12-07-2021, 05:43 PM
My new PM9 Covert came this past Saturday. I've run 206 rounds through it. 100 Winchester White Box, 100 PNR remanufactured FMJ RN and 6 PNR jacketed hollow point. Not a single fail of any kind and I racked the first round by pulling back on the slide about 1/2 the time.
Last week on Tuesday night I ordered a Baldr mini direct from Olight. The order was processed and shipped on Wednesday from a Hong Kong address via FedEx. It arrived on Monday. 5 days coming from Hong Kong, I was impressed.
The PM9 Covert has a extra small barrel and extra small rail. I had to do a slight modification on the Baldr Mini's mounting plate so it would sit back far enough on the small rail. I used a Dremel tool with a small 60 grit sanding drum. This took about 10 minutes mainly because I could only sand away material for about 30 seconds before it started getting hot then put it on a wet paper towel for about 30 seconds to cool. This went on for about 10 minutes until complete. It came out really good. While I was at it I cut the attachment lever down a bit as I had seen in videos on the web.
Very pleased with with this setup. The Baldr mini is 600 lumens with a green laser. It is goes on and off the PM9 Covert with a flip of the little lever. Turns on and off easily with a slight flip of my trigger finger or left hand.
I have 3 pictures to show all this but I don't have 30 posts and I don't use picture hosting service so I can't post the pictures. If anybody is willing to post the pictures pm me your email address and I'll send them to you.
Last week on Tuesday night I ordered a Baldr mini direct from Olight. The order was processed and shipped on Wednesday from a Hong Kong address via FedEx. It arrived on Monday. 5 days coming from Hong Kong, I was impressed.
The PM9 Covert has a extra small barrel and extra small rail. I had to do a slight modification on the Baldr Mini's mounting plate so it would sit back far enough on the small rail. I used a Dremel tool with a small 60 grit sanding drum. This took about 10 minutes mainly because I could only sand away material for about 30 seconds before it started getting hot then put it on a wet paper towel for about 30 seconds to cool. This went on for about 10 minutes until complete. It came out really good. While I was at it I cut the attachment lever down a bit as I had seen in videos on the web.
Very pleased with with this setup. The Baldr mini is 600 lumens with a green laser. It is goes on and off the PM9 Covert with a flip of the little lever. Turns on and off easily with a slight flip of my trigger finger or left hand.
I have 3 pictures to show all this but I don't have 30 posts and I don't use picture hosting service so I can't post the pictures. If anybody is willing to post the pictures pm me your email address and I'll send them to you.