View Full Version : Changed Views On Carry Caliber

02-06-2022, 04:15 AM
I recently have had a changed point of view on what calibers are preferred for me to carry. While I had initially carried a .380, then a 9mm, then a 45, over the years hearing this & that about recoil slowing target reacquisition and being ultra concerned with getting every shot within an inch of each other when training had me down to carrying a 9mm and a .22 LR as back up. Has anyone else done this due to recoil & muzzle rise of the larger calibers?

I have been re-thinking things, and have had a range session that has helped to my mind changed. I now want to have a 45 in my carry line up. Not getting rid of the 9’s, or even the 22, but adding a heavier hitting round with a 45 again. A light bulb went off when reading into a post on here. Instead of being concerned with getting every shot in a ragged hole at usual gun defense situation ranges (I usually train anywhere from 5’-20’ when doing the double taps, etc), as a member here suggested, I can aim for the gut and be ok with the muzzle rise a 45 offers as my 2nd shot would then be hitting the chest area. At the range that was exactly what happened. I am pretty excited, as simple as this revelation may seem as I love the performance of a 45. Wanting that Kahr trigger, of course it will be a Kahr. So, here goes the hunt for a good deal on one. Going to be scouring the net for a CW45 and hope to find one at a cheap bastard price!

02-06-2022, 04:56 AM
Interesting topic. If I understand correctly...Not a discussion of current preferred caliber per se, but have we changed our decision.
I have. For a very long time, IMHO I considered 45acp in a Colt Commander to be the Gold standard. Improvements in commercially available 9mm ammunition have brought me to the conclusion that 9mm is an acceptable alternative in a smaller, lighter carry gun with a few more rounds in it. The little 9mm I simply drop in my pocket is going to be a heck of a lot better choice than the 45 acp Commander I left at home in a drawer because I didn't feel like "strapping it on" since I was only running up to the convenience store for milk.
I have also altered my training regimen to de-emphasize precision shooting. I still enjoy practicing with my carry gun(s) wearing my prescription shooting glasses with specially ground lenses that allow me to see iron sights significantly better than my "everyday street glasses". I enjoy squeezing off well aimed shots. That said...MOST of my training rounds are fired while wearing those everyday glasses that leave the sights a blur, working on putting 1-2 rounds on an 11x17 sheet of blank paper....QUICKLY.
If that sounds a little crazy to some of you, get yourself an 11x17 sheet of copy paper and hold it under your chin while looking in a mirror. I'm no longer firing 2-300 rounds per week like I was when actively competing in IPSC and my skills have deteriorated just a bit. Reflexes and eyesight aren't quite what they used to be...( I'm 71).
When fractions of seconds count...at this point in my life I'll give up perfect CNS hits in favor of getting hits FIRST.

02-06-2022, 05:11 AM
If you actively competed in IPSC I am sure you have some pretty impressive skills, even though your sight isn’t what it used to be. I have for years trained at the aforementioned distances, at the range, using the 8” Shoot & See splatter targets. With 22’s and a 9mm I can double tap them well. I have recently gone to the silhouette sized targets. I still like to shoot for accuracy, slow shots, by taping those 8” round targets to a silhouette or large piece of cardboard when 1911’s are used. But, I think for carry stuff training the silhouette’s offer me a more realistic target. I think your 11 x 17 sheet is a good idea too, and if I could double tap a 45 onto it consistently I would be very happy. I intend to spend a bit more time on the silhouette’s once I get that CW45 and then may give the 11 x 17 a try at those distances. I would be very happy if I can get that to work well. All this tells me is that I have work to do and that, like you said, I need some more range time as I used hit the range 2-8 times per month, going through a few hundred to maybe even 1000 rounds a month. That was back when I could get $8.99 a box 9mm. I’m looking forward to getting this larger caliber stuff licked. Kind of opening up a new look on shooting, which has me excited like when I used to go so much more often.
Talking about the hitting first, training with a laser in my home, doing “instinctive shooting” has really worked wonders. Since recoil and muzzle rise is not a factor in the first shot, I have been amazed at how quickly I can now pick a target in my home, turn my back from it, spin around, unholster and fire off that first shot. I am hitting within an inch of the intended target anywhere from 15 to 20 feet away, without even using the sights. I know that a follow up shot would then have recoil and muzzle rise come into play, but as you said, that first shot on target quickly is crucial. I’ve got that down. I know none of that will change (first shot) if I go to a CW45 as the trigger being the same should get me the same results. I will also be getting a 45 laser trainer once I get that CW45 and will spend time training the same way in my home. Again, excited at this new outlook and new approach.

02-06-2022, 05:56 AM
I haven’t changed my caliber, but I also had that revelation that a.) precision hits on a moving target are probably beyond my abilities and b.) two or three hits a few inches apart, but generally center of mass, is more likely to make a bad guy quit than three hits in the same spot.

02-06-2022, 06:45 AM
two or three hits a few inches apart, but generally center of mass, is more likely to make a bad guy quit than three hits in the same spot.
I agree! I still enjoy shooting 1911's, trying for that "ragged hole", but know it is not real world, practical defense stuff. I do wish the Kahr's were 2nd strike capable when laser training. When I was giving a Taurus G3c a go I could move from one target to the next simulating multiple fired shots without having to rack after each shot.

02-06-2022, 07:52 AM
I have used the same calibers for carry for a long time. .357 and .40 cal. are my mainstays now. Starting at the belt and letting/having the firearm rise is my go-to process. I don't purposely let it rise a lot but whatever I can't control. Even if you can't keep all shots in a chest size target, boolits hitting arms, hands, groin, legs etc. would sure bring out the quit in me. Using larger calibers allows more damage to be inflicted on ANY body parts that get in the way. Target shooting is definitely a gas, but when I practice, that's what I concentrate on. When I shoot .357, I stagger my loads. First two are .357 and the rest are 38+p's in my revolver. In my auto I prefer 155-165 gr. .40 loads.

02-06-2022, 11:00 AM
I don't purposely let it rise a lot but whatever I can't control.
That is the part has me excited to see, which is how much I can control a 45 with practice and what the rise/shot spread will be from the initial shot to the 2nd/3rd. Initially it will be with sights, then I’ll move on to the instinctive shooting.

02-06-2022, 11:36 AM
The 45 especially in a 1911 isn't very difficult to control. It's more of a push than a crack with less muzzle flip. In my hands even a 9 seems to have more muzzle rise than a 45.
Even my little PM45 while it bucks more than a 1911 isn't hard to keep on target.
For me I use minute of pie plate as a standard. It's ok for the pie plate gets larger with time as the eyes and abilities deteriorate.

