View Full Version : anyone interested in a detail slide strip video ?

09-17-2010, 12:50 AM
I'm fairly proficient at it and made an HD video of it today, if enough people would like me to, I'll upload it online

09-17-2010, 01:27 AM
there my be a guest appearance by my hedgehog, Remington.


09-17-2010, 02:02 AM
Nice pet! :D

The video might help someone... sure! Did you include a sproing! Ya know, where one of those little thingies shoots out for fun and games?


09-17-2010, 07:04 AM
I've seen one on Youtube a while ago, but thought it had some, ahhh... deficiencies. Good videos can be a major help to the inexperienced or for showing unique techniques. Clear, concise dialogue/description, as well as the video quality is the key IMHO.

09-17-2010, 09:13 AM
I'd like to see it. I've never had the need to take mine apart, but wouldn't mind seeing it done first. I usually don't have much trouble with these things, but I take it slow and let the weapon tell me what I need to do.

09-17-2010, 09:21 AM
A video would be great!

09-17-2010, 09:49 AM
Ive seen that video. It's upside down and has no audio at all. this would be a 720p HD video from about 3 inches away.

09-17-2010, 09:53 AM
In focus?? I love strip videos, especially when they are in focus... no cell phone cameras, though.

Gotta watch out, though, Bawanna' will be slobbering all over the keyboard.


09-17-2010, 12:42 PM
Why even question it? I'd appreciate a good video. I figure if it's there they will come. If they don't care to view it, they won't.

09-17-2010, 12:56 PM
Never known anyone that had a hedgehog for a pet. Truth be told I dont even rightly know what a hedgehog is. Kind of looks like a cute porcupine. I'd like to see videos of Remington. He don't gotta strip or nothing kinky.
Where do I go to get me a Hedgehog, I gotta go someplace and catch one, where do I look. Cute little bugger. Wonder how he'd get along with my beagle?
I gotta go web surfin and research Remington the hedgehog.

09-17-2010, 01:03 PM
Hedgehog Central (http://hedgehogcentral.com/introduction.shtml)

For any of you hedgehog illiterate folks like me. Sound like a great little sidekick and pal. Low maintenance, fun to play with. Hmmm.

09-17-2010, 05:28 PM
You better be sure you don't pet that dude the wrong way....OUCH!!! ...As for a stripper pole slide strip video, I'm down...Dietrich bring the Wesson oil ok!!!...

09-17-2010, 08:06 PM
ahahaga yes its a fixed focus lens. hd gopro. he will most certainly make an appearance. ypu ca get a hedgehog from a breeder or usda pet store. for some reason they are illegle in pa and a few other states

09-17-2010, 08:35 PM
I already found a breeder within driving distance. Got pictures of new ones coming up. Lots of information.
Trying to see if I can convince myself to part with 150 to 200 (for the rare ones). Reading some of her customers comments it sounds like they are great little pals and pets. I already think I'll name mine Winchester since you got a Remington. Be kind of cool to take him back and forth to work in my shirt pocket.
Freeze or I'll release the hedgehog. Dang, I'm liking this alot.

09-17-2010, 10:39 PM
Those are cute little boogers. The first picture on that site was a white one and he looked like a little 'possum... only cuter.
Wow! Those babies are something else.

09-18-2010, 09:40 AM
http://i56.tinypic.com/mbtys7.jpg:D eating some "yummies"

09-27-2010, 02:34 AM
Go for it! I would love to see it!

09-27-2010, 12:21 PM
Yes, please. Videos on how to are great!

09-27-2010, 12:42 PM
Is it done yet????

09-27-2010, 05:59 PM
Dang! I thought you were doing a video of the hedgehog... more interesting, especially if it's hedgehog porn. How DO they do it?? :confused: This last picture, he looks like he's snarling.:)

09-27-2010, 06:53 PM
He does look a bit vicious. The breeder up here describes it as a smile but I ain't puttin my fingers too close. She said they are always smiling. Hmmm what are they up too.
I laughed so hard when I expressed my concerns about running over the little bugger with my chair, she suggested a small bell so I could hear it.
I explained my lack of audio reception capabilities, sounds like I best just not leave one on the floor. I'd feel real bad if I run one over that's for sure.

