View Full Version : Baaa Humbug Time....
01-01-2022, 07:45 AM
Sure glad I'm here for four months instead of back home in Wis pg?_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=SUBaaSYVKR4AX9nuajY&tn=6wkPw99ysL0OhjTM&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.xx&oh=00_AT_H84Ms_nmmeVtBmq_15zKPcUQ3b3DjfQAn1Bp_M4C1 aQ&oe=61D6058F
01-01-2022, 08:23 AM
Personally, I'll take the refreshment of the seasons over snakes, alligators, bugs the size of small planes, humidity and heat that makes you stay indoors for 4 months, hurricanes, houses that are built out of cardboard, and the slum they call Fort Myers. Not to forget all the scumbags and druggies who are homeless. Florida is California with old people. :cool:
01-01-2022, 08:45 AM
Take it for what it was........................He was a punk kid who was way out of his league and his state. He's a very very lucky kid. Like the rest of the idiots, he shouldn't have been there either. No training, no brains. I hope that no one thinks that this is a free pass. You'll end up being Bubba's roommate. Of course, he had the right to defend himself, but he should have left all of it to the police. That's what they get your tax dollars for. Let them defund the police if they like and let them torch the friggen city of Kenosha. It's the only way these liberal fools will learn. Let it be an example for the rest of the country if need be. Little boys with grownup toys. :cool:
01-01-2022, 02:01 PM
It's sunny and over 80 here in NE FL. We have 4 seasons but not much of the cold stuff.
I enjoy my walks around the hilly block out front and that's the most exercise my wife has gotten in a long time. Her exercise is shopping. She has a great figure and only weighs about 103 pounds with her jeans and shirts on!
I'm lucky to have her. She's taking care of me and our love is stronger than ever after almost 36 years.
We sure don't miss the snow and ice up north or out in Colorado. :)
01-02-2022, 08:45 AM
Two of the seasons last about a week, each. :D
01-02-2022, 02:39 PM
It is really nice here....come on up :cool: only 13 below now....thinking of hauling out the BARBEQUE.
01-02-2022, 04:23 PM
Personally, I'll take the refreshment of the seasons over snakes, alligators, bugs the size of small planes, humidity and heat that makes you stay indoors for 4 months, hurricanes, houses that are built out of cardboard, and the slum they call Fort Myers. Not to forget all the scumbags and druggies who are homeless. Florida is California with old people. :cool:
Don't hold back, tell us what you really think. I have lived in NE Wisconsin on the boarder of Michigan' UP for 47 years and I love it there. About 14 years ago I went to Florida for the month of February. I now stay down here from the beginning of January to the end of April and I love it here to. I see more snakes in Wi then I do in Fl. If you leave the gators alone and don't go swimming in the swamp they are not a problem. We have the outside of the house sprayed quarterly by an exterminator and have no bug problems. The winters are dry and there are no mosquitos this time of year. Normal temperatures are in the low 60s at night and low 80s during the day with reasonable humidity. The cardboard house is concrete block with stuchko and the doors and windows are hurricane rated. Built in 2007 and never damaged. Still original roof. The hurricane season is over the end of October so we don't deal with them. We aren't in Fort Myers, but I would bet that like any good size city there are good and bad parts. Go check out Milwaukee. As to old people, I am one of them. Gives me people with the same life experiences to talk to. In general the old people down here are active and healthy, not sitting in a rocker waiting to die. It is also a gun friendly state and I have an indoor range 2 miles away. I love the clear skies and sunshine during the winter. I use to down hill and cross country ski, ice boat and ice fish. I don't miss them with all there is to do down here. I'm not trying to talk you into coming down, we have plenty of people already. To each his own, but don't badmouth an area or situation you know nothing about.
then I do in
01-02-2022, 05:16 PM
Don't hold back, tell us what you really think. I have lived in NE Wisconsin on the boarder of Michigan' UP for 47 years and I love it there. About 14 years ago I went to Florida for the month of February. I now stay down here from the beginning of January to the end of April and I love it here to. I see more snakes in Wi then I do in Fl. If you leave the gators alone and don't go swimming in the swamp they are not a problem. We have the outside of the house sprayed quarterly by an exterminator and have no bug problems. The winters are dry and there are no mosquitos this time of year. Normal temperatures are in the low 60s at night and low 80s during the day with reasonable humidity. The cardboard house is concrete block with stuchko and the doors and windows are hurricane rated. Built in 2007 and never damaged. Still original roof. The hurricane season is over the end of October so we don't deal with them. We aren't in Fort Myers, but I would bet that like any good size city there are good and bad parts. Go check out Milwaukee. As to old people, I am one of them. Gives me people with the same life experiences to talk to. In general the old people down here are active and healthy, not sitting in a rocker waiting to die. It is also a gun friendly state and I have an indoor range 2 miles away. I love the clear skies and sunshine during the winter. I use to down hill and cross country ski, ice boat and ice fish. I don't miss them with all there is to do down here. I'm not trying to talk you into coming down, we have plenty of people already. To each his own, but don't badmouth an area or situation you know nothing about.