02-06-2022, 12:00 PM
Given their size, I wish I could handle the M’s well. I had a hard time holding onto the PM9. I also found it to be difficult to consistently grab and draw with the little grip. The extended mag helped, but found it difficult to be comfortable with, and the extension turned it into a grip size equal to a CW/P9 anyways.
Yes, a 1911 shoots fantastic, but I have given up doing anything but precision target practice with them due to not ever getting comfy snapping off a safety. I know you thumb yours down sorta naturally and use the safety as a thumb rest, but mine is rested just below it to be comfortable. That and the weight. Love ‘em, and I think you know that, but just not for carry. I’m hoping I can get the CW45 soon, get it to run well and can shoot it as quickly and as accurately as the CW9. Just thinking about that prospect has me excited. I really haven’t been excited about guns or shooting so much lately, other than my newish AR9’s, so I’ve got a new motivation with the new aim to have a 45 I’m proficient with for carry.

02-06-2022, 02:43 PM
A fellow I know when I asked him if he would shoot an IDPA match, he said he tried it once but didn’t fit his style of shooting. At that time he was a “government” employee of some sort. His training was the first shot would be at the pelvis girdle the the second as the rise of his 1911 would hit the lower rib cage and his third would be just below the chin taking the brain stem. He said his scores were to high.

02-06-2022, 04:16 PM
I think those 3 shots would about do it!

02-08-2022, 09:05 AM
Check out a Black P45 if you are looking for a carry 45, you always look for a TP45 upper to top it off also. My 2 main carry guns are a Factory P9 Covert and the P45, the P45 does get a little bit heavier loaded up with 7+1 with an Officers mag though.


02-08-2022, 10:12 AM
Check out a Black P45 if you are looking for a carry 45, you always look for a TP45 upper to top it off also. My 2 main carry guns are a Factory P9 Covert and the P45, the P45 does get a little bit heavier loaded up with 7+1 with an Officers mag though.

Love 'em both!

02-08-2022, 10:16 AM
Does/did your officer mag run well as is? Or, did you have to mod the mag release window or feed lips? Also, who manufactured that mag? I have like 15 officers mags of various makes. Thanks in advance!

02-08-2022, 10:33 AM
box stock 1911 Officer mags from www.45acp1911.com , I found them after seeing an eBay listing. They perform with no hiccups on both my P45 and TP45. I run the Wilson Combat extended 47DOX Officer mags for 8+1 , flawless no mods.

02-08-2022, 11:30 AM
box stock 1911 Officer mags from www.45acp1911.com (http://www.45acp1911.com) , I found them after seeing an eBay listing. They perform with no hiccups on both my P45 and TP45. I run the Wilson Combat extended 47DOX Officer mags for 8+1 , flawless no mods.
Excellent! Thanks for the useful info!!!

02-08-2022, 11:32 AM
Not sure if you’ve ever tried the Liberty Civil Defense ammo... I LOVE it and it will certainly lighten up your carry weight and reduce recoil. If you try it you will most likely keep buying it! :)

02-09-2022, 09:36 PM
Thanks to this site! A fellow forum member has reached out to me and a CW45 should be on it’s way soon. Can’t wait to get some trigger time in with it. I’ll be putting a Techna Clip on it, as is on my CW9, and getting a 45 acp laser training cartridge as well. Woo Hoo!

02-12-2022, 05:38 AM
Back in the day there was mostly just 9mm and 45 ACP.
That along with no High Tech ammo made my choice easy (45 ACP).
Even if it didn't expand it's still 45...
Then came 40 S&W followed by 357 Sig.
Bought a Kahr MK40 Elite.
And then the advent of High Tech ammo arrived.
Now any service caliber seems to work fine.
I've got guns in all four.
It's now platform dependent and personal preference to me.
Just picked up a new Hk VP9, three 17 round mags
and 600 rounds of Winchester Ranger T-Series 147 gr for my B-Day :cool:

02-12-2022, 05:47 AM
Happy Birthday! By the looks of it, you had a great one :cool:

02-12-2022, 07:54 AM
Back in the day there was mostly just 9mm and 45 ACP.
That along with no High Tech ammo made my choice easy (45 ACP).
Even if it didn't expand it's still 45...
Then came 40 S&W followed by 357 Sig.
Bought a Kahr MK40 Elite.
And then the advent of High Tech ammo arrived.
Now any service caliber seems to work fine.
I've got guns in all four.
It's now platform dependent and personal preference to me.
Just picked up a new Hk VP9, three 17 round mags
and 600 rounds of Winchester Ranger T-Series 147 gr for my B-Day :cool:
https://i.imgur.com/njrcKeZ.jpg?1 I shoot the Ranger T in 165 gr. .40 cal.....................H&K everyday. :biggrin1:

02-12-2022, 08:14 AM
It seems nowadays every one wants SMALLER guns....I have gone the other way. I seem to like the larger framed guns that shoot fantastic. Here are my Sig P226's. One a Legion in 9mm that holds 19 rounds and the other is a Gray Guns version in 357 Sig that holds 13 rounds. I carry both depending on what caliber of the day I want. I just picked up an XDm Elite 3.8 in 10mm to mix it up some. So much for consolidating calibers. It seems easier to find ammo when you have more choices to pick from.

02-12-2022, 08:21 AM
Just picked up a new Hk VP9, three 17 round mags
and 600 rounds of Winchester Ranger T-Series 147 gr for my B-Day :cool:

Well somebody certainly loves you, congrats on the haul. And Happy B'day!

02-12-2022, 09:24 AM
I’m a 45 guy. All this talk of advanced hi-tek ammo the last decade or so seems limited to the smaller handgun caliber. So is there no advanced hi-tek 45 acp. And what does advanced hi-tek mean! An expanding HP? I checked my boxes of hi-tek HP ammo and can’t find any guaranty of expansion. If I need or want high capacity I’ll grab the BUL race gun with 28 rounds of 38 super.

02-12-2022, 11:46 AM
.........357..........40..............45.......... ....don't need no stinkin hi tech. :p

02-12-2022, 01:08 PM
I think hi tech is another way of saying the 380 and 9 can now come close to doing what the 45 has been doing for 100 years.

02-12-2022, 01:14 PM
I have narrowed it down to carrying 9mm, 357 Sig, 40, 45ACP or my new 10mm.

02-13-2022, 12:29 AM
I have narrowed it down to carrying 9mm, 357 Sig, 40, 45ACP or my new 10mm.

Some time ago myself and close friends wouldn't even carry 9mm.
357 Sig, 40 S&W, 45 ACP, 357 Mag or 44 Mag (10mm or larger Mag revolver would have been fine too).

But these days I do carry 9mm as well (and even the lowly .380 ACP as a backup or deep cover).
Generally like a 9mm micro as a pocket pistol :)

But with ammo shortages and such, it's just nice to have options.
The only drawback is stacking up on ammo.
Early on caliber consolidation seemed stupid to me.
But deep in our third ammo shortage consolidation these days does make sense to me now...
Having 9mm/5.56 guns and stacking deep in hindsight looks smart.
But I didn't and will not be going that way.

To this day I don't shoot anything as well as good old 45 ACP and 44 Magnum :cool:

02-13-2022, 06:34 AM
I think hi tech is another way of saying the 380 and 9 can now come close to doing what the 45 has been doing for 100 years. They can let me know when they think that .380 or 9mm can inflict as much damage as .357, .40, .44 or .45. I'm still waiting...........................LE shoots people with 9mm every day and they're still here to tell their story...............:cool:

02-13-2022, 06:52 AM
Jeep, Those are some nice looking Sigs you’ve got there!

