View Full Version : Just picked up a CW45 yesterday

08-31-2021, 10:29 AM
Cleaned it up, lubed, Talon Grips, racked the slide a whole bunches, like I do to al of my new Kahr.
I just turned 64 last month, and can really notice my grip strength being not as great. ( sore muscles and knuckles from 600 times racking slide)
This was from GB. NIB,$400+$20 shipping, plus $20 transfer fee.
I had a PM45 a few years back, but sold it to fund something else (CZ SP01)
This joins my current Kahr lineup of my CM9, and K9. Used to have a PM9 and P380, but they got sold 8 years ago.
I’m actually considering giving the K9 to my son, who’s a Walther fan.
Geting ready to go shoot it in a few hours, after a good breakfast and copious amounts of Java! Lol
Those square metal pads at the end of each frame rail…… The left one has a spot where it seems like they buffed too much metal during the final grinding.
As in, I can take a needle point tweezers and run it across the “black” line that runs horizontally, and feel a dip in the metal. So the black line I feel must be the polymer showing through the metal.
I don’t think I have enough posts to post an image from my computer, and too lazy to figure out how,so…..
I think with all of the Kahrs I’ve had, and still have, I’ve had MAYBE 4 FFF’s. MAYBE….
I love these guns!

08-31-2021, 12:30 PM
Welcome Jabski, glad to have you aboard…..I think you can post pictures after 30 posts…..Lots of us here are old coots so you’ll fit in just fine...I don’t know how to post pictures either so don’t feel bad, heck I still have a flip phone that works fine for me so I see no reason to change…..I see so many addicted to their smart phone walk out into traffic because the can’t put it down so I figure I’ll stay old school……Again welcome and let us know how the CW45 shoots…..

08-31-2021, 01:20 PM
Welcome Jabski, glad to have you aboard…..I think you can post pictures after 30 posts…..Lots of us here are old coots so you’ll fit in just fine...I don’t know how to post pictures either so don’t feel bad, heck I still have a flip phone that works fine for me so I see no reason to change…..I see so many addicted to their smart phone walk out into traffic because the can’t put it down so I figure I’ll stay old school……Again welcome and let us know how the CW45 shoots…..
Thanks. Well, I have newer tech , iPhones and such, it’s just that I’m too lazy to post pics here.
just got back from shooting 170 rounds.
150 Remington 230 gr. Ball, and 20 230 gr. hydro shocks.
went bang ever time. I expected as much…..
my biggest problem nowadays is the sights. To line up the bar and dot, it’s really fuzzy( I wear glasses to read, but not for distance)
I do have a pair of TruGlo NS to put on the CW, and TFT Pros for the K9, but I have to take it to the range and have the gunsmith install them next week.
I know the TFT’s will be great on the old eyes, but even having the traditional rear on the cw will help a lot( for my eyes)
But overall, I was real happy with this little guy. Now to make another leather holster… Or two…

08-31-2021, 04:34 PM
You can buy cheap 3M or other brand bi-focal or tri-focal glasses with the reading part on the top, bottom, or both. It's easier to tilt your head down and focus on the sights then raise your head a bit to see the target.

My far sight isn't bad, but I usually have to try to get a sight picture then point aim at the nearer targets. I have the Trijicon HD Pros on all of my Glocks and regular Trijicons or Meprolights on my Kahrs. I need to replace my 2010 P380's sights some day and will look for better sights, but for the present they still act like night lights on my bedside table.

I did put the TFX Pros on my wife's Glock 43... Fiber Optic/Tritium sights... good day and night. A wider rear sight aperture seems to work a little better than a small one.