool patch on a jacket, “Minute of pie shooting club”.