View Full Version : Not a warm, fuzzy email

02-08-2022, 06:18 PM
I get emails from my Congressman every now and then, basically updates on what he is doing or supporting. This latest one reeks of the corruption going on against the 2nd Amendment and is illegal as all get out:

Congressman Lamborn Continues to Defend 2nd Amendment, Leads in ATF Gun Registry Investigation

For Immediate Release: February 8, 2022
Contact: Cassandra Sebastian (719) 520-0055

Washington, D.C.- Congressman Doug Lamborn joined Congressman Michael Cloud and 34 additional Members of Congress in sending a follow-up letter to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) regarding their investigation which uncovered that the ATF maintains a database of nearly a billion-gun records, including 54 million from last year alone. This practice is explicitly banned by federal law.

Their original letter , sent in November 2021, addressed concerns regarding the ATF's proposed rule requiring federal firearms licensees (FFLs) to preserve records older than 20 years. Current regulations authorize FFLs to discard records after 20 years. This federal law was enacted in 1985 to ensure that the federal government complied with strict prohibition on creating a national gun registry.

The response provided by Acting Director Richardson prompted further concerns. Congressman Lamborn and his colleagues urged the Biden Administration to withdraw the proposed rule immediately, as it is outside the authority of bureaucrats to enact new criminal laws or amend statutes passed by Congress to regulate items that previously have been unregulated.

Congressman Lamborn issued the following statement:

"After learning that the ATF has accumulated nearly 1 billion records, I am greatly concerned about their current practices and intentions. It has become clear through this investigation that the Biden Administration continues to develop an unconstitutional national gun registry that could be used to target law-abiding Americans. This is a massive government overreach, and Americans have every right to be concerned about the ever-increasing data being stored at the ATF’s National Tracing Center. Even the very existence of this database should serve as a wakeup call to the dangers of a centralized firearm registry. I will diligently work with my colleagues in Congress to hold the ATF accountable and ensure that they are faithfully adhering to the existing statutory prohibition on the retention of firearm transaction data."

The letter states:

"Congress provided statutory authority for ATF to accumulate and store certain records of firearm transactions from out-of-business FFLs, but Congress also by statute has prohibited ATF from maintaining a national gun registry. ATF's new proposal to require FFLs to keep all records of sales in perpetuity means that, eventually, ATF will sweep up records of every gun sale in America that occurs at a licensed dealer."

See an article on the original response here .
See an article on the ATF's response here .

02-08-2022, 07:18 PM
My hunch is 90% of those records are obsolete, and therefore useless.

02-08-2022, 07:23 PM
Here in Washington they recently passed a law that all firearm transfers have to go through a dealer which only adds to the above illegal gun registration. Even in family etc. Have to go to a dealer.
Many like so many other stupid laws just ignore it. This in now way implies that I would ever do such a thing myself of course.

02-08-2022, 07:48 PM
When the gubmint constantly ignores laws they are setting precedent. In some respects I follow their lead.

02-08-2022, 08:19 PM
When the gubmint constantly ignores laws they are setting precedent. In some respects I follow their lead.

When the ATF finally goes after Hunter Biden for lying on his 4473 form to purchase a gun saying he didn’t use illegal drugs I’ll figure they are a serious Government alphabet organization to be respected……..Ain’t holding my breath……..

02-09-2022, 07:10 AM
We all break a law, rule, or regulation every day.

02-09-2022, 08:08 AM
Agreed and Agreed!

02-09-2022, 11:38 AM
We all break a law, rule, or regulation every day.

This is true, I sometimes fail to come to a “complete” stop at a 4 way intersection and sometimes am guilty of letting my speed get a little over the posted limit but I’ve never lied on a 4473 form or cheated on my taxes and I have never been dumb enough to film myself smoking crack with a hooker in a hotel room and posting it on the internet but then again I don’t have “Big Guy” and the liberal media running interference for me like Hunter has……..

02-09-2022, 12:51 PM
I have torn the tag off my mattress....:behindsofa:

02-09-2022, 01:32 PM
I always get a bit confused on that mental health question on the 4473 form. Not sure of the answer so it might be just a little white lie and momma says a little white lie never hurt nobody.

02-09-2022, 03:18 PM
I have torn the tag off my mattress....:behindsofa:


02-09-2022, 03:40 PM
I always get a bit confused on that mental health question on the 4473 form. Not sure of the answer so it might be just a little white lie and momma says a little white lie never hurt nobody.
As long as a judge/ court of law has not sentenced you to a mental health facility your good to go. I think the correct terminology is adjudicated.

02-09-2022, 04:32 PM
If I ever had anything to do with a judge or a court of law, or just a lawyer I probably would be a mental case.

Actually we have one lady judge (very pretty) and a good judge too. She came to me at the department and asked if she could borrow my Thompson for her daughters wedding. (daughter also very pretty). I asked if she wanted it GI or Gangster. She chose Gangster so I put the vertical forend on it along with a 50 round drum. Made for some great pictures.
I asked for some pictures of her holding it in her judge outfit but that never happened.

02-09-2022, 04:34 PM

02-10-2022, 07:28 PM
I have torn the tag off my mattress....:behindsofa:

Now you’ve done it!
The FBI, the NSA, the CIA, the BATFE, and all the other acronyms are going to be infesting this forum!

02-10-2022, 08:04 PM
What do you mean by this "going to be"?

02-10-2022, 09:22 PM
What do you mean by this "going to be"?

Yep, almost every night about 3:30 or 4am I hear um flying either a drone or a silenced helicopter over my house and at first I thought it was my imagination or a dream until I started getting text messages the next morning from the NSA saying my trucks left rear tire was low and I should take a look at it before driving to work…….The message always ends with “We are from your Government and we are here to help”……..:ohmy:

02-10-2022, 09:48 PM

02-12-2022, 07:14 PM
Yep, almost every night about 3:30 or 4am I hear um flying either a drone or a silenced helicopter over my house and at first I thought it was my imagination or a dream until I started getting text messages the next morning from the NSA saying my trucks left rear tire was low and I should take a look at it before driving to work…….The message always ends with “We are from your Government and we are here to help”……..:ohmy:

I thought you were serious until you said 330 to 4 am.
The dot give doesn’t work those hours.

02-13-2022, 02:05 PM