02-13-2022, 07:07 AM
Bird, about the laser cartridge. How is the recoil simulation?

02-13-2022, 07:26 AM
Bird, about the laser cartridge. How is the recoil simulation?
There is none. Due to this, I know that training with it is realistically only good for that first shot. Also, the slide has to be racked between shots to reset the trigger, so it is one shot at a time training. If one has a re-strike capable gun, then racking the slide is not necessary, but still not realistic on a follow up shot scenario as there is no recoil to simulate. But again, I think for training to get that 1st shot on target quickly, the laser is a great training tool.

02-13-2022, 08:01 AM
Bird, about the laser cartridge. How is the recoil simulation?

It helps to say pew pew pew with each shot. Or bullet bullet bullet. Like in that scene in "Night at the Museum".

02-13-2022, 08:04 AM
It helps to say pew pew pew with each shot. Or bullet bullet bullet. Like in that scene in "Night at the Museum".

02-22-2022, 02:10 PM
Thanks to forum member Charlie98! The new to me CW45 just came in. Anxious to get some trigger time in with it. :cool:

02-22-2022, 02:42 PM
And polish time?????? Lose the inner tube and stipple that bad boy with your wood burner pencil.

02-22-2022, 04:53 PM
And polish time?????? Lose the inner tube and stipple that bad boy with your wood burner pencil.
Lol! I don’t think I will polish this one. In fact, looking at the P45 diamond slide prices makes one of those tempting. I also found a “parts kit” online with a silver P45 slide, barrel and internals at not too much more than just that slide, so might convert it the way Greg did his. The tube feels good in hand, but I will most likely get the same Hogue I have on the CW9. The finger groove melds with my hand size perfectly and the beavertail area gets covered too, which helps with comfort even more. Gotta keep my hands soft & supple for sanding and filing those 1911’s ;)

02-22-2022, 05:19 PM
Well shucks! Apparently Hogue does not make one with the beavertail for a CW45. Only for the 9 and 40. I might just have to keep running what’s on there. Again, it does feel good in hand. The Pachmayr stuff has either palm swells, making it thick, or multiple finger grooves... not so sure, but might try one.

02-22-2022, 05:36 PM
You can cut a new piece of innertube and include a beavertail on it. Easier to do that trying to get one of the Handall grip sleeves on, especially if you're trying to use one made for the .40 on your .45. Ouch

02-22-2022, 05:47 PM
You can cut a new piece of innertube and include a beavertail on it. Easier to do that trying to get one of the Handall grip sleeves on, especially if you're trying to use one made for the .40 on your .45. Ouch
I can tell you’ve put one on before. Yes, they are a pita!!! I think if I did a beavertail from the tube the beavertail might flippy flap around loose back there. I might have to run as is. But, might try the Pachmayr. Having some consternation. Such decisions! :rolleyes: Just ordered the Techna clip for it, so hope to be carry ready before too long. Gotta hit the range some. Also going to get a new recoil spring. The seller suggested it and I think it would be good insurance.

02-22-2022, 05:58 PM
I still think stippling is cleaner, more stylish and keeps the gun slim and trim. If you got the guts to sand on a 1911 till it shines, a wood burning pen shouldn't even break a sweat.
I should find a picture of my PM45.

02-22-2022, 06:03 PM
https://i.postimg.cc/NfBp1zjk/DSCN6753.jpg (https://postimg.cc/pycfvk8m)

https://i.postimg.cc/DyFrb4wW/DSCN6752.jpg (https://postimg.cc/3WS4sRp7)

02-22-2022, 06:04 PM
I still think stippling is cleaner, more stylish and keeps the gun slim and trim. If you got the guts to sand on a 1911 till it shines, a wood burning pen shouldn't even break a sweat.
I should find a picture of my PM45.
I did it once. Came out pretty nice. Stunk the house to high heaven though. Wife was not happy. I used a soldering iron. I think it actually was my original CW9, back about when I first joined here. I do like the rubbery feel of the Hogue though. A bit let down they don’t make the same one as on the 9.

02-22-2022, 06:06 PM
Yours came out real nice! I like how you did the mag base too. You’ve got that down. I read some guys use a heat gun after to take the roughness down a notch. Probably easy to mess that part up if one was to not pay attention.

02-22-2022, 06:09 PM
Oh you went and checkered your slide release too. Pretty cool custom touch there!

02-22-2022, 06:11 PM
I just sanded it a bit with sandpaper. Easy to mess with the texture. If it's too course, just put dimples in between the old ones, to fine, make bigger dimples.

Actually the best grips are the original rubber grips they came on the K's. Which I guess Hogue and others duplicate with their grip sleeves.

02-22-2022, 06:29 PM
These guys make grip sleeves that are similar to bike tubes but a little thicker and much grippier. If you’re not trying to make the grip a lot bigger and don’t want palm swells they work well. I have one on my CT380. Every other pistol of mine has a Talon Grip on it.


02-22-2022, 06:44 PM
I just sanded it a bit with sandpaper. Easy to mess with the texture. If it's too course, just put dimples in between the old ones, to fine, make bigger dimples.

Actually the best grips are the original rubber grips they came on the K's. Which I guess Hogue and others duplicate with their grip sleeves.
True! It’s something that would definitely grip better, but I run with no holster, just a Techna clip. When I carry my M&P 2.0 the texture they have on their grips I associate to being kind of like a stipple. It can rub me pretty good. I think you are right about those K9 grips. For some reason, I thought Hogue actually made those for Kahr, but I could be confusing another gun/manufacturer.

02-22-2022, 06:46 PM
Thanks David! I remember seeing those in the past, but forgot about them. I’ll look closer at them and also see if I can find some pics of them on a Kahr with a web search.

02-22-2022, 06:46 PM
True! It’s something that would definitely grip better, but I run with no holster, just a Techna clip. When I carry my M&P 2.0 the texture they have on their grips I associate to being kind of like a stipple. It can rub me pretty good. I think you are right about those K9 grips. For some reason, I thought Hogue actually made those for Kahr, but I could be confusing another gun/manufacturer.

Hogue did make them for Kahr. I don't know who makes the newer style polymer grips. Like hard plastic. A bad change in my book.

02-22-2022, 06:54 PM
Hogue did make them for Kahr. I don't know who makes the newer style polymer grips. Like hard plastic. A bad change in my book.
I couldn’t agree more!

02-22-2022, 06:59 PM
Here’s pics with both the Tuff 1’s and the Pachmayr’s. For cool factor as well as function, which one would you guys choose?

02-22-2022, 07:42 PM
I've cut them out of innertube with a beavertail and they haven't flopped. Just have to avoid making the tail tall and narrow, instead tapering it into the front edge. It might ride in the wrong place under your strong thumb though. Good thing is that for $5 or so you can cut about 50 of them out of a 26" bicycle tube. So you'll have plenty to experiment with. I don't have anything on my PM45 and I don't mind the recoil. Not nearly as snappy as my PM40 was. Of course felt recoil is very subjective as we all know.