then I do in
l I did mention what I thought. You're assuming that I know nothing about Florida. I've seen the Fort. Along with Zephyr Hills, Safety Harbor, and a few other places. Don't worry, I don't think an avalanche of people will be interrupting you any time soon. We're all sitting around in our rockers waiting to die. If I would have known that they don't have any rockers down there, I might have a different opinion. If it was that great, I'd be living there. I guess 4 good months a year are good for you. Each to his own. I enjoy the seasons. Bravo to you. Most people can't afford to live in 2 different places. Watch out for those sinkholes. :yo:
01-02-2022, 05:41 PM
12 good months, 4 in Florida and 8 in Wisconsin. If I had to give up one or the other right now it would be Florida, but as I age I might change my mind.
01-02-2022, 08:08 PM
Born and raised in Florida. Traveled some of the world (uncle sam’s yacht club) and quite a bit of the US (sales), but will live out the rest here in Florida. Each state has it’s positives and negatives. One mans positive may be another's negative. I enjoy visiting parts of other states in certain seasons, but would avoid some of their parts regardless of the season. Yes, Florida has all of that too.
mr surveyor
01-02-2022, 08:46 PM
I've lived within 3 or 4 miles of the hospital I was born in for 58 of 68 years of my life. The other 10 years were within 5 to 65 miles away. After visiting quite a bit of the rest of the country, just never been tempted enough to leave it behind.
01-02-2022, 09:43 PM
Bird is right, there is no perfect place to live but I have to hand it to you hardy folks that can deal with digging the car out every morning to get to work but I must say having lived in Georgia all my life it has it’s challenges like everywhere else…..Basically Georgia weather is like this, January is cold and rainy, sometimes it snows or ice’s up which is interesting but doesn’t happen very often….February sucks, March is wet with tornados, April ain’t much different, May is windy but sometimes tolerable then June through September you just stay indoors in the A/C to survive, October is sometimes nice as well as the first part of November but then it starts all over again so in the sunny south we really only have maybe 60 nice days out of the year when it’s decent to go outside and play…….I’m blaming Greta Thunberg because everything was fine until she came along………
01-03-2022, 07:23 AM
Sometimes, people get the wrong idea about up nort weather.......................I used my snowblower 3 times last year. I do have a very large garage so no digging out in winter. Unless the snow is really thick, we just drive over the top of it. It was minus 5 degrees this morning, but we'll get up to the low 20's today. If anything bothered me, it's the cold. I deal with it because realistically, it's nice weather here from March to November. Heat on for a few months and a/c for a few weeks. I am sure of one thing. In the future there will be many states begging for our water. :)
01-03-2022, 09:59 AM
Winter finally arrived here in NE FL. It's a chilly 55 degrees outside, but it's very sunny, too.
I'll put a long-sleeved shirt on for my first walk around the hilly block out front. :)
01-03-2022, 01:04 PM
How are you feeling, Wyn?
01-03-2022, 08:28 PM
Yes, it was a bit cool this am. I went for a walk with a hoodie on. First time I’ve had to drag it out in a while. I think you were a few degrees cooler way up North there this morning than we were way down here.:)
01-03-2022, 11:06 PM
I'm doing well... just have to wait until my sternum heals... another month or so. I had today "off", but start having appointments tomorrow... in-house visits from nurses and physical therapists, plus doctors' appointments... all kinds.
Yesterday(Monday) I didn't get my evening walk because the Five was coming on and then my wife didn't want to take a stroll with me around the hilly block in front of us after dark. I have been getting two walks of about 4-500 yards with some good terrain elevation... a bit taxing if I walk too fast... which I'm prone to do, but I'm wearing a "fall" belt for my wife to hold me up if I stumble. A fall would be bad and she only barely weighs about 101 pounds. I have lost weight... down to 152 or less from about 161 when I entered the hospital 3 weeks ago. Thursday will be 3 weeks since the triple bypass and I see my surgeon then, and my cardiologist (my hero!) a week later.
I've noticed that I don't seem to be having the memory problems that I had before this... not much, if any, "memory fog". :)
Good boy Tinsley!!!
01-05-2022, 06:02 PM
That is very cool!!!!
The story byline was "Follow me, Follow me". It could just as easily have been "Help, Timmy's stuck in the well" :)
The story byline was "Follow me, Follow me". It could just as easily have been "Come quick, Timmy's stuck in the well" :)
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