View Full Version : Compensator cuts? (new guy)

01-30-2022, 06:11 PM
I have a (new to me) MK9 that curiously has compensator cuts in the barrel/slide. Was this a custom offering from Kahr or did somebody make the modification after the fact? Bonus fireworks shot below.

p.s. being my first compact, I have zero reference as to how it compares to other pocket/CCW arms recoil. This one doesn't seem too bad to me, it reminds me a little of my S&W Model 28 when shooting .357



01-30-2022, 06:36 PM
Welcome to Kahrtalk kahrdonuts…… Nice pistol you have there, those are Mag-Na-Ports that a previous owner sent out to them to be ported and not a Kahr option but Mag-Na-Port does excellent work……..It might help a little with recoil and I’ve had had a .357 revolver and a Kahr PM40 that were ported and it may have helped some but I couldn’t really feel much difference with felt recoil but it sure does look cool……Again welcome to the forum, lots of real nice folks hang out here so if you have any Kahr questions just ask and someone here will help you out….

01-30-2022, 06:56 PM
^^what he said^^

01-30-2022, 08:21 PM
those are Mag-Na-Ports

Ah-ha, thanks for educating me. I've only had a couple of sessions with it and my accuracy with it so far is sorta bad @ 7-10 yds. and worse further out. Wish I had unlimited ammo to practice more but it is what it is.

01-30-2022, 10:07 PM
You have a very nice pistol, the MK9 and MK40 are highly sought after guns and are capable of great accuracy but it takes practice because of the short barrel and unique long trigger pull of the Kahr design……It takes a good strong grip and if you are a right handed shooter a good bit of left hand grip and thumb pressure on the frame to stop the usual low and left pattern on target but once you get the grip worked out you should be able to hit a paper pie plate at 25 feet easy all day……..The MK series are the best of the best of Kahrs and if you ever decide it’s not the gun for you please come here to sell it because folks around here will give you top dollar for it but I suggest that you put some rounds through it and it might just become your favorite pistol…….Again welcome and glad you found us!

01-31-2022, 11:30 AM
a good bit of left hand grip and thumb pressure on the frame to stop the usual low and left pattern on target but once you get the grip worked out you should be able to hit a paper pie plate at 25 feet easy all day……..The MK series are the best of the best of Kahrs and if you ever decide it’s not the gun for you please come here to sell it because folks around here will give you top dollar for it but I suggest that you put some rounds through it and it might just become your favorite pistol……

Indeed, I still need to figure out the best grip method, thanks again!

01-31-2022, 12:24 PM
Welcome to the forum. You are right, ammo is expensive now. And only recently becoming available again in quantity. Something you might look into are laser trainers. A good one is relatively expensive, but still not on the level of ammo burned at an average range session.