02-22-2022, 08:08 PM
I've cut them out of innertube with a beavertail and they haven't flopped. Just have to avoid making the tail tall and narrow, instead tapering it into the front edge. It might ride in the wrong place under your strong thumb though. Good thing is that for $5 or so you can cut about 50 of them out of a 26" bicycle tube. So you'll have plenty to experiment with. I don't have anything on my PM45 and I don't mind the recoil. Not nearly as snappy as my PM40 was. Of course felt recoil is very subjective as we all know.
You have given me an idea. I will go with one of those two slip on grips I posted, but try your thing out and slip the new grip on over it so that just the beavertail part of the tube shows. If it looks bubba it will have to go, but it’s worth a shot. Heck, I think I still know a guy or two at a local bike shop and can get one of the ones they’ve taken out for free. I’m sometimes penny wise and pound foolish :blushing:

02-22-2022, 09:51 PM
I like the Tuff 1 grips also. They are tacky in the hand but they do catch lint and clothing.

That's a classy looking stippling job Colonel. I've seen some that I would want on my gun.

I have a pachmyr grip sleeve on my P380. They soak up some recoil, look good, and don't over power the looks of the guns.

02-23-2022, 08:08 AM
I've tried lots of grips and grip mods - like DavidR , for sheer comfort the Hogue Beavertail w/ palm swell is hard to beat. It does add a bit of thickness and the rubber does seem to pick up lint and dust. The Talon rubber grips feel real good without adding any thickness, I believe Talon makes 2 other grits - a regular grit and maybe a super sandpaper one they call PRO. For my taste - the grit ones are too abrasive for carry.

02-23-2022, 10:22 AM
I have used the Pachmayr grip sleeve on several firearms and liked the way they fill up your hand and absorb recoil. They worked well for carry but they will move when doing a lot of target shooting. I have a Limbsaver that I use that I like a lot. It might just be the firearm I use it on, but it seems to move around less than the Pach.

02-25-2022, 04:37 PM
Thanks for the input guys. I took a small risk and ordered a Hogue with beavertail made for a Glock 19,23,32,38 and well waddya know!

02-25-2022, 04:41 PM
Near perfect fit. I bet you invented a few colorful words getting that bad boy on there. Use the window cleaner trick?

02-25-2022, 05:42 PM
Wow that looks real good.

02-25-2022, 06:25 PM
Thanks Jeep and Colonel!
Yes, it was a finger fatiguer to put on. I actually left the bicycle tube on underneath it. I didn't use the window cleaner, but funny you said that. I was big time into bmx bikes as a kid and we used that stuff to get new grips to slide onto our handlebars. Your comment brought back memories! :cool:

02-25-2022, 06:27 PM
That does look nice Bird, it looks like it was made to fit the gun, nice find!

02-25-2022, 06:46 PM
That does look nice Bird, it looks like it was made to fit the gun, nice find!

Thanks man! 😀

02-25-2022, 07:25 PM
Now you got me thinking about doing the same to my PM. Hmmm.......

02-25-2022, 07:42 PM
Holy Toledo...!!! What are you doing to my pistol!?!?! ...oh, wait.

I've never seen that Pachy grip thingy before... that's pretty slick. Looks a lot better than the simple rubber piece, and I like the finger grooves it gives you.

FWIW, when I bought my first CW9, it had sticky side panels on the grips... sort of like skateboard tape, but diecut for the pistol. I really liked it and tried to find more... but what I bought was not the same and didn't hold up as well...

Kahr, obviously, on the L...


02-25-2022, 07:42 PM
Now you got me thinking about doing the same to my PM. Hmmm.......
Sure does make a gun feel nice in hand! If you can get a good fitting one. Let us know if you get one that works out well for you!

02-25-2022, 07:48 PM
Holy Toledo...!!! What are you doing to my pistol!?!?! ...oh, wait.

I've never seen that Pachy grip thingy before... that's pretty slick. Looks a lot better than the simple rubber piece, and I like the finger grooves it gives you.

FWIW, when I bought my first CW9, it had sticky side panels on the grips... sort of like skateboard tape, but diecut for the pistol. I really liked it and tried to find more... but what I bought was not the same and didn't hold up as well...

Kahr, obviously, on the L...

Lol, Sorry Charlie! (Couldn’t help myself, even though I’m sure it is cliche with you) Hey, I LOVE your Colt. That thing is immaculate. I bet you Bawanna could tell you exactly what you had if you describe it to him. He was a police armorer and is a grip/grip stuff guru if there ever was one. Now, if you ever wanna let go of the Colt at a good price...:p

02-25-2022, 10:51 PM
I got first dibs on the Colt pal.

02-26-2022, 05:19 AM
I got first dibs on the Colt pal.
Fine! It’s obvious by the pic that you need another gun, so I’ll step aside.


02-26-2022, 05:51 AM
That Hogue you installed really looks great. Does the "beavertail" take up grip space that results in your hold being lower on the grip and increasing the perceived muzzle flip..??
How is it to shoot..?
Thanks for taking a chance. I love learning "what-fits-what" kind of stuff.

02-26-2022, 06:17 AM
That Hogue you installed really looks great. Does the "beavertail" take up grip space that results in your hold being lower on the grip and increasing the perceived muzzle flip..??
How is it to shoot..?
Thanks for taking a chance. I love learning "what-fits-what" kind of stuff.
Hi Guido! This gun is new to me, and the grips are even newer, so I have yet to shoot it. I can speak to the grips though as I also have them on my CW9. If anything, the beavertail covered area might have me gripping a tiny bit lower. But, I don’t think that tiny bit is at all noticeable. The comfort it provides, and of course the increased grip, far outweighs any slight lowering of the grip hold. At least on the CW9, the gun is night and day different in comfort when shooting and the grip area is no longer so small as to be a bit too small. In other words, with the grip on it just seems to be made for my smallish hands. I LOVE it. That is why I was seeking to get the same for the CW45. Hope what I said makes sense and helps with your decision. If considering one, I’d strongly suggest it!

02-26-2022, 07:23 AM
Actually, as nice as that Colt is, it's a typical '80's era Colt rattletrap. I carried it for a few years... until I bought my first CW9. That was the comparison photo... basically the same size, with less weight loaded, with a very similar grip profile. The .380 fit my hand very well, the CW9 even more. It is a fun pistol to shoot, however, and it's still in service... my brother is carrying it, or one of my CW9's that I gave him for his birthday a few years ago.

I might have to explore one of those grippy things for my CM9. I like my CM9, but I can't shoot it as well as my CW9 because of the shorter grip. Maybe if I got a better 'handle' on it, I could control it better.

02-26-2022, 07:31 AM
Check out Limbsaver's.................

02-26-2022, 08:19 AM
Fine! It’s obvious by the pic that you need another gun, so I’ll step aside.