09-27-2010, 07:11 PM
I guess porn video of hedgehogs procreating is not very scientific... a documentary, yeah, that's it... a documentary of their mating procedures.

09-28-2010, 02:01 PM
He does look a bit vicious. The breeder up here describes it as a smile but I ain't puttin my fingers too close. She said they are always smiling. Hmmm what are they up too.
I laughed so hard when I expressed my concerns about running over the little bugger with my chair, she suggested a small bell so I could hear it.
I explained my lack of audio reception capabilities, sounds like I best just not leave one on the floor. I'd feel real bad if I run one over that's for sure.

Finger food... and ba-dump!:eek:


09-28-2010, 02:29 PM
I once saw a cat with a similar "smile" just before she almost removed the guys nose. She jumped down and took off, but I swear I heard her laughing going around the corner. Didn't know a nose could bleed so much.

09-28-2010, 03:28 PM
I'm really thinking about one of those guys....I found a breeder in Leesville S.C. called Palmetta Hedge Hog Plantation and they seem to really care for their animals and wont hand one over to just anybody with cash...I like that, my problem is that in Georgia they are not leagal to own so I may do an end around and use my sons Alabama address...I'm not sure why they aren't allowed in Ga but it seems that if it's fun it's illegal in this backwards state... You cant buy a 6 pack of beer at the 7-11 to take home and enjoy but you can go to a sports bar and get hammered and then try and drive home...Go figure....Anyway I really want one of those hogs as they make a great pet from all I have read...I had a skunk that was a good pet but he was an escape artist and would disappear for a few days but would come out of hiding for peanut butter, the thing loved the stuff...I had a baby possum one time I found and kept it for a while but found out that they can get out of any cage just like the skunk did...the things are smart except for their love of yellow lines...The possum went missing for a week or so and we looked everywhere thinking we would find him dead or start smelling something but one morning my wife dropped her ring behind the dresser and whin I pulled it out from the wall I heard him hissing so the BOSS said he had to go back outside and thats where he went but he was a cute little thing and those hedgies look like alot of fun....Bwanna why don't you get one and see how you like it and let us know...You can be the guinea pig, I mean the guina hog...:D

09-28-2010, 03:36 PM
I'm thinking on it pretty hard. I never paid money for a pet in my whole life. My wife and kids paid a lot of money for the Beagle we got now which didn't make me happy. We get all kinds of dogs and cats that need homes around here all the time, why pay money.
But you never run accross a homeless hedgehog. I think it would be a fun pet myself.
I found a breeder and sounds just like the one you mentioned. They want to check you out before they hand one over along with a couple hundred bucks.
I'm trying to calculate how much per pound that is.
I might run it by the advisory council at home and see what they think. Not sure we need another pet, but I want one.

As a side note, just in.

Boudreaux gets a job with BP helping with the cleanup.

He reports for work, and is told to speak to a supervisor
about his assignment. He finds the man and asks what he
is supposed to do.

The supervisor tells him to go to the animal shelter and
clean the pelicans.

Two hours later, Boudreaux comes up to the supervisor
and says, "Okay...dey all cleaned. You want me to cook
some rice to have wit dem?"

09-28-2010, 03:48 PM
Now that's funny!:faint2:

I guess Georgia's afraid of invading species... critters that aren't indigenous getting out of hand. It would be a shame to see those cuties join the 'possums, armadillos, raccoons, and other little critters alongside the highways. I understand they are the armadillo of England in that respect. Cats don't bother me, but most anything else is heart-breaking.
Dang! I was just thinking maybe I should'a said native to the state instead of that big word... and I spelled it correctly the first try.:D