01-19-2022, 06:34 AM
The wifey said something to me yesterday that she's never said, not that. She said that she thought that she should go out and do a little shooting practice! She timed it perfectly because she had to go to work instead of cleaning her gun, which she knew I would do. She knew I couldn't just leave a dirty firearm laying around. Kind of anal that way. Shot up a box of .380, I shot a mags worth. Shot a box of .38, shot a few .357 and I shot a box of .40. Put up a splatter target on our favorite tree. We just do some draws from conceal and make sure everything is running right. That little LCP 2 of hers amazes me with good accuracy. She shoots it well. I always enjoy shooting my H&K, especially when the ammo was free. We shot from 10 yds. and 15 yds. yesterday. All shots on target, it was a good day. :)