In my dreams truly. Might have to get an elevator chair to reach the high ones. Attach that to my own private little shooting range with a separate room for ammo and I'll die a happy camper. That is sweeter than sweet.

02-26-2022, 09:06 AM
Build a room next to it for whatever the wife wants to collect and life will truly be sweet and fine.

02-26-2022, 10:02 AM
Note to self. In design stage never ever I mean never put a laundry room between living space and man cave.

02-26-2022, 10:11 AM
Actually, as nice as that Colt is, it's a typical '80's era Colt rattletrap. I carried it for a few years... until I bought my first CW9. That was the comparison photo... basically the same size, with less weight loaded, with a very similar grip profile. The .380 fit my hand very well, the CW9 even more. It is a fun pistol to shoot, however, and it's still in service... my brother is carrying it, or one of my CW9's that I gave him for his birthday a few years ago.

I might have to explore one of those grippy things for my CM9. I like my CM9, but I can't shoot it as well as my CW9 because of the shorter grip. Maybe if I got a better 'handle' on it, I could control it better.
I had one at one point. Blued version that I put fake stags on. Looked cute as could be, but it would not run. But, that was before I knew about limp wristing, trying other ammo, etc. I hated getting rid of it and so much but I wanted it to be reliable. Loving, but not knowing guns I thought it better at the time to get one that went bang every time. I’d love to have a stainless one in as nice a shape as yours. I’d be soooo tempted to polish it. Good luck finding the proper grip for the CM9. I had one, but I too did not appreciate the grip size. I had one of those extended mags for it, which solved that issue, but defeated the purpose of the small grip. Additionally, where the extension met the front strap would pinch my hand, so again, off it went in my quest to seek the perfect gun. To this day, the CW9 has been the best, hands down, carry gun EVER. Plus, I like the idea of how little money I have in it should it ever get tossed into evidence should I have to defend myself with it.

02-26-2022, 10:14 AM
Note to self. In design stage never ever I mean never put a laundry room between living space and man cave.

02-26-2022, 10:31 AM
I stand corrected, and you are right, the ability to make discreet trips back and forth between man cave and living space are imperative. A man needs his solitude, whether he is stationary or on the move. And the two rooms would be ideally located at opposite ends of the house.

02-26-2022, 10:45 AM
I had one of those extended mags for it, which solved that issue, but defeated the purpose of the small grip. Additionally, where the extension met the front strap would pinch my hand, so again, off it went in my quest to seek the perfect gun. To this day, the CW9 has been the best, hands down, carry gun EVER. Plus, I like the idea of how little money I have in it should it ever get tossed into evidence should I have to defend myself with it.

Jeepers... is there an echo in here?

Same same on the magazine extension. In my experience, the stupid extension hooks on everything vs the standard grip of the CW9... and, yes, it's a pincher. The CM9 has become my pickup/BUG/backup pistol. I only carry it when I absolutely have to conceal.

It's funny to hear you say that about the CW9... that's exactly what I say. I don't really say this out loud, but the CW9 grip is almost... ALMOST... (cowers in fear of lightning bolts from above...) better than the 1911. I bought my first CW9 used, from my FFL of all people, just to test drive a poly pistol... I would fire 100 rounds through it, it would jam, it wouldn't fit my hand, I would hate the feel of poly, it would shoot 3' left, it would likely blow up, it would cause uncontrollable navel lint... whatever... and I would sell it and be done with poly pistols. Wrong.

And... you are correct about the value thing. Shortly after I retired the Colt, and took up with the hussy Kahr, my pistol was, indeed, stolen out of my truck. It was recovered down in Dallas about a year later... in the commission of a crime... and was held in evidence. For 7 years. Yep... I finally got it back, and it was none worse for the wear, outside of a few nicks. I carry that pistol, again, today... but I don't leave it in the truck.

The day I got it back from the Police... I consider it a miracle. Having an easily replaceable $300 pistol held for 7 years is something much different than having a $1000 irreplaceable pistol held.


02-26-2022, 10:59 AM
Wow! That’s one heck of a back story on your CW. I think someone above really, REALLY means for you to have it. Funny, $300 is exactly what I gave for mine. Slide stop looked like it was dragged across concrete, so it looks kinda funny being the only thing polished on the gun.

03-03-2022, 11:17 AM
Range report... After putting on the grip, clip draw and doing a deep clean I finally took the CW45 to the range. I shot range grade stuff, some I don't know hollow points and some of my fave, Liberty ammo. This target was at 12', raising the gun snd doing 2 very rapid double taps each time. Instictive shooting/no sights. am happy to say I will now be carrying the CW45 more often than the CW9. I will keep it loaded with the Liberty stuff as the recoil was much less. The 2 flyers were within the 1st mag. I then tightened my grip and LOVE the results. Next time out I'll bring more ammo and take it out to 15' as well. The Hogue grip is AWESOME! Also, the 2 included 1911 mags ran great, but of course did not lock the slide, but make great range/back up mags.

03-03-2022, 11:41 AM
By the way, I know that is in no way impressive, but acceptable. I'm sure that in time I'll get somewhat closer to what I could do with the CW9.

03-03-2022, 11:45 AM
Well, I wouldn't want to be standing in front of you as a target :)

03-03-2022, 01:30 PM
What he said^^^^^.

03-03-2022, 02:07 PM
Nah, me neither. Would make for a quick dirt nap I do beleive. Next, getting a 45 laser trainer so I can get as proficient on that first shot as I am with the 9. Looking forward to getting constant center mass 1st shots.

03-03-2022, 05:30 PM
Dude would definitely need some serious dental work….

03-03-2022, 05:39 PM
I can’t imagine... I think that would be a spinal tap and an instant lights out, or paralysis at least. I’m no doctor, but seems like if hit there that’s what would happen.
Just got off Ebay and ordered the laser training cartridge. My lamp finials will be lit up soon, along with my dogs nose, the tips of the curtain rods... ;)

03-03-2022, 06:47 PM
45- Lights Out
9mm- Paralysis
380- Sensodyne Toothpaste

03-03-2022, 06:57 PM
45- Lights Out
9mm- Paralysis
380- Sensodyne Toothpaste
Lol! You come up with that? I’m gonna use it!

03-04-2022, 06:13 AM
I've used this several times on plastic grips and I like the results. Kind of in between rubber grips that snag on clothing and hard plastic that slips in your hand.

https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/9ae25ebf-de58-4bf0-8fbd-8452aa190277_1.e2697fb447c90d1f75816cff9c3599a5.jp eg

03-04-2022, 06:40 AM
I kinda always wondered about that stuff. I’ve seen it in the can where you can actually dip tool handles, etc in it. I’ve also seen that people are now painting their entire car or truck with it too. I think it holds up pretty well and is easy to remove if need be. I have a few projects I’m working on and might just use some on a front strap. I wonder if I tape off the area, then quickly remove the tape before it dries will it krinkle the edges.

03-04-2022, 08:56 AM
It does hold up surprisingly well. Coating a car with it? That, I gotta see!

03-04-2022, 09:00 AM
Lots ov vids on youtube of folks spraying their cars and wheels with it.

