View Full Version : Grip enhancement for P380

09-06-2021, 06:19 AM
The post for a grip enhancement for my PM9 went so well I am thinking of improving the grip on my P380.

Although rarely, I do occasionally carry the P380 in my pocket so the input from @340PD and @getsome in my PM9 thread is appreciated. Most of the time I carry it in a Galco ankle holster with I find to be quite comfortable and the gun is so light it carries well there.

I also carry it in a tuck holster so an aggressive grip would not be pleasant. Mostly looking to enlarge the grip if possible and smooth out the texture for tuck carry. I usually find the tackiness of rubber to be sufficient for a good grasp.


09-07-2021, 07:33 PM
I got one of these. Not a perfect shape, a bit fat around the middle. Nicely compliant, good tackiness. I don't pocket carry so I can't comment on how it would work there.


09-12-2021, 02:05 PM
I’ve found Talon grips with the rubberized texture to work well. Good hold and is not rough on the skin or clothing.
I have them on all 4 of my Kahrs. Plus they are inexpensive, easy to put on, easy to take off and don’t leave residue on the gun that can’t be easily removed.

09-13-2021, 03:18 AM
I looked at the Talon. They look like they are a good grip. I was looking to make the grip larger more than anything else.

mr surveyor
09-13-2021, 10:27 AM
duct tape?

jd :)

09-13-2021, 11:46 AM
Years ago I bought a small roll of marine "step" tape. It is rubberized and very sticky. I place a piece of paper over my grips and use a pencil to make an impression of the grip surface that I want to cover. I then cut that out and use it to create tape panels for my grips. And after trimming them to the exact shape I need I save the backing of the tape for future use as templates. I've done all my Kahrs and many other guns' grips with this, so I have a collection of templates ready to go. I think I paid about $15 for the roll and I haven't used half of it yet. When a panel starts coming off after a couple of years I use the templates to create a new one. Beats paying the same price for one set of talon grips. At least to me.