View Full Version : Alec

12-02-2021, 05:06 PM
Now that he has had time to meet with his lawyers Alec claims that he never pulled the trigger and didn't even have his finger in the trigger guard. You guys that know the SAA colt weigh in.

12-02-2021, 05:43 PM
I know other SA revolvers, but not Colts. If it was so worn or defective that the trigger “pushed off” without touching it, the armorer would not have used it. Alec is a lying POS.

12-02-2021, 05:59 PM
Alec is full of it. He pointed the gun at her, it went off, he’s liable. Call it some degree of manslaughter or something else if you want but he did it. If he could get away with saying it jumped up off the table and fired itself he would do it.

12-02-2021, 07:23 PM
He's an "actor" and has had plenty of time to rehearse his most recent statement and setup the interview to make it, then get his lawyer to back it up a day later.
For me being a "good actor" is equivalent to being a "good liar".

12-02-2021, 07:41 PM
Wasn’t that gun firing all by itself earlier that day, too?

12-02-2021, 09:26 PM
I own a Uberti SAA Colt clone revolver and it is a well made safe firearm and shoots very well….It has the four click hammer pull like a real Colt SAA revolver has….They would have been using a Uberti or other Italian made single action revolver for that low budget film even though it would be capable of firing live rounds in order to save money……Alec Baldwin is covering up for himself by saying he didn’t pull the trigger and if the gun was so worn that it fired after being full cocked that’s one thing but he was practicing drawing the gun and pointing it at the camera where people were and there is no possible way that weapon could have fired unless he cocked the hammer…….Alec is liable because he drew, cocked and pointed a firearm at someone and maybe he did or maybe he didn’t actually put his finger on the trigger but in any case, a young woman died……The investigation continues and will ultimately figure out how live rounds found their way onto a movie set but in the end it was a total cluster F and at this point Alex Baldwin is done no matter how many crocodile tears he has on TV interviews…..

12-03-2021, 05:44 AM
Why is he not in jail?

12-03-2021, 08:25 AM
Why is he not in jail?

He is rich and it doesn’t fit the agenda. They’ll use this to try and say all guns should be banned. Plus, if the hammer wasn’t back it wouldn’t have fired. He’s liable period.

12-03-2021, 10:08 AM
He is rich and it doesn’t fit the agenda. They’ll use this to try and say all guns should be banned. Plus, if the hammer wasn’t back it wouldn’t have fired. He’s liable period.
Maybe the whole thing is a lie, and it never happened. You can't arrest someone for murder if the victim isn't dead. There's a huge lie in here somewhere, that's for sure.

12-03-2021, 10:14 AM
In my very first carry class when the instructor was covering some of the legal stuff on what to do after you have had to discharge your firearm, he said after giving the police your name, every sentence after that is going to cost you $10,000 for your lawyer to attempt to have thrown out when you go to court. Baldwin must be skimping on the lawyers he has hired.

12-03-2021, 12:30 PM
In my very first carry class when the instructor was covering some of the legal stuff on what to do after you have had to discharge your firearm, he said after giving the police your name, every sentence after that is going to cost you $10,000 for your lawyer to attempt to have thrown out when you go to court. Baldwin must be skimping on the lawyers he has hired.

We don't know what statements he made in the 1st police interview, and whether they have "re-written" it (them) to align with what Alec is saying now.
Sickening to see him saying he has no remorse (now) in the latest interview, after seeing how distraught he was immediately after it happened.
Why hasn't he been charged?

They are feeding us crumbs every few weeks in the hope that the public will forget about it, all this is scripted like a movie, with all the "actors" playing their parts.
My guess is they will charge some scapegoat in the production company, propose some new laws directed at the movie industry, and leave Alec out of it.

12-03-2021, 02:49 PM
Now that he has had time to meet with his lawyers Alec claims that he never pulled the trigger and didn't even have his finger in the trigger guard. You guys that know the SAA colt weigh in.

I heard the interview. A single action six gun has a light trigger. With the hammer pulled back, it is far too easy to touch off. That being said, it appears that he pulled the hammer back and let go before it was pulled back the whole way. In any event-we all know the rule-you do not point a firearm at anything you are not willing to destroy. I never liked the guy, either as an actor or a person, but he took an innocent life-and that is hard to live with.

Ken L
12-03-2021, 05:11 PM
And yet he criticized George Clooney, another leftist actor type, when George actually was correct. What George said is that when you're given the firearm it is your responsibility to make sure it is indeed "cold". George said he would open the action (doubt if Alec even knows how to do that) check every chamber to make sure it's clear and show people that it's clear. Apparently, according to the interview, that's not Alec Baldwin's job nor his responsibility.

12-03-2021, 07:55 PM
Considering that the interview was in New York and featured both Alec and George Suffleupalasss I am shocked that Alec's response wasn't...

It's TRUMP fault, he did it!!!

I'm sure it'll (somehow) be Donald's fault at some point before this process finishes.

Sad thing about all this is that one solid day of basic gun safety and handling training by Alec might have very well have made the difference here.

King Rat
12-04-2021, 12:25 AM
I would like to know where the "Round" will be traced back to? Appears Alec is on a "PR" campaign. This entire ordeal seems like a "MURDER SHE WROTE" episode.

12-04-2021, 03:47 AM
You can fan the hammer on a SA revolver but only if the trigger is held down. So there's no way for him to have kept his finger out of the trigger guard and fired the shot unless there's something really wrong with that gun. Well, guess what? They HAVE THE GUN! Now that he's opened his mouth they can test its functions. Either he's telling the truth or he's put himself in a trick box, and I know which way I'm betting.

12-04-2021, 09:52 AM
This is what I think is part of his strategy: His defense feeds off the probably widely-held belief that guns are inherently unstable, dangerous, and should be banned or more tightly regulated. Ergo, his circumstance is a drop in the bucket, because if the gun-nut troglodytes weren't so intractable about adopting the reasonable, common sense, innocent-life saving measures that he endorses, there would be no gun violence and thousands and thousands of lives would be saved. Focusing on this single incident is small-picture - there are dangers inherent to movie production - stunt men get hurt, things happen - but what's a single individual when we can save thousands of innocent lives by addressing these inherently dangerous, self-actuating tools of violence. Oh, and the root cause of his freak incident was sabotage or packaging error; not his fault, coulda happened to any professional actor.

12-04-2021, 10:45 AM

12-04-2021, 05:20 PM
This is what I think is part of his strategy: His defense feeds off the probably widely-held belief that guns are inherently unstable, dangerous, and should be banned or more tightly regulated. Ergo, his circumstance is a drop in the bucket, because if the gun-nut troglodytes weren't so intractable about adopting the reasonable, common sense, innocent-life saving measures that he endorses, there would be no gun violence and thousands and thousands of lives would be saved. Focusing on this single incident is small-picture - there are dangers inherent to movie production - stunt men get hurt, things happen - but what's a single individual when we can save thousands of innocent lives by addressing these inherently dangerous, self-actuating tools of violence. Oh, and the root cause of his freak incident was sabotage or packaging error; not his fault, coulda happened to any professional actor.

Nailed it

12-04-2021, 06:13 PM

12-05-2021, 01:00 PM

oh, that’s a good one.

12-05-2021, 03:47 PM
That would be priceless and I bet it they asked Trump he would do it for free. Would love to see that.