03-04-2022, 10:28 AM
45- Lights Out
9mm- Paralysis
380- Sensodyne Toothpaste You forgot one. .40 cal. Parts missing. :)

03-04-2022, 10:29 AM
I did indeed forget one. I'd put 40 right there with the Lights Out category.

charlie fox
03-14-2022, 06:42 AM
Going back to the initial post; when I left law enforcement my last gun was a department required Glock 22 in .40 Auto. I never cared for the caliber (never shot it well, certainly not better than the .45 ACP I had carried previously) but came to love the platform. After re-evaluating what I would be using a pistol for (executive protection and armed security work) I settled on the Glock 19 in 9mm - still a lot of rounds, but I shot it MUCH better and it was more concealable. Now that I'm completely out of the game I find myself gravitating towards the .380 in my LCP. Living in the hot, humid South can be a challenge to carry a big gun and reloads. And since I'm carrying for those interpersonal interactions of the worst kind, small, light, easy to carry and able to hit what I'm aiming at in the spaces I own (everything under 21 feet) I feel confident in my choice.

03-14-2022, 08:01 AM
Today's 380's pack a punch.

03-14-2022, 08:04 AM
Going back to the initial post; when I left law enforcement my last gun was a department required Glock 22 in .40 Auto. I never cared for the caliber (never shot it well, certainly not better than the .45 ACP I had carried previously) but came to love the platform. After re-evaluating what I would be using a pistol for (executive protection and armed security work) I settled on the Glock 19 in 9mm - still a lot of rounds, but I shot it MUCH better and it was more concealable. Now that I'm completely out of the game I find myself gravitating towards the .380 in my LCP. Living in the hot, humid South can be a challenge to carry a big gun and reloads. And since I'm carrying for those interpersonal interactions of the worst kind, small, light, easy to carry and able to hit what I'm aiming at in the spaces I own (everything under 21 feet) I feel confident in my choice.
I think any caliber will be scary when pulled on the average bad guy, and as you say, being able to shoot it well (shots on target) is super important if the trigger actually needs actuating. I would rather pocket an LCP in .380 than what I do now, LCP in 22 LR, but the LCP in .380 is the only gun I’ve had stovepipes on, which I attribute to limp wristing. I too live in the hot humid South, but the LCP plays the role of a mailbox gun (checking the mail) and a business gun (worn in slacks pocket when working). All other times it is my b.u.g. as I hip a CW9, CW45 or an M&p 9 (full size in Winter). I’ve gotten used to wiping my hip guns down with a silicone cloth each time I come home. The LCP rarely needs it, unless doing yard work, as I utilize the supplied pocket holster. The Kahrs mag release is a sore spot though, as they like to oxidize quickly, needing more attention than anything else. I occasionally remove the safety, clean the hole in the frame and soak the button in CLP. Heck, even when it’s cool out the hip gun gets a lil sweat as I holster using only a slide clip.

03-14-2022, 08:15 AM
Today's 380's pack a punch.
True! I would have tried to use Liberty Civil Defense, as those ammo’s take some of the recoil out, but I would not trust that the LCP barrel would hold up. If I was confident that it would, I’d train with a .380 LCP using that ammo, at least enough to ensure that I could instinctively double tap through the mags without limp wrist induced failures. With what I’ve read about the CCI Velocitors I run in the 22, I’m ok with it for the role it plays. Still a bit better than a sharp stick and considerably better than the 9 or 45 left at home/in the glovebox.

03-14-2022, 09:32 AM
IMHO...........You should really have 2 of the same pocket rockets if you're going to practice. One can't take the punishment for long. Since my better half carries an LCP ii, I've shot maybe 100 rds. through it. I found it to be really accurate for what it is. Just a white painted front sight. I found it to be easy to shoot, the trigger was better than I expected, and neither one of us has had any problems with limp wristing issues. I think it's a good point and shoot. In some respects, it shoots easier than a full-size firearm. We've shot several different types of .380 ammo into dead trees, and I've seen the results. Personally, I will give up some comfort and convenience for bigger boolits :)..............The wifey shoots it well though...............................

03-14-2022, 10:53 AM
Has anyone tried the LCP Max yet?

03-14-2022, 11:33 AM
My new carry in rotation lately has been a new Springfield XDm Elite 3.8 in 10mm.

03-14-2022, 01:08 PM
IMHO...........You should really have 2 of the same pocket rockets if you're going to practice. One can't take the punishment for long. Since my better half carries an LCP ii, I've shot maybe 100 rds. through it. I found it to be really accurate for what it is. Just a white painted front sight. I found it to be easy to shoot, the trigger was better than I expected, and neither one of us has had any problems with limp wristing issues. I think it's a good point and shoot. In some respects, it shoots easier than a full-size firearm. We've shot several different types of .380 ammo into dead trees, and I've seen the results. Personally, I will give up some comfort and convenience for bigger boolits :)..............The wifey shoots it well though...............................
I’m feeling ya man! It’s not wearing one out that is a concern, but a catastrophic failure. A gun shop I used to visit had quite a few guns on display that had blown apart for one reason or the other, which put the fear in me. I think he had little notes on cards explaining that they were reloads that were over powered for the guns. I’ve had a few offers to get ammo cheap over the years that were reloads, but passed due to what I had seen.
That being said, since going from that 9 to a 45 recently, I do think about things a bit differently than I used to. If I can borrow, or get an LCP cheaply that is a 380, I’d give another go to rapid, instinctive shooting with one. If I could get good results and no stoves, I’d certainly switch back to one. If slow, steady, aiming with the sights stuff one would be fine I’m sure, but thinking about how a defensive situation would most likely go down, I don’t train like that anymore with the carry stuff. I do enjoy slow, steady, aim with the sights shooting with the 1911’s and other full sized, range only guns though.

03-14-2022, 01:10 PM
My new carry in rotation lately has been a new Springfield XDm Elite 3.8 in 10mm.
That’s a hard hitter right there!

03-14-2022, 01:14 PM
Has anyone tried the LCP Max yet?
If I switch back to the 380, that would be the one. Guy I know has one he is getting rid of, but we have not been able to come together on an acceptable deal for it yet.

03-14-2022, 01:56 PM
I'll stick with my Kahr 380s and have faith there will be no catastrophic failure. They have run perfectly for thousands of rounds so no worries there.

03-14-2022, 02:00 PM
My new carry in rotation lately has been a new Springfield XDm Elite 3.8 in 10mm.

You expecting to run into a bear while you're out and about Jeep?

If I switch back to the 380, that would be the one. Guy I know has one he is getting rid of, but we have not been able to come together on an acceptable deal for it yet.

Good luck on your negotiations for it Bird. I would not feel under-gunned with an LCP Max in any situation I've personally been in, in the past. Can't say I wouldn't be in some situation in the future, but 11rds of .380 is not a bad option to have most anytime. I used an 8" wood fence post for target practise with my old Beretta 70s in .380 long ago and the rounds went clean through every time.

03-14-2022, 02:35 PM
I'll stick with my Kahr 380s and have faith there will be no catastrophic failure. They have run perfectly for thousands of rounds so no worries there.
Well it is a Kahr! :) If they were as small & light as an LCP, you could bet yer bottom dollar that’s what would be in my pocket!

03-14-2022, 02:46 PM
Good luck on your negotiations for it Bird. I would not feel under-gunned with an LCP Max in any situation I've personally been in, in the past. Can't say I wouldn't be in some situation in the future, but 11rds of .380 is not a bad option to have most anytime. I used an 8" wood fence post for target practise with my old Beretta 70s in .380 long ago and the rounds went clean through every time.
Thanks DAO! I remember my old boss taking me out back of his shop to test out a .380 he was buying off of me. I had only shot paper with it. Guy that sold it to me asked why I wanted it for. I said home defense. He gave me a talking too about how if that was all I could afford, then ok, but that I should get rid of it soon as I could for something bigger. So, when I had a few bucks to add to the sale price, I offered it to my boss. He set up 2 x 4’s to shoot. I asked him (based on all the “underpowered” stuff I had read) “do you think it’ll get stuck in there”? He said heck no. To my amazement he popped holes straight through and into the other piles of wood scraps behind them. He was an old school Marine. He said a 380 doesn’t make a big hole, but it makes a deep one and that I should pray I never got shot by one. When he did that, I had a new respect for the 380. Coked up, methed out psycho one shot drops? No. But for anyone else, an immediate attitude adjustment for sure. Add 10 more to the party and, well...

03-14-2022, 02:54 PM
Has anyone tried the LCP Max yet?

I have one. I only have 80 rounds through it but with four different types of ammo it was flawless. I carry the 12 round mag with Xtreme Penetrator rounds in a Vedder Light Tuck.

It’s not nearly as snappy as my LCP Gen2 and the trigger is much better. Shorter and crisper pull.

03-14-2022, 03:12 PM
I have one. I only have 80 rounds through it but with four different types of ammo it was flawless. I carry the 12 round mag with Xtreme Penetrator rounds in a Vedder Light Tuck.

It’s not nearly as snappy as my LCP Gen2 and the trigger is much better. Shorter and crisper pull.
I’ve been reading that the triggers are improved on them. You guys gotta hush on these or I’m gonna jump in and over pay for one! :tongue:
I’m not sure I ever put 80 rounds through any 380, other than the Sig P238’s I used to have. Maybe I should stop believing everything I read, such as “carry often, but shoot them only a little” with the lil 380’s. But then again, those recoil springs are cheap and easy to replace.

03-14-2022, 04:22 PM
I’ve been reading that the triggers are improved on them. You guys gotta hush on these or I’m gonna jump in and over pay for one! :tongue:
I’m not sure I ever put 80 rounds through any 380, other than the Sig P238’s I used to have. Maybe I should stop believing everything I read, such as “carry often, but shoot them only a little” with the lil 380’s. But then again, those recoil springs are cheap and easy to replace.

I have 500 rounds through each of my LCP Gen2 pistols. No problem with either of them.

I don’t plan to shoot the LCP Max much, maybe ten or twenty rounds a few times per year. Since I moved to North Carolina I don’t shoot much at all. I hope to change that soon.

03-14-2022, 05:01 PM
[QUOTE=dao;429412]You expecting to run into a bear while you're out and about Jeep?

Just not safe out of SUV....


03-14-2022, 05:05 PM
I have 500 rounds through each of my LCP Gen2 pistols. No problem with either of them.

I don’t plan to shoot the LCP Max much, maybe ten or twenty rounds a few times per year. Since I moved to North Carolina I don’t shoot much at all. I hope to change that soon.

Man you aint messin around. That's a lot of rounds through them. I understand why you are cozy with an LCP!

03-14-2022, 05:46 PM
If I switch back to the 380, that would be the one. Guy I know has one he is getting rid of, but we have not been able to come together on an acceptable deal for it yet.

You expecting to run into a bear while you're out and about Jeep?

Just not safe out of SUV....


Oh, oh, that's from the movie "Mad Maxine, Hellbent Soccer Mom", right?

03-14-2022, 06:51 PM
Has anyone tried the LCP Max yet?

I bought one late last year but haven’t gotten out to shoot it yet. Pretty neat little pocket rocket, and hardly bigger than my old 1st generation LCP.

03-14-2022, 07:51 PM
Are they also pre-cocked hammer-fired? Like some of the other Rugers?

King Rat
03-15-2022, 02:46 AM
I'll stick with my Kahr 380s and have faith there will be no catastrophic failure. They have run perfectly for thousands of rounds so no worries there.

About the time the LCP came out I joined a group of friends that started friendly shooting matches with the Pocket guns. Just fun stuff, no serious competition. we have stuck together over the years and have many thousands of rounds down range with these guns. They do offer a unique challenge but that was the fun part. Back then the LCP was a huge hit on the market as well as the Sig 238. The Sig is a wonderful 380 and can be very accurate. But like the Glock is really too big and heavy for what we were actually shooting. Guns like the LCP, Kahr, Pico, Remington, size etc.
The thing about the small guns is that if you do shoot them often, just like anything else you can get very good with one. Fast head shots at 15 yds is very doable. But it requires a lot of ammo and practice.
I personally went through many LCP's. All of mine were very reliable. But they just do not hold up long. You have to start looking for cracks in the frame and grip as early as 1500 rds. I had one make it to 2200 rds, and that seemed to be the average.
I do not own the new Max. But still own a LCP Gen 2 (not to be confused with the LCPll). I have a 7+ round magazine. This gun, is still made in the North Carolina plant. It is the one with the Excellent DAO trigger much like the Kahr. I seldom shoot it, but only on occasion to compare with my other guns like the Kahr's. I do own the Newer LCP lite in 22.cal and it has become a excellent trainer.
For myself, I much prefer the Kahr and the Beretta Pico. Milder shooting, better quality etc.
Since the ammo shortage we have not been doing as much shooting obviously. In fact we stopped meeting for a long time. Now sure we will start up again. Everything is getting tougher all the time. As far as the LCP Max, I doubt I will be purchasing one in the future. Very happy with what I have and way too many rounds down range to want to change at this point. The Kahr and Pico have proven themselves to be the best shooting and quality.

For practice the LCP lite in 22.cal is a fun gun. Just had it out last weekend. And I really love the Ruger LCR 22.cal. Actually the most fun I have ever had with and 22.cal. That gun probably has honed my point and shoot skills with short barrel firearms more than any gun I have ever owned.

PS oddly enough I have been buying 380 for not much more than 9mm from TargetSports. About $5.00 a box of American Eagle. $17.99 vs. $22.99. However, I see Ammo getting ready to go into another shortage soon.

03-15-2022, 03:49 AM
Are they also pre-cocked hammer-fired? Like some of the other Rugers?


03-15-2022, 06:41 AM
Best .380 I ever owned was a Beretta 84FS. A bit large and heavy for carry, but a really nice firearm.

03-15-2022, 08:13 AM
Nice review King, thanks.

David thanks for the reply. It speaks of something I just don't understand. Not to compare a 1911 trigger to an LCP Max (or other striker fired guns with SA triggers), but nobody would dream of carrying a 1911 without a manual safety, in Condition One. I just don't see why the industry continues to insist on forcing these products on the public in which there is little between an intentional and a negligent discharge. Especially when they know their market consists of so many new shooters. It's insane. That little blade safety is not a true safety.

03-15-2022, 08:45 AM
Good info King! Sounds like a fun little shooting group.

03-15-2022, 10:05 AM
Nice review King, thanks.

David thanks for the reply. It speaks of something I just don't understand. Not to compare a 1911 trigger to an LCP Max (or other striker fired guns with SA triggers), but nobody would dream of carrying a 1911 without a manual safety, in Condition One. I just don't see why the industry continues to insist on forcing these products on the public in which there is little between an intentional and a negligent discharge. Especially when they know their market consists of so many new shooters. It's insane. That little blade safety is not a true safety.

When John Moses Browning (the smartest man that ever lived) created the original 1911, it had no safety. It was added as a requirement for the military contracts. It was a good thing in my opinion to be added but JMB didn't think it was necessary.

03-15-2022, 11:07 AM
Is the concern that there could be a negligent discharge when drawing from concealment under stress?

charlie fox
03-15-2022, 01:09 PM
I have almost 1K through my P32 - I just replaced the recoil spring guide with a metal one, but its never failed.

03-15-2022, 03:05 PM
No, not concerned with drawing part of it. More concerned with holstering and/or handling. Very light, short stroke triggers without a manual safety are to me just inherently more dangerous. I've been handling guns for nearly five decades now and I have the utmost confidence in my practices and abilities. But one moment's inattention, or a seemingly minor accident could lead to disastrous results. Thinking along the lines of glock leg here. I am not as limber as I once was, and because I usually carry in the 4:30 position and with cover garment(s) I just don't want to chance having a shirt tail or jacket bottom catch the trigger up, because it's not as easy for me as it used to be to turn my body around far enough to watch the gun home, or be sure I don't have a drawstring in the way. And we should be able to holster without looking anyway. Safely.

And while comfortable with my handling ability, having a gun slip from my hand and me instinctively grabbing for it could also be a problem. Like the FBI agent that was dancing while armed, his gun came out of his holster and as he tried to grab it he shot someone else in the leg. Sh!t happens. With all the choices available to me I'll pick those that work best for me. Others' mileage will vary and that's fine too. Just not for me, with the other choices out there.
I know this is often a contentious subject and I'm not trying to convince anyone that my way is the best way. I'm just stating what works best for me. Good handling technique coupled with gun choice has allowed me to go this long without an AD.

DA's like Kahrs, DA/SA guns, and SA guns with manual safeties are simply the options I choose to go with. Surely not the best option and/or choice for everyone. I'm ok with that.

03-15-2022, 04:42 PM
My early P32 was a good little shooter, but I eventually traded it towards a PM9.

03-15-2022, 04:56 PM

The trigger on the LCP is probably in the 5 lb range so not super light but certainly light and short enough that it could be inadvertently pulled.

I carry IWB at 1:00 in a Kydex holster. I have never holstered the gun while wearing the holster. The gun goes in the holster and then the holster clips on the belt. The gun remains in the holster at all times. When I’m done carrying it the gun and holster are removed as one unit and put in a lock box. When I’m ready to carry it again the gun and the holster come out as one unit and clip onto my belt. I absolutely try to minimize handling of a loaded firearm. The same process is used for the P365 I carry.

If the gun needed to be holstered and unholstered regularly I too would want a manual safety. Of course that would introduce the whole process of training to use a gun with a safety.


03-15-2022, 05:17 PM
Yep, cool thing about living in a country with free trade is that we have choices and options! Something for just about every taste, preference, need, requirement, and person.

mr surveyor
03-15-2022, 05:28 PM
Little Copy Pistol ( :) )


03-15-2022, 05:47 PM
I have almost 1K through my P32 - I just replaced the recoil spring guide with a metal one, but its never failed.
I’ve heard a lot of guys liking those over the years. At 1k rounds, that’s great for a gun for what they cost when they came out.

03-15-2022, 05:49 PM
David, love the grip on there. I will copy you once I get that. Mine will have to ride in a pocket holster though. I can’t have it riding on my hip in slacks and a polo. I’m hoping the print is not too much more than the LCP ii 22. Nice looking lil holster too!

03-15-2022, 05:54 PM
DAO, I understand what you are saying. I’ve had a few instance where I’ve about grabbed mine wrong as it was starting to come loose (only happens when wearing shorts, no belt. Has never happened with a belt on)It was scary, even though I simply kind of slapped it flat handed to hold it in place until I could get it re-situated. One more reason why I like the long Kahr trigger. I’m not as concerned about my pocket carry/b.u.g. though, as just like David, it will stay holstered, is moved around holstered and never gets re-holstered in the pocket once drawn. As you say, we all have our concerns and thoughts on this stuff and do what works best for us. Like you, I don’t want anything on my hip with a short, light trigger and if I did, I would treat it as David said/how I treat my b.u.g.

03-15-2022, 06:37 PM
I guess another way of looking at it is, that for me personally I know I'm not getting better with age. At least not across the board.

03-15-2022, 06:44 PM
No kidding, Just this morning I couldn’t find my bedroom slippers which were in their usual place but my gut was in the way and I couldn’t see them……Probably need a bigger pair…..

03-15-2022, 07:52 PM
DAO... Ditto! Getting older sucks. I can’t spend as much time at the sanding/polishing before my neck, shoulders, back, hands hurt.
GETSOME... I know what you mean. When my gut gets out of control, slippers aren’t the only thing I can’t find! :D

03-15-2022, 08:34 PM
I got an email just yesterday from little getsome saying, hey man, where you been dude?…….I reckon since I can’t seem to reduce the gut I’m going to work on arm stretching exercises…….Wish me luck!

03-15-2022, 08:59 PM
I got an email just yesterday from little getsome saying, hey man, where you been dude?…….I reckon since I can’t seem to reduce the gut I’m going to work on arm stretching exercises…….Wish me luck!
Lol! Good luck and when that works you can sell how to videos. You’ll be RIIIIICH! :o

03-16-2022, 11:30 AM
David, love the grip on there. Nice looking lil holster too!

The grip is a Talon rubber. I have one on just about all my pistols.

Holster is a Vedder Light Tuck. Great fit. Height, retention and cant are adjustable. Full trigger coverage.

03-16-2022, 11:36 AM
Does the Talon grip grab lint onto it? I will be pocket carrying if that gun works out for me at the range.

03-16-2022, 02:48 PM
Does the Talon grip grab lint onto it? I will be pocket carrying if that gun works out for me at the range.

No. While Talon says it’s rubber it’s not really sticky at all. Clothes don’t stick to it either.

03-16-2022, 02:53 PM
Cool! Thanks man! I’ll def be adding the Talon grip then.